descriptionAn urban flight simulator game.
homepage URL
last changeSat, 12 Jun 2010 02:37:05 +0000 (11 22:37 -0400)
content tags
This is a reimagining of the original poopmup urban flight simulator.
2010-06-12 Stephen M.... Fixed windings on map.master
2010-06-01 Stephen M.... Made Map a set.
2010-05-29 Stephen M.... Factored opengl into separate header file.
2010-05-28 Stephen M.... Initialized RNG at the right place.
2010-05-28 Stephen M.... Fixed some source file permissions.
2010-05-28 Stephen M.... Made the sky blue.
2010-05-28 Stephen M.... Changed main loop timing.
2010-05-26 Stephen M.... Updated VS project to match refactoring.
2010-05-26 Stephen M.... Updated to use pkg-config.
2010-05-26 Stephen M.... Tweaked .gitignored files.
2010-05-26 Stephen M.... Removed old src directory.
2010-05-26 Stephen M.... Updated DEB packaging.
2010-05-26 Stephen M.... Updated INSTALL instructions.
2010-05-26 Stephen M.... Refactore source directories to new convention.
2010-05-26 Stephen M.... Made build requirements a bit more generic.
2008-11-30 Stephen M.... Added some initial GUI skeleton code.gui
14 years ago master
15 years ago scenegraph
15 years ago gui
15 years ago mob