updated on Thu Jan 19 16:10:29 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / prism / PKGBUILD
1 # Contributed by: realtek <aron.stachecki@gmail.com>
2 # Contributor: gDD <gDD [on] irc.freenode.net> based on realtek's
3 pkgname=prism
4 pkgver=1.0b4
5 pkgrel=1
6 pkgdesc="Prism is a simple XULRunner based browser that hosts web applications without the normal web browser user interface."
7 arch=('i686')
8 url="http://prism.mozilla.com/"
9 license=('MPL' 'GPL' 'LGPL')
10 depends=()
11 makedepends=()
12 optdepends=()
13 provides=()
14 conflicts=('prism-0.9')
15 replaces=()
16 backup=()
17 options=()
18 install=
19 source=('http://prism.mozillalabs.com/downloads/1.0b4/prism-1.0b4.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2')
20 noextract=()
21 md5sums=('cf1fc7c191e45a7619d371b0c295c3cb')
23 # thank andrew9888 and fluke
24 build() {
25 cd $startdir/src/$pkgname
26 mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/prism
27 mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
28 echo "/opt/prism/prism \"\$@\"" > $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/prism
29 chmod +x $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/prism
30 cp -R * $startdir/pkg/opt/prism/