[sepia.git] /
1 package Devel::Xref;
3 our $VERSION = '0.55';
5 =head1 NAME
7 Devel::Xref - Generates cross reference database for use by Perl programs.
9 =head1 SYNOPSIS
11 use Devel::Xref qw(rebuild defs callers);
13 rebuild;
14 for (defs 'foo') {
15 printf "%s:%d: sub %s\::foo() defined\n", @{$_}[0..2];
18 for (callers 'foo') {
19 printf "%s:%d: sub foo() called by %s\::%s().\n", @{$_}[0..3];
24 C<Devel::Xref> is intended as a programmatic interface to the
25 information supplied by L<B::Xref>. It is intended to be a component
26 for interactive Perl development, with other packages providing a
27 friendly interface to the raw information it extracts. C<B::Xref>
28 could be seen as an example of this sort of user-level tool, if it
29 weren't for the fact that this module was created later, and stole
30 most of its code.
32 =cut
34 use strict;
35 use warnings;
36 no warnings 'uninitialized';
37 use Config;
38 use Cwd 'abs_path';
39 use B qw(peekop class comppadlist main_start svref_2object walksymtable
41 cstring);
43 =head2 Variables
45 =over
47 =item C<%call>
49 A map of subs to call locations and callers
51 =item C<%callby>
53 A map of subs to subs called.
55 =item C<%def>
57 A map of subs to definitions.
59 =item C<%module_subs>
61 A map of packages to subs defined.
63 =item C<%var_use>
65 A map of global/package variables to uses.
67 =item C<%var_def>
69 A map of global/package variables to definitions (usually empty, since
70 it only picks up local (...) declarations.
72 =item C<%module_files>
74 A map of module names to containing files.
76 =item C<%file_modules>
78 A map of files to module names.
80 =back
82 =cut
84 our %call;
85 our %callby;
86 our %def;
87 our %module_subs;
88 our %var_def;
89 our %var_use;
90 our %module_files;
91 our %file_modules;
93 require Exporter;
94 our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
95 my @most = qw(redefined forget rebuild callers callees defs
96 var_defs var_uses
97 mod_subs mod_files mod_decls mod_apropos
98 apropos var_apropos file_apropos);
99 our @EXPORT_OK = (@most,
100 qw(xref_definitions xref_object xref_main
101 %call %callby %def %module_subs
102 %var_use %var_def %module_files %file_modules));
104 our %EXPORT_TAGS =
105 (all => \@EXPORT_OK,
106 most => \@most);
108 ######################################################################
109 ## Xref state variables:
111 sub UNKNOWN { ["?", "?", "?"] }
113 my @pad; # lexicals in current pad
114 # as ["(lexical)", type, name]
115 my @padval;
116 our %done; # keyed by $$op: set when each $op is done
117 my $top = UNKNOWN; # shadows top element of stack as
118 # [pack, type, name] (pack can be "(lexical)")
119 our $file; # shadows current filename
120 my $line; # shadows current line number
121 our $subname; # shadows current sub name
122 our @todo = (); # List of CVs that need processing
124 our $DEBUG = 0;
125 sub dprint {
126 my $type = shift;
127 my $res = "@_";
128 $res =~ s/%//g;
129 print STDERR "@_" if $DEBUG =~ /$type/;
132 my %code = (intro => "i", used => "",
133 subdef => "s", subused => "&",
134 formdef => "f", meth => "->");
137 =item C<guess_module_file($pack, $ofile)>
139 XXX: it turns out that rooting around trying to figure out the file
140 ourselves is more reliable than what we grab from the op. Are we
141 doing this wrong?
143 =cut
145 sub guess_module_file {
146 my ($pack, $ofile) = @_;
147 my $file;
149 # XXX: is this why we get the bogus defs?
150 return undef if $ofile =~ /Exporter\.pm$/;
151 # Try for standard translation in %INC:
152 (my $fn = $pack) =~ s/::/\//g;
153 if (exists $INC{"$"}) {
154 return $INC{"$"};
157 # Try what they told us:
158 chomp $ofile;
159 return $ofile if -f $ofile;
161 # Try our earlier guess of a module file:
162 if (exists $module_files{$pack}
163 && scalar(keys %{$module_files{$pack}}) == 1) {
164 my ($m) = grep /\Q$ofile\E/, keys %{$module_files{$pack}};
165 return $m if $m;
168 # Try "parent" packages:
169 while ($fn =~ s|/?[^/]+$|| && !$file) {
170 $file ||= $INC{"$"};
173 if ($file && $file !~ /^\//) {
174 $file = abs_path($file);
177 if (!$file || !-f $file) {
178 undef $file;
180 $file;
183 # XXX: should weed through the code below so it only generates decent
184 # package names, but this will fix it for now.
185 sub realpack {
186 my $p = shift;
187 if (!defined $p || $p eq '?' || $p eq '(method)') {
188 return undef;
189 } elsif ($p eq '') {
190 return 'main';
191 } else {
192 return $p;
196 # Turn a possibly-qualified name into a package and basename.
197 sub split_name {
198 local $_ = shift;
199 my ($p, $s);
200 if (/^(.*)::(.+)$/) {
201 ($p, $s) = ($1, $2);
202 } else {
203 ($p, $s) = ('main', $_);
205 undef $s if $s eq '?';
206 ($p, $s);
209 sub process {
210 my ($var, $event) = @_;
211 my ($pack, $type, $name) = @$var;
212 $pack = realpack($pack);
213 dprint 'loud', "Processing $event: @$var ($subname)";
214 if ($type eq "*") {
215 if ($event eq "used" || $event eq 'set') {
216 return;
217 } elsif ($event eq "subused") {
218 $type = "&";
219 } elsif ($event eq "meth") {
220 $type = '->';
223 $type =~ s/(.)\*$/$1/g;
224 $file = guess_module_file($pack, $file);
225 if (defined($file)) {
226 if ($pack) {
227 $module_files{$pack}{$file}++;
228 $file_modules{$file}{$pack}++;
232 if (($type eq '&' || $type eq '->') && $subname ne '(definitions)') {
233 # Handle caller/callee relations
234 my ($spack, $sname) = split_name($subname);
235 # XXX: this is gross, but otherwise Expoerter seems to fool us.
236 if ($file && !exists $def{$sname} || !exists $def{$sname}{$spack}) {
237 $def{$sname}{$spack} = { file => $file, line => undef };
240 push @{$call{$name}{$pack}},
241 { # file => $file, # This is actually $sname's file...
242 sub => $sname,
243 package => $spack,
244 line => $line
247 push @{$callby{$sname}{$spack}}, { sub => $name, package => $pack };
248 } elsif ($type eq 's' || $subname eq '(definitions)') {
249 # Handle definition
250 if ($file) {
251 my $obj = { file => $file, line => $line };
252 $module_subs{$pack}{$name} = $obj;
253 $def{$name}{$pack} = $obj;
254 dprint 'def', "$pack\::$name defined at $line\n";
256 } elsif ($name !~ /^[\x00-\x1f^] | ^\d+$ | ^[\W_]$
257 | ^(?:ENV|INC|STD(?:IN|OUT|ERR)|SIG)$ /x
258 && realpack($pack)) {
259 # Variables, but ignore specials and lexicals
260 my ($spack, $sname) = split_name($subname);
261 if ($event eq 'intro') {
262 $var_def{$name}{$pack} =
263 { file => $file,
264 package => $spack,
265 line => $line,
266 sub => $sname,
268 } elsif ($event eq 'used' || $event eq 'set') {
269 push @{$var_use{$name}{$pack}},
270 { file => $file,
271 package => $spack,
272 line => $line,
273 sub => $sname,
274 assign => ($event eq 'set'),
276 } else {
277 dprint 'ignore', "Ignoring var event $event";
279 } else {
280 dprint 'ignore', "Ignoring $type event $event";
284 # Because the CV's line number points to the end of the sub, we guess
285 # a line number based on the first pp_nextstate seen in the sub.
286 # XXX: unused for now -- fix these up later.
287 sub update_line_number {
288 my ($pack, $name) = split_name($subname);
289 my $found;
290 my $l = $line - 1; # because we usually see "sub foo {\n first_stmt...}"
291 if ($pack && exists $def{$name} && exists $def{$name}{$pack}
292 && $l < $def{$name}{$pack}{line}) {
293 $def{$name}{$pack}{line} = $l;
297 sub load_pad {
298 my $padlist = shift;
299 my ($namelistav, $vallistav, @namelist, $ix);
300 @pad = ();
301 @padval = ();
302 return if class($padlist) eq "SPECIAL";
303 ($namelistav,$vallistav) = $padlist->ARRAY;
304 @namelist = $namelistav->ARRAY;
305 for ($ix = 1; $ix < @namelist; $ix++) {
306 my $namesv = $namelist[$ix];
307 next if class($namesv) eq "SPECIAL";
308 my ($type, $name) = $namesv->PV =~ /^(.)([^\0]*)(\0.*)?$/;
309 $pad[$ix] = [undef, $type, $name];
311 if ($Config{useithreads}) {
312 my (@vallist);
313 @vallist = $vallistav->ARRAY;
314 for ($ix = 1; $ix < @vallist; $ix++) {
315 my $valsv = $vallist[$ix];
316 next unless class($valsv) eq "GV";
317 # these pad GVs don't have corresponding names, so same @pad
318 # array can be used without collisions
319 $pad[$ix] = [$valsv->STASH->NAME, "*", $valsv->NAME];
322 @padval = $vallistav->ARRAY;
325 sub xref {
326 my $start = shift;
327 my $op;
328 for ($op = $start; $$op; $op = $op->next) {
329 last if $done{$$op}++;
330 my $opname = $op->name;
331 if ($opname =~ /^(or|and|mapwhile|grepwhile|range|cond_expr)$/) {
332 xref($op->other);
333 } elsif ($opname eq "match" || $opname eq "subst") {
334 xref($op->pmreplstart);
335 } elsif ($opname eq "substcont") {
336 xref($op->other->pmreplstart);
337 $op = $op->other;
338 redo;
339 } elsif ($opname eq "enterloop") {
340 xref($op->redoop);
341 xref($op->nextop);
342 xref($op->lastop);
343 } elsif ($opname eq "subst") {
344 xref($op->pmreplstart);
345 } else {
346 no strict 'refs';
347 my $ppname = "pp_$opname";
348 &$ppname($op) if defined(&$ppname);
353 sub xref_cv {
354 my $cv = shift;
355 my $pack = $cv->GV->STASH->NAME;
356 local $subname = ($pack eq "main" ? "" : "$pack\::") . $cv->GV->NAME;
357 load_pad($cv->PADLIST);
358 xref($cv->START);
361 sub xref_object {
362 my $cvref = shift;
363 local (@todo, %done);
364 my $cv = svref_2object($cvref);
365 xref_cv($cv);
366 dprint 'todo', "todo = (@todo)";
367 my $gv = $cv->GV;
368 process([$gv->STASH->NAME, '&', $gv->NAME], 'subdef');
371 sub xref_main {
372 $subname = "(main)";
373 load_pad(comppadlist);
374 xref(main_start);
375 while (@todo) {
376 xref_cv(shift @todo);
380 sub pp_nextstate {
381 my $op = shift;
382 $file = $op->file;
383 die "pp_nextstate: $file" if $file =~ /::/;
384 $line = $op->line;
385 # update_line_number;
386 $top = UNKNOWN;
389 sub use_type($) {
390 my ($op) = @_;
391 if ($op->private & (OPpLVAL_INTRO | OPpOUR_INTRO)) {
392 'intro';
393 } elsif ($op->flags & OPf_MOD
394 && !($op->private & (OPpDEREF_HV | OPpDEREF_AV))) {
395 'set';
396 } else {
397 'used';
401 sub pp_padsv {
402 my $op = shift;
403 $top = $pad[$op->targ];
404 # process($top, $op->private & OPpLVAL_INTRO ? "intro" : "used");
407 sub pp_padav { pp_padsv(@_) }
408 sub pp_padhv { pp_padsv(@_) }
410 sub deref {
411 my ($op, $var, $as) = @_;
412 $var->[1] = $as . $var->[1];
413 process($var, use_type $op);
416 sub pp_rv2cv { deref(shift, $top, "&"); }
417 sub pp_rv2hv { deref(shift, $top, "%"); }
418 sub pp_rv2sv { deref(shift, $top, "\$"); }
419 sub pp_rv2av { deref(shift, $top, "\@"); }
420 sub pp_rv2gv { deref(shift, $top, "*"); }
422 sub pp_gvsv {
423 my $op = shift;
424 my $gv;
425 if ($Config{useithreads}) {
426 $top = $pad[$op->padix];
427 $top = UNKNOWN unless $top;
428 $top->[1] = '$';
430 else {
431 $gv = $op->gv;
432 $top = [$gv->STASH->NAME, '$', $gv->SAFENAME];
434 process($top, use_type $op);
437 sub pp_gv {
438 my $op = shift;
439 my $gv;
440 if ($Config{useithreads}) {
441 $top = $pad[$op->padix];
442 $top = UNKNOWN unless $top;
443 $top->[1] = '*';
445 else {
446 $gv = $op->gv;
447 $top = [$gv->STASH->NAME, "*", $gv->SAFENAME];
449 process($top, use_type $op);
452 my $lastclass;
454 sub pp_const {
455 my $op = shift;
456 my $sv = $op->sv;
457 # constant could be in the pad (under useithreads)
458 if ($$sv) {
459 $top = [undef, "",
460 (class($sv) ne "SPECIAL" && $sv->FLAGS & SVf_POK)
461 ? $sv->PV : undef];
463 else {
464 $top = $pad[$op->targ];
465 my $pv = $padval[$op->targ];
466 if (class($pv) eq 'PV') {
467 $pv = $pv->PV;
468 $lastclass = $pv if class($sv) eq 'SPECIAL'
469 && ($op->private & 64); # bareword
470 } else {
471 $pv = "XXX: ".class($pv);
473 dprint 'method', "blah constant ".$op->targ." pad = `$top'/`$pv'";
474 $top = UNKNOWN unless $top;
478 sub pp_method {
479 my $op = shift;
480 $top = [$lastclass || "(method)", "->".$top->[1], $top->[2]];
481 dprint 'method', "pp_method($top->[1])";
482 undef $lastclass;
485 sub pp_method_named {
486 use Data::Dumper;
487 my $op = shift;
488 my $sv = $op->sv;
489 my $pviv = $padval[$op->targ];
490 if ($pviv && class($pviv) =~ /^PV/) {
491 my $name = $pviv->PV;
492 dprint 'method_named', $op->targ.": $name";
493 undef $top->[2] if $top->[2] eq '?';
494 $top = [$top->[2] || $lastclass || "(method)", '->', $name];
495 undef $lastclass;
496 } else {
497 warn "method_named: wtf: sizeof padval = ".@padval;
501 sub pp_entersub {
502 my $op = shift;
503 if ($top->[1] =~ /^(?:m$|->)/) {
504 dprint 'method', "call to (@$top) from $subname";
505 process($top, "meth");
506 } else {
507 process($top, "subused");
509 undef $lastclass;
510 $top = UNKNOWN;
514 # Stuff for cross referencing definitions of variables and subs
517 sub B::GV::xref {
518 my $gv = shift;
519 my $cv = $gv->CV;
520 $file = $gv->FILE;
521 # XXX: sometimes the "file" is a module. Why?
522 $line = $gv->LINE;
523 if ($$cv) {
524 #return if $done{$$cv}++;
525 process([$gv->STASH->NAME, "&", $gv->NAME], "subdef");
526 push(@todo, $cv);
528 my $form = $gv->FORM;
529 if ($$form) {
530 return if $done{$$form}++;
531 process([$gv->STASH->NAME, "", $gv->NAME], "formdef");
535 sub xref_definitions {
536 my ($pack, %exclude);
537 $subname = "(definitions)";
538 foreach $pack (qw(B O AutoLoader DynaLoader XSLoader Config DB VMS
539 strict vars FileHandle Exporter Carp PerlIO::Layer
540 attributes utf8 warnings)) {
541 $exclude{$pack."::"} = 1;
543 no strict qw(vars refs);
544 walksymtable(\%{"main::"}, "xref", sub { !defined($exclude{$_[0]}) });
547 =head2 Functions
549 =over
551 =item C<rebuild()>
553 Rebuild the Xref database.
555 =cut
557 sub rebuild {
558 %call = (); %callby = (); %def = (); %module_subs = ();
559 %var_def = (); %var_use = ();
560 %module_files = (); %file_modules = ();
561 local (@todo, %done);
562 xref_definitions;
563 xref_main;
567 sub unmention {
568 my ($h, $K, $V, $pack) = @_;
569 dprint 'unmention', "Unmentioning $K => $V";
570 while (my ($k, $v) = each %$h) {
571 while (my ($k2, $v2) = each %$v) {
572 if (ref $v2 eq 'ARRAY') {
573 $v->{$k2} = [grep {
574 $_->{$K} ne $V || !$pack || $pack ne $_->{package}
575 } @$v2];
576 delete $v->{$k2} unless @{$v->{$k2}};
577 } else {
578 delete $v->{$k2} if $k2 eq $V;
581 delete $h->{$k} unless keys %{$h->{$k}};
585 sub unmention_sub {
586 my ($h, $sub, $pack) = @_;
587 dprint 'unmention', "Unmentioning $pack\::$sub";
588 if ($pack) {
589 delete $h->{$sub}{$pack};
590 delete $h->{$sub} unless keys %{$h->{$sub}};
591 } else {
592 delete $h->{$sub};
596 =item C<forget($func [, $mod])>
598 Forget that C<$func> was defined.
600 =cut
602 sub forget {
603 my ($obj, $pack) = @_;
604 unmention_sub \%def, @_;
605 unmention_sub \%callby, @_;
606 unmention \%call, 'sub', @_;
607 delete $module_subs{$pack}{$obj};
608 delete $module_subs{$pack} unless keys %{$module_subs{$pack}};
609 unmention \%var_use, 'sub', @_;
610 unmention \%var_def, 'sub', @_;
613 =item C<redefined($func [, $pack])>
615 Recompute xref info for C<$func>, or C<$pack::$func> if C<$pack> given.
617 =cut
619 sub redefined {
620 forget @_;
622 no strict 'refs';
623 my ($sub, $pack) = @_;
624 $pack ||= 'main';
625 $sub = $pack eq 'main' ? $sub : "$pack\::$sub";
626 local $subname = '(definitions)';
627 xref_object \&$sub;
631 =item C<mod_redefined($m)>
633 Recompute Xref information for module C<$m>.
635 =cut
637 sub mod_redefined {
638 my $mod = shift;
639 redefined $_, $mod for keys %{$module_subs{$mod}};
642 ######################################################################
643 # Apropos and definition-finding:
645 sub _ret_list {
646 my ($l, $mod, $sub) = @_;
647 my @mod;
648 if ($mod) {
649 @mod = ($mod);
650 } else {
651 @mod = keys %$l;
653 my @r = map {
654 my $lm = $l->{$_};
655 $mod = $_;
656 map {
657 [$_->{file} || undef, $_->{line}, $_->{sub} || $sub,
658 $_->{package} || $mod ]
659 } (ref($lm) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$lm : $lm);
660 } @mod;
661 @r = grep { $_->[0] !~ /Exporter\.pm$/ } @r
662 unless $mod && $mod eq 'Exporter';
663 return wantarray ? @r : \@r;
666 =item C<callers($func)>
668 List callers of C<$func>.
670 =cut
672 sub callers {
673 my $f = shift;
674 return _ret_list $call{$f}, @_;
677 =item C<defs($func)>
679 Find locations where C<$func> is defined.
681 =cut
683 sub defs {
684 my ($f, $pack) = @_;
685 $f =~ s/.*:://;
686 return _ret_list $def{$f}, $pack, $f;
689 =item C<callees($func)>
691 List callees of C<$func>.
693 =cut
695 sub callees {
696 my ($f, $pack) = @_;
697 my @r = map {
698 defs($_->{sub});
699 } ($pack ? @{$callby{$f}{$pack}} : map @$_, values %{$callby{$f}});
700 return wantarray ? @r : \@r;
703 =item C<var_defs($var)>
705 Find locations where C<$var> is defined.
707 =cut
709 sub var_defs {
710 my $v = shift;
711 $v =~ s/.*:://;
712 return _ret_list $var_def{$v}, @_;
715 =item C<var_uses($var)>
717 Find locations where C<$var> is used.
719 =cut
721 sub var_uses {
722 my $v = shift;
723 $v =~ s/.*:://;
724 return _ret_list $var_use{$v}, @_;
727 =item C<var_assigns($var)>
729 Find locations where C<$var> is assigned to.
731 =cut
733 sub var_assigns {
734 my ($v, $pack) = @_;
735 if ($v =~ /^(.*)::(.+)$/) {
736 $v = $2;
737 $pack = $1;
739 return _ret_list [ grep $_->{assign},
740 $pack ? @{$var_use{$v}{$pack}}
741 : map @$_, values %{$var_use{$v}} ], $pack;
744 =item C<mod_subs($pack)>
746 Find subs in package C<$pack>.
748 =cut
750 sub mod_subs {
751 my $p = shift;
752 return _ret_list $module_subs{$p};
755 =item C<mod_decls($pack)>
757 Generate a list of declarations for all subroutines in package
758 C<$pack>.
760 =cut
762 sub mod_decls {
763 my $pack = shift;
764 no strict 'refs';
765 my @ret = map {
766 my $sn = $_->[3];
767 my $proto = prototype(\&{"$pack\::$sn"});
768 $proto = defined($proto) ? "($proto)" : '';
769 "sub $sn $proto;\n";
770 } Devel::Xref::mod_subs($pack);
771 return wantarray ? @ret : join '', @ret;
774 =item C<mod_files($mod)>
776 Find file for module C<$mod>.
778 =cut
780 sub mod_files {
781 my $m = shift;
782 return sort keys %{$module_files{$m}}
783 if exists $module_files{$m};
784 return undef;
787 =item C<file_modules($file)>
789 List the modules defined in file C<$file>.
791 =cut
793 sub file_modules {
794 my $f = shift;
795 return sort keys %{$file_modules{$f}}
796 if exists $file_modules{$f};
797 return undef;
800 =item C<apropos($expr)>
802 Find subs matching C<$expr>.
804 =cut
806 sub _apropos_re($) {
807 # Do that crazy multi-word identifier completion thing:
808 my $re = shift;
809 if ($re !~ /[^\w\d_^:]/) {
810 $re =~ s/(?<=[A-Za-z\d])([^A-Za-z\d])/[A-Za-z\\d]*$1+/g;
812 qr/$re/;
815 sub _apropos {
816 my ($h, $re, $mod) = @_;
817 my @r = do {
818 if($re) {
819 $re = _apropos_re($re);
820 sort grep /$re/, keys %$h;
821 } else {
822 sort keys %$h;
825 if ($mod) {
826 $mod = _apropos_re($mod);
827 my %r;
828 for (@r) {
829 my $sn = $_;
830 for (keys %{$h->{$_}}) {
831 $r{"$_\::$sn"} = 1 if /$mod/;
834 @r = sort keys %r;
836 return wantarray ? @r : \@r;
839 sub apropos {
840 _apropos \%def, @_;
843 =item C<var_apropos($expr)>
845 Find variables matching C<$expr>.
847 =cut
849 sub var_apropos {
850 _apropos \%var_use, @_;
853 =item C<mod_apropos($expr)>
855 Find modules matching C<$expr>.
857 =cut
859 sub mod_apropos {
860 _apropos \%module_files, @_;
863 =item C<file_apropos($expr)>
865 Find modules matching C<$expr>.
867 =cut
869 sub file_apropos {
870 _apropos \%file_modules, @_;
873 =item C<completions($string)>
875 =cut
877 sub completions {
878 no strict;
879 my ($str) = @_;
880 if (my ($pfx, $name) = $str =~ /^([\%\$\@]?)(.+)/) {
881 my @nameparts = split /:+/, $name;
882 local *_completions = sub {
883 no strict;
884 my ($stash, $part, @rest) = @_;
885 $part = join '[^_]*_', split /_/, $part;
886 if (@rest) {
887 map {
888 _completions("$stash$_", @rest)
889 } grep /^$part.*\::$/, keys %$stash;
890 } else {
891 map { "$stash$_" } grep /^$part/, keys %$stash;
895 my $type = ($pfx eq '$' ? 'SCALAR'
896 : $pfx eq '@' ? 'ARRAY'
897 : $pfx eq '&' ? 'CODE'
898 : $pfx eq '%' ? 'HASH'
899 : undef);
900 map {
901 s/^::/$pfx/;$_
902 } grep {
903 !$type || defined(*{$_}{$type})
904 } _completions('::', @nameparts);
908 =item C<location($name)>
910 =cut
912 sub location {
913 no strict;
914 my ($str) = @_;
915 if (my ($pfx, $name) = $str =~ /^([\%\$\@]?)(.+)/) {
916 if ($pfx) {
917 print STDERR "Sorry -- can't lookup variables.";
919 } else {
920 my $cv = B::svref_2object(\&{$name});
921 if ($cv && ($cv = $cv->START) && !$cv->isa('B::NULL')) {
922 my ($file, $line) = ($cv->file, $cv->line);
923 if ($file !~ /^\//) {
924 for (@INC) {
925 if (-f "$_/$file") {
926 $file = "$_/$file";
927 last;
931 my ($shortname) = $name =~ /^(?:.*::)([^:]+)$/;
932 (Cwd::abs_path($file), $line, $shortname)
933 } else {
940 =item C<find_item($name)>
942 =cut
944 sub my_walksymtable(&*) {
945 no strict;
946 my ($f, $st) = @_;
947 local *_walk = sub {
948 local ($stash) = @_;
949 &$f for keys %$stash;
950 _walk("$stash$_") for grep /(?<!main)::$/, keys %$stash;
952 _walk($st);
955 sub find_item {
956 no strict;
957 my ($it, $re) = @_;
958 my @ret;
959 my $findre = $re ? qr/^\Q$it\E$/ : qr/$re/;
960 my_walksymtable {
961 push @ret, "$stash$_" if /$findre/;
962 } '::';
963 map { s/^:://;$_ } @ret;
968 __END__
970 =back
972 =head1 EXPORTS
974 Nothing by default, but all sub and variable described above can be
975 imported. C<Devel::Xref> also defines the tags C<:most> for the
976 above-listed functions, and C<:all> for those and the variables as
977 well.
979 =head1 BUGS
981 See L<B::Xref>. Also, we currently ignore module names when looking
982 up a sub by name. Finally, there is some evil in the way we guess
983 file and line numbers, both of which should be done more cleanly and
984 effectively.
986 =head1 SEE ALSO
988 L<B::Xref>, from which C<Devel::Xref> is heavily derivative.
990 =head1 AUTHOR
992 L<B::Xref> by Malcolm Beattie, m(angl|odifi)ed by Sean O'Rourke
993 (
995 =cut