descriptionEmacs mode to manage project
last changeFri, 16 Jul 2010 04:56:03 +0000 (15 21:56 -0700)
content tags
project-buffer-mode provides a generic interface in order to manage projects inside emacs. It provides an easy and intuitive way to interact with the multiple projects with in one buffer.
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainUse 2008 mode by default.master
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainUpdate todo list + Update some defcustom variable addin...
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainUse the dependancy information to execute the actions...
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainDisplay the name of the project in the command prompt.
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainAdded user command to add and remove dependencies ...
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainAdded function to add/remove/get the dependent list...
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainAdded dependent-project-list field.
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainAdded key bindings: M-n N-p to go to the next and previ...
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainAdd the command `project-buffer-occur-case-sensitive'
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainRelease version 1.1
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainMake sure the project-buffer and the occur buffer have...
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainFix local variable settings + Non existing files don...
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainFix bug where the file weren't properly attached to...
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainFix bug with the (goto-char (point-min)) after the...
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainUpdate file header. Release 1.0.
2010-07-16 Cedric LallainUpdate file header. Release 1.10.
13 years ago buffer-offer-save
13 years ago use-elinstall
13 years ago keybind-in-buffers
13 years ago some-global-commands-tehom
13 years ago eda
13 years ago the-projects
13 years ago master