p: show a usable message from Scheme if the subprocess terminates by signals
[picobit/chj.git] / picobit.scm
1 ;;;; File: "picobit.scm", Time-stamp: <2006-05-08 16:04:37 feeley>
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2004-2009 by Marc Feeley and Vincent St-Amour
4 ;;;; All Rights Reserved.
6 (define-macro (dummy)
7   (proper-tail-calls-set! #f)
8   #f)
9 ;(dummy)
11 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 (define compiler-error
14   (lambda (msg . others)
15     (display "*** ERROR -- ")
16     (display msg)
17     (for-each (lambda (x) (display " ") (write x)) others)
18     (newline)
19     (exit 1)))
21 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 (include "utilities.scm")
24 (include "node.scm")
25 (include "env.scm")
26 (include "parser.scm")
27 (include "context.scm")
28 (include "comp.scm")
29 (include "asm.scm")
30 (include "encoding.scm")
32 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 (define expand-includes
35   (lambda (exprs)
36     (map (lambda (e)
37            (if (eq? (car e) 'include)
38                (cons 'begin
39                      (expand-includes
40                       (with-input-from-file (cadr e) read-all)))
41                e))
42          exprs)))
44 (define parse-file
45   (lambda (filename)
46     (let* ((library
47             (with-input-from-file "library.scm" read-all))
48            (toplevel-exprs
49             (expand-includes
50              (append library
51                      (with-input-from-file filename read-all))))
52            (global-env
53             (make-global-env))
54            (parsed-prog
55             (parse-top (cons 'begin toplevel-exprs) global-env)))
57       (for-each
58        (lambda (node)
59          (mark-needed-global-vars! global-env node))
60        parsed-prog)
62       (extract-parts
63        parsed-prog
64        (lambda (defs after-defs)
66          (define make-seq-preparsed
67            (lambda (exprs)
68              (let ((r (make-seq #f exprs)))
69                (for-each (lambda (x) (node-parent-set! x r)) exprs)
70                r)))
72          (define make-call-preparsed
73            (lambda (exprs)
74              (let ((r (make-call #f exprs)))
75                (for-each (lambda (x) (node-parent-set! x r)) exprs)
76                r)))
78          (if (var-needed?
79               (env-lookup global-env '#%readyq))
80              (make-seq-preparsed
81               (list (make-seq-preparsed defs)
82                     (make-call-preparsed
83                      (list (parse 'value '#%start-first-process global-env)
84                            (let* ((pattern
85                                    '())
86                                   (ids
87                                    (extract-ids pattern))
88                                   (r
89                                    (make-prc #f
90                                              '()
91                                              #f
92                                              (has-rest-param? pattern)
93                                              #f))
94                                   (new-env
95                                    (env-extend global-env ids r))
96                                   (body
97                                    (make-seq-preparsed after-defs)))
98                              (prc-params-set!
99                               r
100                               (map (lambda (id) (env-lookup new-env id))
101                                    ids))
102                              (node-children-set! r (list body))
103                              (node-parent-set! body r)
104                              r)))
105                     (parse 'value
106                            '(#%exit)
107                            global-env)))
108              (make-seq-preparsed
109               (append defs
110                       after-defs
111                       (list (parse 'value
112                                    '(#%halt)
113                                    global-env))))))))))
115 (define extract-parts
116   (lambda (lst cont)
117     (if (or (null? lst)
118             (not (def? (car lst))))
119         (cont '() lst)
120         (extract-parts
121          (cdr lst)
122          (lambda (d ad)
123            (cont (cons (car lst) d) ad))))))
125 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 (define execute
128   (lambda (hex-filename)
130     (if #f
131         (begin
132           (shell-command "gcc -o picobit-vm picobit-vm.c")
133           (shell-command (string-append "./picobit-vm " hex-filename)))
134         (shell-command (string-append "./robot . 1 " hex-filename)))))
136 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 (define compile
139   (lambda (filename)
140     (let* ((node (parse-file filename))
141            (hex-filename
142             (string-append
143              (path-strip-extension filename)
144              ".hex")))
146       (adjust-unmutable-references! node)
148 ;      (pp (node->expr node))
150       (let ((ctx (comp-none node (make-init-context))))
151         (let ((prog (linearize (optimize-code (context-code ctx)))))
152 ;         (pp (list code: prog env: (context-env ctx)))
153           (assemble prog hex-filename)
154           (execute hex-filename))))))
157 (define main
158   (lambda (filename)
159     (compile filename)))
161 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
164 (define (asm-write-hex-file filename)
165   (with-output-to-file filename
166     (lambda ()
168       (define (print-hex n)
169         (display (string-ref "0123456789ABCDEF" n)))
171       (define (print-byte n)
172         (display ", 0x")
173         (print-hex (quotient n 16))
174         (print-hex (modulo n 16)))
176       (define (print-line type addr bytes)
177         (let ((n (length bytes))
178               (addr-hi (quotient addr 256))
179               (addr-lo (modulo addr 256)))
180 ;          (display ":")
181 ;          (print-byte n)
182 ;          (print-byte addr-hi)
183 ;          (print-byte addr-lo)
184 ;          (print-byte type)
185           (for-each print-byte bytes)
186           (let ((sum
187                  (modulo (- (apply + n addr-hi addr-lo type bytes)) 256)))
188 ;            (print-byte sum)
189             (newline))))
191       (let loop ((lst (cdr asm-code-stream))
192                  (pos asm-start-pos)
193                  (rev-bytes '()))
194         (if (not (null? lst))
195           (let ((x (car lst)))
196             (if (vector? x)
197               (let ((kind (vector-ref x 0)))
198                 (if (not (eq? kind 'LISTING))
199                   (compiler-internal-error
200                     "asm-write-hex-file, code stream not assembled"))
201                 (loop (cdr lst)
202                       pos
203                       rev-bytes))
204               (let ((new-pos
205                      (+ pos 1))
206                     (new-rev-bytes
207                      (cons x
208                            (if (= (modulo pos 8) 0)
209                                (begin
210                                  (print-line 0
211                                              (- pos (length rev-bytes))
212                                              (reverse rev-bytes))
213                                  '())
214                                rev-bytes))))
215                 (loop (cdr lst)
216                       new-pos
217                       new-rev-bytes))))
218           (begin
219             (if (not (null? rev-bytes))
220                 (print-line 0
221                             (- pos (length rev-bytes))
222                             (reverse rev-bytes)))
223             (print-line 1 0 '())))))))