From 3f7347a62e1547874d2fd4c2749a63d2b0778f14 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anonymous Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 05:00:07 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Log updates --- static/irclog/2014-03-25.log | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+) diff --git a/static/irclog/2014-03-25.log b/static/irclog/2014-03-25.log index a729e0171..cad69daf6 100644 --- a/static/irclog/2014-03-25.log +++ b/static/irclog/2014-03-25.log @@ -368,3 +368,33 @@
  • [08:51:36] * tridge (~tridge@pdpc/supporter/professional/tridge) has joined #beagle
  • [08:51:42] * Dan1 has c64 floppys in the spare room somewhere
  • [08:58:38] * qdk ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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  • [09:03:44] * orhan89 (~orhan89@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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  • [09:04:30] * Shadyman (~matthew@unaffiliated/shadyman) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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  • [09:10:39] * teralaser (~teralaser@unaffiliated/teralaser) has joined #beagle
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  • [09:12:03] * orhan89 (~orhan89@ has joined #beagle
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  • [09:16:04] * CyberAssassin (ad11521b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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  • [09:16:47] * hatguy ( has joined #beagle
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  • [09:20:19] * crxz0193 (~crxz0193@ Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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  • [09:20:41] <KotH> philenotfound: if i dont show them that stuff, they will never believe we had black/white tv
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  • [09:20:50] <KotH> philenotfound: or even wrote mails by hand
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  • [09:26:14] <av500> KotH: yes, treat them nicely, but not be afraid to actually "use" them
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  • [09:30:15] * crxz0193 (~crxz0193@ has joined #beagle
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  • [09:34:30] <KotH> av500: verbrauchsmaterial
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  • [09:35:40] <KotH> av500: it think it's a psychological issue. sdcards are electronics. electronics are (were) expensive. you had to go to special shops to buy them. while floppies were more or less dumb, mechanical objects that you could buy at the stationary
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  • [09:36:27] * sidbh (~sidbh@ Quit ()
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  • [09:37:11] * shaunbaker ( has joined #beagle
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  • [09:38:52] * julesvernr ( Quit (Quit: bye.)
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  • [09:40:40] <av500> KotH: I can buy sdcards at the stationary
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  • [09:41:03] * KotH has home delivery
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  • [09:41:38] * khem ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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  • [09:41:56] * Rotti (~S@2001:638:602:1183:211:6bff:fe73:afc6) has joined #beagle
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  • [09:41:59] <Rotti> hi!
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  • [09:43:17] <av500> ??lo
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  • [09:43:34] <thow> gnd
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  • [09:44:09] * jpsaman (~jpsaman@videolan/developer/jpsaman) has joined #beagle
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  • [09:47:42] * khem ( has joined #beagle
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  • [09:50:38] * bahar ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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  • [09:51:36] * bahar ( has joined #beagle
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  • [09:52:43] * pr0crast1nate ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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  • [09:55:23] * pr0crast1nate ( has joined #beagle
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  • [09:58:23] * pr0crast_ ( has joined #beagle
  • -- 2.11.4.GIT