descriptionSquiggle SQL builder for Java
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last changeThu, 16 Oct 2008 14:59:20 +0000 (16 14:59 +0000)
content tags
Squiggle is a little Java library for dynamically generating SQL SELECT statements. It's sweet spot is for applications that need to build up complicated queries with criteria that changes at runtime. Ordinarily it can be quite painful to figure out how to build this string. Squiggle takes much of this pain away.
2008-10-16 derek.maharAdded to class BetweenCriteria a constructor that accep... mastertrunk
2008-10-16 derek.maharCorrected the order of lower and upper bound date literals.
2008-10-09 nat.prycerun tests against JAR
2008-10-09 nat.prycefixed build and release
2008-10-09 nat.pryceignoring eclipse output directory
2008-10-06 nat.pryceexamples replaced by tests
2008-10-06 nat.prycerename Test... classes to Example...
2008-10-06 nat.prycematches the tutorial documentation
2008-10-06 nat.prycebuild puts all generated files under the build/ directory
2008-10-06 nat.prycemoved SqlMatcher to support subpackage so that the...
2008-10-06 nat.prycemoved tutorial to googlecode wiki
2008-10-06 nat.prycemoving stuff between tests so they work better as examples
2008-10-06 nat.prycerenamed
2008-10-06 nat.prycetutorial now reflects latest API
2008-10-05 nat.prycerelease scripts
2008-10-05 nat.pryceRemoved CanReferToTables interface because it was never...
15 years ago 1.4.1-dev
15 years ago tags/1.4.0
15 years ago 1.4.0-dev
15 years ago trunk
15 years ago master
15 years ago tags/2.0.0
15 years ago tags/2.0.0-RC4
15 years ago tags/2.0.0-RC3
15 years ago tags/2.0.0-RC2
15 years ago tags/2.0.0-RC1
16 years ago tags/1.3.0
16 years ago tags/1.3.0@16
16 years ago tags/1.2.3
17 years ago tags/1.2.2