Split the web app into a client/server system
[apertium.git] / apertium-en-af / apertium-en-af.symbols.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -*- nxml -*- -->
3   <sdefs>
4     <sdef n="n"       c="Noun"/>
5     <sdef n="m"       c="Masculine"/>
6     <sdef n="f"       c="Feminine"/>
7     <sdef n="nt"      c="Neuter"/>
8     <sdef n="mf"      c="Masculine-Feminine"/>
9     <sdef n="sg"      c="Singular"/>
10     <sdef n="pl"      c="Plural"/>
11     <sdef n="prn"     c="Pronoun"/>
12     <sdef n="pr"      c="Preposition"/>
14     <sdef n="cnjcoo"  c="Co-ordinating conjunction"/>
15     <sdef n="cnjsub"  c="Subordinating conjunction"/>
16     <sdef n="cnjadv"  c="Adverbial conjunction"/>
18     <sdef n="vbser"   c="The verb 'to be'"/>
19     <sdef n="vblex"   c="Lexical verb"/>        
20     <sdef n="vaux"    c="Auxilliary verb"/>     
21     <sdef n="vbhaver" c="The verb 'to have'"/>
22     <sdef n="vbmod"   c="Modal verb"/>
23     <sdef n="pri"     c="Present indicative"/>
24     <sdef n="past"    c="Past tense"/>
25     <sdef n="pres"    c="Present tense"/>
26     <sdef n="inf"     c="Infinitive"/>
28     <sdef n="aff"     c="Affirmative"/>
29     <sdef n="int"     c="Interrogative"/>
30     <sdef n="neg"     c="Negative"/>
32     <sdef n="p1"      c="First person"/>
33     <sdef n="p2"      c="Second person"/>
34     <sdef n="p3"      c="Third person"/>
35     <sdef n="impers"  c="Impersonal"/>
37     <sdef n="tn"      c="Tonico"/>
38     <sdef n="adj"     c="Adjective"/>
39     <sdef n="sint"    c="Synthetic adjective"/>
40     <sdef n="comp"    c="Comparative"/>
41     <sdef n="sup"     c="Superlative"/>
42     <sdef n="attr"    c="Attributive"/>
43     <sdef n="pred"    c="Predicative"/>
45     <sdef n="detnt"   c="Neuter determiner"/>
46     <sdef n="predet"  c="Pre determiner"/>
47     <sdef n="atn"/>
48     <sdef n="qnt"/>
49     <sdef n="ord"     c="Ordinal"/>
50     <sdef n="obj"     c="Object"/>
51     <sdef n="subj"    c="Subject"/>
52     <sdef n="pro"     c="Proclitic"/>
53     <sdef n="acr"     c="Acronym"/>
54     <sdef n="ant"     c="Antroponym"/>
55     <sdef n="al"      c="Other / Otros"/>
56     <sdef n="np"      c="Proper noun"/>
57     <sdef n="adv"     c="Adverb"/>
58     <sdef n="preadv"  c="Pre-adverb"/>
59     <sdef n="rel"     c="Relative"/>
60     <sdef n="nn"      c="Noun noun"/>
61     <sdef n="an"      c="Adjective noun"/>
62     <sdef n="aa"      c="Adjective adjective"/>
63     <sdef n="ind"     c="Indefinite"/>    
64     <sdef n="itg"     c="Interrogative"/>
65     <sdef n="det"     c="Determiner"/>
66     <sdef n="dem"     c="Demonstrative"/>
67     <sdef n="def"     c="Definite"/>
68     <sdef n="ger"     c="Gerund"/>
69     <sdef n="pp"      c="Participle"/>
70     <sdef n="ifi"     c="Pretério perfecto o indefinido"/>
71     <sdef n="pii"     c="Pretério imperfecto de indicativo"/>
72     <sdef n="fti"     c="Future indicative"/>
73     <sdef n="cni"     c="Conditional"/>
74     <sdef n="prs"     c="Present subjunctive"/>
75     <sdef n="pis"     c="Pretério imperfecto de subjunctivo"/>
76     <sdef n="imp"     c="Imperfect"/>
77     <sdef n="pos"     c="Possessive"/>
78     <sdef n="gen"     c="Genitive"/>
79     <sdef n="nom"     c="Nominative"/>
80     <sdef n="sp"      c="Singular / Plural"/>
81     <sdef n="ref"     c="Reflexive"/>
82     <sdef n="num"     c="Numeral / Number"/>
83     <sdef n="ij"      c="Interjection"/>
85     <sdef n="atp"      c="Attachable prefix"/>
87     <sdef n="uns"      c="Unstressed prefix"/>
89     <sdef n="sent"    c="End of sentence"/>
90     <sdef n="cm"      c="Comma"/>
91     <sdef n="lpar"    c="Left parenthesis"/>
92     <sdef n="rpar"    c="Right parenthesis"/>
93     <sdef n="lquest"  c="Left question-mark"/>
94     <sdef n="web"/>
95     <sdef n="subs"/>
96     <sdef n="pprs"/>    
97     <sdef n="guio"    c="Hyphen"/> 
98     <sdef n="enc"/>
99     <sdef n="vbdo"/>
100     <sdef n="unc"/>
101     <sdef n="sep"/>
102     <sdef n="pron"/>
103     <sdef n="apos"    c="Apostrophe"/>
105     <sdef n="pref"    c="Prefix"/>
107     <sdef n="loc"     c="Location"/>
108     <sdef n="per"     c="Person"/>
109     <sdef n="org"     c="Organisation"/>
110   </sdefs>