Rename use_cases/ folder to use_case/ to workaround
[GoMoku3D.git] / use_case / generation_settings
3   cpp_h_extension "h" cpp_src_extension "cpp" java_extension "java" php_extension "php" idl_extension "idl"
5   type_forms 15 // uml cpp java idl cpp_in cpp_out cpp_inout cpp_return
6     "void" "void" "void" "void" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type}" "${type}"
7     "any" "void *" "Object" "any" "const ${type}" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type}"
8     "bool" "bool" "boolean" "boolean" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
9     "char" "char" "char" "char" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
10     "uchar" "unsigned char" "char" "octet" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
11     "byte" "unsigned char" "byte" "octet" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
12     "short" "short" "short" "short" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
13     "ushort" "unsigned short" "short" "unsigned short" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
14     "int" "int" "int" "long" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
15     "uint" "unsigned int" "int" "unsigned long" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
16     "long" "long" "long" "long" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
17     "ulong" "unsigned long" "long" "unsigned long" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
18     "float" "float" "float" "float" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
19     "double" "double" "double" "double" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
20     "string" "string" "String" "string" "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}"
22   relations_stereotypes 4 // uml cpp java idl
23     "sequence" "vector" "Vector" "sequence"
24     "vector" "vector" "Vector" "sequence"
25     "list" "list" "Vector" "sequence"
26     "set" "set" "Vector" "sequence"
28   classes_stereotypes 13 // uml cpp java php idl
29     "class" "class" "class" "class" "valuetype"
30     "interface" "class" "interface" "interface" "interface"
31     "exception" "class" "class" "class" "exception"
32     "enum" "enum" "enum" "enum" "enum"
33     "enum_pattern" "enum" "enum_pattern" "enum" "enum"
34     "struct" "struct" "class" "class" "struct"
35     "union" "union" "class" "class" "union"
36     "typedef" "typedef" "ignored" "ignored" "typedef"
37     "boundary" "class" "class" "class" "interface"
38     "control" "class" "class" "class" "valuetype"
39     "entity" "class" "class" "class" "valuetype"
40     "actor" "ignored" "ignored" "ignored" "ignored"
41     "@interface" "ignored" "@interface" "ignored" "ignored"
43   cpp_enum_default_type_forms "${type}" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}" // in out inout return
44   other_cpp_types_default_type_forms "const ${type} &" "${type} &" "${type} &" "${type}" // in out inout return
46   cpp_default_h_content "#ifndef ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
47 #define ${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}_H
49 ${comment}
50 ${includes}
51 ${declarations}
52 ${namespace_start}
53 ${definition}
54 ${namespace_end}
55 #endif
57   cpp_default_src_content "${comment}
58 ${includes}
59 ${namespace_start}
60 ${members}
61 ${namespace_end}"
62   cpp_default_class_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
63 ${members}};
64 ${inlines}
66   cpp_default_external_class_decl "${name}
67 #include <${name}.h>
69   cpp_default_struct_decl "${comment}${template}struct ${name}${inherit} {
70 ${members}};
71 ${inlines}
73   cpp_default_union_decl "${comment}${template}union ${name} {
74 ${members}};
75 ${inlines}
77   cpp_default_enum_decl "${comment}enum ${name} {
78 ${items}
81   cpp_default_typedef_decl "${comment}typedef ${type} ${name};
83   cpp_default_attribute_declaration "    ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
84 " // multiplicity 1
85   "    ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${stereotype}<${type}> ${name}${value};
86 " // multiplicity * a..b
87   "    ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${multiplicity}${value};
88 " // multiplicity [..]
89   cpp_default_enum_item_declaration "  ${name}${value},${comment}"
90   cpp_association_aggregation_declaration
91     "    ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${value};
92 " // multiplicity 1
93     "    ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${stereotype}<${type} *> ${name}${value};
94 " // multiplicity * a..b
95     "    ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} * ${name}${multiplicity}${value};
96 " // multiplicity [..]
97   cpp_aggregation_by_value_declaration
98     "    ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${value};
99 " // multiplicity 1
100     "    ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${stereotype}<${type}> ${name}${value};
101 " // multiplicity * a..b
102     "    ${comment}${static}${mutable}${volatile}${const}${type} ${name}${multiplicity}${value};
103 " // multiplicity [..]
104   cpp_get "get_${name}" inline const value_const public
105   cpp_set "set_${name}" public
106   cpp_default_operation_declaration "    ${comment}${friend}${static}${inline}${virtual}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${abstract};
108   cpp_default_operation_definition "${comment}${inline}${type} ${class}::${name}${(}${)}${const}${volatile}${throw}${staticnl}{
109   ${body}}
111   java_default_src_content "${comment}
112 ${package}
113 ${imports}
114 ${definition}"
115   java_default_class_decl "${comment}${@}${visibility}${final}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} {
116 ${members}}
118   java_default_external_class_decl "${name}"
119   java_default_interface_decl "${comment}${@}${visibility}interface ${name}${extends} {
120 ${members}}
122   java5_default_enum_decl "${comment}${@}${visibility}${final}${abstract}enum ${name}${implements} {
123 ${items};
124 ${members}}
126   java_default_enum_decl "${comment}${@}${visibility}final class ${name} {
127 ${members}
128   private final int value;
130   public int value() {
131     return value;
132   }
134   public static ${name} fromInt(int value) {
135     switch (value) {
136 ${cases}    default: throw new Error();
137     }
139   }
140   private ${name}(int v) { value = v; };
143   java_default_attribute_declaration "  ${comment}${@}${visibility}${static}${final}${transient}${volatile}${type} ${name}${value};
144 " // multiplicity 1
145   "  ${comment}${@}${visibility}${static}${final}${transient}${volatile}${stereotype} ${name}${value};
146 " // multiplicity * a..b
147   "  ${comment}${@}${visibility}${static}${final}${transient}${volatile}${type}${multiplicity} ${name}${value};
148 " // multiplicity N
149   java5_default_enum_item_declaration "  ${@}${name}${value},${comment}"
150   java_default_enum_item_declaration "  ${comment}${@}public static final int _${name}${value};
151 public static final ${class} ${name} = new ${class}(_${name});
153   java_default_enum_case "    case _${name}: return ${name};
155   java_association_aggregation_declaration
156     "  ${comment}${@}${visibility}${static}${final}${transient}${volatile}${type} ${name}${value};
157 " // multiplicity 1
158     "  ${comment}${@}${visibility}${static}${final}${transient}${volatile}${stereotype} ${name}${value};
159 " // multiplicity * a..b
160     "  ${comment}${@}${visibility}${static}${final}${transient}${volatile}${type}${multiplicity} ${name}${value};
161 " // multiplicity N
162   java_get "get${Name}" final public
163   java_set "set${Name}" public
164   java_default_operation_definition "  ${comment}${@}${visibility}${final}${static}${abstract}${synchronized}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${throws}${staticnl}{
165   ${body}}
167   php_default_src_content "<?php
168 ${comment}
169 ${definition}
172   php_default_class_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} {
173 ${members}}
175   php_default_enum_decl "${comment}final ${visibility}class ${name} {
176 ${items}}
178   php_default_external_class_decl "${name}"
179   php_default_interface_decl "${comment}${visibility}interface ${name} {
180 ${members}}
182   php_default_attribute_declaration "  ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value};
184   php_default_enum_item_decl "  const ${name}${value};${comment}
186   php_default_relation_declaration"  ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value};
188   php_get "get${Name}" final
189   php_set "set${Name}"
190   php_default_operation_definition "  ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)}
192   ${body}}
194   idl_default_src_content "#ifndef ${MODULE}_${NAME}_H
195 #define ${MODULE}_${NAME}_H
197 ${comment}
198 ${includes}
199 ${module_start}
200 ${definition}
201 ${module_end}
202 #endif
204   idl_default_interface_decl "${comment}${abstract}${local}interface ${name}${inherit} {
205 ${members}};
207   idl_default_valuetype_decl "${comment}${abstract}${custom}valuetype ${name}${inherit} {
208 ${members}};
210   idl_default_struct_decl "${comment}struct ${name} {
211 ${members}};
213   idl_default_typedef_decl "${comment}typedef ${type} ${name};
215   idl_default_exception_decl "${comment}exception ${name} {
216 ${members}};
218   idl_default_union_decl "${comment}union ${name} switch(${switch}) {
219 ${members}};
221   idl_default_enum_decl "${comment}enum ${name} {
222 ${items}};
224   idl_default_external_class_decl "${name}
225 #include \"${name}.idl\"
227   idl_default_attribute_declaration "  ${comment}${readonly}${attribute}${type} ${name};
228 " // multiplicity 1
229   "  ${comment}${readonly}${attribute}${stereotype}<${type}> ${name};
230 " // multiplicity * a..b
231   "  ${comment}${readonly}${attribute}${stereotype}<${type},${multiplicity}> ${name};
232 " // multiplicity N
233   idl_default_valuetype_attribute_declaration "  ${comment}${visibility}${type} ${name};
234 " // multiplicity 1
235   "  ${comment}${visibility}${stereotype}<${type}> ${name};
236 " // multiplicity * a..b
237   "  ${comment}${visibility}${stereotype}<${type},${multiplicity}> ${name};
238 " // multiplicity N
239   idl_default_const_declaration "  ${comment}const ${type} ${name}${value};
240 " // multiplicity 1
241   "  ${comment}const ${stereotype}<${type}> ${name}${value};
242 " // multiplicity * a..b
243   "  ${comment}const ${stereotype}<${type},${multiplicity}> ${name}${value};
244 " // multiplicity N
245   idl_default_enum_item_declaration "  ${name},${comment}"
246   idl_default_union_item_declaration "  ${comment}case ${case} : ${readonly}${type} ${name};" // multiplicity 1
247   "  ${comment}case ${case} : ${readonly}${stereotype}<${type}> ${name};" // multiplicity * a..b
248   "  ${comment}case ${case} : ${readonly}${stereotype}<${type},${multiplicity}> ${name};" // multiplicity N
249   idl_association_aggregation_declaration
250     "  ${comment}${readonly}${attribute}${type} ${name};
251 " // multiplicity 1
252     "  ${comment}${readonly}${attribute}${stereotype}<${type}> ${name};
253 " // multiplicity * a..b
254     "  ${comment}${readonly}${attribute}${stereotype}<${type},${multiplicity}> ${name};
255 " // multiplicity N
256   idl_valuetype_association_aggregation_declaration
257     "  ${comment}${visibility}${type} ${name};
258 " // multiplicity 1
259     "  ${comment}${visibility}${stereotype}<${type}> ${name};
260 " // multiplicity * a..b
261     "  ${comment}${visibility}${stereotype}<${type},${multiplicity}> ${name};
262 " // multiplicity N
263   idl_union_association_aggregation_declaration
264     "  ${comment}case ${case} : ${readonly}${type} ${name};" // multiplicity 1
265     "  ${comment}case ${case} : ${readonly}${stereotype}<${type}> ${name};" // multiplicity * a..b
266     "  ${comment}case ${case} : ${readonly}${stereotype}<${type},${multiplicity}> ${name};" // multiplicity N
267   idl_get "get_${name}"
268   idl_set "set_${name}"  twoways
269   idl_default_operation_declaration "  ${comment}${oneway}${type} ${name}${(}${)}${raisesnl}${raises};
271   uml_get_name uml uml_set_name uml