Added the Adium IB palette. Currently contains one object: {{{AITextColorPreviewView}}}.
[adiumx.git] / Utilities / AdiumIBPalette / build / Release / AdiumIBPalette.palette / Contents / Resources / palette.table
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd">
3 <plist version="0.9">
4 <dict>
5 <!-- a subclass of IBPalette -->
6 <key>Class</key> <string>AdiumIBPalette</string>
8 <!-- a nib file name -->
9 <key>NibFile</key> <string>AdiumIBPalette</string>
11 <!-- a tiff file name for icon used for palette -->
12 <key>Icon</key> <string>AdiumIBPalette</string>
14 <!-- Tool Tips string for the palette icon -->
15 <key>ToolTips</key> <string>Views used in Adium.</string>
17 <!-- a list of class names exported from palette to IB -->
18 <key>ExportClasses</key>
19 <array>
20 <string>AITextColorPreviewView</string>
21 </array>
23 <!-- a list of image names exported from palette to IB -->
24 <key>ExportImages</key>
25 <array>
26 </array>
28 <!-- a list of sound names exported from palette to IB -->
29 <key>ExportSounds</key>
30 <array>
31 </array>
33 </dict>
34 </plist>