[sdlpango.git] / src / SDL_Pango.c
1 /* SDL_Pango.c -- A companion library to SDL for working with Pango.
2 Copyright (C) 2004 NAKAMURA Ken'ichi
4 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
19 /*!
20 \mainpage
22 \section intro Introduction
24 Pango is the text rendering engine of GNOME 2.x. SDL_Pango connects the
25 engine to SDL. In Windows, pre-built binary package (MSI and merge module)
26 is provided.
28 \subsection dist Distribution
30 If you are a game software developer, you should know the difficulties of
31 distribution. So I will start to introduce SDL_Pango from the viewpoint
32 of distribution.
34 In Un*x, SDL_Pango is hard to use as system-independent module, because
35 it depends on fontconfig and Pango which are designed as system-singleton
36 modules. If you use SDL_Pango, your software will require those modules
37 installed to target system. If your software is shipped as shrink-wrap
38 package, it may cause much problem on your support desk. You should
39 carefully design your installation process.
41 In Windows, SDL_Pango is distributed as "merge module" which contains
42 fontconfig and Pango. Those binaries are modified as side-by-side components.
43 You should use Windows Installer and merge the module
44 on your MSI package. The merge module not only contains files, but also includes
45 custom action which must be run at installation.
47 \subsection api High-level API
49 From the viewpoint of text rendering, the heart of SDL_Pango is high-level API.
50 Other text rendering APIs, like DrawText() of Windows, font and text must be
51 specified separately. In SDL_Pango, font specification is embedded in text like
52 HTML:
54 \code
55 <span font_family="Courier New"><i>This is Courier New and italic.</i></span>
56 \endcode
58 Color, size, subscript/superscript, obliquing, weight, and other many features
59 are also available in same way.
61 \subsection i18n Internationalized Text
63 Internationalized text is another key feature. Text is specified by UTF-8. RTL
64 script (Arabic and Hebrew) and complicated rendering (Arabic, Indic and Thai) are
65 supported. You can see it with GNOME 2.x.
67 \section get Getting Started
69 \subsection getlatest Get latest files
71 Get latest files from http://sourceforge.net/projects/sdlpango/ .
73 \subsection install Install Header and Library
75 In Windows and VS2003, I strongly recommend you to install MSI package. It contains Pango
76 and fontconfig binaries which are modified as side-by-side components. It is
77 nearly impossible to build them. (I spent much time to build them...)
79 In MinGW, I recommend you to use VS2003. Otherwise you may run into the maze of
80 distribution. If you insist MinGW, you should use MinGW binary archive.
82 In Un*x, installation consists of:
84 \code
85 ./configure
86 make
87 make install
88 \endcode
90 \subsection inc Includes
92 To use SDL_Pango functions in a C/C++ source code file, you must use the SDL_Pango.h
93 include file:
95 \code
96 #include "SDL_Pango.h"
97 \endcode
99 In Windows, SDL_Pango.h is installed on \c \%ProgramFiles\%\\SDL_Pango \c Development\\include
100 (usually \c C:\\Program \c Files\\SDL_Pango \c Development\\include). You should add this
101 directory to include path.
103 \subsection comp Compiling
105 In Un*x, to link with SDL_Pango you should use sdl-config to get the required SDL
106 compilation options. After that, compiling with SDL_Pango is quite easy.
108 Note: Some systems may not have the SDL_Pango library and include file in the same
109 place as the SDL library and includes are located, in that case you will need to
110 add more -I and -L paths to these command lines.
112 Simple Example for compiling an object file:
114 \code
115 cc -c `sdl-config --cflags` mysource.c
116 \endcode
118 Simple Example for linking an object file:
120 \code
121 cc -o myprogram mysource.o `sdl-config --libs` -lSDL_Pango
122 \endcode
124 Now myprogram is ready to run.
126 You can see a sample of autoconfiscation in 'test' directory.
128 In Windows, MSI package installs many dlls to \c \%ProgramFiles\%\\SDL_Pango \c Development\\import_lib.
129 To link with SDL_Pango you should use SDL_Pango.lib.
131 SDL_Pango.dll depends on many dlls and other many files. Those dlls are installed on
132 \c \%ProgramFiles\%\\SDL_Pango \c Development\\bin. MSI package adds the directory to PATH environment
133 variable.
135 \section devel Development
137 \subsection font Font Handling
139 In Un*x, font handling depends on fontconfig of your system.
141 In Windows, local.conf of fontconfig is placed on \c \%ProgramFiles\%\\SDL_Pango \c Development\\etc\\fonts.
142 You should know about fontconfig's font cache mechanism.
144 \subsection example Step-by-step Example
146 The operation of SDL_Pango is done via context.
148 \code
149 SDLPango_Context *context = SDLPango_CreateContext();
150 \endcode
152 Specify default colors and minimum surface size.
154 \code
156 SDLPango_SetMinimumSize(context, 640, 0);
157 \endcode
159 Set markup text.
161 \code
162 SDLPango_SetMarkup(context, "This is <i>markup</i> text.", -1);
163 \endcode
165 Now you can get the size of surface.
167 \code
168 int w = SDLPango_GetLayoutWidth(context);
169 int h = SDLPango_GetLayoutHeight(context);
170 \endcode
172 Create surface to draw.
174 \code
175 int margin_x = 10;
176 int margin_y = 10;
177 SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
178 w + margin_x * 2, h + margin_y * 2,
179 32, (Uint32)(255 << (8 * 3)), (Uint32)(255 << (8 * 2)),
180 (Uint32)(255 << (8 * 1)), 255);
181 \endcode
183 And draw on it.
185 \code
186 SDLPango_Draw(context, surface, margin_x, margin_y);
187 \endcode
189 You must free the surface by yourself.
191 \code
192 SDL_FreeSurface(surface);
193 \endcode
195 Free context.
197 \code
198 SDLPango_FreeContext(context);
199 \endcode
201 You can see actual code in \c test/testbench.cpp.
203 \subsection pack Packaging
205 In Un*x, do it yourself.
207 In Windows, font files must be installed on apprication folder (usually
208 \c C:\\Program \c Files\\[Manufacturer]\\[ProductName]). The property of
209 apprication folder must be \c TARGETDIR (this is default setting of VS2003).
210 SDL.dll also must be installed on apprication folder. Add SDL_Pango.msm to
211 your MSI package.
213 \section ack Acknowledgment
215 SDL_Pango is developed with financial assistance of Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan.
217 - NAKAMURA Ken'ichi <nakamura@sbp.fp.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
221 /*! @file
222 @brief Implementation of SDL_Pango
224 @author NAKAMURA Ken'ichi
225 @date 2004/12/07
226 $Revision: 1.6 $
229 #include <pango/pango.h>
230 #include <pango/pangoft2.h>
232 #include "SDL_Pango.h"
234 //! non-zero if initialized
235 static int IS_INITIALIZED = 0;
237 #define DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY "sans-serif"
238 #define DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE 12
239 #define DEFAULT_DPI 96
240 #define _MAKE_FONT_NAME(family, size) family " " #size
241 #define MAKE_FONT_NAME(family, size) _MAKE_FONT_NAME(family, size)
242 #define DEFAULT_DEPTH 32
243 #define DEFAULT_RMASK (Uint32)(255 << (8 * 3))
244 #define DEFAULT_GMASK (Uint32)(255 << (8 * 2))
245 #define DEFAULT_BMASK (Uint32)(255 << (8 * 1))
246 #define DEFAULT_AMASK (Uint32)255
248 static FT_Bitmap *createFTBitmap(int width, int height);
250 static void freeFTBitmap(FT_Bitmap *bitmap);
252 static void getItemProperties (
253 PangoItem *item,
254 PangoUnderline *uline,
255 gboolean *strikethrough,
256 gint *rise,
257 PangoColor *fg_color,
258 gboolean *fg_set,
259 PangoColor *bg_color,
260 gboolean *bg_set,
261 gboolean *shape_set,
262 PangoRectangle *ink_rect,
263 PangoRectangle *logical_rect);
265 static void clearFTBitmap(FT_Bitmap *bitmap);
267 typedef struct _surfaceArgs {
268 Uint32 flags;
269 int depth;
270 Uint32 Rmask;
271 Uint32 Gmask;
272 Uint32 Bmask;
273 Uint32 Amask;
274 } surfaceArgs;
276 typedef struct _contextImpl {
277 PangoContext *context;
278 PangoFontMap *font_map;
279 PangoFontDescription *font_desc;
280 PangoLayout *layout;
281 surfaceArgs surface_args;
282 FT_Bitmap *tmp_ftbitmap;
283 SDLPango_Matrix color_matrix;
284 int min_width;
285 int min_height;
286 } contextImpl;
289 const SDLPango_Matrix _MATRIX_WHITE_BACK
290 = {255, 0, 0, 0,
291 255, 0, 0, 0,
292 255, 0, 0, 0,
293 255, 255, 0, 0,};
296 Specifies white back and black letter.
300 const SDLPango_Matrix _MATRIX_BLACK_BACK
301 = {0, 255, 0, 0,
302 0, 255, 0, 0,
303 0, 255, 0, 0,
304 255, 255, 0, 0,};
306 Specifies black back and white letter.
311 = {0, 0, 0, 0,
312 0, 0, 0, 0,
313 0, 0, 0, 0,
314 0, 255, 0, 0,};
316 Specifies transparent back and black letter.
321 = {255, 255, 0, 0,
322 255, 255, 0, 0,
323 255, 255, 0, 0,
324 0, 255, 0, 0,};
326 Specifies transparent back and white letter.
331 = {255, 255, 0, 0,
332 255, 255, 0, 0,
333 255, 255, 0, 0,
334 0, 0, 0, 0,};
336 Specifies transparent back and transparent letter.
337 This is useful for KARAOKE like rendering.
343 Initialize the Glib and Pango API.
344 This must be called before using other functions in this library,
345 excepting SDLPango_WasInit.
346 SDL does not have to be initialized before this call.
349 @return always 0.
352 SDLPango_Init()
354 g_type_init();
358 return 0;
362 Query the initilization status of the Glib and Pango API.
363 You may, of course, use this before SDLPango_Init to avoid
364 initilizing twice in a row.
366 @return zero when already initialized.
367 non-zero when not initialized.
370 SDLPango_WasInit()
372 return IS_INITIALIZED;
376 Draw glyphs on rect.
378 @param *context [in] Context
379 @param *surface [out] Surface to draw on it
380 @param *color_matrix [in] Foreground and background color
381 @param *font [in] Innter variable of Pango
382 @param *glyphs [in] Innter variable of Pango
383 @param *rect [in] Draw on this area
384 @param baseline [in] Horizontal location of glyphs
386 static void
387 drawGlyphString(
388 SDLPango_Context *context,
389 SDL_Surface *surface,
390 SDLPango_Matrix *color_matrix,
391 PangoFont *font,
392 PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
393 SDL_Rect *rect,
394 int baseline)
396 pango_ft2_render(context->tmp_ftbitmap, font, glyphs, rect->x, rect->y + baseline);
398 SDLPango_CopyFTBitmapToSurface(
399 context->tmp_ftbitmap,
400 surface,
401 color_matrix,
402 rect);
404 clearFTBitmap(context->tmp_ftbitmap);
408 Draw horizontal line of a pixel.
410 @param *surface [out] Surface to draw on it
411 @param *color_matrix [in] Foreground and background color
412 @param y [in] Y location of line
413 @param start [in] Left of line
414 @param end [in] Right of line
416 static void drawHLine(
417 SDL_Surface *surface,
418 SDLPango_Matrix *color_matrix,
419 int y,
420 int start,
421 int end)
423 Uint8 *p;
424 Uint16 *p16;
425 Uint32 *p32;
426 Uint32 color;
427 int ix;
428 int pixel_bytes = surface->format->BytesPerPixel;
430 if (y < 0 || y >= surface->h)
431 return;
433 if (end <= 0 || start >= surface->w)
434 return;
436 if (start < 0)
437 start = 0;
439 if (end >= surface->w)
440 end = surface->w;
442 p = (Uint8 *)(surface->pixels) + y * surface->pitch + start * pixel_bytes;
443 color = SDL_MapRGBA(surface->format,
444 color_matrix->m[0][1],
445 color_matrix->m[1][1],
446 color_matrix->m[2][1],
447 color_matrix->m[3][1]);
449 switch(pixel_bytes) {
450 case 2:
451 p16 = (Uint16 *)p;
452 for (ix = 0; ix < end - start; ix++)
453 *p16++ = (Uint16)color;
454 break;
455 case 4:
456 p32 = (Uint32 *)p;
457 for (ix = 0; ix < end - start; ix++)
458 *p32++ = color;
459 break;
460 default:
461 SDL_SetError("surface->format->BytesPerPixel is invalid value");
462 break;
467 Draw a line.
469 @param *context [in] Context
470 @param *surface [out] Surface to draw on it
471 @param *line [in] Innter variable of Pango
472 @param x [in] X location of line
473 @param y [in] Y location of line
474 @param height [in] Height of line
475 @param baseline [in] Rise / sink of line (for super/subscript)
477 static void
478 drawLine(
479 SDLPango_Context *context,
480 SDL_Surface *surface,
481 PangoLayoutLine *line,
482 gint x,
483 gint y,
484 gint height,
485 gint baseline)
487 GSList *tmp_list = line->runs;
488 PangoColor fg_color, bg_color;
489 PangoRectangle logical_rect;
490 PangoRectangle ink_rect;
491 int x_off = 0;
493 while (tmp_list) {
494 SDLPango_Matrix color_matrix = context->color_matrix;
495 PangoUnderline uline = PANGO_UNDERLINE_NONE;
496 gboolean strike, fg_set, bg_set, shape_set;
497 gint rise, risen_y;
498 PangoLayoutRun *run = tmp_list->data;
499 SDL_Rect d_rect;
501 tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
503 getItemProperties(run->item,
504 &uline, &strike, &rise,
505 &fg_color, &fg_set, &bg_color, &bg_set,
506 &shape_set, &ink_rect, &logical_rect);
508 risen_y = y + baseline - PANGO_PIXELS (rise);
510 if(fg_set) {
511 color_matrix.m[0][1] = (Uint8)(fg_color.red >> 8);
512 color_matrix.m[1][1] = (Uint8)(fg_color.green >> 8);
513 color_matrix.m[2][1] = (Uint8)(fg_color.blue >> 8);
514 color_matrix.m[3][1] = 255;
515 if(color_matrix.m[3][0] == 0) {
516 color_matrix.m[0][0] = (Uint8)(fg_color.red >> 8);
517 color_matrix.m[1][0] = (Uint8)(fg_color.green >> 8);
518 color_matrix.m[2][0] = (Uint8)(fg_color.blue >> 8);
522 if (bg_set) {
523 color_matrix.m[0][0] = (Uint8)(bg_color.red >> 8);
524 color_matrix.m[1][0] = (Uint8)(bg_color.green >> 8);
525 color_matrix.m[2][0] = (Uint8)(bg_color.blue >> 8);
526 color_matrix.m[3][0] = 255;
529 if(! shape_set) {
530 if (uline == PANGO_UNDERLINE_NONE)
531 pango_glyph_string_extents (run->glyphs, run->item->analysis.font,
532 NULL, &logical_rect);
533 else
534 pango_glyph_string_extents (run->glyphs, run->item->analysis.font,
535 &ink_rect, &logical_rect);
537 d_rect.w = (Uint16)PANGO_PIXELS(logical_rect.width);
538 d_rect.h = (Uint16)height;
539 d_rect.x = (Uint16)(x + PANGO_PIXELS (x_off));
540 d_rect.y = (Uint16)(risen_y - baseline);
542 if((! context->tmp_ftbitmap) || d_rect.w + d_rect.x > context->tmp_ftbitmap->width
543 || d_rect.h + d_rect.y > context->tmp_ftbitmap->rows)
545 freeFTBitmap(context->tmp_ftbitmap);
546 context->tmp_ftbitmap = createFTBitmap(d_rect.w + d_rect.x, d_rect.h + d_rect.y);
549 drawGlyphString(context, surface,
550 &color_matrix,
551 run->item->analysis.font, run->glyphs, &d_rect, baseline);
553 switch (uline) {
555 break;
557 drawHLine(surface, &color_matrix,
558 risen_y + 4,
559 x + PANGO_PIXELS (x_off + ink_rect.x),
560 x + PANGO_PIXELS (x_off + ink_rect.x + ink_rect.width));
561 /* Fall through */
563 drawHLine(surface, &color_matrix,
564 risen_y + 2,
565 x + PANGO_PIXELS (x_off + ink_rect.x),
566 x + PANGO_PIXELS (x_off + ink_rect.x + ink_rect.width));
567 break;
570 int point_x;
571 int counter = 0;
572 int end_x = x + PANGO_PIXELS (x_off + ink_rect.x + ink_rect.width);
574 for (point_x = x + PANGO_PIXELS (x_off + ink_rect.x) - 1;
575 point_x <= end_x;
576 point_x += 2)
578 if (counter)
579 drawHLine(surface, &color_matrix,
580 risen_y + 2,
581 point_x, MIN (point_x + 1, end_x));
582 else
583 drawHLine(surface, &color_matrix,
584 risen_y + 3,
585 point_x, MIN (point_x + 1, end_x));
587 counter = (counter + 1) % 2;
590 break;
592 drawHLine(surface, &color_matrix,
593 risen_y + PANGO_PIXELS (ink_rect.y + ink_rect.height),
594 x + PANGO_PIXELS (x_off + ink_rect.x),
595 x + PANGO_PIXELS (x_off + ink_rect.x + ink_rect.width));
596 break;
599 if (strike)
600 drawHLine(surface, &color_matrix,
601 risen_y + PANGO_PIXELS (logical_rect.y + logical_rect.height / 2),
602 x + PANGO_PIXELS (x_off + logical_rect.x),
603 x + PANGO_PIXELS (x_off + logical_rect.x + logical_rect.width));
605 x_off += logical_rect.width;
610 Innter function of Pango. Stolen from GDK.
612 @param *item [in] The item to get property
613 @param *uline [out] Kind of underline
614 @param *strikethrough [out] Strike-through line
615 @param *rise [out] Rise/sink of line (for super/subscript)
616 @param *fg_color [out] Color of foreground
617 @param *fg_set [out] True if fg_color set
618 @param *bg_color [out] Color of background
619 @param *bg_set [out] True if bg_color valid
620 @param *shape_set [out] True if ink_rect and logical_rect valid
621 @param *ink_rect [out] Ink rect
622 @param *logical_rect [out] Logical rect
624 static void
625 getItemProperties (
626 PangoItem *item,
627 PangoUnderline *uline,
628 gboolean *strikethrough,
629 gint *rise,
630 PangoColor *fg_color,
631 gboolean *fg_set,
632 PangoColor *bg_color,
633 gboolean *bg_set,
634 gboolean *shape_set,
635 PangoRectangle *ink_rect,
636 PangoRectangle *logical_rect)
638 GSList *tmp_list = item->analysis.extra_attrs;
640 if (strikethrough)
641 *strikethrough = FALSE;
643 if (fg_set)
644 *fg_set = FALSE;
646 if (bg_set)
647 *bg_set = FALSE;
649 if (shape_set)
650 *shape_set = FALSE;
652 if (rise)
653 *rise = 0;
655 while (tmp_list) {
656 PangoAttribute *attr = tmp_list->data;
658 switch (attr->klass->type) {
660 if (uline)
661 *uline = ((PangoAttrInt *)attr)->value;
662 break;
665 if (strikethrough)
666 *strikethrough = ((PangoAttrInt *)attr)->value;
667 break;
670 if (fg_color)
671 *fg_color = ((PangoAttrColor *)attr)->color;
672 if (fg_set)
673 *fg_set = TRUE;
674 break;
677 if (bg_color)
678 *bg_color = ((PangoAttrColor *)attr)->color;
679 if (bg_set)
680 *bg_set = TRUE;
681 break;
684 if (shape_set)
685 *shape_set = TRUE;
686 if (logical_rect)
687 *logical_rect = ((PangoAttrShape *)attr)->logical_rect;
688 if (ink_rect)
689 *ink_rect = ((PangoAttrShape *)attr)->ink_rect;
690 break;
693 if (rise)
694 *rise = ((PangoAttrInt *)attr)->value;
695 break;
697 default:
698 break;
700 tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
705 Copy bitmap to surface.
706 From (x, y)-(w, h) to (x, y)-(w, h) of rect.
708 @param *bitmap [in] Grayscale bitmap
709 @param *surface [out] Surface
710 @param *matrix [in] Foreground and background color
711 @param *rect [in] Rect to copy
713 void
714 SDLPango_CopyFTBitmapToSurface(
715 const FT_Bitmap *bitmap,
716 SDL_Surface *surface,
717 const SDLPango_Matrix *matrix,
718 SDL_Rect *rect)
720 int i;
721 Uint8 *p_ft;
722 Uint8 *p_sdl;
723 int width = rect->w;
724 int height = rect->h;
725 int x = rect->x;
726 int y = rect->y;
728 if(x + width > surface->w) {
729 width = surface->w - x;
730 if(width <= 0)
731 return;
733 if(y + height > surface->h) {
734 height = surface->h - y;
735 if(height <= 0)
736 return;
739 if(SDL_LockSurface(surface)) {
740 SDL_SetError("surface lock failed");
741 SDL_FreeSurface(surface);
742 return;
745 p_ft = (Uint8 *)bitmap->buffer + (bitmap->pitch * y);
746 p_sdl = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels + (surface->pitch * y);
747 for(i = 0; i < height; i ++) {
748 int k;
749 for(k = 0; k < width; k ++) {
750 /* TODO: rewrite by matrix calculation library */
751 Uint8 pixel[4]; /* 4: RGBA */
752 int n;
754 for(n = 0; n < 4; n ++) {
755 Uint16 w;
756 w = ((Uint16)matrix->m[n][0] * (256 - p_ft[k + x])) + ((Uint16)matrix->m[n][1] * p_ft[k + x]);
757 pixel[n] = (Uint8)(w >> 8);
760 switch(surface->format->BytesPerPixel) {
761 case 2:
762 ((Uint16 *)p_sdl)[k + x] = (Uint16)SDL_MapRGBA(surface->format, pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[3]);
763 break;
764 case 4:
765 ((Uint32 *)p_sdl)[k + x] = SDL_MapRGBA(surface->format, pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[3]);
766 break;
767 default:
768 SDL_SetError("surface->format->BytesPerPixel is invalid value");
769 return;
772 p_ft += bitmap->pitch;
773 p_sdl += surface->pitch;
776 SDL_UnlockSurface(surface);
780 SDLPango_Context*
781 SDLPango_CreateContext_GivenFontDesc(const char* font_desc)
783 SDLPango_Context *context = g_malloc(sizeof(SDLPango_Context));
784 G_CONST_RETURN char *charset;
786 context->font_map = pango_ft2_font_map_new ();
787 pango_ft2_font_map_set_resolution (PANGO_FT2_FONT_MAP (context->font_map), DEFAULT_DPI, DEFAULT_DPI);
789 context->context = pango_ft2_font_map_create_context (PANGO_FT2_FONT_MAP (context->font_map));
791 g_get_charset(&charset);
792 pango_context_set_language (context->context, pango_language_from_string (charset));
793 pango_context_set_base_dir (context->context, PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR);
795 context->font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string(font_desc);
797 context->layout = pango_layout_new (context->context);
799 SDLPango_SetSurfaceCreateArgs(context, SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_SRCALPHA, DEFAULT_DEPTH,
802 context->tmp_ftbitmap = NULL;
804 context->color_matrix = *MATRIX_TRANSPARENT_BACK_BLACK_LETTER;
806 context->min_height = 0;
807 context->min_width = 0;
809 return context;
813 Create a context which contains Pango objects.
815 @return A pointer to the context as a SDLPango_Context*.
817 SDLPango_Context*
818 SDLPango_CreateContext()
824 Free a context.
826 @param *context [i/o] Context to be free
828 void
829 SDLPango_FreeContext(SDLPango_Context *context)
831 freeFTBitmap(context->tmp_ftbitmap);
833 g_object_unref (context->layout);
835 pango_font_description_free(context->font_desc);
837 g_object_unref(context->context);
839 g_object_unref(context->font_map);
841 g_free(context);
845 Specify Arguments when create a surface.
846 When SDL_Pango creates a surface, the arguments are used.
848 @param *context [i/o] Context
849 @param flags [in] Same as SDL_CreateRGBSurface()
850 @param depth [in] Same as SDL_CreateRGBSurface()
851 @param Rmask [in] Same as SDL_CreateRGBSurface()
852 @param Gmask [in] Same as SDL_CreateRGBSurface()
853 @param Bmask [in] Same as SDL_CreateRGBSurface()
854 @param Amask [in] Same as SDL_CreateRGBSurface()
856 void
857 SDLPango_SetSurfaceCreateArgs(
858 SDLPango_Context *context,
859 Uint32 flags,
860 int depth,
861 Uint32 Rmask, Uint32 Gmask, Uint32 Bmask, Uint32 Amask)
863 context->surface_args.flags = flags;
864 context->surface_args.depth = depth;
865 context->surface_args.Rmask = Rmask;
866 context->surface_args.Gmask = Gmask;
867 context->surface_args.Bmask = Bmask;
868 context->surface_args.Amask = Amask;
872 Create a surface and draw text on it.
873 The size of surface is same as lauout size.
875 @param *context [in] Context
876 @return A newly created surface
878 SDL_Surface * SDLPango_CreateSurfaceDraw(
879 SDLPango_Context *context)
881 PangoRectangle logical_rect;
882 SDL_Surface *surface;
883 int width, height;
885 pango_layout_get_extents (context->layout, NULL, &logical_rect);
886 width = PANGO_PIXELS (logical_rect.width);
887 height = PANGO_PIXELS (logical_rect.height);
888 if(width < context->min_width)
889 width = context->min_width;
890 if(height < context->min_height)
891 height = context->min_height;
893 surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(
894 context->surface_args.flags,
895 width, height, context->surface_args.depth,
896 context->surface_args.Rmask,
897 context->surface_args.Gmask,
898 context->surface_args.Bmask,
899 context->surface_args.Amask);
901 SDLPango_Draw(context, surface, 0, 0);
903 return surface;
907 Draw text on a existing surface.
909 @param *context [in] Context
910 @param *surface [i/o] Surface to draw on it
911 @param x [in] X of left-top of drawing area
912 @param y [in] Y of left-top of drawing area
914 void
915 SDLPango_Draw(
916 SDLPango_Context *context,
917 SDL_Surface *surface,
918 int x, int y)
920 PangoLayoutIter *iter;
921 PangoRectangle logical_rect;
922 int width, height;
924 if(! surface) {
925 SDL_SetError("surface is NULL");
926 return;
929 iter = pango_layout_get_iter (context->layout);
931 pango_layout_get_extents (context->layout, NULL, &logical_rect);
932 width = PANGO_PIXELS (logical_rect.width);
933 height = PANGO_PIXELS (logical_rect.height);
935 if (width && height) {
936 SDL_FillRect(surface, NULL, SDL_MapRGBA(surface->format, 0, 0, 0, 0));
939 if((! context->tmp_ftbitmap) || context->tmp_ftbitmap->width < width
940 || context->tmp_ftbitmap->rows < height)
942 freeFTBitmap(context->tmp_ftbitmap);
943 context->tmp_ftbitmap = createFTBitmap(width, height);
946 do {
947 PangoLayoutLine *line;
948 int baseline;
950 line = pango_layout_iter_get_line (iter);
952 pango_layout_iter_get_line_extents (iter, NULL, &logical_rect);
953 baseline = pango_layout_iter_get_baseline (iter);
955 drawLine(
956 context,
957 surface,
958 line,
959 x + PANGO_PIXELS (logical_rect.x),
960 y + PANGO_PIXELS (logical_rect.y),
961 PANGO_PIXELS (logical_rect.height),
962 PANGO_PIXELS (baseline - logical_rect.y));
963 } while (pango_layout_iter_next_line (iter));
965 pango_layout_iter_free (iter);
969 Allocate buffer and create a FTBitmap object.
971 @param width [in] Width
972 @param height [in] Height
973 @return FTBitmap object
975 static FT_Bitmap *
976 createFTBitmap(
977 int width, int height)
979 FT_Bitmap *bitmap;
980 guchar *buf;
982 bitmap = g_malloc(sizeof(FT_Bitmap));
983 bitmap->width = width;
984 bitmap->rows = height;
985 bitmap->pitch = (width + 3) & ~3;
986 bitmap->num_grays = 256;
987 bitmap->pixel_mode = FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY;
988 buf = g_malloc (bitmap->pitch * bitmap->rows);
989 memset (buf, 0x00, bitmap->pitch * bitmap->rows);
990 bitmap->buffer = buf;
992 return bitmap;
996 Free a FTBitmap object.
998 @param *bitmap [i/o] FTbitmap to be free
1000 static void
1001 freeFTBitmap(
1002 FT_Bitmap *bitmap)
1004 if(bitmap) {
1005 g_free(bitmap->buffer);
1006 g_free(bitmap);
1011 Clear a FTBitmap object.
1013 @param *bitmap [i/o] FTbitmap to be clear
1015 static void
1016 clearFTBitmap(
1017 FT_Bitmap *bitmap)
1019 Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)bitmap->buffer;
1020 int length = bitmap->pitch * bitmap->rows;
1022 memset(p, 0, length);
1026 Specify minimum size of drawing rect.
1028 @param *context [i/o] Context
1029 @param width [in] Width. -1 means no wrapping mode.
1030 @param height [in] Height. zero/minus value means non-specified.
1032 void
1033 SDLPango_SetMinimumSize(
1034 SDLPango_Context *context,
1035 int width, int height)
1037 int pango_width;
1038 if(width > 0)
1039 pango_width = width * PANGO_SCALE;
1040 else
1041 pango_width = -1;
1042 pango_layout_set_width(context->layout, pango_width);
1044 context->min_width = width;
1045 context->min_height = height;
1049 Specify default color.
1051 @param *context [i/o] Context
1052 @param *color_matrix [in] Foreground and background color
1054 void
1055 SDLPango_SetDefaultColor(
1056 SDLPango_Context *context,
1057 const SDLPango_Matrix *color_matrix)
1059 context->color_matrix = *color_matrix;
1063 Get layout width.
1065 @param *context [in] Context
1066 @return Width
1069 SDLPango_GetLayoutWidth(
1070 SDLPango_Context *context)
1072 PangoRectangle logical_rect;
1074 pango_layout_get_extents (context->layout, NULL, &logical_rect);
1076 return PANGO_PIXELS (logical_rect.width);
1080 Get layout height.
1082 @param *context [in] Context
1083 @return Height
1086 SDLPango_GetLayoutHeight(
1087 SDLPango_Context *context)
1089 PangoRectangle logical_rect;
1091 pango_layout_get_extents (context->layout, NULL, &logical_rect);
1093 return PANGO_PIXELS (logical_rect.height);
1097 Set markup text to context.
1098 Text must be utf-8.
1099 Markup format is same as pango.
1101 @param *context [i/o] Context
1102 @param *markup [in] Markup text
1103 @param length [in] Text length. -1 means NULL-terminated text.
1105 void
1106 SDLPango_SetMarkup(
1107 SDLPango_Context *context,
1108 const char *markup,
1109 int length)
1111 pango_layout_set_markup (context->layout, markup, length);
1112 pango_layout_set_auto_dir (context->layout, TRUE);
1113 pango_layout_set_alignment (context->layout, PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT);
1114 pango_layout_set_font_description (context->layout, context->font_desc);
1117 void
1118 SDLPango_SetText_GivenAlignment(
1119 SDLPango_Context *context,
1120 const char *text,
1121 int length,
1122 SDLPango_Alignment alignment)
1124 pango_layout_set_attributes(context->layout, NULL);
1125 pango_layout_set_text (context->layout, text, length);
1126 pango_layout_set_auto_dir (context->layout, TRUE);
1127 pango_layout_set_alignment (context->layout, alignment);
1128 pango_layout_set_font_description (context->layout, context->font_desc);
1132 Set plain text to context.
1133 Text must be utf-8.
1135 @param *context [i/o] Context
1136 @param *text [in] Plain text
1137 @param length [in] Text length. -1 means NULL-terminated text.
1139 void
1140 SDLPango_SetText(
1141 SDLPango_Context *context,
1142 const char *text,
1143 int length)
1145 SDLPango_SetText_GivenAlignment(context, text, length, SDLPANGO_ALIGN_LEFT);
1149 Set DPI to context.
1151 @param *context [i/o] Context
1152 @param dpi_x [in] X dpi
1153 @param dpi_y [in] Y dpi
1155 void
1156 SDLPango_SetDpi(
1157 SDLPango_Context *context,
1158 double dpi_x, double dpi_y)
1160 pango_ft2_font_map_set_resolution (PANGO_FT2_FONT_MAP (context->font_map), dpi_x, dpi_y);
1164 Set language to context.
1166 @param *context [i/o] Context
1167 @param *language_tag [in] A RFC-3066 format language tag
1169 void SDLCALL SDLPango_SetLanguage(
1170 SDLPango_Context *context,
1171 const char *language_tag)
1173 pango_context_set_language (context->context, pango_language_from_string (language_tag));
1177 Set base direction to context.
1179 @param *context [i/o] Context
1180 @param direction [in] Direction
1182 void SDLCALL SDLPango_SetBaseDirection(
1183 SDLPango_Context *context,
1184 SDLPango_Direction direction)
1186 PangoDirection pango_dir;
1188 switch(direction) {
1190 pango_dir = PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR;
1191 break;
1193 pango_dir = PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL;
1194 break;
1196 pango_dir = PANGO_DIRECTION_WEAK_LTR;
1197 break;
1199 pango_dir = PANGO_DIRECTION_WEAK_RTL;
1200 break;
1203 break;
1204 default:
1205 SDL_SetError("unknown direction value");
1206 return;
1209 pango_context_set_base_dir (context->context, pango_dir);
1213 Get font map from context.
1215 @param *context [in] Context
1216 @return Font map
1218 PangoFontMap* SDLCALL SDLPango_GetPangoFontMap(
1219 SDLPango_Context *context)
1221 return context->font_map;
1225 Get font description from context.
1227 @param *context [in] Context
1228 @return Font description
1230 PangoFontDescription* SDLCALL SDLPango_GetPangoFontDescription(
1231 SDLPango_Context *context)
1233 return context->font_desc;
1237 Get layout from context.
1239 @param *context [in] Context
1240 @return Layout
1242 PangoLayout* SDLCALL SDLPango_GetPangoLayout(
1243 SDLPango_Context *context)
1245 return context->layout;