Call AllowEvents after grabbed events on a drawin
[awesome.git] / luadoc / tag.lua
1 --- awesome tag API
2 -- @author Julien Danjou <>
3 -- @copyright 2008-2009 Julien Danjou
4 module("tag")
6 --- Tag object.
7 -- @field name Tag name.
8 -- @field selected True if the tag is selected to be viewed.
9 -- @field activated True if the tag is active and can be used.
10 -- @class table
11 -- @name tag
13 --- Get or set the clients attached to this tag.
14 -- @param clients_table None or a table of clients to set as being tagged with this tag.
15 -- @return A table with the clients attached to this tags.
16 -- @name clients
17 -- @class function
19 --- Add a signal.
20 -- @param name A signal name.
21 -- @param func A function to call when the signal is emitted.
22 -- @name connect_signal
23 -- @class function
25 --- Remove a signal.
26 -- @param name A signal name.
27 -- @param func A function to remove.
28 -- @name disconnect_signal
29 -- @class function
31 --- Emit a signal.
32 -- @param name A signal name.
33 -- @param ... Various arguments, optional.
34 -- @name emit_signal
35 -- @class function
37 --- Get the number of instances.
38 -- @return The number of tag objects alive.
39 -- @name instances
40 -- @class function