Enable RTC sections for the gigabeat manual (Thanks to Sylvan Mably, FS#6924)
[Rockbox.git] / rbutil / rbutil.cbp
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
2 <CodeBlocks_project_file>
3 <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
4 <Project>
5 <Option title="rbutil" />
6 <Option pch_mode="0" />
7 <Option compiler="gcc" />
8 <MakeCommands>
9 <Build command="$make -f $makefile all" />
10 <CompileFile command="$make -f $makefile $file" />
11 <Clean command="$make -f $makefile clean" />
12 <DistClean command="$make -f $makefile distclean" />
13 </MakeCommands>
14 <Build>
15 <Target title="Release">
16 <Option output="rbutil.exe" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" />
17 <Option type="0" />
18 <Option compiler="gcc" />
19 <Option projectResourceIncludeDirsRelation="0" />
20 <ExtraCommands>
21 <Add after="upx --best --compress-icons=0 rbutil.exe" />
22 </ExtraCommands>
23 <MakeCommands>
24 <Build command="$make -f $makefile all" />
25 <CompileFile command="$make -f $makefile $file" />
26 <Clean command="$make -f $makefile clean" />
27 <DistClean command="$make -f $makefile distclean" />
28 </MakeCommands>
29 </Target>
30 <Target title="Debug">
31 <Option output="rbutil.exe" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" />
32 <Option type="0" />
33 <Option compiler="gcc" />
34 <Compiler>
35 <Add option="-g" />
36 </Compiler>
37 <MakeCommands>
38 <Build command="$make -f $makefile all" />
39 <CompileFile command="$make -f $makefile all" />
40 <Clean command="$make -f $makefile clean" />
41 <DistClean command="$make -f $makefile distclean" />
42 </MakeCommands>
43 </Target>
44 <Environment>
45 <Variable name="WX_CFG" value="" />
46 </Environment>
47 </Build>
48 <VirtualTargets>
49 <Add alias="All" targets="default;" />
50 </VirtualTargets>
51 <Compiler>
52 <Add option="-W" />
53 <Add option="-g" />
54 <Add option="-pipe" />
55 <Add option="-mthreads" />
56 <Add option="-Winvalid-pch" />
57 <Add option='-include &quot;wx_pch.h&quot;' />
58 <Add option="-D__GNUWIN32__" />
59 <Add option="-D__WXMSW__" />
60 <Add option="-DUSE_PCH" />
61 <Add directory="$(#WX.include)" />
62 <Add directory="$(#WX.lib)\gcc_lib$(WX_CFG)\msw" />
63 <Add directory="$(#WX)\contrib\include" />
64 <Add directory=".\" />
65 </Compiler>
66 <ResourceCompiler>
67 <Add directory="$(#WX.include)" />
68 </ResourceCompiler>
69 <Linker>
70 <Add library="wxmsw28" />
71 <Add library="winspool" />
72 <Add library="winmm" />
73 <Add library="shell32" />
74 <Add library="comctl32" />
75 <Add library="ctl3d32" />
76 <Add library="odbc32" />
77 <Add library="advapi32" />
78 <Add library="wsock32" />
79 <Add library="opengl32" />
80 <Add library="glu32" />
81 <Add library="ole32" />
82 <Add library="oleaut32" />
83 <Add library="uuid" />
84 <Add library="libwxzlib" />
85 <Add library="libwxregex" />
86 <Add library="libwxpng" />
87 <Add library="libwxjpeg" />
88 <Add library="libwxtiff" />
89 <Add directory="$(#WX.lib)\gcc_lib$(WX_CFG)" />
90 <Add directory="$(#WX.lib)" />
91 <Add directory=".\" />
92 </Linker>
93 <Unit filename="Makefile" />
94 <Unit filename="archos.ico" />
95 <Unit filename="bootloaders.cpp" />
96 <Unit filename="bootloaders.h" />
97 <Unit filename="copying.txt" />
98 <Unit filename="credits.h" />
99 <Unit filename="fonts_3d.xpm" />
100 <Unit filename="h100sums.h" />
101 <Unit filename="h120sums.h" />
102 <Unit filename="h300sums.h" />
103 <Unit filename="install_3d.xpm" />
104 <Unit filename="installlog.cpp" />
105 <Unit filename="installlog.h" />
106 <Unit filename="ipodpatcher\ipodio-win32.c">
107 <Option compilerVar="CC" />
108 <Option compiler="gcc" use="1" buildCommand="mingw32-gcc.exe -W -g -pipe -mthreads -Winvalid-pch -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__ -DUSE_PCH -g -I.\ -IC:\Dev-Cpp\include -c $file -o .objs\ipodpatcher\ipodio-win32.o" />
109 </Unit>
110 <Unit filename="ipodpatcher\ipodio.h" />
111 <Unit filename="ipodpatcher\ipodpatcher.c">
112 <Option compilerVar="CC" />
113 <Option compiler="gcc" use="1" buildCommand="mingw32-gcc.exe -W -g -pipe -mthreads -Winvalid-pch -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__ -DUSE_PCH -g -I.\ -IC:\Dev-Cpp\include -c $file -o .objs\ipodpatcher\ipodpatcher.o\n" />
114 </Unit>
115 <Unit filename="ipodpatcher\ipodpatcher.h" />
116 <Unit filename="ipodpatcher\parttypes.h" />
117 <Unit filename="irivertools.cpp" />
118 <Unit filename="irivertools.h" />
119 <Unit filename="md5sum.cpp" />
120 <Unit filename="md5sum.h" />
121 <Unit filename="rblogo.xpm" />
122 <Unit filename="rbutil-rc.rc">
123 <Option compilerVar="WINDRES" />
124 </Unit>
125 <Unit filename="rbutil.cpp" />
126 <Unit filename="rbutil.h" />
127 <Unit filename="rbutil.ini" />
128 <Unit filename="rbutil.iss" />
129 <Unit filename="rbutilApp.cpp" />
130 <Unit filename="rbutilApp.h" />
131 <Unit filename="rbutilFrm.cpp" />
132 <Unit filename="rbutilFrm.h" />
133 <Unit filename="rbutilFrm_XPM.xpm" />
134 <Unit filename="themes_3d.xpm" />
135 <Unit filename="tools2_3d.xpm" />
136 <Unit filename="uninstall_3d.xpm" />
137 <Unit filename="untools2_3d.xpm" />
138 <Unit filename="wizard.xpm" />
139 <Unit filename="wizard_pages.cpp" />
140 <Unit filename="wizard_pages.h" />
141 <Unit filename="wx_pch.h" />
142 <Extensions>
143 <code_completion />
144 </Extensions>
145 </Project>
146 </CodeBlocks_project_file>