Added discussion feature to site.
[Assignment-Trapper.git] / login_forget.php
1 <?php
3 include("header.php");
4 include_once("conn.php");
6 if(isset($_GET["email"])){ $_GET["email"] = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["email"]); }
7 if(isset($_GET["reset_hash"])){ $_GET["reset_hash"] = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["reset_hash"]); }
8 if(isset($_POST["new_password_1"])){ $_POST["new_password_1"] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["new_password_1"]); }
9 if(isset($_POST["new_password_2"])){ $_POST["new_password_2"] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["new_password_2"]); }
11 $login_form = '
12 <form action="http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?email='.$_GET["email"].'&reset_hash='.$_GET["reset_hash"].'" method="post">
13 <center>
14 <table>
15 <tr><td>new password:</td><td><input name="new_password_1" type="password"></td></tr>
16 <tr><td>new password (again):</td><td><input name="new_password_2" type="password"></td></tr>
17 <tr><td><input type="submit" value="Update"/></td><td></td></tr>
18 </table><br>
19 </center>
20 </form>';
22 $passwd_req = '
23 <ol>
24 <li>Passwords below must match.</li>
25 <li>Must be at least 5 characters long.</li>
26 <li>Must contain at least one number and one letter.</li>
27 <li>Must be different original password.</li>
28 </ol>
31 if(isset($_GET["reset_hash"])) {
32 if(isset($_POST["new_password_1"]) && isset($_POST["new_password_2"])) {
33 if(strlen($_POST["new_password_1"]) < 5) {
34 echo $passwd_req;
35 echo $login_form;
36 exit();
38 if($_POST["new_password_1"] != $_POST["new_password_2"]){ // passwords not the same
39 echo '<br><br><b>Passwords Not The Same<br>Please Try Again</b><br><br>';
40 echo $login_form;
41 exit();
43 //if($_POST["new_password_1"]) // must contain a number
44 if(!preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]/', $_POST["new_password_1"])) {
45 echo "No Letter found in password!";
46 echo $passwd_req;
47 echo $login_form;
48 exit();
50 if(!preg_match('/[0-9]/', $_POST["new_password_1"])) {
51 echo "No Number found in password!";
52 echo $passwd_req;
53 echo $login_form;
54 exit();
56 $sql = 'update users set password = sha1("'.$_POST["new_password_1"].'") where email="'.$_GET["email"].'"';
57 $result = mysql_query($sql);
58 echo "Your Password Has Been Changed.<br><br><a href='login.php'>Click Here</a> to Login.";
59 exit();
60 } else {
61 $sql = 'select count(*) from users where email="'.$_GET["email"].'" and reset_hash="'.$_GET["reset_hash"].'"';
62 $result = mysql_query($sql);
63 $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
64 if($row[0] == 1) { // user and hash correct
65 echo '<br><br>Please Create A New Password</b><br><br>';
66 echo $login_form;
69 exit();
70 } else if(isset($_GET["email"])) {
71 // lookup message in users table
72 $sql ='select count(*) from users where email="'.$_GET["email"].'"';
73 $result = mysql_query($sql);
74 $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
75 if($row[0] >= 1) { // user found
76 // generating hash to send to user in an email at this address
77 $sql = 'select user_id, email, password, name, attempts, first_login, last_click, NOW() from users where email = "'.$_GET["email"].'"';
78 $result = mysql_query($sql);
79 $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
80 $sha = sha1($row[0].$row[1].$row[2].$row[3].$row[4].$row[5].$row[6].$row[7].microtime());
82 $sql = 'update users set reset_hash = "'.$sha.'" where email = "'.$_GET["email"].'"';
83 $result = mysql_query($sql);
85 $subject = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']." Password Assistance";
86 $message = "
87 A request has been made to reset the password for an account at this website.
89 Click the link below to reset your password.
91 http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]."?email=".$_GET["email"]."&reset_hash=".$sha."
93 If clicking the link does not allow you access, you should be able to copy an paste it into your browser.";
95 // WARNING: send message to user - do not display on screen
96 mail($_GET["email"], $subject, $message);
98 echo "A message sent to your e-mail address.<br><br>Please follow the directions contained inside to reset your password.";
99 exit();
100 } else {
103 <form action='login_forget.php' method="get">
104 <center>
105 Please enter your e-mail address for this account.<br><br><br>
106 We'll send you an e-mail with instructions on how to get logged in.<br><br><br>
107 e-mail:<input type="text" name="email"><br><br><br>
108 <button>Continue</button>
109 </center>
110 </form>
111 <?php
115 include_once("footer.php"); ?>