descriptionAn XPath 2.0 implementation in Java
last changeWed, 1 Jul 2009 04:29:40 +0000 (1 00:29 -0400)
content tags
Ant build targets are: clean, compile-src, run-cc, compile-cc. Developed under a BSD licence by Tim Washington twashing [at]
2009-07-01 Timothy Washingtonfixing fresh checkout checkmaster
2008-12-06 Timothy Washingtonfixing test expression comments
2008-12-06 Timothy Washington-- can now parse expressions:
2008-12-05 Timothy Washington-- can now parse expressions:
2008-12-05 Timothy Washington-- can now parse expressions:
2008-12-05 Timothy Washington-- can now parse expressions:
2008-12-04 Timothy Washington-- can now use the following expressions:
2008-12-02 Timothy Washington-- can now use expression ./child::node()[ @name='tim' ]
2008-11-30 Timothy Washingtonsome more example xpath 2.0 expressions
2008-11-28 Timothy Washingtoncompiling some example expressions
2008-11-28 Timothy Washingtonadding some test epressions
2008-11-27 Timothy Washingtoncleaned up primaryexpr and functioncall errors
2008-11-27 Timothy Washingtonfixed nametest shift/reduce conflicts
2008-11-27 Timothy Washingtonfixed all the way to expr/exprsingle of the grammar
2008-11-27 Timothy Washingtongot past the shift/reduce conflict in the multiplicativ...
2008-11-26 Timothy Washingtonisolating cause of EOF error
15 years ago master