import readme
[BS_AY250.git] / week5 /
1 '''
2 AY250 HW5 A
3 Build sqlite3 table of polls
4 Author: Bryan Steinbach
5 '''
7 import os
8 import sqlite3
10 rawfn = 'senate_polls.raw'
11 tablefn = 'poll'
13 if not os.path.exists(rawfn):
14 print "Error, missing file %s"%rawfn
15 exit(1)
17 if os.path.exists(tablefn):
18 os.remove(tablefn)
20 conn = sqlite3.connect('poll')
22 c = conn.cursor()
24 months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']
26 c.execute(''' create table polls
27 (state text, gop int, dem int, ind int, date1 text, date2 text, pollster text)''')
29 def format_date(month,day):
30 moni = months.index(month)+1
31 mons = str(moni)
32 if len(mons) == 1:
33 mons = '0'+mons
35 return '2010-'+mons+'-'+day
37 with open(rawfn) as f:
38 for line in f.readlines():
39 words = line.strip().split()
40 state,gop,dem,ind,mon1,day1,mon2,day2 = words[:8]
42 date1 = format_date(mon1,day1)
43 date2 = format_date(mon2,day2)
45 pollster = ' '.join(words[8:])
46 c.execute(''' insert into polls
47 values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ''',(state,gop,dem,ind,date1,date2,pollster))
49 conn.commit()
51 # sanity check
52 c.execute('select * from polls order by date1 desc')
53 for i in range(10):
54 print
56 c.close()