Changed the makefile to make sure that the D-Bus Python scripts are installed with...
[apertium.git] / apertium-en-af /
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -*- nxml -*- -->
2 <postchunk>
3 <section-def-cats>
6 <def-cat n="nom">
7 <cat-item name="nom"/>
8 </def-cat>
9 <def-cat n="det_nom">
10 <cat-item name="det_nom"/>
11 </def-cat>
13 </section-def-cats>
14 <section-def-attrs>
15 <def-attr n="nbr">
16 <attr-item tags="sg"/>
17 <attr-item tags="pl"/>
18 <attr-item tags="sp"/>
19 <attr-item tags="ND"/>
20 </def-attr>
21 <def-attr n="a_nom">
22 <attr-item tags="n"/>
23 <attr-item tags="np"/>
24 </def-attr>
25 </section-def-attrs>
26 <section-def-vars>
27 <def-var n="paraula"/>
28 </section-def-vars>
31 <section-rules>
32 <!--
33 <rule comment="CHUNK: regla que no fa res">
34 <pattern>
35 <pattern-item n="det_nom"/>
36 </pattern>
37 <action>
38 <out>
39 <lu>
40 <clip pos="1" part="whole"/>
41 </lu>
42 <b pos="1"/>
43 <lu>
44 <clip pos="2" part="whole"/>
45 </lu>
46 </out>
47 </action>
48 </rule>
49 -->
50 <rule comment="CHUNK:">
51 <pattern>
52 <pattern-item n="nom"/>
53 </pattern>
54 <action>
55 <out>
56 <lu>
57 <clip pos="1" part="whole"/>
58 </lu>
59 <!-- <lu>
60 <clip pos="2" part="whole"/>
61 </lu>
62 <lu>
63 <clip pos="3" part="whole"/>
64 </lu> -->
65 </out>
66 </action>
67 </rule>
69 <rule comment="CHUNK: nom">
70 <pattern>
71 <pattern-item n="nom"/>
72 </pattern>
73 <action>
74 <choose>
75 <when>
76 <test>
77 <and>
78 <equal>
79 <clip pos="0" part="a_SN"/>
80 <lit-tag v="PDET"/>
81 </equal>
82 <not>
83 <equal>
84 <clip pos="1" part="a_nom"/>
85 <lit-tag v="np"/>
86 </equal>
87 </not>
88 </and>
89 </test>
90 <out>
91 <lu>
92 <get-case-from pos="1">
93 <lit v="el"/>
94 </get-case-from>
95 <lit-tag v="det.def"/>
96 <clip pos="1" part="gen"/>
97 <clip pos="1" part="nbr"/>
98 </lu>
99 <b/>
100 </out>
101 </when>
102 </choose>
103 <out>
104 <lu>
105 <clip pos="1" part="whole"/>
106 </lu>
107 </out>
108 </action>
109 </rule>
111 </section-rules>
112 </postchunk>