updated on Sat Jan 21 20:03:50 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / btg / PKGBUILD
1 # Contributor: Aleksey Frolov <aleks.lifey@gmail.com>
2 # Previous contributor: James Pearson <james.m.pearson+arch@gmail.com>
3 # Previous contributor: Xilon <xilonmu@gmail.com>
5 # gtkmm is not needed if you remove --enable-gui
6 # curl is not needed if you remove --enable-url, which allows loading a torrent directly from the web
8 pkgname='btg'
9 pkgver='2.0.0.rc3'
10 pkgrel=1
11 pkgdesc='Linux bittorrent client implemented in C++ and using the rasterbar libtorrent library.'
12 url='http://btg.berlios.de/'
13 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
14 license=('GPL')
15 depends=('libtorrent-rasterbar' 'gnutls' 'dialog' 'gtkmm>=2.6.0' 'curl')
16 options=('!libtool' '!emptydirs')
17 source=("http://download.berlios.de/btg/btg-2.0.0-rc3.tar.gz")
18 md5sums=('17c6c37c2992f2a5fd3fc205f3fa834a')
20 build() {
21   cd ${pkgname}-2.0.0
23   ./autogen.sh
25   ./configure --prefix=/usr \
26     --enable-btg-config \
27     --enable-session-saving \
28     --enable-event-callback \
29     --enable-command-list \
30     --enable-upnp \
31     --enable-gui \
32     --enable-www \
33     --enable-url \
34     --with-boost-date-time=mt \
35     --with-boost-filesystem=mt \
36     --with-boost-thread=mt \
37     --with-boost-regex=mt \
38     --with-boost-program-options=mt
39     #--enable-cli \
41   make
44 package() {
45   cd ${pkgname}-2.0.0
47   make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install