Remove some duplication in the Jebel Barkal template loading.
[0ad.git] / binaries / data / mods / public / maps / random / fields_of_meroe.js
1 Engine.LoadLibrary("rmgen");
2 Engine.LoadLibrary("rmgen-common");
3 Engine.LoadLibrary("rmbiome");
5 if (g_MapSettings.Biome)
6         setSelectedBiome();
7 else
8         setBiome("fields_of_meroe/dry");
10 const tMainDirt = g_Terrains.mainDirt;
11 const tSecondaryDirt = g_Terrains.secondaryDirt;
12 const tDirt = g_Terrains.dirt;
13 const tLush = "desert_grass_a";
14 const tSLush = "desert_grass_a_sand";
15 const tFarmland = "desert_farmland";
16 const tRoad = "savanna_tile_a";
17 const tRoadWild = "desert_city_tile";
18 const tRiverBank = "savanna_riparian_wet";
19 const tForestFloor = "savanna_forestfloor_b";
21 const oBush = g_Gaia.berry;
22 const oBaobab = "gaia/flora_tree_baobab";
23 const oAcacia = "gaia/flora_tree_acacia";
24 const oDatePalm = "gaia/flora_tree_date_palm";
25 const oSDatePalm = "gaia/flora_tree_cretan_date_palm_short";
26 const oGazelle = "gaia/fauna_gazelle";
27 const oGiraffe = "gaia/fauna_giraffe";
28 const oLion = "gaia/fauna_lion";
29 const oFish = "gaia/fauna_fish";
30 const oHawk = "gaia/fauna_hawk";
31 const oStoneSmall = "gaia/geology_stone_savanna_small";
32 const oMetalLarge = "gaia/geology_metal_savanna_slabs";
34 const oHouse = "structures/kush_house";
35 const oFarmstead = "structures/kush_farmstead";
36 const oField = "structures/kush_field";
37 const oPyramid = "structures/kush_pyramid_small";
38 const oPyramidLarge = "structures/kush_pyramid_large";
39 const oKushSoldiers = "units/kush_infantry_javelinist_merc_e";
41 const aRain = g_Decoratives.rain;
42 const aBushA = g_Decoratives.bushA;
43 const aBushB = g_Decoratives.bushB;
44 const aBushes = [aBushA, aBushB];
45 const aReeds = "actor|props/flora/reeds_pond_lush_a.xml";
46 const aRock = "actor|geology/stone_desert_med.xml";
48 const pForestP = [tForestFloor + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oAcacia, tForestFloor];
50 const heightSeaGround = g_Heights.seaGround;
51 const heightReedsDepth = -2.5;
52 const heightShore = 1;
53 const heightLand = 2;
54 const heightDunes = 11;
55 const heightOffsetBump = 1.4;
57 const g_Map = new RandomMap(heightLand, tMainDirt);
59 const numPlayers = getNumPlayers();
60 const mapCenter = g_Map.getCenter();
61 const mapBounds = g_Map.getBounds();
63 var clPlayer = g_Map.createTileClass();
64 var clKushiteVillages = g_Map.createTileClass();
65 var clRiver = g_Map.createTileClass();
66 var clShore = g_Map.createTileClass();
67 var clDunes = g_Map.createTileClass();
68 var clForest = g_Map.createTileClass();
69 var clRock = g_Map.createTileClass();
70 var clMetal = g_Map.createTileClass();
71 var clFood = g_Map.createTileClass();
72 var clBaseResource = g_Map.createTileClass();
73 var clRain = g_Map.createTileClass();
75 var kushVillageBuildings = {
76         "houseA": { "template": oHouse, "offset": new Vector2D(5, 5) },
77         "houseB": { "template": oHouse, "offset": new Vector2D(5, 0) },
78         "houseC": { "template": oHouse, "offset": new Vector2D(5, -5) },
79         "farmstead": { "template": oFarmstead, "offset": new Vector2D(-5, 0) },
80         "fieldA": { "template": oField, "offset": new Vector2D(-5, 5) },
81         "fieldB": { "template": oField, "offset": new Vector2D(-5, -5) },
82         "pyramid": { "template": oPyramid, "offset": new Vector2D(0, -5) }
85 const riverTextures = [
86         {
87                 "left": fractionToTiles(0),
88                 "right": fractionToTiles(0.04),
89                 "terrain": tLush,
90                 "tileClass": clShore
91         },
92         {
93                 "left": fractionToTiles(0.04),
94                 "right": fractionToTiles(0.06),
95                 "terrain": tSLush,
96                 "tileClass": clShore
97         }
100 const riverAngle = Math.PI/5;
102 paintRiver({
103         "parallel": false,
104         "start": new Vector2D(fractionToTiles(0.25),, mapCenter),
105         "end": new Vector2D(fractionToTiles(0.25), mapBounds.bottom).rotateAround(riverAngle, mapCenter),
106         "width": scaleByMapSize(12, 36),
107         "fadeDist": scaleByMapSize(3, 12),
108         "deviation": 1,
109         "heightRiverbed": heightSeaGround,
110         "heightLand": heightShore,
111         "meanderShort": 14,
112         "meanderLong": 18,
113         "waterFunc": (position, height, z) => {
114                 clRiver.add(position);
115                 createTerrain(tRiverBank).place(position);
116         },
117         "landFunc": (position, shoreDist1, shoreDist2) => {
118                 for (let riv of riverTextures)
119                         if (riv.left < +shoreDist1 && +shoreDist1 < riv.right || riv.left < -shoreDist2 && -shoreDist2 < riv.right)
120                                 {
121                                         riv.tileClass.add(position);
122                                         if (riv.terrain)
123                                                 createTerrain(riv.terrain).place(position);
124                                 }
125         }
127 Engine.SetProgress(10);
129 var [playerIDs, playerPosition] = playerPlacementRandom(sortAllPlayers(), avoidClasses(clRiver, 15, clPlayer, 30));
130 placePlayerBases({
131         "PlayerPlacement": [playerIDs, playerPosition],
132         "BaseResourceClass": clBaseResource,
133         "CityPatch": {
134                 "outerTerrain": tRoadWild,
135                 "innerTerrain": tRoad,
136                 "radius": 10,
137                 "width": 3,
138                 "painters": [new TileClassPainter(clPlayer)]
139         },
140         "Chicken": {
141         },
142         "Berries": {
143                 "template": oBush
144         },
145         "Mines": {
146                 "types": [
147                         { "template": oMetalLarge },
148                         {
149                                 "type": "stone_formation",
150                                 "template": oStoneSmall,
151                                 "terrain": tSecondaryDirt
152                         }
153                 ],
154                 "groupElements": [new RandomObject(aBushes, 2, 4, 2, 3)]
155         },
156         "Trees": {
157                 "template": pickRandom([oBaobab, oAcacia]),
158                 "count": 3
159         }
161 Engine.SetProgress(15);
163 g_Map.log("Getting random coordinates for Kushite settlements");
164 var kushiteTownPositions = [];
165 for (let retryCount = 0; retryCount < scaleByMapSize(3, 10); ++retryCount)
167         let coordinate = g_Map.randomCoordinate(true);
168         if (new AndConstraint(avoidClasses(clPlayer, 40, clForest, 5, clKushiteVillages, 50, clRiver, 10)).allows(coordinate))
169         {
170                 kushiteTownPositions.push(coordinate);
171                 createArea(
172                         new ClumpPlacer(40, 0.6, 0.3, Infinity, coordinate),
173                         [
174                                 new TerrainPainter(tRoad),
175                                 new TileClassPainter(clKushiteVillages)
176                         ]);
177         }
180 g_Map.log("Placing the Kushite buildings");
181 for (let coordinate of kushiteTownPositions)
183         for (let building in kushVillageBuildings)
184                 g_Map.placeEntityPassable(kushVillageBuildings[building].template, 0, Vector2D.add(coordinate, kushVillageBuildings[building].offset), Math.PI);
186         createObjectGroup(new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oKushSoldiers, 5, 7, 1, 2)], true, clKushiteVillages, coordinate), 0);
189 g_Map.log("Creating kushite pyramids");
190 createObjectGroups(
191         new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oPyramidLarge, 1, 1, 0, 1)], true, clKushiteVillages),
192         0,
193         avoidClasses(clPlayer, 20, clForest, 5, clKushiteVillages, 30, clRiver, 10),
194         scaleByMapSize(1, 7),
195         200);
196 Engine.SetProgress(20);
198 g_Map.log("Creating bumps");
199 createAreas(
200         new ClumpPlacer(scaleByMapSize(20, 50), 0.3, 0.06, 1),
201         new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_MODIFY, heightOffsetBump, 2),
202         new StaticConstraint(avoidClasses(clPlayer, 5, clKushiteVillages, 10, clRiver, 20)),
203         scaleByMapSize(300, 800));
205 g_Map.log("Creating dunes");
206 createAreas(
207         new ChainPlacer(1, Math.floor(scaleByMapSize(4, 6)), Math.floor(scaleByMapSize(5, 15)), 0.5),
208         [
209                 new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_SET, heightDunes, 2),
210                 new TileClassPainter(clDunes)
211         ],
212         avoidClasses(clPlayer, 3, clRiver, 20, clDunes, 10, clKushiteVillages, 10),
213         scaleByMapSize(1, 3) * numPlayers * 3);
215 Engine.SetProgress(25);
217 var [forestTrees, stragglerTrees] = getTreeCounts(400, 2000, 0.7);
218 createForests(
219         [tMainDirt[0], tForestFloor, tForestFloor, pForestP, pForestP],
220         avoidClasses(clPlayer, 20, clForest, 20, clDunes, 2, clRiver, 20, clKushiteVillages, 10),
221         clForest,
222         forestTrees);
223 Engine.SetProgress(40);
225 g_Map.log("Creating dirt patches");
226 for (let size of [scaleByMapSize(3, 6), scaleByMapSize(5, 10), scaleByMapSize(8, 21)])
227         createAreas(
228                 new ChainPlacer(1, Math.floor(scaleByMapSize(3, 5)), size, 0.5),
229                 new LayeredPainter([tSecondaryDirt, tDirt], [1]),
230                 avoidClasses(clDunes, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 5, clRiver, 10),
231                 scaleByMapSize(50, 90));
233 g_Map.log("Creating patches of farmland");
234 for (let size of [scaleByMapSize(30, 40), scaleByMapSize(35, 50)])
235         createAreas(
236                 new ClumpPlacer(size, 0.4, 0.6),
237                 new TerrainPainter(tFarmland),
238                 avoidClasses(clDunes, 3, clForest, 3, clPlayer, 5, clKushiteVillages, 5, clRiver, 10),
239                 scaleByMapSize(1, 10));
240 Engine.SetProgress(60);
242 g_Map.log("Creating stone mines");
243 createObjectGroups(
244         new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oStoneSmall, 1, 1, 0, 4), new RandomObject(aBushes, 2, 4, 0, 2)], true, clRock),
245         0,
246         [avoidClasses(clForest, 1, clPlayer, 10, clRock, 10, clDunes, 1, clRiver, 15, clKushiteVillages, 10)],
247         scaleByMapSize(2, 8),
248         100);
250 g_Map.log("Creating small stone quarries");
251 createObjectGroups(
252         new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oStoneSmall, 2, 5, 1, 3), new RandomObject(aBushes, 2, 4, 0, 2)], true, clRock),
253         0,
254         [avoidClasses(clForest, 1, clPlayer, 10, clRock, 10, clDunes, 1, clRiver, 15, clKushiteVillages, 10)],
255         scaleByMapSize(2, 8),
256         100);
258 g_Map.log("Creating metal mines");
259 createObjectGroups(
260         new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oMetalLarge, 1, 1, 0, 4), new RandomObject(aBushes, 2, 4, 0, 2)], true, clMetal),
261         0,
262         [avoidClasses(clForest, 1, clPlayer, 10, clMetal, 10, clRock, 5, clDunes, 1, clRiver, 15, clKushiteVillages, 10)],
263         scaleByMapSize(2, 8),
264         100);
265 Engine.SetProgress(70);
267 g_Map.log("Creating gazelle");
268 createObjectGroups(
269         new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oGazelle, 4, 6, 1, 4)], true, clFood),
270         0,
271         avoidClasses(clForest, 0, clKushiteVillages, 10, clPlayer, 5, clDunes, 1, clFood, 25, clRiver, 2),
272         2 * numPlayers,
273         50);
275 g_Map.log("Creating giraffe");
276 createObjectGroups(
277         new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oGiraffe, 4, 6, 1, 4)], true, clFood),
278         0,
279         avoidClasses(clForest, 0, clKushiteVillages, 10, clPlayer, 5, clDunes, 1, clFood, 25, clRiver, 2),
280         2 * numPlayers,
281         50);
283 g_Map.log("Creating lions");
284 if (!isNomad())
285         createObjectGroups(
286                 new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oLion, 2, 3, 0, 2)], true, clFood),
287                 0,
288                 avoidClasses(clForest, 0, clKushiteVillages, 10, clPlayer, 5, clDunes, 1, clFood, 25, clRiver, 2),
289                 3 * numPlayers,
290                 50);
292 g_Map.log("Creating hawk");
293 for (let i = 0; i < scaleByMapSize(1, 3); ++i)
294         g_Map.placeEntityAnywhere(oHawk, 0, mapCenter, randomAngle());
296 g_Map.log("Creating fish");
297 createObjectGroups(
298         new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oFish, 1, 2, 0, 1)], true, clFood),
299         0,
300         [stayClasses(clRiver, 4), avoidClasses(clFood, 16)],
301         scaleByMapSize(15, 80),
302         50);
303 Engine.SetProgress(80);
305 createStragglerTrees(
306         [oBaobab, oAcacia],
307         avoidClasses(clForest, 3, clFood, 1, clDunes, 1, clPlayer, 1, clMetal, 6, clRock, 6, clRiver, 15, clKushiteVillages, 15),
308         clForest,
309         stragglerTrees);
311 createStragglerTrees(
312         [oBaobab, oAcacia],
313         avoidClasses(clForest, 1, clFood, 1, clDunes, 3, clPlayer, 1, clMetal, 6, clRock, 6, clRiver, 15, clKushiteVillages, 15),
314         clForest,
315         stragglerTrees * (isNomad() ? 3 : 1));
317 createStragglerTrees(
318         [oDatePalm, oSDatePalm],
319         [avoidClasses(clPlayer, 5, clFood, 1), stayClasses(clShore, 2)],
320         clForest,
321         stragglerTrees * 10);
323 Engine.SetProgress(90);
325 g_Map.log("Creating reeds on the shore.");
326 createObjectGroups(
327         new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(aReeds, 3, 5, 0, 1)], true),
328         0,
329         new HeightConstraint(heightReedsDepth, heightShore),
330         scaleByMapSize(500, 1000),
331         50);
333 g_Map.log("Creating small decorative rocks");
334 createObjectGroups(
335         new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(aRock, 1, 3, 0, 1)], true),
336         0,
337         avoidClasses(clForest, 0, clPlayer, 0, clDunes, 0),
338         scaleByMapSize(16, 262),
339         50);
341 g_Map.log("Creating bushes");
342 createObjectGroups(
343         new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(aBushB, 1, 2, 0, 1), new SimpleObject(aBushA, 1, 3, 0, 2)], true),
344         0,
345         avoidClasses(clForest, 0, clPlayer, 0, clDunes, 0, clRiver, 15),
346         scaleByMapSize(50, 500),
347         50);
348 Engine.SetProgress(95);
350 g_Map.log("Creating rain drops");
351 if (aRain)
352         createObjectGroups(
353                 new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(aRain, 1, 1, 1, 4)], true, clRain),
354                 0,
355                 avoidClasses(clRain, 5),
356                 scaleByMapSize(60, 200));
357 Engine.SetProgress(98);
359 placePlayersNomad(clPlayer, avoidClasses(clForest, 1, clKushiteVillages, 18, clMetal, 4, clRock, 4, clDunes, 4, clFood, 2, clRiver, 5));
361 setSunElevation(Math.PI / 8);
362 setSunRotation(randomAngle());
363 setSunColor(0.746, 0.718, 0.539);
364 setWaterColor(0.292, 0.347, 0.691);
365 setWaterTint(0.550, 0.543, 0.437);
367 setFogColor(0.8, 0.76, 0.61);
368 setFogThickness(0.2);
369 setFogFactor(0.2);
371 setPPEffect("hdr");
372 setPPContrast(0.65);
373 setPPSaturation(0.42);
374 setPPBloom(0.6);
376 g_Map.ExportMap();