descriptionProvides IPv6 connection trough tunneled IPv4.
homepage URL
last changeTue, 21 Sep 2010 18:08:55 +0000 (21 20:08 +0200)
content tags
 _                          _  ____ 
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Tunnel6 client is opensource software distributed under GNU/GPL3 licence
which provides you connectivity over the IPv6 protocol.

Client uses your IPv4 connectivity to create tunnel between client and server
over the UDP protocol with default port 6060.
It should also go through all NATs and classic firewalls..

It uses TUN device, which is standard Linux component for creating
virtual interface and transfering data.


Tunnel6 server is opensource software distributed under GNU/GPL3 license
which provides connectivity over the IPv6 protocol to IPv4 only clients.

Server needs IPv6 and IPv4 connectivity to create tunnel between client and server
over the UDP protocol with default port 6060 on v4 side and
also communicate with IPv6 world.

Server can provide any routed prefixes for each client too

Server puts selected network interface to promiscuous mode for listening
IPv6 packets of connected clients and sends NDP neighbour solicitation.
2010-09-21 Tomas 'ZeXx86... Version 1.1 - server : automatic creation of DB; some... master
2010-08-04 Tomas 'ZeXx86... Version 0.9 - server : database password are encrypted...
2010-08-03 Tomas 'ZeXx86... Version 0.7 - client : fixed config.port memleak; confi...
2010-07-21 Tomas 'ZeXx86... Added php based registration web for Tunnel6 server...
2010-06-23 Tomas 'ZeXx86... Added version to server
2010-06-22 Tomas 'ZeXx86... Clients with lost connection are disconnected by server
2010-06-21 Tomas 'ZeXx86... Tunnel6 server added; improved makefile of client and...
2010-06-20 Tomas 'ZeXx86... Fixed initialization issue with specific windows 7...
2010-06-14 Tomas 'ZeXx86... Added support for password encrypting for better securi...
2010-06-13 Tomas 'ZeXx86... New revision of the Tunnel6 client with improvements...
2010-06-12 Tomas 'ZeXx86... Initial revision of the Tunnel6 (client), server comes...
13 years ago master