descriptionSMS, MMS and Voice message sending service with easy API Interface
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last changeTue, 28 May 2024 09:36:07 +0000 (28 11:36 +0200)
last refreshThu, 26 Sep 2024 17:08:40 +0000 (26 19:08 +0200)
content tags
This project contains libraries for sending SMS, MMS and voice messages via SMSAPI gateway. Library is given in Python. Libraries in other languages can be found: PHP: C#: JAVA:
2024-05-28 in-voidfix for python 3.12 - re.compile SyntaxWarningmaster2.9.6
2023-10-10 in-voidfix examples, update account API `user` method2.9.5
2023-10-09 in-voidfix module name typo2.9.4
2023-10-09 in-voidbump up version2.9.3
2023-10-09 in-voidfix sms send example
2023-10-09 in-voidupdate http methods
2023-10-06 in-voidfix wrong parameter mapping at remove scheduled messages2.9.2
2023-09-20 in-voidfix broken contacts API endpoints2.9.1
2023-09-18 in-voidMFA examples
2023-09-14 in-voidintroduce mfa module2.9.0
2023-09-11 in-voidversion bump up2.8.0
2023-09-11 in-voidrm push API
2023-03-16 in-voidsupport sweden api
2023-01-24 in-voidversion bump up2.7.0
2023-01-24 in-voidupdate changelog
2023-01-24 in-voidincrease requests timeout
3 months ago 2.9.6 fix for python 3.12 - re.compile...
11 months ago 2.9.5 fix examples, update account API...
11 months ago 2.9.4 fix module name typo
11 months ago 2.9.3 update API HTTP methods
11 months ago 2.9.2 fix wrong parameter mapping at...
12 months ago 2.9.1 fix broken contacts API endpoints
12 months ago 2.9.0 introduce MFA module
12 months ago 2.8.0 remove push API
20 months ago 2.7.0 support mfa api, increase requests...
2 years ago 2.6.0 Support for
3 years ago 2.5.0 support for details param in SMS API
3 years ago 2.4.5 pickleable exceptions
3 years ago 2.4.3 accept 'from' parameter in sms...
4 years ago 2.4.2 change sms send http method to...
4 years ago 2.4.1 fix unhashable type caused by SmsAp...
4 years ago 2.4.0 blacklist api support
3 months ago master