Make LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE database-level settings. Collation and
[PostgreSQL.git] / doc / src / sgml / ref / create_domain.sgml
1 <!--
2 $PostgreSQL$
3 PostgreSQL documentation
4 -->
6 <refentry id="SQL-CREATEDOMAIN">
7 <refmeta>
8 <refentrytitle id="sql-createdomain-title">CREATE DOMAIN</refentrytitle>
9 <refmiscinfo>SQL - Language Statements</refmiscinfo>
10 </refmeta>
12 <refnamediv>
13 <refname>CREATE DOMAIN</refname>
14 <refpurpose>define a new domain</refpurpose>
15 </refnamediv>
17 <indexterm zone="sql-createdomain">
18 <primary>CREATE DOMAIN</primary>
19 </indexterm>
21 <refsynopsisdiv>
22 <synopsis>
23 CREATE DOMAIN <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> [ AS ] <replaceable class="parameter">data_type</replaceable>
24 [ DEFAULT <replaceable>expression</> ]
25 [ <replaceable class="PARAMETER">constraint</replaceable> [ ... ] ]
27 where <replaceable class="PARAMETER">constraint</replaceable> is:
29 [ CONSTRAINT <replaceable class="PARAMETER">constraint_name</replaceable> ]
30 { NOT NULL | NULL | CHECK (<replaceable class="PARAMETER">expression</replaceable>) }
31 </synopsis>
32 </refsynopsisdiv>
34 <refsect1>
35 <title>Description</title>
37 <para>
38 <command>CREATE DOMAIN</command> creates a new domain. A domain is
39 essentially a data type with optional constraints (restrictions on
40 the allowed set of values).
41 The user who defines a domain becomes its owner.
42 </para>
44 <para>
45 If a schema name is given (for example, <literal>CREATE DOMAIN
46 myschema.mydomain ...</>) then the domain is created in the
47 specified schema. Otherwise it is created in the current schema.
48 The domain name must be unique among the types and domains existing
49 in its schema.
50 </para>
52 <para>
53 Domains are useful for abstracting common constraints on fields into
54 a single location for maintenance. For example, several tables might
55 contain email address columns, all requiring the same CHECK constraint
56 to verify the address syntax.
57 Define a domain rather than setting up each table's constraint
58 individually.
59 </para>
60 </refsect1>
62 <refsect1>
63 <title>Parameters</title>
65 <variablelist>
66 <varlistentry>
67 <term><replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable></term>
68 <listitem>
69 <para>
70 The name (optionally schema-qualified) of a domain to be created.
71 </para>
72 </listitem>
73 </varlistentry>
75 <varlistentry>
76 <term><replaceable class="PARAMETER">data_type</replaceable></term>
77 <listitem>
78 <para>
79 The underlying data type of the domain. This can include array
80 specifiers.
81 </para>
82 </listitem>
83 </varlistentry>
85 <varlistentry>
86 <term><literal>DEFAULT <replaceable>expression</replaceable></literal></term>
88 <listitem>
89 <para>
90 The <literal>DEFAULT</> clause specifies a default value for
91 columns of the domain data type. The value is any
92 variable-free expression (but subqueries are not allowed).
93 The data type of the default expression must match the data
94 type of the domain. If no default value is specified, then
95 the default value is the null value.
96 </para>
98 <para>
99 The default expression will be used in any insert operation
100 that does not specify a value for the column. If a default
101 value is defined for a particular column, it overrides any
102 default associated with the domain. In turn, the domain
103 default overrides any default value associated with the
104 underlying data type.
105 </para>
106 </listitem>
107 </varlistentry>
109 <varlistentry>
110 <term><literal>CONSTRAINT <replaceable class="PARAMETER">constraint_name</replaceable></literal></term>
111 <listitem>
112 <para>
113 An optional name for a constraint. If not specified,
114 the system generates a name.
115 </para>
116 </listitem>
117 </varlistentry>
119 <varlistentry>
120 <term><literal>NOT NULL</></term>
121 <listitem>
122 <para>
123 Values of this domain are not allowed to be null.
124 </para>
125 </listitem>
126 </varlistentry>
128 <varlistentry>
129 <term><literal>NULL</></term>
130 <listitem>
131 <para>
132 Values of this domain are allowed to be null. This is the default.
133 </para>
135 <para>
136 This clause is only intended for compatibility with
137 nonstandard SQL databases. Its use is discouraged in new
138 applications.
139 </para>
140 </listitem>
141 </varlistentry>
143 <varlistentry>
144 <term><literal>CHECK (<replaceable class="PARAMETER">expression</replaceable>)</literal></term>
145 <listitem>
146 <para>
147 <literal>CHECK</> clauses specify integrity constraints or tests
148 which values of the domain must satisfy.
149 Each constraint must be an expression
150 producing a Boolean result. It should use the key word <literal>VALUE</>
151 to refer to the value being tested.
152 </para>
154 <para>
155 Currently, <literal>CHECK</literal> expressions cannot contain
156 subqueries nor refer to variables other than <literal>VALUE</>.
157 </para>
158 </listitem>
159 </varlistentry>
160 </variablelist>
161 </refsect1>
163 <refsect1>
164 <title>Examples</title>
166 <para>
167 This example creates the <type>us_postal_code</type> data type and
168 then uses the type in a table definition. A regular expression test
169 is used to verify that the value looks like a valid US postal code:
171 <programlisting>
172 CREATE DOMAIN us_postal_code AS TEXT
173 CHECK(
174 VALUE ~ '^\\d{5}$'
175 OR VALUE ~ '^\\d{5}-\\d{4}$'
178 CREATE TABLE us_snail_addy (
179 address_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
180 street1 TEXT NOT NULL,
181 street2 TEXT,
182 street3 TEXT,
183 city TEXT NOT NULL,
184 postal us_postal_code NOT NULL
186 </programlisting>
187 </para>
188 </refsect1>
190 <refsect1 id="SQL-CREATEDOMAIN-compatibility">
191 <title>Compatibility</title>
193 <para>
194 The command <command>CREATE DOMAIN</command> conforms to the SQL
195 standard.
196 </para>
197 </refsect1>
199 <refsect1 id="SQL-CREATEDOMAIN-see-also">
200 <title>See Also</title>
202 <simplelist type="inline">
203 <member><xref linkend="sql-alterdomain" endterm="sql-alterdomain-title"></member>
204 <member><xref linkend="sql-dropdomain" endterm="sql-dropdomain-title"></member>
205 </simplelist>
206 </refsect1>
208 </refentry>