updated on Fri Jan 20 20:16:25 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / notify-osd-xfconf-bzr / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Aliaksandr Stelmachonak <mail.avatar at gmail.com>
2 # Contributor: Xavier D. <magicrhesus@ouranos.be>
4 pkgname=notify-osd-xfconf-bzr
5 pkgver=384
6 pkgrel=2
7 pkgdesc="Canonical's on-screen notification display agent: xfconf branch."
8 url="https://code.launchpad.net/~sidi/notify-osd/xfconf-experimental"
9 license=('GPL')
10 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
11 depends=('cairo' 'freetype2' 'libwnck' 'xfconf')
12 makedepends=('bzr' 'gnome-common')
13 conflicts=('notification-daemon' 'notify-osd')
14 provides=('notification-daemon' 'notify-osd')
15 install=notify-osd-xfconf-bzr.install
16 source=('remove-tests.patch')
17 md5sums=('a2bfbf21706d6f7d8b0fbfebe8997520')
19 _bzrbranch=lp:~sidi/notify-osd/xfconf-experimental
20 _bzrmod=notify-osd
22 build() {
23         cd $srcdir
25         echo "Connecting to notify-osd bzr server...."
26         if [[ -d $srcdir/$_bzrmod ]] ; then
27                 cd $_bzrmod && bzr up
28                 echo "The local files are updated."
29         else
30                 bzr branch $_bzrbranch $_bzrmod
31         fi
33         echo "bzr checkout done or server timeout"
34         echo "Starting make..."
35         rm -rf $srcdir/$_bzrmod-build
36         cp -r $srcdir/$_bzrmod $srcdir/$_bzrmod-build
37         cd $srcdir/$_bzrmod-build
38         # remove tests, since thay are fail to build
39         patch -Np2 < $srcdir/remove-tests.patch
41         ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib/notify-osd --with-xfconf
42         # do not build examples causing redundant build dependencies
43         sed -i "s|\(^SUBDIRS.*\)examples\(.*\)$|\1\2|" Makefile
44         sed -i "s|-Werror ||" configure.in
45         make
46         make install DESTDIR=$pkgdir