Update all copyrights for 2010.
[muse-el.git] / lisp / muse-xml-common.el
1 ;;; muse-xml-common.el --- common routines for XML-like publishing styles
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
4 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
6 ;; This file is part of Emacs Muse. It is not part of GNU Emacs.
8 ;; Emacs Muse is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
10 ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
11 ;; option) any later version.
13 ;; Emacs Muse is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 ;; General Public License for more details.
18 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 ;; along with Emacs Muse; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
20 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
21 ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
23 ;;; Commentary:
25 ;;; Contributors:
27 ;;; Code:
29 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
31 ;; Muse XML Publishing - Common Elements
33 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
35 (require 'muse-publish)
36 (require 'muse-regexps)
38 (defcustom muse-xml-encoding-map
39 '((iso-8859-1 . "iso-8859-1")
40 (iso-2022-jp . "iso-2022-jp")
41 (utf-8 . "utf-8")
42 (japanese-iso-8bit . "euc-jp")
43 (chinese-big5 . "big5")
44 (mule-utf-8 . "utf-8")
45 (chinese-iso-8bit . "gb2312")
46 (chinese-gbk . "gbk"))
47 "An alist mapping Emacs coding systems to appropriate XML charsets.
48 Use the base name of the coding system (i.e. without the -unix)."
49 :type '(alist :key-type coding-system :value-type string)
50 :group 'muse-xml)
52 (defun muse-xml-transform-content-type (content-type default)
53 "Using `muse-xml-encoding-map', try and resolve an Emacs coding
54 system to an associated XML coding system.
55 If no match is found, the DEFAULT charset is used instead."
56 (let ((match (and (fboundp 'coding-system-base)
57 (assoc (coding-system-base content-type)
58 muse-xml-encoding-map))))
59 (if match
60 (cdr match)
61 default)))
63 (defcustom muse-xml-markup-specials
64 '((?\" . """)
65 (?\< . "&lt;")
66 (?\> . "&gt;")
67 (?\& . "&amp;"))
68 "A table of characters which must be represented specially."
69 :type '(alist :key-type character :value-type string)
70 :group 'muse-xml)
72 (defcustom muse-xml-markup-specials-url-extra
73 '((?\" . "&quot;")
74 (?\< . "&lt;")
75 (?\> . "&gt;")
76 (?\& . "&amp;")
77 (?\ . "%20")
78 (?\n . "%0D%0A"))
79 "A table of characters which must be represented specially.
80 These are extra characters that are escaped within URLs."
81 :type '(alist :key-type character :value-type string)
82 :group 'muse-xml)
84 (defun muse-xml-decide-specials (context)
85 "Determine the specials to escape, depending on CONTEXT."
86 (cond ((memq context '(email url image))
87 'muse-xml-escape-url)
88 ((eq context 'url-extra)
89 muse-xml-markup-specials-url-extra)
90 (t muse-xml-markup-specials)))
92 (defun muse-xml-escape-url (str)
93 "Convert to character entities any non-alphanumeric characters
94 outside a few punctuation symbols, that risk being misinterpreted
95 if not escaped."
96 (when str
97 (setq str (muse-publish-escape-specials-in-string str 'url-extra))
98 (let (pos code len ch)
99 (save-match-data
100 (while (setq pos (string-match (concat "[^-"
101 muse-regexp-alnum
102 "/:._=@\\?~#%\"\\+<>()&;]")
103 str pos))
104 (setq ch (aref str pos)
105 code (concat "&#" (int-to-string
106 (cond ((fboundp 'char-to-ucs)
107 (char-to-ucs ch))
108 ((fboundp 'char-to-int)
109 (char-to-int ch))
110 (t ch)))
111 ";")
112 len (length code)
113 str (concat (substring str 0 pos)
114 code
115 (when (< pos (length str))
116 (substring str (1+ pos) nil)))
117 pos (+ len pos)))
118 str))))
120 (defun muse-xml-markup-anchor ()
121 (unless (get-text-property (match-end 1) 'muse-link)
122 (let ((text (muse-markup-text 'anchor (match-string 2))))
123 (save-match-data
124 (skip-chars-forward (concat muse-regexp-blank "\n"))
125 (when (looking-at (concat "<\\([^" muse-regexp-blank "/>\n]+\\)>"))
126 (goto-char (match-end 0)))
127 (muse-insert-markup text)))
128 (match-string 1)))
130 (defun muse-xml-sort-table (table)
131 "Sort the given table structure so that it validates properly."
132 ;; Note that the decision matrix must have a nil diagonal, or else
133 ;; elements with the same type will be reversed with respect to each
134 ;; other.
135 (let ((decisions '((nil nil nil) ; body < header, body < footer
136 (t nil t) ; header stays where it is
137 (t nil nil)))) ; footer < header
138 (sort table #'(lambda (l r)
139 (and (integerp (car l)) (integerp (car r))
140 (nth (1- (car r))
141 (nth (1- (car l)) decisions)))))))
143 (defun muse-xml-markup-table (&optional attributes)
144 "Publish the matched region into a table.
145 If a string ATTRIBUTES is given, pass it to the markup string begin-table."
146 (let* ((table-info (muse-publish-table-fields (match-beginning 0)
147 (match-end 0)))
148 (row-len (car table-info))
149 (supports-group (not (string= (muse-markup-text 'begin-table-group
150 row-len)
151 "")))
152 (field-list (muse-xml-sort-table (cdr table-info)))
153 last-part)
154 (when table-info
155 (let ((beg (point)))
156 (muse-publish-ensure-block beg))
157 (muse-insert-markup (muse-markup-text 'begin-table (or attributes "")))
158 (muse-insert-markup (muse-markup-text 'begin-table-group row-len))
159 (dolist (fields field-list)
160 (let* ((type (car fields))
161 (part (cond ((eq type 'hline) nil)
162 ((= type 1) "tbody")
163 ((= type 2) "thead")
164 ((= type 3) "tfoot")))
165 (col (cond ((eq type 'hline) nil)
166 ((= type 1) "td")
167 ((= type 2) "th")
168 ((= type 3) "td"))))
169 (setq fields (cdr fields))
170 (unless (and part last-part (string= part last-part))
171 (when last-part
172 (muse-insert-markup " </" last-part ">\n")
173 (when (eq type 'hline)
174 ;; horizontal separators are represented by closing
175 ;; the current table group and opening a new one
176 (muse-insert-markup (muse-markup-text 'end-table-group))
177 (muse-insert-markup (muse-markup-text 'begin-table-group
178 row-len))))
179 (when part
180 (muse-insert-markup " <" part ">\n"))
181 (setq last-part part))
182 (unless (eq type 'hline)
183 (muse-insert-markup (muse-markup-text 'begin-table-row))
184 (dolist (field fields)
185 (muse-insert-markup (muse-markup-text 'begin-table-entry col))
186 (insert field)
187 (muse-insert-markup (muse-markup-text 'end-table-entry col)))
188 (muse-insert-markup (muse-markup-text 'end-table-row)))))
189 (when last-part
190 (muse-insert-markup " </" last-part ">\n"))
191 (muse-insert-markup (muse-markup-text 'end-table-group))
192 (muse-insert-markup (muse-markup-text 'end-table))
193 (insert ?\n))))
195 (defun muse-xml-prepare-buffer ()
196 (set (make-local-variable 'muse-publish-url-transforms)
197 (cons 'muse-xml-escape-string muse-publish-url-transforms)))
199 (provide 'muse-xml-common)
201 ;;; muse-xml-common.el ends here