[opera_libre.git] / definitions / text-functions.ly
1 %------------------------------------------------------------------%
2 % Opéra Libre -- text-functions.ly %
3 % %
4 % (c) Valentin Villenave, 2008, 2009 % %
5 %------------------------------------------------------------------%
7 #(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
8 #(use-modules (ice-9 optargs))
10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Definitions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
12 %% Advanced definitions -------------------------------------------%
14 %%% This code was provided by Nicolas Sceaux.
16 #(define-public string-upper-case #f)
17 #(define accented-char-upper-case? #f)
18 #(define accented-char-lower-case? #f)
20 %%;; an accented character is seen as two characters by guile
21 #(let ((lower-case-accented-string "éèêëáàâäíìîïóòôöúùûüçœæ")
22 (upper-case-accented-string "ÉÈÊËÁÀÂÄÍÌÎÏÓÒÔÖÚÙÛÜÇŒÆ"))
23 (define (group-by-2 chars result)
24 (if (or (null? chars) (null? (cdr chars)))
25 (reverse! result)
26 (group-by-2 (cddr chars)
27 (cons (string (car chars) (cadr chars))
28 result))))
29 (let ((lower-case-accented-chars
30 (group-by-2 (string->list lower-case-accented-string) (list)))
31 (upper-case-accented-chars
32 (group-by-2 (string->list upper-case-accented-string) (list))))
33 (set! string-upper-case
34 (lambda (str)
35 (define (replace-chars str froms tos)
36 (if (null? froms)
37 str
38 (replace-chars (regexp-substitute/global #f (car froms) str
39 'pre (car tos) 'post)
40 (cdr froms)
41 (cdr tos))))
42 (string-upcase (replace-chars str
43 lower-case-accented-chars
44 upper-case-accented-chars))))
45 (set! accented-char-upper-case?
46 (lambda (char1 char2)
47 (member (string char1 char2) upper-case-accented-chars string=?)))
48 (set! accented-char-lower-case?
49 (lambda (char1 char2)
50 (member (string char1 char2) lower-case-accented-chars string=?)))))
52 #(define-markup-command (smallCaps layout props text) (markup?)
53 "Turn @code{text}, which should be a string, to small caps.
54 @example
55 \\markup \\small-caps \"Text between double quotes\"
56 @end example"
57 (define (string-list->markup strings lower)
58 (let ((final-string (string-upper-case
59 (apply string-append (reverse strings)))))
60 (if lower
61 (markup #:fontsize -2 final-string)
62 final-string)))
63 (define (make-small-caps rest-chars currents current-is-lower prev-result)
64 (if (null? rest-chars)
65 (make-concat-markup (reverse! (cons (string-list->markup
66 currents current-is-lower)
67 prev-result)))
68 (let* ((ch1 (car rest-chars))
69 (ch2 (and (not (null? (cdr rest-chars))) (cadr rest-chars)))
70 (this-char-string (string ch1))
71 (is-lower (char-lower-case? ch1))
72 (next-rest-chars (cdr rest-chars)))
73 (cond ((and ch2 (accented-char-lower-case? ch1 ch2))
74 (set! this-char-string (string ch1 ch2))
75 (set! is-lower #t)
76 (set! next-rest-chars (cddr rest-chars)))
77 ((and ch2 (accented-char-upper-case? ch1 ch2))
78 (set! this-char-string (string ch1 ch2))
79 (set! is-lower #f)
80 (set! next-rest-chars (cddr rest-chars))))
81 (if (or (and current-is-lower is-lower)
82 (and (not current-is-lower) (not is-lower)))
83 (make-small-caps next-rest-chars
84 (cons this-char-string currents)
85 is-lower
86 prev-result)
87 (make-small-caps next-rest-chars
88 (list this-char-string)
89 is-lower
90 (if (null? currents)
91 prev-result
92 (cons (string-list->markup
93 currents current-is-lower)
94 prev-result)))))))
95 (interpret-markup layout props
96 (if (string? text)
97 (make-small-caps (string->list text) (list) #f (list))
98 text)))
100 %% Graphic fine-tuning --------------------------------------------%
102 #(define-markup-command (vspace layout props amount) (number?)
103 (let ((amount (* amount 3.0)))
104 (if (> amount 0)
105 (ly:make-stencil "" (cons -1 1) (cons 0 amount))
106 (ly:make-stencil "" (cons -1 1) (cons amount amount)))))
108 #(define-public (rounded-whiteout-stencil stencil blot)
109 (let*
110 ((x-ext (ly:stencil-extent stencil X))
111 (y-ext (ly:stencil-extent stencil Y)))
112 (ly:stencil-add
113 (stencil-with-color (ly:round-filled-box x-ext y-ext blot)
114 white)
115 stencil)))
117 %TODO: make radius arg optional.
118 #(define-markup-command (rounded-whiteout layout props radius arg)
119 (number? markup?)
120 (rounded-whiteout-stencil (interpret-markup layout props arg) radius))
122 #(define-markup-command (line-width-ratio layout props width-ratio arg) (number? markup?)
123 (interpret-markup layout props
124 (markup #:override (cons 'line-width (* width-ratio (chain-assoc-get 'line-width props)))
125 arg)))
127 %% Expressive indications -----------------------------------------%
129 #(define-markup-command (indic layout props arg) (markup?)
130 (interpret-markup layout props
131 (markup #:rounded-whiteout 1 #:small #:italic arg)))
133 %% Dynamics -------------------------------------------------------%
135 %%% This function was provided by Graham Percival.
136 #(define (make-dynamic-extra dynamic string)
137 (make-music
138 'AbsoluteDynamicEvent
139 'tweaks
140 ;; calculate centering for text
141 (list (cons (quote X-offset)
142 (+ -0.5 (* -0.5 (string-length dynamic)))))
143 'text
144 (markup #:rounded-whiteout 1
145 #:line (
146 dynamic
147 #:hspace -0.3
148 #:normal-text #:italic string))
151 #(define (make-extra-dynamic string dynamic)
152 (make-music
153 'AbsoluteDynamicEvent
154 'tweaks
155 ;; calculate centering for text
156 (list (cons (quote X-offset)
157 (+ -0.5 (* -0.5 (string-length dynamic)))))
158 'text
159 (markup #:rounded-whiteout 1
160 #:line (
161 #:normal-text #:italic string
162 #:hspace -0.3
163 #:dynamic dynamic))
166 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In-score Text %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
169 %% Non-standard synamics ------------------------------------------%
171 fpp = #(make-dynamic-script "fpp")
172 sffz = #(make-dynamic-script "sffz")
175 %% Composite Dynamics ---------------------------------------------%
177 % because of the use of a music-function,
178 % non-predefined composite dynamics have to be entered *before*
179 % the affected beat (unlike standard or predefined dynamics).
180 cmb =
181 #(define-music-function (parser location dyn str) (string? string?)
182 (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements
183 (list
184 (make-music 'OverrideProperty
185 'symbol 'DynamicText
186 'grob-property-path (list 'self-alignment-X)
187 'grob-value -0.6 'once #t)
188 (make-music 'AbsoluteDynamicEvent
189 'text
190 (markup #:rounded-whiteout 1
191 #:line (#:dynamic dyn
192 #:hspace .5
193 #:text #:medium #:italic str))))))
195 bmc =
196 #(define-music-function (parser location str dyn) (string? string?)
197 (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements
198 (list
199 (make-music 'OverrideProperty
200 'symbol 'DynamicText
201 'grob-property-path (list 'self-alignment-X)
202 'grob-value -0.6 'once #t)
203 (make-music 'AbsoluteDynamicEvent
204 'text
205 (markup #:rounded-whiteout 1
206 #:line (#:text #:medium #:italic str
207 #:hspace .5
208 #:dynamic dyn))))))
210 %% Predefined commands
212 ffsubito = #(make-dynamic-extra "ff" "subito")
213 fsubito = #(make-dynamic-extra "f" "subito")
214 fsempre = #(make-dynamic-extra "f" "sempre")
215 mfsubito = #(make-dynamic-extra "mf" "subito")
216 fmolto = #(make-dynamic-extra "f" "molto")
217 psempre = #(make-dynamic-extra "p" "sempre")
218 ppsempre = #(make-dynamic-extra "pp" "sempre")
219 mpsempre = #(make-dynamic-extra "mp" "sempre")
220 mfsempre = #(make-dynamic-extra "mf" "sempre")
221 mfintenso = #(make-dynamic-extra "mf" "intenso")
222 mpsostenuto = #(make-dynamic-extra "mp" "sostenuto")
223 psubito = #(make-dynamic-extra "p" "subito")
224 pdolce = #(make-dynamic-extra "p" "dolce")
225 ppdolce = #(make-dynamic-extra "pp" "dolce")
226 pleggiero = #(make-dynamic-extra "p" "leggiero")
227 ppleggiero = #(make-dynamic-extra "pp" "leggiero")
228 ppsubito = #(make-dynamic-extra "pp" "subito")
229 mfleggiero = #(make-dynamic-extra "mf" "leggiero")
230 piuf = #(make-extra-dynamic "più" "f")
231 pocof = #(make-extra-dynamic "poco" "f")
234 %% Text indications -----------------------------------------------%
236 ind =
237 #(define-music-function (parser location text music) (string? ly:music?)
239 (equal? (ly:music-property music 'name) 'EventChord)
240 (set! (ly:music-property music 'elements)
241 (append (ly:music-property music 'elements)
242 (list (make-music 'TextScriptEvent 'direction 1
243 'text (markup #:indic text))))))
244 music)
246 nind =
247 #(define-music-function (parser location texte)
248 (string? )
249 (make-dynamic-script
250 (markup #:text #:indic texte)))
252 %% Predefined commands
254 ten =
255 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
257 (equal? (ly:music-property music 'name) 'EventChord)
258 (set! (ly:music-property music 'elements)
259 (append (ly:music-property music 'elements)
260 (list (make-music 'TextScriptEvent 'text
261 (markup #:translate (cons 4 0)
262 #:indic "(ten.)"))))))
263 music)
266 pizz =
267 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
268 #{ \ind #"pizz." $music #})
270 arco =
271 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
272 #{ \ind #"arco" $music #})
274 flaut =
275 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
276 #{ \ind #"flautando" $music #})
278 simile =
279 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
280 #{ \ind #"simile" $music #})
282 loco =
283 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
284 #{ \ind #"loco" $music #})
286 ordin =
287 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
288 #{ \ind #"(ordin.)" $music #})
290 meno =
291 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
292 #{ \ind #"meno" $music #})
294 jet =
295 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
296 #{ \ind #"jeté" $music #})
299 %% Text Spanners --------------------------------------------------%
301 #(define (make-txt-span music t)
302 (set! (ly:music-property music 'elements)
303 (append (ly:music-property music 'elements)
304 (list (make-music 'TextSpanEvent
305 'span-direction t))))
306 music)
308 %% The two following functions are deprecated. Better code follows below.
309 startTxt =
310 #(define-music-function (parser location texte music ) (string? ly:music?)
311 #{ \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text =
312 \markup { \bold $texte }
313 $(make-txt-span music -1)#})
315 stopTxt =
316 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
317 (make-txt-span music 1))
319 #(define (make-text-span txt)
320 "Make a TextSpanner that begins with the given STR."
321 (let* ((m (make-music 'TextSpanEvent
322 'span-direction -1))
323 (details (assoc-get 'bound-details
324 (assoc-get 'TextSpanner
325 all-grob-descriptions)))
326 (left-details (assoc-get 'left
327 details)))
328 (ly:music-set-property! m 'tweaks
329 (acons 'bound-details
330 (acons 'left
331 (acons 'text txt
332 left-details)
333 details)
334 (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)))
337 startText=
338 #(define-music-function (location parser txt) (string?)
339 (make-text-span txt))
341 stopText= #(make-music 'TextSpanEvent 'span-direction 1)
343 %% Predefined commands
345 rit = #(make-text-span "rit.")
349 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Other Text %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
352 %% Lyrics formatting ----------------------------------------------%
354 freeStyleOn = {
355 \override Lyrics . LyricExtender #'stencil = ##f }
357 freeStyleOff = {
358 \revert Lyrics . LyricExtender #'stencil }
360 leftSyl = {
361 \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #0.9 }
363 dash = {
364 \once \override LyricHyphen #'minimum-distance = #4
365 \once \override LyricHyphen #'length = #2
366 \once \override LyricHyphen #'thickness = #1.2
369 ital = {
370 \once \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic }
372 smallcaps = {
373 \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'caps }
375 normal = {
376 \revert LyricText #'font-shape }
379 %% Scenography formatting ---------------------------------------%
380 long = {
381 \once \override TextScript #'extra-spacing-width = #'(0 . 0)
382 \once \override TextScript #'infinite-spacing-height = ##t
385 #(define-markup-command (did layout props text) (markup?)
386 (interpret-markup layout props
387 (markup #:override '(line-width . 40)
388 #:override '(box-padding . 1)
389 #:override '(corner-radius . 2)
390 #:rounded-box #:sans #:italic #:small #:justify-string text)))
392 #(define-markup-command (init-did layout props text) (markup?)
393 (interpret-markup layout props
394 (markup
395 ; #:override (cons 'line-width (* 1 (chain-assoc-get 'line-width props)))
396 #:fill-line (
397 #:override '(line-width . 60)
398 #:override '(box-padding . 1.5)
399 #:override '(corner-radius . 2)
400 #:rounded-box #:sans #:italic #:small #:justify-string text))))
403 %% Table of contents --------------------------------------------%
404 tocAct =
405 #(define-music-function (parser location text) (markup?)
406 (add-toc-item! 'tocActMarkup text))
408 tocQuote =
409 #(define-music-function (parser location text) (markup?)
410 (add-toc-item! 'tocQuoteMarkup text))
412 %% Characters and instrument names ------------------------------%
414 #(define characters `((dummy . "")))
415 #(define instruments `((dummy . "")))
417 #(define (char-name n) (car (car (assoc-get n characters))))
418 #(define (char-shortname n) (cdr (car (assoc-get n characters))))
419 #(define (instr-name n) (car (car (assoc-get n instruments))))
420 #(define (instr-shortname n) (cdr (car (assoc-get n instruments))))
422 #(define (make-char-name n . pad)
423 (let* ((txt (char-name n))
424 (srt (char-shortname n))
425 (m (if (pair? pad)
426 (markup #:hcenter-in (car pad) txt)
427 (markup txt)))
428 (n (markup srt))) fixme: shortname has no padding
429 (ly:export (make-sequential-music (list
430 (context-spec-music (make-property-set 'instrumentName m)
431 'Staff)
432 (context-spec-music (make-property-set 'shortInstrumentName n)
433 'Staff)
434 (context-spec-music (make-property-set 'midiInstrument "voice oohs")
435 'Staff))))))
437 #(define (make-instrument-name n midi . pad)
438 (let* ((txt (instr-name n))
439 (srt (instr-shortname n))
440 (m (if (pair? pad)
441 (markup #:hcenter-in (car pad) txt)
442 (markup txt)))
443 (n (markup srt))) ;; fixme: shortname has no padding
444 (ly:export (make-sequential-music (list
445 (context-spec-music (make-property-set 'instrumentName m)
446 'Staff)
447 (context-spec-music (make-property-set 'shortInstrumentName n)
448 'Staff)
449 (context-spec-music (make-property-set 'midiInstrument midi)
450 'Staff))))))