descriptionWrigit helps you create and manage your weblog and other static pages. It also supports a sane search facility that obviates tag/ and archives/ views.
homepage URL
last changeMon, 24 Dec 2007 09:26:00 +0000 (24 14:56 +0530)
content tags

:Date: 2007-12-18

Wrigit helps you create and manage your weblog and other static pages. It (will)
also supports a sane search facility that obviates tag/ and archives/ views.

Getting Started


  $ sudo easy_install docutils Mako Pygments ConfigObj
  $ git clone
  $ cd wrigit
  $ ./ --help
  $ ./ --conf example/conf
  $ /usr/sbin/thttpd -p 8080 -d example/
  $ firefox http://localhost:8080/

The following features are supported,

  - ReStructuredText
  - for comments
  - Syntax highlighting using Pygments
  - default command-line options in configuration file
  - ATOM and feedburner
  - Google Analytics
The following features are planned,

  - Paging (next/prev)
  - Search (by tags, date)
  - ...
2007-12-24 Sridhar RatnakumarGoogle analytics in READMEmaster
2007-12-24 Sridhar RatnakumarConfigObj dependency added to README (thanks Anand...
2007-12-23 Sridhar Ratnakumarsupport for google-analytics
2007-12-20 Sridhar Ratnakumarfeedburner support
2007-12-20 Sridhar Ratnakumarfix atom.xml entries order
2007-12-20 Sridhar RatnakumarATOM feed (almost) fully implemented
2007-12-20 Sridhar Ratnakumarmarry util.make and util.mako => excellent hack
2007-12-20 Sridhar Ratnakumaratom-xml partial support
2007-12-20 Sridhar Ratnakumarfix in parsing template variables
2007-12-20 Sridhar Ratnakumarconfiguration file support
2007-12-18 Sridhar Ratnakumarfix <h2> tag ending with </h1> - thanks to pbx@#django
2007-12-17 Sridhar RatnakumarREADME typos
2007-12-17 Sridhar Ratnakumarfix make: exception when target does not exist
2007-12-17 Sridhar RatnakumarREADME is now informative to help you get started with...
2007-12-17 Sridhar Ratnakumarsupport --disqus-forum option
2007-12-17 Sridhar Ratnakumardisqus comments count
16 years ago master