From 6f29045ba9a27ebd6f13a751fb1abcd8df21c9d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anonymous Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 20:00:02 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Log updates --- static/irclog/2013-06-29.log | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+) create mode 100644 static/irclog/2013-06-29.log diff --git a/static/irclog/2013-06-29.log b/static/irclog/2013-06-29.log new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10afc93d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/irclog/2013-06-29.log @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +
  • [00:03:18] * brendan_ (6c319138@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #beagle
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  • [00:03:38] <brendan_> Anyone using an Edimax USB Wifi on the BBB?
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  • [00:04:58] <krisfr92> yes !
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  • [00:05:39] <brendan_> krisfr92 how did you get it working?
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  • [00:06:08] <brendan_> I've tried everything and still no luck, bought my BBB a few days after it came out, been trying for weeks now
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  • [00:07:15] <krisfr92> by connecting the 8/8/8 to a BB usb port, and some programming
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  • [00:08:31] <krisfr92> maybe i am not clear enough....?
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  • [00:08:43] <brendan_> yeah that didn't help at all :p
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  • [00:08:57] <georgem_home> brendan_: what did you do? do you have a drawing or something?
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  • [00:09:28] <brendan_> I'm pretty new with linux, so i'm stuck only doing what i can learn
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  • [00:09:47] <brendan_> but i've done litterally every Beaglebone USB Wifi tutorial/documentation/anything
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  • [00:09:59] <krisfr92> just a minute, i improve a scheme
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  • [00:10:02] <georgem_home> How is the hardware hooked up?
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  • [00:10:09] <brendan_> over USB
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  • [00:10:21] <brendan_> direct in, no hub
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  • [00:10:23] <georgem_home> oh... krisfr92 already got that working I thiink
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  • [00:10:41] <brendan_> 2A power supply
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  • [00:10:48] <krisfr92> brendan : i can help you on Linux, maybe....
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  • [00:11:05] <brendan_> please do! is your BB Black running angstrom or ubuntu?
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  • [00:14:32] <krisfr92> me, the best
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  • [00:15:14] <brendan_> So how did you get the drivers working right and everything?
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  • [00:15:21] <ds2> 7
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  • [00:15:28] <krisfr92> I don't have a BB black but BBXM, Ubuntu is as fine as Debian
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  • [00:16:02] <brendan_> oh, i think its different for the BB black because everything i've tried for the other beagles hasn't worked
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  • [00:16:10] <krisfr92> what kind og drivers ?
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  • [00:16:21] <krisfr92> *of
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  • [00:16:26] <brendan_> wifi drivers
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  • [00:18:20] * brendan_ (6c319138@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed)
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  • [00:19:44] <krisfr92> from breakout board ?
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  • [00:20:49] * dj_pi ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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  • [00:27:30] * dj_pi ( has joined #beagle
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  • [00:30:58] * mrpackethead ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  • [00:31:08] * mrpackethead ( has joined #beagle
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  • [00:33:49] * das|home (4f500523@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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  • [00:38:49] * joel_ (~joel@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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  • [00:39:11] <m_billybob> omg ghetto BBB
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  • [00:39:15] <m_billybob> or just bb
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  • [00:39:25] <krisfr92> here a link to the scheme (avoing ground, replacing white wire by green wire)
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  • [00:40:43] * Glorgnole ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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  • [00:40:55] * R2E4_ (~IceChat9@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  • [00:43:50] * Calc ( has joined #beagle
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  • [00:44:09] * Glorgnole ( has joined #beagle
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  • [00:45:21] <krisfr92> @brendan ; u have to define your wifi chipset
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  • [00:45:35] <krisfr92> first
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  • [00:49:53] * NishanthMenon (~nmenon@ Quit (Quit: Don't plan any hasty moves. You'll be evicted soon anyway.)
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  • [00:51:18] <krisfr92> georgem_home : still there ? sorry for delay....
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  • [00:51:21] * R2E4_ (~IceChat9@ has joined #beagle
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  • [00:53:56] * suboptimus ( has joined #beagle
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  • [00:56:00] * tholm (~tholm@ has joined #beagle
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  • [00:57:15] * arun ( has joined #beagle
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  • [00:57:15] * arun ( Quit (Changing host)
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  • [00:57:15] * arun (~arun@unaffiliated/sindian) has joined #beagle
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  • [00:59:41] <tholm> Hi, anyone knows if the SPI is working on BB-xm using kernel v3.7.10(rcn-ee). Because I'm getting this issue
  • -- 2.11.4.GIT