Importing Archive::Zip 1.16
[archive-zip.git] / Makefile.PL
1 require 5.003_96;\r
2 use Config;\r
3 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;\r
4 \r
5 # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence\r
6 # the contents of the Makefile that is written.\r
7 sub MY::postamble\r
8 {\r
9         if ($^O eq 'VMS') { '' }\r
10         else\r
11         {\r
12 '\r
14 docs/Archive-Zip.pdf:  docs/\r
15         ps2pdf $<\r
17 docs/  docs/Archive-Zip.ssd\r
18         tssd -toPS $<\r
20 .PHONY: pods\r
22 pods:\r
23         otl2pod lib/Archive/Zip.otl > lib/Archive/Zip.pod\r
24         otl2pod lib/Archive/Zip/FAQ.otl > lib/Archive/Zip/FAQ.pod\r
25 \r
26         }\r
27 }\r
30 WriteMakefile(\r
31         NAME                    => 'Archive::Zip',\r
32         VERSION_FROM    => 'lib/Archive/', # finds $VERSION\r
33         ($] < 5.005 ? () :\r
34                 (\r
35                         BINARY_LOCATION => $Config{'archname'} . "/\$(DISTVNAME)-PPD.tar\$(SUFFIX)",\r
36                         AUTHOR                  => 'Ned Konz (',\r
37                         ABSTRACT_FROM   => 'lib/Archive/Zip.pod',\r
38                 )),\r
39         PREREQ_PM               => {\r
40                 'Compress::Zlib'    => 1.14,\r
41                 'Carp'                      => 0,\r
42                 'Data::Dumper'          => 0,   # examples/\r
43                 'File::Path'        => 0,\r
44                 'File::Find'        => 0,\r
45                 'File::Basename'        => 0,\r
46                 'File::Spec'            => 0.8, # need splitpath()\r
47                 'File::Copy'            => 0,\r
48                 'File::Temp'            => 0,\r
49                 'Getopt::Std'           => 0,   # examples/\r
50                 'IO::File'                      => 0,\r
51                 'IO::Handle'            => 0,\r
52                 'IO::Seekable'          => 0,\r
53                 # 'Test'                                => 0,\r
54         'Test::More'        => 0,\r
55                 'Time::Local'           => 0,\r
56         },\r
57         EXE_FILES => [ qw( crc32 ) ],\r
58         clean                   => {\r
59                 FILES   => 'test.log testDir/* testDir/'\r
60         },\r
61         dist                    => {\r
62                 COMPRESS        => 'gzip',\r
63                 SUFFIX          => '.gz',\r
64                 ZIP                     => 'zip',\r
65                 ZIPFLAGS        => '-r'\r
66         },\r
67 );\r
69 # vim: ts=4 sw=4\r