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[Samba.git] / lib / dnspython / dns / name.py
1 # Copyright (C) 2001-2007, 2009-2011 Nominum, Inc.
3 # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
4 # documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
5 # provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice
6 # appear in all copies.
16 """DNS Names.
18 @var root: The DNS root name.
19 @type root: dns.name.Name object
20 @var empty: The empty DNS name.
21 @type empty: dns.name.Name object
22 """
24 import cStringIO
25 import struct
26 import sys
28 if sys.hexversion >= 0x02030000:
29 import encodings.idna
31 import dns.exception
32 import dns.wiredata
40 class EmptyLabel(dns.exception.SyntaxError):
41 """Raised if a label is empty."""
42 pass
44 class BadEscape(dns.exception.SyntaxError):
45 """Raised if an escaped code in a text format name is invalid."""
46 pass
48 class BadPointer(dns.exception.FormError):
49 """Raised if a compression pointer points forward instead of backward."""
50 pass
52 class BadLabelType(dns.exception.FormError):
53 """Raised if the label type of a wire format name is unknown."""
54 pass
56 class NeedAbsoluteNameOrOrigin(dns.exception.DNSException):
57 """Raised if an attempt is made to convert a non-absolute name to
58 wire when there is also a non-absolute (or missing) origin."""
59 pass
61 class NameTooLong(dns.exception.FormError):
62 """Raised if a name is > 255 octets long."""
63 pass
65 class LabelTooLong(dns.exception.SyntaxError):
66 """Raised if a label is > 63 octets long."""
67 pass
69 class AbsoluteConcatenation(dns.exception.DNSException):
70 """Raised if an attempt is made to append anything other than the
71 empty name to an absolute name."""
72 pass
74 class NoParent(dns.exception.DNSException):
75 """Raised if an attempt is made to get the parent of the root name
76 or the empty name."""
77 pass
79 _escaped = {
80 '"' : True,
81 '(' : True,
82 ')' : True,
83 '.' : True,
84 ';' : True,
85 '\\' : True,
86 '@' : True,
87 '$' : True
90 def _escapify(label):
91 """Escape the characters in label which need it.
92 @returns: the escaped string
93 @rtype: string"""
94 text = ''
95 for c in label:
96 if c in _escaped:
97 text += '\\' + c
98 elif ord(c) > 0x20 and ord(c) < 0x7F:
99 text += c
100 else:
101 text += '\\%03d' % ord(c)
102 return text
104 def _validate_labels(labels):
105 """Check for empty labels in the middle of a label sequence,
106 labels that are too long, and for too many labels.
107 @raises NameTooLong: the name as a whole is too long
108 @raises LabelTooLong: an individual label is too long
109 @raises EmptyLabel: a label is empty (i.e. the root label) and appears
110 in a position other than the end of the label sequence"""
112 l = len(labels)
113 total = 0
114 i = -1
115 j = 0
116 for label in labels:
117 ll = len(label)
118 total += ll + 1
119 if ll > 63:
120 raise LabelTooLong
121 if i < 0 and label == '':
122 i = j
123 j += 1
124 if total > 255:
125 raise NameTooLong
126 if i >= 0 and i != l - 1:
127 raise EmptyLabel
129 class Name(object):
130 """A DNS name.
132 The dns.name.Name class represents a DNS name as a tuple of labels.
133 Instances of the class are immutable.
135 @ivar labels: The tuple of labels in the name. Each label is a string of
136 up to 63 octets."""
138 __slots__ = ['labels']
140 def __init__(self, labels):
141 """Initialize a domain name from a list of labels.
142 @param labels: the labels
143 @type labels: any iterable whose values are strings
146 super(Name, self).__setattr__('labels', tuple(labels))
147 _validate_labels(self.labels)
149 def __setattr__(self, name, value):
150 raise TypeError("object doesn't support attribute assignment")
152 def is_absolute(self):
153 """Is the most significant label of this name the root label?
154 @rtype: bool
157 return len(self.labels) > 0 and self.labels[-1] == ''
159 def is_wild(self):
160 """Is this name wild? (I.e. Is the least significant label '*'?)
161 @rtype: bool
164 return len(self.labels) > 0 and self.labels[0] == '*'
166 def __hash__(self):
167 """Return a case-insensitive hash of the name.
168 @rtype: int
171 h = 0L
172 for label in self.labels:
173 for c in label:
174 h += ( h << 3 ) + ord(c.lower())
175 return int(h % sys.maxint)
177 def fullcompare(self, other):
178 """Compare two names, returning a 3-tuple (relation, order, nlabels).
180 I{relation} describes the relation ship beween the names,
181 and is one of: dns.name.NAMERELN_NONE,
185 I{order} is < 0 if self < other, > 0 if self > other, and ==
186 0 if self == other. A relative name is always less than an
187 absolute name. If both names have the same relativity, then
188 the DNSSEC order relation is used to order them.
190 I{nlabels} is the number of significant labels that the two names
191 have in common.
194 sabs = self.is_absolute()
195 oabs = other.is_absolute()
196 if sabs != oabs:
197 if sabs:
198 return (NAMERELN_NONE, 1, 0)
199 else:
200 return (NAMERELN_NONE, -1, 0)
201 l1 = len(self.labels)
202 l2 = len(other.labels)
203 ldiff = l1 - l2
204 if ldiff < 0:
205 l = l1
206 else:
207 l = l2
209 order = 0
210 nlabels = 0
211 namereln = NAMERELN_NONE
212 while l > 0:
213 l -= 1
214 l1 -= 1
215 l2 -= 1
216 label1 = self.labels[l1].lower()
217 label2 = other.labels[l2].lower()
218 if label1 < label2:
219 order = -1
220 if nlabels > 0:
222 return (namereln, order, nlabels)
223 elif label1 > label2:
224 order = 1
225 if nlabels > 0:
227 return (namereln, order, nlabels)
228 nlabels += 1
229 order = ldiff
230 if ldiff < 0:
232 elif ldiff > 0:
234 else:
235 namereln = NAMERELN_EQUAL
236 return (namereln, order, nlabels)
238 def is_subdomain(self, other):
239 """Is self a subdomain of other?
241 The notion of subdomain includes equality.
242 @rtype: bool
245 (nr, o, nl) = self.fullcompare(other)
247 return True
248 return False
250 def is_superdomain(self, other):
251 """Is self a superdomain of other?
253 The notion of subdomain includes equality.
254 @rtype: bool
257 (nr, o, nl) = self.fullcompare(other)
259 return True
260 return False
262 def canonicalize(self):
263 """Return a name which is equal to the current name, but is in
264 DNSSEC canonical form.
265 @rtype: dns.name.Name object
268 return Name([x.lower() for x in self.labels])
270 def __eq__(self, other):
271 if isinstance(other, Name):
272 return self.fullcompare(other)[1] == 0
273 else:
274 return False
276 def __ne__(self, other):
277 if isinstance(other, Name):
278 return self.fullcompare(other)[1] != 0
279 else:
280 return True
282 def __lt__(self, other):
283 if isinstance(other, Name):
284 return self.fullcompare(other)[1] < 0
285 else:
286 return NotImplemented
288 def __le__(self, other):
289 if isinstance(other, Name):
290 return self.fullcompare(other)[1] <= 0
291 else:
292 return NotImplemented
294 def __ge__(self, other):
295 if isinstance(other, Name):
296 return self.fullcompare(other)[1] >= 0
297 else:
298 return NotImplemented
300 def __gt__(self, other):
301 if isinstance(other, Name):
302 return self.fullcompare(other)[1] > 0
303 else:
304 return NotImplemented
306 def __repr__(self):
307 return '<DNS name ' + self.__str__() + '>'
309 def __str__(self):
310 return self.to_text(False)
312 def to_text(self, omit_final_dot = False):
313 """Convert name to text format.
314 @param omit_final_dot: If True, don't emit the final dot (denoting the
315 root label) for absolute names. The default is False.
316 @rtype: string
319 if len(self.labels) == 0:
320 return '@'
321 if len(self.labels) == 1 and self.labels[0] == '':
322 return '.'
323 if omit_final_dot and self.is_absolute():
324 l = self.labels[:-1]
325 else:
326 l = self.labels
327 s = '.'.join(map(_escapify, l))
328 return s
330 def to_unicode(self, omit_final_dot = False):
331 """Convert name to Unicode text format.
333 IDN ACE lables are converted to Unicode.
335 @param omit_final_dot: If True, don't emit the final dot (denoting the
336 root label) for absolute names. The default is False.
337 @rtype: string
340 if len(self.labels) == 0:
341 return u'@'
342 if len(self.labels) == 1 and self.labels[0] == '':
343 return u'.'
344 if omit_final_dot and self.is_absolute():
345 l = self.labels[:-1]
346 else:
347 l = self.labels
348 s = u'.'.join([encodings.idna.ToUnicode(_escapify(x)) for x in l])
349 return s
351 def to_digestable(self, origin=None):
352 """Convert name to a format suitable for digesting in hashes.
354 The name is canonicalized and converted to uncompressed wire format.
356 @param origin: If the name is relative and origin is not None, then
357 origin will be appended to it.
358 @type origin: dns.name.Name object
359 @raises NeedAbsoluteNameOrOrigin: All names in wire format are
360 absolute. If self is a relative name, then an origin must be supplied;
361 if it is missing, then this exception is raised
362 @rtype: string
365 if not self.is_absolute():
366 if origin is None or not origin.is_absolute():
367 raise NeedAbsoluteNameOrOrigin
368 labels = list(self.labels)
369 labels.extend(list(origin.labels))
370 else:
371 labels = self.labels
372 dlabels = ["%s%s" % (chr(len(x)), x.lower()) for x in labels]
373 return ''.join(dlabels)
375 def to_wire(self, file = None, compress = None, origin = None):
376 """Convert name to wire format, possibly compressing it.
378 @param file: the file where the name is emitted (typically
379 a cStringIO file). If None, a string containing the wire name
380 will be returned.
381 @type file: file or None
382 @param compress: The compression table. If None (the default) names
383 will not be compressed.
384 @type compress: dict
385 @param origin: If the name is relative and origin is not None, then
386 origin will be appended to it.
387 @type origin: dns.name.Name object
388 @raises NeedAbsoluteNameOrOrigin: All names in wire format are
389 absolute. If self is a relative name, then an origin must be supplied;
390 if it is missing, then this exception is raised
393 if file is None:
394 file = cStringIO.StringIO()
395 want_return = True
396 else:
397 want_return = False
399 if not self.is_absolute():
400 if origin is None or not origin.is_absolute():
401 raise NeedAbsoluteNameOrOrigin
402 labels = list(self.labels)
403 labels.extend(list(origin.labels))
404 else:
405 labels = self.labels
406 i = 0
407 for label in labels:
408 n = Name(labels[i:])
409 i += 1
410 if not compress is None:
411 pos = compress.get(n)
412 else:
413 pos = None
414 if not pos is None:
415 value = 0xc000 + pos
416 s = struct.pack('!H', value)
417 file.write(s)
418 break
419 else:
420 if not compress is None and len(n) > 1:
421 pos = file.tell()
422 if pos < 0xc000:
423 compress[n] = pos
424 l = len(label)
425 file.write(chr(l))
426 if l > 0:
427 file.write(label)
428 if want_return:
429 return file.getvalue()
431 def __len__(self):
432 """The length of the name (in labels).
433 @rtype: int
436 return len(self.labels)
438 def __getitem__(self, index):
439 return self.labels[index]
441 def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
442 return self.labels[start:stop]
444 def __add__(self, other):
445 return self.concatenate(other)
447 def __sub__(self, other):
448 return self.relativize(other)
450 def split(self, depth):
451 """Split a name into a prefix and suffix at depth.
453 @param depth: the number of labels in the suffix
454 @type depth: int
455 @raises ValueError: the depth was not >= 0 and <= the length of the
456 name.
457 @returns: the tuple (prefix, suffix)
458 @rtype: tuple
461 l = len(self.labels)
462 if depth == 0:
463 return (self, dns.name.empty)
464 elif depth == l:
465 return (dns.name.empty, self)
466 elif depth < 0 or depth > l:
467 raise ValueError('depth must be >= 0 and <= the length of the name')
468 return (Name(self[: -depth]), Name(self[-depth :]))
470 def concatenate(self, other):
471 """Return a new name which is the concatenation of self and other.
472 @rtype: dns.name.Name object
473 @raises AbsoluteConcatenation: self is absolute and other is
474 not the empty name
477 if self.is_absolute() and len(other) > 0:
478 raise AbsoluteConcatenation
479 labels = list(self.labels)
480 labels.extend(list(other.labels))
481 return Name(labels)
483 def relativize(self, origin):
484 """If self is a subdomain of origin, return a new name which is self
485 relative to origin. Otherwise return self.
486 @rtype: dns.name.Name object
489 if not origin is None and self.is_subdomain(origin):
490 return Name(self[: -len(origin)])
491 else:
492 return self
494 def derelativize(self, origin):
495 """If self is a relative name, return a new name which is the
496 concatenation of self and origin. Otherwise return self.
497 @rtype: dns.name.Name object
500 if not self.is_absolute():
501 return self.concatenate(origin)
502 else:
503 return self
505 def choose_relativity(self, origin=None, relativize=True):
506 """Return a name with the relativity desired by the caller. If
507 origin is None, then self is returned. Otherwise, if
508 relativize is true the name is relativized, and if relativize is
509 false the name is derelativized.
510 @rtype: dns.name.Name object
513 if origin:
514 if relativize:
515 return self.relativize(origin)
516 else:
517 return self.derelativize(origin)
518 else:
519 return self
521 def parent(self):
522 """Return the parent of the name.
523 @rtype: dns.name.Name object
524 @raises NoParent: the name is either the root name or the empty name,
525 and thus has no parent.
527 if self == root or self == empty:
528 raise NoParent
529 return Name(self.labels[1:])
531 root = Name([''])
532 empty = Name([])
534 def from_unicode(text, origin = root):
535 """Convert unicode text into a Name object.
537 Lables are encoded in IDN ACE form.
539 @rtype: dns.name.Name object
542 if not isinstance(text, unicode):
543 raise ValueError("input to from_unicode() must be a unicode string")
544 if not (origin is None or isinstance(origin, Name)):
545 raise ValueError("origin must be a Name or None")
546 labels = []
547 label = u''
548 escaping = False
549 edigits = 0
550 total = 0
551 if text == u'@':
552 text = u''
553 if text:
554 if text == u'.':
555 return Name(['']) # no Unicode "u" on this constant!
556 for c in text:
557 if escaping:
558 if edigits == 0:
559 if c.isdigit():
560 total = int(c)
561 edigits += 1
562 else:
563 label += c
564 escaping = False
565 else:
566 if not c.isdigit():
567 raise BadEscape
568 total *= 10
569 total += int(c)
570 edigits += 1
571 if edigits == 3:
572 escaping = False
573 label += chr(total)
574 elif c == u'.' or c == u'\u3002' or \
575 c == u'\uff0e' or c == u'\uff61':
576 if len(label) == 0:
577 raise EmptyLabel
578 labels.append(encodings.idna.ToASCII(label))
579 label = u''
580 elif c == u'\\':
581 escaping = True
582 edigits = 0
583 total = 0
584 else:
585 label += c
586 if escaping:
587 raise BadEscape
588 if len(label) > 0:
589 labels.append(encodings.idna.ToASCII(label))
590 else:
591 labels.append('')
592 if (len(labels) == 0 or labels[-1] != '') and not origin is None:
593 labels.extend(list(origin.labels))
594 return Name(labels)
596 def from_text(text, origin = root):
597 """Convert text into a Name object.
598 @rtype: dns.name.Name object
601 if not isinstance(text, str):
602 if isinstance(text, unicode) and sys.hexversion >= 0x02030000:
603 return from_unicode(text, origin)
604 else:
605 raise ValueError("input to from_text() must be a string")
606 if not (origin is None or isinstance(origin, Name)):
607 raise ValueError("origin must be a Name or None")
608 labels = []
609 label = ''
610 escaping = False
611 edigits = 0
612 total = 0
613 if text == '@':
614 text = ''
615 if text:
616 if text == '.':
617 return Name([''])
618 for c in text:
619 if escaping:
620 if edigits == 0:
621 if c.isdigit():
622 total = int(c)
623 edigits += 1
624 else:
625 label += c
626 escaping = False
627 else:
628 if not c.isdigit():
629 raise BadEscape
630 total *= 10
631 total += int(c)
632 edigits += 1
633 if edigits == 3:
634 escaping = False
635 label += chr(total)
636 elif c == '.':
637 if len(label) == 0:
638 raise EmptyLabel
639 labels.append(label)
640 label = ''
641 elif c == '\\':
642 escaping = True
643 edigits = 0
644 total = 0
645 else:
646 label += c
647 if escaping:
648 raise BadEscape
649 if len(label) > 0:
650 labels.append(label)
651 else:
652 labels.append('')
653 if (len(labels) == 0 or labels[-1] != '') and not origin is None:
654 labels.extend(list(origin.labels))
655 return Name(labels)
657 def from_wire(message, current):
658 """Convert possibly compressed wire format into a Name.
659 @param message: the entire DNS message
660 @type message: string
661 @param current: the offset of the beginning of the name from the start
662 of the message
663 @type current: int
664 @raises dns.name.BadPointer: a compression pointer did not point backwards
665 in the message
666 @raises dns.name.BadLabelType: an invalid label type was encountered.
667 @returns: a tuple consisting of the name that was read and the number
668 of bytes of the wire format message which were consumed reading it
669 @rtype: (dns.name.Name object, int) tuple
672 if not isinstance(message, str):
673 raise ValueError("input to from_wire() must be a byte string")
674 message = dns.wiredata.maybe_wrap(message)
675 labels = []
676 biggest_pointer = current
677 hops = 0
678 count = ord(message[current])
679 current += 1
680 cused = 1
681 while count != 0:
682 if count < 64:
683 labels.append(message[current : current + count].unwrap())
684 current += count
685 if hops == 0:
686 cused += count
687 elif count >= 192:
688 current = (count & 0x3f) * 256 + ord(message[current])
689 if hops == 0:
690 cused += 1
691 if current >= biggest_pointer:
692 raise BadPointer
693 biggest_pointer = current
694 hops += 1
695 else:
696 raise BadLabelType
697 count = ord(message[current])
698 current += 1
699 if hops == 0:
700 cused += 1
701 labels.append('')
702 return (Name(labels), cused)