[openemr.git] / library / formdata.inc.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * Functions to globally validate and prepare data for sql database insertion.
5 * Copyright (C) 2009 Rod Roark <rod@sunsetsystems.com>
7 * LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with this program. If not, see <http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php>;.
18 * @package OpenEMR
19 * @author Rod Roark <rod@sunsetsystems.com>
20 * @author Brady Miller <brady@sparmy.com>
21 * @link http://www.open-emr.org
24 /**
25 * Escape a parameter to prepare for a sql query.
27 * @param string $s Parameter to be escaped.
28 * @return string Escaped parameter.
30 function add_escape_custom($s) {
31 //prepare for safe mysql insertion
32 $s = mysql_real_escape_string($s);
33 return $s;
36 /**
37 * Escape a sql limit variable to prepare for a sql query.
39 * This will escape integers within the LIMIT ?, ? part of a sql query.
40 * Note that there is a maximum value to these numbers, which is why
41 * should only use for the LIMIT ? , ? part of the sql query and why
42 * this is centralized to a function (in case need to upgrade this
43 * function to support larger numbers in the future).
45 * @param string $s Limit variable to be escaped.
46 * @return string Escaped limit variable.
48 function escape_limit($s) {
49 //prepare for safe mysql insertion
50 $s = (int)$s;
51 return $s;
54 /**
55 * Escape/sanitize a sql sort order keyword variable to prepare for a sql query.
57 * This will escape/sanitize the sort order keyword. It is done by whitelisting
58 * only certain keywords(asc,desc). If the keyword is illegal, then will default
59 * to asc.
61 * @param string $s Sort order keyword variable to be escaped/sanitized.
62 * @return string Escaped sort order keyword variable.
64 function escape_sort_order($s) {
65 $ok = array("asc","desc");
66 $key = array_search(strtolower($s),$ok);
67 return $ok[$key];
70 /**
71 * Escape/sanitize a sql identifier variable to prepare for a sql query.
73 * This will escape/sanitize a sql identifier. There are two options provided by this funtion.
74 * The first option is done by whitelisting ($whitelist_flag=true) and in this case
75 * only certain identifiers (listed in the $whitelist_items array) can be used; if
76 * there is no match, then it will default to the first item in the $whitelist_items array.
77 * The second option is done by sanitizing ($whitelist_flag=false) and in this case
78 * only US alphanumeric,'_' and '.' items are kept in the returned string. Note
79 * the second option is still experimental as we figure out the ideal items to
80 * filter out of the identifier. The first option is ideal if all the possible identifiers
81 * are known, however we realize this may not always be the case.
83 * @param string $s Sql identifier variable to be escaped/sanitized.
84 * @param boolean $whitelist_flag True to use whitelisting method (See function description for details of whitelisting method).
85 * @param array $whitelist_items Items used in whitelisting method (See function description for details of whitelisting method).
86 * @return string Escaped/sanitized sql identifier variable.
88 function escape_identifier($s,$whitelist_flag=FALSE,$whitelist_items) {
89 if ($whitelist_flag) {
90 // Only return an item within the whitelist_items
91 // (if no match, then it will return the first item in whitelist_items)
92 $ok = $whitelist_items;
93 $key = array_search($s,$ok);
94 return $ok[$key];
96 else {
97 // Return an item that has been "cleaned" up
98 // (this is currently experimental)
99 return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.]/','',$s);
104 * (Note this function is deprecated for new scripts and is only utilized to support legacy scripts)
105 * Function to manage POST, GET, and REQUEST variables.
107 * @param string $name name of the variable requested.
108 * @param string $type 'P', 'G' for post or get data, otherwise uses request.
109 * @param bool $istrim whether to use trim() on the data.
110 * @return string variable requested, or empty string
112 function formData($name, $type='P', $isTrim=false) {
113 if ($type == 'P')
114 $s = isset($_POST[$name]) ? $_POST[$name] : '';
115 else if ($type == 'G')
116 $s = isset($_GET[$name]) ? $_GET[$name] : '';
117 else
118 $s = isset($_REQUEST[$name]) ? $_REQUEST[$name] : '';
120 return formDataCore($s,$isTrim);
124 * (Note this function is deprecated for new scripts and is only utilized to support legacy scripts)
125 * Core function that will be called by formData.
126 * Note it can also be called directly if preparing
127 * normal variables (not GET,POST, or REQUEST)
129 * @param string $s
130 * @param bool $istrim whether to use trim() on the data.
131 * @return string
133 function formDataCore($s, $isTrim=false) {
134 //trim if selected
135 if ($isTrim) {$s = trim($s);}
136 //strip escapes
137 $s = strip_escape_custom($s);
138 //add escapes for safe database insertion
139 $s = add_escape_custom($s);
140 return $s;
144 * (Note this function is deprecated for new scripts and is only utilized to support legacy scripts)
145 * Will remove escapes if needed (ie magic quotes turned on) from string
146 * Called by above formDataCore() function to prepare for database insertion.
147 * Can also be called directly if simply need to remove escaped characters
148 * from a string before processing.
150 * @param string $s
151 * @return string
153 function strip_escape_custom($s) {
154 //strip slashes if magic quotes turned on
155 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {$s = stripslashes($s);}
156 return $s;
160 * (Note this function is deprecated for new scripts and is only utilized to support legacy scripts)
161 * This function is only being kept to support
162 * previous functionality. If you want to trim
163 * variables, this should be done using above
164 * functions.
166 * @param string $s
167 * @return string
169 function formTrim($s) {
170 return formDataCore($s,true);