Add (provide ...) forms.
[org-mode.git] / contrib / oldexp / org-ascii.el
1 ;;; org-ascii.el --- ASCII export for Org-mode
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <carsten at orgmode dot org>
6 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
7 ;; Homepage:
8 ;;
9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 ;; (at your option) any later version.
16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
25 ;;; Commentary:
27 ;;; Code:
29 (require 'org-exp)
31 (eval-when-compile
32 (require 'cl))
34 (defgroup org-export-ascii nil
35 "Options specific for ASCII export of Org-mode files."
36 :tag "Org Export ASCII"
37 :group 'org-export)
39 (defcustom org-export-ascii-underline '(?\= ?\- ?\~ ?\^ ?\. ?\# ?\$)
40 "Characters for underlining headings in ASCII export.
41 In the given sequence, these characters will be used for level 1, 2, ..."
42 :group 'org-export-ascii
43 :type '(repeat character))
45 (defcustom org-export-ascii-bullets '(?* ?+ ?-)
46 "Bullet characters for headlines converted to lists in ASCII export.
47 The first character is used for the first lest level generated in this
48 way, and so on. If there are more levels than characters given here,
49 the list will be repeated.
50 Note that plain lists will keep the same bullets as the have in the
51 Org-mode file."
52 :group 'org-export-ascii
53 :type '(repeat character))
55 (defcustom org-export-ascii-links-to-notes t
56 "Non-nil means convert links to notes before the next headline.
57 When nil, the link will be exported in place. If the line becomes long
58 in this way, it will be wrapped."
59 :group 'org-export-ascii
60 :type 'boolean)
62 (defcustom org-export-ascii-table-keep-all-vertical-lines nil
63 "Non-nil means keep all vertical lines in ASCII tables.
64 When nil, vertical lines will be removed except for those needed
65 for column grouping."
66 :group 'org-export-ascii
67 :type 'boolean)
69 (defcustom org-export-ascii-table-widen-columns t
70 "Non-nil means widen narrowed columns for export.
71 When nil, narrowed columns will look in ASCII export just like in org-mode,
72 i.e. with \"=>\" as ellipsis."
73 :group 'org-export-ascii
74 :type 'boolean)
76 (defvar org-export-ascii-entities 'ascii
77 "The ascii representation to be used during ascii export.
78 Possible values are:
80 ascii Only use plain ASCII characters
81 latin1 Include Latin-1 character
82 utf8 Use all UTF-8 characters")
84 ;;; Hooks
86 (defvar org-export-ascii-final-hook nil
87 "Hook run at the end of ASCII export, in the new buffer.")
89 ;;; ASCII export
91 (defvar org-ascii-current-indentation nil) ; For communication
93 (defun org-export-as-latin1 (&rest args)
94 "Like `org-export-as-ascii', use latin1 encoding for special symbols."
95 (interactive)
96 (org-export-as-encoding 'org-export-as-ascii (org-called-interactively-p 'any)
97 'latin1 args))
99 (defun org-export-as-latin1-to-buffer (&rest args)
100 "Like `org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer', use latin1 encoding for symbols."
101 (interactive)
102 (org-export-as-encoding 'org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer
103 (org-called-interactively-p 'any) 'latin1 args))
105 (defun org-export-as-utf8 (&rest args)
106 "Like `org-export-as-ascii', use encoding for special symbols."
107 (interactive)
108 (org-export-as-encoding 'org-export-as-ascii
109 (org-called-interactively-p 'any)
110 'utf8 args))
112 (defun org-export-as-utf8-to-buffer (&rest args)
113 "Like `org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer', use utf8 encoding for symbols."
114 (interactive)
115 (org-export-as-encoding 'org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer
116 (org-called-interactively-p 'any) 'utf8 args))
118 (defun org-export-as-encoding (command interactivep encoding &rest args)
119 (let ((org-export-ascii-entities encoding))
120 (if interactivep
121 (call-interactively command)
122 (apply command args))))
125 (defun org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer (arg)
126 "Call `org-export-as-ascii` with output to a temporary buffer.
127 No file is created. The prefix ARG is passed through to `org-export-as-ascii'."
128 (interactive "P")
129 (org-export-as-ascii arg nil "*Org ASCII Export*")
130 (when org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer
131 (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*Org ASCII Export*")))
133 (defun org-replace-region-by-ascii (beg end)
134 "Assume the current region has org-mode syntax, and convert it to plain ASCII.
135 This can be used in any buffer. For example, you could write an
136 itemized list in org-mode syntax in a Mail buffer and then use this
137 command to convert it."
138 (interactive "r")
139 (let (reg ascii buf pop-up-frames)
140 (save-window-excursion
141 (if (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
142 (setq ascii (org-export-region-as-ascii
143 beg end t 'string))
144 (setq reg (buffer-substring beg end)
145 buf (get-buffer-create "*Org tmp*"))
146 (with-current-buffer buf
147 (erase-buffer)
148 (insert reg)
149 (org-mode)
150 (setq ascii (org-export-region-as-ascii
151 (point-min) (point-max) t 'string)))
152 (kill-buffer buf)))
153 (delete-region beg end)
154 (insert ascii)))
156 (defun org-export-region-as-ascii (beg end &optional body-only buffer)
157 "Convert region from BEG to END in org-mode buffer to plain ASCII.
158 If prefix arg BODY-ONLY is set, omit file header, footer, and table of
159 contents, and only produce the region of converted text, useful for
160 cut-and-paste operations.
161 If BUFFER is a buffer or a string, use/create that buffer as a target
162 of the converted ASCII. If BUFFER is the symbol `string', return the
163 produced ASCII as a string and leave not buffer behind. For example,
164 a Lisp program could call this function in the following way:
166 (setq ascii (org-export-region-as-ascii beg end t 'string))
168 When called interactively, the output buffer is selected, and shown
169 in a window. A non-interactive call will only return the buffer."
170 (interactive "r\nP")
171 (when (org-called-interactively-p 'any)
172 (setq buffer "*Org ASCII Export*"))
173 (let ((transient-mark-mode t) (zmacs-regions t)
174 ext-plist rtn)
175 (setq ext-plist (plist-put ext-plist :ignore-subtree-p t))
176 (goto-char end)
177 (set-mark (point)) ;; to activate the region
178 (goto-char beg)
179 (setq rtn (org-export-as-ascii nil ext-plist buffer body-only))
180 (if (fboundp 'deactivate-mark) (deactivate-mark))
181 (if (and (org-called-interactively-p 'any) (bufferp rtn))
182 (switch-to-buffer-other-window rtn)
183 rtn)))
185 (defun org-export-as-ascii (arg &optional ext-plist to-buffer body-only pub-dir)
186 "Export the outline as a pretty ASCII file.
187 If there is an active region, export only the region.
188 The prefix ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
189 underlined headlines, default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted
190 lists. EXT-PLIST is a property list with external parameters overriding
191 org-mode's default settings, but still inferior to file-local
192 settings. When TO-BUFFER is non-nil, create a buffer with that
193 name and export to that buffer. If TO-BUFFER is the symbol
194 `string', don't leave any buffer behind but just return the
195 resulting ASCII as a string. When BODY-ONLY is set, don't produce
196 the file header and footer. When PUB-DIR is set, use this as the
197 publishing directory."
198 (interactive "P")
199 (run-hooks 'org-export-first-hook)
200 (setq-default org-todo-line-regexp org-todo-line-regexp)
201 (let* ((opt-plist (org-combine-plists (org-default-export-plist)
202 ext-plist
203 (org-infile-export-plist)))
204 (region-p (org-region-active-p))
205 (rbeg (and region-p (region-beginning)))
206 (rend (and region-p (region-end)))
207 (subtree-p
208 (if (plist-get opt-plist :ignore-subtree-p)
210 (when region-p
211 (save-excursion
212 (goto-char rbeg)
213 (and (org-at-heading-p)
214 (>= (org-end-of-subtree t t) rend))))))
215 (level-offset (if subtree-p
216 (save-excursion
217 (goto-char rbeg)
218 (+ (funcall outline-level)
219 (if org-odd-levels-only 1 0)))
221 (opt-plist (setq org-export-opt-plist
222 (if subtree-p
223 (org-export-add-subtree-options opt-plist rbeg)
224 opt-plist)))
225 ;; The following two are dynamically scoped into other
226 ;; routines below.
227 (org-current-export-dir
228 (or pub-dir (org-export-directory :html opt-plist)))
229 (org-current-export-file buffer-file-name)
230 (custom-times org-display-custom-times)
231 (org-ascii-current-indentation '(0 . 0))
232 (level 0) line txt
233 (umax nil)
234 (umax-toc nil)
235 (case-fold-search nil)
236 (bfname (buffer-file-name (or (buffer-base-buffer) (current-buffer))))
237 (filename (if to-buffer
239 (concat (file-name-as-directory
240 (or pub-dir
241 (org-export-directory :ascii opt-plist)))
242 (file-name-sans-extension
243 (or (and subtree-p
244 (org-entry-get (region-beginning)
246 (file-name-nondirectory bfname)))
247 ".txt")))
248 (filename (and filename
249 (if (equal (file-truename filename)
250 (file-truename bfname))
251 (concat filename ".txt")
252 filename)))
253 (buffer (if to-buffer
254 (cond
255 ((eq to-buffer 'string)
256 (get-buffer-create "*Org ASCII Export*"))
257 (t (get-buffer-create to-buffer)))
258 (find-file-noselect filename)))
259 (org-levels-open (make-vector org-level-max nil))
260 (odd org-odd-levels-only)
261 (date (plist-get opt-plist :date))
262 (author (plist-get opt-plist :author))
263 (title (or (and subtree-p (org-export-get-title-from-subtree))
264 (plist-get opt-plist :title)
265 (and (not
266 (plist-get opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading))
267 (org-export-grab-title-from-buffer))
268 (and (buffer-file-name)
269 (file-name-sans-extension
270 (file-name-nondirectory bfname)))
271 "UNTITLED"))
272 (email (plist-get opt-plist :email))
273 (language (plist-get opt-plist :language))
274 (quote-re0 (concat "^\\(" org-quote-string "\\)\\( +\\|[ \t]*$\\)"))
275 (todo nil)
276 (lang-words nil)
277 (region
278 (buffer-substring
279 (if (org-region-active-p) (region-beginning) (point-min))
280 (if (org-region-active-p) (region-end) (point-max))))
281 (org-export-footnotes-seen nil)
282 (org-export-footnotes-data (org-footnote-all-labels 'with-defs))
283 (lines (org-split-string
284 (org-export-preprocess-string
285 region
286 :for-backend 'ascii
287 :skip-before-1st-heading
288 (plist-get opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading)
289 :drawers (plist-get opt-plist :drawers)
290 :tags (plist-get opt-plist :tags)
291 :priority (plist-get opt-plist :priority)
292 :footnotes (plist-get opt-plist :footnotes)
293 :timestamps (plist-get opt-plist :timestamps)
294 :todo-keywords (plist-get opt-plist :todo-keywords)
295 :tasks (plist-get opt-plist :tasks)
296 :verbatim-multiline t
297 :select-tags (plist-get opt-plist :select-tags)
298 :exclude-tags (plist-get opt-plist :exclude-tags)
299 :archived-trees
300 (plist-get opt-plist :archived-trees)
301 :add-text (plist-get opt-plist :text))
302 "\n"))
303 thetoc have-headings first-heading-pos
304 table-open table-buffer link-buffer link type path desc desc0 rpl wrap fnc)
305 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
306 (org-unmodified
307 (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
308 '(:org-license-to-kill t))))
310 (setq org-min-level (org-get-min-level lines level-offset))
311 (setq org-last-level org-min-level)
312 (org-init-section-numbers)
313 (setq lang-words (or (assoc language org-export-language-setup)
314 (assoc "en" org-export-language-setup)))
315 (set-buffer buffer)
316 (erase-buffer)
317 (fundamental-mode)
318 (org-install-letbind)
319 ;; create local variables for all options, to make sure all called
320 ;; functions get the correct information
321 (mapc (lambda (x)
322 (set (make-local-variable (nth 2 x))
323 (plist-get opt-plist (car x))))
324 org-export-plist-vars)
325 (org-set-local 'org-odd-levels-only odd)
326 (setq umax (if arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)
327 org-export-headline-levels))
328 (setq umax-toc (if (integerp org-export-with-toc)
329 (min org-export-with-toc umax)
330 umax))
332 ;; File header
333 (unless body-only
334 (when (and title (not (string= "" title)))
335 (org-insert-centered title ?=)
336 (insert "\n"))
338 (if (and (or author email)
339 org-export-author-info)
340 (insert (concat (nth 1 lang-words) ": " (or author "")
341 (if (and org-export-email-info
342 email (string-match "\\S-" email))
343 (concat " <" email ">") "")
344 "\n")))
346 (cond
347 ((and date (string-match "%" date))
348 (setq date (format-time-string date)))
349 (date)
350 (t (setq date (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T %Z"))))
352 (if (and date org-export-time-stamp-file)
353 (insert (concat (nth 2 lang-words) ": " date"\n")))
355 (unless (= (point) (point-min))
356 (insert "\n\n")))
358 (if (and org-export-with-toc (not body-only))
359 (progn
360 (push (concat (nth 3 lang-words) "\n") thetoc)
361 (push (concat (make-string (string-width (nth 3 lang-words)) ?=)
362 "\n") thetoc)
363 (mapc #'(lambda (line)
364 (if (string-match org-todo-line-regexp
365 line)
366 ;; This is a headline
367 (progn
368 (setq have-headings t)
369 (setq level (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)
370 level-offset)
371 level (org-tr-level level)
372 txt (match-string 3 line)
373 todo
374 (or (and org-export-mark-todo-in-toc
375 (match-beginning 2)
376 (not (member (match-string 2 line)
377 org-done-keywords)))
378 ; TODO, not DONE
379 (and org-export-mark-todo-in-toc
380 (= level umax-toc)
381 (org-search-todo-below
382 line lines level))))
383 (setq txt (org-html-expand-for-ascii txt))
385 (while (string-match org-bracket-link-regexp txt)
386 (setq txt
387 (replace-match
388 (match-string (if (match-end 2) 3 1) txt)
389 t t txt)))
391 (if (and (memq org-export-with-tags '(not-in-toc nil))
392 (string-match
393 (org-re "[ \t]+:[[:alnum:]_@#%:]+:[ \t]*$")
394 txt))
395 (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt)))
396 (if (string-match quote-re0 txt)
397 (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt 1)))
399 (if org-export-with-section-numbers
400 (setq txt (concat (org-section-number level)
401 " " txt)))
402 (if (<= level umax-toc)
403 (progn
404 (push
405 (concat
406 (make-string
407 (* (max 0 (- level org-min-level)) 4) ?\ )
408 (format (if todo "%s (*)\n" "%s\n") txt))
409 thetoc)
410 (setq org-last-level level))
411 ))))
412 lines)
413 (setq thetoc (if have-headings (nreverse thetoc) nil))))
415 (org-init-section-numbers)
416 (while (setq line (pop lines))
417 (when (and link-buffer (string-match org-outline-regexp-bol line))
418 (org-export-ascii-push-links (nreverse link-buffer))
419 (setq link-buffer nil))
420 (setq wrap nil)
421 ;; Remove the quoted HTML tags.
422 (setq line (org-html-expand-for-ascii line))
423 ;; Replace links with the description when possible
424 (while (string-match org-bracket-link-analytic-regexp++ line)
425 (setq path (match-string 3 line)
426 link (concat (match-string 1 line) path)
427 type (match-string 2 line)
428 desc0 (match-string 5 line)
429 desc0 (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\_" "_" desc0)
430 desc (or desc0 link)
431 desc (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\_" "_" desc))
432 (if (and (> (length link) 8)
433 (equal (substring link 0 8) "coderef:"))
434 (setq line (replace-match
435 (format (org-export-get-coderef-format (substring link 8) desc)
436 (cdr (assoc
437 (substring link 8)
438 org-export-code-refs)))
439 t t line))
440 (setq rpl (concat "[" desc "]"))
441 (if (functionp (setq fnc (nth 2 (assoc type org-link-protocols))))
442 (setq rpl (or (save-match-data
443 (funcall fnc (org-link-unescape path)
444 desc0 'ascii))
445 rpl))
446 (when (and desc0 (not (equal desc0 link)))
447 (if org-export-ascii-links-to-notes
448 (push (cons desc0 link) link-buffer)
449 (setq rpl (concat rpl " (" link ")")
450 wrap (+ (length line) (- (length (match-string 0 line)))
451 (length desc))))))
452 (setq line (replace-match rpl t t line))))
453 (when custom-times
454 (setq line (org-translate-time line)))
455 (cond
456 ((string-match "^\\(\\*+\\)[ \t]+\\(.*\\)" line)
457 ;; a Headline
458 (setq first-heading-pos (or first-heading-pos (point)))
459 (setq level (org-tr-level (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)
460 level-offset))
461 txt (match-string 2 line))
462 (org-ascii-level-start level txt umax lines))
464 ((and org-export-with-tables
465 (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)" line))
466 (if (not table-open)
467 ;; New table starts
468 (setq table-open t table-buffer nil))
469 ;; Accumulate lines
470 (setq table-buffer (cons line table-buffer))
471 (when (or (not lines)
472 (not (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)"
473 (car lines))))
474 (setq table-open nil
475 table-buffer (nreverse table-buffer))
476 (insert (mapconcat
477 (lambda (x)
478 (org-fix-indentation x org-ascii-current-indentation))
479 (org-format-table-ascii table-buffer)
480 "\n") "\n")))
482 (if (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\([-+*][ \t]+\\)\\(.*?\\)\\( ::\\)"
483 line)
484 (setq line (replace-match "\\1\\3:" t nil line)))
485 (setq line (org-fix-indentation line org-ascii-current-indentation))
486 ;; Remove forced line breaks
487 (if (string-match "\\\\\\\\[ \t]*$" line)
488 (setq line (replace-match "" t t line)))
489 (if (and org-export-with-fixed-width
490 (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(:\\( \\|$\\)\\)" line))
491 (setq line (replace-match "\\1" nil nil line))
492 (if wrap (setq line (org-export-ascii-wrap line wrap))))
493 (insert line "\n"))))
495 (org-export-ascii-push-links (nreverse link-buffer))
497 (normal-mode)
499 ;; insert the table of contents
500 (when thetoc
501 (goto-char (point-min))
502 (if (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*\\[TABLE-OF-CONTENTS\\][ \t]*$" nil t)
503 (progn
504 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
505 (replace-match ""))
506 (goto-char first-heading-pos))
507 (mapc 'insert thetoc)
508 (or (looking-at "[ \t]*\n[ \t]*\n")
509 (insert "\n\n")))
511 ;; Convert whitespace place holders
512 (goto-char (point-min))
513 (let (beg end)
514 (while (setq beg (next-single-property-change (point) 'org-whitespace))
515 (setq end (next-single-property-change beg 'org-whitespace))
516 (goto-char beg)
517 (delete-region beg end)
518 (insert (make-string (- end beg) ?\ ))))
520 ;; remove display and invisible chars
521 (let (beg end)
522 (goto-char (point-min))
523 (while (setq beg (next-single-property-change (point) 'display))
524 (setq end (next-single-property-change beg 'display))
525 (delete-region beg end)
526 (goto-char beg)
527 (insert "=>"))
528 (goto-char (point-min))
529 (while (setq beg (next-single-property-change (point) 'org-cwidth))
530 (setq end (next-single-property-change beg 'org-cwidth))
531 (delete-region beg end)
532 (goto-char beg)))
533 (run-hooks 'org-export-ascii-final-hook)
534 (or to-buffer (save-buffer))
535 (goto-char (point-min))
536 (or (org-export-push-to-kill-ring "ASCII")
537 (message "Exporting... done"))
538 ;; Return the buffer or a string, according to how this function was called
539 (if (eq to-buffer 'string)
540 (prog1 (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))
541 (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
542 (current-buffer))))
544 (defun org-export-ascii-preprocess (parameters)
545 "Do extra work for ASCII export."
547 ;; Realign tables to get rid of narrowing
548 (when org-export-ascii-table-widen-columns
549 (let ((org-table-do-narrow nil))
550 (goto-char (point-min))
551 (org-ascii-replace-entities)
552 (goto-char (point-min))
553 (org-table-map-tables
554 (lambda () (org-if-unprotected (org-table-align)))
555 'quietly)))
556 ;; Put quotes around verbatim text
557 (goto-char (point-min))
558 (while (re-search-forward org-verbatim-re nil t)
559 (org-if-unprotected-at (match-beginning 4)
560 (goto-char (match-end 2))
561 (backward-delete-char 1) (insert "'")
562 (goto-char (match-beginning 2))
563 (delete-char 1) (insert "`")
564 (goto-char (match-end 2))))
565 ;; Remove target markers
566 (goto-char (point-min))
567 (while (re-search-forward "<<<?\\([^<>]*\\)>>>?\\([ \t]*\\)" nil t)
568 (org-if-unprotected-at (match-beginning 1)
569 (replace-match "\\1\\2")))
570 ;; Remove list start counters
571 (goto-char (point-min))
572 (while (org-list-search-forward
573 "\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)\\][ \t]*" nil t)
574 (replace-match ""))
575 (remove-text-properties
576 (point-min) (point-max)
577 '(face nil font-lock-fontified nil font-lock-multiline nil line-prefix nil wrap-prefix nil)))
579 (defun org-html-expand-for-ascii (line)
580 "Handle quoted HTML for ASCII export."
581 (if org-export-html-expand
582 (while (string-match "@<[^<>\n]*>" line)
583 ;; We just remove the tags for now.
584 (setq line (replace-match "" nil nil line))))
585 line)
587 (defun org-ascii-replace-entities ()
588 "Replace entities with the ASCII representation."
589 (let (e)
590 (while (re-search-forward "\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*\\)\\({}\\)?" nil t)
591 (org-if-unprotected-at (match-beginning 1)
592 (setq e (org-entity-get-representation (match-string 1)
593 org-export-ascii-entities))
594 (and e (replace-match e t t))))))
596 (defun org-export-ascii-wrap (line where)
597 "Wrap LINE at or before WHERE."
598 (let ((ind (org-get-indentation line))
599 pos)
600 (catch 'found
601 (loop for i from where downto (/ where 2) do
602 (and (equal (aref line i) ?\ )
603 (setq pos i)
604 (throw 'found t))))
605 (if pos
606 (concat (substring line 0 pos) "\n"
607 (make-string ind ?\ )
608 (substring line (1+ pos)))
609 line)))
611 (defun org-export-ascii-push-links (link-buffer)
612 "Push out links in the buffer."
613 (when link-buffer
614 ;; We still have links to push out.
615 (insert "\n")
616 (let ((ind ""))
617 (save-match-data
618 (if (save-excursion
619 (re-search-backward
620 (concat "^\\(\\([ \t]*\\)\\|\\("
621 org-outline-regexp
622 "\\)\\)[^ \t\n]") nil t))
623 (setq ind (or (match-string 2)
624 (make-string (length (match-string 3)) ?\ )))))
625 (mapc (lambda (x) (insert ind "[" (car x) "]: " (cdr x) "\n"))
626 link-buffer))
627 (insert "\n")))
629 (defun org-ascii-level-start (level title umax &optional lines)
630 "Insert a new level in ASCII export."
631 (let (char (n (- level umax 1)) (ind 0))
632 (if (> level umax)
633 (progn
634 (insert (make-string (* 2 n) ?\ )
635 (char-to-string (nth (% n (length org-export-ascii-bullets))
636 org-export-ascii-bullets))
637 " " title "\n")
638 ;; find the indentation of the next non-empty line
639 (catch 'stop
640 (while lines
641 (if (string-match "^\\* " (car lines)) (throw 'stop nil))
642 (if (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\S-" (car lines))
643 (throw 'stop (setq ind (org-get-indentation (car lines)))))
644 (pop lines)))
645 (setq org-ascii-current-indentation (cons (* 2 (1+ n)) ind)))
646 (if (or (not (equal (char-before) ?\n))
647 (not (equal (char-before (1- (point))) ?\n)))
648 (insert "\n"))
649 (setq char (or (nth (1- level) org-export-ascii-underline)
650 (car (last org-export-ascii-underline))))
651 (unless org-export-with-tags
652 (if (string-match (org-re "[ \t]+\\(:[[:alnum:]_@#%:]+:\\)[ \t]*$") title)
653 (setq title (replace-match "" t t title))))
654 (if org-export-with-section-numbers
655 (setq title (concat (org-section-number level) " " title)))
656 (insert title "\n" (make-string (string-width title) char) "\n")
657 (setq org-ascii-current-indentation '(0 . 0)))))
659 (defun org-insert-centered (s &optional underline)
660 "Insert the string S centered and underline it with character UNDERLINE."
661 (let ((ind (max (/ (- fill-column (string-width s)) 2) 0)))
662 (insert (make-string ind ?\ ) s "\n")
663 (if underline
664 (insert (make-string ind ?\ )
665 (make-string (string-width s) underline)
666 "\n"))))
668 (defvar org-table-colgroup-info nil)
669 (defun org-format-table-ascii (lines)
670 "Format a table for ascii export."
671 (if (stringp lines)
672 (setq lines (org-split-string lines "\n")))
673 (if (not (string-match "^[ \t]*|" (car lines)))
674 ;; Table made by table.el - test for spanning
675 lines
677 ;; A normal org table
678 ;; Get rid of hlines at beginning and end
679 (if (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" (car lines)) (setq lines (cdr lines)))
680 (setq lines (nreverse lines))
681 (if (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" (car lines)) (setq lines (cdr lines)))
682 (setq lines (nreverse lines))
683 (when org-export-table-remove-special-lines
684 ;; Check if the table has a marking column. If yes remove the
685 ;; column and the special lines
686 (setq lines (org-table-clean-before-export lines)))
687 ;; Get rid of the vertical lines except for grouping
688 (if org-export-ascii-table-keep-all-vertical-lines
689 lines
690 (let ((vl (org-colgroup-info-to-vline-list org-table-colgroup-info))
691 rtn line vl1 start)
692 (while (setq line (pop lines))
693 (if (string-match org-table-hline-regexp line)
694 (and (string-match "|\\(.*\\)|" line)
695 (setq line (replace-match " \\1" t nil line)))
696 (setq start 0 vl1 vl)
697 (while (string-match "|" line start)
698 (setq start (match-end 0))
699 (or (pop vl1) (setq line (replace-match " " t t line)))))
700 (push line rtn))
701 (nreverse rtn)))))
703 (defun org-colgroup-info-to-vline-list (info)
704 (let (vl new last)
705 (while info
706 (setq last new new (pop info))
707 (if (or (memq last '(:end :startend))
708 (memq new '(:start :startend)))
709 (push t vl)
710 (push nil vl)))
711 (setq vl (nreverse vl))
712 (and vl (setcar vl nil))
713 vl))
715 (provide 'org-ascii)
717 ;; Local variables:
718 ;; End:
720 ;;; org-ascii.el ends here