Use TopfieldUSBEcode for received values too.
[MacTF.git] / UIElements.h
1 // MacTF Copyright 2004 Nathan Oates
3 /*
5 * This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published
7 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
8 * or (at your option) any later version.
10 * This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * Please refer to the GNU Public License for more details.
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with
16 * this source code; if not, write to:
17 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20 /* This file was modified by Kalle Olavi Niemitalo on 2007-10-18. */
22 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
23 #import "DataHandler.h"
24 #import "TFUSBController.h"
26 @interface UIElements : NSObject
28 IBOutlet id availSpaceField;
29 IBOutlet id freeSpaceField;
30 IBOutlet DataHandler* dh; //move
31 IBOutlet id tableView;// and this?
32 IBOutlet id statusField;
33 IBOutlet id progressBar;
34 IBOutlet id connectButton;
35 IBOutlet id connectLight;
36 IBOutlet id turboCB;
37 IBOutlet NSTextField* versionField;
38 IBOutlet NSWindow* mainWindow;
39 IBOutlet id prefsWindow;
40 IBOutlet id renameWindow;
41 IBOutlet id newFolderWindow;
42 IBOutlet id debugCB;
43 IBOutlet id altRateSlider;
44 IBOutlet id autoCB;
45 IBOutlet id preview;
46 IBOutlet id previewDrawer;
47 IBOutlet id progressTime;
48 IBOutlet id renameOld;
49 IBOutlet id renameNew;
50 IBOutlet id newFolderNew;
51 IBOutlet id downloadMenu;
52 IBOutlet id uploadMenu;
53 IBOutlet id renameMenu;
54 IBOutlet id deleteMenu;
55 IBOutlet id currentlyField;
56 IBOutlet id recName;
57 IBOutlet id recDuration;
58 IBOutlet id recDescription;
59 IBOutlet id recExtInfo;
60 IBOutlet id recStart;
61 IBOutlet id recChannel;
62 IBOutlet id drawerTabView;
63 IBOutlet id pathBar;
64 IBOutlet id pauseButton;
65 IBOutlet id searchField;
66 NSTableColumn* selectedColumn;
67 BOOL connected;
68 BOOL paused;
69 TFUSBController* tfusbc;
70 USBDeviceContext* context;
71 NSString* currentPath;
72 NSUserDefaults *prefs;
73 BOOL sortAscending;
74 NSString *highlightImageData;
75 NSImage *highlightImage;
77 - (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem*)anItem ;
78 - (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
79 - (void) setAvailableSpace:(NSData*) input ;
80 - (void) setFreeSpace: (NSData*) input ;
81 - (NSString*) prepForSizeDisplay:(NSData*) input;
82 - (IBAction) connect: (id) sender;
83 //- (IBAction) tempGoToPath: (id) sender;
84 - (int) goToPath:(NSString*) path;
85 - (void)doubleClick:(id)sender;
86 - (void) downloadFileDoubleClickThread:(NSDictionary*)fileInfo;
87 //- (void) updateHDDSize ;
88 - (NSString*) currentPath;
89 //- (IBAction) snapshot:(id) sender;
90 - (IBAction) downloadSelectedFile:(id)sender;
91 - (IBAction) uploadFile: (id) sender;
92 - (void) uploadPath:(NSString*) path toPath:(NSString*) toPath;
93 - (IBAction) toggleTurbo:(id)sender;
94 - (IBAction) toggleTurboCB:(id)sender;
95 - (IBAction) togglePreview:(id)sender;
96 //- (IBAction) epg:(id) sender;
97 - (void) finishTransfer;
98 - (IBAction)deleteFile:(id)sender;
99 - (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo;
100 - (IBAction)openPrefsSheet:(id)sender;
101 - (IBAction) mySheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo ;
102 - (IBAction)closePrefsSheet:(id)sender;
103 - (IBAction)openRenameSheet:(id)sender;
104 - (IBAction)closeRenameSheet:(id)sender;
105 - (IBAction)cancelRename:(id)sender;
106 - (IBAction)openNewFolderSheet:(id)sender;
107 - (IBAction)closeNewFolderSheet:(id)sender;
108 - (IBAction)cancelNewFolder:(id)sender;
109 - (IBAction)pathBarClick:(id)sender;
110 - (IBAction)pauseCurrentTransfer:(id)sender;
111 - (id) getTfusbc;
112 - (USBDeviceContext*) getContext;
113 - (NSNumber*) isConnected;
114 - (id) selectedColumn;
115 - (id) currentlyField;
116 - (id) connectLight;
118 //- (NSArray*) snapshotOfPath:(NSString*)path ;
120 @end