Pyx -> PyX
[PyX/mjg.git] / contrib / pyx.def
1 %%
2 %% This is file 'pyx.def',
4 % Copyright (C) 2003 Michael Schindler <>
6 % this file is based on dvips.def from the LaTeX graphics bundle,
7 % available via ftp from
9 % pyx.def is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 % (at your option) any later version.
14 % pyx.def is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 % GNU General Public License for more details.
19 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 % along with pyx.def; if not, write to the Free Software
21 % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23 % TODO: - documentation
25 \ProvidesFile{pyx.def}
26 [2003/06/12 driver-dependant file]
28 % %%%%%% auxiliary macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ///
29 % used in DEF file only:
30 % check if #1 is in [0,1]
32 \def\c@lor@arg#1{%
33 \dimen@#1\p@
34 \ifdim\dimen@<\z@\dimen@\maxdimen\fi
35 \ifdim\dimen@>\p@
36 \PackageError{color}{Argument `#1' not in range [0,1]}\@ehd
37 \fi}
39 % //\
41 % %%%%%% (1a) gray, cmyk, rgb and RGB colors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ///
42 % used in color.sty: \color@gray, cmyk, rgb, RGB, hsb
43 % these commands are created with \csname as a
44 % combination of 'color@' and 'gray'/'cmyk'/'rgb'/'RGB'/'hsb'
45 % in color.sty by \@undeclaredcolor
46 % gray, cmyk, rgb, hsb all take numbers in [0,1] as first argument(s)
47 % RGB takes numbers in [0,255] as first arguments
49 \def\color@gray#1#2{%
50 \c@lor@arg{#2}% % check the argument
51 \edef#1{gray #2}% % prepare for command
54 \def\color@cmyk#1#2{\c@lor@@cmyk#2\@@#1} % \@@ is only a separator for the arguments!
55 \def\c@lor@@cmyk#1,#2,#3,#4\@@#5{%
56 \c@lor@arg{#4}%
57 \c@lor@arg{#1}%
58 \c@lor@arg{#2}%
59 \c@lor@arg{#3}%
60 \edef#5{cmyk #1 #2 #3 #4}% #5 is always \current@color (only once a \tempa)
63 \def\color@rgb#1#2{\c@lor@@rgb#2\@@#1}
64 \def\c@lor@@rgb#1,#2,#3\@@#4{%
65 \c@lor@arg{#1}%
66 \c@lor@arg{#2}%
67 \c@lor@arg{#3}%
68 \edef#4{rgb #1 #2 #3}%
71 \def\color@RGB#1#2{\c@lor@@RGB#2\@@#1}
72 \def\c@lor@@RGB#1,#2,#3\@@#4{%
73 \c@lor@RGB@rgb{#1}\@tempa % renormalise
74 \c@lor@RGB@rgb{#2}\@tempb
75 \c@lor@RGB@rgb{#3}\@tempc
76 \c@lor@@rgb\@tempa,\@tempb,\@tempc\@@#4% % call with normalised values
78 \def\c@lor@RGB@rgb#1#2{%
79 \dimen@#1\p@
80 \divide\dimen@\@cclv % divide by 255
81 \edef#2{\strip@pt\dimen@}} % strip the number
83 \def\color@hsb#1#2{\c@lor@@hsb#2\@@#1}
84 \def\c@lor@@hsb#1,#2,#3\@@#4{%
85 \c@lor@arg{#1}%
86 \c@lor@arg{#2}%
87 \c@lor@arg{#3}%
88 \edef#4{hsb #1 #2 #3}% this is the string defining the color in the special.
89 % % it is stored in the variable \current@color
91 %% //\
92 % %%%%%% (1b) "texnamed" colors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ///
93 % used in color.sty: \color@named \col@...
94 % like above with the use of \csname
96 \def\color@named#1#2{\c@lor@@named#2,,\@@#1}
97 \def\c@lor@@named#1,#2,#3\@@#4{%
98 \@ifundefined{col@#1}%
99 {\PackageError{color}{Undefined color `#1'}\@ehd}%
100 {\edef#4{texnamed #1}}% % arguments 2,3 are thrown away? Maybe an error detection mechanism
101 } % \col@#1 is defined by \define@color@named
102 \def\current@color{texnamed Black}
103 \def\define@color@named#1#2{% for \DefineNamedColor only
104 \expandafter\let\csname col@#1\endcsname\@nnil}
105 % //\
106 % %%%%%% (1c) "pyxgray", "pyxcmyk", "pyxrgb", "pyxhsb" colors %%%%%%%%%% ///
108 % use with \textcolor[pyxcmyk]{Name}
109 % where Name has to be defined in PyX as 'color.cmyk.Name'
110 % Attention! PyX has to do the error detection if the color is not defined!
112 \def\color@pyx#1#2{\c@olor@@pyx#2,,\@@#1}
113 \def\c@olor@@pyx#1,#2,#3\@@#4{%
114 \edef#4{pyx #1}}
115 % //\
116 % %%%%%% (1) colors general %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ///
118 % \set@color is called by \@(un)declaredcolor in color.sty
119 % This is the starting string of the special
121 \def\set@color{%
122 \special{PyX:color_begin \current@color
123 }\aftergroup\reset@color} % the 'group' is the one in \@textcolor: arguments 1 and 3
124 \def\reset@color{\special{PyX:color_end}}
126 % BACKGROUND COLOR is disabled
127 \def\set@page@color{\PackageError{color}{Please adjust the pagecolor in PyX, not in LaTeX!}}
128 % //\
130 % %%%%%% (2) eps-file inclusion %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ///
132 \def\Ginclude@eps#1{%
133 \message{<#1>}%
134 \bgroup
135 \def\@tempa{!}%
136 \dimen@=0.996264009963\Gin@req@width
137 \@tempdima=0.996264009963\Gin@req@height
138 \special{PyX:epsinclude\space
139 file="#1"\space
140 llx=\Gin@llx\space
141 lly=\Gin@lly\space
142 urx=\Gin@urx\space
143 ury=\Gin@ury\space
144 \ifx\Gin@scalex\@tempa\else width=\strip@pt\dimen@\space\fi
145 \ifx\Gin@scaley\@tempa\else height=\strip@pt\@tempdima\space\fi
146 \ifGin@clip clip\fi}%
147 \egroup}
149 % bmp, oztex, pntg, pict file inclusions:
150 % not available anymore
151 % \Ginclude@bmp eventually used in graphics(x).sty
152 % \Ginclude@pntg eventually used in graphics(x).sty
153 % \Ginclude@pict eventually used in graphics(x).sty
155 \def\Ginclude@bmp#1{%
156 \PackageError{color}{bmp file inclusion is not supported in PyX. Please use eps files.}}
157 \def\Ginclude@pntg#1{
158 \PackageError{color}{pntg file inclusion is not supported in PyX. Please use eps files.}}
159 \def\Ginclude@pict#1{
160 \PackageError{color}{pict file inclusion is not supported in PyX. Please use eps files.}}
162 % general stuff
164 %\def\Gin@PS@raw#1{\special{ps: #1}}
165 %\def\Gin@PS@restored#1{\special{" #1}}
166 %\def\Gin@PS@literal@header#1{\AtBeginDvi{\special{! #1}}}
167 %\def\Gin@PS@file@header#1{\AtBeginDvi{\special{header=#1}}}
169 \def\Gin@extensions{.eps,.ps}
170 \@namedef{}#1{{eps}{.ps}{#1}}
171 \@namedef{Gin@rule@.eps}#1{{eps}{.eps}{#1}}
172 \@namedef{Gin@rule@*}#1{{eps}{\Gin@ext}{#1}}
174 % //\
176 % %%%%%% (3) rotations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ///
177 \def\Grot@start{\special{PyX:rotate_begin angle=\Grot@angle}}
178 \def\Grot@end{\special{PyX:rotate_end}}
179 % //\
181 % %%%%%% (4) scalings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ///
183 \def\Gscale@start{\special{PyX:scale_begin xscale=\Gscale@x\space yscale=\Gscale@y}}
184 \def\Gscale@end{\special{PyX:scale_end}}
185 % //\
186 \endinput
188 % vim:fdm=marker:fmr=///,//\\
190 %% End of file `pyx.def'.