improved short description
[PyX/mjg.git] / pyx /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
4 # Copyright (C) 2002 Jörg Lehmann <>
5 # Copyright (C) 2002 André Wobst <>
7 # This file is part of PyX (
9 # PyX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
14 # PyX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with PyX; if not, write to the Free Software
21 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
24 import re, ConfigParser
25 import helper, mathtree
28 class ColumnError(Exception): pass
31 ColPattern = re.compile(r"\$-?[0-9]+")
33 class MathTreeValCol(mathtree.MathTreeValVar):
35 def InitByParser(self, arg):
36 Match = arg.MatchPattern(ColPattern)
37 if Match:
38 self.AddArg(Match)
39 return 1
42 MathTreeValsWithCol = (mathtree.MathTreeValConst,
43 mathtree.MathTreeValVar,
44 MathTreeValCol)
47 class _data:
49 def __init__(self, titles, data, parser=mathtree.parser(MathTreeVals=MathTreeValsWithCol)):
50 self.titles = titles
51 = data
52 self.parser = parser
54 def getcolumnno(self, column):
55 if self.titles.count(column) == 1:
56 return self.titles.index(column)
57 try:
58 self.titles[column]
59 except (TypeError, IndexError, ValueError):
60 raise ColumnError
61 return column
63 def getcolumn(self, column):
64 columnno = self.getcolumnno(column)
65 return [x[columnno] for x in]
67 def addcolumn(self, expression, context={}):
68 try:
69 split = expression.rindex("=")
70 except ValueError:
71 self.titles.append(None)
72 else:
73 self.titles.append(expression[:split])
74 expression = expression[split+1:]
75 tree = self.parser.parse(expression)
76 columnlist = {}
77 for key in tree.VarList():
78 if key[0] == "$":
79 column = int(key[1:])
80 try:
81 self.titles[column]
82 except:
83 raise ColumnError
84 columnlist[key] = column
85 else:
86 try:
87 columnlist[key] = self.getcolumnno(key)
88 except ColumnError, e:
89 if key not in context.keys():
90 raise e
92 varlist = context.copy()
93 for data in
94 try:
95 for key in columnlist.keys():
96 varlist[key] = float(data[columnlist[key]])
97 except (TypeError, ValueError):
98 data.append(None)
99 else:
100 data.append(tree.Calc(**varlist))
103 class data(_data):
105 def __init__(self, titles=[], data=[], maxcolumns=helper.nodefault, **kwargs):
106 if len(data):
107 if maxcolumns is helper.nodefault:
108 maxcolumns = len(data[0])
109 for line in data[1:]:
110 if len(line) > maxcolumns:
111 maxcolumns = len(line)
112 titles = titles[:maxcolumns]
113 titles += [None] * (maxcolumns - len(titles))
114 for line in data:
115 line += [None] * (maxcolumns - len(line))
116 else:
117 titles = []
118 _data.__init__(self, titles, data, **kwargs)
121 class datafile(data):
123 defaultcommentpattern = re.compile(r"(#+|!+|%+)\s*")
124 defaultstringpattern = re.compile(r"\"(.*?)\"(\s+|$)")
125 defaultcolumnpattern = re.compile(r"(.*?)(\s+|$)")
127 def splitline(self, line, stringpattern, columnpattern, tofloat=1):
128 result = []
129 if line.find('"')!=-1 or \
130 stringpattern is not self.defaultstringpattern or \
131 columnpattern is not self.defaultcolumnpattern:
132 while len(line):
133 match = stringpattern.match(line)
134 if match:
135 result.append(match.groups()[0])
136 line = line[match.end():]
137 else:
138 match = columnpattern.match(line)
139 if tofloat:
140 try:
141 result.append(float(match.groups()[0]))
142 except (TypeError, ValueError):
143 result.append(match.groups()[0])
144 else:
145 result.append(match.groups()[0])
146 line = line[match.end():]
147 else:
148 if tofloat:
149 try:
150 return map(float, line.split())
151 except (TypeError, ValueError):
152 result = []
153 for r in line.split():
154 try:
155 result.append(float(r))
156 except (TypeError, ValueError):
157 result.append(r)
158 else:
159 return line.split()
161 return result
163 def __init__(self, file, commentpattern=defaultcommentpattern,
164 stringpattern=defaultstringpattern,
165 columnpattern=defaultcolumnpattern,
166 skiphead=0, skiptail=0, every=1,**kwargs):
167 if helper.isstring(file):
168 file = open(file, "r")
169 usetitles = []
170 usedata = []
171 linenumber = 0
172 maxcolumns = 0
173 for line in file.readlines():
174 line = line.strip()
175 match = commentpattern.match(line)
176 if match:
177 if not len(usedata):
178 newtitles = self.splitline(line[match.end():], stringpattern, columnpattern, tofloat=0)
179 if len(newtitles):
180 usetitles = newtitles
181 else:
182 linedata = []
183 for value in self.splitline(line, stringpattern, columnpattern, tofloat=1):
184 linedata.append(value)
185 if len(linedata):
186 if linenumber >= skiphead and not ((linenumber - skiphead) % every):
187 linedata = [linenumber + 1] + linedata
188 if len(linedata) > maxcolumns:
189 maxcolumns = len(linedata)
190 usedata.append(linedata)
191 linenumber += 1
192 if skiptail:
193 del usedata[-skiptail:]
194 data.__init__(self, titles=[None] + usetitles, data=usedata, maxcolumns=maxcolumns, **kwargs)
198 class sectionfile(_data):
200 def __init__(self, file, sectionstr = "section", **kwargs):
201 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
202 config.optionxform = str
203 try:
204 file = file + ''
205 except TypeError:
206 config.readfp(file)
207 else:
208 config.readfp(open(file, "r"))
209 usedata = []
210 usetitles = [sectionstr]
211 sections = config.sections()
212 sections.sort()
213 for section in sections:
214 usedata.append([section] + [None for x in range(len(usetitles) - 1)])
215 for option in config.options(section):
216 if option == sectionstr:
217 raise ValueError("'%s' is already used as the section identifier" % sectionstr)
218 try:
219 index = usetitles.index(option)
220 except ValueError:
221 index = len(usetitles)
222 usetitles.append(option)
223 for line in usedata:
224 line.append(None)
225 value = config.get(section, option)
226 try:
227 usedata[-1][index] = float(value)
228 except (TypeError, ValueError):
229 usedata[-1][index] = value
230 _data.__init__(self, usetitles, usedata, **kwargs)