updated on Tue Jan 17 12:00:36 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / gyachi / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Dan Serban
2 # Contributors: Conor Callahan, Alexandru Mizeranschi, TDY, Ionut Biru
4 pkgname=gyachi
5 pkgver=1.x.xx.latest
6 pkgrel=1
7 pkgdesc="An improved fork of the GyachE Yahoo client"
8 arch=(i686 x86_64)
9 url=http://gyachi.sourceforge.net/
10 license=(GPL)
11 depends=(gpgme gtkspell jasper libgtkhtml libmcrypt libtool libv4l)
12 makedepends=(alsa-lib imagemagick lynx pkgconfig pulseaudio)
13 optdepends=('pulseaudio: for pulseaudio support')
14 options=('!libtool')
16 build()
18   rm gyachi.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || true
19   _url=$(lynx -dump http://sourceforge.net/projects/gyachi/ | grep -o http.*projects.*download)
20   wget -O gyachi.tar.gz ${_url}
21   bsdtar -xf gyachi.tar.gz
22   cd $(ls -1d gyachi-*/ | tail -1)
24   ./autogen.sh
25   ./configure \
26     --prefix=/usr \
27     --libexecdir=/usr/lib/gyachi \
28     --disable-rpath \
29     --disable-wine \
30     --disable-gtktest \
31     --disable-glibtest \
32     --disable-plugin_libnotify \
33     --with-x
34   make
35   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
36   install -Dm644 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/gyachi/themes/gyachi-classic/gyach-icon_48.png "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/pixmaps/${pkgname}.png