Coerce MacVim to work with LCC
[MacVim.git] / src / if_ole.cpp
1 /* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
3 * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar
5 * Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
6 * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
7 */
9 #if defined(FEAT_OLE) && defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)
11 * OLE server implementation.
13 * See os_mswin.c for the client side.
17 * We have some trouble with order of includes here. For Borland it needs to
18 * be different from MSVC...
20 #ifndef __BORLANDC__
21 extern "C" {
22 # include "vim.h"
24 #endif
26 #include <windows.h>
27 #include <oleauto.h>
29 extern "C" {
30 #ifdef __BORLANDC__
31 # include "vim.h"
32 #endif
33 extern HWND s_hwnd;
34 extern HWND vim_parent_hwnd;
37 #if _MSC_VER < 1300
38 /* Work around old versions of basetsd.h which wrongly declares
39 * UINT_PTR as unsigned long */
40 # define UINT_PTR UINT
41 #endif
43 #include "if_ole.h" // Interface definitions
44 #include "iid_ole.c" // UUID definitions (compile here)
46 /* Supply function prototype to work around bug in Mingw oleauto.h header */
47 #ifdef __MINGW32__
48 WINOLEAUTAPI UnRegisterTypeLib(REFGUID libID, WORD wVerMajor,
49 WORD wVerMinor, LCID lcid, SYSKIND syskind);
50 #endif
52 /*****************************************************************************
53 1. Internal definitions for this file
54 *****************************************************************************/
56 class CVim;
57 class CVimCF;
59 /* Internal data */
60 // The identifier of the registered class factory
61 static unsigned long cf_id = 0;
63 // The identifier of the running application object
64 static unsigned long app_id = 0;
66 // The single global instance of the class factory
67 static CVimCF *cf = 0;
69 // The single global instance of the application object
70 static CVim *app = 0;
72 /* GUIDs, versions and type library information */
73 #define MYCLSID CLSID_Vim
74 #define MYLIBID LIBID_Vim
75 #define MYIID IID_IVim
77 #define MAJORVER 1
78 #define MINORVER 0
79 #define LOCALE 0x0409
81 #define MYNAME "Vim"
82 #define MYPROGID "Vim.Application.1"
83 #define MYVIPROGID "Vim.Application"
85 #define MAX_CLSID_LEN 100
87 /*****************************************************************************
88 2. The application object
89 *****************************************************************************/
91 /* Definition
92 * ----------
95 class CVim : public IVim
97 public:
98 ~CVim();
99 static CVim *Create(int *pbDoRestart);
101 // IUnknown members
102 STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void ** ppv);
103 STDMETHOD_(unsigned long, AddRef)(void);
104 STDMETHOD_(unsigned long, Release)(void);
106 // IDispatch members
107 STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfoCount)(UINT *pCount);
108 STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfo)(UINT iTypeInfo, LCID, ITypeInfo **ppITypeInfo);
109 STDMETHOD(GetIDsOfNames)(const IID &iid, OLECHAR **names, UINT n, LCID, DISPID *dispids);
110 STDMETHOD(Invoke)(DISPID member, const IID &iid, LCID, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dispparams, VARIANT *result, EXCEPINFO *excepinfo, UINT *argerr);
112 // IVim members
113 STDMETHOD(SendKeys)(BSTR keys);
114 STDMETHOD(Eval)(BSTR expr, BSTR *result);
115 STDMETHOD(SetForeground)(void);
116 STDMETHOD(GetHwnd)(UINT_PTR *result);
118 private:
119 // Constructor is private - create using CVim::Create()
120 CVim() : ref(0), typeinfo(0) {};
122 // Reference count
123 unsigned long ref;
125 // The object's TypeInfo
126 ITypeInfo *typeinfo;
129 /* Implementation
130 * --------------
133 CVim *CVim::Create(int *pbDoRestart)
135 HRESULT hr;
136 CVim *me = 0;
137 ITypeLib *typelib = 0;
138 ITypeInfo *typeinfo = 0;
140 *pbDoRestart = FALSE;
142 // Create the object
143 me = new CVim();
144 if (me == NULL)
146 MessageBox(0, "Cannot create application object", "Vim Initialisation", 0);
147 return NULL;
150 // Load the type library from the registry
151 hr = LoadRegTypeLib(MYLIBID, 1, 0, 0x00, &typelib);
152 if (FAILED(hr))
154 HKEY hKey;
156 // Check we can write to the registry.
157 // RegCreateKeyEx succeeds even if key exists. W.Briscoe W2K 20021011
161 delete me;
162 return NULL; // Unable to write to registry. Quietly fail.
164 RegCloseKey(hKey);
166 if (MessageBox(0, "Cannot load registered type library.\nDo you want to register Vim now?",
167 "Vim Initialisation", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) != IDYES)
169 delete me;
170 return NULL;
173 RegisterMe(FALSE);
175 // Load the type library from the registry
176 hr = LoadRegTypeLib(MYLIBID, 1, 0, 0x00, &typelib);
177 if (FAILED(hr))
179 MessageBox(0, "You must restart Vim in order for the registration to take effect.",
180 "Vim Initialisation", 0);
181 *pbDoRestart = TRUE;
182 delete me;
183 return NULL;
187 // Get the type info of the vtable interface
188 hr = typelib->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(MYIID, &typeinfo);
189 typelib->Release();
191 if (FAILED(hr))
193 MessageBox(0, "Cannot get interface type information",
194 "Vim Initialisation", 0);
195 delete me;
196 return NULL;
199 // Save the type information
200 me->typeinfo = typeinfo;
201 return me;
204 CVim::~CVim()
206 if (typeinfo && vim_parent_hwnd == NULL)
207 typeinfo->Release();
208 typeinfo = 0;
212 CVim::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv)
214 if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IDispatch) || IsEqualIID(riid, MYIID))
216 AddRef();
217 *ppv = this;
218 return S_OK;
221 *ppv = 0;
222 return E_NOINTERFACE;
226 CVim::AddRef()
228 return ++ref;
232 CVim::Release()
234 // Don't delete the object when the reference count reaches zero, as there
235 // is only a single application object, and its lifetime is controlled by
236 // the running instance, not by its reference count.
237 if (ref > 0)
238 --ref;
239 return ref;
243 CVim::GetTypeInfoCount(UINT *pCount)
245 *pCount = 1;
246 return S_OK;
250 CVim::GetTypeInfo(UINT iTypeInfo, LCID, ITypeInfo **ppITypeInfo)
252 *ppITypeInfo = 0;
254 if (iTypeInfo != 0)
255 return DISP_E_BADINDEX;
257 typeinfo->AddRef();
258 *ppITypeInfo = typeinfo;
259 return S_OK;
263 CVim::GetIDsOfNames(
264 const IID &iid,
265 OLECHAR **names,
266 UINT n,
267 LCID,
268 DISPID *dispids)
270 if (iid != IID_NULL)
273 return typeinfo->GetIDsOfNames(names, n, dispids);
277 CVim::Invoke(
278 DISPID member,
279 const IID &iid,
280 LCID,
281 WORD flags,
282 DISPPARAMS *dispparams,
283 VARIANT *result,
284 EXCEPINFO *excepinfo,
285 UINT *argerr)
287 if (iid != IID_NULL)
290 ::SetErrorInfo(0, NULL);
291 return typeinfo->Invoke(static_cast<IDispatch*>(this),
292 member, flags, dispparams,
293 result, excepinfo, argerr);
297 CVim::GetHwnd(UINT_PTR *result)
299 *result = (UINT_PTR)s_hwnd;
300 return S_OK;
304 CVim::SetForeground(void)
306 /* Make the Vim window come to the foreground */
307 gui_mch_set_foreground();
308 return S_OK;
312 CVim::SendKeys(BSTR keys)
314 int len;
315 char *buffer;
316 char_u *str;
317 char_u *ptr;
319 /* Get a suitable buffer */
320 len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, keys, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
321 buffer = (char *)alloc(len+1);
323 if (buffer == NULL)
324 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
326 len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, keys, -1, buffer, len, 0, 0);
328 if (len == 0)
330 vim_free(buffer);
331 return E_INVALIDARG;
334 /* Translate key codes like <Esc> */
335 str = replace_termcodes((char_u *)buffer, &ptr, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
337 /* If ptr was set, then a new buffer was allocated,
338 * so we can free the old one.
340 if (ptr)
341 vim_free((char_u *)(buffer));
343 /* Reject strings too long to fit in the input buffer. Allow 10 bytes
344 * space to cover for the (remote) possibility that characters may enter
345 * the input buffer between now and when the WM_OLE message is actually
346 * processed. If more that 10 characters enter the input buffer in that
347 * time, the WM_OLE processing will simply fail to insert the characters.
349 if ((int)(STRLEN(str)) > (vim_free_in_input_buf() - 10))
351 vim_free(str);
352 return E_INVALIDARG;
355 /* Pass the string to the main input loop. The memory will be freed when
356 * the message is processed.
358 PostMessage(NULL, WM_OLE, 0, (LPARAM)str);
360 return S_OK;
364 CVim::Eval(BSTR expr, BSTR *result)
366 #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
367 int len;
368 char *buffer;
369 char *str;
370 wchar_t *w_buffer;
372 /* Get a suitable buffer */
373 len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, expr, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
374 if (len == 0)
375 return E_INVALIDARG;
377 buffer = (char *)alloc((unsigned)len);
379 if (buffer == NULL)
380 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
382 /* Convert the (wide character) expression to an ASCII string */
383 len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, expr, -1, buffer, len, 0, 0);
384 if (len == 0)
385 return E_INVALIDARG;
387 /* Evaluate the expression */
388 ++emsg_skip;
389 str = (char *)eval_to_string((char_u *)buffer, NULL, TRUE);
390 --emsg_skip;
391 vim_free(buffer);
392 if (str == NULL)
393 return E_FAIL;
395 /* Convert the result to wide characters */
396 MultiByteToWideChar_alloc(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, &w_buffer, &len);
397 vim_free(str);
398 if (w_buffer == NULL)
399 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
401 if (len == 0)
403 vim_free(w_buffer);
404 return E_FAIL;
407 /* Store the result */
408 *result = SysAllocString(w_buffer);
409 vim_free(w_buffer);
411 return S_OK;
412 #else
413 return E_NOTIMPL;
414 #endif
417 /*****************************************************************************
418 3. The class factory
419 *****************************************************************************/
421 /* Definition
422 * ----------
425 class CVimCF : public IClassFactory
427 public:
428 static CVimCF *Create();
430 STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void ** ppv);
431 STDMETHOD_(unsigned long, AddRef)(void);
432 STDMETHOD_(unsigned long, Release)(void);
433 STDMETHOD(CreateInstance)(IUnknown *punkOuter, REFIID riid, void ** ppv);
434 STDMETHOD(LockServer)(BOOL lock);
436 private:
437 // Constructor is private - create via Create()
438 CVimCF() : ref(0) {};
440 // Reference count
441 unsigned long ref;
444 /* Implementation
445 * --------------
448 CVimCF *CVimCF::Create()
450 CVimCF *me = new CVimCF();
452 if (me == NULL)
453 MessageBox(0, "Cannot create class factory", "Vim Initialisation", 0);
455 return me;
459 CVimCF::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv)
461 if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IClassFactory))
463 AddRef();
464 *ppv = this;
465 return S_OK;
468 *ppv = 0;
469 return E_NOINTERFACE;
473 CVimCF::AddRef()
475 return ++ref;
479 CVimCF::Release()
481 // Don't delete the object when the reference count reaches zero, as there
482 // is only a single application object, and its lifetime is controlled by
483 // the running instance, not by its reference count.
484 if (ref > 0)
485 --ref;
486 return ref;
489 /*ARGSUSED*/
491 CVimCF::CreateInstance(IUnknown *punkOuter, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
493 return app->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
496 /*ARGSUSED*/
498 CVimCF::LockServer(BOOL lock)
500 return S_OK;
503 /*****************************************************************************
504 4. Registry manipulation code
505 *****************************************************************************/
507 // Internal use only
508 static void SetKeyAndValue(const char *path, const char *subkey, const char *value);
509 static void GUIDtochar(const GUID &guid, char *GUID, int length);
510 static void RecursiveDeleteKey(HKEY hKeyParent, const char *child);
511 static const int GUID_STRING_SIZE = 39;
513 // Register the component in the registry
514 // When "silent" is TRUE don't give any messages.
516 extern "C" void RegisterMe(int silent)
518 BOOL ok = TRUE;
520 // Get the application startup command
521 char module[MAX_PATH];
523 ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, module, MAX_PATH);
525 // Unregister first (quietly)
526 UnregisterMe(FALSE);
528 // Convert the CLSID into a char
529 char clsid[GUID_STRING_SIZE];
530 GUIDtochar(MYCLSID, clsid, sizeof(clsid));
532 // Convert the LIBID into a char
533 char libid[GUID_STRING_SIZE];
534 GUIDtochar(MYLIBID, libid, sizeof(libid));
536 // Build the key CLSID\\{...}
537 char Key[MAX_CLSID_LEN];
538 strcpy(Key, "CLSID\\");
539 strcat(Key, clsid);
541 // Add the CLSID to the registry
542 SetKeyAndValue(Key, NULL, MYNAME);
543 SetKeyAndValue(Key, "LocalServer32", module);
544 SetKeyAndValue(Key, "ProgID", MYPROGID);
545 SetKeyAndValue(Key, "VersionIndependentProgID", MYVIPROGID);
546 SetKeyAndValue(Key, "TypeLib", libid);
548 // Add the version-independent ProgID subkey under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
550 SetKeyAndValue(MYVIPROGID, "CLSID", clsid);
551 SetKeyAndValue(MYVIPROGID, "CurVer", MYPROGID);
553 // Add the versioned ProgID subkey under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
555 SetKeyAndValue(MYPROGID, "CLSID", clsid);
557 wchar_t w_module[MAX_PATH];
558 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, module, -1, w_module, MAX_PATH);
560 ITypeLib *typelib = NULL;
561 if (LoadTypeLib(w_module, &typelib) != S_OK)
563 if (!silent)
564 MessageBox(0, "Cannot load type library to register",
565 "Vim Registration", 0);
566 ok = FALSE;
568 else
570 if (RegisterTypeLib(typelib, w_module, NULL) != S_OK)
572 if (!silent)
573 MessageBox(0, "Cannot register type library",
574 "Vim Registration", 0);
575 ok = FALSE;
577 typelib->Release();
580 if (ok && !silent)
581 MessageBox(0, "Registered successfully", "Vim", 0);
584 // Remove the component from the registry
586 // Note: There is little error checking in this code, to allow incomplete
587 // or failed registrations to be undone.
588 extern "C" void UnregisterMe(int bNotifyUser)
590 // Unregister the type library
591 ITypeLib *typelib;
594 TLIBATTR *tla;
595 if (SUCCEEDED(typelib->GetLibAttr(&tla)))
597 UnRegisterTypeLib(tla->guid, tla->wMajorVerNum, tla->wMinorVerNum,
598 tla->lcid, tla->syskind);
599 typelib->ReleaseTLibAttr(tla);
601 typelib->Release();
604 // Convert the CLSID into a char
605 char clsid[GUID_STRING_SIZE];
606 GUIDtochar(MYCLSID, clsid, sizeof(clsid));
608 // Build the key CLSID\\{...}
609 char Key[MAX_CLSID_LEN];
610 strcpy(Key, "CLSID\\");
611 strcat(Key, clsid);
613 // Delete the CLSID Key - CLSID\{...}
614 RecursiveDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Key);
616 // Delete the version-independent ProgID Key
619 // Delete the ProgID key
620 RecursiveDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, MYPROGID);
622 if (bNotifyUser)
623 MessageBox(0, "Unregistered successfully", "Vim", 0);
626 /****************************************************************************/
628 // Convert a GUID to a char string
629 static void GUIDtochar(const GUID &guid, char *GUID, int length)
631 // Get wide string version
633 StringFromCLSID(guid, &wGUID);
635 // Covert from wide characters to non-wide
636 wcstombs(GUID, wGUID, length);
638 // Free memory
639 CoTaskMemFree(wGUID);
642 // Delete a key and all of its descendents
643 static void RecursiveDeleteKey(HKEY hKeyParent, const char *child)
645 // Open the child
646 HKEY hKeyChild;
647 LONG result = RegOpenKeyEx(hKeyParent, child, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyChild);
648 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
649 return;
651 // Enumerate all of the decendents of this child
652 FILETIME time;
653 char buffer[1024];
654 DWORD size = 1024;
656 while (RegEnumKeyEx(hKeyChild, 0, buffer, &size, NULL,
657 NULL, NULL, &time) == S_OK)
659 // Delete the decendents of this child
660 RecursiveDeleteKey(hKeyChild, buffer);
661 size = 256;
664 // Close the child
665 RegCloseKey(hKeyChild);
667 // Delete this child
668 RegDeleteKey(hKeyParent, child);
671 // Create a key and set its value
672 static void SetKeyAndValue(const char *key, const char *subkey, const char *value)
674 HKEY hKey;
675 char buffer[1024];
677 strcpy(buffer, key);
679 // Add subkey name to buffer.
680 if (subkey)
682 strcat(buffer, "\\");
683 strcat(buffer, subkey);
686 // Create and open key and subkey.
687 long result = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
688 buffer,
691 &hKey, NULL);
692 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
693 return;
695 // Set the value
696 if (value)
697 RegSetValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)value,
698 (DWORD)STRLEN(value)+1);
700 RegCloseKey(hKey);
703 /*****************************************************************************
704 5. OLE Initialisation and shutdown processing
705 *****************************************************************************/
706 extern "C" void InitOLE(int *pbDoRestart)
708 HRESULT hr;
710 *pbDoRestart = FALSE;
712 // Initialize the OLE libraries
713 hr = OleInitialize(NULL);
714 if (FAILED(hr))
716 MessageBox(0, "Cannot initialise OLE", "Vim Initialisation", 0);
717 goto error0;
720 // Create the application object
721 app = CVim::Create(pbDoRestart);
722 if (app == NULL)
723 goto error1;
725 // Create the class factory
726 cf = CVimCF::Create();
727 if (cf == NULL)
728 goto error1;
730 // Register the class factory
731 hr = CoRegisterClassObject(
736 &cf_id);
738 if (FAILED(hr))
740 MessageBox(0, "Cannot register class factory", "Vim Initialisation", 0);
741 goto error1;
744 // Register the application object as active
745 hr = RegisterActiveObject(
746 app,
748 NULL,
749 &app_id);
751 if (FAILED(hr))
753 MessageBox(0, "Cannot register application object", "Vim Initialisation", 0);
754 goto error1;
757 return;
759 // Errors: tidy up as much as needed and return
760 error1:
761 UninitOLE();
762 error0:
763 return;
766 extern "C" void UninitOLE()
768 // Unregister the application object
769 if (app_id)
771 RevokeActiveObject(app_id, NULL);
772 app_id = 0;
775 // Unregister the class factory
776 if (cf_id)
778 CoRevokeClassObject(cf_id);
779 cf_id = 0;
782 // Shut down the OLE libraries
783 OleUninitialize();
785 // Delete the application object
786 if (app)
788 delete app;
789 app = NULL;
792 // Delete the class factory
793 if (cf)
795 delete cf;
796 cf = NULL;
799 #endif /* FEAT_OLE */