clean up to compile, but stil an error in the defproto calls that need to be caught.
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / clem / src / matrixops.lisp
1 ;;;
2 ;;; file:
3 ;;; author: cyrus harmon
4 ;;;
6 ;;;
7 ;;; 2004-05-07 - This class contains matrix operations such as
8 ;;; gaussian-blur, gradient, etc...
9 ;;;
10 ;;; Relies on the matrix package for matrix datatypes
11 ;;; and core functions such as discrete-convolve
12 ;;;
14 (in-package :clem)
17 ;;; discrete-convolve takes two matrices and returns
18 ;;; a new matrix which is the convolution of the two matrices.
19 ;;; To convolve, for each row,col of the matrix u, overlay matrix v
20 ;;; the current cell and take the sum of the product of all of the
21 ;;; u,v pairs. Note that v is rotated 180 degrees wrt u so that
22 ;;; if we are calculating the value of (1,1) in the convolution of
23 ;;; 3x3 matrices, the first number we would sum would be (0,0) x (2,2)
24 ;;; not (0,0) x (0,0)
26 ;;; discrete-convolve takes two matrices and returns
27 ;;; a new matrix which is the convolution of the two matrices.
28 ;;; To convolve, for each row,col of the matrix u, overlay matrix v
29 ;;; the current cell and take the sum of the product of all of the
30 ;;; u,v pairs. Note that v is rotated 180 degrees wrt u so that
31 ;;; if we are calculating the value of (1,1) in the convolution of
32 ;;; 3x3 matrices, the first number we would sum would be (0,0) x (2,2)
33 ;;; not (0,0) x (0,0)
36 (defgeneric discrete-convolve (u v &key truncate norm-v matrix-class))
38 (defmethod discrete-convolve ((u matrix) (v matrix)
39 &key (truncate nil) (norm-v t)
40 (matrix-class nil))
41 ;; (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)))
42 ;;; ur, uc, vr, vc are the number of rows and columns in u and v
43 (print 'unspecialized-discrete-convolve!)
44 (destructuring-bind (ur uc) (dim u)
45 (declare (dynamic-extent ur uc) (fixnum ur uc))
46 (destructuring-bind (vr vc) (dim v)
47 (declare (fixnum vr vc) (dynamic-extent vr vc))
48 ;;; need a new matrix z to hold the values of the convolved matrix
49 ;;; dim z should be dim u + dim v - 1
50 (let ((zr (+ ur vr (- 1)))
51 (zc (+ uc vc (- 1))))
52 (declare (fixnum zr zc) (dynamic-extent zr zc))
53 (unless matrix-class
54 (setf matrix-class (type-of u)))
55 (let ((z (make-instance matrix-class :rows zr :cols zc))
56 (vsum (sum v)))
57 (dotimes (i zr)
58 (let ((ustartr (max 0 (- i vr -1)))
59 (uendr (min (- ur 1) i))
60 (vstartr (- vr (max (- vr i) 1)))
61 (vendr (- vr (min (- zr i) vr))))
62 (dotimes (j zc)
63 (let ((ustartc (max 0 (- j vc -1)))
64 (uendc (min (- uc 1) j))
65 (vstartc (- vc (max (- vc j) 1)))
66 (vendc (- vc (min (- zc j) vc)))
67 (acc 0))
68 (let ((normval (if (and norm-v (or (not (= vendr vendc 0))
69 (< vstartr (- vr 1))
70 (< vstartc (- vc 1))))
71 (let ((rsum (sum-range v vendr vstartr vendc vstartc)))
72 (if (not (= rsum 0))
73 (/ vsum rsum)
74 0))
75 nil)))
76 (do ((urow ustartr (1+ urow))
77 (vrow vstartr (1- vrow)))
78 ((> urow uendr))
79 (declare (fixnum urow vrow))
80 (declare (dynamic-extent urow vrow))
81 (do ((ucol ustartc (1+ ucol))
82 (vcol vstartc (1- vcol)))
83 ((> ucol uendc))
84 (declare (fixnum ucol vcol))
85 (declare (dynamic-extent ucol vcol))
86 (let ((uv (val u urow ucol))
87 (vv (val v vrow vcol)))
88 (declare (dynamic-extent uv vv))
89 (incf acc (* uv vv))
90 )))
91 (if normval
92 (setf acc (fit-value (* acc normval) z)))
93 (if truncate
94 (set-val-fit z i j acc :truncate truncate)
95 (set-val z i j acc)))))))
96 z)))))
98 (defun gaussian-kernel (k sigma)
99 (let* ((d (1+ (* 2 k)))
100 (a (make-instance 'double-float-matrix :rows d :cols d))
101 (q (* 2 sigma sigma))
102 (z (/ (* pi q))))
103 (dotimes (i d)
104 (dotimes (j d)
105 (set-val a i j
106 (* (exp (- (/ (+ (* (- i k) (- i k))
107 (* (- j k) (- j k)))
108 q)))
109 z))))
110 (scalar-divide a (sum-range a 0 (- d 1) 0 (- d 1)))
114 (defun gaussian-kernel-1d (k sigma)
115 (let* ((d (1+ (* 2 k)))
116 (a (make-instance 'double-float-matrix :rows d :cols 1))
117 (q (* 2 sigma sigma))
118 (z (/ (* pi q))))
119 (dotimes (i d)
120 (set-val a i 0
121 (* (exp (- (/ (+ (* (- i k) (- i k))
122 (* (- i k) (- i k)))
123 q)))
124 z)))
125 (scalar-divide a (sum-range a 0 (- d 1) 0 0))
128 (defgeneric separable-discrete-convolve (m h1 h2 &key truncate norm-v))
130 (defmethod separable-discrete-convolve (m h1 h2 &key (truncate nil) (norm-v nil))
131 (let* ((m1 (discrete-convolve m h1 :truncate truncate :norm-v norm-v))
132 (m2 (discrete-convolve m1 h2 :truncate truncate :norm-v norm-v)))
133 m2))
135 (defun gaussian-blur (m &key (k 2) (sigma 1) (truncate nil))
136 (let* ((hr (gaussian-kernel-1d k sigma))
137 (hc (transpose hr)))
138 (separable-discrete-convolve m hr hc :truncate truncate)))
140 (defparameter *x-derivative-conv-matrix*
141 (transpose (array->sb8-matrix #2A((1 0 -1)(1 0 -1)(1 0 -1)))))
143 (defun x-derivative (m &key (matrix-class 'double-float-matrix) (truncate t))
144 (let ((m1 (copy-to-matrix-type m matrix-class))
145 (m2 (copy-to-matrix-type *x-derivative-conv-matrix* matrix-class)))
146 (mat-scale (discrete-convolve m1 m2
147 :truncate truncate :matrix-class matrix-class)
148 (/ 3))))
150 (defparameter *y-derivative-conv-matrix*
151 (array->sb8-matrix #2A((1 0 -1)(1 0 -1)(1 0 -1))))
153 (defun y-derivative (m &key (matrix-class 'double-float-matrix) (truncate t))
154 (mat-scale
155 (discrete-convolve (copy-to-matrix-type m matrix-class)
156 (copy-to-matrix-type *y-derivative-conv-matrix* matrix-class)
157 :truncate truncate :matrix-class matrix-class)
158 (/ 3)))
160 (defun gradmag (m &key (truncate nil))
161 (let ((xd (x-derivative m :truncate truncate))
162 (yd (y-derivative m :truncate truncate)))
163 (mat-square! xd)
164 (mat-square! yd)
165 (mat-sqrt! (mat-add xd yd :in-place t))))
167 (defun graddir (m &key (truncate nil))
168 (let ((xd (x-derivative m :truncate truncate))
169 (yd (y-derivative m :truncate truncate)))
170 (destructuring-bind (ur uc) (dim xd)
171 (dotimes (i ur)
172 (dotimes (j uc)
173 (set-val xd i j
174 (if (zerop (val yd i j))
175 (val yd i j)
176 (atan (/ (val xd i j) (val yd i j))))))))
177 xd))
179 (defparameter *laplacian-conv-matrix*
180 (array->sb8-matrix #2A((0 1 0)(1 -4 1)(0 1 0))))
182 (defun laplacian (m &key (matrix-class 'double-float-matrix) (truncate t))
183 (mat-scale
184 (discrete-convolve (copy-to-matrix-type m matrix-class)
185 (copy-to-matrix-type *laplacian-conv-matrix* matrix-class)
186 :truncate truncate :matrix-class matrix-class)
187 (/ 4)))
189 (defparameter *laplacian-conv-matrix-2*
190 (array->sb8-matrix #2A((0 0 1 0 0)
191 (0 0 0 0 0)
192 (1 0 -4 0 1)
193 (0 0 0 0 0)
194 (0 0 1 0 0))))
197 (defun laplacian-2 (m &key (matrix-class 'double-float-matrix) (truncate t))
198 (mat-scale
199 (discrete-convolve (copy-to-matrix-type m matrix-class)
200 (copy-to-matrix-type *laplacian-conv-matrix-2* matrix-class)
201 :truncate truncate :matrix-class matrix-class)
202 (/ 4)
203 :in-place t))
206 (defun variance-window (a &key (k 2))
207 (destructuring-bind (m n) (dim a)
208 (let ((zm (1- m))
209 (zn (1- n)))
210 (map-matrix-copy a #'(lambda (m i j) (variance-range
212 (max 0 (- i k))
213 (min zm (+ i k))
214 (max 0 (- j k))
215 (min zn (+ j k))))
216 :matrix-class 'double-float-matrix))))
218 (defun sample-variance-window (a &key (k 1) (truncate nil))
219 ;;; FIXME remove truncate, I think
220 (declare (ignore truncate))
221 (destructuring-bind (m n) (dim a)
222 (let ((zm (1- m))
223 (zn (1- n)))
224 (map-matrix-copy a #'(lambda (m i j) (sample-variance-range
226 (max 0 (- i k))
227 (min zm (+ i k))
228 (max 0 (- j k))
229 (min zn (+ j k))))))))
231 (defgeneric morphological-op (u v f))
232 (defmethod morphological-op ((u matrix) (v matrix) f)
233 ;;; ur, uc, vr, vc are the number of rows and columns in u and v
234 (destructuring-bind (ur uc) (dim u)
235 (destructuring-bind (vr vc) (dim v)
236 ;;; need a new matrix z to hold the values of the convolved matrix
237 ;;; dim z should be dim u + dim v - 1
238 (let ((zr (+ ur vr (- 1)))
239 (zc (+ uc vc (- 1))))
240 (let ((z (make-instance (class-of u) :rows zr :cols zc)))
241 (dotimes (i zr)
242 (let ((ustartr (max 0 (- i vr -1)))
243 (uendr (min (- ur 1) i))
244 (vstartr (- vr (max (- vr i) 1)))
245 ; (vendr (- vr (min (- zr i) vr)))
247 (dotimes (j zc)
248 (let ((ustartc (max 0 (- j vc -1)))
249 (uendc (min (- uc 1) j))
250 (vstartc (- vc (max (- vc j) 1)))
251 (acc '()))
252 ; (vendc (- vc (min (- zc j) vc))))
253 ; (print (list i j ";" ustartr uendr ";" ustartc uendc
254 ; ";" vstartr vendr ";" vstartc vendc))
255 (do ((urow ustartr (1+ urow))
256 (vrow vstartr (1- vrow)))
257 ((> urow uendr))
258 (do ((ucol ustartc (1+ ucol))
259 (vcol vstartc (1- vcol)))
260 ((> ucol uendc))
261 (setf acc (funcall f acc (val u urow ucol) (val v vrow vcol)))))
262 ; (setf acc (max acc (* (val u urow ucol) (val v vrow vcol))))))
263 (set-val-fit z i j acc)))))
264 z)))))
266 (defun separable-morphological-op (m h f)
267 (let ((rowstart (floor (/ (1- (rows h)) 2)))
268 (rowend (floor (/ (rows h) 2)))
269 (colstart (floor (/ (1- (cols h)) 2)))
270 (colend (floor (/ (cols h) 2))))
272 (declare (dynamic-extent rowstart rowend colstart colend)
273 (index-type rowstart rowend colstart colend))
275 (let ((h1 (subset-matrix h rowstart rowend 0 (1- (cols h))))
276 (h2 (subset-matrix h 0 (1- (rows h)) colstart colend)))
277 (let*
278 ((m1 (morphological-op m h1 f))
279 (m2 (morphological-op m1 h2 f)))
280 m2))))
282 (defgeneric dilate (u v))
283 (defmethod dilate ((u matrix) (v matrix))
284 (separable-morphological-op u v #'(lambda (acc uval vval)
285 (let ((opval (+ uval vval)))
286 (cond
287 ((null acc) opval)
288 (t (max acc opval)))))))
290 (defgeneric erode (u v))
291 (defmethod erode ((u matrix) (v matrix))
292 (separable-morphological-op u v #'(lambda (acc uval vval)
293 (let ((opval (- uval vval)))
294 (cond
295 ((null acc) opval)
296 (t (min acc opval)))))))
298 #+nil
299 (defmethod dilate-orig ((u matrix) r)
300 ;;; ur, uc, vr, vc are the number of rows and columns in u and v
301 (destructuring-bind (ur uc) (dim u)
302 (let ((z (make-instance (class-of u) :rows ur :cols uc)))
303 (dotimes (i ur)
304 (let ((ustartr (max 0 (- i r)))
305 (uendr (min (- ur 1) (+ i r))))
306 (dotimes (j uc)
307 (let ((ustartc (max 0 (- j r)))
308 (uendc (min (- uc 1) (+ j r)))
309 (max-val (val u i j)))
310 (do ((urow ustartr (1+ urow)))
311 ((> urow uendr))
312 (do ((ucol ustartc (1+ ucol)))
313 ((> ucol uendc))
314 (setf max-val (max max-val (val u urow ucol)))))
315 (set-val z i j max-val)))))
316 z)))
319 #+nil
320 (defmethod erode-orig ((u matrix) r)
321 ;;; ur, uc, vr, vc are the number of rows and columns in u and v
322 (destructuring-bind (ur uc) (dim u)
323 (let ((z (make-instance (class-of u) :rows ur :cols uc)))
324 (dotimes (i ur)
325 (let ((ustartr (max 0 (- i r)))
326 (uendr (min (- ur 1) (+ i r))))
327 (dotimes (j uc)
328 (let ((ustartc (max 0 (- j r)))
329 (uendc (min (- uc 1) (+ j r)))
330 (min-val (val u i j)))
331 (do ((urow ustartr (1+ urow)))
332 ((> urow uendr))
333 (do ((ucol ustartc (1+ ucol)))
334 ((> ucol uendc))
335 (setf min-val (min min-val (val u urow ucol)))))
336 (set-val z i j min-val)))))
337 z)))
339 (defgeneric threshold (u tval &key minval maxval))
340 (defmethod threshold ((u matrix) (tval number) &key (minval 0) (maxval 255))
341 (map-set-val-copy u #'(lambda (x) (if (> x tval)
342 maxval
343 minval))))
345 (defgeneric binary-threshold (u tval))
346 (defmethod binary-threshold ((u matrix) (tval number))
347 (destructuring-bind (rows cols)
348 (clem:dim u)
349 (let ((thresh (make-instance 'bit-matrix :rows (rows u) :cols (cols u))))
350 (dotimes (i rows)
351 (dotimes (j cols)
352 (setf (mref thresh i j)
353 (if (> (mref u i j) tval) 1 0))))
354 thresh)))
356 (defgeneric complement-matrix (u &key maxval))
357 (defmethod complement-matrix ((u matrix) &key (maxval (max-val u)))
358 (destructuring-bind (rows cols)
359 (clem:dim u)
360 (let ((comp (mat-copy-proto u)))
361 (dotimes (i rows)
362 (dotimes (j cols)
363 (setf (mref comp i j) (- maxval (mref u i j)))))
364 comp)))
366 (defun standard-deviation (&rest matrices)
367 (flet ((square (q)
368 (* q q)))
369 (when matrices
370 (let ((x (make-instance 'double-float-matrix
371 :rows (rows (car matrices))
372 :cols (cols (car matrices))))
373 (sd (make-instance 'double-float-matrix
374 :rows (rows (car matrices))
375 :cols (cols (car matrices))))
376 (n (length matrices)))
377 (dotimes (i (rows sd))
378 (dotimes (j (cols sd))
379 (loop for m in matrices
381 (incf (mref x i j) (mref m i j)))))
382 (mat-scale x (/ n) :in-place t)
383 (dotimes (i (rows sd))
384 (dotimes (j (cols sd))
385 (loop for m in matrices
387 (incf (mref sd i j) (square (- (mref m i j) (mref x i j)))))))
388 (mat-scale sd (/ (1- n)) :in-place t)
389 (mat-sqrt sd)))))
392 (defun matrix-means (&rest matrices)
393 (cond ((null matrices) nil)
394 ((= (length matrices) 1) (car matrices))
396 (when matrices
397 (let ((x (make-instance 'double-float-matrix
398 :rows (rows (car matrices))
399 :cols (cols (car matrices))))
400 (n (length matrices)))
401 (dotimes (i (rows x))
402 (dotimes (j (cols x))
403 (loop for m in matrices
405 (incf (mref x i j) (mref m i j)))))
406 (mat-scale x (/ n) :in-place t)
407 x)))))
409 (defun matrix-medians (matrices)
410 (cond ((null matrices) nil)
411 ((= (length matrices) 1) (car matrices))
413 (when matrices
414 (let ((x (make-instance 'double-float-matrix
415 :rows (rows (car matrices))
416 :cols (cols (car matrices)))))
417 (dotimes (i (rows x))
418 (dotimes (j (cols x))
419 (loop for m in matrices
420 with l
421 do (push (mref m i j) l)
422 finally (setf (mref x i j)
423 (coerce (ch-util::median l)
424 'double-float)))))
425 x)))))
427 (defgeneric matrix-l2-distance (b0 b1 &key dest))
429 ;; we could probably make this faster by passing in a double-float-matrix that we
430 ;; could use as a temporary destination matrix
431 (defmethod matrix-l2-distance ((b0 matrix) (b1 matrix) &key dest)
432 (declare (optimize (speed 3)
433 (safety 0)))
434 (let ((n (the fixnum (* (the fixnum (clem:rows b0)) (the fixnum (clem:cols b0))))))
435 (declare (type fixnum n))
437 ;; if we have a destination matrix, use it, otherwise we need to allocate one
438 (the double-float
439 (if dest
440 (clem:sum
441 (clem:mat-square!
442 (progn
443 (clem::matrix-move b0 dest)
444 (clem:mat-subtr dest b1 :in-place t)
445 dest)))
446 (clem:sum
447 (clem:mat-square
448 (clem::copy-to-double-float-matrix (clem:m- b0 b1))))))
449 n)))