Templatized a function and removed its duplicate, plus minor optimization.
[PaGMO.git] / AstroToolbox / mga.cpp
1 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
2 // This source file is part of the 'ESA Advanced Concepts Team's //
3 // Space Mechanics Toolbox' software. //
4 // //
5 // The source files are for research use only, //
6 // and are distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Use them on your own risk. //
7 // //
8 // Copyright (c) 2004-2007 European Space Agency //
9 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
11 #include <iomanip>
12 #include <fstream>
13 #include <math.h>
14 #include <vector>
15 #include <iostream>
16 #include "Pl_Eph_An.h"
17 #include "mga.h"
18 #include "Lambert.h"
19 #include "PowSwingByInv.h"
20 #include "Astro_Functions.h"
21 #define MAX(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)
23 using namespace std;
25 //the function return 0 if the input is right or -1 it there is something wrong
27 int MGA(vector<double> t, // it is the vector which provides time in modified julian date 2000.
28 // The first entry is launch date, the next entries represent the time needed to
29 // fly from last swing-by to current swing-by.
30 mgaproblem problem,
32 /* OUTPUT values: */
33 vector<double>& rp, // periplanets radius
34 vector<double>& DV, // final delta-Vs
35 double &obj_funct) //objective function
38 const int n = problem.sequence.size();
39 const vector<int> sequence = problem.sequence;
40 const vector<int> rev_flag = problem.rev_flag;// array containing 0 clockwise, 1 un-clockwise
41 customobject cust_obj = problem.asteroid;
43 double MU[9] = {//1.32712440018e11, //SUN = 0
44 1.32712428e11,
45 22321, // Gravitational constant of Mercury = 1
46 324860, // Gravitational constant of Venus = 2
47 398601.19, // Gravitational constant of Earth = 3
48 42828.3, // Gravitational constant of Mars = 4
49 126.7e6, // Gravitational constant of Jupiter = 5
50 37.9e6, // Gravitational constant of Saturn = 6
51 5.78e6, // Gravitational constant of Uranus = 7
52 6.8e6 // Gravitational constant of Neptune = 8
54 double penalty[9] = {0,
55 0, // Mercury
56 6351.8, // Venus
57 6778.1, // Earth
58 6000, // Mars
59 //671492, // Jupiter
60 600000, // Jupiter
61 70000, // Saturn
62 0, // Uranus
63 0 // Neptune
66 double penalty_coeffs[9] = {0,
67 0, // Mercury
68 0.01, // Venus
69 0.01, // Earth
70 0.01, // Mars
71 0.001, // Jupiter
72 0.01, // Saturn
73 0, // Uranus
74 0 // Neptune
77 double DVtot = 0;
78 double Dum_Vec[3],Vin,Vout;
79 double V_Lamb[2][2][3],dot_prod;
80 double a,p,theta,alfa;
81 double DVrel, DVarr=0;
83 //only used for orbit insertion (ex: cassini)
84 double DVper, DVper2;
85 const double rp_target = problem.rp;
86 const double e_target = problem.e;
87 const double DVlaunch = problem.DVlaunch;
89 //only used for asteroid impact (ex: gtoc1)
90 const double initial_mass = problem.mass; // Satellite initial mass [Kg]
91 double final_mass; // satelite final mass
92 const double Isp = problem.Isp; // Satellite specific impulse [s]
93 const double g = 9.80665 / 1000.0; // Gravity
98 double *vec, *rec;
99 vector<double*> r; // {0...n-1} position
100 vector<double*> v; // {0...n-1} velocity
102 double T = 0.0; // total time
104 int i_count, j_count, lw;
106 int iter = 0;
108 if (n >= 2)
110 for ( i_count = 0; i_count < n; i_count++)
112 vec = new double [3]; // velocity and position are 3 D vector
113 rec = new double [3];
114 r.push_back(vec);
115 v.push_back(rec);
117 DV [i_count] = 0.0;
120 T = 0;
121 for (i_count = 0; i_count < n; i_count++)
123 T += t[i_count];
124 if (sequence[i_count]<10)
125 Planet_Ephemerides_Analytical (T, sequence[i_count],
126 r[i_count], v[i_count]); //r and v in heliocentric coordinate system
127 else
129 Custom_Eph(T+2451544.5, cust_obj.epoch, cust_obj.keplerian, r[i_count], v[i_count]);
133 vett(r[0], r[1], Dum_Vec);
135 if (Dum_Vec[2] > 0)
136 lw = (rev_flag[0] == 0) ? 0 : 1;
137 else
138 lw = (rev_flag[0] == 0) ? 1 : 0;
140 LambertI(r[0],r[1],t[1]*24*60*60,MU[0],lw, // INPUT
141 V_Lamb[0][0],V_Lamb[0][1],a,p,theta,iter); // OUTPUT
142 DV[0] = norm(V_Lamb[0][0], v[0]); // Earth launch
144 for (i_count = 1; i_count <= n-2; i_count++)
146 vett(r[i_count], r[i_count+1], Dum_Vec);
148 if (Dum_Vec[2] > 0)
149 lw = (rev_flag[i_count] == 0) ? 0 : 1;
150 else
151 lw = (rev_flag[i_count] == 0) ? 1 : 0;
153 /*if (i_count%2 != 0) {*/
154 LambertI(r[i_count],r[i_count+1],t[i_count + 1]*24*60*60,MU[0],lw, // INPUT
155 V_Lamb[1][0],V_Lamb[1][1],a,p,theta,iter); // OUTPUT
157 // norm first perform the subtraction of vet1-vet2 and the evaluate ||...||
158 Vin = norm(V_Lamb[0][1], v[i_count]);
159 Vout = norm(V_Lamb[1][0], v[i_count]);
161 dot_prod = 0.0;
162 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
164 dot_prod += (V_Lamb[0][1][i] - v[i_count][i]) * (V_Lamb[1][0][i] - v[i_count][i]);
166 alfa = acos ( dot_prod /(Vin * Vout) );
168 // calculation of delta V at pericenter
169 PowSwingByInv(Vin, Vout, alfa, DV[i_count], rp[i_count - 1]);
171 rp[i_count - 1] *= MU[sequence[i_count]];
173 if (i_count != n-2) //swap
174 for (j_count = 0; j_count < 3; j_count++)
176 V_Lamb[0][0][j_count] = V_Lamb[1][0][j_count]; // [j_count];
177 V_Lamb[0][1][j_count] = V_Lamb[1][1][j_count]; // [j_count];
181 else
183 return -1;
186 for (i_count = 0; i_count < 3; i_count++)
187 Dum_Vec[i_count] = v[n-1][i_count] - V_Lamb[1][1][i_count];
189 DVrel = norm2(Dum_Vec);
191 if (problem.type == total_DV_orbit_insertion){
193 DVper = sqrt(DVrel*DVrel + 2*MU[sequence[n-1]]/rp_target);
194 DVper2 = sqrt(2*MU[sequence[n-1]]/rp_target - MU[sequence[n-1]]/rp_target*(1-e_target));
195 DVarr = fabs(DVper - DVper2);
198 else if (problem.type == asteroid_impact){
200 DVarr = DVrel;
205 DVtot = 0;
207 for (i_count = 1; i_count < n-1; i_count++)
208 DVtot += DV[i_count];
210 if (problem.type == total_DV_orbit_insertion){
212 DVtot += DVarr;
217 // Build Penalty
218 for (i_count = 0;i_count < n-2; i_count++)
219 if (rp[i_count] < penalty[sequence[i_count+1]])
220 DVtot += penalty_coeffs[sequence[i_count+1]]*fabs(rp[i_count] - penalty[sequence[i_count+1]]);
222 // Launcher Constraint
223 if (DV[0] > DVlaunch)
224 DVtot += (DV[0] - DVlaunch);
226 if (problem.type == total_DV_orbit_insertion){
228 obj_funct = DVtot;
231 else if (problem.type == asteroid_impact){
233 // Evaluation of satellite final mass
234 obj_funct = final_mass = initial_mass * exp(- DVtot/ (Isp * g));
236 // V asteroid - V satellite
237 for (i_count = 0; i_count < 3; i_count++)
238 Dum_Vec[i_count] = v[n-1][i_count] - V_Lamb[1][1][i_count];// arrival relative velocity at the asteroid;
240 dot_prod = 0;
241 for (i_count = 0; i_count < 3 ; i_count++)
242 dot_prod += Dum_Vec[i_count] * v[n-1][i_count];
244 obj_funct = 2000000 - (final_mass)* fabs(dot_prod);
248 // final clean
249 for ( i_count = 0;i_count < n;i_count++)
251 delete [] r[i_count];
252 delete [] v[i_count];
254 r.clear();
255 v.clear();
256 return 0;