Update from Dario, SVN rev. 113.
[PaGMO.git] / AstroToolbox / mga_dsm.cpp
1 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
2 // This source file is part of the 'ESA Advanced Concepts Team's //
3 // Space Mechanics Toolbox' software. //
4 // //
5 // The source files are for research use only, //
6 // and are distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Use them on your own risk. //
7 // //
8 // Copyright (c) 2004-2007 European Space Agency //
9 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
11 #include <cmath>
13 #include "Astro_Functions.h"
14 #include "Lambert.h"
15 #include "mga_dsm.h"
16 #include "propagateKEP.h"
17 #include "time2distance.h"
19 using namespace std;
21 // [MR] TODO: exctract these somewhere...
22 const double MU[9] = {
23 1.32712428e11, // SUN = 0
24 22321, // Gravitational constant of Mercury = 1
25 324860, // Gravitational constant of Venus = 2
26 398601.19, // Gravitational constant of Earth = 3
27 42828.3, // Gravitational constant of Mars = 4
28 126.7e6, // Gravitational constant of Jupiter = 5
29 0.37939519708830e8, // Gravitational constant of Saturn = 6
30 5.78e6, // Gravitational constant of Uranus = 7
31 6.8e6 // Gravitational constant of Neptune = 8
34 // Definition of planetari radii
35 // TODO: maybe put missing values here so that indices correspond to those from MU[]?
36 const double RPL[6] = {
37 2440, // Mercury
38 6052, // Venus
39 6378, // Earth
40 3397, // Mars
41 71492, // Jupiter
42 60330 // Saturn
45 //TODO: move somewhere else
46 void vector_normalize(const double in[3], double out[3])
48 double norm = norm2(in);
49 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
50 out[i] = in[i] / norm;
54 /**
55 * Compute velocity and position of an celestial object of interest at specified time.
57 * problem - concerned problem
58 * T - time
59 * i_count - hop number (starting from 0)
60 * r - [output] object's position
61 * v - [output] object's velocity
63 void get_celobj_r_and_v(const mgadsmproblem& problem, const double T, const int i_count, double* r, double* v)
65 if (problem.sequence[i_count] < 10) { //normal planet
66 Planet_Ephemerides_Analytical (T, problem.sequence[i_count],
67 r, v); // r and v in heliocentric coordinate system
68 } else { //asteroid
69 Custom_Eph(T + 2451544.5, problem.asteroid.epoch, problem.asteroid.keplerian,
70 r, v);
74 /**
75 * Precomputes all velocities and positions of celestial objects of interest for the problem.
76 * Before calling this function, r and v verctors must be pre-allocated with sufficient amount of entries.
78 * problem - concerned problem
79 * r - [output] array of position vectors
80 * v - [output] array of velocity vectors
82 void precalculate_ers_and_vees(const vector<double>& t, const mgadsmproblem& problem, std::vector<double*>& r, std::vector<double*>& v)
84 double T = t[0]; //time of departure
86 for(unsigned int i_count = 0; i_count < problem.sequence.size(); i_count++) {
87 get_celobj_r_and_v(problem, T, i_count, r[i_count], v[i_count]);
88 T += t[4 + i_count]; //time of flight
92 /**
93 * Get gravitational constant of an celestial object of interest.
95 * problem - concerned problem
96 * i_count - hop number (starting from 0)
98 double get_celobj_mu(const mgadsmproblem& problem, const int i_count)
100 if (problem.sequence[i_count] < 10) { //normal planet
101 return MU[problem.sequence[i_count]];
102 } else { //asteroid
103 return problem.asteroid.mu;
107 // FIRST BLOCK (P1 to P2)
109 * t - decision vector
110 * problem - problem parameters
111 * r - planet positions
112 * v - planet velocities
113 * DV - [output] velocity contributions table
114 * v_sc_pl_in - [output] next hop input speed
116 void first_block(const vector<double>& t, const mgadsmproblem& problem, const std::vector<double*>& r, std::vector<double*>& v, std::vector<double>& DV, double v_sc_nextpl_in[3])
118 //First, some helper constants to make code more readable
119 const int n = problem.sequence.size();
120 const double VINF = t[1]; // Hyperbolic escape velocity (km/sec)
121 const double udir = t[2]; // Hyperbolic escape velocity var1 (non dim)
122 const double vdir = t[3]; // Hyperbolic escape velocity var2 (non dim)
123 // [MR] {LITTLE HACKER TRICK} Instead of copying (!) arrays let's just introduce pointers to appropriate positions in the decision vector.
124 const double *tof = &t[4];
125 const double *alpha = &t[n+3];
127 int i; //loop counter
129 // Spacecraft position and velocity at departure
130 double vtemp[3];
131 cross(r[0], v[0], vtemp);
133 double zP1[3];
134 vector_normalize(vtemp, zP1);
136 double iP1[3];
137 vector_normalize(v[0], iP1);
139 double jP1[3];
140 cross(zP1, iP1, jP1);
142 double theta, phi;
143 theta = 2 * M_PI * udir; // See Picking a Point on a Sphere
144 phi = acos(2 * vdir - 1) - M_PI / 2; // In this way: -pi/2<phi<pi/2 so phi can be used as out-of-plane rotation
146 double vinf[3];
147 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
148 vinf[i] = VINF * (cos(theta) * cos(phi) * iP1[i] + sin(theta) * cos(phi) * jP1[i] + sin(phi) * zP1[i]);
150 //double v_sc_pl_in[3]; // Spacecraft absolute incoming velocity at P1 [MR] not needed?
151 double v_sc_pl_out[3]; // Spacecraft absolute outgoing velocity at P1
153 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
155 //v_sc_pl_in[i] = v[0][i];
156 v_sc_pl_out[i] = v[0][i] + vinf[i];
159 // Computing S/C position and absolute incoming velocity at DSM1
160 double rd[3], v_sc_dsm_in[3];
162 propagateKEP(r[0], v_sc_pl_out, alpha[0] * tof[0] * 86400, MU[0],
163 rd, v_sc_dsm_in); // [MR] last two are output.
165 // Evaluating the Lambert arc from DSM1 to P2
166 double Dum_Vec[3]; // [MR] Rename it to something sensible...
167 vett(rd, r[1], Dum_Vec);
169 int lw = (Dum_Vec[2] > 0) ? 0 : 1;
170 double a, p, theta2;
171 int iter_unused; // [MR] unused variable
173 double v_sc_dsm_out[3]; // DSM output speed
175 LambertI(rd, r[1], tof[0] * (1 - alpha[0]) * 86400, MU[0], lw,
176 v_sc_dsm_out, v_sc_nextpl_in, a, p, theta2, iter_unused); // [MR] last 6 are output
178 // First Contribution to DV (the 1st deep space maneuver)
179 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
181 Dum_Vec[i] = v_sc_dsm_out[i] - v_sc_dsm_in[i]; // [MR] Temporary variable reused. Dirty.
184 DV[0] = norm2(Dum_Vec);
187 // ------
189 // WARNING: i_count starts from 0
190 void intermediate_block(const vector<double>& t, const mgadsmproblem& problem, const std::vector<double*>& r, const std::vector<double*>& v, int i_count, const double v_sc_pl_in[], std::vector<double>& DV, double* v_sc_nextpl_in)
192 //[MR] A bunch of helper variables to simplify the code
193 const int n = problem.sequence.size();
194 // [MR] {LITTLE HACKER TRICK} Instead of copying (!) arrays let's just introduce pointers to appropriate positions in the decision vector.
195 const double *tof = &t[4];
196 const double *alpha = &t[n+3];
197 const double *rp_non_dim = &t[2*n+2]; // non-dim perigee fly-by radius of planets P2..Pn(-1) (i=1 refers to the second planet)
198 const double *gamma = &t[3*n]; // rotation of the bplane-component of the swingby outgoing
199 const vector<int>& sequence = problem.sequence;
201 int i; //loop counter
203 // Evaluation of the state immediately after Pi
204 double v_rel_in[3];
205 double vrelin = 0.0;
207 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
209 v_rel_in[i] = v_sc_pl_in[i] - v[i_count+1][i];
210 vrelin += v_rel_in[i] * v_rel_in[i];
213 // Hop object's gravitional constant
214 double hopobj_mu = get_celobj_mu(problem, i_count + 1);
216 double e = 1.0 + rp_non_dim[i_count] * RPL[sequence[i_count + 1] - 1] * vrelin / hopobj_mu;
218 double beta_rot = 2 * asin(1 / e); // velocity rotation
220 double ix[3];
221 vector_normalize(v_rel_in, ix);
223 double vpervnorm[3];
224 vector_normalize(v[i_count+1], vpervnorm);
226 double iy[3];
227 vett(ix, vpervnorm, iy);
228 vector_normalize(iy, iy); // [MR]this *might* not work properly...
230 double iz[3];
231 vett(ix, iy, iz);
233 double v_rel_in_norm = norm2(v_rel_in);
235 double v_sc_pl_out[3]; // TODO: document me!
237 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
239 double iVout = cos(beta_rot) * ix[i] + cos(gamma[i_count]) * sin(beta_rot) * iy[i] + sin(gamma[i_count]) * sin(beta_rot) * iz[i];
240 double v_rel_out = v_rel_in_norm * iVout;
241 v_sc_pl_out[i] = v[i_count + 1][i] + v_rel_out;
244 // Computing S/C position and absolute incoming velocity at DSMi
245 double rd[3], v_sc_dsm_in[3];
247 propagateKEP(r[i_count + 1], v_sc_pl_out, alpha[i_count+1] * tof[i_count+1] * 86400, MU[0],
248 rd, v_sc_dsm_in); // [MR] last two are output
250 // Evaluating the Lambert arc from DSMi to Pi+1
251 double Dum_Vec[3]; // [MR] Rename it to something sensible...
252 vett(rd, r[i_count + 2], Dum_Vec);
254 int lw = (Dum_Vec[2] > 0) ? 0 : 1;
255 double a, p, theta;
256 int iter_unused; // [MR] unused variable
258 double v_sc_dsm_out[3]; // DSM output speed
260 LambertI(rd, r[i_count + 2], tof[i_count + 1] * (1 - alpha[i_count + 1]) * 86400, MU[0], lw,
261 v_sc_dsm_out, v_sc_nextpl_in, a, p, theta, iter_unused); // [MR] last 6 are output.
263 // DV contribution
264 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
265 Dum_Vec[i] = v_sc_dsm_out[i] - v_sc_dsm_in[i]; // [MR] Temporary variable reused. Dirty.
268 DV[i_count + 1] = norm2(Dum_Vec);
273 void final_block(const mgadsmproblem& problem, const std::vector<double*>& , const std::vector<double*>& v, const double v_sc_pl_in[], std::vector<double>& DV)
275 //[MR] A bunch of helper variables to simplify the code
276 const int n = problem.sequence.size();
277 const double rp_target = problem.rp;
278 const double e_target = problem.e;
279 const vector<int>& sequence = problem.sequence;
281 int i; //loop counter
283 // Evaluation of the arrival DV
284 double Dum_Vec[3];
285 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
286 Dum_Vec[i] = v[n-1][i] - v_sc_pl_in[i];
289 double DVrel, DVarr;
290 DVrel = norm2(Dum_Vec); // Relative velocity at target planet
292 if ((problem.type == orbit_insertion) || (problem.type == total_DV_orbit_insertion)) {
293 double DVper = sqrt(DVrel * DVrel + 2 * MU[sequence[n - 1]] / rp_target); //[MR] should MU be changed to get_... ?
294 double DVper2 = sqrt(2 * MU[sequence[n - 1]] / rp_target - MU[sequence[n - 1]] / rp_target * (1 - e_target));
295 DVarr = fabs(DVper - DVper2);
296 } else if (problem.type == rndv){
297 DVarr = DVrel;
298 } else if (problem.type == total_DV_rndv){
299 DVarr = DVrel;
300 } else {
301 DVarr = 0.0; // no DVarr is considered
304 DV[n - 1] = DVarr;
308 int MGA_DSM(
309 /* INPUT values: */ //[MR] make this parameters const, if they are not modified and possibly references (especially 'problem').
310 vector<double> t, // it is the vector which provides time in modified julian date 2000. [MR] ??? Isn't it the decision vetor ???
311 mgadsmproblem& problem,
313 /* OUTPUT values: */
314 double &J // output
317 //[MR] A bunch of helper variables to simplify the code
318 const int n = problem.sequence.size();
320 int i; //loop counter
322 //References to objects pre-allocated in the mgadsm struct
323 std::vector<double*>& r = problem.r;
324 std::vector<double*>& v = problem.v;
326 std::vector<double>& DV = problem.DV; //DV contributions
328 precalculate_ers_and_vees(t, problem, r, v);
330 double inter_pl_in_v[3], inter_pl_out_v[3]; //inter-hop velocities
333 first_block(t, problem, r, v,
334 DV, inter_pl_out_v); // [MR] output
337 for (int i_count=0; i_count < n - 2; i_count++) {
338 //copy previous output velocity to current input velocity
339 inter_pl_in_v[0] = inter_pl_out_v[0]; inter_pl_in_v[1] = inter_pl_out_v[1]; inter_pl_in_v[2] = inter_pl_out_v[2];
341 intermediate_block(t, problem, r, v, i_count, inter_pl_in_v,
342 DV, inter_pl_out_v);
345 //copy previous output velocity to current input velocity
346 inter_pl_in_v[0] = inter_pl_out_v[0]; inter_pl_in_v[1] = inter_pl_out_v[1]; inter_pl_in_v[2] = inter_pl_out_v[2];
348 final_block(problem, r, v, inter_pl_in_v,
349 DV);
351 // **************************************************************************
352 // Evaluation of total DV spent by the propulsion system
353 // **************************************************************************
354 double DVtot = 0.0;
356 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
357 DVtot += DV[i];
360 // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
361 //[MR] Calculation of the actual procedure output (DVvec and J)
363 const double& VINF = t[1]; // Variable renaming: Hyperbolic escape velocity (km/sec)
365 for (i = n; i > 0; i--) {
366 DV[i] = DV[i - 1];
368 DV[0] = VINF;
371 // Finally our objective function (J) is:
373 if (problem.type == orbit_insertion) {
374 J = DVtot;
375 } else if (problem.type == total_DV_orbit_insertion) {
376 J = DVtot + VINF;
377 } else if (problem.type == rndv) {
378 J = DVtot;
379 } else if (problem.type == total_DV_rndv) {
380 J = DVtot + VINF;
381 } else if (problem.type == time2AUs) { // [MR] TODO: extract method
382 // [MR] helper constants
383 const vector<int>& sequence = problem.sequence;
384 const double *rp_non_dim = &t[2*n+2]; // non-dim perigee fly-by radius of planets P2..Pn(-1) (i=1 refers to the second planet)
385 const double *gamma = &t[3*n]; // rotation of the bplane-component of the swingby outgoing
386 const double AUdist = problem.AUdist;
387 const double DVtotal = problem.DVtotal;
388 const double DVonboard = problem.DVonboard;
389 const double *tof = &t[4];
391 // non dimensional units
392 const double AU = 149597870.66;
393 const double V = sqrt(MU[0] / AU);
394 const double T = AU / V;
396 //evaluate the state of the spacecraft after the last fly-by
397 double vrelin = 0.0;
398 double v_rel_in[3];
399 for (i=0; i<3; i++)
401 v_rel_in[i] = inter_pl_in_v[i] - v[n-1][i];
402 vrelin += v_rel_in[i] * v_rel_in[i];
405 double e = 1.0 + rp_non_dim[n - 2] * RPL[sequence[n - 2 + 1] - 1] * vrelin / get_celobj_mu(problem, n - 1); //I hope the planet index (n - 1) is OK
407 double beta_rot=2*asin(1/e); // velocity rotation
409 double vrelinn = norm2(v_rel_in);
410 double ix[3];
411 for (i=0; i<3; i++)
412 ix[i] = v_rel_in[i]/vrelinn;
413 // ix=r_rel_in/norm(v_rel_in); // activating this line and disactivating the one above
414 // shifts the singularity for r_rel_in parallel to v_rel_in
416 double vnorm = norm2(v[n-1]);
418 double vtemp[3];
419 for (i=0; i<3; i++)
420 vtemp[i] = v[n-1][i]/vnorm;
422 double iy[3];
423 vett(ix, vtemp, iy);
425 double iynorm = norm2(iy);
426 for (i=0; i<3; i++)
427 iy[i] = iy[i]/iynorm;
429 double iz[3];
430 vett(ix, iy, iz);
431 double v_rel_in_norm = norm2(v_rel_in);
433 double v_sc_pl_out[3]; // TODO: document me!
434 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
436 double iVout = cos(beta_rot) * ix[i] + cos(gamma[n - 2]) * sin(beta_rot) * iy[i] + sin(gamma[n - 2]) * sin(beta_rot) * iz[i];
437 double v_rel_out = v_rel_in_norm * iVout;
438 v_sc_pl_out[i] = v[n - 1][i] + v_rel_out;
441 double r_per_AU[3];
442 double v_sc_pl_out_per_V[3];
443 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
445 r_per_AU[i] = r[n - 1][i] / AU;
446 v_sc_pl_out_per_V[i] = v_sc_pl_out[i] / V;
449 double time = time2distance(r_per_AU, v_sc_pl_out_per_V, AUdist);
450 // if (time == -1) cout << " ERROR" << endl;
452 if (time != -1)
454 double DVpen=0;
455 double sum = 0.0;
457 for (i=0; i<n+1; i++)
458 sum += DV[i];
460 if (sum > DVtotal)
461 DVpen += DVpen+(sum-DVtotal);
463 sum = 0.0;
464 for (i=1; i<n+1; i++)
465 sum+=DV[i];
467 if (sum > DVonboard)
468 DVpen = DVpen + (sum - DVonboard);
470 sum = 0.0;
471 for (i=0; i<n-1; i++)
472 sum += tof[i];
474 J= (time*T/60/60/24 + sum)/365.25 + DVpen*100;
476 else
477 J = 100000; // there was an ERROR in time2distance
478 } // time2AU
480 return 0;