Alternative packages for regression -- these are are part of the UI experiments tht...
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / clem / clem.asd
2 (in-package #:cl-user)
4 (defpackage #:clem-system (:use #:asdf #:cl))
5 (in-package #:clem-system)
7 (defsystem :clem
8   :name "clem"
9   :author "Cyrus Harmon <>"
10   :version #.(with-open-file
11                  (vers (merge-pathnames "version.lisp-expr" *load-truename*))
12                (read vers))
13   :licence "BSD"
14   :depends-on (ch-util)
15   :components
16   ((:static-file "version" :pathname #p"version.lisp-expr")
17    (:module
18     :src
19     :components
20     ((:cl-source-file "defpackage")
21      (:cl-source-file "metaclasses" :depends-on ("defpackage"))
22      (:cl-source-file "early-matrix" :depends-on ("defpackage" "metaclasses"))
23      (:cl-source-file "mref" :depends-on ("early-matrix"))
24      (:cl-source-file "macros" :depends-on ("defpackage" "metaclasses" "mref"))
25      (:cl-source-file "matrix-classes" :depends-on ("defpackage"
26                                                     "metaclasses"
27                                                     "mref"
28                                                     "macros"))
29      (:cl-source-file "matrix" :depends-on ("matrix-classes"))
30      (:cl-source-file "print" :depends-on ("matrix"))
31      (:cl-source-file "typed-matrix" :depends-on ("defpackage" "matrix"))
32      (:cl-source-file "mloop" :depends-on ("defpackage" "matrix"))
33      (:cl-source-file "defmatrix" :depends-on ("typed-matrix" "mref"))
34      (:cl-source-file "defmatrix-types" :depends-on ("defmatrix"))
35      (:cl-source-file "scalar" :depends-on ("matrix"))
36      (:cl-source-file "typed-matrix-utils" :depends-on ("typed-matrix"))
37      (:cl-source-file "vector" :depends-on ("matrix"))
38      (:cl-source-file "matrixops" :depends-on ("typed-matrix-utils"))
39      (:cl-source-file "interpolation" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
40      (:cl-source-file "transform" :depends-on ("matrix"
41                                                "defmatrix-types"
42                                                "interpolation"))
43      (:cl-source-file "extrema" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
44      (:cl-source-file "add" :depends-on ("matrix"
45                                          "defmatrix-types"
46                                          "scalar"
47                                          "mloop"
48                                          "mref" 
49                                          "vector"
50                                          "typed-matrix-utils"))
51      (:cl-source-file "subtr" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
52      (:cl-source-file "scale" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
53      (:cl-source-file "move" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
54      (:cl-source-file "sum" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
55      (:cl-source-file "arithmetic" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
56      (:cl-source-file "logical-operations" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
57      (:cl-source-file "abs" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
58      (:cl-source-file "normalize" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
59      (:cl-source-file "statistics" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
60      (:cl-source-file "exponential" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
62      (:module
63       :typed-ops
64       :components
65       ((:cl-source-file "defmatrix-equal")
66        (:cl-source-file "defmatrix-hprod")
67        (:cl-source-file "defmatrix-mult")
68        (:cl-source-file "defmatrix-mult-block")
69        (:cl-source-file "defmatrix-transform")
70        (:cl-source-file "defmatrix-scale")
71        (:cl-source-file "defmatrix-subset-matrix")
72        (:cl-source-file "defmatrix-convolve"))
73       :depends-on ("defmatrix-types"
74                    "matrix"
75                    "mloop"
76                    "scalar"
77                    "interpolation"
78                    "matrixops"
79                    "typed-matrix-utils"))))
80    (:static-file "bootstrap" :pathname #p"bootstrap.lisp")
81    (:static-file "COPYRIGHT")
82    (:static-file "NEWS")
83    (:static-file "ChangeLog")
84    (:static-file "README")
85    (:static-file "make-dist" :pathname #p"")))