Update wiki links to the new short URL
[aur.git] / conf / config.defaults
1 [database]
2 backend = mysql
3 host = localhost
4 socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
5 name = AUR
6 user = aur
7 password = aur
9 [options]
10 username_min_len = 3
11 username_max_len = 16
12 passwd_min_len = 8
13 default_lang = en
14 default_timezone = UTC
15 sql_debug = 0
16 login_timeout = 7200
17 persistent_cookie_timeout = 2592000
18 max_filesize_uncompressed = 8388608
19 disable_http_login = 1
20 aur_location = https://aur.archlinux.org
21 git_clone_uri_anon = https://aur.archlinux.org/%s.git
22 git_clone_uri_priv = ssh://aur@aur.archlinux.org/%s.git
23 max_rpc_results = 5000
24 max_depends = 1000
25 aur_request_ml = aur-requests@archlinux.org
26 request_idle_time = 1209600
27 request_archive_time = 15552000
28 auto_orphan_age = 15552000
29 auto_delete_age = 86400
30 source_file_uri = /cgit/aur.git/tree/%s?h=%s
31 log_uri = /cgit/aur.git/log/?h=%s
32 commit_uri = /cgit/aur.git/commit/?h=%s&id=%s
33 snapshot_uri = /cgit/aur.git/snapshot/%s.tar.gz
34 enable-maintenance = 1
35 maintenance-exceptions =
36 render-comment-cmd = /usr/local/bin/aurweb-rendercomment
37 localedir = /srv/http/aurweb/aur.git/web/locale/
38 # memcache or apc
39 cache = none
40 cache_pkginfo_ttl = 86400
41 memcache_servers =
43 [ratelimit]
44 request_limit = 4000
45 window_length = 86400
47 [notifications]
48 notify-cmd = /usr/local/bin/aurweb-notify
49 sendmail =
50 smtp-server = localhost
51 smtp-port = 25
52 smtp-use-ssl = 0
53 smtp-use-starttls = 0
54 smtp-user =
55 smtp-password =
56 sender = notify@aur.archlinux.org
57 reply-to = noreply@aur.archlinux.org
59 [fingerprints]
60 Ed25519 = SHA256:HQ03dn6EasJHNDlt51KpQpFkT3yBX83x7BoIkA1iv2k
61 ECDSA = SHA256:L71Q91yHwmHPYYkJMDgj0xmUuw16qFOhJbBr1mzsiOI
62 RSA = SHA256:Ju+yWiMb/2O+gKQ9RJCDqvRg7l+Q95KFAeqM5sr6l2s
64 [auth]
65 valid-keytypes = ssh-rsa ssh-dss ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 ssh-ed25519
66 username-regex = [a-zA-Z0-9]+[.\-_]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$
67 git-serve-cmd = /usr/local/bin/aurweb-git-serve
68 ssh-options = restrict
70 [sso]
71 openid_configuration =
72 client_id =
73 client_secret =
75 [fastapi]
76 session_secret =
78 [serve]
79 repo-path = /srv/http/aurweb/aur.git/
80 repo-regex = [a-z0-9][a-z0-9.+_-]*$
81 git-shell-cmd = /usr/bin/git-shell
82 git-update-cmd = /usr/local/bin/aurweb-git-update
83 ssh-cmdline = ssh aur@aur.archlinux.org
85 [update]
86 max-blob-size = 256000
88 [aurblup]
89 db-path = /srv/http/aurweb/aurblup/
90 sync-dbs = core extra community multilib testing community-testing
91 server = ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/archlinux/%s/os/x86_64
93 [mkpkglists]
94 packagesfile = /srv/http/aurweb/web/html/packages.gz
95 pkgbasefile = /srv/http/aurweb/web/html/pkgbase.gz
96 userfile = /srv/http/aurweb/web/html/users.gz