updated on Thu Jan 12 16:09:17 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / simplygrey-icon-theme / PKGBUILD
1 # Contributor: grimi <grimi at poczta dot fm>
3 pkgname=simplygrey-icon-theme
4 pkgver=0.51
5 pkgrel=5
6 pkgdesc="Color-free icon theme (just three shades of grey)"
7 arch=('any')
8 url="http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/SimplyGrey?content=93674"
9 license=('GPL')
10 makedepends=('sed')
11 source=("http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs43/f/2009/154/9/e/SimplyGrey_0_51_by_Scnd101.zip" \
12         "archpkg.svg")
13 md5sums=('dd3b44cf97ed42ba301840e2737b6dd2'
14          'ad95e65e176410c5fef2ea587f872fef')
16 build() {
17   cd "$srcdir"
19   # extract subarchive
20   tar xjf SimplyGrey051fix/SimplyGrey.v0.5_by_Scnd101.tar.bz2
22   # fix pdf mime suffix
23   mv SimplyGrey/scalable/mimetypes/application-pdfsvg \
24      SimplyGrey/scalable/mimetypes/application-pdf.svg
26   # archpkg mime icon
27   install -m644 "$srcdir"/archpkg.svg \
28      SimplyGrey/scalable/mimetypes/application-x-archpkg.svg
30   # replace def start icon with arch icon
31   cp -p SimplyGrey/scalable/places/start-here-arch.svg \
32      SimplyGrey/scalable/places/start-here.svg
34   # fix index.theme ( lack of some icons -> no inherit )
35   sed '4{s|.*|Inherits=gnome,Tango\n|;}' -i SimplyGrey/index.theme
38 package() {
39   # moveup to dest
40   install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/share/icons
41   mv "$srcdir"/SimplyGrey "$pkgdir"/usr/share/icons