first near final draft of talk -- just have to decide if I should include or exclude...
[CommonLispStat.git] / .gitignore
1 *~
2 *.fasl
3 semantic.cache
4 fasl
5 *.so
6 *.fas
7 *.lib
8 *.o
9 *.flc
10 *.x86f
11 test-results/
12 ASDF/*
13 external/*
15 BrentWork
16 .ditz-config
17 Doc/Rossini-RiceU-2009Mar.*
18 Doc/*.pdf
19 Doc/*/*.pdf
20 Doc/*/*.aux
21 Doc/*/*.nav
22 Doc/*/*.out
23 Doc/*/*.snm
24 Doc/*/*.toc
25 Doc/*/*.log
26 Doc/*/*.vrb