[xuriella.git] / xslt.lisp
1 ;;; -*- show-trailing-whitespace: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
3 ;;; Copyright (c) 2007,2008 David Lichteblau, Ivan Shvedunov.
4 ;;; All rights reserved.
6 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
8 ;;; are met:
9 ;;;
10 ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
11 ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
12 ;;;
13 ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
14 ;;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
15 ;;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
16 ;;; provided with the distribution.
17 ;;;
30 (in-package :xuriella)
32 #+sbcl
33 (declaim (optimize (debug 2)))
36 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
37 (defvar *xsl* "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform")
38 (defvar *xml* "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")
39 (defvar *html* "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"))
42 ;;;; XSLT-ERROR
44 (define-condition xslt-error (simple-error)
46 (:documentation "The class of all XSLT errors."))
48 (define-condition recoverable-xslt-error (xslt-error)
50 (:documentation "The class of recoverable XSLT errors."))
52 (defun xslt-error (fmt &rest args)
53 "@unexport{}"
54 (error 'xslt-error :format-control fmt :format-arguments args))
56 ;; Many errors in XSLT are "recoverable", with a specified action that must
57 ;; be taken if the error isn't raised. My original plan was to implement
58 ;; such issues as continuable conditions, so that users are alerted about
59 ;; portability issues with their stylesheet, but can contiue anyway.
61 ;; However, our current test suite driver compares against Saxon results,
62 ;; and Saxon recovers (nearly) always. So our coverage of these errors
63 ;; is very incomplete.
65 ;; Re-enable this code once we can check that it's actually being used
66 ;; everywhere.
67 (defun xslt-cerror (fmt &rest args)
68 (declare (ignore fmt args))
69 #+(or)
70 (with-simple-restart (recover "recover")
71 (error 'recoverable-xslt-error
72 :format-control fmt
73 :format-arguments args)))
75 (defvar *debug* nil)
77 (defmacro handler-case* (form &rest clauses)
78 ;; like HANDLER-CASE if *DEBUG* is off. If it's on, don't establish
79 ;; a handler at all so that we see the real stack traces. (We could use
80 ;; HANDLER-BIND here and check at signalling time, but doesn't seem
81 ;; important.)
82 (let ((doit (gensym)))
83 `(flet ((,doit () ,form))
84 (if *debug*
85 (,doit)
86 (handler-case
87 (,doit)
88 ,@clauses)))))
90 (defmacro with-resignalled-errors ((&optional) &body body)
91 `(invoke-with-resignalled-errors (lambda () ,@body)))
93 (defun invoke-with-resignalled-errors (fn)
94 (handler-bind
95 ((xpath:xpath-error
96 (lambda (c)
97 (xslt-error "~A" c)))
98 (babel-encodings:character-encoding-error
99 (lambda (c)
100 (xslt-error "~A" c))))
101 (funcall fn)))
103 (defmacro with-forward-compatible-errors (error-form &body body)
104 `(invoke-with-forward-compatible-errors (lambda () ,@body)
105 (lambda () ,error-form)))
107 (defvar *forwards-compatible-p*)
109 (defun invoke-with-forward-compatible-errors (fn error-fn)
110 (let ((result))
111 (tagbody
112 (handler-bind
113 ((xpath:xpath-error
114 (lambda (c)
115 (declare (ignore c))
116 (when *forwards-compatible-p*
117 (go error)))))
118 (setf result (funcall fn)))
119 (go done)
120 error
121 (setf result (funcall error-fn))
122 done)
123 result))
125 (defun compile-xpath (xpath &optional env)
126 (with-resignalled-errors ()
127 (with-forward-compatible-errors
128 (lambda (ctx)
129 (xslt-error "attempt to evaluate an XPath expression with compile-time errors, delayed due to forwards compatible processing: ~A"
130 xpath))
131 (xpath:compile-xpath xpath env))))
133 (defmacro with-stack-limit ((&optional) &body body)
134 `(invoke-with-stack-limit (lambda () ,@body)))
136 (defparameter *without-xslt-current-p* nil)
138 (defmacro without-xslt-current ((&optional) &body body)
139 `(invoke-without-xslt-current (lambda () ,@body)))
141 (defun invoke-without-xslt-current (fn)
142 (let ((*without-xslt-current-p* t))
143 (funcall fn)))
145 ;;; (defun invoke-without-xslt-current (fn)
146 ;;; (let ((non-extensions (gethash "" xpath::*extensions*))
147 ;;; (xpath::*extensions*
148 ;;; ;; hide XSLT extensions
149 ;;; (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
150 ;;; (setf (gethash "" xpath::*extensions*) non-extensions)
151 ;;; (funcall fn)))
153 (defstruct profile-counter calls run real)
155 (defvar *apply-stylesheet-counter* (make-profile-counter))
156 (defvar *parse-stylesheet-counter* (make-profile-counter))
157 (defvar *parse-xml-counter* (make-profile-counter))
158 (defvar *unparse-xml-counter* (make-profile-counter))
160 (defmacro with-profile-counter ((var) &body body)
161 `((lambda (fn)
162 (if (and *profiling-enabled-p* ,var)
163 (invoke-with-profile-counter fn ,var)
164 (funcall fn)))
165 (lambda () ,@body)))
168 ;;;; Helper functions and macros
170 (defun check-for-invalid-attributes (valid-names node)
171 (labels ((check-attribute (a)
172 (unless
173 (let ((uri (stp:namespace-uri a)))
174 (or (and (plusp (length uri)) (not (equal uri *xsl*)))
175 (find (cons (stp:local-name a) uri)
176 valid-names
177 :test #'equal)))
178 (xslt-error "attribute ~A not allowed on ~A"
179 (stp:local-name a)
180 (stp:local-name node)))))
181 (stp:map-attributes nil #'check-attribute node)))
183 (defmacro only-with-attributes ((&rest specs) node &body body)
184 (let ((valid-names
185 (mapcar (lambda (entry)
186 (if (and (listp entry) (cdr entry))
187 (destructuring-bind (name &optional (uri ""))
188 (cdr entry)
189 (cons name uri))
190 (cons (string-downcase
191 (princ-to-string
192 (symbol-name entry)))
193 "")))
194 specs))
195 (%node (gensym)))
196 `(let ((,%NODE ,node))
197 (check-for-invalid-attributes ',valid-names ,%NODE)
198 (stp:with-attributes ,specs ,%NODE
199 ,@body))))
201 (defun map-pipe-eagerly (fn pipe)
202 (xpath::enumerate pipe :key fn :result nil))
204 (defmacro do-pipe ((var pipe &optional result) &body body)
205 `(block nil
206 (map-pipe-eagerly #'(lambda (,var) ,@body) ,pipe)
207 ,result))
212 (defparameter *initial-namespaces*
213 '((nil . "")
214 ("xmlns" . #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
215 ("xml" . #"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")))
217 (defparameter *namespaces*
218 *initial-namespaces*)
220 (defvar *global-variable-declarations*)
221 (defvar *lexical-variable-declarations*)
223 (defvar *global-variable-values*)
224 (defvar *lexical-variable-values*)
226 (defclass xslt-environment () ())
228 (defun split-qname (str)
229 (handler-case
230 (multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name)
231 (cxml::split-qname str)
232 (unless
233 ;; FIXME: cxml should really offer a function that does
234 ;; checks for NCName and QName in a sensible way for user code.
235 ;; cxml::split-qname is tailored to the needs of the parser.
237 ;; For now, let's just check the syntax explicitly.
238 (and (or (null prefix) (xpath::nc-name-p prefix))
239 (xpath::nc-name-p local-name))
240 (xslt-error "not a qname: ~A" str))
241 (values prefix local-name))
242 (cxml:well-formedness-violation ()
243 (xslt-error "not a qname: ~A" str))))
245 (defun decode-qname (qname env attributep &key allow-unknown-namespace)
246 (unless qname
247 (xslt-error "missing name"))
248 (multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name)
249 (split-qname qname)
250 (values local-name
251 (if (or prefix (not attributep))
252 (or (xpath-sys:environment-find-namespace env (or prefix ""))
253 (if allow-unknown-namespace
255 (xslt-error "namespace not found: ~A" prefix)))
257 prefix)))
259 (defmethod xpath-sys:environment-find-namespace ((env xslt-environment) prefix)
260 (or (cdr (assoc prefix *namespaces* :test 'equal))
261 ;; zzz gross hack.
262 ;; Change the entire code base to represent "no prefix" as the
263 ;; empty string consistently. unparse.lisp has already been changed.
264 (and (equal prefix "")
265 (cdr (assoc nil *namespaces* :test 'equal)))
266 (and (eql prefix nil)
267 (cdr (assoc "" *namespaces* :test 'equal)))))
269 (defun find-variable-index (local-name uri table)
270 (position (cons local-name uri) table :test 'equal))
272 (defun intern-global-variable (local-name uri)
273 (or (find-variable-index local-name uri *global-variable-declarations*)
274 (push-variable local-name uri *global-variable-declarations*)))
276 (defun push-variable (local-name uri table)
277 (prog1
278 (length table)
279 (vector-push-extend (cons local-name uri) table)))
281 (defun lexical-variable-value (index &optional (errorp t))
282 (let ((result (svref *lexical-variable-values* index)))
283 (when errorp
284 (assert (not (eq result 'unbound))))
285 result))
287 (defun (setf lexical-variable-value) (newval index)
288 (assert (not (eq newval 'unbound)))
289 (setf (svref *lexical-variable-values* index) newval))
291 (defun global-variable-value (index &optional (errorp t))
292 (let ((result (svref *global-variable-values* index)))
293 (when errorp
294 (assert (not (eq result 'unbound))))
295 result))
297 (defun (setf global-variable-value) (newval index)
298 (assert (not (eq newval 'unbound)))
299 (setf (svref *global-variable-values* index) newval))
301 (defmethod xpath-sys:environment-find-function
302 ((env xslt-environment) lname uri)
303 (or (if (string= uri "")
304 (or (xpath-sys:find-xpath-function lname *xsl*)
305 (xpath-sys:find-xpath-function lname uri))
306 (xpath-sys:find-xpath-function lname uri))
307 (when *forwards-compatible-p*
308 (lambda (&rest ignore)
309 (declare (ignore ignore))
310 (xslt-error "attempt to call an unknown XPath function (~A); error delayed until run-time due to forwards compatible processing"
311 lname)))))
313 (defmethod xpath-sys:environment-find-variable
314 ((env xslt-environment) lname uri)
315 (let ((index
316 (find-variable-index lname uri *lexical-variable-declarations*)))
317 (when index
318 (lambda (ctx)
319 (declare (ignore ctx))
320 (svref *lexical-variable-values* index)))))
322 (defclass lexical-xslt-environment (xslt-environment) ())
324 (defmethod xpath-sys:environment-find-variable
325 ((env lexical-xslt-environment) lname uri)
326 (or (call-next-method)
327 (let ((index
328 (find-variable-index lname uri *global-variable-declarations*)))
329 (when index
330 (xslt-trace-thunk
331 (lambda (ctx)
332 (declare (ignore ctx))
333 (svref *global-variable-values* index))
334 "global ~s (uri ~s) = ~s" lname uri :result)))))
336 (defclass key-environment (xslt-environment) ())
338 (defmethod xpath-sys:environment-find-variable
339 ((env key-environment) lname uri)
340 (declare (ignore lname uri))
341 (xslt-error "disallowed variable reference"))
343 (defclass global-variable-environment (xslt-environment)
344 ((initial-global-variable-thunks
345 :initarg :initial-global-variable-thunks
346 :accessor initial-global-variable-thunks)))
348 (defmethod xpath-sys:environment-find-variable
349 ((env global-variable-environment) lname uri)
350 (or (call-next-method)
351 (gethash (cons lname uri) (initial-global-variable-thunks env))))
355 ;;;;
356 ;;;; A sink that serializes only text not contained in any element.
358 (defmacro with-toplevel-text-output-sink ((var) &body body)
359 `(invoke-with-toplevel-text-output-sink (lambda (,var) ,@body)))
361 (defclass toplevel-text-output-sink (sax:default-handler)
362 ((target :initarg :target :accessor text-output-sink-target)
363 (depth :initform 0 :accessor textoutput-sink-depth)))
365 (defmethod sax:start-element ((sink toplevel-text-output-sink)
366 namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
367 (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name qname attributes))
368 (incf (textoutput-sink-depth sink)))
370 (defmethod sax:characters ((sink toplevel-text-output-sink) data)
371 (when (zerop (textoutput-sink-depth sink))
372 (write-string data (text-output-sink-target sink))))
374 (defmethod sax:unescaped ((sink toplevel-text-output-sink) data)
375 (sax:characters sink data))
377 (defmethod sax:end-element ((sink toplevel-text-output-sink)
378 namespace-uri local-name qname)
379 (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name qname))
380 (decf (textoutput-sink-depth sink)))
382 (defun invoke-with-toplevel-text-output-sink (fn)
383 (with-output-to-string (s)
384 (funcall fn (make-instance 'toplevel-text-output-sink :target s))))
387 ;;;; TEXT-FILTER
388 ;;;;
389 ;;;; A sink that passes through only text (at any level) and turns to
390 ;;;; into unescaped characters.
392 (defclass text-filter (sax:default-handler)
393 ((target :initarg :target :accessor text-filter-target)))
395 (defmethod sax:characters ((sink text-filter) data)
396 (sax:unescaped (text-filter-target sink) data))
398 (defmethod sax:unescaped ((sink text-filter) data)
399 (sax:unescaped (text-filter-target sink) data))
401 (defmethod sax:end-document ((sink text-filter))
402 (sax:end-document (text-filter-target sink)))
404 (defun make-text-filter (target)
405 (make-instance 'text-filter :target target))
408 ;;;; ESCAPER
409 ;;;;
410 ;;;; A sink that recovers from sax:unescaped using sax:characters, as per
411 ;;;; XSLT 16.4.
413 (defclass escaper (cxml:broadcast-handler)
416 (defmethod sax:unescaped ((sink escaper) data)
417 (sax:characters sink data))
419 (defun make-escaper (target)
420 (make-instance 'escaper :handlers (list target)))
423 ;;;; Names
425 (defun of-name (local-name)
426 (stp:of-name local-name *xsl*))
428 (defun namep (node local-name)
429 (and (typep node '(or stp:element stp:attribute))
430 (equal (stp:namespace-uri node) *xsl*)
431 (equal (stp:local-name node) local-name)))
436 (defstruct stylesheet
437 (modes (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
438 (global-variables (make-empty-declaration-array))
439 (output-specification (make-output-specification))
440 (strip-tests nil)
441 (strip-thunk nil)
442 (named-templates (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
443 (attribute-sets (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
444 (keys (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
445 (namespace-aliases (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
446 (decimal-formats (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
447 (initial-global-variable-thunks (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
449 (setf (documentation 'stylesheet 'type)
450 "The class of stylesheets that have been parsed and compiled.
452 Pass instances of this class to @fun{apply-stylesheet} to invoke
453 them.
455 @see-constructor{parse-stylesheet}")
457 (defstruct mode
458 (templates nil)
459 (match-thunk (lambda (ignore) (declare (ignore ignore)) nil)))
461 (defun find-mode (stylesheet local-name &optional uri)
462 (gethash (cons local-name uri) (stylesheet-modes stylesheet)))
464 (defun ensure-mode (stylesheet &optional local-name uri)
465 (or (find-mode stylesheet local-name uri)
466 (setf (gethash (cons local-name uri) (stylesheet-modes stylesheet))
467 (make-mode))))
469 (defun ensure-mode/qname (stylesheet qname env)
470 (if qname
471 (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
472 (decode-qname qname env nil)
473 (ensure-mode stylesheet local-name uri))
474 (find-mode stylesheet nil)))
476 (defun acons-namespaces
477 (element &optional (bindings *namespaces*) include-redeclared)
478 (map-namespace-declarations (lambda (prefix uri)
479 (push (cons prefix uri) bindings))
480 element
481 include-redeclared)
482 bindings)
484 (defun find-key (name stylesheet)
485 (or (gethash name (stylesheet-keys stylesheet))
486 (xslt-error "unknown key: ~a" name)))
488 (defun make-key (match use) (cons match use))
490 (defun key-match (key) (car key))
492 (defun key-use (key) (cdr key))
494 (defun add-key (stylesheet name match use)
495 (push (make-key match use)
496 (gethash name (stylesheet-keys stylesheet))))
498 (defvar *excluded-namespaces* (list *xsl*))
499 (defvar *empty-mode*)
500 (defvar *default-mode*)
502 (defvar *xsl-include-stack* nil)
504 (defun uri-to-pathname (uri)
505 (cxml::uri-to-pathname (puri:parse-uri uri)))
507 ;; Why this extra check for literal result element used as stylesheets,
508 ;; instead of a general check for every literal result element? Because
509 ;; Stylesheet__91804 says so.
510 (defun check-Errors_err035 (literal-result-element)
511 (let ((*namespaces* (acons-namespaces literal-result-element))
512 (env (make-instance 'lexical-xslt-environment)))
513 (stp:with-attributes ((extension-element-prefixes
514 "extension-element-prefixes"
515 *xsl*))
516 literal-result-element
517 (dolist (prefix (words (or extension-element-prefixes "")))
518 (if (equal prefix "#default")
519 (setf prefix nil)
520 (unless (cxml-stp-impl::nc-name-p prefix)
521 (xslt-error "invalid prefix: ~A" prefix)))
522 (let ((uri
523 (or (xpath-sys:environment-find-namespace env prefix)
524 (xslt-error "namespace not found: ~A" prefix))))
525 (when (equal uri (stp:namespace-uri literal-result-element))
526 (xslt-error "literal result element used as stylesheet, but is ~
527 declared as an extension element")))))))
529 (defun unwrap-2.3 (document)
530 (let ((literal-result-element (stp:document-element document))
531 (new-template (stp:make-element "template" *xsl*))
532 (new-document-element (stp:make-element "stylesheet" *xsl*)))
533 (check-Errors_err035 literal-result-element)
534 (setf (stp:attribute-value new-document-element "version")
535 (or (stp:attribute-value literal-result-element "version" *xsl*)
536 (xslt-error "not a stylesheet: root element lacks xsl:version")))
537 (setf (stp:attribute-value new-template "match") "/")
538 (setf (stp:document-element document) new-document-element)
539 (stp:append-child new-document-element new-template)
540 (stp:append-child new-template literal-result-element)
541 (setf (stp:base-uri new-template) (stp:base-uri literal-result-element))
542 new-document-element))
544 (defun parse-stylesheet-to-stp (input uri-resolver)
545 (let* ((d (cxml:parse input (make-text-normalizer (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
546 (<transform> (stp:document-element d)))
547 (unless (equal (stp:namespace-uri <transform>) *xsl*)
548 (setf <transform> (unwrap-2.3 d)))
549 (strip-stylesheet <transform>)
550 (unless (and (equal (stp:namespace-uri <transform>) *xsl*)
551 (or (equal (stp:local-name <transform>) "transform")
552 (equal (stp:local-name <transform>) "stylesheet")))
553 (xslt-error "not a stylesheet"))
554 (check-for-invalid-attributes
555 '(("version" . "")
556 ("exclude-result-prefixes" . "")
557 ("extension-element-prefixes" . "")
558 ("space" . "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")
559 ("id" . ""))
560 <transform>)
561 (let ((invalid
562 (or (stp:find-child-if (of-name "stylesheet") <transform>)
563 (stp:find-child-if (of-name "transform") <transform>))))
564 (when invalid
565 (xslt-error "invalid top-level element ~A" (stp:local-name invalid))))
566 (dolist (include (stp:filter-children (of-name "include") <transform>))
567 (let* ((uri (puri:merge-uris (or (stp:attribute-value include "href")
568 (xslt-error "include without href"))
569 (stp:base-uri include)))
570 (uri (if uri-resolver
571 (funcall uri-resolver uri)
572 uri))
573 (str (puri:render-uri uri nil))
574 (pathname
575 (handler-case
576 (uri-to-pathname uri)
577 (cxml:xml-parse-error (c)
578 (xslt-error "cannot find included stylesheet ~A: ~A"
579 uri c)))))
580 (with-open-file
581 (stream pathname
582 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
583 :if-does-not-exist nil)
584 (unless stream
585 (xslt-error "cannot find included stylesheet ~A at ~A"
586 uri pathname))
587 (when (find str *xsl-include-stack* :test #'equal)
588 (xslt-error "recursive inclusion of ~A" uri))
589 (let* ((*xsl-include-stack* (cons str *xsl-include-stack*))
590 (<transform>2 (parse-stylesheet-to-stp stream uri-resolver)))
591 (stp:insert-child-after <transform>
592 (stp:copy <transform>2)
593 include)
594 (stp:detach include)))))
595 <transform>))
597 (defvar *instruction-base-uri*) ;misnamed, is also used in other attributes
598 (defvar *apply-imports-limit*)
599 (defvar *import-priority*)
600 (defvar *extension-namespaces*)
602 (defmacro do-toplevel ((var xpath <transform>) &body body)
603 `(map-toplevel (lambda (,var) ,@body) ,xpath ,<transform>))
605 (defun map-toplevel (fn xpath <transform>)
606 (dolist (node (list-toplevel xpath <transform>))
607 (let ((*namespaces* *initial-namespaces*))
608 (xpath:do-node-set (ancestor (xpath:evaluate "ancestor::node()" node))
609 (xpath:with-namespaces (("" #.*xsl*))
610 (when (xpattern:node-matches-p ancestor "stylesheet|transform")
611 ;; discard namespaces from including stylesheets
612 (setf *namespaces* *initial-namespaces*)))
613 (when (xpath-protocol:node-type-p ancestor :element)
614 (setf *namespaces* (acons-namespaces ancestor *namespaces* t))))
615 (funcall fn node))))
617 (defun list-toplevel (xpath <transform>)
618 (labels ((recurse (sub)
619 (let ((subsubs
620 (xpath-sys:pipe-of
621 (xpath:evaluate "transform|stylesheet" sub))))
622 (xpath::append-pipes
623 (xpath-sys:pipe-of (xpath:evaluate xpath sub))
624 (xpath::mappend-pipe #'recurse subsubs)))))
625 (xpath::sort-nodes (recurse <transform>))))
627 (defmacro with-import-magic ((node env) &body body)
628 `(invoke-with-import-magic (lambda () ,@body) ,node ,env))
630 (defun invoke-with-import-magic (fn node env)
631 (unless (or (namep node "stylesheet") (namep node "transform"))
632 (setf node (stp:parent node)))
633 (let ((*excluded-namespaces* (list *xsl*))
634 (*extension-namespaces* '())
635 (*forwards-compatible-p*
636 (not (equal (stp:attribute-value node "version") "1.0"))))
637 (parse-exclude-result-prefixes! node env)
638 (parse-extension-element-prefixes! node env)
639 (funcall fn)))
641 (defun parse-1-stylesheet (env stylesheet designator uri-resolver)
642 (let* ((<transform> (parse-stylesheet-to-stp designator uri-resolver))
643 (instruction-base-uri (stp:base-uri <transform>))
644 (namespaces (acons-namespaces <transform>))
645 (apply-imports-limit (1+ *import-priority*))
646 (continuations '()))
647 (let ((*namespaces* namespaces))
648 (invoke-with-import-magic (constantly t) <transform> env))
649 (do-toplevel (elt "node()" <transform>)
650 (let ((version (stp:attribute-value (stp:parent elt) "version")))
651 (cond
652 ((null version)
653 (xslt-error "stylesheet lacks version"))
654 ((equal version "1.0")
655 (if (typep elt 'stp:element)
656 (when (or (equal (stp:namespace-uri elt) "")
657 (and (equal (stp:namespace-uri elt) *xsl*)
658 (not (find (stp:local-name elt)
659 '("key" "template" "output"
660 "strip-space" "preserve-space"
661 "attribute-set" "namespace-alias"
662 "decimal-format" "variable" "param"
663 "import" "include"
664 ;; for include handling:
665 "stylesheet" "transform")
666 :test #'equal))))
667 (xslt-error "unknown top-level element ~A" (stp:local-name elt)))
668 (xslt-error "text at top-level"))))))
669 (macrolet ((with-specials ((&optional) &body body)
670 `(let ((*instruction-base-uri* instruction-base-uri)
671 (*namespaces* namespaces)
672 (*apply-imports-limit* apply-imports-limit))
673 ,@body)))
674 (with-specials ()
675 (do-toplevel (import "import" <transform>)
676 (when (let ((prev (xpath:first-node
677 (xpath:evaluate "preceding-sibling::*"
678 import
679 t))))
680 (and prev (not (namep prev "import"))))
681 (xslt-error "import not at beginning of stylesheet"))
682 (let ((uri (puri:merge-uris (or (stp:attribute-value import "href")
683 (xslt-error "import without href"))
684 (stp:base-uri import))))
685 (push (parse-imported-stylesheet env stylesheet uri uri-resolver)
686 continuations))))
687 (let ((import-priority
688 (incf *import-priority*))
689 (var-cont (prepare-global-variables stylesheet <transform>)))
690 (parse-namespace-aliases! stylesheet <transform> env)
691 ;; delay the rest of compilation until we've seen all global
692 ;; variables:
693 (lambda ()
694 (mapc #'funcall (nreverse continuations))
695 (with-specials ()
696 (let ((*import-priority* import-priority))
697 (funcall var-cont)
698 (parse-keys! stylesheet <transform> env)
699 (parse-templates! stylesheet <transform> env)
700 (parse-output! stylesheet <transform> env)
701 (parse-strip/preserve-space! stylesheet <transform> env)
702 (parse-attribute-sets! stylesheet <transform> env)
703 (parse-decimal-formats! stylesheet <transform> env))))))))
705 (defvar *xsl-import-stack* nil)
707 (defun parse-imported-stylesheet (env stylesheet uri uri-resolver)
708 (let* ((uri (if uri-resolver
709 (funcall uri-resolver uri)
710 uri))
711 (str (puri:render-uri uri nil))
712 (pathname
713 (handler-case
714 (uri-to-pathname uri)
715 (cxml:xml-parse-error (c)
716 (xslt-error "cannot find imported stylesheet ~A: ~A"
717 uri c)))))
718 (with-open-file
719 (stream pathname
720 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
721 :if-does-not-exist nil)
722 (unless stream
723 (xslt-error "cannot find imported stylesheet ~A at ~A"
724 uri pathname))
725 (when (find str *xsl-import-stack* :test #'equal)
726 (xslt-error "recursive inclusion of ~A" uri))
727 (let ((*xsl-import-stack* (cons str *xsl-import-stack*)))
728 (parse-1-stylesheet env stylesheet stream uri-resolver)))))
730 (defvar *included-attribute-sets*)
732 (defvar *stylesheet*)
734 (defun parse-stylesheet (designator &key uri-resolver)
735 "@arg[designator]{an XML designator}
736 @arg[uri-resolver]{optional function of one argument}
737 @return{An instance of @class{stylesheet}.}
739 @short{Parse a stylesheet.}
741 This function parses and compiles an XSLT stylesheet.
742 The precompiled stylesheet object can then be passed to
743 @fun{apply-stylesheet}.
745 Also refer to @fun{apply-stylesheet} for details on XML designators."
746 (with-resignalled-errors ()
747 (xpath:with-namespaces ((nil #.*xsl*))
748 (let* ((*import-priority* 0)
749 (xpattern:*allow-variables-in-patterns* nil)
750 (puri:*strict-parse* nil)
751 (stylesheet (make-stylesheet))
752 (*stylesheet*
753 ;; zzz this is for remove-excluded-namespaces only
754 stylesheet)
755 (env (make-instance 'lexical-xslt-environment))
756 (*excluded-namespaces* *excluded-namespaces*)
757 (*global-variable-declarations* (make-empty-declaration-array))
758 (*included-attribute-sets* nil))
759 (ensure-mode stylesheet nil)
760 (funcall (parse-1-stylesheet env stylesheet designator uri-resolver))
761 ;; reverse attribute sets:
762 (let ((table (stylesheet-attribute-sets stylesheet)))
763 (maphash (lambda (k v)
764 (setf (gethash k table) (nreverse v)))
765 table))
766 ;; for Errors_err011
767 (dolist (sets *included-attribute-sets*)
768 (loop for (local-name uri nil) in sets do
769 (find-attribute-set local-name uri stylesheet)))
770 ;; add default df
771 (unless (find-decimal-format "" "" stylesheet nil)
772 (setf (find-decimal-format "" "" stylesheet)
773 (make-decimal-format)))
774 ;; compile a template matcher for each mode:
775 (loop
776 for mode being each hash-value in (stylesheet-modes stylesheet)
778 (setf (mode-match-thunk mode)
779 (xpattern:make-pattern-matcher
780 (mapcar #'template-compiled-pattern
781 (mode-templates mode)))))
782 ;; and for the strip tests
783 (setf (stylesheet-strip-thunk stylesheet)
784 (let ((patterns (stylesheet-strip-tests stylesheet)))
785 (and patterns
786 (xpattern:make-pattern-matcher
787 (mapcar #'strip-test-compiled-pattern patterns)))))
788 stylesheet))))
790 (defun parse-attribute-sets! (stylesheet <transform> env)
791 (do-toplevel (elt "attribute-set" <transform>)
792 (with-import-magic (elt env)
793 (push (let* ((sets
794 (mapcar (lambda (qname)
795 (multiple-value-list (decode-qname qname env nil)))
796 (words
797 (stp:attribute-value elt "use-attribute-sets"))))
798 (instructions
799 (stp:map-children
800 'list
801 (lambda (child)
802 (unless
803 (and (typep child 'stp:element)
804 (or (and (equal (stp:namespace-uri child) *xsl*)
805 (equal (stp:local-name child)
806 "attribute"))
807 (find (stp:namespace-uri child)
808 *extension-namespaces*
809 :test 'equal)))
810 (xslt-error "non-attribute found in attribute set"))
811 (parse-instruction child))
812 elt))
813 (*lexical-variable-declarations*
814 (make-empty-declaration-array))
815 (thunk
816 (compile-instruction `(progn ,@instructions) env))
817 (n-variables (length *lexical-variable-declarations*)))
818 (push sets *included-attribute-sets*)
819 (lambda (ctx)
820 (with-stack-limit ()
821 (loop for (local-name uri nil) in sets do
822 (dolist (thunk (find-attribute-set local-name uri))
823 (funcall thunk ctx)))
824 (let ((*lexical-variable-values*
825 (make-variable-value-array n-variables)))
826 (funcall thunk ctx)))))
827 (gethash (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
828 (decode-qname (or (stp:attribute-value elt "name")
829 (xslt-error "missing name"))
831 nil)
832 (cons local-name uri))
833 (stylesheet-attribute-sets stylesheet))))))
835 (defun parse-namespace-aliases! (stylesheet <transform> env)
836 (do-toplevel (elt "namespace-alias" <transform>)
837 (let ((*namespaces* (acons-namespaces elt)))
838 (only-with-attributes (stylesheet-prefix result-prefix) elt
839 (unless stylesheet-prefix
840 (xslt-error "missing stylesheet-prefix in namespace-alias"))
841 (unless result-prefix
842 (xslt-error "missing result-prefix in namespace-alias"))
843 (setf (gethash
844 (if (equal stylesheet-prefix "#default")
846 (or (xpath-sys:environment-find-namespace
848 stylesheet-prefix)
849 (xslt-error "stylesheet namespace not found in alias: ~A"
850 stylesheet-prefix)))
851 (stylesheet-namespace-aliases stylesheet))
852 (or (xpath-sys:environment-find-namespace
854 (if (equal result-prefix "#default")
856 result-prefix))
857 (xslt-error "result namespace not found in alias: ~A"
858 result-prefix)))))))
860 (defun parse-decimal-formats! (stylesheet <transform> env)
861 (do-toplevel (elt "decimal-format" <transform>)
862 (stp:with-attributes (name
863 ;; strings
864 infinity
865 (nan "NaN")
866 ;; characters:
867 decimal-separator
868 grouping-separator
869 zero-digit
870 percent
871 per-mille
872 digit
873 pattern-separator
874 minus-sign)
876 (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
877 (if name
878 (decode-qname name env nil)
879 (values "" ""))
880 (let ((current (find-decimal-format local-name uri stylesheet nil))
881 (new
882 (let ((seen '()))
883 (flet ((chr (key x)
884 (when x
885 (unless (eql (length x) 1)
886 (xslt-error "not a single character: ~A" x))
887 (let ((chr (elt x 0)))
888 (when (find chr seen)
889 (xslt-error
890 "conflicting decimal format characters: ~A"
891 chr))
892 (push chr seen)
893 (list key chr))))
894 (str (key x)
895 (when x
896 (list key x))))
897 (apply #'make-decimal-format
898 (append (str :infinity infinity)
899 (str :nan nan)
900 (chr :decimal-separator decimal-separator)
901 (chr :grouping-separator grouping-separator)
902 (chr :zero-digit zero-digit)
903 (chr :percent percent)
904 (chr :per-mille per-mille)
905 (chr :digit digit)
906 (chr :pattern-separator pattern-separator)
907 (chr :minus-sign minus-sign)))))))
908 (if current
909 (unless (decimal-format= current new)
910 (xslt-error "decimal format mismatch for ~S" local-name))
911 (setf (find-decimal-format local-name uri stylesheet) new)))))))
913 (defun parse-exclude-result-prefixes! (node env)
914 (stp:with-attributes (exclude-result-prefixes)
915 node
916 (dolist (prefix (words (or exclude-result-prefixes "")))
917 (if (equal prefix "#default")
918 (setf prefix nil)
919 (unless (cxml-stp-impl::nc-name-p prefix)
920 (xslt-error "invalid prefix: ~A" prefix)))
921 (push (or (xpath-sys:environment-find-namespace env prefix)
922 (xslt-error "namespace not found: ~A" prefix))
923 *excluded-namespaces*))))
925 (defun parse-extension-element-prefixes! (node env)
926 (stp:with-attributes (extension-element-prefixes)
927 node
928 (dolist (prefix (words (or extension-element-prefixes "")))
929 (if (equal prefix "#default")
930 (setf prefix nil)
931 (unless (cxml-stp-impl::nc-name-p prefix)
932 (xslt-error "invalid prefix: ~A" prefix)))
933 (let ((uri
934 (or (xpath-sys:environment-find-namespace env prefix)
935 (xslt-error "namespace not found: ~A" prefix))))
936 (unless (equal uri *xsl*)
937 (push uri *extension-namespaces*)
938 (push uri *excluded-namespaces*))))))
940 (defun parse-nametest-tokens (str)
941 (labels ((check (boolean)
942 (unless boolean
943 (xslt-error "invalid nametest token")))
944 (check-null (boolean)
945 (check (not boolean))))
946 (cons
947 :patterns
948 (mapcar (lambda (name-test)
949 (destructuring-bind (&optional path &rest junk)
950 (cdr (xpattern:parse-pattern-expression name-test))
951 (check-null junk)
952 (check (eq (car path) :path))
953 (destructuring-bind (&optional child &rest junk) (cdr path)
954 (check-null junk)
955 (check (eq (car child) :child))
956 (destructuring-bind (nodetest &rest junk) (cdr child)
957 (check-null junk)
958 (check (or (stringp nodetest)
959 (eq nodetest '*)
960 (and (consp nodetest)
961 (or (eq (car nodetest) :namespace)
962 (eq (car nodetest) :qname)))))))
963 path))
964 (words str)))))
966 (defstruct strip-test
967 compiled-pattern
968 priority
969 position
970 value)
972 (defun parse-strip/preserve-space! (stylesheet <transform> env)
973 (let ((i 0))
974 (do-toplevel (elt "strip-space|preserve-space" <transform>)
975 (let ((*namespaces* (acons-namespaces elt))
976 (value
977 (if (equal (stp:local-name elt) "strip-space")
978 :strip
979 :preserve)))
980 (dolist (expression
981 (cdr (parse-nametest-tokens
982 (stp:attribute-value elt "elements"))))
983 (let* ((compiled-pattern
984 (car (without-xslt-current ()
985 (xpattern:compute-patterns
986 `(:patterns ,expression)
987 *import-priority*
988 "will set below"
989 env))))
990 (strip-test
991 (make-strip-test :compiled-pattern compiled-pattern
992 :priority (expression-priority expression)
993 :position i
994 :value value)))
995 (setf (xpattern:pattern-value compiled-pattern) strip-test)
996 (push strip-test (stylesheet-strip-tests stylesheet)))))
997 (incf i))))
999 (defstruct (output-specification
1000 (:conc-name "OUTPUT-"))
1001 method
1002 indent
1003 omit-xml-declaration
1004 encoding
1005 doctype-system
1006 doctype-public
1007 cdata-section-matchers
1008 standalone-p
1009 media-type)
1011 (defun parse-output! (stylesheet <transform> env)
1012 (dolist (<output> (list-toplevel "output" <transform>))
1013 (let ((spec (stylesheet-output-specification stylesheet)))
1014 (only-with-attributes (version
1015 method
1016 indent
1017 encoding
1018 media-type
1019 doctype-system
1020 doctype-public
1021 omit-xml-declaration
1022 standalone
1023 cdata-section-elements)
1024 <output>
1025 (declare (ignore version))
1026 (when method
1027 (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
1028 (decode-qname method env t)
1029 (setf (output-method spec)
1030 (if (plusp (length uri))
1032 (cond
1033 ((equalp local-name "HTML") :html)
1034 ((equalp local-name "TEXT") :text)
1035 ((equalp local-name "XML") :xml)
1037 (xslt-error "invalid output method: ~A" method)))))))
1038 (when indent
1039 (setf (output-indent spec) indent))
1040 (when encoding
1041 (setf (output-encoding spec) encoding))
1042 (when doctype-system
1043 (setf (output-doctype-system spec) doctype-system))
1044 (when doctype-public
1045 (setf (output-doctype-public spec) doctype-public))
1046 (when omit-xml-declaration
1047 (setf (output-omit-xml-declaration spec) omit-xml-declaration))
1048 (when cdata-section-elements
1049 (dolist (qname (words cdata-section-elements))
1050 (decode-qname qname env nil) ;check the syntax
1051 (push (xpattern:make-pattern-matcher* qname env)
1052 (output-cdata-section-matchers spec))))
1053 (when standalone
1054 (setf (output-standalone-p spec)
1055 (boolean-or-error standalone)))
1056 (when media-type
1057 (setf (output-media-type spec) media-type))))))
1059 (defun make-empty-declaration-array ()
1060 (make-array 1 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
1062 (defun make-variable-value-array (n-lexical-variables)
1063 (make-array n-lexical-variables :initial-element 'unbound))
1065 (defun compile-global-variable (<variable> env) ;; also for <param>
1066 (stp:with-attributes (name select) <variable>
1067 (when (and select (stp:list-children <variable>))
1068 (xslt-error "variable with select and body"))
1069 (let* ((*lexical-variable-declarations* (make-empty-declaration-array))
1070 (inner (cond
1071 (select
1072 (compile-xpath select env))
1073 ((stp:list-children <variable>)
1074 (let* ((inner-sexpr `(progn ,@(parse-body <variable>)))
1075 (inner-thunk (compile-instruction inner-sexpr env)))
1076 (lambda (ctx)
1077 (apply-to-result-tree-fragment ctx inner-thunk))))
1079 (lambda (ctx)
1080 (declare (ignore ctx))
1081 ""))))
1082 (n-lexical-variables (length *lexical-variable-declarations*)))
1083 (xslt-trace-thunk
1084 (lambda (ctx)
1085 (let* ((*lexical-variable-values*
1086 (make-variable-value-array n-lexical-variables)))
1087 (funcall inner ctx)))
1088 "global ~s (~s) = ~s" name select :result))))
1090 (defstruct (variable-chain
1091 (:constructor make-variable-chain)
1092 (:conc-name "VARIABLE-CHAIN-"))
1093 definitions
1094 index
1095 local-name
1096 thunk
1097 uri)
1099 (defstruct (import-variable
1100 (:constructor make-variable)
1101 (:conc-name "VARIABLE-"))
1102 value-thunk
1103 value-thunk-setter
1104 param-p)
1106 (defun parse-global-variable! (stylesheet <variable> global-env)
1107 (let* ((*namespaces* (acons-namespaces <variable>))
1108 (instruction-base-uri (stp:base-uri <variable>))
1109 (*instruction-base-uri* instruction-base-uri)
1110 (*excluded-namespaces* (list *xsl*))
1111 (*extension-namespaces* '())
1112 (qname (stp:attribute-value <variable> "name")))
1113 (with-import-magic (<variable> global-env)
1114 (unless qname
1115 (xslt-error "name missing in ~A" (stp:local-name <variable>)))
1116 (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
1117 (decode-qname qname global-env nil)
1118 ;; For the normal compilation environment of templates, install it
1120 (let ((index (intern-global-variable local-name uri)))
1121 ;; For the evaluation of a global variable itself, build a thunk
1122 ;; that lazily resolves other variables, stored into
1124 (let* ((value-thunk :unknown)
1125 (sgv (stylesheet-global-variables stylesheet))
1126 (chain
1127 (if (< index (length sgv))
1128 (elt sgv index)
1129 (make-variable-chain
1130 :index index
1131 :local-name local-name
1132 :uri uri)))
1133 (next (car (variable-chain-definitions chain)))
1134 (global-variable-thunk
1135 (lambda (ctx)
1136 (let ((v (global-variable-value index nil)))
1137 (cond
1138 ((eq v 'seen)
1139 (unless next
1140 (xslt-error "no next definition for: ~A"
1141 local-name))
1142 (funcall (variable-value-thunk next) ctx))
1143 ((eq v 'unbound)
1144 (setf (global-variable-value index) 'seen)
1145 (setf (global-variable-value index)
1146 (funcall value-thunk ctx)))
1148 v)))))
1149 (excluded-namespaces *excluded-namespaces*)
1150 (extension-namespaces *extension-namespaces*)
1151 (variable
1152 (make-variable :param-p (namep <variable> "param")))
1153 (forwards-compatible-p *forwards-compatible-p*)
1154 (value-thunk-setter
1155 (lambda ()
1156 (let* ((*instruction-base-uri* instruction-base-uri)
1157 (*excluded-namespaces* excluded-namespaces)
1158 (*extension-namespaces* extension-namespaces)
1159 (*forwards-compatible-p* forwards-compatible-p)
1161 (compile-global-variable <variable> global-env)))
1162 (setf value-thunk fn)
1163 (setf (variable-value-thunk variable) fn)))))
1164 (setf (variable-value-thunk-setter variable)
1165 value-thunk-setter)
1166 (setf (gethash (cons local-name uri)
1167 (initial-global-variable-thunks global-env))
1168 global-variable-thunk)
1169 (setf (variable-chain-thunk chain) global-variable-thunk)
1170 (push variable (variable-chain-definitions chain))
1171 chain))))))
1173 (defun parse-keys! (stylesheet <transform> env)
1174 (xpath:with-namespaces ((nil #.*xsl*))
1175 (do-toplevel (<key> "key" <transform>)
1176 (with-import-magic (<key> env)
1177 (let ((*instruction-base-uri* (stp:base-uri <key>)))
1178 (only-with-attributes (name match use) <key>
1179 (unless name (xslt-error "key name attribute not specified"))
1180 (unless match (xslt-error "key match attribute not specified"))
1181 (unless use (xslt-error "key use attribute not specified"))
1182 (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
1183 (decode-qname name env nil)
1184 (add-key stylesheet
1185 (cons local-name uri)
1186 (compile-xpath `(xpath:xpath ,(parse-key-pattern match))
1187 env)
1188 (compile-xpath use
1189 (make-instance 'key-environment))))))))))
1191 (defun prepare-global-variables (stylesheet <transform>)
1192 (xpath:with-namespaces ((nil #.*xsl*))
1193 (let* ((igvt (stylesheet-initial-global-variable-thunks stylesheet))
1194 (global-env (make-instance 'global-variable-environment
1195 :initial-global-variable-thunks igvt))
1196 (chains '()))
1197 (do-toplevel (<variable> "variable|param" <transform>)
1198 (let ((chain
1199 (parse-global-variable! stylesheet <variable> global-env)))
1200 (xslt-trace "parsing global variable ~s (uri ~s)"
1201 (variable-chain-local-name chain)
1202 (variable-chain-uri chain))
1203 (when (find chain
1204 chains
1205 :test (lambda (a b)
1206 (and (equal (variable-chain-local-name a)
1207 (variable-chain-local-name b))
1208 (equal (variable-chain-uri a)
1209 (variable-chain-uri b)))))
1210 (xslt-error "duplicate definition for global variable ~A"
1211 (variable-chain-local-name chain)))
1212 (push chain chains)))
1213 (setf chains (nreverse chains))
1214 (let ((table (stylesheet-global-variables stylesheet))
1215 (newlen (length *global-variable-declarations*)))
1216 (adjust-array table newlen :fill-pointer newlen)
1217 (dolist (chain chains)
1218 (setf (elt table (variable-chain-index chain)) chain)))
1219 (lambda ()
1220 ;; now that the global environment knows about all variables, run the
1221 ;; thunk setters to perform their compilation
1222 (mapc (lambda (chain)
1223 (dolist (var (variable-chain-definitions chain))
1224 (funcall (variable-value-thunk-setter var))))
1225 chains)))))
1227 (defun parse-templates! (stylesheet <transform> env)
1228 (let ((i 0))
1229 (do-toplevel (<template> "template" <transform>)
1230 (let ((*namespaces* (acons-namespaces <template>))
1231 (*instruction-base-uri* (stp:base-uri <template>)))
1232 (with-import-magic (<template> env)
1233 (dolist (template (compile-template <template> env i))
1234 (setf (template-stylesheet template) stylesheet)
1235 (setf (template-base-uri template) (stp:base-uri <template>))
1236 (let ((name (template-name template)))
1237 (if name
1238 (let* ((table (stylesheet-named-templates stylesheet))
1239 (head (car (gethash name table))))
1240 (when (and head (eql (template-import-priority head)
1241 (template-import-priority template)))
1242 ;; fixme: is this supposed to be a run-time error?
1243 (xslt-error "conflicting templates for ~A" name))
1244 (push template (gethash name table)))
1245 (let ((mode (ensure-mode/qname stylesheet
1246 (template-mode-qname template)
1247 env)))
1248 (setf (template-mode template) mode)
1249 (push template (mode-templates mode))))))))
1250 (incf i))))
1255 (deftype xml-designator () '(or runes:xstream runes:rod array stream pathname))
1257 (defun unalias-uri (uri)
1258 (let ((result
1259 (gethash uri (stylesheet-namespace-aliases *stylesheet*)
1260 uri)))
1261 (check-type result string)
1262 result))
1264 (defstruct (parameter
1265 (:constructor make-parameter (value local-name &optional uri)))
1266 (uri "")
1267 local-name
1268 value)
1270 (setf (documentation 'parameter 'type)
1271 "The class of top-level parameters to XSLT stylesheets.
1273 Parameters are identified by expanded names, i.e. a namespace URI
1274 and local-name.
1276 Their value is string.
1278 @see-constructor{make-parameter}
1279 @see-slot{parameter-uri}
1280 @see-slot{parameter-local-name}
1281 @see-slot{parameter-value}")
1283 (setf (documentation 'make-parameter 'function)
1284 "@arg[value]{The parameter's value, a string.}
1285 @arg[local-name]{The parameter's local name, a string.}
1286 @arg[local-name]{The parameter's namespace URI, a string.}
1287 @return{An instance of @class{parameter}.}
1289 @short{Creates a paramater.}
1291 @see{parameter-uri}
1292 @see{parameter-local-name}
1293 @see{parameter-value}")
1295 (setf (documentation 'parameter-uri 'function)
1296 "@arg[instance]{An instance of @class{parameter}.}
1297 @return{A string}
1298 @return{Returns the parameter's namespace URI.}
1300 @see{parameter-local-name}
1301 @see{parameter-value}")
1303 (setf (documentation 'parameter-local-name 'function)
1304 "@arg[instance]{An instance of @class{parameter}.}
1305 @return{A string}
1306 @return{Returns the parameter's local name.}
1308 @see{parameter-uri}
1309 @see{parameter-value}")
1311 (setf (documentation 'parameter-value 'function)
1312 "@arg[instance]{An instance of @class{parameter}.}
1313 @return{A string}
1314 @return{Returns the parameter's value.}
1316 @see{parameter-uri}
1317 @see{parameter-local-name}")
1319 (defun find-parameter-value (local-name uri parameters)
1320 (dolist (p parameters)
1321 (when (and (equal (parameter-local-name p) local-name)
1322 (equal (parameter-uri p) uri))
1323 (return (parameter-value p)))))
1325 (defvar *uri-resolver*)
1327 (defun parse-allowing-microsoft-bom (pathname handler)
1328 (with-open-file (s pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
1329 (unless (and (eql (read-byte s nil) #xef)
1330 (eql (read-byte s nil) #xbb)
1331 (eql (read-byte s nil) #xbf))
1332 (file-position s 0))
1333 (cxml:parse s handler)))
1335 (defstruct source-document
1337 root-node
1338 (indices (make-hash-table)))
1340 (defvar *uri-to-document*)
1341 (defvar *root-to-document*)
1343 (defun %document (uri-string base-uri)
1344 (let* ((absolute-uri
1345 (puri:merge-uris uri-string (or base-uri "")))
1346 (resolved-uri
1347 (if *uri-resolver*
1348 (funcall *uri-resolver* absolute-uri)
1349 absolute-uri))
1350 (pathname
1351 (handler-case
1352 (uri-to-pathname resolved-uri)
1353 (cxml:xml-parse-error (c)
1354 (xslt-error "cannot find referenced document ~A: ~A"
1355 resolved-uri c))))
1356 (document (gethash pathname *uri-to-document*)))
1357 (unless document
1358 (let ((root-node
1359 (make-whitespace-stripper
1360 (handler-case
1361 (parse-allowing-microsoft-bom pathname
1362 (stp:make-builder))
1363 ((or file-error cxml:xml-parse-error) (c)
1364 (xslt-error "cannot parse referenced document ~A: ~A"
1365 pathname c)))
1366 (stylesheet-strip-thunk *stylesheet*)))
1367 (id (hash-table-count *root-to-document*)))
1368 (setf document (make-source-document :id id :root-node root-node))
1369 (setf (gethash pathname *uri-to-document*) document)
1370 (setf (gethash root-node *root-to-document*) document)))
1371 (when (puri:uri-fragment absolute-uri)
1372 (xslt-error "use of fragment identifiers in document() not supported"))
1373 (source-document-root-node document)))
1375 (xpath-sys:define-extension xslt *xsl*)
1377 (defun document-base-uri (node)
1378 (xpath-protocol:base-uri
1379 (cond
1380 ((xpath-protocol:node-type-p node :document)
1381 (xpath::find-in-pipe-if
1382 (lambda (x)
1383 (xpath-protocol:node-type-p x :element))
1384 (xpath-protocol:child-pipe node)))
1385 ((xpath-protocol:node-type-p node :element)
1386 node)
1388 (xpath-protocol:parent-node node)))))
1390 (xpath-sys:define-xpath-function/lazy
1391 xslt :document
1392 (object &optional node-set)
1393 (let ((instruction-base-uri *instruction-base-uri*))
1394 (lambda (ctx)
1395 (with-profile-counter (*parse-xml-counter*)
1396 (let* ((object (funcall object ctx))
1397 (node-set (and node-set (funcall node-set ctx)))
1398 (base-uri
1399 (if node-set
1400 (document-base-uri (xpath::textually-first-node node-set))
1401 instruction-base-uri)))
1402 (xpath-sys:make-node-set
1403 (if (xpath:node-set-p object)
1404 (xpath:map-node-set->list
1405 (lambda (node)
1406 (%document (xpath:string-value node)
1407 (if node-set
1408 base-uri
1409 (document-base-uri node))))
1410 object)
1411 (list (%document (xpath:string-value object) base-uri)))))))))
1414 (defun build-key-index (document key-conses)
1415 (let ((index (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
1416 (dolist (key key-conses)
1417 (xpath:do-node-set
1418 (node
1419 (xpath:evaluate-compiled (key-match key)
1420 (xpath:make-context
1421 (source-document-root-node document))))
1422 (let* ((use-result (xpath:evaluate-compiled (key-use key) node))
1423 (uses (if (xpath:node-set-p use-result)
1424 (xpath:all-nodes use-result)
1425 (list use-result))))
1426 (dolist (use uses)
1427 (push node (gethash (xpath:string-value use) index))))))
1428 index))
1430 (defun %key (document key-conses value)
1431 (let* ((indices (source-document-indices document))
1432 (index (or (gethash key-conses indices)
1433 (setf (gethash key-conses indices)
1434 (build-key-index document key-conses)))))
1435 (gethash value index)))
1437 (xpath-sys:define-xpath-function/lazy xslt :key (name object)
1438 (let ((namespaces *namespaces*))
1439 (lambda (ctx)
1440 (let* ((qname (xpath:string-value (funcall name ctx)))
1441 (object (funcall object ctx))
1442 (expanded-name
1443 (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
1444 (decode-qname/runtime qname namespaces nil)
1445 (cons local-name uri)))
1446 (key-conses (find-key expanded-name *stylesheet*)))
1447 (xpath-sys:make-node-set
1448 (labels ((get-by-key (value)
1449 (%key (node-to-source-document (xpath:context-node ctx))
1450 key-conses
1451 (xpath:string-value value))))
1452 (xpath::sort-pipe
1453 (if (xpath:node-set-p object)
1454 (xpath::mappend-pipe #'get-by-key (xpath-sys:pipe-of object))
1455 (get-by-key object)))))))))
1457 ;; FIXME: add alias mechanism for XPath extensions in order to avoid duplication
1459 (xpath-sys:define-xpath-function/lazy xslt :current ()
1460 (when *without-xslt-current-p*
1461 (xslt-error "current() not allowed here"))
1462 #'(lambda (ctx)
1463 (xpath-sys:make-node-set
1464 (xpath-sys:make-pipe
1465 (xpath:context-starting-node ctx)
1466 nil))))
1468 (xpath-sys:define-xpath-function/lazy xslt :unparsed-entity-uri (name)
1469 #'(lambda (ctx)
1470 (or (xpath-protocol:unparsed-entity-uri (xpath:context-node ctx)
1471 (funcall name ctx))
1472 "")))
1474 (defun node-to-source-document (node)
1475 (gethash (xpath:first-node
1476 (xpath:evaluate (xpath:xpath (:path (:root :node))) node))
1477 *root-to-document*))
1479 (defun %get-node-id (node)
1480 (when (xpath:node-set-p node)
1481 (setf node (xpath::textually-first-node node)))
1482 (when node
1483 (format nil "d~D~A"
1484 (source-document-id (node-to-source-document node))
1485 (xpath-sys:get-node-id node))))
1487 (xpath-sys:define-xpath-function/lazy xslt :generate-id (&optional node-set-thunk)
1488 (if node-set-thunk
1489 #'(lambda (ctx)
1490 (%get-node-id (xpath:node-set-value (funcall node-set-thunk ctx))))
1491 #'(lambda (ctx)
1492 (%get-node-id (xpath:context-node ctx)))))
1494 (declaim (special *builtin-instructions*))
1496 (xpath-sys:define-xpath-function/lazy xslt :element-available (qname)
1497 (let ((namespaces *namespaces*)
1498 (extensions *extension-namespaces*))
1499 #'(lambda (ctx)
1500 (let ((qname (funcall qname ctx)))
1501 (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
1502 (decode-qname/runtime qname namespaces nil)
1503 (cond
1504 ((equal uri *xsl*)
1505 (and (gethash local-name *builtin-instructions*) t))
1506 ((find uri extensions :test #'equal)
1507 (and (find-extension-element local-name uri) t))
1509 nil)))))))
1511 (xpath-sys:define-xpath-function/lazy xslt :function-available (qname)
1512 (let ((namespaces *namespaces*))
1513 #'(lambda (ctx)
1514 (let ((qname (funcall qname ctx)))
1515 (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
1516 (decode-qname/runtime qname namespaces nil)
1517 (and (zerop (length uri))
1518 (or (xpath-sys:find-xpath-function local-name *xsl*)
1519 (xpath-sys:find-xpath-function local-name uri))
1520 t))))))
1522 (xpath-sys:define-xpath-function/lazy xslt :system-property (qname)
1523 (let ((namespaces *namespaces*))
1524 (lambda (ctx)
1525 (let ((qname (xpath:string-value (funcall qname ctx))))
1526 (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
1527 (decode-qname/runtime qname namespaces nil)
1528 (if (equal uri *xsl*)
1529 (cond
1530 ((equal local-name "version")
1531 "1")
1532 ((equal local-name "vendor")
1533 "Xuriella")
1534 ((equal local-name "vendor-url")
1535 "http://repo.or.cz/w/xuriella.git")
1537 ""))
1538 ""))))))
1540 ;; FIXME: should there be separate uri-resolver arguments for stylesheet
1541 ;; and data?
1542 (defun apply-stylesheet
1543 (stylesheet source-designator
1544 &key output parameters uri-resolver navigator)
1545 "@arg[stylesheet]{a stylesheet designator (see below for details)}
1546 @arg[source-designator]{a source document designator (see below for details)}
1547 @arg[output]{optional output sink designator (see below for details)}
1548 @arg[parameters]{a list of @class{parameter} instances}
1549 @arg[uri-resolver]{optional function of one argument}
1550 @arg[navigator]{optional XPath navigator}
1551 @return{The value returned by sax:end-document when called on the
1552 designated output sink.}
1554 @short{Apply a stylesheet to a document.}
1556 This function takes @code{stylesheet} (either a parsed @class{stylesheet}
1557 or a designator for XML file to be parsed) and a source document, specified
1558 using the XML designator @code{source-designator}, and applies the
1559 stylesheet to the document.
1561 An XML designator is any value accepted by @code{cxml:parse}, in particular:
1562 @begin{ul}
1563 @item{Pathnames -- The file referred to by the pathname will parsed
1564 using cxml.}
1565 @item{Stream -- The stream will be parsed using cxml.}
1566 @item{Xstream -- Similar to the stream case, but using cxml's internal
1567 representation of rune streams.}
1568 @item{String -- The string itself will be parsed as an XML document,
1569 and is assumed to have been decoded into characters already.}
1570 @item{Array of (unsigned-byte 8) -- The array itself will be parsed as
1571 an XML document (which has not been decoded yet).}
1572 @end{ul}
1574 Note: Since strings are interpreted as documents, namestrings are
1575 not acceptable. Use pathnames instead of namestrings.
1577 An output sink designator is has the following form:
1578 @begin{ul}
1579 @item{Null -- Designates a string sink. I.e., the result document
1580 of the stylesheet will be returned as a string. This as the default.}
1581 @item{Pathnames -- The file referred to by the pathname will created
1582 and written to.}
1583 @item{Stream -- The stream will be written to.}
1584 @item{SAX or HAX handler -- Events will be sent directly to this sink.}
1585 @end{ul}
1587 Note: Specificaton of a sink overrides the specification of XML or HTML
1588 output method in the styl.sheet.
1590 Parameters are identified by names, and have values that are strings.
1591 Top-level parameters of these names are bound accordingly. If a paramater
1592 is not specified, its default value is computed as implemented in the
1593 stylesheet. If parameters are specified that the stylesheet does not
1594 recognize, they will be ignored.
1596 A @code{uri-resolver} is a function taking a PURI object as an argument
1597 and returning a PURI object as a value. The URI resolver will be invoked
1598 for all references to external files, e.g. at compilation time using
1599 xsl:import and xsl:include, and at run-time using the document() function.
1601 The URI resolver can be used to rewrite URLs so that file http:// links
1602 are replaced by file:// links, for example. Another application are
1603 URI resolvers that signal an error instead of returning, for example
1604 so that file:// links forbidden.
1606 The specified @code{navigator} will be passed to XPath protocol functions.
1608 @see{parse-stylesheet}"
1609 (with-profile-counter (*apply-stylesheet-counter*)
1610 (when (typep stylesheet 'xml-designator)
1611 (with-profile-counter (*parse-stylesheet-counter*)
1612 (setf stylesheet
1613 (handler-bind
1614 ((cxml:xml-parse-error
1615 (lambda (c)
1616 (xslt-error "cannot parse stylesheet: ~A" c))))
1617 (parse-stylesheet stylesheet :uri-resolver uri-resolver)))))
1618 (with-resignalled-errors ()
1619 (invoke-with-output-sink
1620 (lambda ()
1621 (let* ((*uri-to-document* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
1622 (*root-to-document*
1623 ;; fixme? should be xpath-protocol:node-equal
1624 (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
1625 (xpath:*navigator* (or navigator :default-navigator))
1626 (puri:*strict-parse* nil)
1627 (*stylesheet* stylesheet)
1628 (*empty-mode* (make-mode))
1629 (*default-mode* (find-mode stylesheet nil))
1630 (global-variable-chains
1631 (stylesheet-global-variables stylesheet))
1632 (*global-variable-values*
1633 (make-variable-value-array (length global-variable-chains)))
1634 (*uri-resolver* uri-resolver)
1635 (source-document
1636 (if (typep source-designator 'xml-designator)
1637 (with-profile-counter (*parse-xml-counter*)
1638 (cxml:parse source-designator (stp:make-builder)))
1639 source-designator))
1640 (xpath-root-node
1641 (make-whitespace-stripper
1642 source-document
1643 (stylesheet-strip-thunk stylesheet)))
1644 (ctx (xpath:make-context xpath-root-node))
1645 (document (make-source-document
1646 :id 0
1647 :root-node xpath-root-node)))
1648 (when (pathnamep source-designator) ;fixme: else use base uri?
1649 (setf (gethash source-designator *uri-to-document*) document))
1650 (setf (gethash xpath-root-node *root-to-document*) document)
1651 (map nil
1652 (lambda (chain)
1653 (let ((head (car (variable-chain-definitions chain))))
1654 (when (variable-param-p head)
1655 (let ((value
1656 (find-parameter-value
1657 (variable-chain-local-name chain)
1658 (variable-chain-uri chain)
1659 parameters)))
1660 (when value
1661 (setf (global-variable-value
1662 (variable-chain-index chain))
1663 value))))))
1664 global-variable-chains)
1665 (map nil
1666 (lambda (chain)
1667 (funcall (variable-chain-thunk chain) ctx))
1668 global-variable-chains)
1669 ;; zzz we wouldn't have to mask float traps here if we used the
1670 ;; XPath API properly. Unfortunately I've been using FUNCALL
1671 ;; everywhere instead of EVALUATE, so let's paper over that
1672 ;; at a central place to be sure:
1673 (xpath::with-float-traps-masked ()
1674 (apply-templates ctx :mode *default-mode*))))
1675 (stylesheet-output-specification stylesheet)
1676 output))))
1678 (defun find-attribute-set (local-name uri &optional (stylesheet *stylesheet*))
1679 (or (gethash (cons local-name uri) (stylesheet-attribute-sets stylesheet))
1680 (xslt-error "no such attribute set: ~A/~A" local-name uri)))
1682 (defun apply-templates/list (list &key param-bindings sort-predicate mode)
1683 (when sort-predicate
1684 (setf list
1685 (mapcar #'xpath:context-node
1686 (stable-sort (contextify-node-list list)
1687 sort-predicate))))
1688 (let* ((n (length list))
1689 (s/d (lambda () n)))
1690 (loop
1691 for i from 1
1692 for child in list
1694 (apply-templates (xpath:make-context child s/d i)
1695 :param-bindings param-bindings
1696 :mode mode))))
1698 (defvar *stack-limit* 200)
1700 (defun invoke-with-stack-limit (fn)
1701 (let ((*stack-limit* (1- *stack-limit*)))
1702 (unless (plusp *stack-limit*)
1703 (xslt-error "*stack-limit* reached; stack overflow"))
1704 (funcall fn)))
1706 (defun invoke-template (ctx template param-bindings)
1707 (let ((*lexical-variable-values*
1708 (make-variable-value-array (template-n-variables template))))
1709 (with-stack-limit ()
1710 (loop
1711 for (name-cons value) in param-bindings
1712 for (nil index nil) = (find name-cons
1713 (template-params template)
1714 :test #'equal
1715 :key #'car)
1717 (when index
1718 (setf (lexical-variable-value index) value)))
1719 (funcall (template-body template) ctx))))
1721 (defun apply-default-templates (ctx mode)
1722 (let ((node (xpath:context-node ctx)))
1723 (cond
1724 ((or (xpath-protocol:node-type-p node :processing-instruction)
1725 (xpath-protocol:node-type-p node :comment)))
1726 ((or (xpath-protocol:node-type-p node :text)
1727 (xpath-protocol:node-type-p node :attribute))
1728 (write-text (xpath-protocol:node-text node)))
1730 (apply-templates/list
1731 (xpath::force
1732 (xpath-protocol:child-pipe node))
1733 :mode mode)))))
1735 (defvar *apply-imports*)
1736 (defvar *profiling-enabled-p* nil)
1738 (defun apply-applicable-templates (ctx templates param-bindings finally)
1739 (labels ((apply-imports (&optional actual-param-bindings)
1740 (if templates
1741 (let* ((this (pop templates))
1742 (low (template-apply-imports-limit this))
1743 (high (template-import-priority this)))
1744 (setf templates
1745 (remove-if-not
1746 (lambda (x)
1747 (<= low (template-import-priority x) high))
1748 templates))
1749 (if *profiling-enabled-p*
1750 (invoke-template/profile ctx this actual-param-bindings)
1751 (invoke-template ctx this actual-param-bindings)))
1752 (funcall finally))))
1753 (let ((*apply-imports* #'apply-imports))
1754 (apply-imports param-bindings))))
1756 (defun apply-templates (ctx &key param-bindings mode)
1757 (apply-applicable-templates ctx
1758 (find-templates ctx (or mode *default-mode*))
1759 param-bindings
1760 (lambda ()
1761 (apply-default-templates ctx mode))))
1763 (defun call-template (ctx name &optional param-bindings)
1764 (apply-applicable-templates ctx
1765 (find-named-templates name)
1766 param-bindings
1767 (lambda ()
1768 (xslt-error "cannot find named template: ~s"
1769 name))))
1771 (defun find-templates (ctx mode)
1772 (let* ((matching-candidates
1773 (xpattern:matching-values (mode-match-thunk mode)
1774 (xpath:context-node ctx)))
1775 (npriorities
1776 (if matching-candidates
1777 (1+ (reduce #'max
1778 matching-candidates
1779 :key #'template-import-priority))
1781 (priority-groups (make-array npriorities :initial-element nil)))
1782 (dolist (template matching-candidates)
1783 (push template
1784 (elt priority-groups (template-import-priority template))))
1785 (loop
1786 for i from (1- npriorities) downto 0
1787 for group = (elt priority-groups i)
1788 for template = (maximize #'template< group)
1789 when template
1790 collect template)))
1792 (defun find-named-templates (name)
1793 (gethash name (stylesheet-named-templates *stylesheet*)))
1795 (defun template< (a b) ;assuming same import priority
1796 (let ((p (template-priority a))
1797 (q (template-priority b)))
1798 (cond
1799 ((< p q) t)
1800 ((> p q) nil)
1802 (xslt-cerror "conflicting templates:~_~A,~_~A"
1803 (template-match-expression a)
1804 (template-match-expression b))
1805 (< (template-position a) (template-position b))))))
1807 (defun maximize (< things)
1808 (when things
1809 (let ((max (car things)))
1810 (dolist (other (cdr things))
1811 (when (funcall < max other)
1812 (setf max other)))
1813 max)))
1815 (defun invoke-with-output-sink (fn output-spec output)
1816 (etypecase output
1817 (pathname
1818 (with-open-file (s output
1819 :direction :output
1820 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
1821 :if-exists :rename-and-delete)
1822 (invoke-with-output-sink fn output-spec s)))
1823 ((or stream null)
1824 (invoke-with-output-sink fn
1825 output-spec
1826 (make-output-sink output-spec output)))
1827 ((or hax:abstract-handler sax:abstract-handler)
1828 (with-xml-output output
1829 (when (typep output '(or combi-sink auto-detect-sink))
1830 (sax:start-dtd output
1831 :autodetect-me-please
1832 (output-doctype-public output-spec)
1833 (output-doctype-system output-spec)))
1834 (funcall fn)))))
1836 (defun make-output-sink (output-spec stream)
1837 (let* ((ystream
1838 (if stream
1839 (let ((et (stream-element-type stream)))
1840 (cond
1841 ((or (null et) (subtypep et '(unsigned-byte 8)))
1842 (runes:make-octet-stream-ystream stream))
1843 ((subtypep et 'character)
1844 (runes:make-character-stream-ystream stream))))
1845 (runes:make-rod-ystream)))
1846 (omit-xml-declaration-p
1847 (boolean-or-error (output-omit-xml-declaration output-spec)))
1848 (sink-encoding (or (output-encoding output-spec) "UTF-8"))
1849 (sax-target
1850 (progn
1851 (setf (runes:ystream-encoding ystream)
1852 (cxml::find-output-encoding sink-encoding))
1853 (make-instance 'cxml::sink
1854 :ystream ystream
1855 :omit-xml-declaration-p omit-xml-declaration-p
1856 :encoding sink-encoding))))
1857 (flet ((make-combi-sink ()
1858 (make-instance 'combi-sink
1859 :hax-target (make-instance 'chtml::sink
1860 :ystream ystream)
1861 :sax-target sax-target
1862 :media-type (output-media-type output-spec)
1863 :encoding sink-encoding)))
1864 (let ((method-key (output-method output-spec)))
1865 (cond
1866 ((and (eq method-key :html)
1867 (null (output-doctype-system output-spec))
1868 (null (output-doctype-public output-spec)))
1869 (make-combi-sink))
1870 ((eq method-key :text)
1871 (make-text-filter sax-target))
1872 ((and (eq method-key :xml)
1873 (null (output-doctype-system output-spec)))
1874 sax-target)
1876 (make-auto-detect-sink (make-combi-sink) method-key)))))))
1878 (defstruct template
1879 match-expression
1880 compiled-pattern
1881 name
1882 import-priority
1883 apply-imports-limit
1884 priority
1885 position
1886 mode
1887 mode-qname
1888 params
1889 body
1890 n-variables
1891 ;; for profiling output only:
1892 unparsed-qname
1893 stylesheet
1894 base-uri)
1896 (defun expression-priority (form)
1897 (let ((step (second form)))
1898 (if (and (null (cddr form))
1899 (listp step)
1900 (member (car step) '(:child :attribute))
1901 (null (cddr step)))
1902 (let ((name (second step)))
1903 (cond
1904 ((or (stringp name)
1905 (and (consp name)
1906 (or (eq (car name) :qname)
1907 (eq (car name) :processing-instruction))))
1908 0.0)
1909 ((and (consp name)
1910 (or (eq (car name) :namespace)
1911 (eq (car name) '*)))
1912 -0.25)
1914 -0.5)))
1915 0.5)))
1917 (defun parse-key-pattern (str)
1918 (with-resignalled-errors ()
1919 (with-forward-compatible-errors
1920 (xpath:parse-xpath "compile-time-error()") ;hack
1921 (let ((parsed
1922 (mapcar #'(lambda (item)
1923 `(:path (:root :node)
1924 (:descendant-or-self :node)
1925 ,@(cdr item)))
1926 (cdr (xpath::parse-pattern-expression str)))))
1927 (if (null (rest parsed))
1928 (first parsed)
1929 `(:union ,@parsed))))))
1931 (defun compile-value-thunk (value env)
1932 (if (and (listp value) (eq (car value) 'progn))
1933 (let ((inner-thunk (compile-instruction value env)))
1934 (lambda (ctx)
1935 (apply-to-result-tree-fragment ctx inner-thunk)))
1936 (compile-xpath value env)))
1938 (defun compile-var-binding (name value env)
1939 (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
1940 (decode-qname name env nil)
1941 (let ((thunk (xslt-trace-thunk
1942 (compile-value-thunk value env)
1943 "local variable ~s = ~s" name :result)))
1944 (list (cons local-name uri)
1945 (push-variable local-name
1947 *lexical-variable-declarations*)
1948 thunk))))
1950 (defun compile-var-bindings (forms env)
1951 (loop
1952 for (name value) in forms
1953 collect (compile-var-binding name value env)))
1955 (defmacro sometimes-with-attributes ((&rest attrs) node &body body)
1956 (let ((x (gensym)))
1957 `(let ((,x ,node))
1958 (if *forwards-compatible-p*
1959 (stp:with-attributes (,@attrs) ,x ,@body)
1960 (only-with-attributes (,@attrs) ,x ,@body)))))
1962 (defun compile-template (<template> env position)
1963 (sometimes-with-attributes (match name priority mode) <template>
1964 (unless (or name match)
1965 (xslt-error "missing match in template"))
1966 (multiple-value-bind (params body-pos)
1967 (loop
1968 for i from 0
1969 for child in (stp:list-children <template>)
1970 while (namep child "param")
1971 collect (parse-param child) into params
1972 finally (return (values params i)))
1973 (let* ((*lexical-variable-declarations* (make-empty-declaration-array))
1974 (param-bindings (compile-var-bindings params env))
1975 (body (parse-body <template> body-pos (mapcar #'car params)))
1976 (body-thunk (compile-instruction `(progn ,@body) env))
1977 (outer-body-thunk
1978 (xslt-trace-thunk
1979 #'(lambda (ctx)
1980 (unwind-protect
1981 (progn
1982 ;; set params that weren't initialized by apply-templates
1983 (loop for (name index param-thunk) in param-bindings
1984 when (eq (lexical-variable-value index nil) 'unbound)
1985 do (setf (lexical-variable-value index)
1986 (funcall param-thunk ctx)))
1987 (funcall body-thunk ctx))))
1988 "template: match = ~s name = ~s" match name))
1989 (n-variables (length *lexical-variable-declarations*)))
1990 (append
1991 (when name
1992 (multiple-value-bind (local-name uri)
1993 (decode-qname name env nil)
1994 (list
1995 (make-template :name (cons local-name uri)
1996 :import-priority *import-priority*
1997 :apply-imports-limit *apply-imports-limit*
1998 :params param-bindings
1999 :body outer-body-thunk
2000 :n-variables n-variables
2001 ;; record unparsed `name' for profiler output:
2002 :unparsed-qname name))))
2003 (when match
2004 (mapcar (lambda (expression)
2005 (let* ((compiled-pattern
2006 (xslt-trace-thunk
2007 (car (without-xslt-current ()
2008 (xpattern:compute-patterns
2009 `(:patterns ,expression)
2011 :dummy
2012 env)))
2013 "match-thunk for template (match ~s): ~s --> ~s"
2014 match expression :result))
2015 (p (if priority
2016 (xpath::parse-xnum priority)
2017 (expression-priority expression)))
2019 (progn
2020 (unless (and (numberp p)
2021 (not (xpath::inf-p p))
2022 (not (xpath::nan-p p)))
2023 (xslt-error "failed to parse priority"))
2024 (float p 1.0d0)))
2025 (template
2026 (make-template :match-expression expression
2027 :compiled-pattern compiled-pattern
2028 :import-priority *import-priority*
2029 :apply-imports-limit *apply-imports-limit*
2030 :priority p
2031 :position position
2032 :mode-qname mode
2033 :params param-bindings
2034 :body outer-body-thunk
2035 :n-variables n-variables)))
2036 (setf (xpattern:pattern-value compiled-pattern)
2037 template)
2038 template))
2039 (cdr (xpattern:parse-pattern-expression match)))))))))
2040 #+(or)
2041 (xuriella::parse-stylesheet #p"/home/david/src/lisp/xuriella/test.xsl")