From: Sebastian Schuberth Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 21:24:11 +0000 (+0100) Subject: Installer: Update Inno Setup to version 5.5.3 (Unicode) X-Git-Url: Installer: Update Inno Setup to version 5.5.3 (Unicode) Signed-off-by: Sebastian Schuberth --- diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Default.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Default.isl index 28a22cfe..0fddced4 100644 --- a/share/InnoSetup/Default.isl +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Default.isl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.0+ English messages *** +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ English messages *** ; ; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to: ; @@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ ApplicationsFound=The following applications are using files that need to be upd ApplicationsFound2=The following applications are using files that need to be updated by Setup. It is recommended that you allow Setup to automatically close these applications. After the installation has completed, Setup will attempt to restart the applications. CloseApplications=&Automatically close the applications DontCloseApplications=&Do not close the applications +ErrorCloseApplications=Setup was unable to automatically close all applications. It is recommended that you close all applications using files that need to be updated by Setup before continuing. ; *** "Installing" wizard page WizardInstalling=Installing diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/ISCC.exe b/share/InnoSetup/ISCC.exe index 87b423f9..076e85f1 100644 Binary files a/share/InnoSetup/ISCC.exe and b/share/InnoSetup/ISCC.exe differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/ISCmplr.dll b/share/InnoSetup/ISCmplr.dll dissimilarity index 62% index d13cd37a..d364a21f 100644 Binary files a/share/InnoSetup/ISCmplr.dll and b/share/InnoSetup/ISCmplr.dll differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/ISPP.chm b/share/InnoSetup/ISPP.chm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a0ef97fd Binary files /dev/null and b/share/InnoSetup/ISPP.chm differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/ISPP.dll b/share/InnoSetup/ISPP.dll index 5aabec20..4fda2b7e 100644 Binary files a/share/InnoSetup/ISPP.dll and b/share/InnoSetup/ISPP.dll differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/ISetup.chm b/share/InnoSetup/ISetup.chm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f7600f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/share/InnoSetup/ISetup.chm differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/BrazilianPortuguese.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/BrazilianPortuguese.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9d420f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/BrazilianPortuguese.isl @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +; *************************************************************** +; *** *** +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Portuguese (Brazil) messages *** +; *** *** +; *** Original Author: *** +; *** *** +; *** Paulo Andre Rosa ( *** +; *** *** +; *** Maintainer: *** +; *** *** +; *** Eduardo Mauro ( *** +; *** *** +; *** Contributors: *** +; *** *** +; *** Felipe ( *** +; *** Jeferson Oliveira ( *** +; *** *** +; *************************************************************** + +; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to: +; +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). + +[LangOptions] +; The following three entries are very important. Be sure to read and +; understand the '[LangOptions] section' topic in the help file. +LanguageName=Portugu<00EA>s (Brasil) +LanguageID=$0416 +LanguageCodePage=1252 + +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName= +;DialogFontSize=8 +;WelcomeFontName=Verdana +;WelcomeFontSize=12 +;TitleFontName=Arial +;TitleFontSize=29 +;CopyrightFontName=Arial +;CopyrightFontSize=8 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Programa de Instalação +SetupWindowTitle=%1 - Programa de Instalação +UninstallAppTitle=Desinstalar +UninstallAppFullTitle=Desinstalar %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Informação +ConfirmTitle=Confirmação +ErrorTitle=Erro + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Este programa instalará %1. Você quer continuar? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Não foi possível criar um arquivo temporário. Instalação cancelada +LdrCannotExecTemp=Não foi possível executar um arquivo na pasta de arquivos temporários. Instalação cancelada + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nErro %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=O arquivo %1 não se encontra no diretório de instalação. Por favor, corrija o problema ou obtenha uma nova cópia do programa. +SetupFileCorrupt=Os arquivos de instalação estão corrompidos. Por favor, obtenha uma nova cópia do programa. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Os arquivos de instalação estão corrompidos ou são incompatíveis com esta versão do Instalador. Por favor, corrija o problema ou obtenha uma nova cópia do programa. +InvalidParameter=Um parâmetro inválido foi passado na linha de comando:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=O programa de instalação já está sendo executado. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Este programa não suporta a versão do Windows instalada em seu computador. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Este programa necessita %1 Service Pack %2 ou posterior. +NotOnThisPlatform=Este programa não executará no %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Este programa deve ser executado no %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Este programa só pode ser instalado em versões do Windows projetadas para as seguintes arquiteturas de processador:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=A versão do Windows que você está executando não inclui a funcionalidade requerida pelo Programa de Instalação para realizar uma instalação de 64 bits. Para corrigir este problema, por favor instale o Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Este programa requer %1 versão %2 ou posterior. +WinVersionTooHighError=Este programa não pode ser instalado em %1 versão %2 ou posterior. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Você deve estar logado como um administrador para instalar este programa. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Você deve estar logado como um administrador ou como membro do grupo Usuários Avançados para instalar este programa. +SetupAppRunningError=O Programa de Instalação detectou que %1 está sendo executado.%n%nPor favor, feche todas as instâncias do programa agora e clique em OK para continuar, ou em Cancelar para sair. +UninstallAppRunningError=O Desinstalador detectou que %1 está em execução atualmente.%n%nPor favor, feche todas as instâncias dele agora, então clique em OK para continuar, ou em Cancelar para sair. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=O Programa de Instalação foi incapaz de criar o diretório "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Incapaz de criar um arquivo no diretório "%1" porque ele contém arquivos demais + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Sair do Programa de Instalação +ExitSetupMessage=A Instalação não foi concluída. Se você sair agora, o programa não será instalado.%n%nVocê pode executar o Programa de instalação novamente em outra hora, para concluir a instalação.%n%nSair do Programa de Instalação? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Sobre o Programa de Instalação... +AboutSetupTitle=Sobre o Programa de Instalação +AboutSetupMessage=%1 versão %2%n%3%n%n%1 página na internet:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote= + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Voltar +ButtonNext=&Avançar > +ButtonInstall=&Instalar +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Cancelar +ButtonYes=&Sim +ButtonYesToAll=Sim para &Todos +ButtonNo=&Não +ButtonNoToAll=Nã&o para Todos +ButtonFinish=&Concluir +ButtonBrowse=&Procurar... +ButtonWizardBrowse=P&rocurar... +ButtonNewFolder=&Criar Nova Pasta + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Selecionar Idioma do Programa de Instalação +SelectLanguageLabel=Selecione o idioma a ser utilizado durante a instalação: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Clique em Avançar para continuar, ou em Cancelar para sair do Programa de Instalação. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Procurar Pasta +BrowseDialogLabel=Selecione uma pasta na lista abaixo e clique em OK. +NewFolderName=Nova Pasta + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Bem-vindo ao Assistente de Instalação de [name] +WelcomeLabel2=Este Assistente instalará [name/ver] no seu computador.%n%nÉ recomendado que você feche todos os outros aplicativos antes de continuar. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Senha +PasswordLabel1=Esta instalação é protegida por senha. +PasswordLabel3=Por favor, forneça a senha e clique em Avançar para continuar. As senhas diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas. +PasswordEditLabel=&Senha: +IncorrectPassword=A senha que você informou não é correta. Por favor, tente novamente. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Contrato de Licença de Uso +LicenseLabel=Por favor, leia as seguintes informações importantes antes de continuar. +LicenseLabel3=Por favor, leia o seguinte Contrato de Licença de Uso. Você deve aceitar os termos do Contrato antes de prosseguir com a instalação. +LicenseAccepted=Eu aceito os termos do &Contrato +LicenseNotAccepted=Eu &não aceito os termos do Contrato + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Informação +InfoBeforeLabel=Por favor, leia as seguintes informações importantes antes de continuar. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Quando você estiver pronto para continuar, clique em Avançar. +WizardInfoAfter=Informação +InfoAfterLabel=Por favor, leia as seguintes informações importantes antes de continuar. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Quando você estiver pronto para continuar, clique Avançar. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Informações do Usuário +UserInfoDesc=Por favor, insira suas informações. +UserInfoName=&Nome do Usuário: +UserInfoOrg=&Empresa: +UserInfoSerial=Número de &Série: +UserInfoNameRequired=Você deve informar um nome. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Selecione o Local de Destino +SelectDirDesc=Onde [name] deve ser instalado? +SelectDirLabel3=O Programa de Instalação instalará [name] na seguinte pasta. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Para continuar, clique em Avançar. Se você deseja escolher uma pasta diferente, clique em Procurar. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=São necessários pelo menos [mb] MB de espaço livre em disco. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=O programa de instalação não pode fazer a instalação em uma unidade de rede. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=O programa de instalação não fazer a instalação num caminhho de rede UNC. +InvalidPath=Você deve informar um caminho completo, incluindo a letra da unidade de disco; por exemplo:%n%nC:\APP%n%e não um caminho de rede UNC na forma:%n%n\\servidor\compartilhamento +InvalidDrive=A unidade de disco ou compartilhamento de rede UNC que você selecionou não existe ou não está acessível. Por favor, selecione outro local. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Espaço em Disco Insuficiente +DiskSpaceWarning=O Programa de Instalação requer pelo menos %1 KB de espaço livre, mas a unidade de disco selecionada tem apenas %2 KB disponíveis.%n%nVocê quer continuar assim mesmo? +DirNameTooLong=O nome da pasta ou caminho é muito longo. +InvalidDirName=O nome da pasta não é válido. +BadDirName32=Nomes de pastas não podem incluir quaisquer dos seguintes caracteres:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=A Pasta Existe +DirExists=A pasta:%n%n%1%n%njá existe. Você quer instalar nesta pasta assim mesmo? +DirDoesntExistTitle=A Pasta Não Existe +DirDoesntExist=A pasta:%n%n%1%n%nnão existe. Você gostaria que a pasta fosse criada? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Selecionar Componentes +SelectComponentsDesc=Quais componentes devem ser instalados? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Selecione os componentes que você quer instalar; desmarque os componentes que você não quer instalar. Clique em Avançar quando estiver pronto para continuar. +FullInstallation=Instalação completa +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Instalação compacta +CustomInstallation=Instalação personalizada +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Componente Existe +NoUninstallWarning=O Programa de Instalação detectou que os seguintes componentes já estão instalados em seu computador:%n%n%1%n%nDesmarcar estes componentes, não irá desinstalar eles.%n%nVocê quer continuar assim mesmo? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=A seleção atual requer pelo menos [mb] MB de espaço em disco. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Selecionar Tarefas Adicionais +SelectTasksDesc=Quais tarefas adicionais devem ser executadas? +SelectTasksLabel2=Selecione as tarefas adicionais que você deseja que o Programa de Instalação execute enquanto instala [name] e clique em Avançar. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Selecionar a Pasta do Menu Iniciar +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Onde o Programa de Instalação deve colocar os atalhos do programa? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=O Programa de Instalação irá criar os atalhos do programa na seguinte pasta do Menu Iniciar. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Clique em Avançar para continuar. Se você quiser escolher outra pasta, clique em Procurar. +MustEnterGroupName=Você deve informar um nome de pasta. +GroupNameTooLong=O nome da pasta ou caminho é muito longo. +InvalidGroupName=O nome da pasta não é válido. +BadGroupName=O nome da pasta não pode incluir quaisquer dos seguintes caracteres:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&Não criar uma pasta no Menu Iniciar + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Pronto para Instalar +ReadyLabel1=O Programa de Instalação está pronto para começar a instalação de [name] no seu computador. +ReadyLabel2a=Clique Instalar para iniciar a instalação, ou clique em Voltar se você quer revisar ou alterar alguma configuração. +ReadyLabel2b=Clique em Instalar para iniciar a instalação. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Dados do Usuário: +ReadyMemoDir=Local de destino: +ReadyMemoType=Tipo de Instalação: +ReadyMemoComponents=Componentes selecionados: +ReadyMemoGroup=Pasta do Menu Iniciar: +ReadyMemoTasks=Tarefas adicionais: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Preparando para Instalar +PreparingDesc=O Programa de Instalação está se preparando para instalar [name] no seu computador. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=A instalação/remoção de um programa anterior não foi concluída. Você precisará reiniciar seu computador para finalizá-la.%n%nApós reiniciar o computador, execute novamente o Programa de Instalação para concluir a instalação de [name]. +CannotContinue=O Programa de Instalação não pode continuar. Por favor, clique em Cancelar para sair. +ApplicationsFound=As seguintes aplicações estap usando arquivos que necessitam ser atualizados pelo programa de instalação. É recomendável que você permita que o programa da instalação encerre automaticamente estas aplicações. +ApplicationsFound2=As seguintes aplicações estão usandos arquivos que necessitam ser atualizados pelo programa de instalação. É recomendável que você permita que o programa da instalação encerre automaticamente estas aplicações. Após a instalação estar completa, o programa de instalação tentará iniciar novamente as aplicações. +CloseApplications=&Automaticamente encerre as aplicações +DontCloseApplications=&Não encerre as aplicações +ErrorCloseApplications=O instalador foi incapaz de fechar automaticamente todos os aplicativos. É recomendado que você feche todos os aplicativos usando os arquivos que precisam ser atualizados pelo Instalador antes de continuar. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Instalando +InstallingLabel=Por favor, aguarde enquanto o Programa de Instalação instala [name] no seu computador. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Finalizando o Assistente de Instalação de [name] +FinishedLabelNoIcons=O Programa de Instalação finalizou a instalação de [name] no seu computador. +FinishedLabel=O Programa de Instalação terminou de instalar [name] no seu computador. O programa pode ser iniciado clicando nos ícones instalados. +ClickFinish=Clique em Concluir para sair do Programa de Instalação. +FinishedRestartLabel=Para concluir a instalação de [name], o Programa de Instalação deve reiniciar o computador. Você gostaria de reiniciar agora? +FinishedRestartMessage=Para concluir a instalação de [name], o Programa de Instalação deve reiniciar o computador.%n%nVocê gostaria de reiniciar agora? +ShowReadmeCheck=Sim, eu quero visualizar o arquivo LEIA-ME +YesRadio=&Sim, reiniciar o computador agora +NoRadio=&Não, eu vou reiniciar o computador depois +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Executar %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Visualizar %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=O Programa de Instalação Precisa do Próximo Disco +SelectDiskLabel2=Por favor, insira o Disco %1 e clique em OK.%n%nSe os arquivos deste disco estão numa pasta diferente da indicada abaixo, informe o caminho correto ou clique em Procurar. +PathLabel=&Caminho: +FileNotInDir2=O arquivo "%1" não pôde ser encontrado em "%2". Por favor, insira o disco correto ou escolha outra pasta. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Por favor, informe o local do próximo disco. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=A instalação não foi concluída.%n%nPor favor, corrija o problema e execute novamente o Programa de Instalação. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Clique Repetir para tentar novamente, Ignorar para continuar assim mesmo, or Cancelar para cancelar a instalação. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Encerrando aplicações... +StatusCreateDirs=Criando diretórios... +StatusExtractFiles=Extraindo arquivos... +StatusCreateIcons=Criando atalhos... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Criando entradas INI... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Criando entradas no Registro... +StatusRegisterFiles=Registrando arquivos... +StatusSavingUninstall=Salvando informações de desinstalação... +StatusRunProgram=Finalizando a instalação... +StatusRestartingApplications=Reiniciando applicações... +StatusRollback=Desfazendo as alterações efetuadas... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Erro interno: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 falhou +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 falhou; código %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 falhou; código %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Não foi possível executar o arquivo:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Erro ao abrir a chave do registro:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Erro ao criar a chave do registro:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Erro ao escrever na chave do registro:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Erro ao criar entrada INI no arquivo "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Clique em Repetir para tentar novamente, em Ignorar para ignorar este arquivo (não recomendado) ou em Cancelar para cancelar a instalação. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Clique em Repetir para tentar novamente, em Ignorar para ignorar este arquivo (não recomendado) ou em Cancelar para cancelar a instalação. +SourceIsCorrupted=O arquivo de origem está corrompido +SourceDoesntExist=O arquivo de origem "%1" não existe +ExistingFileReadOnly=O arquivo existente está marcado como somente leitura.%n%nClique em Repetir para remover o atributo de somente leitura e tentar novamente, em Ignorar para ignorar este arquivo, ou em Anular para cancelar a instalação. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar ler o arquivo existente: +FileExists=O arquivo já existe.%n%nVocê quer que o Programa de Instalação sobrescreva o arquivo? +ExistingFileNewer=O arquivo já existente é mais recente do que o arquivo que o Programa de Instalação está tentando instalar. Recomenda-se que você mantenha o arquivo existente.%n%nVocê quer manter o arquivo existente? +ErrorChangingAttr=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar modificar os atributos do arquivo existente: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar criar um arquivo nao diretório de destino: +ErrorReadingSource=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar ler o arquivo de origem: +ErrorCopying=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar copiar um arquivo: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar substituir o arquivo existente: +ErrorRestartReplace=Reiniciar/Substituir falhou: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar renomear um arquivo no diretório de destino: +ErrorRegisterServer=Não foi possível registrar a DLL/OCX: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 falhou com o código de saída %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Não foi possível registrar a biblioteca de tipos: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar abrir o arquivo LEIA-ME. +ErrorRestartingComputer=O Programa de Instalação não conseguiu reiniciar o computador. Por favor, reinicie o computador manualmente. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=O arquivo "%1" não existe. Não é possível desinstalar. +UninstallOpenError=O arquivo "%1" não pode ser aberto. Não é possível desinstalar +UninstallUnsupportedVer=O arquivo de log de desinstalação "%1" está num formato não reconhecido por esta versão do desinstalador. Não é possível desinstalar +UninstallUnknownEntry=Foi encontrada uma entrada desconhecida (%1) no arquivo de log de desinstalação +ConfirmUninstall=Você tem certeza que deseja remover completamente %1 e todos os seus componentes? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Esta instalação não pode ser desinstalada em Windows 64 bits. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Esta instalação só pode ser desinstalada por usuários com direitos administrativos. +UninstallStatusLabel=Por favor, aguarde enquanto %1 é removido do seu computador. +UninstalledAll=%1 foi removido com sucesso do seu computador. +UninstalledMost=A desinstalação de %1 foi concluída.%n%nAlguns elementos não puderam ser removidos. Estes podem ser removidos manualmente. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Para concluir a desinstalação de %1, o computador deve ser reiniciado.%n%nVocê quer que o computador seja reiniciado agora? +UninstallDataCorrupted=O arquivo "%1" está corrompido. Não é possível desinstalar + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Remover Arquivo Compartilhado? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=O sistema indica que o seguinte arquivo compartilhado não está mais em uso por nenhum outro programa. Você quer que a desinstalação remova este arquivo compartilhado?%n%nSe ainda houver programas utilizando este arquivo e ele for removido, esses programas poderão não funcionar corretamente. Se você não tem certeza, escolha Não. Manter o arquivo no seu computador não trará prejuízo algum. +SharedFileNameLabel=Nome do arquivo: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Local: +WizardUninstalling=Status da Desinstalação +StatusUninstalling=Desinstalando %1... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Instalando %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Removendo %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 versão %2 +AdditionalIcons=Ícones adicionais: +CreateDesktopIcon=Criar um ícone na Área de &Trabalho +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Criar um ícone na &Barra de Inicialização Rápida +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 na Internet +UninstallProgram=Desinstalar %1 +LaunchProgram=Executar %1 +AssocFileExtension=Associar %1 com a e&xtensão de arquivo %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Associando %1 com a extensão de arquivo... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Startup: +AutoStartProgram=Iniciar automaticamente %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 não pôde ser localizado na pasta que você selecionou.%n%nVocê deseja continuar assim mesmo? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Catalan.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Catalan.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..72ccd6bc --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Catalan.isl @@ -0,0 +1,319 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Catalan messages *** +; +; Translated by Carles Millan (email: + +[LangOptions] + +LanguageName=Catal<00E0> +LanguageID=$0403 +LanguageCodePage=1252 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Instal·lació +SetupWindowTitle=Instal·lació - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Desinstal·lació +UninstallAppFullTitle=Desinstal·la %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Informació +ConfirmTitle=Confirmació +ErrorTitle=Error + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Aquest programa instal·larà %1. Voleu continuar? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=No s'ha pogut crear un fitxer temporal. Instal·lació cancel·lada +LdrCannotExecTemp=No s'ha pogut executar el fitxer a la carpeta temporal. Instal·lació cancel·lada + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nError %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=El fitxer %1 no es troba a la carpeta d'instal·lació. Resoleu el problema o obteniu una nova còpia del programa. +SetupFileCorrupt=Els fitxers d'instal·lació estan corromputs. Obteniu una nova còpia del programa. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Els fitxers d'instal·lació estan espatllats, o són incompatibles amb aquesta versió del programa. Resoleu el problema o obteniu una nova còpia del programa. +InvalidParameter=Un paràmetre invàlid ha estat passat a la línia de comanda:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=La instal·lació ja està en curs. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Aquest programa no suporta la versió de Windows instal·lada al vostre ordinador. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Aquest programa necessita %1 Service Pack %2 o posterior. +NotOnThisPlatform=Aquest programa no funcionarà sota %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Aquest programa només pot ser executat sota %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Aquest programa només pot ser instal·lat en versions de Windows dissenyades per a les següents arquitectures de processador:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=Aquesta versió de Windows no conté la funcionalitat necessària per a realitzar una instal·lació de 64 bits. Per tal de corregir aquest problema instal·leu el Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Aquest programa requereix %1 versió %2 o posterior. +WinVersionTooHighError=Aquest programa no pot ser instal·lat sota %1 versió %2 o posterior. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Cal que tingueu privilegis d'administrador per poder instal·lar aquest programa. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Cal que accediu com a administrador o com a membre del grup Power Users en instal·lar aquest programa. +SetupAppRunningError=El programa d'instal·lació ha detectat que %1 s'està executant actualment.%n%nTanqueu el programa i premeu Accepta per a continuar o Cancel·la per a sortir. +UninstallAppRunningError=El programa de desinstal·lació ha detectat que %1 s'està executant en aquest moment.%n%nTanqueu el programa i premeu Accepta per a continuar o Cancel·la per a sortir. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=El programa d'instal·lació no ha pogut crear la carpeta "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=No s'ha pogut crear un fitxer a la carpeta "%1" perquè conté massa fitxers + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Surt +ExitSetupMessage=La instal·lació no s'ha completat. Si sortiu ara, el programa no serà instal·lat.%n%nPer a completar-la podreu tornar a executar el programa d'instal·lació quan vulgueu.%n%nVoleu sortir-ne? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Sobre la instal·lació... +AboutSetupTitle=Sobre la instal·lació +AboutSetupMessage=%1 versió %2%n%3%n%nPàgina web de %1:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Catalan translation by Carles Millan (carles at + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Enrere +ButtonNext=&Següent > +ButtonInstall=&Instal·la +ButtonOK=Accepta +ButtonCancel=Cancel·la +ButtonYes=&Sí +ButtonYesToAll=Sí a &tot +ButtonNo=&No +ButtonNoToAll=N&o a tot +ButtonFinish=&Finalitza +ButtonBrowse=&Explora... +ButtonWizardBrowse=&Cerca... +ButtonNewFolder=Crea &nova carpeta + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Trieu idioma +SelectLanguageLabel=Trieu idioma a emprar durant la instal·lació: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Premeu Següent per a continuar o Cancel·la per a abandonar la instal·lació. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Trieu una carpeta +BrowseDialogLabel=Trieu la carpeta de destinació i premeu Accepta. +NewFolderName=Nova carpeta + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Benvingut a l'assistent d'instal·lació de [name] +WelcomeLabel2=Aquest programa instal·larà [name/ver] al vostre ordinador.%n%nÉs molt recomanable que abans de continuar tanqueu tots els altres programes oberts, per tal d'evitar conflictes durant el procés d'instal·lació. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Contrasenya +PasswordLabel1=Aquesta instal·lació està protegida amb una contrasenya. +PasswordLabel3=Indiqueu la contrasenya i premeu Següent per a continuar. Aquesta contrasenya distingeix entre majúscules i minúscules. +PasswordEditLabel=&Contrasenya: +IncorrectPassword=La contrasenya introduïda no és correcta. Torneu-ho a intentar. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Acord de Llicència +LicenseLabel=Cal que llegiu aquesta informació abans de continuar. +LicenseLabel3=Cal que llegiu l'Acord de Llicència següent. Cal que n'accepteu els termes abans de continuar amb la instal·lació. +LicenseAccepted=&Accepto l'acord +LicenseNotAccepted=&No accepto l'acord + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Informació +InfoBeforeLabel=Llegiu la informació següent abans de continuar. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Quan estigueu preparat per a continuar, premeu Següent. +WizardInfoAfter=Informació +InfoAfterLabel=Llegiu la informació següent abans de continuar. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Quan estigueu preparat per a continuar, premeu Següent + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Informació sobre l'usuari +UserInfoDesc=Introduïu la vostra informació. +UserInfoName=&Nom de l'usuari: +UserInfoOrg=&Organització +UserInfoSerial=&Número de sèrie: +UserInfoNameRequired=Cal que hi introduïu un nom + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Trieu Carpeta de Destinació +SelectDirDesc=On s'ha d'instal·lar [name]? +SelectDirLabel3=El programa d'instal·lació instal·larà [name] a la carpeta següent. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Per a continuar, premeu Següent. Si desitgeu triar una altra capeta, premeu Cerca. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Aquest programa necessita un mínim de [mb] MB d'espai a disc. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=La instal·lació no es pot fer en un disc de xarxa. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=La instal·lació no es pot fer a una ruta UNC. +InvalidPath=Cal donar una ruta completa amb lletra d'unitat, per exemple:%n%nC:\Aplicació%n%no bé una ruta UNC en la forma:%n%n\\servidor\compartit +InvalidDrive=El disc o ruta de xarxa seleccionat no existeix, trieu-ne un altre. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=No hi ha prou espai al disc +DiskSpaceWarning=El programa d'instal·lació necessita com a mínim %1 KB d'espai lliure, però el disc seleccionat només té %2 KB disponibles.%n%nTot i amb això, desitgeu continuar? +DirNameTooLong=El nom de la carpeta o de la ruta és massa llarg. +InvalidDirName=El nom de la carpeta no és vàlid. +BadDirName32=Un nom de carpeta no pot contenir cap dels caràcters següents:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=La carpeta existeix +DirExists=La carpeta:%n%n%1%n%nja existeix. Voleu instal·lar igualment el programa en aquesta carpeta? +DirDoesntExistTitle=La Carpeta No Existeix +DirDoesntExist=La carpeta:%n%n%1%n%nno existeix. Voleu que sigui creada? + +; *** "Select Program Group" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Trieu Components +SelectComponentsDesc=Quins components cal instal·lar? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Trieu els components que voleu instal·lar; elimineu els components que no voleu instal·lar. Premeu Següent per a continuar. +FullInstallation=Instal·lació completa +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Instal·lació compacta +CustomInstallation=Instal·lació personalitzada +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Els components Existeixen +NoUninstallWarning=El programa d'instal·lació ha detectat que els components següents ja es troben al vostre ordinador:%n%n%1%n%nSi no estan seleccionats no seran desinstal·lats.%n%nVoleu continuar igualment? +ComponentSize1=%1 Kb +ComponentSize2=%1 Mb +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=Aquesta selecció requereix un mínim de [mb] Mb d'espai al disc. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Trieu tasques addicionals +SelectTasksDesc=Quines tasques addicionals cal executar? +SelectTasksLabel2=Trieu les tasques addicionals que voleu que siguin executades mentre s'instal·la [name], i després premeu Següent. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Trieu la carpeta del Menú Inici +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=On cal situar els enllaços del programa? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=El programa d'instal·lació crearà l'accés directe al programa a la següent carpeta del menú d'Inici. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Per a continuar, premeu Següent. Si desitgeu triar una altra carpeta, premeu Cerca. +MustEnterGroupName=Cal que hi introduïu un nom de carpeta. +GroupNameTooLong=El nom de la carpeta o de la ruta és massa llarg. +InvalidGroupName=El nom de la carpeta no és vàlid. +BadGroupName=El nom del grup no pot contenir cap dels caràcters següents:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&No creïs una carpeta al Menú Inici + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Preparat per a instal·lar +ReadyLabel1=El programa d'instal·lació està preparat per a iniciar la instal·lació de [name] al vostre ordinador. +ReadyLabel2a=Premeu Instal·la per a continuar amb la instal·lació, o Enrere si voleu revisar o modificar les opcions d'instal·lació. +ReadyLabel2b=Premeu Instal·la per a continuar amb la instal·lació. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Informació de l'usuari: +ReadyMemoDir=Carpeta de destinació: +ReadyMemoType=Tipus d'instal·lació: +ReadyMemoComponents=Components seleccionats: +ReadyMemoGroup=Carpeta del Menú Inici: +ReadyMemoTasks=Tasques addicionals: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Preparant la instal·lació +PreparingDesc=Preparant la instal·lació de [name] al vostre ordinador. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=La instal·lació o desinstal·lació anterior no s'ha dut a terme. Caldrà que reinicieu l'ordinador per a finalitzar aquesta instal·lació.%n%nDesprés de reiniciar l'ordinador, executeu aquest programa de nou per completar la instal·lació de [name]. +CannotContinue=La instal·lació no pot continuar. Premeu Cancel·la per a sortir. +ApplicationsFound=Les següents aplicacions estan fent servir fitxers que necessiten ser actualitzats per la instal·lació. Es recomana que permeteu a la instal·lació tancar automàticament aquestes aplicacions. +ApplicationsFound2=Les següents aplicacions estan fent servir fitxers que necessiten ser actualitzats per la instal·lació. Es recomana que permeteu a la instal·lació tancar automàticament aquestes aplicacions. Després de completar la instal·lació s'intentarà reiniciar les aplicacions. +CloseApplications=&Tanca automàticament les aplicacions +DontCloseApplications=&No tanquis les aplicacions +ErrorCloseApplications=El programa d'instal·lació no ha pogut tancar automàticament totes les aplicacions. Es recomana que abans de continuar tanqueu totes les aplicacions que estan usant fitxers que han de ser actualitzats pel programa d'instal·lació. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Instal·lant +InstallingLabel=Espereu mentre s'instal·la [name] al vostre ordinador. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Completant l'assistent d'instal·lació de [name] +FinishedLabelNoIcons=El programa ha finalitzat la instal·lació de [name] al vostre ordinador. +FinishedLabel=El programa ha finalitzat la instal·lació de [name] al vostre ordinador. L'aplicació pot ser iniciada seleccionant les icones instal·lades. +ClickFinish=Premeu Finalitza per a sortir de la instal·lació. +FinishedRestartLabel=Per a completar la instal·lació de [name] cal reiniciar l'ordinador. Voleu fer-ho ara? +FinishedRestartMessage=Per a completar la instal·lació de [name] cal reiniciar l'ordinador. Voleu fer-ho ara? +ShowReadmeCheck=Sí, vull visualitzar el fitxer LLEGIUME.TXT +YesRadio=&Sí, reiniciar l'ordinador ara +NoRadio=&No, reiniciaré l'ordinador més tard +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Executa %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Visualitza %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=El programa d'instal·lació necessita el disc següent +SelectDiskLabel2=Introduiu el disc %1 i premeu Continua.%n%nSi els fitxers d'aquest disc es poden trobar en una carpeta diferent de la indicada tot seguit, introduïu-ne la ruta correcta o bé premeu Explora. +PathLabel=&Ruta: +FileNotInDir2=El fitxer "%1" no s'ha pogut trobar a "%2". Introduïu el disc correcte o trieu una altra carpeta. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Indiqueu on es troba el disc següent. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=La instal·lació no s'ha completat.%n%n%Resoleu el problema i executeu de nou el programa d'instal·lació. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Premeu Reintenta per a intentar-ho de nou, Ignora per a continuar igualment, o Abandona per a abandonar la instal·lació. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Tancant aplicacions... +StatusCreateDirs=Creant carpetes... +StatusExtractFiles=Extraient fitxers... +StatusCreateIcons=Creant enllaços del programa... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Creant entrades al fitxer INI... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Creant entrades de registre... +StatusRegisterFiles=Registrant fitxers... +StatusSavingUninstall=Desant informació de desinstal·lació... +StatusRunProgram=Finalitzant la instal·lació... +StatusRestartingApplications=Reiniciant aplicacions... +StatusRollback=Desfent els canvis... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Error intern: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 ha fallat +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 ha fallat; codi %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 ha fallat; codi %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=No es pot executar el fitxer:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Error en obrir la clau de registre:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Error en crear la clau de registre:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Error en escriure a la clau de registre:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Error en crear l'entrada INI al fitxer "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Premeu Reintenta per a intentar-ho de nou, Ignora per a saltar-se aquest fitxer (no recomanat), o Abandona per a abandonar la instal·lació. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Premeu Reintenta per a intentar-ho de nou, Ignora per a continuar igualment (no recomanat), o Abandona per a abandonar la instal·lació. +SourceIsCorrupted=El fitxer d'origen està corromput +SourceDoesntExist=El fitxer d'origen "%1" no existeix +ExistingFileReadOnly=El fitxer és de només lectura.%n%nPremeu Reintenta per a treure-li l'atribut de només lectura i tornar-ho a intentar, Ignora per a saltar-se'l (no recomanat), o Abandona per a abandonar la instal·lació. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=S'ha produït un error en llegir el fitxer: +FileExists=El fitxer ja existeix.%n%nVoleu que sigui sobre-escrit? +ExistingFileNewer=El fitxer existent és més nou que el que s'intenta instal·lar. Es recomana mantenir el fitxer existent.%n%nVoleu mantenir-lo? +ErrorChangingAttr=Hi ha hagut un error en canviar els atributs del fitxer: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Hi ha hagut un error en crear un fitxer a la carpeta de destinació: +ErrorReadingSource=Hi ha hagut un error en llegir el fitxer d'origen: +ErrorCopying=Hi ha hagut un error en copiar un fitxer: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Hi ha hagut un error en reemplaçar el fitxer existent: +ErrorRestartReplace=Ha fallat reemplaçar: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Hi ha hagut un error en reanomenar un fitxer a la carpeta de destinació: +ErrorRegisterServer=No s'ha pogut registrar el DLL/OCX: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=Ha fallat RegSvr32 amb el codi de sortida %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=No s'ha pogut registrar la biblioteca de tipus: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Hi ha hagut un error en obrir el fitxer LLEGIUME.TXT. +ErrorRestartingComputer=El programa d'instal·lació no ha pogut reiniciar l'ordinador. Cal que ho feu manualment. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=El fitxer "%1" no existeix. No es pot desinstal·lar. +UninstallOpenError=El fitxer "%1" no pot ser obert. No es pot desinstal·lar +UninstallUnsupportedVer=El fitxer de desinstal·lació "%1" està en un format no reconegut per aquesta versió del desinstal·lador. No es pot desinstal·lar +UninstallUnknownEntry=S'ha trobat una entrada desconeguda (%1) al fitxer de desinstal·lació. +ConfirmUninstall=Esteu segur de voler eliminar completament %1 i tots els seus components? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Aquest programa només pot ser desinstal·lat en Windows de 64 bits. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Aquest programa només pot ser desinstal·lat per un usuari amb privilegis d'administrador. +UninstallStatusLabel=Espereu mentre s'elimina %1 del vostre ordinador. +UninstalledAll=%1 ha estat desinstal·lat correctament del vostre ordinador. +UninstalledMost=Desinstal·lació de %1 completada.%n%nAlguns elements no s'han pogut eliminar. Poden ser eliminats manualment. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Per completar la instal·lació de %1, cal reiniciar el vostre ordinador.%n%nVoleu fer-ho ara? +UninstallDataCorrupted=El fitxer "%1" està corromput. No es pot desinstal·lar. + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Eliminar fitxer compartit? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=El sistema indica que el fitxer compartit següent ja no és emprat per cap altre programa. Voleu que la desinstal·lació elimini aquest fitxer?%n%nSi algun programa encara el fa servir i és eliminat, podria no funcionar correctament. Si no n'esteu segur, trieu No. Deixar el fitxer al sistema no farà cap mal. +SharedFileNameLabel=Nom del fitxer: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Localització: +WizardUninstalling=Estat de la desinstal·lació +StatusUninstalling=Desinstal·lant %1... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Instal·lant %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Desinstal·lant %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 versió %2 +AdditionalIcons=Icones addicionals: +CreateDesktopIcon=Crea una icona a l'&Escriptori +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Crea una icona a la &Barra de tasques +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 a Internet +UninstallProgram=Desinstal·la %1 +LaunchProgram=Obre %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Associa %1 amb l'extensió de fitxer %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Associant %1 amb l'extensió de fitxer %2... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Inici: +AutoStartProgram=Inicia automàticament %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 no ha pogut ser trobat a la carpeta seleccionada.%n%nVoleu continuar igualment? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Corsican.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Corsican.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dd084b17 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Corsican.isl @@ -0,0 +1,345 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Corsican messages *** +; +; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to : +; http :// +; +; Note : When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). +; +; Created and maintained by Patriccollu di Santa Maria Sichè +; +; E-mail: Patrick.Santa-Maria@LaPoste.Net +; +; Changes : +; January 3, 2013 : update to version 5.5.3+ +; August 8, 2012 : update to version 5.5.0+ +; September 17, 2011 : creation for version 5.1.11 + +[LangOptions] +; The following three entries are very important. Be sure to read and +; understand the '[LangOptions] section' topic in the help file. +LanguageName=Corsu +LanguageID=$0483 +LanguageCodePage=1252 +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName= +;DialogFontSize=8 +;WelcomeFontName=Verdana +;WelcomeFontSize=12 +;TitleFontName=Arial +;TitleFontSize=29 +;CopyrightFontName=Arial +;CopyrightFontSize=8 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Installazione +SetupWindowTitle=Installazione di %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Disinstallazione +UninstallAppFullTitle=Disinstallazione di %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Infurmazione +ConfirmTitle=Cunfirmà +ErrorTitle=Errore + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Site prontu à installà %1 ? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Ùn hè micca pussibule di creà unu schedariu timpurariu. Installazione cancellata +LdrCannotExecTemp=Ùn hè micca pussibule di eseguisce unu schedariu in lu cartulare timpurariu. Installazione cancellata + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nErrore %2 : %3 +SetupFileMissing=U schedariu %1 ùn hè micca in u cartulare di l'installazione. Ci vole à curreghje stu prublemu o riceve una nova copia di u programmu. +SetupFileCorrupt=I schedarii di setup sò alterati. Ci vole à riceve una nova copia di u programmu. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=I schedarii di setup sò alterati, o sò incompatibili cù sta versione di u prugrammu d'installazione. Ci vole à curreghje stu prublemu o riceve una nova copia di u programmu. +InvalidParameter=Unu parametru micca validu hè statu passatu nantu à a linea di cumanda :%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=U prucessu d'installazione hè dighià in funzione. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Stu prugrammu ùn supporta micca a versione di Windows installata nantu à st'urdinatore. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Stu prugrammu richiede %1 Service Pack %2 o più ricente. +NotOnThisPlatform=Stu prugrammu ùn funziona micca cù %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Stu prugrammu deve funzionà cù %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Stu prugrammu pò esse installatu solu nantu à i versioni di Windows chì funzionanu cù st'architetture di prucessore :%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=A versione di Windows uduprata ùn hà micca i funzioni per fà una installazione 64-bit. Per curreghje stu prublemu, ci vole à installà u Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Stu programmu richiede a versione %2 o più recente di %1. +WinVersionTooHighError=Stu programmu ùn pò micca esse installatu nantu à a versione %2 o più recente di %1. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Ci vole à esse amministratore per installà stu prugrammu. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Ci vole à esse amministratore o membru di u gruppu di i "Power Users" per installà stu prugrammu. +SetupAppRunningError=%1 hè dighjà in esecuzione.%n%nChjode avà tutte l'istanze di stu prugrammu è sciglite OK per continuà, osinnò Cancellà per abbandunà l'installazione. +UninstallAppRunningError=%1 hè dighjà in esecuzione.%n%nChjode avà tutte l'istanze di stu prugrammu è sciglite OK per continuà, osinnò Cancellà per abbandunà a disinstallazione. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Impussibule di creà u cartulare "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Impussibule di creà unu schedariu in u cartulare "%1" perchè ci sò dighjà troppu di schedarii + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Esce di l'installazione +ExitSetupMessage=L'installazione ùn hè micca compia. S'è voi escite l'installazione avà, u prugrammu ùn serà micca installatu.%n%nCi vulerà à ripiglià l'installazione più tardi per compiella.%n%nEsce di l'installazione ? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Apprupositu di l'Assistente d'Installazione... +AboutSetupTitle=Apprupositu di l'Assistente d'Installazione +AboutSetupMessage=%1 versione %2%n%3%n%nPagina d'accolta %1 :%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Traduzzione corsa da Patriccollu di Santa Maria Sichè + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Antecedente +ButtonNext=&Seguente > +ButtonInstall=In&stallà +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Cancellà +ButtonYes=&Iè +ButtonYesToAll=Iè per &tutti +ButtonNo=I&nnò +ButtonNoToAll=Inn&ò per tutti +ButtonFinish=&Piantà +ButtonBrowse=&Sfuglià... +ButtonWizardBrowse=S&fuglià... +ButtonNewFolder=&Creà novu cartulare + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Lingua di l'Assistente d'Installazione +SelectLanguageLabel=Sceglie a lingua à aduprà durante l'installazione : + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Sceglie Seguente per cuntinuà, o Cancellà per compie l'installazione. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Sfuglià i cartulari +BrowseDialogLabel=Sceglite unu cartulare nantu à a lista inghjò, eppò OK. +NewFolderName=Novu cartulare + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Benvenutu in l'Assistente d'Installazione di [name] +WelcomeLabel2=St'Assistente hè prontu à installà [name/ver] nantu à u vostru urdinatore.%n%nHè ricummendatu di chjode tutti l'altri appiecazioni nanzu à cuntinuà. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Parolla d'intrata +PasswordLabel1=St'installazione hè prutetta cù una parolla d'intrata. +PasswordLabel3=Entrite a parolla d'intrata, eppò sceglite Seguente per cuntinuà. Fate casu di rispettà e minuscule è maiuscule in e parolle d'intrata. +PasswordEditLabel=&Parolla d'intrata : +IncorrectPassword=A parolla d'intrata hè falsa. Pruvate un'altra volta. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Cuntrattu d'Utilizazione +LicenseLabel=L'infurmazioni chì seguitanu sò impurtentissimi. Ci vole à leghjelli nanzu à cuntinuà. +LicenseLabel3=Per piacè leghjite u Cuntrattu d'Utilizazione chì seguita. Ci vole à esse d'accunsentu cù tutti i vucabuli di stu cuntrattu per pudè cuntinuà l'installazione. +LicenseAccepted=Capiscu è sò d'&accunsentu cù tutti i vucabuli di u cuntrattu +LicenseNotAccepted=Ùn sò &micca d'accunsentu cù stu cuntrattu + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Infurmazione +InfoBeforeLabel=L'infurmazioni chì seguitanu sò impurtentissimi. Ci vole à leghjelli nanzu à cuntinuà. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Quandu site prontu à cuntinuà, sceglite Seguente. +WizardInfoAfter=Infurmazione +InfoAfterLabel=L'infurmazioni chì seguitanu sò impurtentissimi. Ci vole à leghjelli nanzu à cuntinuà. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Quandu site prontu à cuntinuà, sceglite Seguente. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Infurmazione Utilizatore +UserInfoDesc=Entrite i vostri infurmazioni. +UserInfoName=&Nome di l'utilizatore : +UserInfoOrg=&Urganismu : +UserInfoSerial=Numeru di &seria : +UserInfoNameRequired=Ci vole à entre unu nome. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Selezziunà u cartulare d'installazione +SelectDirDesc=Induve ci vole à installà [name] ? +SelectDirLabel3=L'Assistente hà da installà [name] in stu cartulare. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Per cuntinuà, sceglite Seguente. S'è voi preferite un'altru cartulare, sceglite Sfuglià. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=U prugrammu hà bisognu d'al menu [mb] Mo di spaziu liberu nantu à u dischettu duru. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Ùn hè micca pussibule di fà l'installazione nantu à unu dischettu di a reta. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=Ùn hè micca pussibule d'impiegà unu caminu UNC. S'è voi vulete installà nantu à a reta, ci vole à cunnettà, primu, u lettore di reta. +InvalidPath=Ci vole à entre unu caminu cumplettu ; per indettu :%n%nC :\APP%n%è micca unu caminu UNC di a forma :%n%n\\server\share +InvalidDrive=L'unità o u caminu UNC selezziunatu ùn esiste o ùn hè micca dispunibule. Per piacà, sceglite un'altru. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Spaziu nantu à u dischettu duru ùn hè micca abbastanza +DiskSpaceWarning=L'Assistente richiede almenu %1 Ko di spaziu liberu per l'installazione, ma l'unità selezziunata hà solu %2 Ko dispunibule.%n%nVulete cuntinuà quantunque ? +DirNameTooLong=U nome di u cartulare o u caminu hè troppu longu. +InvalidDirName=U nome di u cartulare ùn hè micca leghjittimu. +BadDirName32=U nome di u cartulare ùn pò micca cuntene sti caratteri :%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Cartulare esistente +DirExists=U cartulare :%n%n%1%n%nesiste dighjà. Vulete installà in stu cartulare quantunque ? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Cartulare inesistente +DirDoesntExist=U cartulare :%n%n%1%n%nùn esiste micca. Vulete creà stu cartulare ? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Selezziunà i cumpunenti +SelectComponentsDesc=Chì cumpunenti vulete installà ? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Selezziunate i cumpunenti chì ci vole à installà ; deselezziunate quelli ch'ùn ci vole micca à installà. Quandu site prontu à cuntinuà, sceglite Seguente. +FullInstallation=Installazione cumpleta +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Installazione strinta +CustomInstallation=Installazione persunalizata +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Cumpunenti esistenti +NoUninstallWarning=L'Assistente hà trovu sti cumpunenti dighjà installati nantu à l'urdinatore :%n%n%1%n%nDeselezziunà sti cumpunenti ùn i disinstallerà micca.%n%nVulete cuntinuà ? +ComponentSize1=%1 Ko +ComponentSize2=%1 Mo +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=A selezzione currente richiede al menu [mb] Mo di spaziu liberu nantu à u dischettu duru. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Selezziunà trattamenti addizziunali +SelectTasksDesc=Chì trattamenti addizziunali vulete fà ? +SelectTasksLabel2=Selezziunate i trattamenti addizziunali chì l'Assistente hà da fà durante l'installazione di [name], eppò sceglite Seguente. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Selezzione di u cartulare di u Menu Démarrer (Start) +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Induve l'Assistente hà da mette l'accurtatoghji di u prugrammu ? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=L'Assistente hà da mette l'accurtatoghji di u prugrammu in u Menu Démarrer (Start). +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Per cuntinuà, sceglite Seguente. S'è voi preferite un'altru cartulare,sceglite Sfuglià. +MustEnterGroupName=Ci vole à entre unu nome di cartulare. +GroupNameTooLong=U nome di u cartulare o u caminu hè troppu longu. +InvalidGroupName=U nome di u cartulare ùn hè micca leghjittimu. +BadGroupName=U nome di u cartulare ùn pò micca cuntene sti caratteri :%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=Ù&n creà micca di cartulare in u Menu Démarrer (Start) + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Prontu à Installà +ReadyLabel1=Avà l'Assistente hè prontu à principià l'installazione di [name] nantu à u vostru urdinatore. +ReadyLabel2a=Sceglite Installà per cuntinuà l'installazione, o sceglite Antecedente per rivede o cambià l'ozzioni. +ReadyLabel2b=Sceglite Installà per cuntinuà l'installazione. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Infurmazione Utilizatore : +ReadyMemoDir=Cartulare d'installazione : +ReadyMemoType=Tipu d'installazione : +ReadyMemoComponents=Cumpunenti selezziunati : +ReadyMemoGroup=Cartulare di u Menu Démarrer (Start) : +ReadyMemoTasks=Trattamenti addizziunali : + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Preparazione di l'installazione +PreparingDesc=L'Assistente appronta l'installazione di [name] nantu à u vostru urdinatore. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=L'installazione/suppressione precedente di u prugrammu ùn hè micca compia bè. Ci vulerà à dimarrà torna l'urdinatore per cumpie st'installazione.%n%nDopu ci vulerà à rilancià l'Assistente per cumpie l'installazione di [name]. +CannotContinue=L'Assistente ùn pò micca cuntinuà. Sceglite Cancellà per esce. +ApplicationsFound=St'applicazioni impieganu schedarii chì devenu esse mudificati da l'installazione. Seria più faciule di permette à u prucessu di chjode autumaticamente st'applicazioni. +ApplicationsFound2=St'applicazioni impieganu schedarii chì devenu esse mudificati da l'installazione. Seria più faciule di permette à u prucessu di chjode autumaticamente st'applicazioni. S'è l'installazione si compie bè, u prucessu pruverà di rilancià l'applicazioni. +CloseApplications=Chjode &autumaticamente l'applicazioni +DontCloseApplications=&Ùn chjode micca l'applicazioni +ErrorCloseApplications=L'Assistente ùn hà micca pussutu chjode autumaticamente tutti l'applicazioni. Hè ricummandatu di chjode tutti l'applicazioni chì impieganu schedarii chì devenu esse mudificati da l'Assistente durante l'installazione nanzu à cuntinuà. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Installazione in corsu +InstallingLabel=Aspittate per piacè mentre l'installazione di [name] nantu à u vostru urdinatore. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Cunclusione di l'installazione di [name] +FinishedLabelNoIcons=L'Assistente hà compiu l'installazione di [name] nantu à u vostru urdinatore. +FinishedLabel=L'Assistente hà compiu l'installazione di [name] nantu à u vostru urdinatore. L'applicazione pò esse lampata grazia à l'icone installate. +ClickFinish=Sceglite Piantà per compie l'Assistente. +FinishedRestartLabel=Per cumpie l'installazione di [name], l'Assistente hà da dimarrà torna u vostru urdinatore. Site d'accunsentu per fallu avà ? +FinishedRestartMessage=Per cumpie l'installazione di [name], l'Assistente hà da dimarrà torna u vostru urdinatore.%n%nSite d'accunsentu per fallu avà ? +ShowReadmeCheck=Iè, vogliu leghje u schedariu LISEZMOI o README +YesRadio=&Iè, dimarrà l'urdinatore avà +NoRadio=I&nnò, preferiscu dimarrà l'urdinatore più tardi +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Eseguisce %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Fighjà %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=L'Assistente hà bisogniu di u dischettu seguente +SelectDiskLabel2=Mittite u dischettu %1 è sceglite OK.%n%nS'è i schedarii di stu dischettu si trovanu in un'altru cartulare chì quellu indicatu inghjò, intruducite u caminu currettu o sceglite Sfuglià. +PathLabel=&Caminu : +FileNotInDir2=U schedariu "%1" ùn si truva micca in "%2". Mittite u dischettu curretu o sceglite un'altru cartulare. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Ci vole à dì induve si truva u dischettu seguente. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=L'installazione ùn hè micca compia.%n%nCi vole à curreghje u prublemu è eseguisce l'installazione un'altra volta. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Sceglite Réessayer per pruvà torna, Ignorer per cuntinuà quantunque, o Abandonner per cancellà l'installazione. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Chjudendu l'applicazioni… +StatusCreateDirs=Creazione di i cartulari... +StatusExtractFiles=Estrazzione di i schedarii... +StatusCreateIcons=Creazione di l'accurtatoghji... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Creazione di l'elementi INI... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Creazione di l'elementi di u registru... +StatusRegisterFiles=Arregistramentu di i schedarii... +StatusSavingUninstall=Cunservazione di l'informazioni di disinstallazione... +StatusRunProgram=Cumpiera di l'installazione... +StatusRestartingApplications=Relanciendu l'applicazioni... +StatusRollback=Annulazione di i mudificazioni... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Errore internu : %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=Fiascu di %1 +ErrorFunctionFailed=Fiascu di %1 ; codice %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=Fiascu di %1 ; codice %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Impussibule di eseguisce u schedariu :%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Errore durente l'apertura di a chjave di registru :%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Errore durente a creazione di a chjave di registru :%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Errore durente a scrittura di a chjave di registru :%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Errore durente a creazione di l'elementu INI in u schedariu "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Sceglite Réessayer per pruvà torna, Ignorer per saltà stu schedariu (scunsigliatu), o Abandonner per cancellà l'installazione. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Sceglite Réessayer per pruvà torna, Ignorer per cuntinuà quantunque (scunsigliatu), o Abandonner per cancellà l'installazione. +SourceIsCorrupted=U schedariu surghjente hè alteratu +SourceDoesntExist=U schedariu surghjente "%1" ùn esista micca +ExistingFileReadOnly=U schedariu esistente hà unu attributu di lettura-sola.%n%nSceglite Réessayer per caccià st'attributu è pruvà torna, Ignorer per saltà stu schedariu, o Abandonner per cancellà l'installazione. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Un'errore hè affacatu durante a lettura di u schedariu esistente : +FileExists=U schedariu esiste dighjà.%n%nVulite chì l'Assistente u rimpiazza ? +ExistingFileNewer=U schedariu esistente hè più ricente chì quellu chì l'Assistente prova d'installà. Hè ricummendatu di cunservà u schedariu esistente.%n%nVulite cunservà u schedariu esistente ? +ErrorChangingAttr=Un'errore hè affacatu pruvendu di cambià l'attributi of u schedariu esistente : +ErrorCreatingTemp=Un'errore hè affacatu pruvendu di creà unu schedariu in u cartelaru d'installazione : +ErrorReadingSource=Un'errore hè affacatu pruvendu di leghje u schedariu surghjente : +ErrorCopying=Un'errore hè affacatu pruvendu di cupià unu schedariu : +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Un'errore hè affacatu pruvendu di rimpiazzà u schedariu esistente : +ErrorRestartReplace=Fiascu di Ridimarrà/Rimpiazzà : +ErrorRenamingTemp=Un'errore hè affacatu pruvendu di cambià u nome di unu schedariu in u cartelaru d'installazione : +ErrorRegisterServer=Impussibule d'arregistrà a bibliuteca DLL/OCX : %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=Fiascu di RegSvr32 cù u codice di uscita %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Impussibule d'arregistrà a bibliuteca di tipu : %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Un'errore hè affacatu pruvendu di leghje u schedariu LISEZMOI/README. +ErrorRestartingComputer=L'Assistente ùn pò micca ridimarrà l'urdinatore. Ci vole à fallu manualmente. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=U schedariu "%1" ùn esista micca. Impussibule di disinstallà. +UninstallOpenError=U schedariu "%1" ùn pò micca esse apertu. Impussibule di disinstallà +UninstallUnsupportedVer=U schedariu ghjurnale 'log' "%1" si trova in una forma micca ricunnisciuta da sta versione di l'Assistente di disinstallazione. Impussibule di disinstallà +UninstallUnknownEntry=Una infurmazione scunisciuta (%1) si trova in u schedariu ghjurnale 'log' di disinstallazione +ConfirmUninstall=Site sicuru di vulè scaccià tutalmente %1 è tutti i so cumpunenti ? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=A disinstallazione di stu prugrammu si pò fà solu cù una versione 64-bit di Windows. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=A disinstallazione di stu prugrammu si pò fà solu da unu utilisatore di u gruppu di l'Amministratori. +UninstallStatusLabel=Aspittate per piacè fin'à chì %1 hè scacciatu da u vostru urdinatore. +UninstalledAll=%1 hà statu scacciatu bè da u vostru urdinatore. +UninstalledMost=A disinstallazione di %1 hè compia.%n%nQualchì elementu ùn pò micca esse scacciatu. Ci vole à scacciallu manualmente. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Per cumpie a disinstallazione di %1, ci vole à dimarrà torna u vostru urdinatore.%n%nSite d'accunsentu per fallu avà ? +UninstallDataCorrupted=U schedariu "%1" hè alteratu. Impussibule di disinstallà + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Scaccià i schedarii cundivisi ? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=U sistemu indica chì i schedarii cundivisi ùn sò più aduprati d'alcunu programmu. Vulite scaccià i schedarii cundivisi ?%n%nS'è qualchì programmu sempre adupra sti schedarii è quessi sò scacciati, ùn puderà funziunà currettamente. Se ùn site micca sicuru, sceglite No. Lascià sti schedarii nantu à u sistemu ùn pò micca pruduce danni. +SharedFileNameLabel=Nome di u schedariu : +SharedFileLocationLabel=Lucalizazione : +WizardUninstalling=Statu di a disinstallazione +StatusUninstalling=Disinstallazione di %1 in corsu... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Installazione di %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Disinstallazione di %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 versione %2 +AdditionalIcons=Addizziunale icone : +CreateDesktopIcon=Creà una icona nantu à u &Scagnu (Bureau) +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Creà una icona nantu à a barra di &Lanciu rapidu +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 nantu à u Web +UninstallProgram=Desinstallà %1 +LaunchProgram=Dimarrà %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Assucià %1 cù l'estensione di u schedariu %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Assuciazion di %1 cù l'estensione di u schedariu %2... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Relancia autumatica : +AutoStartProgram=Relancià automaticamente %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=Impussibule di truvà %1 in u cartulare selezziunatu.%n%nVulete cuntinuà l'installazione quantunque ? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Czech.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Czech.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d2b5a579 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Czech.isl @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +; ******************************************************* +; *** *** +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Czech messages *** +; *** *** +; *** Original Author: *** +; *** *** +; *** Ivo Bauer ( *** +; *** *** +; *** Contributors: *** +; *** *** +; *** Lubos Stanek ( *** +; *** Vitezslav Svejdar ( *** +; *** *** +; ******************************************************* +; +; Copyright (C) 1997-2012 Jordan Russell. All rights reserved. +; Translations (C) 2002-2012 Original Author and Contributors. All rights reserved. +; +; The contents of this file are subject to the Inno Setup License (the "License"). +; You may obtain a copy of the License at +; +; $jrsoftware: issrc/Files/Languages/Czech.isl,v 1.18 2007/02/27 18:22:41 jr Exp $ + +[LangOptions] +LanguageName=<010C>e<0161>tina +LanguageID=$0405 +LanguageCodePage=1250 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Prùvodce instalací +SetupWindowTitle=Prùvodce instalací - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Prùvodce odinstalací +UninstallAppFullTitle=Prùvodce odinstalací - %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Informace +ConfirmTitle=Potvrzení +ErrorTitle=Chyba + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Vítá Vás prùvodce instalací produktu %1. Chcete pokraèovat? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Nelze vytvoøit doèasný soubor. Prùvodce instalací bude ukonèen +LdrCannotExecTemp=Nelze spustit soubor v doèasné složce. Prùvodce instalací bude ukonèen + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nChyba %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=Instalaèní složka neobsahuje soubor %1. Opravte prosím tuto chybu nebo si opatøete novou kopii tohoto produktu. +SetupFileCorrupt=Soubory prùvodce instalací jsou poškozeny. Opatøete si prosím novou kopii tohoto produktu. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Soubory prùvodce instalací jsou poškozeny nebo se nesluèují s touto verzí prùvodce instalací. Opravte prosím tuto chybu nebo si opatøete novou kopii tohoto produktu. +InvalidParameter=Pøíkazová øádka obsahuje neplatný parametr:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Prùvodce instalací je již spuštìn. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Tento produkt nepodporuje verzi MS Windows, která bìží na Vašem poèítaèi. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Tento produkt vyžaduje %1 Service Pack %2 nebo vyšší. +NotOnThisPlatform=Tento produkt nelze spustit ve %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Tento produkt musí být spuštìn ve %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Tento produkt lze nainstalovat pouze ve verzích MS Windows s podporou architektury procesorù:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=Aktuální verze MS Windows postrádá funkce, které vyžaduje prùvodce instalací pro 64-bitovou instalaci. Opravte prosím tuto chybu nainstalováním aktualizace Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Tento produkt vyžaduje %1 verzi %2 nebo vyšší. +WinVersionTooHighError=Tento produkt nelze nainstalovat ve %1 verzi %2 nebo vyšší. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=K instalaci tohoto produktu musíte být pøihlášeni s právy administrátora. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=K instalaci tohoto produktu musíte být pøihlášeni s právy administrátora nebo èlena skupiny Power Users. +SetupAppRunningError=Prùvodce instalací zjistil, že produkt %1 je nyní spuštìn.%n%nZavøete prosím všechny instance tohoto produktu a pak pokraèujte klepnutím na tlaèítko OK, nebo ukonèete instalaci tlaèítkem Storno. +UninstallAppRunningError=Prùvodce odinstalací zjistil, že produkt %1 je nyní spuštìn.%n%nZavøete prosím všechny instance tohoto produktu a pak pokraèujte klepnutím na tlaèítko OK, nebo ukonèete odinstalaci tlaèítkem Storno. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Prùvodci instalací se nepodaøilo vytvoøit složku "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Nelze vytvoøit soubor ve složce "%1", protože tato složka již obsahuje pøíliš mnoho souborù + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Ukonèit prùvodce instalací +ExitSetupMessage=Instalace nebyla zcela dokonèena. Jestliže nyní prùvodce instalací ukonèíte, produkt nebude nainstalován.%n%nPrùvodce instalací mùžete znovu spustit kdykoliv jindy a instalaci dokonèit.%n%nChcete prùvodce instalací ukonèit? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&O prùvodci instalací... +AboutSetupTitle=O prùvodci instalací +AboutSetupMessage=%1 verze %2%n%3%n%n%1 domovská stránka:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Czech translation maintained by Ivo Bauer (, Lubos Stanek ( and Vitezslav Svejdar ( + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Zpìt +ButtonNext=&Další > +ButtonInstall=&Instalovat +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Storno +ButtonYes=&Ano +ButtonYesToAll=Ano &všem +ButtonNo=&Ne +ButtonNoToAll=N&e všem +ButtonFinish=&Dokonèit +ButtonBrowse=&Procházet... +ButtonWizardBrowse=&Procházet... +ButtonNewFolder=&Vytvoøit novou složku + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Výbìr jazyka prùvodce instalací +SelectLanguageLabel=Zvolte jazyk, který se má použít bìhem instalace: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Pokraèujte klepnutím na tlaèítko Další, nebo ukonèete prùvodce instalací tlaèítkem Storno. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Vyhledat složku +BrowseDialogLabel=Z níže uvedeného seznamu vyberte složku a klepnìte na tlaèítko OK. +NewFolderName=Nová složka + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Vítá Vás prùvodce instalací produktu [name]. +WelcomeLabel2=Produkt [name/ver] bude nainstalován na Váš poèítaè.%n%nDøíve než budete pokraèovat, doporuèuje se zavøít veškeré spuštìné aplikace. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Heslo +PasswordLabel1=Tato instalace je chránìna heslem. +PasswordLabel3=Zadejte prosím heslo a pokraèujte klepnutím na tlaèítko Další. Pøi zadávání hesla rozlišujte malá a velká písmena. +PasswordEditLabel=&Heslo: +IncorrectPassword=Zadané heslo není správné. Zkuste to prosím znovu. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Licenèní smlouva +LicenseLabel=Døíve než budete pokraèovat, pøeètìte si prosím pozornì následující dùležité informace. +LicenseLabel3=Pøeètìte si prosím tuto licenèní smlouvu. Musíte souhlasit s podmínkami této smlouvy, aby instalace mohla pokraèovat. +LicenseAccepted=&Souhlasím s podmínkami licenèní smlouvy +LicenseNotAccepted=&Nesouhlasím s podmínkami licenèní smlouvy + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Informace +InfoBeforeLabel=Døíve než budete pokraèovat, pøeètìte si prosím pozornì následující dùležité informace. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Pokraèujte v instalaci klepnutím na tlaèítko Další. +WizardInfoAfter=Informace +InfoAfterLabel=Døíve než budete pokraèovat, pøeètìte si prosím pozornì následující dùležité informace. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Pokraèujte v instalaci klepnutím na tlaèítko Další. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Informace o uživateli +UserInfoDesc=Zadejte prosím požadované údaje. +UserInfoName=&Uživatelské jméno: +UserInfoOrg=&Spoleènost: +UserInfoSerial=Sé&riové èíslo: +UserInfoNameRequired=Musíte zadat uživatelské jméno. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Zvolte cílové umístìní +SelectDirDesc=Kam má být produkt [name] nainstalován? +SelectDirLabel3=Prùvodce nainstaluje produkt [name] do následující složky. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Pokraèujte klepnutím na tlaèítko Další. Chcete-li zvolit jinou složku, klepnìte na tlaèítko Procházet. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Instalace vyžaduje nejménì [mb] MB volného místa na disku. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Prùvodce instalací nemùže instalovat do sí�ové jednotky. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=Prùvodce instalací nemùže instalovat do cesty UNC. +InvalidPath=Musíte zadat úplnou cestu vèetnì písmene jednotky; napøíklad:%n%nC:\Aplikace%n%nnebo cestu UNC ve tvaru:%n%n\\server\sdílená složka +InvalidDrive=Vámi zvolená jednotka nebo cesta UNC neexistuje nebo není dostupná. Zvolte prosím jiné umístìní. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Nedostatek místa na disku +DiskSpaceWarning=Prùvodce instalací vyžaduje nejménì %1 KB volného místa pro instalaci produktu, ale na zvolené jednotce je dostupných pouze %2 KB.%n%nChcete pøesto pokraèovat? +DirNameTooLong=Název složky nebo cesta jsou pøíliš dlouhé. +InvalidDirName=Název složky není platný. +BadDirName32=Název složky nemùže obsahovat žádný z následujících znakù:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Složka existuje +DirExists=Složka:%n%n%1%n%njiž existuje. Má se pøesto instalovat do této složky? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Složka neexistuje +DirDoesntExist=Složka:%n%n%1%n%nneexistuje. Má být tato složka vytvoøena? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Zvolte souèásti +SelectComponentsDesc=Jaké souèásti mají být nainstalovány? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Zaškrtnìte souèásti, které mají být nainstalovány; souèásti, které se nemají instalovat, ponechte nezaškrtnuté. Pokraèujte klepnutím na tlaèítko Další. +FullInstallation=Úplná instalace +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Kompaktní instalace +CustomInstallation=Volitelná instalace +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Souèásti existují +NoUninstallWarning=Prùvodce instalací zjistil, že následující souèásti jsou již na Vašem poèítaèi nainstalovány:%n%n%1%n%nNezahrnete-li tyto souèásti do výbìru, nebudou nyní odinstalovány.%n%nChcete pøesto pokraèovat? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=Vybrané souèásti vyžadují nejménì [mb] MB místa na disku. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Zvolte další úlohy +SelectTasksDesc=Které další úlohy mají být provedeny? +SelectTasksLabel2=Zvolte další úlohy, které mají být provedeny v prùbìhu instalace produktu [name], a pak pokraèujte klepnutím na tlaèítko Další. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Vyberte složku v nabídce Start +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Kam má prùvodce instalací umístit zástupce aplikace? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Prùvodce instalací vytvoøí zástupce aplikace v následující složce nabídky Start. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Pokraèujte klepnutím na tlaèítko Další. Chcete-li zvolit jinou složku, klepnìte na tlaèítko Procházet. +MustEnterGroupName=Musíte zadat název složky. +GroupNameTooLong=Název složky nebo cesta jsou pøíliš dlouhé. +InvalidGroupName=Název složky není platný. +BadGroupName=Název složky nemùže obsahovat žádný z následujících znakù:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&Nevytváøet složku v nabídce Start + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Instalace je pøipravena +ReadyLabel1=Prùvodce instalací je nyní pøipraven nainstalovat produkt [name] na Váš poèítaè. +ReadyLabel2a=Pokraèujte v instalaci klepnutím na tlaèítko Instalovat. Pøejete-li si zmìnit nìkterá nastavení instalace, klepnìte na tlaèítko Zpìt. +ReadyLabel2b=Pokraèujte v instalaci klepnutím na tlaèítko Instalovat. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Informace o uživateli: +ReadyMemoDir=Cílové umístìní: +ReadyMemoType=Typ instalace: +ReadyMemoComponents=Vybrané souèásti: +ReadyMemoGroup=Složka v nabídce Start: +ReadyMemoTasks=Další úlohy: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Pøíprava k instalaci +PreparingDesc=Prùvodce instalací pøipravuje instalaci produktu [name] na Váš poèítaè. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=Instalace/odinstalace pøedchozího produktu nebyla zcela dokonèena. Aby mohla být dokonèena, musíte restartovat Váš poèítaè.%n%nPo restartování Vašeho poèítaèe spus�te znovu prùvodce instalací, aby bylo možné dokonèit instalaci produktu [name]. +CannotContinue=Prùvodce instalací nemùže pokraèovat. Ukonèete prosím prùvodce instalací klepnutím na tlaèítko Storno. +ApplicationsFound=Následující aplikace pøistupují k souborùm, které je tøeba bìhem instalace aktualizovat. Doporuèuje se povolit prùvodci instalací, aby tyto aplikace automaticky zavøel. +ApplicationsFound2=Následující aplikace pøistupují k souborùm, které je tøeba bìhem instalace aktualizovat. Doporuèuje se povolit prùvodci instalací, aby tyto aplikace automaticky zavøel. Po dokonèení instalace se prùvodce instalací pokusí aplikace restartovat. +CloseApplications=&Zavøít aplikace automaticky +DontCloseApplications=&Nezavírat aplikace +ErrorCloseApplications=Prùvodci instalací se nepodaøilo automaticky zavøít všechny aplikace. Døíve než budete pokraèovat, doporuèuje se zavøít veškeré aplikace pøistupující k souborùm, které je tøeba bìhem instalace aktualizovat. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Instalování +InstallingLabel=Èekejte prosím, dokud prùvodce instalací nedokonèí instalaci produktu [name] na Váš poèítaè. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Dokonèuje se instalace produktu [name] +FinishedLabelNoIcons=Prùvodce instalací dokonèil instalaci produktu [name] na Váš poèítaè. +FinishedLabel=Prùvodce instalací dokonèil instalaci produktu [name] na Váš poèítaè. Produkt lze spustit pomocí nainstalovaných zástupcù. +ClickFinish=Ukonèete prùvodce instalací klepnutím na tlaèítko Dokonèit. +FinishedRestartLabel=K dokonèení instalace produktu [name] je nezbytné, aby prùvodce instalací restartoval Váš poèítaè. Chcete jej nyní restartovat? +FinishedRestartMessage=K dokonèení instalace produktu [name] je nezbytné, aby prùvodce instalací restartoval Váš poèítaè.%n%nChcete jej nyní restartovat? +ShowReadmeCheck=Ano, chci zobrazit dokument "ÈTIMNE" +YesRadio=&Ano, chci nyní restartovat poèítaè +NoRadio=&Ne, poèítaè restartuji pozdìji +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Spustit %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Zobrazit %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=Prùvodce instalací vyžaduje další disk +SelectDiskLabel2=Vložte prosím disk %1 a klepnìte na tlaèítko OK.%n%nPokud se soubory na tomto disku nacházejí v jiné složce než v té, která je zobrazena níže, pak zadejte správnou cestu nebo ji zvolte klepnutím na tlaèítko Procházet. +PathLabel=&Cesta: +FileNotInDir2=Soubor "%1" nelze najít v "%2". Vložte prosím správný disk nebo zvolte jinou složku. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Specifikujte prosím umístìní dalšího disku. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=Instalace nebyla zcela dokonèena.%n%nOpravte prosím chybu a spus�te prùvodce instalací znovu. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Akci zopakujete klepnutím na tlaèítko Opakovat. Tento krok vynecháte klepnutím na tlaèítko Pøeskoèit. Instalaci stornujete klepnutím na tlaèítko Pøerušit. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Zavírají se aplikace... +StatusCreateDirs=Vytváøejí se složky... +StatusExtractFiles=Extrahují se soubory... +StatusCreateIcons=Vytváøejí se zástupci... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Vytváøejí se záznamy v inicializaèních souborech... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Vytváøejí se záznamy v systémovém registru... +StatusRegisterFiles=Registrují se soubory... +StatusSavingUninstall=Ukládají se informace pro odinstalaci produktu... +StatusRunProgram=Dokonèuje se instalace... +StatusRestartingApplications=Restartují se aplikace... +StatusRollback=Provedené zmìny se vracejí zpìt... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Interní chyba: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 selhala +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 selhala; kód %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 selhala; kód %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Nelze spustit soubor:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Došlo k chybì pøi otevírání klíèe systémového registru:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Došlo k chybì pøi vytváøení klíèe systémového registru:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Došlo k chybì pøi zápisu do klíèe systémového registru:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Došlo k chybì pøi vytváøení záznamu v inicializaèním souboru "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Akci zopakujete klepnutím na tlaèítko Opakovat. Tento soubor pøeskoèíte klepnutím na tlaèítko Pøeskoèit (nedoporuèuje se). Instalaci stornujete klepnutím na tlaèítko Pøerušit. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Akci zopakujete klepnutím na tlaèítko Opakovat. Pokraèujete klepnutím na tlaèítko Pøeskoèit (nedoporuèuje se). Instalaci stornujete klepnutím na tlaèítko Pøerušit. +SourceIsCorrupted=Zdrojový soubor je poškozen +SourceDoesntExist=Zdrojový soubor "%1" neexistuje +ExistingFileReadOnly=Existující soubor je urèen pouze pro ètení.%n%nAtribut "pouze pro ètení" odstraníte a akci zopakujete klepnutím na tlaèítko Opakovat. Tento soubor pøeskoèíte klepnutím na tlaèítko Pøeskoèit. Instalaci stornujete klepnutím na tlaèítko Pøerušit. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Došlo k chybì pøi pokusu o ètení existujícího souboru: +FileExists=Soubor již existuje.%n%nMá být prùvodcem instalace pøepsán? +ExistingFileNewer=Existující soubor je novìjší než ten, který se prùvodce instalací pokouší nainstalovat. Doporuèuje se ponechat existující soubor.%n%nChcete jej ponechat? +ErrorChangingAttr=Došlo k chybì pøi pokusu o zmìnu atributù existujícího souboru: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Došlo k chybì pøi pokusu o vytvoøení souboru v cílové složce: +ErrorReadingSource=Došlo k chybì pøi pokusu o ètení zdrojového souboru: +ErrorCopying=Došlo k chybì pøi pokusu o zkopírování souboru: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Došlo k chybì pøi pokusu o nahrazení existujícího souboru: +ErrorRestartReplace=Funkce "RestartReplace" prùvodce instalací selhala: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Došlo k chybì pøi pokusu o pøejmenování souboru v cílové složce: +ErrorRegisterServer=Nelze zaregistrovat DLL/OCX: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=Volání RegSvr32 selhalo s návratovým kódem %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Nelze zaregistrovat typovou knihovnu: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Došlo k chybì pøi pokusu o otevøení dokumentu "ÈTIMNE". +ErrorRestartingComputer=Prùvodci instalací se nepodaøilo restartovat Váš poèítaè. Restartujte jej prosím ruènì. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Soubor "%1" neexistuje. Produkt nelze odinstalovat. +UninstallOpenError=Soubor "%1" nelze otevøít. Produkt nelze odinstalovat. +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Formát souboru se záznamy k odinstalaci produktu "%1" nebyl touto verzí prùvodce odinstalací rozpoznán. Produkt nelze odinstalovat +UninstallUnknownEntry=V souboru obsahujícím informace k odinstalaci produktu byla zjištìna neznámá položka (%1) +ConfirmUninstall=Jste si opravdu jisti, že chcete produkt %1 a všechny jeho souèásti odinstalovat? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Tento produkt lze odinstalovat pouze v 64-bitových verzích MS Windows. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=K odinstalaci tohoto produktu musíte být pøihlášeni s právy administrátora. +UninstallStatusLabel=Èekejte prosím, dokud produkt %1 nebude odinstalován z Vašeho poèítaèe. +UninstalledAll=Produkt %1 byl z Vašeho poèítaèe úspìšnì odinstalován. +UninstalledMost=Produkt %1 byl odinstalován.%n%nNìkteré jeho souèásti se odinstalovat nepodaøilo. Mùžete je však odstranit ruènì. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=K dokonèení odinstalace produktu %1 je nezbytné, aby prùvodce odinstalací restartoval Váš poèítaè.%n%nChcete jej nyní restartovat? +UninstallDataCorrupted=Soubor "%1" je poškozen. Produkt nelze odinstalovat + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Odebrat sdílený soubor? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Systém indikuje, že následující sdílený soubor není používán žádnými jinými aplikacemi. Má být tento sdílený soubor prùvodcem odinstalací odstranìn?%n%nPokud nìkteré aplikace tento soubor používají, pak po jeho odstranìní nemusejí pracovat správnì. Pokud si nejste jisti, zvolte Ne. Ponechání tohoto souboru ve Vašem systému nezpùsobí žádnou škodu. +SharedFileNameLabel=Název souboru: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Umístìní: +WizardUninstalling=Stav odinstalace +StatusUninstalling=Probíhá odinstalace produktu %1... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Probíhá instalace produktu %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Probíhá odinstalace produktu %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 verze %2 +AdditionalIcons=Další zástupci: +CreateDesktopIcon=Vytvoøit zástupce na &ploše +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Vytvoøit zástupce na panelu &Snadné spuštìní +ProgramOnTheWeb=Aplikace %1 na internetu +UninstallProgram=Odinstalovat aplikaci %1 +LaunchProgram=Spustit aplikaci %1 +AssocFileExtension=Vytvoøit &asociaci mezi soubory typu %2 a aplikací %1 +AssocingFileExtension=Vytváøí se asociace mezi soubory typu %2 a aplikací %1... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Po spuštìní: +AutoStartProgram=Spouštìt aplikaci %1 automaticky +AddonHostProgramNotFound=Aplikace %1 nebyla ve Vámi zvolené složce nalezena.%n%nChcete pøesto pokraèovat? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Danish.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Danish.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9009af80 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Danish.isl @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +; Translation made with Translator 1.32 ( +; $Translator:NL=%n:TB=%t +; +; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to: +; +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). +; +; ID: Danish.isl,v 5.5.3+ 2012/12/14 Thomas Vedel, + +[LangOptions] +LanguageName=Dansk +LanguageID=$0406 +LanguageCodePage=1252 + +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName=MS Shell Dlg +;DialogFontSize=8 +;DialogFontStandardHeight=13 +;TitleFontName=Arial +;TitleFontSize=29 +;WelcomeFontName=Arial +;WelcomeFontSize=12 +;CopyrightFontName=Arial +;CopyrightFontSize=8 + +[Messages] +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Installationsguide +SetupWindowTitle=Installationsguide - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Afinstaller +UninstallAppFullTitle=Afinstallerer %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Information +ConfirmTitle=Bekræft +ErrorTitle=Fejl + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Denne guide installerer %1. Fortsæt? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Kan ikke danne en midlertidig fil. Installationen afbrydes +LdrCannotExecTemp=Kan ikke udføre et program i mappen til opbevaring af midlertidige filer. Installationen afbrydes + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nFejl %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=Filen %1 mangler i installations-mappen. Ret fejlen eller skaf en ny kopi af programmet. +SetupFileCorrupt=Installationsfilerne er ødelagt. Skaf en ny kopi af installationsprogrammet. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Installationsfilerne er ødelagt, eller også passer de ikke til denne version af installationen. Ret fejlen eller skaf en ny kopi af installationsprogrammet. +InvalidParameter=En ugyldig parameter blev angivet på kommandolinjen:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Installationsprogrammet kører allerede. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Programmet kan ikke anvendes på den version af Windows som denne computer kører. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Dette program kræver %1 med Service Pack %2 eller senere. +NotOnThisPlatform=Programmet kan ikke anvendes på %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Programmet kan kun anvendes på %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Dette program kan kun installeres på Windows-versioner som er designet til denne processortype:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=Den anvendte Windows-version indeholder ikke funktioner som er nødvendige for at foretage en 64-bit installation. Du kan afhjælpe problemet ved at installere Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Programmet kræver %1 version %2 eller nyere. +WinVersionTooHighError=Programmet kan ikke installeres på %1 version %2 eller nyere. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Du skal være logget på som administrator for at kunne installere dette program. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Du skal være logget på som administrator eller være medlem af superbruger-gruppen for at kunne installere dette program. +SetupAppRunningError=Programmet %1 er aktivt.%n%nAfslut venligst først programmet, og klik dernæst OK for at fortsætte, eller Annuller for at afbryde. +UninstallAppRunningError=Programmet %1 er aktivt.%n%nAfslut venligst først programmet, og klik dernæst OK for at fortsætte, eller Annuller for at afbryde. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Installationen kunne ikke oprette mappen "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Det kan ikke lade sig gøre at oprette en fil i mappen "%1" fordi mappen indeholder for mange filer + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Afbryd installationen +ExitSetupMessage=Installationen er ikke færdiggjort. Hvis der afbrydes nu, vil programmet ikke blive installeret.%n%nInstallationsguiden skal køres igen for at færdiggøre installationen.%n%nAfbryd installationen? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Om installationsguiden... +AboutSetupTitle=Om installationsguiden +AboutSetupMessage=%1 version %2%n%3%n%n%1 hjemmeside:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= + +; *** Buttons +TranslatorNote= +ButtonBack=< &Tilbage +ButtonNext=Næ&ste > +ButtonInstall=&Installer +ButtonOK=&OK +ButtonCancel=&Afbryd +ButtonYes=&Ja +ButtonYesToAll=Ja til A&lle +ButtonNo=&Nej +ButtonNoToAll=Nej t&il Alle +ButtonFinish=&Færdig +ButtonBrowse=&Gennemse... +ButtonWizardBrowse=G&ennemse... +ButtonNewFolder=&Opret Ny Mappe + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Vælg installationssprog +SelectLanguageLabel=Vælg hvilket sprog der skal anvendes under installationen: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Klik Næste for at fortsætte, eller Afbryd for at afslutte. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Udvælg mappe +BrowseDialogLabel=Vælg en mappe fra nedenstående liste. Klik dernæst OK. +NewFolderName=Ny Mappe + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Velkommen til [name] installationsguiden +WelcomeLabel2=Denne guide installerer [name/ver] på computeren.%n%nDet anbefales at alle andre programmer afsluttes før der fortsættes. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Adgangskode +PasswordLabel1=Installationen er beskyttet med adgangskode. +PasswordLabel3=Indtast adgangskoden og klik Næste for at fortsætte. Der skelnes mellem store og små bogstaver. +PasswordEditLabel=&Adgangskode: +IncorrectPassword=Adgangskoden er ikke korrekt. Prøv igen, og husk at der skelnes mellem store og små bogstaver. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Licensaftale +LicenseLabel=Læs venligst den følgende information, som er vigtig, inden du fortsætter. +LicenseLabel3=Læs venligst licensaftalen. Du skal acceptere betingelserne i aftalen for at fortsætte installationen. +LicenseAccepted=Jeg &accepterer aftalen +LicenseNotAccepted=Jeg accepterer &ikke aftalen + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Information +InfoBeforeLabel=Læs følgende information inden du fortsætter. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Tryk på Næste, når du er klar til at fortsætte installationen. +WizardInfoAfter=Information +InfoAfterLabel=Læs følgende information inden du fortsætter. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Tryk på Næste, når du er klar til at fortsætte installationen. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Brugerinformation +UserInfoDesc=Indtast dine oplysninger. +UserInfoName=&Brugernavn: +UserInfoOrg=&Organisation: +UserInfoSerial=&Serienummer: +UserInfoNameRequired=Du skal indtaste et navn. + +; *** "Select Destination Directory" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Vælg installationsmappe +SelectDirDesc=Hvor skal [name] installeres? +SelectDirLabel3=Guiden installerer [name] i følgende mappe. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Klik Næste for at fortsætte. Hvis du vil vælge en anden mappe skal du klikke Gennemse. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Der skal være mindst [mb] MB fri diskplads. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Programmet kan ikke installeres på et netværksdrev. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=Programmet kan ikke installeres til en UNC-sti. +InvalidPath=Du skal indtaste den komplette sti med drevangivelse; for eksempel:%n%nC:\APP%n%neller et UNC-stinavn på formen:%n%n\\server\share +InvalidDrive=Drevet eller UNC-stien du valgte eksisterer ikke. Vælg venligst noget andet. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Ikke nok fri diskplads. +DiskSpaceWarning=Guiden kræver mindst %1 KB fri diskplads for at kunne foretage installationen, men det valgte drev har kun %2 KB diskplads tilgængelig.%n%nVil du installere alligevel? +DirNameTooLong=Mappens eller stiens navn er for langt. +InvalidDirName=Mappenavnet er ikke gyldigt. +BadDirName32=Navne på mapper må ikke indeholde nogen af følgende tegn:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Mappen eksisterer +DirExists=Mappen:%n%n%1%n%neksisterer allerede. Ønsker du at installere i denne mappe alligevel? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Mappen eksisterer ikke. +DirDoesntExist=Mappen:%n%n%1%n%neksisterer ikke. Ønsker du at oprette denne mappe? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Vælg Komponenter +SelectComponentsDesc=Hvilke komponenter skal installeres? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Vælg de komponenter der skal installeres, og fjern markering fra dem der ikke skal installeres. Klik Næste for at fortsætte. +FullInstallation=Komplet installation +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Kompakt installation +CustomInstallation=Tilpasset installation +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Komponenterne er installeret +NoUninstallWarning=Installationen har konstateret at følgende komponenter allerede er installeret på computeren:%n%n%1%n%nAt fravælge komponenterne vil ikke fjerne dem.%n%nFortsæt alligevel? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=Det valgte kræver mindst [mb] MB fri plads på harddisken. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Vælg ekstra opgaver +SelectTasksDesc=Hvilke andre opgaver skal udføres? +SelectTasksLabel2=Vælg hvilke ekstraopgaver der skal udføres under installationen af [name] og klik på Næste. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Vælg Start-menu mappe +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Hvor skal installationen oprette genveje til programmet? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Installationsguiden opretter genveje (ikoner) til programmet i følgende mappe i Start-menuen. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Klik Næste for at fortsætte. Hvis du vil vælge en anden mappe skal du klikke Gennemse. +MustEnterGroupName=Du skal angive et mappenavn. +GroupNameTooLong=Mappens eller stiens navn er for langt. +InvalidGroupName=Mappenavnet er ikke gyldigt. +BadGroupName=Tegnene %1 må ikke anvendes i navnet på en programgruppe. Angiv andet navn. +NoProgramGroupCheck2=Opret &ingen programgruppe i Start-menuen + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Klar til at installere +ReadyLabel1=Installationsguiden er nu klar til at installere [name] på computeren. +ReadyLabel2a=Tryk på Installer for at fortsætte med installationen, eller tryk på Tilbage hvis du ønsker at se eller ændre dine indstillinger. +ReadyLabel2b=Tryk på Installer for at fortsætte med installationen. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Oplysninger om brugeren: +ReadyMemoDir=Installationsmappe : +ReadyMemoType=Installationstype: +ReadyMemoComponents=Valgte komponenter: +ReadyMemoGroup=Start-menu mappe: +ReadyMemoTasks=Valgte ekstraopgaver: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Klargør installationen +PreparingDesc=Installationsguiden klargør installationen af [name] på din computer. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=Den foregående installation eller fjernelse af et program er ikke afsluttet. Du skal genstarte computeren for at afslutte den foregående installation.%n%nEfter genstarten skal du køre installationsguiden igen for at fuldføre installationen af [name]. +CannotContinue=Installationsguiden kan ikke fortsætte. Klik på Fortryd for at afslutte. +ApplicationsFound=Følgende programmer bruger filer som skal opdateres. Det anbefales at du giver installationsguiden lov til automatisk at lukke programmerne. +ApplicationsFound2=Følgende programmer bruger filer som skal opdateres. Det anbefales at du giver installationsguiden lov til automatisk at lukke programmerne. Installationsguiden vil forsøge at genstarte programmerne når installationen er afsluttet. +CloseApplications=&Luk programmerne automatisk +DontCloseApplications=Luk &ikke programmerne +ErrorCloseApplications=Installationsguiden kan ikke automatisk lukke alle programmerne. Det anbefales at du lukker alle programmer som bruger filer der skal opdateres, inden installationsguiden fortsætter. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Installerer +InstallingLabel=Vent mens installationsguiden installerer [name] på din computer. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Afslutter installation af [name] +FinishedLabelNoIcons=Installationsguiden har installeret [name] på din computer. +FinishedLabel=Installationsguiden har installeret [name] på din computer. Programmet kan startes ved at vælge de oprettede genveje. +ClickFinish=Klik på Færdig for at afslutte installationsprogrammet. +FinishedRestartLabel=For at fuldføre installationen af [name], skal din computer genstartes. Vil du genstarte computeren nu? +FinishedRestartMessage=For at fuldføre installationen af [name], skal din computer genstartes.%n%nVil du genstarte computeren nu? +ShowReadmeCheck=Ja, jeg vil gerne læse README filen +YesRadio=&Ja, genstart computeren nu +NoRadio=&Nej, jeg genstarter selv computeren senere +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Kør %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Læs %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=Installationsprogrammet skal bruge den næste disk(ette) +SelectDiskLabel2=Indsæt disk nr. %1 og klik OK.%n%nHvis filerne findes i en anden mappe så indtast stien eller klik Gennemse. +PathLabel=&Stinavn: +FileNotInDir2=Filen "%1" findes ikke i "%2". Indsæt den rigtige disk eller vælg en anden mappe. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Angiv placeringen af den næste disk. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=Installationen blev ikke gennemført.%n%nInstaller igen, hent programmet på ny, eller kontakt producenten for hjælp. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Klik Gentag for at forsøge igen, Ignorer for at fortsætte alligevel, eller Afbryd for at annullere installationen. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Lukker programmer... +StatusCreateDirs=Opretter mapper... +StatusExtractFiles=Udpakker filer... +StatusCreateIcons=Opretter program-genveje... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Opretter INI-filer... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Opdaterer registrerings-databasen... +StatusRegisterFiles=Registrerer filer... +StatusSavingUninstall=Gemmer information om afinstallation... +StatusRunProgram=Færdiggør installation... +StatusRestartingApplications=Genstarter programmer... +StatusRollback=Fjerner programmet igen... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Intern fejl: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 fejlede +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 fejlede; kode %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 fejlede; kode %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Kan ikke udføre filen:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Fejl ved åbning af registreringsnøgle:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Fejl ved oprettelse af registreringsnøgle:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Fejl ved skrivning til registreringsnøgle:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Fejl ved oprettelse af variabel i INI-filen "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Klik Gentag for at prøve igen, Ignorer for at springe filen over (kan normalt ikke anbefales) eller Afbryd for at afslutte installationen. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Klik Gentag for at prøve igen, Ignorer for at fortsætte alligevel (kan normalt ikke anbefales) eller Afbryd for at afslutte installationen. +SourceIsCorrupted=Kildefilen er beskadiget +SourceDoesntExist=Kildefilen "%1" findes ikke +ExistingFileReadOnly=Den eksisterende fil er markeret som skrivebeskyttet.%n%nKlik Gentag for at prøve igen (efter at du har fjernet skrivebeskyttelsen), Ignorer for at springe filen over eller Afbryd for at afslutte installationen. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Der opsted en fejl ved forsøg på at læse den eksisterende fil: +FileExists=Filen eksisterer allerede.%n%nSkal Installationsguiden overskrive den? +ExistingFileNewer=Den eksisterende fil er nyere end den installation forsøger at skrive. Det anbefales at beholde den eksisterende fil.%n%n Skal den eksisterende fil beholdes? +ErrorChangingAttr=Der opstod en fejl ved forsøg på at ændre attributter for den eksisterende fil: +ErrorCreatingTemp=En fejl opstod ved forsøg på at oprette en fil i mappen: +ErrorReadingSource=En fejl opstod ved forsøg på at læse kildefilen: +ErrorCopying=En fejl opstod ved forsøg på at kopiere en fil: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=En fejl opstod ved forsøg på at overskrive den eksisterende fil: +ErrorRestartReplace=Genstart/Erstat fejlede: +ErrorRenamingTemp=En fejl opstod ved forsøg på at omdøbe en fil i modtagemappen: +ErrorRegisterServer=Kan ikke registrere DLL/OCX: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 fejlede med exit kode %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Kan ikke registrere typebiblioteket: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Der opstod en fejl ved forsøg på at åbne README filen. +ErrorRestartingComputer=Installationen kunne ikke genstarte computeren. Genstart venligst computeren manuelt. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Filen "%1" eksisterer ikke. Afinstallationen kan ikke fortsætte. +UninstallOpenError=Filen "%1" kunne ikke åbnes. Kan ikke afinstallere +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Afinstallations-logfilen "%1" er i et format der ikke kan genkendes af denne version af afinstallations-programmet. Afinstallationen afbrydes +UninstallUnknownEntry=Der er en ukendt kommando (%1) i afinstallings-logfilen. +ConfirmUninstall=Er du sikker på at %1 og alle tilhørende komponenter skal fjernes fra computeren? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Denne installation kan kun fjernes på 64-bit Windows-versioner +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Programmet kan kun fjernes af en bruger med administrator-rettigheder. +UninstallStatusLabel=Vent venligst imens %1 fjernes. +UninstalledAll=%1 er fjernet uden fejl. +UninstalledMost=%1 Afinstallation er afsluttet.%n%nNogle filer kunne ikke fjernes. Fjern dem manuelt, hvis du ikke ønsker de skal blive liggende. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=For at afslutte afinstallation af %1 skal computeren genstartes.%n%nVil du genstarte nu? +UninstallDataCorrupted="%1" er beskadiget. Afinstallation kan ikke foretages + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Fjern delt fil? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Systemet mener ikke længere at følgende delte fil(er) benyttes. Skal den/de delte fil(er) fjernes under afinstallationen?%n%nHvis du er usikker så vælg Nej. Beholdes filen på maskinen, vil den ikke gøre nogen skade, men hvis filen fjernes, selv om den stadig anvendes, bliver de programmer, der anvender filen, ustabile +SharedFileNameLabel=Filnavn: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Placering: +WizardUninstalling=Status for afinstallation +StatusUninstalling=Afinstallerer %1... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Installerer %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Afinstallerer %1. + +[CustomMessages] +NameAndVersion=%1 version %2 +AdditionalIcons=Ekstra ikoner: +CreateDesktopIcon=Lav ikon på skrive&bordet +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Lav &hurtigstart-ikon +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 på internettet +UninstallProgram=Afinstaller (fjern) %1 +LaunchProgram=&Kør %1 +AssocFileExtension=Sammen&kæd %1 med filtypen %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Sammenkæder %1 med filtypen %2... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Start: +AutoStartProgram=Start automatisk %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 blev ikke fundet i den mappe du angav.%n%nØnsker du alligevel at fortsætte? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Dutch.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Dutch.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33d7ad82 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Dutch.isl @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Dutch messages *** +; +; This file is based on user-contributed translations by various authors +; +; Maintained by Martijn Laan ( + +[LangOptions] +LanguageName=Nederlands +LanguageID=$0413 +LanguageCodePage=1252 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Setup +SetupWindowTitle=Setup - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Verwijderen +UninstallAppFullTitle=%1 verwijderen + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Informatie +ConfirmTitle=Bevestigen +ErrorTitle=Fout + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Hiermee wordt %1 geïnstalleerd. Wilt u doorgaan? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Kan geen tijdelijk bestand maken. Setup wordt afgesloten +LdrCannotExecTemp=Kan een bestand in de tijdelijke map niet uitvoeren. Setup wordt afgesloten + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nFout %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=Het bestand %1 ontbreekt in de installatiemap. Corrigeer dit probleem of gebruik een andere kopie van het programma. +SetupFileCorrupt=De installatiebestanden zijn beschadigd. Gebruik een andere kopie van het programma. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=De installatiebestanden zijn beschadigd, of zijn niet compatibel met deze versie van Setup. Corrigeer dit probleem of gebruik een andere kopie van het programma. +InvalidParameter=Er werd een ongeldige schakeloptie opgegeven op de opdrachtregel:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Setup is al gestart. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Dit programma ondersteunt de versie van Windows die u gebruikt niet. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Dit programma vereist %1 Service Pack %2 of hoger. +NotOnThisPlatform=Dit programma kan niet worden uitgevoerd onder %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Dit programma moet worden uitgevoerd onder %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Dit programma kan alleen geïnstalleerd worden onder versies van Windows ontworpen voor de volgende processor architecturen:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=De versie van Windows die u gebruikt bevat niet de door Setup benodige functionaliteit om een 64-bit installatie uit te voeren. Installeer Service Pack %1 om dit probleem te corrigeren. +WinVersionTooLowError=Dit programma vereist %1 versie %2 of hoger. +WinVersionTooHighError=Dit programma kan niet worden geïnstalleerd onder %1 versie %2 of hoger. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=U moet aangemeld zijn als een systeembeheerder om dit programma te kunnen installeren. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=U moet ingelogd zijn als systeembeheerder of als gebruiker met systeembeheerders rechten om dit programma te kunnen installeren. +SetupAppRunningError=Setup heeft vastgesteld dat %1 op dit moment actief is.%n%nSluit alle vensters van dit programma, en klik daarna op OK om verder te gaan, of op Annuleren om Setup af te sluiten. +UninstallAppRunningError=Het verwijderprogramma heeft vastgesteld dat %1 op dit moment actief is.%n%nSluit alle vensters van dit programma, en klik daarna op OK om verder te gaan, of op Annuleren om het verwijderen af te breken. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Setup kan de map "%1" niet maken +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Kan geen bestand maken in de map "%1" omdat deze te veel bestanden bevat + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Setup afsluiten +ExitSetupMessage=Setup is niet voltooid. Als u nu afsluit, wordt het programma niet geïnstalleerd.%n%nU kunt Setup later opnieuw uitvoeren om de installatie te voltooien.%n%nSetup afsluiten? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Over Setup... +AboutSetupTitle=Over Setup +AboutSetupMessage=%1 versie %2%n%3%n%n%1-homepage:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Dutch translation maintained by Martijn Laan ( + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< Vo&rige +ButtonNext=&Volgende > +ButtonInstall=&Installeren +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Annuleren +ButtonYes=&Ja +ButtonYesToAll=Ja op &alles +ButtonNo=&Nee +ButtonNoToAll=N&ee op alles +ButtonFinish=&Voltooien +ButtonBrowse=&Bladeren... +ButtonWizardBrowse=B&laderen... +ButtonNewFolder=&Nieuwe map maken + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Taalkeuze voor Setup +SelectLanguageLabel=Selecteer de taal welke Setup gebruikt tijdens de installatie: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Klik op Volgende om verder te gaan of op Annuleren om Setup af te sluiten. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Map Selecteren +BrowseDialogLabel=Selecteer een map in onderstaande lijst en klik daarna op OK. +NewFolderName=Nieuwe map + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Welkom bij het installatieprogramma van [name]. +WelcomeLabel2=Hiermee wordt [name/ver] geïnstalleerd op deze computer.%n%nU wordt aanbevolen alle actieve programma's af te sluiten voordat u verder gaat. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Wachtwoord +PasswordLabel1=Deze installatie is beveiligd met een wachtwoord. +PasswordLabel3=Voer het wachtwoord in en klik op Volgende om verder te gaan. Wachtwoorden zijn hoofdlettergevoelig. +PasswordEditLabel=&Wachtwoord: +IncorrectPassword=Het ingevoerde wachtwoord is niet correct. Probeer het opnieuw. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Licentieovereenkomst +LicenseLabel=Lees de volgende belangrijke informatie voordat u verder gaat. +LicenseLabel3=Lees de volgende licentieovereenkomst. Gebruik de schuifbalk of druk op de knop Page Down om de rest van de overeenkomst te zien. +LicenseAccepted=Ik &accepteer de licentieovereenkomst +LicenseNotAccepted=Ik accepteer de licentieovereenkomst &niet + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Informatie +InfoBeforeLabel=Lees de volgende belangrijke informatie voordat u verder gaat. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Klik op Volgende als u gereed bent om verder te gaan met Setup. +WizardInfoAfter=Informatie +InfoAfterLabel=Lees de volgende belangrijke informatie voordat u verder gaat. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Klik op Volgende als u gereed bent om verder te gaan met Setup. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Gebruikersinformatie +UserInfoDesc=Vul hier uw informatie in. +UserInfoName=&Gebruikersnaam: +UserInfoOrg=&Organisatie: +UserInfoSerial=&Serienummer: +UserInfoNameRequired=U moet een naam invullen. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Kies de doelmap +SelectDirDesc=Waar moet [name] geïnstalleerd worden? +SelectDirLabel3=Setup zal [name] in de volgende map installeren. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Klik op Volgende om door te gaan. Klik op Bladeren om een andere map te kiezen. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Er is ten minste [mb] MB vrije schijfruimte vereist. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Setup kan niet installeren naar een netwerkstation. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=Setup kan niet installeren naar een UNC-pad. +InvalidPath=U moet een volledig pad met stationsletter invoeren; bijvoorbeeld:%nC:\APP%n%nof een UNC-pad zoals:%n%n\\server\share +InvalidDrive=Het geselecteerde station bestaat niet. Kies een ander station. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Onvoldoende schijfruimte +DiskSpaceWarning=Setup vereist ten minste %1 kB vrije schijfruimte voor het installeren, maar het geselecteerde station heeft slechts %2 kB beschikbaar.%n%nWilt u toch doorgaan? +DirNameTooLong=De mapnaam of het pad is te lang. +InvalidDirName=De mapnaam is ongeldig. +BadDirName32=Mapnamen mogen geen van de volgende tekens bevatten:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Map bestaat al +DirExists=De map:%n%n%1%n%nbestaat al. Wilt u toch naar die map installeren? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Map bestaat niet +DirDoesntExist=De map:%n%n%1%n%nbestaat niet. Wilt u de map aanmaken? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Selecteer componenten +SelectComponentsDesc=Welke componenten moeten geïnstalleerd worden? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Selecteer de componenten die u wilt installeren. Klik op Volgende als u klaar bent om verder te gaan. +FullInstallation=Volledige installatie +CompactInstallation=Compacte installatie +CustomInstallation=Aangepaste installatie +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Component bestaat +NoUninstallWarning=Setup heeft gedetecteerd dat de volgende componenten al geïnstalleerd zijn op uw computer:%n%n%1%n%nAls u de selectie van deze componenten ongedaan maakt, worden ze niet verwijderd.%n%nWilt u toch doorgaan? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=De huidige selectie vereist ten minste [mb] MB vrije schijfruimte. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Selecteer extra taken +SelectTasksDesc=Welke extra taken moeten uitgevoerd worden? +SelectTasksLabel2=Selecteer de extra taken die u door Setup wilt laten uitvoeren bij het installeren van [name], en klik vervolgens op Volgende. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Selecteer menu Start map +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Waar moeten de snelkoppelingen van het programma geplaatst worden? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Setup plaatst de snelkoppelingen van het programma in de volgende menu Start map. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Klik op Volgende om door te gaan. Klik op Bladeren om een andere map te kiezen. +MustEnterGroupName=U moet een mapnaam invoeren. +GroupNameTooLong=De mapnaam of het pad is te lang. +InvalidGroupName=De mapnaam is ongeldig. +BadGroupName=De mapnaam mag geen van de volgende tekens bevatten:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&Geen menu Start map maken + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Het voorbereiden van de installatie is gereed +ReadyLabel1=Setup is nu gereed om te beginnen met het installeren van [name] op deze computer. +ReadyLabel2a=Klik op Installeren om verder te gaan met installeren, of klik op Vorige als u instellingen wilt terugzien of veranderen. +ReadyLabel2b=Klik op Installeren om verder te gaan met installeren. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Gebruikersinformatie: +ReadyMemoDir=Doelmap: +ReadyMemoType=Installatietype: +ReadyMemoComponents=Geselecteerde componenten: +ReadyMemoGroup=Menu Start map: +ReadyMemoTasks=Extra taken: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Bezig met het voorbereiden van de installatie +PreparingDesc=Setup is bezig met het voorbereiden van de installatie van [name]. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=De installatie/verwijdering van een vorig programma is niet voltooid. U moet uw computer opnieuw opstarten om die installatie te voltooien.%n%nStart [name] Setup nogmaals als uw computer opnieuw is opgestart. +CannotContinue=Setup kan niet doorgaan. Klik op annuleren om af te sluiten. +ApplicationsFound=De volgende programma's gebruiken bestanden die moeten worden bijgewerkt door Setup. U wordt aanbevolen Setup toe te staan om automatisch deze programma's af te sluiten. +ApplicationsFound2=De volgende programma's gebruiken bestanden die moeten worden bijgewerkt door Setup. U wordt aanbevolen Setup toe te staan om automatisch deze programma's af te sluiten. Nadat de installatie is voltooid zal Setup proberen de applicaties opnieuw op te starten. +CloseApplications=&Programma's automatisch afsluiten +DontCloseApplications=Programma's &niet afsluiten +ErrorCloseApplications=Setup kon niet alle programma's automatisch afsluiten. U wordt aanbevolen alle programma's die bestanden gebruiken die moeten worden bijgewerkt door Setup af te sluiten voordat u verder gaat. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Bezig met installeren +InstallingLabel=Setup installeert [name] op uw computer. Een ogenblik geduld... + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Setup heeft het installeren van [name] op deze computer voltooid. +FinishedLabelNoIcons=Setup heeft het installeren van [name] op deze computer voltooid. +FinishedLabel=Setup heeft het installeren van [name] op deze computer voltooid. U kunt het programma uitvoeren met de geïnstalleerde snelkoppelingen. +ClickFinish=Klik op Voltooien om Setup te beëindigen. +FinishedRestartLabel=Setup moet de computer opnieuw opstarten om de installatie van [name] te voltooien. Wilt u nu opnieuw opstarten? +FinishedRestartMessage=Setup moet uw computer opnieuw opstarten om de installatie van [name] te voltooien.%n%nWilt u nu opnieuw opstarten? +ShowReadmeCheck=Ja, ik wil het bestand Leesmij zien +YesRadio=&Ja, start de computer nu opnieuw op +NoRadio=&Nee, ik start de computer later opnieuw op +RunEntryExec=Start %1 +RunEntryShellExec=Bekijk %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=Setup heeft de volgende diskette nodig +SelectDiskLabel2=Voer diskette %1 in en klik op OK.%n%nAls de bestanden op deze diskette in een andere map gevonden kunnen worden dan die hieronder wordt getoond, voer dan het juiste pad in of klik op Bladeren. +PathLabel=&Pad: +FileNotInDir2=Kan het bestand "%1" niet vinden in "%2". Voer de juiste diskette in of kies een andere map. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Geef de locatie van de volgende diskette. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=Setup is niet voltooid.%n%nCorrigeer het probleem en voer Setup opnieuw uit. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Klik op Opnieuw om het opnieuw te proberen, op Negeren om toch door te gaan, of op Afbreken om de installatie af te breken. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Programma's afsluiten... +StatusCreateDirs=Mappen maken... +StatusExtractFiles=Bestanden uitpakken... +StatusCreateIcons=Snelkoppelingen maken... +StatusCreateIniEntries=INI-gegevens instellen... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Registergegevens instellen... +StatusRegisterFiles=Bestanden registreren... +StatusSavingUninstall=Verwijderingsinformatie opslaan... +StatusRunProgram=Installatie voltooien... +StatusRestartingApplications=Programma's opnieuw starten... +StatusRollback=Veranderingen ongedaan maken... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Interne fout: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 mislukt +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 mislukt; code %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 mislukt; code %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Kan bestand niet uitvoeren:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Fout bij het openen van registersleutel:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Fout bij het maken van registersleutel:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Fout bij het schrijven naar registersleutel:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Fout bij het maken van een INI-instelling in bestand "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Klik op Opnieuw om het opnieuw te proberen, op Negeren om toch door te gaan (niet aanbevolen), of op Afbreken om de installatie af te breken. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Klik op Opnieuw om het opnieuw te proberen, op Negeren om toch door te gaan (niet aanbevolen), of op Afbreken om de installatie af te breken. +SourceIsCorrupted=Het bronbestand is beschadigd +SourceDoesntExist=Het bronbestand "%1" bestaat niet +ExistingFileReadOnly=Het bestaande bestand is gemarkeerd als alleen-lezen.%n%nKlik op Opnieuw om het kenmerk alleen-lezen te verwijderen en opnieuw te proberen, op Negeren om dit bestand over te slaan, of op Afbreken om de installatie af te breken. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Er is een fout opgetreden bij het lezen van het bestaande bestand: +FileExists=Het bestand bestaat al.%n%nWilt u dat Setup het overschrijft? +ExistingFileNewer=Het bestaande bestand is nieuwer dan het bestand dat Setup probeert te installeren. U wordt aanbevolen het bestaande bestand te behouden.%n%nWilt u het bestaande bestand behouden? +ErrorChangingAttr=Er is een fout opgetreden bij het wijzigen van de kenmerken van het bestaande bestand: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Er is een fout opgetreden bij het maken van een bestand in de doelmap: +ErrorReadingSource=Er is een fout opgetreden bij het lezen van het bronbestand: +ErrorCopying=Er is een fout opgetreden bij het kopiëren van een bestand: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Er is een fout opgetreden bij het vervangen van het bestaande bestand: +ErrorRestartReplace=Vervangen na opnieuw starten is mislukt: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Er is een fout opgetreden bij het hernoemen van een bestand in de doelmap: +ErrorRegisterServer=Kan de DLL/OCX niet registreren: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 mislukt met afsluitcode %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Kan de type library niet registreren: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Er is een fout opgetreden bij het openen van het Leesmij-bestand. +ErrorRestartingComputer=Setup kan de computer niet opnieuw opstarten. Doe dit handmatig. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Bestand "%1" bestaat niet. Kan het programma niet verwijderen. +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Het installatie-logbestand "%1" heeft een formaat dat niet herkend wordt door deze versie van het verwijderprogramma. Kan het programma niet verwijderen +UninstallUnknownEntry=Er is een onbekend gegeven (%1) aangetroffen in het installatie-logbestand +ConfirmUninstall=Weet u zeker dat u %1 en alle bijbehorende componenten wilt verwijderen? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Deze installatie kan alleen worden verwijderd onder 64-bit Windows. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Deze installatie kan alleen worden verwijderd door een gebruiker met administratieve rechten. +UninstallStatusLabel=%1 wordt verwijderd van uw computer. Een ogenblik geduld. +UninstallOpenError=Bestand "%1" kon niet worden geopend. Kan het verwijderen niet voltooien. +UninstalledAll=%1 is met succes van deze computer verwijderd. +UninstalledMost=Het verwijderen van %1 is voltooid.%n%nEnkele elementen konden niet verwijderd worden. Deze kunnen handmatig verwijderd worden. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Om het verwijderen van %1 te voltooien, moet uw computer opnieuw worden opgestart.%n%nWilt u nu opnieuw opstarten? +UninstallDataCorrupted="%1" bestand is beschadigd. Kan verwijderen niet voltooien + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Gedeeld bestand verwijderen? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Het systeem geeft aan dat het volgende gedeelde bestand niet langer gebruikt wordt door enig programma. Wilt u dat dit gedeelde bestand verwijderd wordt?%n%nAls dit bestand toch nog gebruikt wordt door een programma en het verwijderd wordt, werkt dat programma misschien niet meer correct. Als u het niet zeker weet, kies dan Nee. Bewaren van het bestand op dit systeem is niet schadelijk. +SharedFileNameLabel=Bestandsnaam: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Locatie: +WizardUninstalling=Verwijderingsstatus +StatusUninstalling=Verwijderen van %1... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Installeren van %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Verwijderen van %1. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 versie %2 +AdditionalIcons=Extra snelkoppelingen: +CreateDesktopIcon=Maak een snelkoppeling op het &bureaublad +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Maak een snelkoppeling op de &Snel starten werkbalk +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 op het Web +UninstallProgram=Verwijder %1 +LaunchProgram=&Start %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Koppel %1 aan de %2 bestandsextensie +AssocingFileExtension=Bezig met koppelen van %1 aan de %2 bestandsextensie... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Opstarten: +AutoStartProgram=%1 automatisch starten +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 kon niet worden gevonden in de geselecteerde map.%n%nWilt u toch doorgaan? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Finnish.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Finnish.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dd02c255 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Finnish.isl @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Finnish messages *** +; +; Finnish translation by Antti Karttunen +; E-mail: +; Last modification date: 2012-12-15 + +[LangOptions] +LanguageName=Suomi +LanguageID=$040B +LanguageCodePage=1252 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Asennus +SetupWindowTitle=%1 - Asennus +UninstallAppTitle=Asennuksen poisto +UninstallAppFullTitle=%1 - Asennuksen poisto + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Ilmoitus +ConfirmTitle=Varmistus +ErrorTitle=Virhe + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Tällä asennusohjelmalla asennetaan %1. Haluatko jatkaa? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Väliaikaistiedostoa ei voitu luoda. Asennus keskeytettiin +LdrCannotExecTemp=Väliaikaisessa hakemistossa olevaa tiedostoa ei voitu suorittaa. Asennus keskeytettiin + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nVirhe %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=Tiedostoa %1 ei löydy asennushakemistosta. Korjaa ongelma tai hanki uusi kopio ohjelmasta. +SetupFileCorrupt=Asennustiedostot ovat vaurioituneet. Hanki uusi kopio ohjelmasta. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Asennustiedostot ovat vaurioituneet tai ovat epäyhteensopivia tämän Asennuksen version kanssa. Korjaa ongelma tai hanki uusi kopio ohjelmasta. +InvalidParameter=Virheellinen komentoriviparametri:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Asennus on jo käynnissä. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Tämä ohjelma ei tue käytössä olevaa Windowsin versiota. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Tämä ohjelma vaatii %1 Service Pack %2 -päivityksen tai myöhemmän. +NotOnThisPlatform=Tämä ohjelma ei toimi %1-käyttöjärjestelmässä. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Tämä ohjelma toimii vain %1-käyttöjärjestelmässä. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Tämä ohjelma voidaan asentaa vain niihin Windowsin versioihin, jotka on suunniteltu seuraaville prosessorityypeille:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=Tämä Windowsin versio ei sisällä ominaisuuksia, joita Asennus tarvitsee suorittaakseen 64-bittisen asennuksen. Korjaa ongelma asentamalla Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Tämä ohjelma vaatii version %2 tai myöhemmän %1-käyttöjärjestelmästä. +WinVersionTooHighError=Tätä ohjelmaa ei voi asentaa %1-käyttöjärjestelmän versioon %2 tai myöhempään. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Sinun täytyy kirjautua sisään järjestelmänvalvojana asentaaksesi tämän ohjelman. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Sinun täytyy kirjautua sisään järjestelmänvalvojana tai tehokäyttäjänä asentaaksesi tämän ohjelman. +SetupAppRunningError=Asennus löysi käynnissä olevan kopion ohjelmasta %1.%n%nSulje kaikki käynnissä olevat kopiot ohjelmasta ja valitse OK jatkaaksesi, tai valitse Peruuta poistuaksesi. +UninstallAppRunningError=Asennuksen poisto löysi käynnissä olevan kopion ohjelmasta %1.%n%nSulje kaikki käynnissä olevat kopiot ohjelmasta ja valitse OK jatkaaksesi, tai valitse Peruuta poistuaksesi. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Asennus ei voinut luoda hakemistoa "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Tiedoston luominen hakemistoon "%1" epäonnistui, koska se sisältää liian monta tiedostoa + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Poistu Asennuksesta +ExitSetupMessage=Asennus ei ole valmis. Jos lopetat nyt, ohjelmaa ei asenneta.%n%nVoit ajaa Asennuksen toiste asentaaksesi ohjelman.%n%nLopetetaanko Asennus? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Tietoja Asennuksesta... +AboutSetupTitle=Tietoja Asennuksesta +AboutSetupMessage=%1 versio %2%n%3%n%n%1 -ohjelman kotisivu:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Suomenkielinen käännös: Antti Karttunen ( + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Takaisin +ButtonNext=&Seuraava > +ButtonInstall=&Asenna +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Peruuta +ButtonYes=&Kyllä +ButtonYesToAll=Kyllä k&aikkiin +ButtonNo=&Ei +ButtonNoToAll=E&i kaikkiin +ButtonFinish=&Lopeta +ButtonBrowse=S&elaa... +ButtonWizardBrowse=S&elaa... +ButtonNewFolder=&Luo uusi kansio + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Valitse Asennuksen kieli +SelectLanguageLabel=Valitse asentamisen aikana käytettävä kieli: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Valitse Seuraava jatkaaksesi tai Peruuta poistuaksesi. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Selaa kansioita +BrowseDialogLabel=Valitse kansio allaolevasta listasta ja valitse sitten OK jatkaaksesi. +NewFolderName=Uusi kansio + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Tervetuloa [name] -asennusohjelmaan. +WelcomeLabel2=Tällä asennusohjelmalla koneellesi asennetaan [name/ver]. %n%nOn suositeltavaa, että suljet kaikki muut käynnissä olevat sovellukset ennen jatkamista. Tämä auttaa välttämään ristiriitatilanteita asennuksen aikana. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Salasana +PasswordLabel1=Tämä asennusohjelma on suojattu salasanalla. +PasswordLabel3=Anna salasana ja valitse sitten Seuraava jatkaaksesi.%n%nIsot ja pienet kirjaimet ovat eriarvoisia. +PasswordEditLabel=&Salasana: +IncorrectPassword=Antamasi salasana oli virheellinen. Anna salasana uudelleen. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Käyttöoikeussopimus +LicenseLabel=Lue seuraava tärkeä tiedotus ennen kuin jatkat. +LicenseLabel3=Lue seuraava käyttöoikeussopimus tarkasti. Sinun täytyy hyväksyä sopimus, jos haluat jatkaa asentamista. +LicenseAccepted=&Hyväksyn sopimuksen +LicenseNotAccepted=&En hyväksy sopimusta + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Tiedotus +InfoBeforeLabel=Lue seuraava tärkeä tiedotus ennen kuin jatkat. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Kun olet valmis jatkamaan asentamista, valitse Seuraava. +WizardInfoAfter=Tiedotus +InfoAfterLabel=Lue seuraava tärkeä tiedotus ennen kuin jatkat. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Kun olet valmis jatkamaan asentamista, valitse Seuraava. + +; *** "Select Destination Directory" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Käyttäjätiedot +UserInfoDesc=Anna pyydetyt tiedot. +UserInfoName=Käyttäjän &nimi: +UserInfoOrg=&Yritys: +UserInfoSerial=&Tunnuskoodi: +UserInfoNameRequired=Sinun täytyy antaa nimi. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Valitse kohdekansio +SelectDirDesc=Mihin [name] asennetaan? +SelectDirLabel3=[name] asennetaan tähän kansioon. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Valitse Seuraava jatkaaksesi. Jos haluat vaihtaa kansiota, valitse Selaa. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Vapaata levytilaa tarvitaan vähintään [mb] Mt. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Asennus ei voi asentaa ohjelmaa verkkoasemalle. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=Asennus ei voi asentaa ohjelmaa UNC-polun alle. +InvalidPath=Anna täydellinen polku levyaseman kirjaimen kanssa. Esimerkiksi %nC:\OHJELMA%n%ntai UNC-polku muodossa %n%n\\palvelin\resurssi +InvalidDrive=Valitsemaasi asemaa tai UNC-polkua ei ole olemassa tai sitä ei voi käyttää. Valitse toinen asema tai UNC-polku. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Ei tarpeeksi vapaata levytilaa +DiskSpaceWarning=Asennus vaatii vähintään %1 kt vapaata levytilaa, mutta valitulla levyasemalla on vain %2 kt vapaata levytilaa.%n%nHaluatko jatkaa tästä huolimatta? +DirNameTooLong=Kansion nimi tai polku on liian pitkä. +InvalidDirName=Virheellinen kansion nimi. +BadDirName32=Kansion nimessä ei saa olla seuraavia merkkejä:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Kansio on olemassa +DirExists=Kansio:%n%n%1%n%non jo olemassa. Haluatko kuitenkin suorittaa asennuksen tähän kansioon? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Kansiota ei ole olemassa +DirDoesntExist=Kansiota%n%n%1%n%nei ole olemassa. Luodaanko kansio? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Valitse asennettavat osat +SelectComponentsDesc=Mitkä osat asennetaan? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Valitse ne osat, jotka haluat asentaa, ja poista niiden osien valinta, joita et halua asentaa. Valitse Seuraava, kun olet valmis. +FullInstallation=Normaali asennus +CompactInstallation=Suppea asennus +CustomInstallation=Mukautettu asennus +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Asennettuja osia löydettiin +NoUninstallWarning=Seuraavat osat on jo asennettu koneelle:%n%n%1%n%nNäiden osien valinnan poistaminen ei poista niitä koneelta.%n%nHaluatko jatkaa tästä huolimatta? +ComponentSize1=%1 kt +ComponentSize2=%1 Mt +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=Nykyiset valinnat vaativat vähintään [mb] Mt levytilaa. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Valitse muut toiminnot +SelectTasksDesc=Mitä muita toimintoja suoritetaan? +SelectTasksLabel2=Valitse muut toiminnot, jotka haluat Asennuksen suorittavan samalla kun [name] asennetaan. Valitse Seuraava, kun olet valmis. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Valitse Käynnistä-valikon kansio +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Mihin ohjelman pikakuvakkeet sijoitetaan? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Ohjelman pikakuvakkeet luodaan tähän Käynnistä-valikon kansioon. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Valitse Seuraava jatkaaksesi. Jos haluat vaihtaa kansiota, valitse Selaa. +MustEnterGroupName=Kansiolle pitää antaa nimi. +GroupNameTooLong=Kansion nimi tai polku on liian pitkä. +InvalidGroupName=Virheellinen kansion nimi. +BadGroupName=Kansion nimessä ei saa olla seuraavia merkkejä:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=Älä luo k&ansiota Käynnistä-valikkoon + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Valmiina asennukseen +ReadyLabel1=[name] on nyt valmis asennettavaksi. +ReadyLabel2a=Valitse Asenna jatkaaksesi asentamista tai valitse Takaisin, jos haluat tarkastella tekemiäsi asetuksia tai muuttaa niitä. +ReadyLabel2b=Valitse Asenna jatkaaksesi asentamista. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Käyttäjätiedot: +ReadyMemoDir=Kohdekansio: +ReadyMemoType=Asennustyyppi: +ReadyMemoComponents=Asennettavaksi valitut osat: +ReadyMemoGroup=Käynnistä-valikon kansio: +ReadyMemoTasks=Muut toiminnot: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Valmistellaan asennusta +PreparingDesc=Valmistaudutaan asentamaan [name] koneellesi. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=Edellisen ohjelman asennus tai asennuksen poisto ei ole valmis. Sinun täytyy käynnistää kone uudelleen viimeistelläksesi edellisen asennuksen.%n%nAja [name] -asennusohjelma uudestaan, kun olet käynnistänyt koneen uudelleen. +CannotContinue=Asennusta ei voida jatkaa. Valitse Peruuta poistuaksesi. +ApplicationsFound=Seuraavat sovellukset käyttävät tiedostoja, joita Asennuksen pitää päivittää. On suositeltavaa, että annat Asennuksen sulkea nämä sovellukset automaattisesti. +ApplicationsFound2=Seuraavat sovellukset käyttävät tiedostoja, joita Asennuksen pitää päivittää. On suositeltavaa, että annat Asennuksen sulkea nämä sovellukset automaattisesti. Valmistumisen jälkeen Asennus yrittää uudelleenkäynnistää sovellukset. +CloseApplications=&Sulje sovellukset automaattisesti +DontCloseApplications=&Älä sulje sovelluksia +ErrorCloseApplications=Asennus ei pystynyt sulkemaan tarvittavia sovelluksia automaattisesti. On suositeltavaa, että ennen jatkamista suljet sovellukset, jotka käyttävät asennuksen aikana päivitettäviä tiedostoja. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Asennus käynnissä +InstallingLabel=Odota, kun [name] asennetaan koneellesi. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=[name] - Asennuksen viimeistely +FinishedLabelNoIcons=[name] on nyt asennettu koneellesi. +FinishedLabel=[name] on nyt asennettu. Sovellus voidaan käynnistää valitsemalla jokin asennetuista kuvakkeista. +ClickFinish=Valitse Lopeta poistuaksesi Asennuksesta. +FinishedRestartLabel=Jotta [name] saataisiin asennettua loppuun, pitää kone käynnistää uudelleen. Haluatko käynnistää koneen uudelleen nyt? +FinishedRestartMessage=Jotta [name] saataisiin asennettua loppuun, pitää kone käynnistää uudelleen.%n%nHaluatko käynnistää koneen uudelleen nyt? +ShowReadmeCheck=Kyllä, haluan nähdä LUEMINUT-tiedoston +YesRadio=&Kyllä, käynnistä kone uudelleen +NoRadio=&Ei, käynnistän koneen uudelleen myöhemmin +RunEntryExec=Käynnistä %1 +RunEntryShellExec=Näytä %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=Asennus tarvitsee seuraavan levykkeen +SelectDiskLabel2=Aseta levyke %1 asemaan ja valitse OK. %n%nJos joku toinen kansio sisältää levykkeen tiedostot, anna oikea polku tai valitse Selaa. +PathLabel=&Polku: +FileNotInDir2=Tiedostoa "%1" ei löytynyt lähteestä "%2". Aseta oikea levyke asemaan tai valitse toinen kansio. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Määritä seuraavan levykkeen sisällön sijainti. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=Asennusta ei suoritettu loppuun.%n%nKorjaa ongelma ja suorita Asennus uudelleen. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Valitse Uudelleen yrittääksesi uudelleen, Ohita jatkaaksesi kaikesta huolimatta tai Hylkää peruuttaaksesi asennuksen. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Suljetaan sovellukset... +StatusCreateDirs=Luodaan hakemistoja... +StatusExtractFiles=Puretaan tiedostoja... +StatusCreateIcons=Luodaan pikakuvakkeita... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Luodaan INI-merkintöjä... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Luodaan rekisterimerkintöjä... +StatusRegisterFiles=Rekisteröidään tiedostoja... +StatusSavingUninstall=Tallennetaan Asennuksen poiston tietoja... +StatusRunProgram=Viimeistellään asennusta... +StatusRestartingApplications=Uudelleenkäynnistetään sovellukset... +StatusRollback=Peruutetaan tehdyt muutokset... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Sisäinen virhe: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 epäonnistui +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 epäonnistui; virhekoodi %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 epäonnistui; virhekoodi %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Virhe suoritettaessa tiedostoa%n%1 + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Asennetaan %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Poistetaan %1. + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Virhe avattaessa rekisteriavainta%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Virhe luotaessa rekisteriavainta%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Virhe kirjoitettaessa rekisteriavaimeen%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Virhe luotaessa INI-merkintää tiedostoon "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Valitse Uudelleen yrittääksesi uudelleen, Ohita ohittaaksesi tämän tiedoston (ei suositeltavaa) tai Hylkää peruuttaaksesi asennuksen. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Valitse Uudelleen yrittääksesi uudelleen, Ohita jatkaaksesi kaikesta huolimatta (ei suositeltavaa) tai Hylkää peruuttaaksesi asennuksen. +SourceIsCorrupted=Lähdetiedosto on vaurioitunut +SourceDoesntExist=Lähdetiedostoa "%1" ei ole olemassa +ExistingFileReadOnly=Nykyinen tiedosto on Vain luku -tiedosto.%n%nValitse Uudelleen poistaaksesi Vain luku -määritteen uudelleenyritystä varten, Ohita ohittaaksesi tämän tiedoston tai Hylkää peruuttaaksesi asennuksen. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Virhe luettaessa nykyistä tiedostoa: +FileExists=Tiedosto on jo olemassa.%n%nKorvataanko se? +ExistingFileNewer=Nykyinen tiedosto on uudempi kuin asennettava tiedosto. Nykyisen tiedoston säilyttäminen on suositeltavaa.n%nHaluatko säilyttää nykyisen tiedoston? +ErrorChangingAttr=Virhe vaihdettaessa nykyisen tiedoston määritteitä: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Virhe luotaessa tiedostoa kohdehakemistoon: +ErrorReadingSource=Virhe luettaessa lähdetiedostoa: +ErrorCopying=Virhe kopioitaessa tiedostoa: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Virhe korvattaessa nykyistä tiedostoa: +ErrorRestartReplace=RestartReplace-komento epäonnistui: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Virhe uudelleennimettäessä tiedostoa kohdehakemistossa: +ErrorRegisterServer=DLL/OCX -laajennuksen rekisteröinti epäonnistui: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32-toiminto epäonnistui. Virhekoodi: %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Tyyppikirjaston rekisteröiminen epäonnistui: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Virhe avattaessa LUEMINUT-tiedostoa. +ErrorRestartingComputer=Koneen uudelleenkäynnistäminen ei onnistunut. Suorita uudelleenkäynnistys itse. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Tiedostoa "%1" ei löytynyt. Asennuksen poisto ei onnistu. +UninstallOpenError=Tiedostoa "%1" ei voitu avata. Asennuksen poisto ei onnistu. +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Tämä versio Asennuksen poisto-ohjelmasta ei pysty lukemaan lokitiedostoa "%1". Asennuksen poisto ei onnistu +UninstallUnknownEntry=Asennuksen poisto-ohjelman lokitiedostosta löytyi tuntematon merkintä (%1) +ConfirmUninstall=Poistetaanko %1 ja kaikki sen osat? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Tämä ohjelma voidaan poistaa vain 64-bittisestä Windowsista käsin. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Tämän asennuksen poistaminen vaatii järjestelmänvalvojan oikeudet. +UninstallStatusLabel=Odota, kun %1 poistetaan koneeltasi. +UninstalledAll=%1 poistettiin onnistuneesti. +UninstalledMost=%1 poistettiin koneelta.%n%nJoitakin osia ei voitu poistaa. Voit poistaa osat itse. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Kone täytyy käynnistää uudelleen, jotta %1 voidaan poistaa kokonaan.%n%nHaluatko käynnistää koneen uudeelleen nyt? +UninstallDataCorrupted=Tiedosto "%1" on vaurioitunut. Asennuksen poisto ei onnistu. + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Poistetaanko jaettu tiedosto? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Järjestelmän mukaan seuraava jaettu tiedosto ei ole enää minkään muun sovelluksen käytössä. Poistetaanko tiedosto?%n%nJos jotkut sovellukset käyttävät vielä tätä tiedostoa ja se poistetaan, ne eivät välttämättä toimi enää kunnolla. Jos olet epävarma, valitse Ei. Tiedoston jättäminen koneelle ei aiheuta ongelmia. +SharedFileNameLabel=Tiedoston nimi: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Sijainti: +WizardUninstalling=Asennuksen poiston tila +StatusUninstalling=Poistetaan %1... + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 versio %2 +AdditionalIcons=Lisäkuvakkeet: +CreateDesktopIcon=Lu&o kuvake työpöydälle +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Luo kuvake &pikakäynnistyspalkkiin +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 Internetissä +UninstallProgram=Poista %1 +LaunchProgram=&Käynnistä %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Yhdistä %1 tiedostopäätteeseen %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Yhdistetään %1 tiedostopäätteeseen %2 ... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Käynnistys: +AutoStartProgram=Käynnistä %1 automaattisesti +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 ei ole valitsemassasi kansiossa.%n%nHaluatko jatkaa tästä huolimatta? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/French.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/French.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca9f295c --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/French.isl @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ French messages *** +; +; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to: +; +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). +; +; Maintained by Pierre Yager ( +; +; Contributors : Frédéric Bonduelle, Francis Pallini, Lumina, Pascal Peyrot +; +; Changes : +; + Accents on uppercase letters +; (lumina) +; + Typography quotes [see ISBN: 978-2-7433-0482-9] +; (lumina) +; + Binary units (Kio, Mio) [IEC 80000-13:2008] +; (lumina) +; + Reverted to standard units (Ko, Mo) to follow Windows Explorer Standard +; +; + Use more standard verbs for click and retry +; "click": "Clicker" instead of "Appuyer" +; "retry": "Recommencer" au lieu de "Réessayer" + +[LangOptions] +; The following three entries are very important. Be sure to read and +; understand the '[LangOptions] section' topic in the help file. +LanguageName=Fran<00E7>ais +LanguageID=$040C +LanguageCodePage=1252 +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName= +;DialogFontSize=8 +;WelcomeFontName=Verdana +;WelcomeFontSize=12 +;TitleFontName=Arial +;TitleFontSize=29 +;CopyrightFontName=Arial +;CopyrightFontSize=8 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Installation +SetupWindowTitle=Installation - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Désinstallation +UninstallAppFullTitle=Désinstallation - %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Information +ConfirmTitle=Confirmation +ErrorTitle=Erreur + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Cet assistant va installer %1. Voulez-vous continuer ? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Impossible de créer un fichier temporaire. Abandon de l'installation +LdrCannotExecTemp=Impossible d'exécuter un fichier depuis le dossier temporaire. Abandon de l'installation + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nErreur %2 : %3 +SetupFileMissing=Le fichier %1 est absent du dossier d'installation. Veuillez corriger le problème ou vous procurer une nouvelle copie du programme. +SetupFileCorrupt=Les fichiers d'installation sont altérés. Veuillez vous procurer une nouvelle copie du programme. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Les fichiers d'installation sont altérés ou ne sont pas compatibles avec cette version de l'assistant d'installation. Veuillez corriger le problème ou vous procurer une nouvelle copie du programme. +InvalidParameter=Un paramètre non valide a été passé à la ligne de commande :%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=L'assistant d'installation est déjà en cours d'exécution. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Ce programme n'est pas prévu pour fonctionner avec la version de Windows utilisée sur votre ordinateur. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Ce programme a besoin de %1 Service Pack %2 ou d'une version plus récente. +NotOnThisPlatform=Ce programme ne fonctionne pas sous %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Ce programme ne peut fonctionner que sous %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Ce programme ne peut être installé que sur des versions de Windows qui supportent ces architectures : %n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=La version de Windows que vous utilisez ne dispose pas des fonctionnalités nécessaires pour que l'assistant puisse réaliser une installation 64 bits. Pour corriger ce problème vous devez installer le Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Ce programme requiert la version %2 ou supérieure de %1. +WinVersionTooHighError=Ce programme ne peut pas être installé sous %1 version %2 ou supérieure. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Vous devez disposer des droits d'administration de cet ordinateur pour installer ce programme. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Vous devez disposer des droits d'administration ou faire partie du groupe « Utilisateurs avec pouvoir » de cet ordinateur pour installer ce programme. +SetupAppRunningError=L'assistant d'installation a détecté que %1 est actuellement en cours d'exécution.%n%nVeuillez fermer toutes les instances de cette application puis cliquer sur OK pour continuer, ou bien cliquer sur Annuler pour abandonner l'installation. +UninstallAppRunningError=La procédure de désinstallation a détecté que %1 est actuellement en cours d'exécution.%n%nVeuillez fermer toutes les instances de cette application puis cliquer sur OK pour continuer, ou bien cliquer sur Annuler pour abandonner la désinstallation. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=L'assistant d'installation n'a pas pu créer le dossier "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=L'assistant d'installation n'a pas pu créer un fichier dans le dossier "%1" car celui-ci contient trop de fichiers + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Quitter l'installation +ExitSetupMessage=L'installation n'est pas terminée. Si vous abandonnez maintenant, le programme ne sera pas installé.%n%nVous devrez relancer cet assistant pour finir l'installation.%n%nVoulez-vous quand même quitter l'assistant d'installation ? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&À propos... +AboutSetupTitle=À Propos de l'assistant d'installation +AboutSetupMessage=%1 version %2%n%3%n%nPage d'accueil de %1 :%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Traduction française maintenue par Pierre Yager ( + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Précédent +ButtonNext=&Suivant > +ButtonInstall=&Installer +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Annuler +ButtonYes=&Oui +ButtonYesToAll=Oui pour &tout +ButtonNo=&Non +ButtonNoToAll=N&on pour tout +ButtonFinish=&Terminer +ButtonBrowse=Pa&rcourir... +ButtonWizardBrowse=Pa&rcourir... +ButtonNewFolder=Nouveau &dossier + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Langue de l'assistant d'installation +SelectLanguageLabel=Veuillez sélectionner la langue qui sera utilisée par l'assistant d'installation : + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Cliquez sur Suivant pour continuer ou sur Annuler pour abandonner l'installation. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Parcourir les dossiers +BrowseDialogLabel=Veuillez choisir un dossier de destination, puis cliquez sur OK. +NewFolderName=Nouveau dossier + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Bienvenue dans l'assistant d'installation de [name] +WelcomeLabel2=Cet assistant va vous guider dans l'installation de [name/ver] sur votre ordinateur.%n%nIl est recommandé de fermer toutes les applications actives avant de continuer. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Mot de passe +PasswordLabel1=Cette installation est protégée par un mot de passe. +PasswordLabel3=Veuillez saisir le mot de passe (attention à la distinction entre majuscules et minuscules) puis cliquez sur Suivant pour continuer. +PasswordEditLabel=&Mot de passe : +IncorrectPassword=Le mot de passe saisi n'est pas valide. Veuillez essayer à nouveau. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Accord de licence +LicenseLabel=Les informations suivantes sont importantes. Veuillez les lire avant de continuer. +LicenseLabel3=Veuillez lire le contrat de licence suivant. Vous devez en accepter tous les termes avant de continuer l'installation. +LicenseAccepted=Je comprends et j'&accepte les termes du contrat de licence +LicenseNotAccepted=Je &refuse les termes du contrat de licence + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Information +InfoBeforeLabel=Les informations suivantes sont importantes. Veuillez les lire avant de continuer. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Lorsque vous êtes prêt à continuer, cliquez sur Suivant. +WizardInfoAfter=Information +InfoAfterLabel=Les informations suivantes sont importantes. Veuillez les lire avant de continuer. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Lorsque vous êtes prêt à continuer, cliquez sur Suivant. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Informations sur l'Utilisateur +UserInfoDesc=Veuillez saisir les informations qui vous concernent. +UserInfoName=&Nom d'utilisateur : +UserInfoOrg=&Organisation : +UserInfoSerial=Numéro de &série : +UserInfoNameRequired=Vous devez au moins saisir un nom. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Dossier de destination +SelectDirDesc=Où [name] doit-il être installé ? +SelectDirLabel3=L'assistant va installer [name] dans le dossier suivant. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Pour continuer, cliquez sur Suivant. Si vous souhaitez choisir un dossier différent, cliquez sur Parcourir. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Le programme requiert au moins [mb] Mo d'espace disque disponible. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=L'assistant ne peut pas installer sur un disque réseau. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=L'assistant ne peut pas installer sur un chemin UNC. +InvalidPath=Vous devez saisir un chemin complet avec sa lettre de lecteur ; par exemple :%n%nC:\APP%n%nou un chemin réseau de la forme :%n%n\\serveur\partage +InvalidDrive=L'unité ou l'emplacement réseau que vous avez sélectionné n'existe pas ou n'est pas accessible. Veuillez choisir une autre destination. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Espace disponible insuffisant +DiskSpaceWarning=L'assistant a besoin d'au moins %1 Ko d'espace disponible pour effectuer l'installation, mais l'unité que vous avez sélectionnée ne dispose que de %2 Ko d'espace disponible.%n%nSouhaitez-vous continuer malgré tout ? +DirNameTooLong=Le nom ou le chemin du dossier est trop long. +InvalidDirName=Le nom du dossier est invalide. +BadDirName32=Le nom du dossier ne doit contenir aucun des caractères suivants :%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Dossier existant +DirExists=Le dossier :%n%n%1%n%nexiste déjà. Souhaitez-vous installer dans ce dossier malgré tout ? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Le dossier n'existe pas +DirDoesntExist=Le dossier %n%n%1%n%nn'existe pas. Souhaitez-vous que ce dossier soit créé ? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Composants à installer +SelectComponentsDesc=Quels composants de l'application souhaitez-vous installer ? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Sélectionnez les composants que vous désirez installer ; décochez les composants que vous ne désirez pas installer. Cliquez ensuite sur Suivant pour continuer l'installation. +FullInstallation=Installation complète +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Installation compacte +CustomInstallation=Installation personnalisée +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Composants existants +NoUninstallWarning=L'assistant d'installation a détecté que les composants suivants sont déjà installés sur votre système :%n%n%1%n%nDésélectionner ces composants ne les désinstallera pas pour autant.%n%nVoulez-vous continuer malgré tout ? +ComponentSize1=%1 Ko +ComponentSize2=%1 Mo +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=Les composants sélectionnés nécessitent au moins [mb] Mo d'espace disponible. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Tâches supplémentaires +SelectTasksDesc=Quelles sont les tâches supplémentaires qui doivent être effectuées ? +SelectTasksLabel2=Sélectionnez les tâches supplémentaires que l'assistant d'installation doit effectuer pendant l'installation de [name], puis cliquez sur Suivant. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Sélection du dossier du menu Démarrer +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Où l'assistant d'installation doit-il placer les raccourcis du programme ? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=L'assistant va créer les raccourcis du programme dans le dossier du menu Démarrer indiqué ci-dessous. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Cliquez sur Suivant pour continuer. Cliquez sur Parcourir si vous souhaitez sélectionner un autre dossier du menu Démarrer. +MustEnterGroupName=Vous devez saisir un nom de dossier du menu Démarrer. +GroupNameTooLong=Le nom ou le chemin du dossier est trop long. +InvalidGroupName=Le nom du dossier n'est pas valide. +BadGroupName=Le nom du dossier ne doit contenir aucun des caractères suivants :%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=Ne pas créer de &dossier dans le menu Démarrer + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Prêt à installer +ReadyLabel1=L'assistant dispose à présent de toutes les informations pour installer [name] sur votre ordinateur. +ReadyLabel2a=Cliquez sur Installer pour procéder à l'installation ou sur Précédent pour revoir ou modifier une option d'installation. +ReadyLabel2b=Cliquez sur Installer pour procéder à l'installation. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Informations sur l'utilisateur : +ReadyMemoDir=Dossier de destination : +ReadyMemoType=Type d'installation : +ReadyMemoComponents=Composants sélectionnés : +ReadyMemoGroup=Dossier du menu Démarrer : +ReadyMemoTasks=Tâches supplémentaires : + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Préparation de l'installation +PreparingDesc=L'assistant d'installation prépare l'installation de [name] sur votre ordinateur. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=L'installation ou la suppression d'un programme précédent n'est pas totalement achevée. Veuillez redémarrer votre ordinateur pour achever cette installation ou suppression.%n%nUne fois votre ordinateur redémarré, veuillez relancer cet assistant pour reprendre l'installation de [name]. +CannotContinue=L'assistant ne peut pas continuer. Veuillez cliquer sur Annuler pour abandonner l'installation. +ApplicationsFound=Les applications suivantes utilisent des fichiers qui doivent être mis à jour par l'assistant. Il est recommandé d'autoriser l'assistant à fermer ces applications automatiquement. +ApplicationsFound2=Les applications suivantes utilisent des fichiers qui doivent être mis à jour par l'assistant. Il est recommandé d'autoriser l'assistant à fermer ces applications automatiquement. Une fois l'installation terminée, l'assistant essaiera de relancer ces applications. +CloseApplications=&Arrêter les applications automatiquement +DontCloseApplications=&Ne pas arrêter les applications +ErrorCloseApplications=L'assistant d'installation n'a pas pu arrêter toutes les applications automatiquement. Nous vous recommandons de fermer toutes les applications qui utilisent des fichiers devant être mis à jour par l'assistant d'installation avant de continuer. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Installation en cours +InstallingLabel=Veuillez patienter pendant que l'assistant installe [name] sur votre ordinateur. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Fin de l'installation de [name] +FinishedLabelNoIcons=L'assistant a terminé l'installation de [name] sur votre ordinateur. +FinishedLabel=L'assistant a terminé l'installation de [name] sur votre ordinateur. L'application peut être lancée à l'aide des icônes créées sur le Bureau par l'installation. +ClickFinish=Veuillez cliquer sur Terminer pour quitter l'assistant d'installation. +FinishedRestartLabel=L'assistant doit redémarrer votre ordinateur pour terminer l'installation de [name].%n%nVoulez-vous redémarrer maintenant ? +FinishedRestartMessage=L'assistant doit redémarrer votre ordinateur pour terminer l'installation de [name].%n%nVoulez-vous redémarrer maintenant ? +ShowReadmeCheck=Oui, je souhaite lire le fichier LISEZMOI +YesRadio=&Oui, redémarrer mon ordinateur maintenant +NoRadio=&Non, je préfère redémarrer mon ordinateur plus tard +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Exécuter %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Voir %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=L'assistant a besoin du disque suivant +SelectDiskLabel2=Veuillez insérer le disque %1 et cliquer sur OK.%n%nSi les fichiers de ce disque se trouvent à un emplacement différent de celui indiqué ci-dessous, veuillez saisir le chemin correspondant ou cliquez sur Parcourir. +PathLabel=&Chemin : +FileNotInDir2=Le fichier "%1" ne peut pas être trouvé dans "%2". Veuillez insérer le bon disque ou sélectionner un autre dossier. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Veuillez indiquer l'emplacement du disque suivant. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=L'installation n'est pas terminée.%n%nVeuillez corriger le problème et relancer l'installation. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Cliquez sur Recommencer pour essayer à nouveau, Ignorer pour continuer malgré tout, ou Abandonner pour annuler l'installation. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Ferme les applications... +StatusCreateDirs=Création des dossiers... +StatusExtractFiles=Extraction des fichiers... +StatusCreateIcons=Création des raccourcis... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Création des entrées du fichier INI... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Création des entrées de registre... +StatusRegisterFiles=Enregistrement des fichiers... +StatusSavingUninstall=Sauvegarde des informations de désinstallation... +StatusRunProgram=Finalisation de l'installation... +StatusRestartingApplications=Relance les applications... +StatusRollback=Annulation des modifications... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Erreur interne : %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 a échoué +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 a échoué ; code %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 a échoué ; code %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Impossible d'exécuter le fichier :%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Erreur lors de l'ouverture de la clé de registre :%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Erreur lors de la création de la clé de registre :%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Erreur lors de l'écriture de la clé de registre :%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Erreur d'écriture d'une entrée dans le fichier INI "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Cliquez sur Recommencer pour essayer à nouveau, Ignorer pour passer ce fichier (déconseillé), ou Abandonner pour annuler l'installation. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Cliquez sur Recommencer pour essayer à nouveau, Ignorer pour continuer malgré tout (déconseillé), ou Abandonner pour annuler l'installation. +SourceIsCorrupted=Le fichier source est altéré +SourceDoesntExist=Le fichier source "%1" n'existe pas +ExistingFileReadOnly=Le fichier existant est protégé en lecture seule.%n%nCliquez sur Recommencer pour enlever la protection et essayer à nouveau, Ignorer pour passer ce fichier, ou Abandonner pour annuler l'installation. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Une erreur s'est produite lors de la tentative de lecture du fichier existant : +FileExists=Le fichier existe déjà.%n%nSouhaitez-vous que l'installation le remplace ? +ExistingFileNewer=Le fichier existant est plus récent que celui que l'assistant essaie d'installer. Il est recommandé de conserver le fichier existant.%n%nSouhaitez-vous conserver le fichier existant ? +ErrorChangingAttr=Une erreur est survenue en essayant de modifier les attributs du fichier existant : +ErrorCreatingTemp=Une erreur est survenue en essayant de créer un fichier dans le dossier de destination : +ErrorReadingSource=Une erreur est survenue lors de la lecture du fichier source : +ErrorCopying=Une erreur est survenue lors de la copie d'un fichier : +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Une erreur est survenue lors du remplacement d'un fichier existant : +ErrorRestartReplace=Le marquage d'un fichier pour remplacement au redémarrage de l'ordinateur a échoué : +ErrorRenamingTemp=Une erreur est survenue en essayant de renommer un fichier dans le dossier de destination : +ErrorRegisterServer=Impossible d'enregistrer la bibliothèque DLL/OCX : %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 a échoué et a retourné le code d'erreur %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Impossible d'enregistrer la bibliothèque de type : %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Une erreur est survenue à l'ouverture du fichier LISEZMOI. +ErrorRestartingComputer=L'installation n'a pas pu redémarrer l'ordinateur. Merci de bien vouloir le faire vous-même. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Le fichier "%1" n'existe pas. Impossible de désinstaller. +UninstallOpenError=Le fichier "%1" n'a pas pu être ouvert. Impossible de désinstaller +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Le format du fichier journal de désinstallation "%1" n'est pas reconnu par cette version de la procédure de désinstallation. Impossible de désinstaller +UninstallUnknownEntry=Une entrée inconnue (%1) a été rencontrée dans le fichier journal de désinstallation +ConfirmUninstall=Voulez-vous vraiment désinstaller complètement %1 ainsi que tous ses composants ? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=La désinstallation de ce programme ne fonctionne qu'avec une version 64 bits de Windows. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Ce programme ne peut être désinstallé que par un utilisateur disposant des droits d'administration. +UninstallStatusLabel=Veuillez patienter pendant que %1 est retiré de votre ordinateur. +UninstalledAll=%1 a été correctement désinstallé de cet ordinateur. +UninstalledMost=La désinstallation de %1 est terminée.%n%nCertains éléments n'ont pas pu être supprimés automatiquement. Vous pouvez les supprimer manuellement. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Vous devez redémarrer l'ordinateur pour terminer la désinstallation de %1.%n%nVoulez-vous redémarrer maintenant ? +UninstallDataCorrupted=Le ficher "%1" est altéré. Impossible de désinstaller + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Supprimer les fichiers partagés ? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Le système indique que le fichier partagé suivant n'est plus utilisé par aucun programme. Souhaitez-vous que la désinstallation supprime ce fichier partagé ?%n%nSi des programmes utilisent encore ce fichier et qu'il est supprimé, ces programmes ne pourront plus fonctionner correctement. Si vous n'êtes pas sûr, choisissez Non. Laisser ce fichier dans votre système ne posera pas de problème. +SharedFileNameLabel=Nom du fichier : +SharedFileLocationLabel=Emplacement : +WizardUninstalling=État de la désinstallation +StatusUninstalling=Désinstallation de %1... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Installe %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Désinstalle %1. + +; Les messages personnalisés suivants ne sont pas utilisé par l'installation +; elle-même, mais si vous les utilisez dans vos scripts, vous devez les +; traduire + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 version %2 +AdditionalIcons=Icônes supplémentaires : +CreateDesktopIcon=Créer une icône sur le &Bureau +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Créer une icône dans la barre de &Lancement rapide +ProgramOnTheWeb=Page d'accueil de %1 +UninstallProgram=Désinstaller %1 +LaunchProgram=Exécuter %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Associer %1 avec l'extension de fichier %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Associe %1 avec l'extension de fichier %2... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Démarrage : +AutoStartProgram=Démarrer automatiquement %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 n'a pas été trouvé dans le dossier que vous avez choisi.%n%nVoulez-vous continuer malgré tout ? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/German.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/German.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a41c936 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/German.isl @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ +; ****************************************************** +; *** *** +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ German messages *** +; *** *** +; *** Changes 5.5.3+ Author: *** +; *** *** +; *** Peter Stadler( *** +; *** Original Author: *** +; *** *** +; *** Michael Reitz ( *** +; *** *** +; *** Contributors: *** +; *** *** +; *** Roland Ruder ( *** +; *** Hans Sperber ( *** +; *** LaughingMan ( *** +; *** *** +; ****************************************************** +; +; Diese Übersetzung hält sich an die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung. + +[LangOptions] +LanguageName=Deutsch +LanguageID=$0407 +LanguageCodePage=1252 +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName= +;DialogFontSize=8 +;WelcomeFontName=Verdana +;WelcomeFontSize=12 +;TitleFontName=Arial +;TitleFontSize=29 +;CopyrightFontName=Arial +;CopyrightFontSize=8 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Setup +SetupWindowTitle=Setup - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Entfernen +UninstallAppFullTitle=%1 entfernen + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Information +ConfirmTitle=Bestätigen +ErrorTitle=Fehler + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=%1 wird jetzt installiert. Möchten Sie fortfahren? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Es konnte keine temporäre Datei erstellt werden. Das Setup wurde abgebrochen +LdrCannotExecTemp=Die Datei konnte nicht im temporären Ordner ausgeführt werden. Das Setup wurde abgebrochen + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nFehler %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=Die Datei %1 fehlt im Installations-Ordner. Bitte beheben Sie das Problem, oder besorgen Sie sich eine neue Kopie des Programms. +SetupFileCorrupt=Die Setup-Dateien sind beschädigt. Besorgen Sie sich bitte eine neue Kopie des Programms. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Die Setup-Dateien sind beschädigt oder inkompatibel zu dieser Version des Setups. Bitte beheben Sie das Problem, oder besorgen Sie sich eine neue Kopie des Programms. +InvalidParameter=Ein ungültiger Paramter wurde auf der Kommandozeile übergeben:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Setup läuft bereits. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Dieses Programm unterstützt die auf Ihrem Computer installierte Windows-Version nicht. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Dieses Programm benötigt %1 Service Pack %2 oder höher. +NotOnThisPlatform=Dieses Programm kann nicht unter %1 ausgeführt werden. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Dieses Programm muss unter %1 ausgeführt werden. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Dieses Programm kann nur auf Windows-Versionen installiert werden, die folgende Prozessor-Architekturen unterstützen:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=Ihre Windows-Version enthält nicht die Funktionen, die vom Setup für eine 64-bit Installation benötigt werden. Installieren Sie bitte Service Pack %1, um dieses Problem zu beheben. +WinVersionTooLowError=Dieses Programm benötigt %1 Version %2 oder höher. +WinVersionTooHighError=Dieses Programm kann nicht unter %1 Version %2 oder höher installiert werden. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Sie müssen als Administrator angemeldet sein, um dieses Programm installieren zu können. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Sie müssen als Administrator oder als Mitglied der Hauptbenutzer-Gruppe angemeldet sein, um dieses Programm installieren zu können. +SetupAppRunningError=Das Setup hat entdeckt, dass %1 zur Zeit ausgeführt wird.%n%nBitte schließen Sie jetzt alle laufenden Instanzen, und klicken Sie auf "OK", um fortzufahren, oder auf "Abbrechen", um zu beenden. +UninstallAppRunningError=Die Deinstallation hat entdeckt, dass %1 zur Zeit ausgeführt wird.%n%nBitte schließen Sie jetzt alle laufenden Instanzen, und klicken Sie auf "OK", um fortzufahren, oder auf "Abbrechen", um zu beenden. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Das Setup konnte den Ordner "%1" nicht erstellen +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Das Setup konnte eine Datei im Ordner "%1" nicht erstellen, weil er zu viele Dateien enthält + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Setup verlassen +ExitSetupMessage=Das Setup ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Wenn Sie jetzt beenden, wird das Programm nicht installiert.%n%nSie können das Setup zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nochmals ausführen, um die Installation zu vervollständigen.%n%nSetup verlassen? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Über das Setup ... +AboutSetupTitle=Über das Setup +AboutSetupMessage=%1 Version %2%n%3%n%n%1 Internet-Seite:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=German translation maintained by Peter Stadler ( + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Zurück +ButtonNext=&Weiter > +ButtonInstall=&Installieren +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Abbrechen +ButtonYes=&Ja +ButtonYesToAll=J&a für Alle +ButtonNo=&Nein +ButtonNoToAll=N&ein für Alle +ButtonFinish=&Fertigstellen +ButtonBrowse=&Durchsuchen ... +ButtonWizardBrowse=Du&rchsuchen ... +ButtonNewFolder=&Neuen Ordner erstellen + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Setup-Sprache auswählen +SelectLanguageLabel=Wählen Sie die Sprache aus, die während der Installation benutzt werden soll: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext="Weiter" zum Fortfahren, "Abbrechen" zum Verlassen. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Ordner suchen +BrowseDialogLabel=Wählen Sie einen Ordner aus, und klicken Sie danach auf "OK". +NewFolderName=Neuer Ordner + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Willkommen zum [name] Setup-Assistenten +WelcomeLabel2=Dieser Assistent wird jetzt [name/ver] auf Ihrem Computer installieren.%n%nSie sollten alle anderen Anwendungen beenden, bevor Sie mit dem Setup fortfahren. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Passwort +PasswordLabel1=Diese Installation wird durch ein Passwort geschützt. +PasswordLabel3=Bitte geben Sie das Passwort ein, und klicken Sie danach auf "Weiter". Achten Sie auf korrekte Groß-/Kleinschreibung. +PasswordEditLabel=&Passwort: +IncorrectPassword=Das eingegebene Passwort ist nicht korrekt. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Lizenzvereinbarung +LicenseLabel=Lesen Sie bitte folgende, wichtige Informationen bevor Sie fortfahren. +LicenseLabel3=Lesen Sie bitte die folgenden Lizenzvereinbarungen. Benutzen Sie bei Bedarf die Bildlaufleiste oder drücken Sie die "Bild Ab"-Taste. +LicenseAccepted=Ich &akzeptiere die Vereinbarung +LicenseNotAccepted=Ich &lehne die Vereinbarung ab + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Information +InfoBeforeLabel=Lesen Sie bitte folgende, wichtige Informationen bevor Sie fortfahren. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Klicken Sie auf "Weiter", sobald Sie bereit sind mit dem Setup fortzufahren. +WizardInfoAfter=Information +InfoAfterLabel=Lesen Sie bitte folgende, wichtige Informationen bevor Sie fortfahren. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Klicken Sie auf "Weiter", sobald Sie bereit sind mit dem Setup fortzufahren. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Benutzerinformationen +UserInfoDesc=Bitte tragen Sie Ihre Daten ein. +UserInfoName=&Name: +UserInfoOrg=&Organisation: +UserInfoSerial=&Seriennummer: +UserInfoNameRequired=Sie müssen einen Namen eintragen. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Ziel-Ordner wählen +SelectDirDesc=Wohin soll [name] installiert werden? +SelectDirLabel3=Das Setup wird [name] in den folgenden Ordner installieren. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Klicken Sie auf "Weiter", um fortzufahren. Klicken Sie auf "Durchsuchen", falls Sie einen anderen Ordner auswählen möchten. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Mindestens [mb] MB freier Speicherplatz ist erforderlich. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Das Setup kann nicht in einen Netzwerk-Pfad installieren. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=Das Setup kann nicht in einen UNC-Pfad installieren. Wenn Sie auf ein Netzlaufwerk installieren möchten, müssen Sie dem Netzwerkpfad einen Laufwerksbuchstaben zuordnen. +InvalidPath=Sie müssen einen vollständigen Pfad mit einem Laufwerksbuchstaben angeben; z.B.:%n%nC:\Beispiel%n%noder einen UNC-Pfad in der Form:%n%n\\Server\Freigabe +InvalidDrive=Das angegebene Laufwerk bzw. der UNC-Pfad existiert nicht oder es kann nicht darauf zugegriffen werden. Wählen Sie bitte einen anderen Ordner. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Nicht genug freier Speicherplatz +DiskSpaceWarning=Das Setup benötigt mindestens %1 KB freien Speicherplatz zum Installieren, aber auf dem ausgewählten Laufwerk sind nur %2 KB verfügbar.%n%nMöchten Sie trotzdem fortfahren? +DirNameTooLong=Der Ordnername/Pfad ist zu lang. +InvalidDirName=Der Ordnername ist nicht gültig. +BadDirName32=Ordnernamen dürfen keine der folgenden Zeichen enthalten:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Ordner existiert bereits +DirExists=Der Ordner:%n%n%1%n%n existiert bereits. Möchten Sie trotzdem in diesen Ordner installieren? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Ordner ist nicht vorhanden +DirDoesntExist=Der Ordner:%n%n%1%n%nist nicht vorhanden. Soll der Ordner erstellt werden? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Komponenten auswählen +SelectComponentsDesc=Welche Komponenten sollen installiert werden? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Wählen Sie die Komponenten aus, die Sie installieren möchten. Klicken Sie auf "Weiter", wenn sie bereit sind fortzufahren. +FullInstallation=Vollständige Installation +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Kompakte Installation +CustomInstallation=Benutzerdefinierte Installation +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Komponenten vorhanden +NoUninstallWarning=Das Setup hat festgestellt, dass die folgenden Komponenten bereits auf Ihrem Computer installiert sind:%n%n%1%n%nDiese nicht mehr ausgewählten Komponenten werden nicht vom Computer entfernt.%n%nMöchten Sie trotzdem fortfahren? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=Die aktuelle Auswahl erfordert min. [mb] MB Speicherplatz. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Zusätzliche Aufgaben auswählen +SelectTasksDesc=Welche zusätzlichen Aufgaben sollen ausgeführt werden? +SelectTasksLabel2=Wählen Sie die zusätzlichen Aufgaben aus, die das Setup während der Installation von [name] ausführen soll, und klicken Sie danach auf "Weiter". + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Startmenü-Ordner auswählen +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Wo soll das Setup die Programm-Verknüpfungen erstellen? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Das Setup wird die Programm-Verknüpfungen im folgenden Startmenü-Ordner erstellen. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Klicken Sie auf "Weiter", um fortzufahren. Klicken Sie auf "Durchsuchen", falls Sie einen anderen Ordner auswählen möchten. +MustEnterGroupName=Sie müssen einen Ordnernamen eingeben. +GroupNameTooLong=Der Ordnername/Pfad ist zu lang. +InvalidGroupName=Der Ordnername ist nicht gültig. +BadGroupName=Der Ordnername darf keine der folgenden Zeichen enthalten:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&Keinen Ordner im Startmenü erstellen + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Bereit zur Installation. +ReadyLabel1=Das Setup ist jetzt bereit, [name] auf Ihrem Computer zu installieren. +ReadyLabel2a=Klicken Sie auf "Installieren", um mit der Installation zu beginnen, oder auf "Zurück", um Ihre Einstellungen zu überprüfen oder zu ändern. +ReadyLabel2b=Klicken Sie auf "Installieren", um mit der Installation zu beginnen. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Benutzerinformationen: +ReadyMemoDir=Ziel-Ordner: +ReadyMemoType=Setup-Typ: +ReadyMemoComponents=Ausgewählte Komponenten: +ReadyMemoGroup=Startmenü-Ordner: +ReadyMemoTasks=Zusätzliche Aufgaben: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Vorbereitung der Installation +PreparingDesc=Das Setup bereitet die Installation von [name] auf diesen Computer vor. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=Eine vorherige Installation/Deinstallation eines Programms wurde nicht abgeschlossen. Der Computer muss neu gestartet werden, um die Installation/Deinstallation zu beenden.%n%nStarten Sie das Setup nach dem Neustart Ihres Computers erneut, um die Installation von [name] durchzuführen. +CannotContinue=Das Setup kann nicht fortfahren. Bitte klicken Sie auf "Abbrechen" zum Verlassen. +ApplicationsFound=Die folgenden Anwendungen benutzen Dateien, die aktualisiert werden müssen. Es wird empfohlen, Setup zu erlauben, diese Anwendungen zu schließen. +ApplicationsFound2=Die folgenden Anwendungen benutzen Dateien, die aktualisiert werden müssen. Es wird empfohlen, Setup zu erlauben, diese Anwendungen zu schließen. Nachdem die Installation fertiggestellt wurde, versucht Setup diese Anwendungen wieder zu starten. +CloseApplications=&Schließe automatisch die Anwendungen +DontCloseApplications=&Schließe die Anwendungen nicht +ErrorCloseApplications=Das Setup konnte nicht alle Anwendungen automatisch schließen. Es wird empfohlen, alle Anwendungen zu schließen, die Dateien benutzen, die vom Setup vor einer Fortsetzung aktualisiert werden müssen. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Installiere ... +InstallingLabel=Warten Sie bitte während [name] auf Ihrem Computer installiert wird. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Beenden des [name] Setup-Assistenten +FinishedLabelNoIcons=Das Setup hat die Installation von [name] auf Ihrem Computer abgeschlossen. +FinishedLabel=Das Setup hat die Installation von [name] auf Ihrem Computer abgeschlossen. Die Anwendung kann über die installierten Programm-Verknüpfungen gestartet werden. +ClickFinish=Klicken Sie auf "Fertigstellen", um das Setup zu beenden. +FinishedRestartLabel=Um die Installation von [name] abzuschließen, muss das Setup Ihren Computer neu starten. Möchten Sie jetzt neu starten? +FinishedRestartMessage=Um die Installation von [name] abzuschließen, muss das Setup Ihren Computer neu starten.%n%nMöchten Sie jetzt neu starten? +ShowReadmeCheck=Ja, ich möchte die LIESMICH-Datei sehen +YesRadio=&Ja, Computer jetzt neu starten +NoRadio=&Nein, ich werde den Computer später neu starten +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=%1 starten +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=%1 anzeigen + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=Nächste Diskette einlegen +SelectDiskLabel2=Legen Sie bitte Diskette %1 ein, und klicken Sie auf "OK".%n%nWenn sich die Dateien von dieser Diskette in einem anderen als dem angezeigten Ordner befinden, dann geben Sie bitte den korrekten Pfad ein oder klicken auf "Durchsuchen". +PathLabel=&Pfad: +FileNotInDir2=Die Datei "%1" befindet sich nicht in "%2". Bitte Ordner ändern oder richtige Diskette einlegen. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Geben Sie bitte an, wo die nächste Diskette eingelegt wird. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=Das Setup konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden.%n%nBeheben Sie bitte das Problem, und starten Sie das Setup erneut. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Klicken Sie auf "Wiederholen" für einen weiteren Versuch, "Ignorieren", um trotzdem fortzufahren, oder "Abbrechen", um die Installation abzubrechen. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Anwendungen werden geschlossen... +StatusCreateDirs=Ordner werden erstellt ... +StatusExtractFiles=Dateien werden entpackt ... +StatusCreateIcons=Verknüpfungen werden erstellt ... +StatusCreateIniEntries=INI-Einträge werden erstellt ... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Registry-Einträge werden erstellt ... +StatusRegisterFiles=Dateien werden registriert ... +StatusSavingUninstall=Deinstallations-Informationen werden gespeichert ... +StatusRunProgram=Installation wird beendet ... +StatusRestartingApplications=Neustart der Anwendungen... +StatusRollback=Änderungen werden rückgängig gemacht ... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Interner Fehler: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 schlug fehl +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 schlug fehl; Code %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 schlug fehl; Code %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Datei kann nicht ausgeführt werden:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Registry-Schlüssel konnte nicht geöffnet werden:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Registry-Schlüssel konnte nicht erstellt werden:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Fehler beim Schreiben des Registry-Schlüssels:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Fehler beim Erstellen eines INI-Eintrages in der Datei "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Klicken Sie auf "Wiederholen" für einen weiteren Versuch, "Ignorieren", um diese Datei zu überspringen (nicht empfohlen), oder "Abbrechen", um die Installation abzubrechen. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Klicken Sie auf "Wiederholen" für einen weiteren Versuch, "Ignorieren", um trotzdem fortzufahren (nicht empfohlen), oder "Abbrechen", um die Installation abzubrechen. +SourceIsCorrupted=Die Quelldatei ist beschädigt +SourceDoesntExist=Die Quelldatei "%1" existiert nicht +ExistingFileReadOnly=Die vorhandene Datei ist schreibgeschützt.%n%nKlicken Sie auf "Wiederholen", um den Schreibschutz zu entfernen, "Ignorieren", um die Datei zu überspringen, oder "Abbrechen", um die Installation abzubrechen. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Lesefehler in Datei: +FileExists=Die Datei ist bereits vorhanden.%n%nSoll sie überschrieben werden? +ExistingFileNewer=Die vorhandene Datei ist neuer als die Datei, die installiert werden soll. Es wird empfohlen die vorhandene Datei beizubehalten.%n%n Möchten Sie die vorhandene Datei beibehalten? +ErrorChangingAttr=Fehler beim Ändern der Datei-Attribute: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Fehler beim Erstellen einer Datei im Ziel-Ordner: +ErrorReadingSource=Fehler beim Lesen der Quelldatei: +ErrorCopying=Fehler beim Kopieren einer Datei: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Fehler beim Ersetzen einer vorhandenen Datei: +ErrorRestartReplace="Ersetzen nach Neustart" fehlgeschlagen: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Fehler beim Umbenennen einer Datei im Ziel-Ordner: +ErrorRegisterServer=DLL/OCX konnte nicht registriert werden: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32-Aufruf scheiterte mit Exit-Code %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Typen-Bibliothek konnte nicht registriert werden: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Fehler beim Öffnen der LIESMICH-Datei. +ErrorRestartingComputer=Das Setup konnte den Computer nicht neu starten. Bitte führen Sie den Neustart manuell durch. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Die Datei "%1" existiert nicht. Entfernen der Anwendung fehlgeschlagen. +UninstallOpenError=Die Datei "%1" konnte nicht geöffnet werden. Entfernen der Anwendung fehlgeschlagen. +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Das Format der Deinstallations-Datei "%1" konnte nicht erkannt werden. Entfernen der Anwendung fehlgeschlagen +UninstallUnknownEntry=In der Deinstallations-Datei wurde ein unbekannter Eintrag (%1) gefunden +ConfirmUninstall=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie %1 und alle zugehörigen Komponenten entfernen möchten? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Diese Installation kann nur unter 64-bit Windows-Versionen entfernt werden. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Diese Installation kann nur von einem Benutzer mit Administrator-Rechten entfernt werden. +UninstallStatusLabel=Warten Sie bitte während %1 von Ihrem Computer entfernt wird. +UninstalledAll=%1 wurde erfolgreich von Ihrem Computer entfernt. +UninstalledMost=Entfernen von %1 beendet.%n%nEinige Komponenten konnten nicht entfernt werden. Diese können von Ihnen manuell gelöscht werden. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Um die Deinstallation von %1 abzuschließen, muss Ihr Computer neu gestartet werden.%n%nMöchten Sie jetzt neu starten? +UninstallDataCorrupted="%1"-Datei ist beschädigt. Entfernen der Anwendung fehlgeschlagen. + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Gemeinsame Datei entfernen? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Das System zeigt an, dass die folgende gemeinsame Datei von keinem anderen Programm mehr benutzt wird. Möchten Sie diese Datei entfernen lassen?%nSollte es doch noch Programme geben, die diese Datei benutzen, und sie wird entfernt, funktionieren diese Programme vielleicht nicht mehr richtig. Wenn Sie unsicher sind, wählen Sie "Nein" um die Datei im System zu belassen. Es schadet Ihrem System nicht, wenn Sie die Datei behalten. +SharedFileNameLabel=Dateiname: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Ordner: +WizardUninstalling=Entfernen (Status) +StatusUninstalling=Entferne %1 ... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Installation von %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Deinstallation von %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 Version %2 +AdditionalIcons=Zusätzliche Symbole: +CreateDesktopIcon=&Desktop-Symbol erstellen +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Symbol in der Schnellstartleiste erstellen +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 im Internet +UninstallProgram=%1 entfernen +LaunchProgram=%1 starten +AssocFileExtension=&Registriere %1 mit der %2-Dateierweiterung +AssocingFileExtension=%1 wird mit der %2-Dateierweiterung registriert... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Beginn des Setups: +AutoStartProgram=Starte automatisch%1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 konnte im ausgwählten Ordner nicht gefunden werden.%n%nMöchten Sie dennoch fortfahren? + diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Greek.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Greek.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7a40a3ff --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Greek.isl @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Greek messages *** +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). +; +; Originally translated by Anastasis Chatzioglou, +; Updated by XhmikosR [XhmikosR, my_nickname at yahoo dot com] +; + +[LangOptions] +; The following three entries are very important. Be sure to read and +; understand the '[LangOptions] section' topic in the help file. +LanguageName=<0395><03BB><03BB><03B7><03BD><03B9><03BA><03AC> +LanguageID=$408 +LanguageCodePage=1253 +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName= +;DialogFontSize=8 +;WelcomeFontName=Verdana +;WelcomeFontSize=12 +;TitleFontName=Arial +;TitleFontSize=29 +;CopyrightFontName=Arial +;CopyrightFontSize=8 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=ÅãêáôÜóôáóç +SetupWindowTitle=ÅãêáôÜóôáóç - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=ÁðåãêáôÜóôáóç +UninstallAppFullTitle=%1 ÁðåãêáôÜóôáóç + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Ðëçñïöïñßåò +ConfirmTitle=Åðéâåâáßùóç +ErrorTitle=ÓöÜëìá + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Èá åêôåëåóôåß ç åãêáôÜóôáóç ôïõ %1. ÈÝëåôå íá óõíå÷ßóåôå; +LdrCannotCreateTemp=ÓöÜëìá óôç äçìéïõñãßá ðñïóùñéíïý áñ÷åßïõ. Ç åãêáôÜóôáóç ôåñìáôßóôçêå. +LdrCannotExecTemp=Áäýíáôç ç åêôÝëåóç áñ÷åßïõ óôïí öÜêåëï ðñïóùñéíþí áñ÷åßùí. Ç åãêáôÜóôáóç ôåñìáôßóôçêå. + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nÓöÜëìá %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=Äåí âñßóêåôáé ôï áñ÷åßï %1 óôïí êáôÜëïãï åãêáôÜóôáóçò. ºóùò ÷ñåéÜæåôáé íá ðñïìçèåõôåßôå Ýíá íÝï áíôßãñáöï ôïõ ðñïãñÜììáôïò. +SetupFileCorrupt=Ôï áñ÷åßï åãêáôÜóôáóçò åßíáé êáôåóôñáììÝíï. ºóùò ÷ñåéÜæåôáé íá ðñïìçèåõôåßôå Ýíá íÝï áíôßãñáöï ôïõ ðñïãñÜììáôïò. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Ôï áñ÷åßï åãêáôÜóôáóçò åßíáé êáôåóôñáììÝíï Þ åßíáé óå ëÜèïò Ýêäïóç. ºóùò ÷ñåéÜæåôáé íá ðñïìçèåõôåßôå Ýíá íÝï áíôßãñáöï ôïõ ðñïãñÜììáôïò. +InvalidParameter=Ìßá Üêõñç ðáñÜìåôñïò ÷ñçóéìïðïéÞèçêå óôç ãñáììÞ åíôïëþí:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Ç åãêáôÜóôáóç ôñÝ÷åé Þäç. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Áõôü ôï ðñüãñáììá äåí õðïóôçñßæåé ôçí Ýêäïóç ôùí Windows ðïõ ôñÝ÷åé ï õðïëïãéóôÞò óáò. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Áõôü ôï ðñüãñáììá ÷ñåéÜæåôáé %1 Service Pack %2 Þ íåüôåñï. +NotOnThisPlatform=Áõôü ôï ðñüãñáììá äåí ìðïñåß íá åêôåëåóôåß óå %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Áõôü ôï ðñüãñáììá åêôåëåßôáé ìüíï óå %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Áõôü ôï ðñüãñáììá ìðïñåß íá åãêáôáóôáèåß ìïíü óå Windows ó÷åäéáóìÝíá ãéá åðåîåñãáóôÝò ìå áñ÷éôåêôïíéêÞ:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=Ç Ýêäïóç ôùí Windows ðïõ åêôåëåßôå äåí äéáèÝôåé ëåéôïõñãéêüôçôá 64-bit. Ãéá íá äéïñèùèåß ôï ðñüâëçìá åãêáôáóôÞóåôå ôï Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Áõôü ôï ðñüãñáììá áðáéôåß %1 Ýêäïóç Þ íåüôåñç. +WinVersionTooHighError=Áõôü ôï ðñüãñáììá äåí ìðïñåß íá åêôåëåóôåß óå %1 Ýêäïóç Þ íåüôåñç. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=ÐñÝðåé íá åßóôå ï Äéá÷åéñéóôÞò óõóôÞìáôïò ãéá íá åãêáôáóôÞóåôå áõôü ôï ðñüãñáììá. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=ÐñÝðåé íá åßóôå ï Äéá÷åéñéóôÞò óõóôÞìáôïò Þ Power User ãéá íá åãêáôáóôÞóåôå áõôü ôï ðñüãñáììá. +SetupAppRunningError=Ç åãêáôÜóôáóç åíôüðéóå üôé åêôåëåßôáé ç åöáñìïãÞ %1.%n%nÐáñáêáëþ êëåßóôå ôçí åöáñìïãÞ ôþñá êáé ðáôÞóôå ÅíôÜîåé ãéá íá óõíå÷ßóåôå, Þ ¢êõñï ãéá Ýîïäï. +UninstallAppRunningError=Ç áðåãêáôÜóôáóç åíôüðéóå üôé åêôåëåßôáé ç åöáñìïãÞ %1.%n%nÐáñáêáëþ êëåßóôå ôçí åöáñìïãÞ ôþñá êáé ðáôÞóôå ÅíôÜîåé ãéá íá óõíå÷ßóåôå, Þ ¢êõñï ãéá Ýîïäï. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Ç åãêáôÜóôáóç äåí ìðïñåß íá äçìéïõñãÞóåé ôïí öÜêåëï %1 +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Äåí ìðïñåß íá äçìéïõñãçèåß Ýíá áñ÷åßï óôïí öÜêåëï "%1" åðåéäÞ Þäç ðåñéÝ÷åé ðïëëÜ áñ÷åßá + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=ÔÝëïò ÅãêáôÜóôáóçò +ExitSetupMessage=Ç åãêáôÜóôáóç äåí Ý÷åé ôåëåéþóåé. Áí ôç óôáìáôÞóåôå ôþñá, ôï ðñüãñáììá äåí èá åãêáôáóôáèåß.%n%nÌðïñåßôå íá åêôåëÝóåôå îáíÜ ôçí åãêáôÜóôáóç áñãüôåñá.%n%n¸îïäïò; +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Ó÷åôéêÜ ìå ôçí ÅãêáôÜóôáóç... +AboutSetupTitle=Ó÷åôéêÜ ìå ôçí ÅãêáôÜóôáóç +AboutSetupMessage=%1 Ýêäïóç %2%n%3%n%n%1 ðñïóùðéêÞ óåëßäá%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Áñ÷éêÞ ìåôÜöñáóç áðü ôïí Anastasis Chatzioglou.%nÅíçìåñþóåéò êáé âåëôéþóåéò áðü ôïí XhmikosR, my_nickname at yahoo dot com + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Ðßóù +ButtonNext=&Åðüìåíï > +ButtonInstall=&ÅãêáôÜóôáóç +ButtonOK=Å&íôÜîåé +ButtonCancel=&Áêõñï +ButtonYes=Í&áé +ButtonYesToAll=Íáé óå &Ïëá +ButtonNo=¼&÷é +ButtonNoToAll=¼÷é &óå üëá +ButtonFinish=&ÔÝëïò +ButtonBrowse=&ÁíáæÞôçóç... +ButtonWizardBrowse=&Åýñåóç... +ButtonNewFolder=&Äçìéïõñãßá íÝïõ öáêÝëïõ + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=ÅðéëïãÞ ôçò ãëþóóáò åãêáôÜóôáóçò +SelectLanguageLabel=ÅðéëÝîôå ôç ãëþóóá ðïõ èá ÷ñçóéìïðïéçèåß êáôÜ ôç äéÜñêåéá ôçò åãêáôÜóôáóçò: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=ÐáôÞóôå Åðüìåíï ãéá íá óõíå÷ßóåôå Þ ¢êõñï ãéá íá ôåñìáôßóåôå ôçí åãêáôÜóôáóç. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Åýñåóç öáêÝëïõ +BrowseDialogLabel=ÅðéëÝîôå Ýíá öÜêåëï áðü ôçí áêüëïõèç ëßóôá êáé ìåôÜ ðáôÞóôå OK. +NewFolderName=ÍÝïò öÜêåëïò + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Êáëùóïñßóáôå óôçí åãêáôÜóôáóç ôïõ [name] +WelcomeLabel2=Èá ãßíåé åãêáôÜóôáóç ôïõ [name/ver] óôïí õðïëïãéóôÞ óáò.%n%nÓáò óõíéóôïýìå íá êëåßóåôå êÜèå Üëëç åöáñìïãÞ ðñéí óõíå÷ßóåôå. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=ÅéóáãùãÞ Êùäéêïý +PasswordLabel1=ÁõôÞ ç åãêáôÜóôáóç ðñïóôáôåýåôáé ìå êùäéêü. +PasswordLabel3=Ðáñáêáëþ åéóÜãåôå ôïí êùäéêü êáé ðáôÞóôå Åðüìåíï. +PasswordEditLabel=&Êùäéêüò: +IncorrectPassword=Ï êùäéêüò ðïõ åéóÜãáôå åßíáé ëÜèïò. 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+UninstallOnlyOnWin64=äú÷ðä æå éëåìä ìäéåú îåñøú ø÷ òì 'çìåðåú' áâéøñú 64-áéè. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=ø÷ îùúîù áòì æëåéåú ðéäåì éëåì ìäñéø äú÷ðä æå. +UninstallStatusLabel=àðà äîúï áòú ù%1 îåñøú îîçùáê. +UninstalledAll=%1 äåñøä îîçùáê áäöìçä. +UninstalledMost=äñøú %1 äñúééîä.%n%nîñôø øëéáéí ìà äåñøå ò"é äúåëðä, àê ðéúï ìäñéøí éãðéú. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=ëãé ìäùìéí àú úäìéê ääñøä ùì %1, òìéê ìäôòéì îçãù àú îçùáê.%n%näàí áøöåðê ìäôòéìå îçãù òëùéå? +UninstallDataCorrupted=ä÷åáõ "%1" ÷èåò. ìà ðéúï ìäîùéê áúäìéê ääú÷ðä + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=äàí ìäñéø àú ÷åáõ îùåúó? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=äîòøëú àéáçðä ëé ä÷åáõ äîùåúó äæä àéðå áùéîåù òåã òì éãé àó úåëðä. äàí ìäñéø àú ä÷åáõ äîùåúó?%n%nàí éùðï úåëðåú ùòãééï îùúîùåú á÷åáõ æä åäåà éåñø, úô÷åãï ùì úåëðåú àìå òìåì ìäéôâò. àí àéðê áèåç, áçø 'ìà'. äùàøú ä÷åáõ òì îçùáê ìà úæé÷. +SharedFileNameLabel=ùí ä÷åáõ: +SharedFileLocationLabel=îé÷åí: +WizardUninstalling=îöá úäìéê ääñøä +StatusUninstalling=îñéø àú %1... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=îú÷éï %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=îñéø %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 âéøñä %2 +AdditionalIcons=ñéîìåðéí ðåñôéí: +CreateDesktopIcon=öåø ÷éöåø ãøê òì &ùåìçï äòáåãä +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=öåø ñéîìåï áùåøú ääøöä äîäéøä +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 áøùú +UninstallProgram=äñø àú %1 +LaunchProgram=äôòì %1 +AssocFileExtension=&÷ùø àú %1 òí ñéåîú ä÷åáõ %2 +AssocingFileExtension=î÷ùø àú %1 òí ñéåîú ä÷åáõ %2 +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=äôòìä àåèåîèéú: +AutoStartProgram=äôòì àåèåîèéú %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 ìà ðîöà áúé÷éä ùáçøú.%n%nàúä øåöä ìäîùéê áëì æàú? \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Hungarian.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Hungarian.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9e5b9cc --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Hungarian.isl @@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Hungarian messages with "a(z)" definite articles *** +; Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Kornél Pál +; All rights reserved. +; E-mail: +; Hungarian Inno Setup translation home page: +; +; You can download the versions with "a" and "az" definite articles and read +; about the usage of different Hungarian definite articles on this page. +; +; For conditions of use and distribution see Readme.htm file contained in the +; Hungarian Inno Setup messages package available on the above home page. +; +; *** Inno Setup 5.1.11+ verzió magyar üzenetek "a(z)" határozott névelõkkel *** +; Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Pál Kornél +; Minden jog fenntartva. +; E-mail: +; Magyar Inno Setup oldal: +; +; Az oldalról letölthetõ az "a" és az "az" névelõket tartalmazó változat, és +; olvashatsz a különbözõ magyar határozott névelõk használatáról is. +; +; A használat és a továbbadás feltételei a fenti oldalról letölthetõ Magyar +; Inno Setup üzenetek csomagban található Fontos.htm fájlban olvashatóak. +; +; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to: +; +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). + +[LangOptions] +; The following three entries are very important. Be sure to read and +; understand the '[LangOptions] section' topic in the help file. +LanguageName=Magyar +LanguageID=$040E +LanguageCodePage=1250 +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName= +;DialogFontSize=8 +;WelcomeFontName=Verdana +;WelcomeFontSize=12 +TitleFontName=Arial CE +;TitleFontSize=29 +CopyrightFontName=Arial CE +;CopyrightFontSize=8 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Telepítõ +SetupWindowTitle=%1 Telepítõ +UninstallAppTitle=Eltávolító +UninstallAppFullTitle=%1 Eltávolító + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Információk +ConfirmTitle=Megerõsítés +ErrorTitle=Hiba + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=A(z) %1 telepítésre fog kerülni. Kívánja folytatni a telepítést? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Nem lehet átmeneti fájlt létrehozni. A telepítés megszakadt +LdrCannotExecTemp=Az átmeneti könyvtárban nem lehet fájlt végrehajtani. A telepítés megszakadt + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nHiba %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=A(z) %1 fájl hiányzik a telepítõ könyvtárából. Hárítsa el a hibát, vagy szerezzen be egy új másolatot a programról. +SetupFileCorrupt=A telepítõfájlok megsérültek. Szerezzen be egy új másolatot a programról. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=A telepítõfájlok megsérültek, vagy nem kompatibilisek a Telepítõ jelen verziójával. Hárítsa el a hibát, vagy szerezzen be egy új másolatot a programról. +InvalidParameter=Az egyik parancssorban átadott paraméter érvénytelen:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=A Telepítõ már fut. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=A program nem támogatja a Windows számítógépén futó verzióját. +WindowsServicePackRequired=A program futtatásához %1 Service Pack %2 vagy késõbbi verzió szükséges. +NotOnThisPlatform=Ez a program nem futtatható %1 alatt. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Ezt a programot %1 alatt kell futtatni. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Ezt a programot csak a Windows következõ processzorarchitektúrákhoz tervezett változataira lehet telepíteni:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=A Windows Ön által futtatott verziója nem tartalmazza a Telepítõ által a 64-bites telepítés elvégzéséhez igényelt funkcionalitást. A hiba elhárításához a Service Pack %1 telepítése szükséges. +WinVersionTooLowError=A program a %1 %2 vagy késõbbi verzióját igényli. +WinVersionTooHighError=A programot nem lehet a %1 %2 vagy késõbbi verziójára telepíteni. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=A program telepítéséhez rendszergazdaként kell bejelentkezni. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=A program telepítéséhez rendszergazdaként vagy a kiemelt felhasználók csoport tagjaként kell bejelentkezni. +SetupAppRunningError=A Telepítõ megállapította, hogy a(z) %1 jelenleg fut.%n%nKérem, zárja be az összes példányát, majd a folytatáshoz kattintson az OK gombra, vagy a Mégse gombra a kilépéshez. +UninstallAppRunningError=Az Eltávolító megállapította, hogy a(z) %1 jelenleg fut.%n%nKérem, zárja be az összes példányát, majd a folytatáshoz kattintson az OK gombra, vagy a Mégse gombra a kilépéshez. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=A Telepítõ nem tudta létrehozni a(z) "%1" könyvtárat +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Nem hozható létre fájl a(z) "%1" könyvtárban, mert az már túl sok fájlt tartalmaz + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Kilépés a Telepítõbõl +ExitSetupMessage=A telepítés még nem fejezõdött be. Ha most kilép, a program nem kerül telepítésre.%n%nA Telepítõt késõbb is futtathatja a telepítés befejezéséhez.%n%nKilép a Telepítõbõl? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Névjegy... +AboutSetupTitle=Telepítõ névjegye +AboutSetupMessage=%1 %2 verzió%n%3%n%nAz %1 honlapja:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Magyar változat:%nCopyright (C) 1999-2012 Pál Kornél%nMinden jog fenntartva.%n%nMagyar Inno Setup oldal:%n + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Vissza +ButtonNext=&Tovább > +ButtonInstall=&Telepítés +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Mégse +ButtonYes=&Igen +ButtonYesToAll=Igen, &mindet +ButtonNo=&Nem +ButtonNoToAll=&Egyiket sem +ButtonFinish=&Befejezés +ButtonBrowse=&Tallózás... +ButtonWizardBrowse=T&allózás... +ButtonNewFolder=Ú&j mappa + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Válasszon telepítési nyelvet +SelectLanguageLabel=Válassza ki a telepítés során használandó nyelvet: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=A folytatáshoz kattintson a Tovább gombra, vagy a Mégse gombra a Telepítõbõl történõ kilépéshez. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Tallózás a mappák között +BrowseDialogLabel=Válasszon egy mappát az alábbi listából, majd kattintson az OK gombra. +NewFolderName=Új mappa + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Üdvözli a(z) [name] Telepítõvarázsló. +WelcomeLabel2=A(z) [name/ver] a számítógépére fog kerülni.%n%nA telepítés folytatása elõtt ajánlott minden más futó alkalmazást bezárni. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Jelszó +PasswordLabel1=Ez a telepítés jelszóval van védve. +PasswordLabel3=Adja meg a jelszót, majd a folytatáshoz kattintson a Tovább gombra. A jelszavakban a kis- és a nagybetûk különbözõnek számítanak. +PasswordEditLabel=&Jelszó: +IncorrectPassword=A megadott jelszó helytelen. Próbálja újra. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Licencszerzõdés +LicenseLabel=Olvassa el a következõ fontos információkat a folytatás elõtt. +LicenseLabel3=Kérem, olvassa el az alábbi licencszerzõdést. El kell fogadnia a szerzõdés feltételeit a telepítés folytatása elõtt. +LicenseAccepted=&Elfogadom a szerzõdést +LicenseNotAccepted=&Nem fogadom el a szerzõdést + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Információk +InfoBeforeLabel=Olvassa el a következõ fontos információkat a folytatás elõtt. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Ha felkészült a telepítés folytatására, kattintson a Tovább gombra. +WizardInfoAfter=Információk +InfoAfterLabel=Olvassa el a következõ fontos információkat a folytatás elõtt. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Ha felkészült a telepítés folytatására, kattintson a Tovább gombra. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Felhasználó adatai +UserInfoDesc=Kérem, adja meg az adatait. +UserInfoName=&Felhasználónév: +UserInfoOrg=&Szervezet: +UserInfoSerial=&Sorozatszám: +UserInfoNameRequired=Meg kell adnia egy nevet. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Válasszon telepítési helyet +SelectDirDesc=Hova kerüljön telepítésre a(z) [name]? +SelectDirLabel3=A Telepítõ a(z) [name] alkalmazást a következõ mappába fogja telepíteni. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=A folytatáshoz kattintson a Tovább gombra. Másik mappa kiválasztásához kattintson a Tallózás gombra. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Legalább [mb] MB szabad lemezterületre van szükség. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=A Telepítõ nem tud hálózati meghajtóra telepíteni. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=A Telepítõ nem tud hálózati UNC elérési útra telepíteni. +InvalidPath=Teljes útvonalat írjon be a meghajtó betûjelével; például:%n%nC:\Alkalmazás%n%nvagy egy hálózati útvonalat a következõ alakban:%n%n\\kiszolgáló\megosztás +InvalidDrive=A kiválasztott meghajtó vagy hálózati megosztás nem létezik vagy nem érhetõ el. Válasszon másikat. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Nincs elég szabad lemezterület a meghajtón +DiskSpaceWarning=A Telepítõnek legalább %1 KB szabad lemezterületre van szüksége, de a kiválasztott meghajtón csak %2 KB áll rendelkezésre.%n%nMindenképpen folytatni kívánja? +DirNameTooLong=A mappanév vagy az útvonal túl hosszú. +InvalidDirName=A mappanév érvénytelen. +BadDirName32=A mappanevekben nem szerepelhetnek a következõ karakterek:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=A mappa már létezik +DirExists=A következõ mappa már létezik:%n%n%1 %n%nEbbe a mappába kívánja telepíteni a programot? +DirDoesntExistTitle=A mappa nem létezik +DirDoesntExist= A következõ mappa nem létezik:%n%n%1%n%nLétre kívánja hozni a mappát? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Összetevõk kiválasztása +SelectComponentsDesc=Mely összetevõk kerüljenek telepítésre? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Válassza ki a telepítendõ összetevõket; törölje a telepíteni nem kívánt összetevõket. Kattintson a Tovább gombra, ha készen áll a folytatásra. +FullInstallation=Teljes telepítés +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Szokásos telepítés +CustomInstallation=Egyéni telepítés +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Létezõ összetevõ +NoUninstallWarning=A Telepítõ megállapította, hogy a következõ összetevõk már telepítve vannak a számítógépére:%n%n%1%n%nEzen összetevõk kijelölésének törlése nem távolítja el azokat a számítógépérõl.%n%nMindenképpen folytatja? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=A jelenlegi kijelölés legalább [mb] MB lemezterületet igényel. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Jelöljön ki kiegészítõ feladatokat +SelectTasksDesc=Mely kiegészítõ feladatok kerüljenek végrehajtásra? +SelectTasksLabel2=Jelölje ki, mely kiegészítõ feladatokat hajtsa végre a Telepítõ a(z) [name] telepítése során, majd kattintson a Tovább gombra. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Válasszon mappát a Start menüben +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Hova helyezze a Telepítõ a program parancsikonjait? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=A Telepítõ a program parancsikonjait a Start menü következõ mappájában fogja létrehozni. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=A folytatáshoz kattintson a Tovább gombra. Másik mappa kiválasztásához kattintson a Tallózás gombra. +MustEnterGroupName=Meg kell adnia egy mappanevet. +GroupNameTooLong=A mappanév vagy az útvonal túl hosszú. +InvalidGroupName=A mappanév érvénytelen. +BadGroupName=A mappa nevében nem szerepelhetnek a következõ karakterek:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&Ne hozzon létre mappát a Start menüben + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=A Telepítõ felkészült +ReadyLabel1=A Telepítõ felkészült a(z) [name] számítógépére történõ telepítésére. +ReadyLabel2a=Kattintson a Telepítés gombra a folytatáshoz, vagy a Vissza gombra a beállítások áttekintéséhez, megváltoztatásához. +ReadyLabel2b=Kattintson a Telepítés gombra a folytatáshoz. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Felhasználó adatai: +ReadyMemoDir=Telepítés helye: +ReadyMemoType=Telepítés típusa: +ReadyMemoComponents=Választott összetevõk: +ReadyMemoGroup=Start menü mappája: +ReadyMemoTasks=Kiegészítõ feladatok: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Felkészülés a telepítésre +PreparingDesc=A Telepítõ felkészül a(z) [name] számítógépére történõ telepítésére. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=Egy korábbi program telepítése/eltávolítása nem fejezõdött be. Újra kell indítania a számítógépét a másik telepítés befejezéséhez.%n%nA számítógépe újraindítása után ismét futtassa a Telepítõt a(z) [name] telepítésének befejezéséhez. +CannotContinue=A telepítés nem folytatható. A kilépéshez kattintson a Mégse gombra. +ApplicationsFound=A következõ alkalmazások olyan fájlokat használnak, amelyeket a Telepítõnek frissíteni kell. Ajánlott, hogy engedélyezze a Telepítõnek ezen alkalmazások automatikus bezárását. +ApplicationsFound2=A következõ alkalmazások olyan fájlokat használnak, amelyeket a Telepítõnek frissíteni kell. Ajánlott, hogy engedélyezze a Telepítõnek ezen alkalmazások automatikus bezárását. A telepítés befejezése után a Telepítõ megkísérli az alkalmazások újraindítását. +CloseApplications=&Alkalmazások automatikus bezárása +DontCloseApplications=&Ne zárja be az alkalmazásokat +ErrorCloseApplications=A Telepítõ nem tudott minden alkalmazást automatikusan bezárni. A folytatás elõtt ajánlott minden, a Telepítõ által frissítendõ fájlokat használó alkalmazást bezárni. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Telepítés állapota +InstallingLabel=Legyen türelemmel, amíg a(z) [name] számítógépére történõ telepítése folyik. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=A(z) [name] Telepítõvarázsló befejezése +FinishedLabelNoIcons=A(z) [name] telepítése befejezõdött. +FinishedLabel=A(z) [name] telepítése befejezõdött. Az alkalmazást a létrehozott ikonok kiválasztásával indíthatja. +ClickFinish=Kattintson a Befejezés gombra a Telepítõbõl történõ kilépéshez. +FinishedRestartLabel=A(z) [name] telepítésének befejezéséhez újra kell indítani a számítógépet. Újraindítja most? +FinishedRestartMessage=A(z) [name] telepítésének befejezéséhez újra kell indítani a számítógépet.%n%nÚjraindítja most? +ShowReadmeCheck=Igen, szeretném elolvasni a FONTOS fájlt +YesRadio=&Igen, újraindítom +NoRadio=&Nem, késõbb indítom újra +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=%1 futtatása +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=%1 megtekintése + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=A Telepítõnek szüksége van a következõ lemezre +SelectDiskLabel2=Helyezze be a(z) %1. lemezt és kattintson az OK gombra.%n%nHa a fájlok a lemez egy a megjelenítettõl különbözõ mappájában találhatók, írja be a helyes útvonalat vagy kattintson a Tallózás gombra. +PathLabel=Ú&tvonal: +FileNotInDir2=A(z) "%1" fájl nem található a következõ helyen: "%2". Helyezze be a megfelelõ lemezt vagy válasszon egy másik mappát. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Adja meg a következõ lemez helyét. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=A telepítés nem fejezõdött be.%n%nHárítsa el a hibát, és futtassa újra a Telepítõt. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Kilépés: megszakítás, Ismét: megismétlés, Tovább: folytatás + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Alkalmazások bezárása... +StatusCreateDirs=Könyvtárak létrehozása... +StatusExtractFiles=Fájlok kibontása... +StatusCreateIcons=Parancsikonok létrehozása... +StatusCreateIniEntries=INI bejegyzések létrehozása... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Rendszerleíró bejegyzések létrehozása... +StatusRegisterFiles=Fájlok regisztrálása... +StatusSavingUninstall=Eltávolító információk mentése... +StatusRunProgram=Telepítés befejezése... +StatusRestartingApplications=Alkalmazások újraindítása... +StatusRollback=Változtatások visszavonása... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Belsõ hiba: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=Sikertelen %1 +ErrorFunctionFailed=Sikertelen %1; kód: %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=Sikertelen %1; kód: %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Nem hajtható végre a fájl:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Nem nyitható meg a rendszerleíró kulcs:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Nem hozható létre a rendszerleíró kulcs:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Nem módosítható a rendszerleíró kulcs:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Hiba az INI bejegyzés létrehozása közben a(z) "%1" fájlban. + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Kilépés: megszakítás, Ismét: megismétlés, Tovább: a fájl átlépése (nem ajánlott) +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Kilépés: megszakítás, Ismét: megismétlés, Tovább: folytatás (nem ajánlott) +SourceIsCorrupted=A forrásfájl megsérült +SourceDoesntExist=A(z) "%1" forrásfájl nem létezik +ExistingFileReadOnly=A fájl csak olvashatóként van jelölve.%n%nKilépés: megszakítás, Ismét: csak olvasható jelölés megszüntetése, és megismétlés, Tovább: a fájl átlépése (nem ajánlott) +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Hiba lépett fel a fájl olvasása közben: +FileExists=A fájl már létezik.%n%nFelül kívánja írni? +ExistingFileNewer=A létezõ fájl újabb a telepítésre kerülõnél. Ajánlott a létezõ fájl megtartása.%n%nMeg kívánja tartani a létezõ fájlt? +ErrorChangingAttr=Hiba lépett fel a fájl attribútumának módosítása közben: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Hiba lépett fel a fájl telepítési könyvtárban történõ létrehozása közben: +ErrorReadingSource=Hiba lépett fel a forrásfájl olvasása közben: +ErrorCopying=Hiba lépett fel a fájl másolása közben: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Hiba lépett fel a létezõ fájl cseréje közben: +ErrorRestartReplace=A fájl cseréje az újraindítás után sikertelen volt: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Hiba lépett fel fájl telepítési könyvtárban történõ átnevezése közben: +ErrorRegisterServer=Nem lehet regisztrálni a DLL-t/OCX-et: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=Sikertelen RegSvr32. A visszaadott kód: %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Nem lehet regisztrálni a típustárat: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Hiba lépett fel a FONTOS fájl megnyitása közben. +ErrorRestartingComputer=A Telepítõ nem tudta újraindítani a számítógépet. Indítsa újra kézileg. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=A(z) "%1" fájl nem létezik. Nem távolítható el. +UninstallOpenError=A(z) "%1" fájl nem nyitható meg. Nem távolítható el +UninstallUnsupportedVer=A(z) "%1" eltávolítási naplófájl formátumát nem tudja felismerni az eltávolító jelen verziója. Az eltávolítás nem folytatható +UninstallUnknownEntry=Egy ismeretlen bejegyzés (%1) található az eltávolítási naplófájlban +ConfirmUninstall=Biztosan el kívánja távolítani a(z) %1 programot és minden összetevõjét? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Ezt a telepítést csak 64-bites Windowson lehet eltávolítani. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Ezt a telepítést csak adminisztrációs jogokkal rendelkezõ felhasználó távolíthatja el. +UninstallStatusLabel=Legyen türelemmel, amíg a(z) %1 számítógépérõl történõ eltávolítása befejezõdik. +UninstalledAll=A(z) %1 sikeresen el lett távolítva a számítógéprõl. +UninstalledMost=A(z) %1 eltávolítása befejezõdött.%n%nNéhány elemet nem lehetetett eltávolítani. Törölje kézileg. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=A(z) %1 eltávolításának befejezéséhez újra kell indítania a számítógépét.%n%nÚjraindítja most? +UninstallDataCorrupted=A(z) "%1" fájl sérült. Nem távolítható el. + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Törli a megosztott fájlt? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=A rendszer azt jelzi, hogy a következõ megosztott fájlra már nincs szüksége egyetlen programnak sem. Eltávolítja a megosztott fájlt?%n%nHa más programok még mindig használják a megosztott fájlt, akkor az eltávolítása után lehet, hogy nem fognak megfelelõen mûködni. Ha bizonytalan, válassza a Nemet. A fájl megtartása nem okoz problémát a rendszerben. +SharedFileNameLabel=Fájlnév: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Helye: +WizardUninstalling=Eltávolítás állapota +StatusUninstalling=%1 eltávolítása... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=%1 telepítése. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=%1 eltávolítása. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 %2 verzió +AdditionalIcons=További ikonok: +CreateDesktopIcon=Ikon létrehozása az &Asztalon +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Ikon létrehozása a &Gyorsindítás eszköztáron +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 a weben +UninstallProgram=%1 eltávolítása +LaunchProgram=%1 elindítása +AssocFileExtension=A(z) %1 &társítása a(z) %2 fájlkiterjesztéssel +AssocingFileExtension=A(z) %1 társítása a(z) %2 fájlkiterjesztéssel... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Indítópult: +AutoStartProgram=%1 automatikus indítása +AddonHostProgramNotFound=A(z) %1 nem található a kiválasztott mappában.%n%nMindenképpen folytatni kívánja? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Italian.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Italian.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..25f62fa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Italian.isl @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Italian messages *** +; +; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to: +; +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). +; +; Italian.isl - Last Update December 15, 2012 (based on ale5000 5.1.11+ translation) +; +; Translator name: Rinaldo M. aka Whiteshark +; Translator e-mail: dad428(X) (replace (X) with @ ) +; +[LangOptions] +; The following three entries are very important. Be sure to read and +; understand the '[LangOptions] section' topic in the help file. +LanguageName=Italiano +LanguageID=$0410 +LanguageCodePage=1252 +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName= +;DialogFontSize=8 +;WelcomeFontName=Verdana +;WelcomeFontSize=12 +;TitleFontName=Arial +;TitleFontSize=29 +;CopyrightFontName=Arial +;CopyrightFontSize=8 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Installazione +SetupWindowTitle=Installazione di %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Disinstallazione +UninstallAppFullTitle=Disinstallazione di %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Informazioni +ConfirmTitle=Conferma +ErrorTitle=Errore + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Questa è l'installazione di %1. Si desidera continuare? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Impossibile creare un file temporaneo. Installazione annullata +LdrCannotExecTemp=Impossibile eseguire un file nella cartella temporanea. Installazione annullata + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nErrore %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=File %1 non trovato nella cartella di installazione. Correggere il problema o richiedere una nuova copia del software. +SetupFileCorrupt=I file di installazione sono danneggiati. Richiedere una nuova copia del software. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=I file di installazione sono danneggiati, o sono incompatibili con questa versione del programma di installazione. Correggere il problema o richiedere una nuova copia del software. +InvalidParameter=Un parametro non valido è stato immesso sulla riga di comando:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Il processo di installazione è già in funzione. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Questo programma non supporta la versione di Windows installata sul computer. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Questo programma richiede %1 Service Pack %2 o successivo. +NotOnThisPlatform=Questo programma non è compatibile con %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Questo programma richiede %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Questo programma può essere installato solo su versioni di Windows progettate per le seguenti architetture del processore:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=La versione di Windows utilizzata non include la funzionalità richiesta dal programma di installazione per realizzare un'installazione a 64-bit. Per correggere questo problema, installare il Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Questo programma richiede %1 versione %2 o successiva. +WinVersionTooHighError=Questo programma non può essere installato su %1 versione %2 o successiva. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Sono richiesti privilegi di amministratore per installare questo programma. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Sono richiesti privilegi di amministratore o di Power Users per poter installare questo programma. +SetupAppRunningError=%1 è attualmente in esecuzione.%n%nChiudere adesso tutte le istanze del programma e poi premere OK, oppure premere Annulla per uscire. +UninstallAppRunningError=%1 è attualmente in esecuzione.%n%nChiudere adesso tutte le istanze del programma e poi premere OK, oppure premere Annulla per uscire. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Impossibile creare la cartella "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Impossibile creare i file nella cartella "%1" perché contiene troppi file + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Uscita dall'installazione +ExitSetupMessage=L'installazione non è completa. Uscendo dall'installazione in questo momento, il programma non sarà installato.%n%nÈ possibile eseguire l'installazione in un secondo tempo.%n%nUscire dall'installazione? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Informazioni sull'installazione... +AboutSetupTitle=Informazioni sull'installazione +AboutSetupMessage=%1 versione %2%n%3%n%n%1 sito web:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Traduzione italiana a cura di Rinaldo M. aka Whiteshark + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Indietro +ButtonNext=&Avanti > +ButtonInstall=Inst&alla +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Annulla +ButtonYes=&Si +ButtonYesToAll=Si a &tutto +ButtonNo=&No +ButtonNoToAll=N&o a tutto +ButtonFinish=&Fine +ButtonBrowse=&Sfoglia... +ButtonWizardBrowse=S&foglia... +ButtonNewFolder=&Crea nuova cartella + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Selezionare la lingua dell'installazione +SelectLanguageLabel=Selezionare la lingua da utilizzare durante l'installazione: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Premere Avanti per continuare, o Annulla per uscire. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Sfoglia per cartelle +BrowseDialogLabel=Selezionare una cartella dalla lista, poi premere OK. +NewFolderName=Nuova cartella + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Benvenuti nel programma di installazione di [name] +WelcomeLabel2=[name/ver] sarà installato sul computer.%n%nSi consiglia di chiudere tutte le applicazioni attive prima di procedere. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Password +PasswordLabel1=Questa installazione è protetta da password. +PasswordLabel3=Inserire la password, poi premere Avanti per continuare. Le password sono sensibili alle maiuscole/minuscole. +PasswordEditLabel=&Password: +IncorrectPassword=La password inserita non è corretta, riprovare. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Contratto di licenza +LicenseLabel=Leggere con attenzione le informazioni che seguono prima di procedere. +LicenseLabel3=Leggere il seguente contratto di licenza. È necessario accettare tutti i termini del contratto per procedere con l'installazione. +LicenseAccepted=Accetto i termini del &contratto di licenza +LicenseNotAccepted=&Non accetto i termini del contratto di licenza + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Informazioni +InfoBeforeLabel=Leggere le importanti informazioni che seguono prima di procedere. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Quando si è pronti per proseguire, premere Avanti. +WizardInfoAfter=Informazioni +InfoAfterLabel=Leggere le importanti informazioni che seguono prima di procedere. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Quando si è pronti per proseguire, premere Avanti. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Informazioni utente +UserInfoDesc=Inserire le seguenti informazioni. +UserInfoName=&Nome: +UserInfoOrg=&Società: +UserInfoSerial=&Numero di serie: +UserInfoNameRequired=È necessario inserire un nome. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Selezione della cartella di installazione +SelectDirDesc=Dove si vuole installare [name]? +SelectDirLabel3=[name] sarà installato nella seguente cartella. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Per continuare, premere Avanti. Per scegliere un'altra cartella, premere Sfoglia. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Sono richiesti almeno [mb] MB di spazio sul disco. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Non è possibile effettuare l'installazione su un drive in rete. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=Non è possibile effettuare l'installazione su un percorso UNC. +InvalidPath=Si deve inserire un percorso completo di lettera di unità; per esempio:%n%nC:\APP%n%no un percorso di rete nella forma:%n%n\\server\condivisione +InvalidDrive=L'unità o il percorso di rete selezionato non esiste o non è accessibile. Selezionarne un'altro. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Spazio su disco insufficiente +DiskSpaceWarning=L'installazione richiede almeno %1 KB di spazio libero per eseguire l'installazione, ma l'unità selezionata ha solo %2 KB disponibili.%n%nSi desidera continuare comunque? +DirNameTooLong=Il nome della cartella o il percorso sono troppo lunghi. +InvalidDirName=Il nome della cartella non è valido. +BadDirName32=Il nome della cartella non può includere nessuno dei caratteri seguenti:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Cartella già esistente +DirExists=La cartella:%n%n%1 esiste già.%n%nSi desidera utilizzarla comunque? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Cartella inesistente +DirDoesntExist=La cartella:%n%n%1 non esiste.%n%nSi desidera crearla? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Selezione componenti +SelectComponentsDesc=Quali componenti devono essere installati? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Selezionare i componenti da installare, deselezionare quelli che non si desidera installare. Premere Avanti per continuare. +FullInstallation=Installazione completa +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Installazione compatta +CustomInstallation=Installazione personalizzata +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Componente esistente +NoUninstallWarning=I seguenti componenti sono già installati sul computer:%n%n%1%n%nDeselezionando questi componenti essi non verranno rimossi.%n%nSi desidera continuare comunque? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=La selezione corrente richiede almeno [mb] MB di spazio su disco. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Selezione processi addizionali +SelectTasksDesc=Quali processi aggiuntivi si vogliono avviare? +SelectTasksLabel2=Selezionare i processi aggiuntivi che verranno eseguiti durante l'installazione di [name], poi premere Avanti. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Selezione della cartella nel Menu Avvio/Start +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Dove si vuole inserire i collegamenti al programma? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Saranno creati i collegamenti al programma nella seguente cartella del Menu Avvio/Start. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Per continuare, premere Avanti. Per selezionare un'altra cartella, premere Sfoglia. +MustEnterGroupName=Si deve inserire il nome della cartella. +GroupNameTooLong=Il nome della cartella o il percorso sono troppo lunghi. +InvalidGroupName=Il nome della cartella non è valido. +BadGroupName=Il nome della cartella non può includere nessuno dei caratteri seguenti:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&Non creare una cartella nel Menu Avvio/Start + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Pronto per l'installazione +ReadyLabel1=Il programma di installazione è pronto per iniziare l'installazione di [name] sul computer. +ReadyLabel2a=Premere Installa per continuare con l'installazione, o Indietro per rivedere o modificare le impostazioni. +ReadyLabel2b=Premere Installa per procedere con l'installazione. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Informazioni utente: +ReadyMemoDir=Cartella di installazione: +ReadyMemoType=Tipo di installazione: +ReadyMemoComponents=Componenti selezionati: +ReadyMemoGroup=Cartella del menu Avvio/Start: +ReadyMemoTasks=Processi addizionali: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Preparazione all'installazione +PreparingDesc=Preparazione all'installazione di [name] sul computer. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=L'installazione/rimozione precedente del programma non è stata completata. È necessario riavviare il sistema per completare l'installazione.%n%nDopo il riavvio del sistema eseguire di nuovo l'installazione di [name]. +CannotContinue=L'installazione non può continuare. Premere Annulla per uscire. +ApplicationsFound=Le seguenti applicazioni stanno usando file che devono essere aggiornati dall'installazione. Si consiglia di permettere al processo di chiudere automaticamente queste applicazioni. +ApplicationsFound2=Le seguenti applicazioni stanno usando file che devono essere aggiornati dall'installazione. Si consiglia di permettere al processo di chiudere automaticamente queste applicazioni. Al completamento dell'installazione, il processo tenterà di riavviare le applicazioni. +CloseApplications=Chiudi &automaticamente le applicazioni +DontCloseApplications=&Non chiudere le applicazioni +ErrorCloseApplications=L'installazione non è riuscita a chiudere automaticamente tutte le applicazioni. Si raccomanda di chiudere tutte le applicazioni che usano file che devono essere aggiornati durante l'installazione prima di proseguire. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Installazione in corso +InstallingLabel=Attendere il completamento dell'installazione di [name] sul computer. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Completamento dell'installazione di [name] +FinishedLabelNoIcons=L'installazione di [name] è stata completata con successo. +FinishedLabel=L'installazione di [name] è stata completata con successo. L'applicazione può essere eseguita selezionando le relative icone. +ClickFinish=Premere Fine per uscire dall'installazione. +FinishedRestartLabel=Per completare l'installazione di [name], è necessario riavviare il sistema. Si desidera riavviare adesso? +FinishedRestartMessage=Per completare l'installazione di [name], è necessario riavviare il sistema.%n%nSi desidera riavviare adesso? +ShowReadmeCheck=Si, desidero vedere il file LEGGIMI adesso +YesRadio=&Si, riavvia il sistema adesso +NoRadio=&No, riavvia il sistema più tardi +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Avvia %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Visualizza %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=L'installazione necessita del disco successivo +SelectDiskLabel2=Inserire il disco %1 e premere OK.%n%nSe i file su questo disco si trovano in una cartella diversa da quella visualizzata sotto, inserire il percorso corretto o premere Sfoglia. +PathLabel=&Percorso: +FileNotInDir2=Il file "%1" non è stato trovato in "%2". Inserire il disco corretto o selezionare un'altra cartella. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Specificare il percorso del prossimo disco. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=L'installazione non è stata completata.%n%nCorreggere il problema e rieseguire nuovamente l'installazione. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Premere Riprova per ritentare nuovamente, Ignora per procedere in ogni caso, o Interrompi per terminare l'installazione. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Chiusura applicazioni... +StatusCreateDirs=Creazione cartelle... +StatusExtractFiles=Estrazione file... +StatusCreateIcons=Creazione icone... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Creazione voci nei file INI... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Creazione voci di registro... +StatusRegisterFiles=Registrazione file... +StatusSavingUninstall=Salvataggio delle informazioni di disinstallazione... +StatusRunProgram=Termine dell'installazione... +StatusRestartingApplications=Riavvio applicazioni... +StatusRollback=Recupero delle modifiche... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Errore Interno %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 fallito +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 fallito; codice %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 fallito; codice %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Impossibile eseguire il file:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Errore di apertura della chiave di registro:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Errore di creazione della chiave di registro:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Errore di scrittura della chiave di registro:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Errore nella creazione delle voci INI nel file "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Premere Riprova per tentare di nuovo, Ignora per saltare questo file (sconsigliato), o Interrompi per terminare l'installazione. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Premere Riprova per tentare di nuovo, Ignora per proseguire comunque (sconsigliato), o Interrompi per terminare l'installazione. +SourceIsCorrupted=Il file sorgente è danneggiato +SourceDoesntExist=Il file sorgente "%1" non esiste +ExistingFileReadOnly=Il file esistente ha l'attributo di sola lettura.%n%nPremere Riprova per rimuovere l'attributo di sola lettura e ritentare, Ignora per saltare questo file, o Interrompi per terminare l'installazione. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Si è verificato un errore durante la lettura del file esistente: +FileExists=Il file esiste già.%n%nDesideri sovrascriverlo? +ExistingFileNewer=Il file esistente è più recente di quello che si stà installando. Si raccomanda di mantenere il file esistente.%n%nSi desidera mantenere il file esistente? +ErrorChangingAttr=Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di modifica dell'attributo del file esistente: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione di un file nella cartella di installazione: +ErrorReadingSource=Si è verificato un errore durante la lettura del file sorgente: +ErrorCopying=Si è verificato un errore durante la copia di un file: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Si è verificato un errore durante la sovrascrittura del file esistente: +ErrorRestartReplace=Errore durante Riavvio-Sostituzione: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di rinominare un file nella cartella di installazione: +ErrorRegisterServer=Impossibile registrare la DLL/OCX: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 è fallito con codice di uscita %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Impossibile registrare la libreria di tipo: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Si è verificato un errore durante l'apertura del file LEGGIMI. +ErrorRestartingComputer=Impossibile riavviare il sistema. Riavviare manualmente. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Il file "%1" non esiste. Impossibile disinstallare. +UninstallOpenError=Il file "%1" non può essere aperto. Impossibile disinstallare +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Il file log di disinstallazione "%1" è in un formato non riconosciuto da questa versione del programma di disinstallazione. Impossibile disinstallare +UninstallUnknownEntry=Trovata una voce sconosciuta (%1) nel file log di disinstallazione +ConfirmUninstall=Si desidera rimuovere completamente %1 e tutti i suoi componenti? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Questa applicazione può essere disinstallata solo su Windows a 64-bit. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Questa applicazione può essere disinstallata solo da un utente con privilegi di amministratore. +UninstallStatusLabel=Attendere fino a che %1 è stato rimosso dal computer. +UninstalledAll=%1 è stato rimosso con successo dal computer. +UninstalledMost=Disinstallazione di %1 completata.%n%nAlcuni elementi non possono essere rimossi. Dovranno essere rimossi manualmente. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Per completare la disinstallazione di %1, è necessario riavviare il sistema.%n%nSi desidera riavviare adesso? +UninstallDataCorrupted=Il file "%1" è danneggiato. Impossibile disinstallare + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Rimuovere il file condiviso? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Il sistema indica che il seguente file condiviso non è più usato da nessun programma. Rimuovere questo file condiviso?%n%nSe qualche programma usasse questo file, potrebbe non funzionare più correttamente. Se non si è sicuri, scegliere No. Lasciare il file nel sistema non può causare danni. +SharedFileNameLabel=Nome del file: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Percorso: +WizardUninstalling=Stato della disinstallazione +StatusUninstalling=Disinstallazione di %1 in corso... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Installazione di %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Disinstallazione di %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 versione %2 +AdditionalIcons=Icone aggiuntive: +CreateDesktopIcon=Crea un'icona sul &desktop +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Crea un'icona nella &barra Avvio veloce +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 sul Web +UninstallProgram=Disinstalla %1 +LaunchProgram=Avvia %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Associa l'estensione %2 a %1 +AssocingFileExtension=Associazione dell'estensione %2 a %1 in corso... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Avvio automatico: +AutoStartProgram=Avvia automaticamente %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=Impossibile individuare %1 nella cartella selezionata.%n%nProseguire ugualmente? \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Japanese.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Japanese.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..53520e7a --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Japanese.isl @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Japanese messages *** +; +; Maintained by Koichi Shirasuka ( +; +; Translation based on Ryou Minakami ( +; +; $jrsoftware: issrc/Files/Languages/Japanese.isl,v 1.6 2010/03/08 07:50:01 mlaan Exp $ + +[LangOptions] +LanguageName=<65E5><672C><8A9E> +LanguageID=$0411 +LanguageCodePage=932 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=ƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒv +SetupWindowTitle=%1 ƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒv +UninstallAppTitle=ƒAƒ“ƒCƒ“ƒXƒg�[ƒ‹ +UninstallAppFullTitle=%1 ƒAƒ“ƒCƒ“ƒXƒg�[ƒ‹ + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=�î•ñ +ConfirmTitle=Šm”F +ErrorTitle=ƒGƒ‰�[ + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=%1 ‚ðƒCƒ“ƒXƒg�[ƒ‹‚µ‚Ü‚·�B‘±�s‚µ‚Ü‚·‚©�H +LdrCannotCreateTemp=ˆêŽžƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚ð�ì�¬‚Å‚«‚Ü‚¹‚ñ�BƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒv‚𒆎~‚µ‚Ü‚·�B +LdrCannotExecTemp=ˆêŽžƒtƒHƒ‹ƒ_‚̃tƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚ðŽÀ�s‚Å‚«‚Ü‚¹‚ñ�BƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒv‚𒆎~‚µ‚Ü‚·�B + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nƒGƒ‰�[ %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹ %1 ‚ªŒ©‚‚©‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñ�B–â‘è‚ð‰ðŒˆ‚·‚é‚©�V‚µ‚¢ƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒvƒvƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ð“üŽè‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢�B +SetupFileCorrupt=ƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒvƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚ª‰ó‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·�B�V‚µ‚¢ƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒvƒvƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ð“üŽè‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢�B +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=ƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒvƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚ª‰ó‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚é‚©�A‚±‚̃o�[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚̃ZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒv‚ƌ݊·�«‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñ�B–â‘è‚ð‰ðŒˆ‚·‚é‚©�V‚µ‚¢ƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒvƒvƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ð“üŽè‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢�B +InvalidParameter=ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhƒ‰ƒCƒ“‚É•s�³‚ȃpƒ‰ƒ��[ƒ^�[‚ª“n‚³‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=ƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒv‚ÍŠù‚ÉŽÀ�s’†‚Å‚·�B +WindowsVersionNotSupported=‚±‚̃vƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚Í‚¨Žg‚¢‚̃o�[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Ì Windows ‚ðƒTƒ|�[ƒg‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚¹‚ñ�B +WindowsServicePackRequired=‚±‚̃vƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ÌŽÀ�s‚É‚Í %1 Service Pack %2 ˆÈ�~‚ª•K—v‚Å‚·�B +NotOnThisPlatform=‚±‚̃vƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚Í %1 ‚Å‚Í“®�삵‚Ü‚¹‚ñ�B +OnlyOnThisPlatform=‚±‚̃vƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ÌŽÀ�s‚É‚Í %1 ‚ª•K—v‚Å‚·�B +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=‚±‚̃vƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚Í%n%n%1ƒvƒ�ƒZƒbƒT�[Œü‚¯‚Ì Windows ‚É‚µ‚©ƒCƒ“ƒXƒg�[ƒ‹‚Å‚«‚Ü‚¹‚ñ�B +MissingWOW64APIs=‚²Žg—p’†‚Ì 64-bit ”Å Windows ‚É‚Í‚±‚̃vƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ðƒCƒ“ƒXƒg�[ƒ‹‚µ�A“®�삳‚¹‚éˆ×‚É•K—v‚È‹@”\‚ªŠÜ‚Ü‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚¹‚ñ�B‚±‚Ì–â‘è‚ð�C�³‚·‚éˆ×‚ɂ̓T�[ƒrƒXƒpƒbƒN %1 ‚ðƒCƒ“ƒXƒg�[ƒ‹‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢�B +WinVersionTooLowError=‚±‚̃vƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ÌŽÀ�s‚É‚Í %1 %2 ˆÈ�~‚ª•K—v‚Å‚·�B +WinVersionTooHighError=‚±‚̃vƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚Í %1 %2 ˆÈ�~‚Å‚Í“®�삵‚Ü‚¹‚ñ�B +AdminPrivilegesRequired=‚±‚̃vƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ðƒCƒ“ƒXƒg�[ƒ‹‚·‚邽‚ß‚É‚ÍŠÇ—�ŽÒ‚Æ‚µ‚ă�ƒOƒCƒ“‚·‚é•K—v‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·�B +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=‚±‚̃vƒ�ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ðƒCƒ“ƒXƒg�[ƒ‹‚·‚邽‚ß‚É‚ÍŠÇ—�ŽÒ‚Ü‚½‚̓pƒ��[ƒ†�[ƒU�[‚Æ‚µ‚ă�ƒOƒCƒ“‚·‚é•K—v‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·�B +SetupAppRunningError=ƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒv‚ÍŽÀ�s’†‚Ì %1 ‚ðŒŸ�o‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½�B%n%nŠJ‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚éƒAƒvƒŠƒP�[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚ð‚·‚×‚Ä•Â‚¶‚Ä‚©‚ç�uOK�v‚ðƒNƒŠƒbƒN‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢�B�uƒLƒƒƒ“ƒZƒ‹�v‚ðƒNƒŠƒbƒN‚·‚é‚Æ�AƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒv‚ð�I—¹‚µ‚Ü‚·�B +UninstallAppRunningError=ƒAƒ“ƒCƒ“ƒXƒg�[ƒ‹‚ÍŽÀ�s’†‚Ì %1 ‚ðŒŸ�o‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½�B%n%nŠJ‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚éƒAƒvƒŠƒP�[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚ð‚·‚×‚Ä•Â‚¶‚Ä‚©‚ç�uOK�v‚ðƒNƒŠƒbƒN‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢�B�uƒLƒƒƒ“ƒZƒ‹�v‚ðƒNƒŠƒbƒN‚·‚é‚Æ�AƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒv‚ð�I—¹‚µ‚Ü‚·�B + +; 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*** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Nepali messages *** +; Translated by Him Prasad Gautam [ ] +; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to: +; +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). + +[LangOptions] +; The following three entries are very important. Be sure to read and +; understand the '[LangOptions] section' topic in the help file. + +LanguageName=<0928><0947><092a><093e><0932><0940> +LanguageID=$0461 +LanguageCodePage=0 + +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName= +DialogFontSize=10 +;WelcomeFontName= +WelcomeFontSize=15 +;TitleFontName= +TitleFontSize=35 +;CopyrightFontName= +CopyrightFontSize=9 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=मैतालुको प्रवेश +SetupWindowTitle=मैतालु - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=निष्कासन +UninstallAppFullTitle=%1 को निष्कासन + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=सूचना +ConfirmTitle=यकिन +ErrorTitle=त्रुटि + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=यसले %1लाई यो कल्पयन्त्रमा भित्र्याउँछ । के तपाइ यसलाई निरन्तरता दिन चाहनु हुन्छ? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=अस्ताइ फाइल सिर्जना गर्न नसकि एकोले स्थापकले भित्र्याउने कार्य गर्न सकेन । +LdrCannotExecTemp=अस्ताइ घर्रामा फाइललाई कार्यान्वयन गर्न नसकि एकोले स्थापकले भित्र्याउने कार्य गर्न सकेन । + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n %n त्रुटि %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=भित्रिने घर्राबाट फाइल %1 हरायो । कृपया समस्या हल गर्नु होस् वा कार्यक्रमबाटै नया फाइल हासिल गर्नु होला । +SetupFileCorrupt=स्थापक फाइल भ्रष्ट भयो । कृपया कार्यक्रमबाट नयाँ प्रति हासिल गर्नु होला । +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=स्थापक फाइल भ्रष्ट भयो, अथवा यो हाल प्रयोगमा रहेको गृहको संस्करण सित मिल्न सकेन । कृपया समस्या हल गर्नु होस् अथवा अर्कै प्रति स्थापकको चाँजोपाँजो मिलाउनु होस् । +InvalidParameter=आदेश रेखामा अमान्य Parameter पठाइयो :%n %n %1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=स्थापकले भित्र्याउने कार्य पहिले देखि नै गर्दै छ । +WindowsVersionNotSupported=यो कार्यक्रमले तपाइको कल्पयन्त्रमा हाल भित्रिएको विन्डोज संस्करण सित मिलेर काम गर्न सक्दैन । +WindowsServicePackRequired=यो कार्यक्रमलाई %1 Service Pack %2 अथवा यस पछिका संस्करण चाहिन्छ । +NotOnThisPlatform=यो कार्यक्रम %1 मा चल्दैन । +OnlyOnThisPlatform=यो कार्यक्रम %1 मा मात्रै चल्छ । +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=यो कार्यक्रम केवल निम्न उल्लिखित विन्डोज वास्तुकला नमुना संस्करणमा मात्रै भित्रिन सक्छ:%n %n %1 +MissingWOW64APIs=तपाइले हाल चलाएको विन्डोजमा 64-bit को कार्यक्रम भित्र्याउन स्थापकलाई चाहिने आवश्यक कार्यदक्षता समावेश भएको छैन । यो समस्या हल गर्न Service Pack %1 भित्र्याउनु होस् । +WinVersionTooLowError=यो कार्यक्रमलाई %1 संस्करण %2 अथवा यसभन्दा पछिल्लो संस्करण चाहिन्छ । +WinVersionTooHighError=यो कार्यक्रम %1 संस्करण %2 अथवा यस पछिका संस्करणमा भित्र्याउन सकिँदैन । +AdminPrivilegesRequired=यो कार्यक्रमलाई भित्र्याउन तपाइले प्रशासनिक हैसियत प्रयोग गरी विन्डो शुभारम्भ गर्नु पर्छ । +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=यो कार्यक्रम भित्र्याउन तपाइले प्रशासक अथवा अधिकार प्राप्त सदस्यको हैसियतमा विन्डोज खोल्नु पर्ने हुन्छ । +SetupAppRunningError=स्थापकले %1 चालू रहेको पता लगायो । %n %n कृपया सबैलाई बन्द गर्नु होस् । कार्य जारी राख्ने भए 'ठीक' टाँक र बहिर्गमन गर्ने भए 'रद्द गर' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होला । +UninstallAppRunningError=निष्कासकले %1 चालू रहेको पता लगायो । %n %n कृपया सबैलाई बन्द गर्नु होस् । कार्य जारी राख्ने भए 'ठीक' टाँक र बहिर्गमन गर्ने भए 'रद्द गर' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होला । + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=स्थापकले "%1" घर्रा सिर्जना गर्न सकेन । +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=धेरै फाइल भएकोले "%1" घर्रामा फाइल सिर्जना गर्न सकिएन । + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=स्थापकको बहिर्गमन +ExitSetupMessage=स्थापकले भित्र्याउने कार्य सकेको छैन । यदि बहिर्गमन गरेमा यो कार्यक्रम भित्रिने छैन । %n %n पछि अर्को समयमा तपाई भित्र्याउने कार्य गर्न सक्नु हुन्छ । %n स्थापकले अहिले सम्म गरेको काम त उल्टिन्छ नि!%n %n के मैतालु प्रवेशको कार्य स्थगित नै गर्ने हो? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&स्थापक सामाग्रीको बारेमा +AboutSetupTitle=स्थापकको बारेमा +AboutSetupMessage=%1 संस्करण %2%n %3%n %n %1 गृह पृष्ट:%n %4 +AboutSetupNote=यो स्थापक हिम प्रसाद गौतमले तयार पारेको हो । +TranslatorNote=नेपाली भाषामा पहिलो अनुवादको कार्य हिम प्रसाद गौतम < > ले गर्नु भएको हो र यसमा निरन्तरता पनि जारी राख्नु भएको छ । + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=&पछाडि फर्क +ButtonNext=&अगाडि जाउ +ButtonInstall=&भित्र्याउ +ButtonOK=ठीक +ButtonCancel=रद्द गर +ButtonYes=&हो +ButtonYesToAll=&सबैमा हो +ButtonNo=&होइन +ButtonNoToAll=&सबैमा होइन +ButtonFinish=&समाप्त +ButtonBrowse=&ऊ घार... +ButtonWizardBrowse=ऊ&घार त... +ButtonNewFolder=&नया थैली + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=स्थापकको भाषाको चयन +SelectLanguageLabel=स्थापकले भित्र्याउँदा प्रयोग गरिने भाषा चयन गर्नु होस्: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=%n स्थापकले मैतालुलाई भित्र्याउनु पर्ने भए 'अगाडि जाउ' भन्ने टाँकलाई र भित्र्याउनु नपर्ने भए 'रद्द गर' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस् +BeveledLabel=%n समर्पण: मेरा श्रद्धेय बुबा स्वर्गीय इन्द्र प्रसाद गौतम प्रति सादर समर्पित । %n सौजन्य: हिम प्रसाद गौतम < > +BrowseDialogTitle=उघारने कार्य +BrowseDialogLabel=निम्न सूचीबाट थैली चयन गर्नु होस् र 'ठीक' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस् । +NewFolderName=नयाँ थैली + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=%n [name] मैतालुको रूपमा भित्रिने समारोहमा तपाइलाई स्वागत छ । +WelcomeLabel2=%n यो स्थापकले [name/ver] लाई तपाइको कल्पयन्त्रमा भित्र्याउने छ । %n %n भित्र्याउने कार्य जारी राख्नु भन्दा पहिले खोलिएका सबै अनुप्रयोगहरूलाई बन्द गर्न सुझाव दिइन्छ । + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=पाल्सी शब्द +PasswordLabel1=यो स्थापकमा पाल्सी शब्द राखिएको छ । +PasswordLabel3=कार्य जारी राख्न पाल्सी शब्द उपलब्ध गराएर 'अगाडि जाउ' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होला । पाल्सी शब्द वर्ण संवेदन सिल छ । +PasswordEditLabel=&गोप्यशब्द +IncorrectPassword=तपाइले लेखेको पाल्सी शब्द मिलेन । कृपया फेरी कोसिस गर्नु होस् । + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=इजाजत मञ्जु रिनामा +LicenseLabel=कार्य निरन्तर राख्न कृपया तलको महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना पढ्नु होस् । +LicenseLabel3=कृपया निम्न इजाजत राम्ररी पढ्नु होस् । स्थापकले भित्र्याउने कार्य सुरु गर्नु पूर्व तपाइले सम्झौताका सबै सर्तहरू अनिवार्य रूपमा मन्जुर गर्नु पर्ने नै हुन्छ । +LicenseAccepted=म उपरोक्त सम्झौता &मन्जुर गर्छु +LicenseNotAccepted=म उपरोक्त सम्झौता मन्जुर गर्दि&न + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=सूचना +InfoBeforeLabel=कार्य निरन्तर राख्न कृपया निम्न महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना पढ्नु होस् ।%n +InfoBeforeClickLabel=स्थापकले भित्र्याउने कार्य तयार पारे पछि 'अगाडि जाउ' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस् । +WizardInfoAfter=सूचना +InfoAfterLabel=कृपया कार्य निरन्तर राख्नु अघि निम्न महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना पढ्नु होस् । +InfoAfterClickLabel=स्थापकले भित्र्याउने कार्य तयार पारे पछि 'अगाडि जाउ' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस् । + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=तपाइको चिनारी +UserInfoDesc=तपाइको बारेमा लेख्नु होस् । +UserInfoName=&तपाइको नाम +UserInfoOrg=&सङ्गठन +UserInfoSerial=&सङ्केत सङ्ख्या: +UserInfoNameRequired=यहाँ तपाइले आफ्नो नाम उल्लेख गर्नु पर्ने नै हुन्छ । + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=वासस्थानको चयन गर्नु होस् +SelectDirDesc=[name] लाई कहाँ भित्र्याउने हो? +SelectDirLabel3=स्थापकले [name] लाई निम्न थैली मा भित्र्याई दिने छ । +SelectDirBrowseLabel=मैतालु प्रवेशको कार्य निरन्तरता राख्न 'अगाडि जाउ' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस् । यदि तपाइ भिन्दै थैलीको चयन गर्न चाहनु हुन्छ भने 'उघार' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होला । +DiskSpaceMBLabel=कम्तीमा [mb] MB क्षमताको भकारी चाहिन्छ । +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=सञ्जाल भकारीमा स्थापकले भित्र्याउन सकेन । +CannotInstallToUNCPath=स्थापकले UNC path मा भित्र्याउन सक्दैन । +InvalidPath=तपाइले भकारी अक्षर सहित पूरा बाटो लेख्नु नै पर्छ । जस्तै:%n %n C:\APP%n %n अथवा UNC बाटो %n %n \\server\share बनोटमा +InvalidDrive=तपाइले चयन गरेको भकारी छदै छैन अथवा यसमा केही राख्न मिल्दैन । कृपया अर्कै चयन गर्नु होस् । +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=भकारीमा चाहिने जति ठाउँ खाली छैन । +DiskSpaceWarning=स्थापकलाई कम्तीमा %1 KB खुल्ला ठाउँ चाहिन्छ । तर चयन गरिएको भकारीमा केवल %2 KB मात्र खालि ठाउँ छ । %n %n जे भए पनि कार्य जारी राख्ने हो? +DirNameTooLong=थैलीको नाम अथवा बाटो धेरै लाम भयो । +InvalidDirName=थैलीको नाम अमान्य छ । +BadDirName32=थैली का कुनै पनि नामहरू समावेश गर्न सकिँदैन । %n %n %1 +DirExistsTitle=थैली छ । +DirExists=थैली:%n %n %1%n %n पहिले देखिने छ । के तपाइ यही थैलीमा जसरी भए पनि भित्र्याउने चाहना राख्नु हुन्छ ? +DirDoesntExistTitle=थैली छदै छैन । +DirDoesntExist=थैली:%n %n %1%n %n छदै छैन । के तपाइ यो नाम गरेको नयाँ थैलीको सिर्जना गर्न चाहनु हुन्छ? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=सहकर्मीहरूको चयन गर्नु होस् । +SelectComponentsDesc=कुन चाही सहकर्मीलाई पनि भित्र्याउने हो? +SelectComponentsLabel2=भित्र्याउन चाहेको सहकर्मीलाई चयन गर्नु होस्, भित्र्याउन नचाहेको सहकर्मीलाई मेटाइ दिनु होस् । काम जारी राख्न तयार भए पछि 'अगाडि जाउ' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होला । +FullInstallation=सर्वस्व भित्र्याउने +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=यथेष्ट भित्र्याउने +CustomInstallation=चाहे जति भित्र्याउने +NoUninstallWarningTitle=सहकर्मीहरू रहेछन् । +NoUninstallWarning=निम्न अनुसारका सहकर्मीहरू तपाइको कल्पयन्त्रमा पहिले नै भित्रिएको कुरा स्थापकले पता लगायो । %n %n %1%n %n यी सहकर्मीहरूलाई चयन नगरी निष्कासनको कार्य हुन सक्दैनन् । %n %n जे भए पनि तपाई कार्य जारी राख्न चाहनु हुन्छ? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=हालको चयनलाई कम्तीमा [mb] MB खालि स्थान चाहिन्छ । + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=अतिरिक्त कार्यको चयन गर्नु होस् +SelectTasksDesc=मैले कुन चाही अतिरिक्त कार्य सम्पादन गर्नु पर्ने हो? +SelectTasksLabel2=स्थापकले [name], लाई भित्र्याउने क्रममा यो कार्य पनि गरोस् भनि तपाइले इच्छा राखेको अतिरिक्त कार्यको चयन गरी 'अगाडि जाउ' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होला । + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=सुरुवात सूची थैलीको चयन गर्नु होस् । +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=स्थापकले छोटो बाटो कहाँ लेख्नु पर्ने हो? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=स्थापकले कार्यक्रमको छोटो बाटो निम्न सुरुवात सूची थैलीमा गरेको छ । +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=निरन्तरता राख्न 'अगाडि जाउ' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस्, यदी तपाइ अर्कै थैलीमा राख्न चाहनु हुन्छ भने, 'उघार' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होला । +MustEnterGroupName=थैलीको नाम लेख्न अनिवार्य गरिएको छ । +GroupNameTooLong=थैलीको नाम अथवा बाटो धेरै नै लामो भयो । +InvalidGroupName=थैलीको नाम अमान्य छ । +BadGroupName=थैलीको नाममा निम्न वर्णहरू समावेश हुन सक्दैनन्:%n %n %1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&सुरुवात सूची थैली सिर्जना नगर है । + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=अब भित्रिन तयार +ReadyLabel1=अब तपाइको कल्पयन्त्रमा [name] लाई भित्र्याउने कार्य सुरु गर्न स्थापक तयार छ । +ReadyLabel2a=यदि तपाइ तलको अनुकूलतामा समीक्षा वा परिवर्तन गर्न चाहनु हुन्छ भने 'पछाडि फर्क' भन्ने टाँक लाई दबाउनु होला । यही अनुकूलता ठीक छ जस्तो लाग्छ भने 'भित्र्याउ' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस् । +ReadyLabel2b=भित्रिने कार्य जारी राख्न 'भित्र्याउ' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस् +ReadyMemoUserInfo=उपभोक्ताको जानकारी: +ReadyMemoDir=गन्तव्य थैली: +ReadyMemoType=भित्रिने किसिम: +ReadyMemoComponents=चयन गरिएका सहकर्मीहरू: +ReadyMemoGroup=सुरुवात सूची थैली: +ReadyMemoTasks=अतिरिक्त कार्य: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=भित्रिने कार्यको तयारी हुँदै छ । +PreparingDesc=स्थापक तपाइको कल्पयन्त्रमा [name] लाई भित्र्याउन तयारी गर्दै छ । +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=अघिल्लो कार्यक्रमको भित्रिने/निष्कासन को कार्य सकिएको थिएन । थालिएको काम समाप्त गर्न तपाइले आफ्नो कल्पयन्त्रलाई पुनः सुरुवात गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ । %n %n तपाइको कल्पयन्त्र पुनः सुरुवात भए पछि फेरी स्थापकलाई [name] भित्र्याउने आदेश दिनु होला । +CannotContinue=स्थापकले कार्य जारी राख्न सकेन, बहिर्गमन गर्न 'रद्द गर' टाँक दबाउनु होला । +ApplicationsFound=स्थापकलाई अद्यावधिक गर्न चाहिने फाइल निम्न अनुप्रयोगले प्रयोगमा ल्याएको पाइयो । स्थापकलाई यी अनुप्रयोगहरू स्वतः बन्द गर्ने अनुमति प्रदान गर्न सुझाव दिइन्छ । +ApplicationsFound2=स्थापकलाई अद्यावधिक गर्न चाहिने फाइल निम्न अनुप्रयोगले प्रयोगमा ल्याएको पाइयो । स्थापकलाई यी अनुप्रयोगहरू स्वतः बन्द गर्ने अनुमति प्रदान गर्न सुझाव दिइन्छ । भित्र्याउने कार्य सम्पन्न भए पछि स्थापकले यी अनुप्रयोगहरूलाई पुनर् स्थापित गर्न कोसिस गर्ने छ । +CloseApplications=&अनुप्रयोगहरूलाई स्वतः बन्द गरि देउ +DontCloseApplications=अनुप्रयोगलाई बन्द &नगरी देउ + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=भित्र्याउने कार्य गर्दै छु +InstallingLabel=कृपया स्थापकले तपाइको कल्पयन्त्रमा [name] लाई भित्र्याउन् जेल सम्म धैर्य गर्नु होला + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=स्थापकले [name]लाई भीत्र्याउने कार्यक्रमको समापन हुदैछ । +FinishedLabelNoIcons=Setup has finished installing [name] on your computer. +FinishedLabel=मैले तपाइको कल्पयन्त्रमा [name] भित्र्याउने कार्य पुरा गरेँ । यो अनुप्रयोग स्थापित प्रतिमालाई चयन गरेर सक्रिय गराउन सकिन्छ +ClickFinish=भित्र्याउने कार्यक्रम समापन गर्न 'समाप्त' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस् । +FinishedRestartLabel=[name] भीत्रिए पनि कार्य सम्पादन सुरु गर्न यो कल्पयन्त्रलाई पुनः सुरुवात गर्नु पर्छ । के अहिले नै सुरुवात गरी हाल्ने हो? +FinishedRestartMessage=[name] भीत्रिए पनि कार्य सम्पादन सुरू गर्न स्थापकले तपाइको कल्पयन्त्रलाई पुनः सुरुवात गर्नु पर्छ । %n %n के अहिले नै सुरुवात गरि हाल्ने हो? +ShowReadmeCheck=हो, म 'मलाई पढ्नु होस् ' फाइल हेर्न चाहन्छु । +YesRadio=&हो, कल्पयन्त्र अहिले नै पुनः सुरुवात होस् +NoRadio=&होइन, म आफै कल्पयन्त्रलाई पछि पुनः सुरुवात गरौंला +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=%1 लाई सक्रिय गराउ +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=%1 लाई देखाउ + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=स्थापकलाई अर्को भकारी चाहिन्छ । +SelectDiskLabel2=कृपया %1 भकारीलाई घुसाएर 'ठीक' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस् । %n %n यदि तल देखाइएका बाहेक अन्य कुनै भकारी भित्रको थैली मा फाइल पाइन्छ बने सही बाटो लेख्नु होला अथवा 'उघार' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस् । +PathLabel=&बाटो: +FileNotInDir2=फाइल "%1" त "%2" मा फेला पार्न सकिएन । कृपया सही भकारी घुसाउनु होस् अथवा अर्को थैलीको चयन गर्नु होस् । +SelectDirectoryLabel=कृपया अर्को भकारीको स्थान किटानी गर्नु होस् । + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=स्थापनाको काम पुरा भएन । %n %n कृपया समस्या हल गर्नु होस् र स्थापकलाई फेरी काममा लगाउनु होस् । +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=कृपया फेरी कोसिस गर्न 'अर्को प्रयास' भन्ने टाँकलाई, जे भए पनि कार्य जारी राख्न 'बेवास्ता' भन्ने टाँकलाई अथवा स्थापनाको कार्य रद्द गर्न 'परित्याग' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होस् + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=अनुप्रयोग बन्द गर्दै छु । +StatusCreateDirs=घर्राको सिर्जना गर्दै छु... +StatusExtractFiles=फाइलहरूलाई झिक्दै छु... +StatusCreateIcons=छोटो बाटो सिर्जना गर्दै छु... +StatusCreateIniEntries=INI प्रविष्टि सिर्जना गर्दै छु । +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Registry प्रविष्टिको सिर्जना गर्दै छु । +StatusRegisterFiles=फाइलको दर्ता गर्दै छु । +StatusSavingUninstall=भित्रिन नसकेको सूचना बचत गर्दै छु । +StatusRunProgram=भित्रिने कार्यको समाप्ति गर्दै छु । +StatusRestartingApplications=अनुप्रयोग पुनः सुरुवात हुँदै छ । +StatusRollback=परिवर्तनहरूलाई उल्टाउँदै छु । + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=आन्तरिक त्रुटि: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 असफल भयो । +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 असफल भयो; कोड %2 हो । +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 असफल भयो; कोड %2 %n %3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=%1%n फाइल कार्यान्वयन गर्न सकिएन । + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Registry कुञ्जी खोल्ने कार्यमा त्रुटि:%n %1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Registry कुञ्जी सिर्जनामा त्रुटि:%n %1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Registry कुञ्जी लेखाइमा त्रुटि:%n %1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=फाइल "%1" मा INI प्रविष्टिको त्रुटि भयो । + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=फेरि कोसिस गर्न 'अर्को प्रयास' भन्ने टाँकलाई, यो फाइल छोडी दिन (यसो नगर्न सुझाव दिइन्छ), 'बेवास्ता' भन्ने टाँकलाई अथवा स्थापना रद्द गर्न 'परित्याग' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होला । +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=फेरि कोसिस गर्न 'अर्को प्रयास' भन्ने टाँकलाई, जे भए पनि कार्य जारी राख्न (यसो नगर्न सुझाव दिइन्छ), 'बेवास्ता' भन्ने टाँकलाई अथवा स्थापना रद्द गर्न 'परित्याग' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होला । +SourceIsCorrupted=श्रोत फाइल भ्रष्ट भएको रहेछ । +SourceDoesntExist=श्रोत फाइल "%1" छदै छैन । +ExistingFileReadOnly=विद्यमान फाइल त 'पढ्न मात्रै मिल्ने' प्रकृतिको रहेछ । %n %n 'पढ्न मात्रै मिल्ने' प्रकृति हटाएर फेरि कोसिस गर्न 'अर्को प्रयास' भन्ने टाँकलाई, यो फाइल छोडी दिन 'बेवास्ता' भन्ने टाँकलाई अथवा स्थापना रद्द गर्न 'परित्याग' भन्ने टाँकलाई दबाउनु होला । +ErrorReadingExistingDest=विद्यमान फाइल पढ्दा खेरी त्रुटि हुन पुग्यो । : +FileExists=यो फाइल त पहिले नै भित्रिएको छ । %n %n के तपाइ स्थापकलाई यसलाई मेटाएर नया भित्र्याउने आदेश दिनु हुन्छ? +ExistingFileNewer=स्थापकले भित्र्याउन लागेको भन्दा नयाँ फाइल पहिले नै भित्रिएको रहेछ । विद्यमान फाइललाई यथावत् राख्न सल्लाह दिइन्छ । %n %n के तपाइ विद्यमान फाइललाई नै कायम राख्न चाहनु हुन्छ? +ErrorChangingAttr=पूर्व स्थापित फाइलको परिचायकहरूलाई परिवर्तन गर्दा गल्ती भयो: +ErrorCreatingTemp=गन्तव्य घर्रामा फाइलको सिर्जना गर्दा गल्ती भयो: +ErrorReadingSource=श्रोत फाइल पढ्ने क्रममा गल्ती भयो: +ErrorCopying=फाइलको नक्कल उतार्ने क्रममा गल्ती भयो: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=विद्यमान फाइललाई प्रतिस्थापन गर्दा गल्ती भयो: +ErrorRestartReplace=पुनः प्रतिस्थापन असफल भयो: +ErrorRenamingTemp=गन्तव्य घर्राको फाइलको नाम परिवर्तन गर्ने कोसिस गर्दा गल्ती भयो: +ErrorRegisterServer=DLL/OCX दर्ता गर्न सकिएन: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 असफल भयो (गल्ती कोड %1) । +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=%1किसिमको पुस्तकालय दर्ता गर्न सकिएन । + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme='मलाई पढ्नु होस्' भन्ने फाइल पल्टाउने कोसिस गर्दा गल्ती भयो । +ErrorRestartingComputer=स्थापकले कल्पयन्त्रलाई पुनः सुरुवात गराउन सकेन । कृपया तपाइ आफैँले यसलाई पुनः सुरु गराउनु होस् । + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=फाइल "%1" छदै छैन, निष्कासन गर्ने कुरै भएन... । +UninstallOpenError=फाइल "%1" खोल्न नसकेको ले निष्कासन गर्न सकिँदैन । +UninstallUnsupportedVer=निष्कासन अभिलेख खाता "%1" निष्कासन कर्ताको संस्करणको बनोट सित मिल्दैन । त्यसैले निष्कासन गर्न सकिँदैन । +UninstallUnknownEntry=निष्कासन अभिलेख खातामा अज्ञात प्रविष्टि (%1) सित जम्का भेट भयो । +ConfirmUninstall=के तपाइ %1 र यसका सबै हिस्साहरू हटाउने नै हो भन्ने कुरामा विश्वस्त हुनु हुन्छ? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=यो मैतालुलाई 64-bit विन्डोजबाट मात्रै निष्कासित गर्न सकिन्छ । +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=प्रशासकीय अधिकार प्राप्त उपभोक्ताले मात्रै यो मैतालुलाई निष्कासित गर्न सक्छ । +UninstallStatusLabel=कृपया, तपाइको कल्पयन्त्रबाट %1 लाई हटाउने कार्य समाप्त हुँदासम्म धैर्य गर्नु होस् । +UninstalledAll=तपाइको कल्पयन्त्रबाट %1 लाई सफलतापूर्वक हटाइयो । +UninstalledMost=%1 लाई पुरै निष्कासित गरियो । %n %n केही तत्त्वलाई हटाउन सकिएन । यीनैहरूलाई आफैँले मेटाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ । +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=%1को निष्कासनलाई पूर्णता दिन तपाइको कल्पयन्त्र पुनः सुरुवात हुनु पर्छ । %n %n के अहिले नै पुनः सुरुवात गरि हाल्ने हो? +UninstallDataCorrupted=%1 फाइल त भ्रष्ट पो भए छ । निष्कासन गर्न सकिएन । + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=के साझा फाइलहरू पनि हटाउने हो? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=यो प्रणालीले जनाए अनुसार निम्न साझा फाइलहरू अब कुनै कार्यक्रमले प्रयोगमा ल्याउँदैनन् । के तपाइ यी साझा फाइललाई पनि यसै क्रममा निष्कासित गर्न चाहनु हुन्छ?%n %n यदि कुनै कार्यक्रमले अझै पनि यी फाइलको उपयोग गर्दछ भने यीनैहरूलाई हटाएको खण्डमा त्यो कार्यक्रम राम्ररी चल्न सक्दैन । यदि तपाइ यकिन गर्न सक्नु हुन्न भने 'होइन' विकल्प रोज्नु होस् । यी फाइलहरूलाई तपाइको कल्पयन्त्रमा नै राखी राख्दा कुनै हानि नोक्सान हुने छैन । +SharedFileNameLabel=फाइलको नाम: +SharedFileLocationLabel=स्थान: +WizardUninstalling=निष्कासनको अवस्था +StatusUninstalling=%1 निष्कासित हुँदै छ । + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=%1 भित्र्याउने कार्य हुँदै छ । +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=%1 निष्कासित हुँदै छ । + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 संस्करण %2 +AdditionalIcons=अतिरिक्त प्रतिमा: +CreateDesktopIcon=&डेस्कटपमा प्रतिमाको सिर्जना होस् +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=&तुरुन्तै सक्रिय प्रतिमाको सिर्जना गर । +ProgramOnTheWeb=वेभमा %1 +UninstallProgram=%1 लाई निष्कासन गरि देउ +LaunchProgram=%1 लाई सक्रिय बनाउ +AssocFileExtension=%1 लाई %2 फाइलको विस्तार सित &आबद्ध गरी देउ । +AssocingFileExtension=%1 लाई %2 फाइलको विस्तार सित आबद्धता दिँदै छु । +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=सुरुवात: +AutoStartProgram=%1 स्वचालित रूपले सुरु होस् । +AddonHostProgramNotFound=तपाइले चयन गर्नु भएको थैली मा %1 लाई फेला पार्न सकिएन । %n %n के जसरी पनि कार्य निरन्तर राख्ने हो? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Norwegian.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Norwegian.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a4ebfef --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Norwegian.isl @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Norwegian (bokmål) messages *** +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). +; +; Norwegian translation by Eivind Bakkestuen +; E-mail: +; Many thanks to the following people for language improvements and comments: +; +; Harald Habberstad, Frode Weum, Morten Johnsen, +; Tore Ottinsen, Kristian Hyllestad, Thomas Kelso, Jostein Christoffer Andersen +; +; $jrsoftware: issrc/Files/Languages/Norwegian.isl,v 1.15 2007/04/23 15:03:35 josander+ Exp $ + +[LangOptions] +LanguageName=Norsk +LanguageID=$0414 +LanguageCodePage=1252 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Installasjon +SetupWindowTitle=Installere - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Avinstaller +UninstallAppFullTitle=%1 Avinstallere + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Informasjon +ConfirmTitle=Bekreft +ErrorTitle=Feil + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Dette vil installere %1. Vil du fortsette? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Kan ikke lage midlertidig fil, installasjonen er avbrutt +LdrCannotExecTemp=Kan ikke kjøre fil i den midlertidige mappen, installasjonen er avbrutt + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nFeil %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=Filen %1 mangler i installasjonskatalogen. Vennligst korriger problemet eller skaff deg en ny kopi av programmet. +SetupFileCorrupt=Installasjonsfilene er ødelagte. Vennligst skaff deg en ny kopi av programmet. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Installasjonsfilene er ødelagte eller ikke kompatible med dette installasjonsprogrammet. Vennligst korriger problemet eller skaff deg en ny kopi av programmet. +InvalidParameter=Kommandolinjen hadde en ugyldig parameter:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Dette programmet kjører allerede. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Dette programmet støtter ikke Windows-versjonen på denne maskinen. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Dette programmet krever %1 Service Pack %2 eller nyere. +NotOnThisPlatform=Dette programmet kjører ikke på %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Dette programmet kjører kun på %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Dette programmet kan kun installeres i Windows-versjoner som er beregnet på følgende prossessorarkitekturer:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=Din Windows-versjon mangler funksjonalitet for at installasjonsprogrammet skal gjøre en 64-bits-installasjon. Installer Service Pack %1 for å rette på dette. +WinVersionTooLowError=Dette programmet krever %1 versjon %2 eller senere. +WinVersionTooHighError=Dette programmet kan ikke installeres på %1 versjon %2 eller senere. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Administrator-rettigheter kreves for å installere dette programmet. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Du må være logget inn som administrator eller ha administrator-rettigheter når du installerer dette programmet. +SetupAppRunningError=Installasjonsprogrammet har funnet ut at %1 kjører.%n%nVennligst avslutt det nå og klikk deretter OK for å fortsette, eller Avbryt for å avslutte. +UninstallAppRunningError=Avinstallasjonsprogrammet har funnet ut at %1 kjører.%n%nVennligst avslutt det nå og klikk deretter OK for å fortsette, eller Avbryt for å avslutte. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Installasjonsprogrammet kunne ikke lage mappen "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Kunne ikke lage en fil i mappen "%1" fordi den inneholder for mange filer + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Avslutt installasjonen +ExitSetupMessage=Installasjonen er ikke ferdig. Programmet installeres ikke hvis du avslutter nå.%n%nDu kan installere programmet igjen senere hvis du vil.%n%nVil du avslutte? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Om installasjonsprogrammet... +AboutSetupTitle=Om installasjonsprogrammet +AboutSetupMessage=%1 versjon %2%n%3%n%n%1 hjemmeside:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Norwegian translation maintained by Eivind Bakkestuen ( + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Tilbake +ButtonNext=&Neste > +ButtonInstall=&Installer +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Avbryt +ButtonYes=&Ja +ButtonYesToAll=Ja til &alle +ButtonNo=&Nei +ButtonNoToAll=N&ei til alle +ButtonFinish=&Ferdig +ButtonBrowse=&Bla gjennom... +ButtonWizardBrowse=&Bla gjennom... +ButtonNewFolder=&Lag ny mappe + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Velg installasjonsspråk +SelectLanguageLabel=Velg språket som skal brukes under installasjonen: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Klikk på Neste for å fortsette, eller Avbryt for å avslutte installasjonen. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Bla etter mappe +BrowseDialogLabel=Velg en mappe fra listen nedenfor, klikk deretter OK. +NewFolderName=Ny mappe + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Velkommen til installasjonsprogrammet for [name]. +WelcomeLabel2=Dette vil installere [name/ver] på din maskin.%n%nDet anbefales at du avslutter alle programmer som kjører før du fortsetter. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Passord +PasswordLabel1=Denne installasjonen er passordbeskyttet. +PasswordLabel3=Vennligst oppgi ditt passord og klikk på Neste for å fortsette. Små og store bokstaver behandles ulikt. +PasswordEditLabel=&Passord: +IncorrectPassword=Det angitte passordet er feil, vennligst prøv igjen. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Lisensbetingelser +LicenseLabel=Vennligst les følgende viktig informasjon før du fortsetter. +LicenseLabel3=Vennligst les følgende lisensbetingelser. Du må godta innholdet i lisensbetingelsene før du fortsetter med installasjonen. +LicenseAccepted=Jeg &aksepterer lisensbetingelsene +LicenseNotAccepted=Jeg aksepterer &ikke lisensbetingelsene + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Informasjon +InfoBeforeLabel=Vennligst les følgende viktige informasjon før du fortsetter. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Klikk på Neste når du er klar til å fortsette. +WizardInfoAfter=Informasjon +InfoAfterLabel=Vennligst les følgende viktige informasjon før du fortsetter. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Klikk på Neste når du er klar til å fortsette. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Brukerinformasjon +UserInfoDesc=Vennligst angi informasjon. +UserInfoName=&Brukernavn: +UserInfoOrg=&Organisasjon: +UserInfoSerial=&Serienummer: +UserInfoNameRequired=Du må angi et navn. + +; *** "Select Destination Directory" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Velg mappen hvor filene skal installeres: +SelectDirDesc=Hvor skal [name] installeres? +SelectDirLabel3=Installasjonsprogrammet vil installere [name] i følgende mappe. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Klikk på Neste for å fortsette. Klikk på Bla gjennom hvis du vil velge en annen mappe. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Programmet krever minst [mb] MB med diskplass. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Kan ikke installere på en nettverksstasjon. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=Kan ikke installere på en UNC-bane. Du må tilordne nettverksstasjonen hvis du vil installere i et nettverk. +InvalidPath=Du må angi en full bane med stasjonsbokstav, for eksempel:%n%nC:\APP%n%Du kan ikke bruke formen:%n%n\\server\share +InvalidDrive=Den valgte stasjonen eller UNC-delingen finnes ikke, eller er ikke tilgjengelig. Vennligst velg en annen +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=For lite diskplass +DiskSpaceWarning=Installasjonprogrammet krever minst %1 KB med ledig diskplass, men det er bare %2 KB ledig på den valgte stasjonen.%n%nvil du fortsette likevel? +DirNameTooLong=Det er for langt navn på mappen eller banen. +InvalidDirName=Navnet på mappen er ugyldig. +BadDirName32=Mappenavn må ikke inneholde noen av følgende tegn:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Eksisterende mappe +DirExists=Mappen:%n%n%1%n%nfinnes allerede. Vil du likevel installere der? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Mappen eksisterer ikke +DirDoesntExist=Mappen:%n%n%1%n%nfinnes ikke. Vil du at den skal lages? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Velg komponenter +SelectComponentsDesc=Hvilke komponenter skal installeres? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Velg komponentene du vil installere; velg bort de komponentene du ikke vil installere. Når du er klar, klikker du på Neste for å fortsette. +FullInstallation=Full installasjon +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Kompakt installasjon +CustomInstallation=Egendefinert installasjon +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Komponenter eksisterer +NoUninstallWarning=Installasjonsprogrammet har funnet ut at følgende komponenter allerede er på din maskin:%n%n%1%n%nDisse komponentene avinstalleres ikke selv om du ikke velger dem.%n%nVil du likevel fortsette? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=Valgte alternativer krever minst [mb] MB med diskplass. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Velg tilleggsoppgaver +SelectTasksDesc=Hvilke tilleggsoppgaver skal utføres? +SelectTasksLabel2=Velg tilleggsoppgavene som skal utføres mens [name] installeres, klikk deretter på Neste. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Velg mappe på start-menyen +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Hvor skal installasjonsprogrammet plassere snarveiene? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Installasjonsprogrammet vil opprette snarveier på følgende startmeny-mappe. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Klikk på Neste for å fortsette. Klikk på Bla igjennom hvis du vil velge en annen mappe. +MustEnterGroupName=Du må skrive inn et mappenavn. +GroupNameTooLong=Det er for langt navn på mappen eller banen. +InvalidGroupName=Navnet på mappen er ugyldig. +BadGroupName=Mappenavnet må ikke inneholde følgende tegn:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&Ikke legg til mappe på start-menyen + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Klar til å installere +ReadyLabel1=Installasjonsprogrammet er nå klar til å installere [name] på din maskin. +ReadyLabel2a=Klikk Installer for å fortsette, eller Tilbake for å se på eller forandre instillingene. +ReadyLabel2b=Klikk Installer for å fortsette. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Brukerinformasjon: +ReadyMemoDir=Installer i mappen: +ReadyMemoType=Installasjonstype: +ReadyMemoComponents=Valgte komponenter: +ReadyMemoGroup=Programgruppe: +ReadyMemoTasks=Tilleggsoppgaver: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Forbereder installasjonen +PreparingDesc=Installasjonsprogrammet forbereder installasjon av [name] på den maskin. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=Installasjonen/fjerningen av et tidligere program ble ikke ferdig. Du må starte maskinen på nytt.%n%nEtter omstarten må du kjøre installasjonsprogrammet på nytt for å fullføre installasjonen av [name]. +CannotContinue=Installasjonsprogrammet kan ikke fortsette. Klikk på Avbryt for å avslutte. +ApplicationsFound=Disse applikasjonene bruker filer som vil oppdateres av installasjonen. Det anbefales å la installasjonen automatisk avslutte disse applikasjonene. +ApplicationsFound2=Disse applikasjonene bruker filer som vil oppdateres av installasjonen. Det anbefales å la installasjonen automatisk avslutte disse applikasjonene. Installasjonen vil prøve å starte applikasjonene på nytt etter at installasjonen er avsluttet. +CloseApplications=Lukk applikasjonene &automatisk +DontCloseApplications=&Ikke lukk applikasjonene +ErrorCloseApplications=Installasjonsprogrammet kunne ikke lukke alle applikasjonene &automatisk. Det anbefales å lukke alle applikasjoner som bruker filer som installasjonsprogrammet trenger å oppdatere før du fortsetter installasjonen. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Installerer +InstallingLabel=Vennligst vent mens [name] installeres på din maskin. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Fullfører installasjonsprogrammet for [name] +FinishedLabelNoIcons=[name] er installert på din maskin. +FinishedLabel=[name] er installert på din maskin. Programmet kan kjøres ved at du klikker på ett av de installerte ikonene. +ClickFinish=Klikk Ferdig for å avslutte installasjonen. +FinishedRestartLabel=Maskinen må startes på nytt for at installasjonen skal fullføres. Vil du starte på nytt nå? +FinishedRestartMessage=Maskinen må startes på nytt for at installasjonen skal fullføres.%n%nVil du starte på nytt nå? +ShowReadmeCheck=Ja, jeg vil se på LESMEG-filen +YesRadio=&Ja, start maskinen på nytt nå +NoRadio=&Nei, jeg vil starte maskinen på nytt senere +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Kjør %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Se på %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=Trenger neste diskett +SelectDiskLabel2=Vennligst sett inn diskett %1 og klikk OK.%n%nHvis filene på finnes et annet sted enn det som er angitt nedenfor, kan du skrive inn korrekt bane eller klikke på Bla Gjennom. +PathLabel=&Bane: +FileNotInDir2=Finner ikke filen "%1" i "%2". Vennligst sett inn riktig diskett eller velg en annen mappe. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Vennligst angi hvor den neste disketten er. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=Installasjonen ble avbrutt.%n%nVennligst korriger problemet og prøv igjen. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Klikk Prøv igjen for å forsøke på nytt, Ignorer for å fortsette eller Avslutt for å avslutte installasjonen. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Lukker applikasjoner... +StatusCreateDirs=Lager mapper... +StatusExtractFiles=Pakker ut filer... +StatusCreateIcons=Lager programikoner... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Lager INI-instillinger... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Lager innstillinger i registeret... +StatusRegisterFiles=Registrerer filer... +StatusSavingUninstall=Lagrer info for avinstallering... +StatusRunProgram=Gjør ferdig installasjonen... +StatusRestartingApplications=Restarter applikasjoner... +StatusRollback=Tilbakestiller forandringer... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Intern feil %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 gikk galt +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 gikk galt; kode %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 gikk galt; kode %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Kan ikke kjøre filen:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Feil under åpning av registernøkkel:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Feil under laging av registernøkkel:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Feil under skriving til registernøkkel:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Feil under laging av innstilling i filen "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Klikk Prøv igjen for å forsøke på nytt, Ignorer for å overse denne filen (anbefales ikke) eller Avslutt for å stoppe installasjonen. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Klikk Prøv igjen for å forsøke på nytt, Ignorer for å fortsette uansett (anbefales ikke) eller Avslutt for å stoppe installasjonen. +SourceIsCorrupted=Kildefilen er ødelagt +SourceDoesntExist=Kildefilen "%1" finnes ikke +ExistingFileReadOnly=Den eksisterende filen er skrivebeskyttet.%n%nKlikk Prøv igjen for å fjerne skrivebeskyttelsen og prøve på nytt, Ignorer for å hoppe over denne filen, eller Avslutt for å stoppe installasjonen. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=En feil oppsto under lesing av den eksisterende filen: +FileExists=Filen eksisterer allerede.%n%nVil du overskrive den? +ExistingFileNewer=Den eksisterende filen er nyere enn den som blir forsøkt installert. Det anbefales at du beholder den eksisterende filen.%n%nVil du beholde den eksisterende filen? +ErrorChangingAttr=En feil oppsto da attributtene ble forsøkt forandret på den eksisterende filen: +ErrorCreatingTemp=En feil oppsto under forsøket på å lage en fil i mål-mappen: +ErrorReadingSource=En feil oppsto under forsøket på å lese kildefilen: +ErrorCopying=En feil oppsto under forsøk på å kopiere en fil: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=En feil oppsto under forsøket på å erstatte den eksisterende filen: +ErrorRestartReplace=RestartReplace gikk galt: +ErrorRenamingTemp=En feil oppsto under omdøping av fil i mål-mappen: +ErrorRegisterServer=Kan ikke registrere DLL/OCX: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 gikk galt med avslutte kode %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Kan ikke registrere typebiblioteket: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=En feil oppsto under forsøket på å åpne LESMEG-filen. +ErrorRestartingComputer=Installasjonsprogrammet kunne ikke starte maskinen på nytt. Vennligst gjør dette manuelt. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Filen "%1" finnes ikke. Kan ikke avinstallere. +UninstallOpenError=Filen "%1" kunne ikke åpnes. Kan ikke avinstallere. +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Kan ikke avinstallere. Avinstallasjons-loggfilen "%1" har et format som ikke gjenkjennes av denne versjonen av avinstallasjons-programmet +UninstallUnknownEntry=Et ukjent parameter (%1) ble funnet i Avinstallasjons-loggfilen +ConfirmUninstall=Er du sikker på at du helt vil fjerne %1 og alle tilhørende komponenter? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Denne installasjonen kan bare uføres på 64-bit Windows. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Denne installasjonen kan bare avinstalleres av en bruker med Administrator-rettigheter. +UninstallStatusLabel=Vennligst vent mens %1 fjernes fra maskinen. +UninstalledAll=Avinstallasjonen av %1 var vellykket +UninstalledMost=Avinstallasjonen av %1 er ferdig.%n%nEnkelte elementer kunne ikke fjernes. Disse kan fjernes manuelt. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Du må starte maskinen på nytt for å fullføre installasjonen av %1.%n%nVil du starte på nytt nå? +UninstallDataCorrupted="%1"-filen er ødelagt. Kan ikke avinstallere. + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Fjerne delte filer? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Systemet indikerer at den følgende filen ikke lengre brukes av andre programmer. Vil du at avinstalleringsprogrammet skal fjerne den delte filen?%n%nHvis andre programmer bruker denne filen, kan du risikere at de ikke lengre vil virke som de skal. Velg Nei hvis du er usikker. Det vil ikke gjøre noen skade hvis denne filen ligger på din maskin. +SharedFileNameLabel=Filnavn: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Plassering: +WizardUninstalling=Avinstallerings-status: +StatusUninstalling=Avinstallerer %1... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Installerer %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Avinstallerer %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 versjon %2 +AdditionalIcons=Ekstra-ikoner: +CreateDesktopIcon=Lag ikon på &skrivebordet +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Lag et &Hurtigstarts-ikon +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 på nettet +UninstallProgram=Avinstaller %1 +LaunchProgram=Kjør %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Koble %1 med filetternavnet %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Kobler %1 med filetternavnet %2... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Oppstart: +AutoStartProgram=Start %1 automatisk +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 ble ikke funnet i katalogen du valgte.%n%nVil du fortsette likevel? \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Polish.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Polish.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af2fd55f --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Polish.isl @@ -0,0 +1,327 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Polish messages *** +; Krzysztof Cynarski +; +; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to: +; +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). +; +; $jrsoftware: issrc/Files/Languages/Polish.isl,v 1.16 2007/03/09 16:56:52 jr Exp $ + +[LangOptions] +LanguageName=Polski +LanguageID=$0415 +LanguageCodePage=1250 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Instalator +SetupWindowTitle=Instalacja - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Deinstalacja +UninstallAppFullTitle=Odinstaluj %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Informacja +ConfirmTitle=PotwierdŸ +ErrorTitle=B³¹d + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Ten program zainstaluje aplikacjê %1. Czy chcesz kontynuowaæ? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Nie mo¿na utworzyæ pliku tymczasowego. Instalacja przerwana +LdrCannotExecTemp=Nie mo¿na uruchomiæ pliku w folderze tymczasowym. Instalacja przerwana + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nB³¹d %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=W folderze instalacyjnym brak pliku %1.%nProszê usun¹æ problem lub uzyskaæ now¹ kopiê programu instalacyjnego. +SetupFileCorrupt=Pliki sk³adowe Instalatora s¹ uszkodzone. Proszê uzyskaæ now¹ kopiê Instalatora od producenta. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Pliki sk³adowe instalatora s¹ uszkodzone lub niezgodne z t¹ wersj¹ Instalatora. Proszê rozwi¹zaæ ten problem lub uzyskaæ now¹ kopiê Instalatora od producenta. +InvalidParameter=W lini komend zosta³ przekazany nieprawid³owy parametr:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Instalator jest ju¿ uruchomiony. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Ten program nie wspiera aktualnie uruchomionej na Twoim komputerze wersji Windows. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Ten program wymaga %1 z dodatkiem Service Pack %2 lub póŸniejszym. +NotOnThisPlatform=Tego programu nie mo¿na uruchomiæ w systemie %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Ten program wymaga systemu %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Ten program mo¿e byæ uruchomiony tylko w systemie Windows zaprojektowanym na procesory o architekturach:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=Ta wersja systemu Windows nie zawiera komponentów niezbêdnych do przeprowadzenia 64 bitowej instalacji. Aby usun¹æ ten problem, proszê zainstalowaæ Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Ten program wymaga %1 w wersji %2 lub póŸniejszej. +WinVersionTooHighError=Ten program nie mo¿e byæ zainstalowany w wersji %2 lub póŸniejszej systemu %1. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Aby przeprowadziæ instalacjê tego programu, U¿ytkownik musi byæ zalogowany z uprawnieniami administratora. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Aby przeprowadziæ instalacjê tego programu, U¿ytkownik musi byæ zalogowany z uprawnieniami administratora lub u¿ytkownika zaawansowanego. +SetupAppRunningError=Instalator wykry³, ¿e %1 jest aktualnie uruchomiony.%n%nZamknij wszystkie okienka tej aplikacji, a potem wybierz przycisk OK, aby kontynuowaæ, lub Anuluj, aby przerwaæ instalacjê. +UninstallAppRunningError=Deinstalator wykry³, ¿e %1 jest aktualnie uruchomiony.%n%nZamknij teraz wszystkie okna tej aplikacji, a nastêpnie wybierz przycisk OK, aby kontynuowaæ, lub Anuluj, aby przerwaæ deinstalacje. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Instalator nie móg³ utworzyæ foldera "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Nie mo¿na utworzyæ pliku w folderze %1, poniewa¿ zawiera on za du¿o plików + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Zakoñcz instalacjê +ExitSetupMessage=Instalacja nie jest zakoñczona. Je¿eli przerwiesz j¹ teraz, program nie zostanie zainstalowany. Mo¿na ponowiæ instalacjê póŸniej, uruchamiaj¹c pakiet Instalatora.%n%nCzy chcesz przerwaæ instalacjê ? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&O Instalatorze... +AboutSetupTitle=O Instalatorze +AboutSetupMessage=%1 wersja %2%n%3%n%n Strona domowa %1:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Wersja Polska: Krzysztof Cynarski%n + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Wstecz +ButtonNext=&Dalej > +ButtonInstall=&Instaluj +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Anuluj +ButtonYes=&Tak +ButtonYesToAll=Tak na &wszystkie +ButtonNo=&Nie +ButtonNoToAll=N&ie na wszystkie +ButtonFinish=&Zakoñcz +ButtonBrowse=&Przegl¹daj... +ButtonWizardBrowse=P&rzegl¹daj... +ButtonNewFolder=&Utwórz nowy folder + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Wybierz jêzyk instalacji +SelectLanguageLabel=Wybierz jêzyk u¿ywany podczas instalacji: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Wybierz przycisk Dalej, aby kontynuowaæ, lub Anuluj, aby zakoñczyæ instalacjê. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Wska¿ folder +BrowseDialogLabel=Wybierz folder z poni¿szej listy, a nastêpnie wybierz przycisk OK. +NewFolderName=Nowy folder + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Witamy w Kreatorze instalacji programu [name]. +WelcomeLabel2=Instalator zainstaluje teraz program [name/ver] na Twoim komputerze.%n%nZalecane jest zamkniêcie wszystkich innych uruchomionych programów przed rozpoczêciem procesu instalacji. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Has³o +PasswordLabel1=Ta instalacja jest zabezpieczona has³em. +PasswordLabel3=Podaj has³o, potem wybierz przycisk Dalej, aby kontynuowaæ. W has³ach rozró¿niane s¹ du¿e i ma³e litery. +PasswordEditLabel=&Has³o: +IncorrectPassword=Wprowadzone has³o nie jest poprawne. Spróbuj ponownie. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Umowa Licencyjna +LicenseLabel=Przed kontynuacj¹ proszê przeczytaæ poni¿sze wa¿ne informacje. +LicenseLabel3=Proszê przeczytaæ tekst Umowy Licencyjnej. Musisz zgodziæ siê na warunki tej umowy przed kontynuacj¹ instalacji. +LicenseAccepted=&Akceptujê warunki umowy +LicenseNotAccepted=&Nie akceptujê warunków umowy + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Informacja +InfoBeforeLabel=Przed przejœciem do dalszego etapu instalacji, proszê przeczytaæ poni¿sz¹ informacjê. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Kiedy bêdziesz gotowy do instalacji, kliknij przycisk Dalej. +WizardInfoAfter=Informacja +InfoAfterLabel=Przed przejœciem do dalszego etapu instalacji, proszê przeczytaæ poni¿sz¹ informacjê. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Gdy bêdziesz gotowy do zakoñczenia instalacji, kliknij przycisk Dalej. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Dane U¿ytkownika +UserInfoDesc=Proszê podaæ swoje dane. +UserInfoName=&Nazwisko: +UserInfoOrg=&Organizacja: +UserInfoSerial=Numer &seryjny: +UserInfoNameRequired=Musisz podaæ nazwisko. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Wybierz docelow¹ lokalizacjê +SelectDirDesc=Gdzie ma byæ zainstalowany program [name]? +SelectDirLabel3=Instalator zainstaluje program [name] do poni¿szego folderu. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Kliknij przycisk Dalej, aby kontynuowaæ. Jeœli chcesz okreœliæ inny folder, kliknij przycisk Przegl¹daj. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Potrzeba przynajmniej [mb] MB wolnego miejsca na dysku. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Instalator nie mo¿e zainstalowaæ programu na dysku sieciowym. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=Instalator nie mo¿e zainstalowaæ programu w œcie¿ce UNC. +InvalidPath=Musisz wprowadziæ pe³n¹ œcie¿kê wraz z liter¹ dysku, np.:%n%nC:\PROGRAM%n%nlub scie¿kê sieciow¹ (UNC) w formacie:%n%n\\serwer\udzia³ +InvalidDrive=Wybrany dysk lub udostêpniony folder sieciowy nie istnieje. Proszê wybraæ inny. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Niewystarczaj¹ca iloœæ wolnego miejsca na dysku +DiskSpaceWarning=Instalator wymaga co najmniej %1 KB wolnego miejsca na dysku. Wybrany dysk posiada tylko %2 KB dostêpnego miejsca.%n%nCzy pomimo to chcesz kontynuowaæ? +DirNameTooLong=Nazwa folderu lub œcie¿ki jest za d³uga. +InvalidDirName=Niepoprawna nazwa folderu. +BadDirName32=Nazwa folderu nie mo¿e zawieraæ ¿adnego z nastêpuj¹cych znaków:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Ten folder ju¿ istnieje +DirExists=Folder%n%n%1%n%nju¿ istnieje. Czy pomimo to chcesz zainstalowaæ program w tym folderze? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Nie ma takiego folderu +DirDoesntExist=Folder:%n%n%1%n%nnie istnieje. Czy chcesz, aby zosta³ utworzony? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Zaznacz komponenty +SelectComponentsDesc=Które komponenty maj¹ byæ zainstalowane? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Zaznacz komponenty, które chcesz zainstalowaæ, odznacz te, których nie chcesz zainstalowaæ. Kliknij przycisk Dalej, aby kontynuowaæ. +FullInstallation=Instalacja pe³na +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Instalacja podstawowa +CustomInstallation=Instalacja u¿ytkownika +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Zainstalowane komponenty +NoUninstallWarning=Instalator wykry³, ¿e w twoim komputerze s¹ ju¿ zainstalowane nastêpuj¹ce komponenty:%n%n%1%n%nOdznaczenie któregokolwiek z nich nie spowoduje ich deinstalacji.%n%nCzy pomimo tego chcesz kontynuowaæ? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=Wybrane komponenty wymagaj¹ co najmniej [mb] MB na dysku. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Zaznacz dodatkowe zadania +SelectTasksDesc=Które dodatkowe zadania maj¹ byæ wykonane? +SelectTasksLabel2=Zaznacz dodatkowe zadania, które Instalator ma wykonaæ podczas instalacji programu [name], a nastêpnie kliknij przycisk Dalej, aby kontynuowaæ. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Wybierz folder Menu Start +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Gdzie maj¹ byæ umieszczone skróty do programu? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Instalator stworzy skróty do programu w poni¿szym folderze Menu Start. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Kliknij przycisk Dalej, aby kontynuowaæ. Jeœli chcesz okreœliæ inny folder, kliknij przycisk Przegl¹daj. +MustEnterGroupName=Musisz wprowadziæ nazwê folderu. +GroupNameTooLong=Nazwa folderu lub œcie¿ki jest za d³uga. +InvalidGroupName=Niepoprawna nazwa folderu. +BadGroupName=Nazwa folderu nie mo¿e zawieraæ ¿adnego z nastêpuj¹cych znaków:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=Nie twórz folderu w &Menu Start + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Gotowy do rozpoczêcia instalacji +ReadyLabel1=Instalator jest ju¿ gotowy do rozpoczêcia instalacji programu [name] na twoim komputerze. +ReadyLabel2a=Kliknij przycisk Instaluj, aby rozpocz¹æ instalacjê lub Wstecz, jeœli chcesz przejrzeæ lub zmieniæ ustawienia. +ReadyLabel2b=Kliknij przycisk Instaluj, aby kontynuowaæ instalacjê. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Informacje u¿ytkownika: +ReadyMemoDir=Lokalizacja docelowa: +ReadyMemoType=Rodzaj instalacji: +ReadyMemoComponents=Wybrane komponenty: +ReadyMemoGroup=Folder w Menu Start: +ReadyMemoTasks=Dodatkowe zadania: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Przygotowanie do instalacji +PreparingDesc=Instalator przygotowuje instalacjê programu [name] na Twoim komputerze. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=Instalacja (usuniêcie) poprzedniej wersji programu nie zosta³a zakoñczona. Bêdziesz musia³ ponownie uruchomiæ komputer, aby zakoñczyæ instalacjê. %n%nPo ponownym uruchomieniu komputera uruchom ponownie instalatora, aby zakoñczyæ instalacjê aplikacji [name]. +CannotContinue=Instalator nie mo¿e kontynuowaæ. Kliknij przycisk Anuluj, aby przerwaæ instalacjê. +ApplicationsFound=Poni¿sze aplikacje u¿ywaj¹ plików, które musz¹ byæ uaktualnione przez Instalator. Zalecane jest aby pozwoliæ Instalatorowi automatycznie zamkn¹æ te aplikacje. +ApplicationsFound2=Poni¿sze aplikacje u¿ywaj¹ plików, które musz¹ byæ uaktualnione przez Instalator. Zalecane jest aby pozwoliæ Instalatorowi automatycznie zamkn¹æ te aplikacje. Po zakoñczonej instalacji Instalator podejmie próbê ich ponownego uruchomienia. +CloseApplications=&Automatycznie zamknij aplikacje +DontCloseApplications=&Nie zamykaj aplikacji +ErrorCloseApplications=Instalator nie by³ w stanie zamkn¹æ automatycznie wszystkich aplikacji. Zalecane jest zamkniêcie wszystkich tych aplikacji, które akualnie u¿ywaj¹ uakutalnianych przez Instalator plików. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Instalacja +InstallingLabel=Poczekaj, a¿ instalator zainstaluje aplikacjê [name] na Twoim komputerze. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Zakoñczono instalacjê programu [name] +FinishedLabelNoIcons=Instalator zakoñczy³ instalacjê programu [name] na Twoim komputerze. +FinishedLabel=Instalator zakoñczy³ instalacjê programu [name] na Twoim komputerze. Aplikacja mo¿e byæ uruchomiona poprzez u¿ycie zainstalowanych skrótów. +ClickFinish=Kliknij przycisk Zakoñcz, aby zakoñczyæ instalacjê. +FinishedRestartLabel=Aby zakoñczyæ instalacjê programu [name], Instalator musi ponownie uruchomiæ Twój komputer. Czy chcesz teraz wykonaæ restart komputera? +FinishedRestartMessage=Aby zakoñczyæ instalacjê programu [name], Instalator musi ponownie uruchomiæ Twój komputer.%n%nCzy chcesz teraz wykonaæ restart komputera? +ShowReadmeCheck=Tak, chcê przeczytaæ dodatkowe informacje +YesRadio=&Tak, teraz uruchom ponownie +NoRadio=&Nie, sam zrestartujê póŸniej +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Uruchom %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Poka¿ %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=Instalator potrzebuje nastêpnej dyskietki +SelectDiskLabel2=Proszê w³o¿yæ dyskietkê %1 i klikn¹æ przycisk OK.%n%nJeœli pokazany poni¿ej folder nie okreœla po³o¿enia plików z tej dyskietki, wprowadŸ poprawn¹ œcie¿kê lub kliknij przycisk Przegl¹daj. +PathLabel=Œ&cie¿ka: +FileNotInDir2=Plik "%1" nie zosta³ znaleziony na dyskietce "%2". Proszê w³o¿yæ w³aœciw¹ dyskietkê lub wybraæ inny folder. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Proszê okreœliæ lokalizacjê nastêpnej dyskietki. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=Instalacja nie zosta³a zakoñczona.%n%nProszê rozwi¹zaæ problem i ponownie rozpocz¹æ instalacjê. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Mo¿esz ponowiæ nieudan¹ czynnoœæ, zignorowaæ j¹ (nie zalecane) lub przerwaæ instalacjê. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Zamykanie aplikacji... +StatusCreateDirs=Tworzenie folderów... +StatusExtractFiles=Dekompresja plików... +StatusCreateIcons=Tworzenie ikon aplikacji... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Tworzenie zapisów w plikach INI... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Tworzenie zapisów w rejestrze... +StatusRegisterFiles=Rejestracja plików... +StatusSavingUninstall=Zachowanie informacji deinstalatora... +StatusRunProgram=Koñczenie instalacji... +StatusRestartingApplications=Ponowne uruchamianie aplikacji... +StatusRollback=Cofanie zmian... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Wewnêtrzny b³¹d: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=B³¹d podczas wykonywania %1 +ErrorFunctionFailed=B³¹d podczas wykonywania %1; kod %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=B³¹d podczas wykonywania %1; code %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Nie mo¿na uruchomiæ:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=B³¹d podczas otwierania klucza rejestru:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=B³¹d podczas tworzenia klucza rejestru:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=B³¹d podczas zapisu do klucza rejestru:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=B³¹d podczas tworzenia pozycji w pliku INI: "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Mo¿esz ponowiæ nieudan¹ czynnoœæ, zignorowaæ j¹, aby omin¹æ ten plik (nie zalecane), lub przerwaæ instalacjê. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Mo¿esz ponowiæ nieudan¹ czynnoœæ, zignorowaæ j¹ (nie zalecane) lub przerwaæ instalacjê. +SourceIsCorrupted=Plik Ÿród³owy jest uszkodzony +SourceDoesntExist=Plik Ÿród³owy "%1" nie istnieje +ExistingFileReadOnly=Istniej¹cy plik jest oznaczony jako tylko-do-odczytu.%n%nMo¿esz ponowiæ (aby usun¹æ oznaczenie) zignorowaæ (aby omin¹æ ten plik) lub przerwaæ instalacjê. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Wyst¹pi³ b³¹d podczas próby odczytu istniej¹cego pliku: +FileExists=Plik ju¿ istnieje.%n%nCzy chcesz, aby Instalator zamieni³ go na nowy? +ExistingFileNewer=Istniej¹cy plik jest nowszy ni¿ ten, który Instalator próbuje skopiowaæ. Zalecanym jest zachowanie istniej¹cego pliku.%n%nCzy chcesz zachowaæ istniej¹cy plik? +ErrorChangingAttr=Wyst¹pi³ b³¹d podczas próby zmiany atrybutów docelowego pliku: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Wyst¹pi³ b³¹d podczas próby utworzenia pliku w folderze docelowym: +ErrorReadingSource=Wyst¹pi³ b³¹d podczas próby odczytu pliku Ÿród³owego: +ErrorCopying=Wyst¹pi³ b³¹d podczas próby kopiowania pliku: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Wyst¹pi³ b³¹d podczas próby zamiany istniej¹cego pliku: +ErrorRestartReplace=Próba zast¹pienia plików podczas restartu komputera nie powiod³a siê. +ErrorRenamingTemp=Wyst¹pi³ b³¹d podczas próby zmiany nazwy pliku w folderze docelowym: +ErrorRegisterServer=Nie mo¿na zarejestrowaæ DLL/OCX: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=Funkcja RegSvr32 zakoñczy³a sie z kodem b³êdu %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Nie mogê zarejestrowaæ biblioteki typów: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Wyst¹pi³ b³¹d podczas próby otwarcia pliku README. +ErrorRestartingComputer=Instalator nie móg³ zrestartowaæ tego komputera. Proszê zrobiæ to samodzielnie. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Plik "%1" nie istnieje. Nie mo¿na go odinstalowaæ. +UninstallOpenError=Plik "%1" nie móg³ byæ otwarty. Nie mo¿na odinstalowaæ +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Ta wersja programu deinstalacyjnego nie rozpoznaje formatu logu deinstalacji. Nie mo¿na odinstalowaæ +UninstallUnknownEntry=W logu deinstalacji wyst¹pi³a nieznana pozycja (%1) +ConfirmUninstall=Czy na pewno chcesz usun¹æ program %1 i wszystkie jego sk³adniki? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Ten program moze byæ odinstalowany tylo w 64 bitowej wersji systemu Windows. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Ta instalacja mo¿e byæ odinstalowana tylko przez u¿ytkownika z prawami administratora. +UninstallStatusLabel=Poczekaj a¿ program %1 zostanie usuniêty z Twojego komputera. +UninstalledAll=%1 zosta³ usuniêty z Twojego komputera. +UninstalledMost=Odinstalowywanie programu %1 zakoñczone.%n%nNiektóre elementy nie mog³y byæ usuniête. Mo¿esz je usun¹æ rêcznie. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Twój komputer musi byæ ponownie uruchomiony, aby zakoñczyæ odinstalowywanie %1.%n%nCzy chcesz teraz ponownie uruchomiæ komputer? +UninstallDataCorrupted=Plik "%1" jest uszkodzony. Nie mo¿na odinstalowaæ + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Usun¹æ plik wspó³dzielony? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=System wykry³, ¿e nastêpuj¹cy plik nie jest ju¿ u¿ywany przez ¿aden program. Czy chcesz odinstalowaæ ten plik wspó³dzielony?%n%nJeœli inne programy nadal u¿ywaj¹ tego pliku, a zostanie on usuniêty, mog¹ one przestaæ dzia³aæ prawid³owo. Jeœli nie jesteœ pewny, wybierz przycisk Nie. Pozostawienie tego pliku w Twoim systemie nie spowoduje ¿adnych szkód. +SharedFileNameLabel=Nazwa pliku: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Po³o¿enie: +WizardUninstalling=Stan deinstalacji +StatusUninstalling=Deinstalacja %1... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Intstalacja %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Dezinstalacja %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 wersja %2 +AdditionalIcons=Dodatkowe ikony: +CreateDesktopIcon=Utwórz ikonê na &pulpicie +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Utwórz ikonê na pasku &szybkiego uruchamiania +ProgramOnTheWeb=Strona WWW programu %1 +UninstallProgram=Deinstalacja programu %1 +LaunchProgram=Uruchom program %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Przypisz program %1 do rozszerzenia pliku %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Przypisywanie programu %1 do rozszerzenia pliku %2... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Autostart: +AutoStartProgram=Automatycznie uruchamiaj %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 nie zosta³ znaleziony we wskazanym przez Ciebie folderze.%n%nCzy pomimo tego chcesz kontynuowaæ? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Portuguese.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Portuguese.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3384ca9e --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Portuguese.isl @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Portuguese (Portugal) messages *** +; +; Maintained by Nuno Silva (nars AT + +[LangOptions] +LanguageName=Portugu<00EA>s (Portugal) +LanguageID=$0816 +LanguageCodePage=1252 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Instalação +SetupWindowTitle=%1 - Instalação +UninstallAppTitle=Desinstalação +UninstallAppFullTitle=%1 - Desinstalação + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Informação +ConfirmTitle=Confirmação +ErrorTitle=Erro + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Irá ser instalado o %1. Deseja continuar? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Não foi possível criar um ficheiro temporário. Instalação cancelada +LdrCannotExecTemp=Não foi possível executar um ficheiro na directoria temporária. Instalação cancelada + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nErro %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=O ficheiro %1 não foi encontrado na pasta de instalação. Corrija o problema ou obtenha uma nova cópia do programa. +SetupFileCorrupt=Os ficheiros de instalação estão corrompidos. Obtenha uma nova cópia do programa. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Os ficheiros de instalação estão corrompidos, ou são incompatíveis com esta versão do Assistente de Instalação. Corrija o problema ou obtenha uma nova cópia do programa. +InvalidParameter=Foi especificado um parâmetro inválido na linha de comando:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=A instalação já está em execução. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Este programa não suporta a versão do Windows que está a utilizar. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Este programa necessita de %1 Service Pack %2 ou mais recente. +NotOnThisPlatform=Este programa não pode ser executado no %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Este programa deve ser executado no %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Este programa só pode ser instalado em versões do Windows preparadas para as seguintes arquitecturas:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=A versão do Windows que está a utilizar não dispõe das funcionalidades necessárias para o Assistente de Instalação poder realizar uma instalação de 64-bit's. Para corrigir este problema, por favor instale o Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Este programa necessita do %1 versão %2 ou mais recente. +WinVersionTooHighError=Este programa não pode ser instalado no %1 versão %2 ou mais recente. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Deve iniciar sessão como administrador para instalar este programa. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Deve iniciar sessão como administrador ou membro do grupo de Super Utilizadores para instalar este programa. +SetupAppRunningError=O Assistente de Instalação detectou que o %1 está em execução. Feche-o e de seguida clique em OK para continuar, ou clique em Cancelar para cancelar a instalação. +UninstallAppRunningError=O Assistente de Desinstalação detectou que o %1 está em execução. Feche-o e de seguida clique em OK para continuar, ou clique em Cancelar para cancelar a desinstalação. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=O Assistente de Instalação não consegue criar a directoria "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Não é possível criar um ficheiro na directoria "%1" porque esta contém demasiados ficheiros + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Terminar a instalação +ExitSetupMessage=A instalação não está completa. Se terminar agora, o programa não será instalado.%n%nMais tarde poderá executar novamente este Assistente de Instalação e concluir a instalação.%n%nDeseja terminar a instalação? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Acerca de... +AboutSetupTitle=Acerca do Assistente de Instalação +AboutSetupMessage=%1 versão %2%n%3%n%n%1 home page:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Portuguese translation maintained by NARS ( + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Anterior +ButtonNext=&Seguinte > +ButtonInstall=&Instalar +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Cancelar +ButtonYes=&Sim +ButtonYesToAll=Sim para &todos +ButtonNo=&Não +ButtonNoToAll=Nã&o para todos +ButtonFinish=&Concluir +ButtonBrowse=&Procurar... +ButtonWizardBrowse=P&rocurar... +ButtonNewFolder=&Criar Nova Pasta + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Seleccione o Idioma do Assistente de Instalação +SelectLanguageLabel=Seleccione o idioma para usar durante a Instalação: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Clique em Seguinte para continuar ou em Cancelar para cancelar a instalação. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Procurar Pasta +BrowseDialogLabel=Seleccione uma pasta na lista abaixo e clique em OK. +NewFolderName=Nova Pasta + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Bem-vindo ao Assistente de Instalação do [name] +WelcomeLabel2=O Assistente de Instalação irá instalar o [name/ver] no seu computador.%n%nÉ recomendado que feche todas as outras aplicações antes de continuar. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Palavra-passe +PasswordLabel1=Esta instalação está protegida por palavra-passe. +PasswordLabel3=Insira a palavra-passe e de seguida clique em Seguinte para continuar. Na palavra-passe existe diferença entre maiúsculas e minúsculas. +PasswordEditLabel=&Palavra-passe: +IncorrectPassword=A palavra-passe que introduziu não está correcta. Tente novamente. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Contrato de licença +LicenseLabel=É importante que leia as seguintes informações antes de continuar. +LicenseLabel3=Leia atentamente o seguinte contrato de licença. Deve aceitar os termos do contrato antes de continuar a instalação. +LicenseAccepted=A&ceito o contrato +LicenseNotAccepted=&Não aceito o contrato + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Informação +InfoBeforeLabel=É importante que leia as seguintes informações antes de continuar. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Quando estiver pronto para continuar clique em Seguinte. +WizardInfoAfter=Informação +InfoAfterLabel=É importante que leia as seguintes informações antes de continuar. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Quando estiver pronto para continuar clique em Seguinte. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Informações do utilizador +UserInfoDesc=Introduza as suas informações. +UserInfoName=Nome do &utilizador: +UserInfoOrg=&Organização: +UserInfoSerial=&Número de série: +UserInfoNameRequired=Deve introduzir um nome. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Seleccione a localização de destino +SelectDirDesc=Onde deverá ser instalado o [name]? +SelectDirLabel3=O [name] será instalado na seguinte pasta. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Para continuar, clique em Seguinte. Se desejar seleccionar uma pasta diferente, clique em Procurar. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=É necessário pelo menos [mb] MB de espaço livre em disco. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=O Assistente de Instalação não pode instalar numa unidade de rede. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=O Assistente de Instalação não pode instalar num caminho UNC. +InvalidPath=É necessário indicar o caminho completo com a letra de unidade; por exemplo:%n%nC:\APP%n%nou um caminho UNC no formato:%n%n\\servidor\partilha +InvalidDrive=A unidade ou partilha UNC seleccionada não existe ou não está acessível. Seleccione outra. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Não há espaço suficiente no disco +DiskSpaceWarning=O Assistente de Instalação necessita de pelo menos %1 KB de espaço livre, mas a unidade seleccionada tem apenas %2 KB disponíveis.%n%nDeseja continuar de qualquer forma? +DirNameTooLong=O nome ou caminho para a pasta é demasiado longo. +InvalidDirName=O nome da pasta não é válido. +BadDirName32=O nome da pasta não pode conter nenhum dos seguintes caracteres:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=A pasta já existe +DirExists=A pasta:%n%n%1%n%njá existe. Pretende instalar nesta pasta? +DirDoesntExistTitle=A pasta não existe +DirDoesntExist=A pasta:%n%n%1%n%nnão existe. Pretende que esta pasta seja criada? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Seleccione os componentes +SelectComponentsDesc=Que componentes deverão ser instalados? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Seleccione os componentes que quer instalar e desseleccione os componentes que não quer instalar. Clique em Seguinte quando estiver pronto para continuar. +FullInstallation=Instalação Completa +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Instalação Compacta +CustomInstallation=Instalação Personalizada +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Componentes Encontrados +NoUninstallWarning=O Assistente de Instalação detectou que os seguintes componentes estão instalados no seu computador:%n%n%1%n%nSe desseleccionar estes componentes eles não serão desinstalados.%n%nDeseja continuar? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=A selecção actual necessita de pelo menos [mb] MB de espaço em disco. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Seleccione tarefas adicionais +SelectTasksDesc=Que tarefas adicionais deverão ser executadas? +SelectTasksLabel2=Seleccione as tarefas adicionais que deseja que o Assistente de Instalação execute na instalação do [name] e em seguida clique em Seguinte. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Seleccione a pasta do Menu Iniciar +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Onde deverão ser colocados os ícones de atalho do programa? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Os ícones de atalho do programa serão criados na seguinte pasta do Menu Iniciar. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Para continuar, clique em Seguinte. Se desejar seleccionar uma pasta diferente, clique em Procurar. +MustEnterGroupName=É necessário introduzir um nome para a pasta. +GroupNameTooLong=O nome ou caminho para a pasta é demasiado longo. +InvalidGroupName=O nome da pasta não é válido. +BadGroupName=O nome da pasta não pode conter nenhum dos seguintes caracteres:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&Não criar nenhuma pasta no Menu Iniciar + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Pronto para Instalar +ReadyLabel1=O Assistente de Instalação está pronto para instalar o [name] no seu computador. +ReadyLabel2a=Clique em Instalar para continuar a instalação, ou clique em Anterior se desejar rever ou alterar alguma das configurações. +ReadyLabel2b=Clique em Instalar para continuar a instalação. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Informações do utilizador: +ReadyMemoDir=Localização de destino: +ReadyMemoType=Tipo de instalação: +ReadyMemoComponents=Componentes seleccionados: +ReadyMemoGroup=Pasta do Menu Iniciar: +ReadyMemoTasks=Tarefas adicionais: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Preparando-se para instalar +PreparingDesc=Preparando-se para instalar o [name] no seu computador. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=A instalação/remoção de um programa anterior não foi completada. Necessitará de reiniciar o computador para completar essa instalação.%n%nDepois de reiniciar o computador, execute novamente este Assistente de Instalação para completar a instalação do [name]. +CannotContinue=A instalação não pode continuar. Clique em Cancelar para sair. +ApplicationsFound=As seguintes aplicações estão a utilizar ficheiros que necessitam ser actualizados pelo Assistente de Instalação. É recomendado que permita que o Assistente de Instalação feche estas aplicações. +ApplicationsFound2=As seguintes aplicações estão a utilizar ficheiros que necessitam ser actualizados pelo Assistente de Instalação. É recomendado que permita que o Assistente de Instalação feche estas aplicações. Depois de completar a instalação, o Assistente de Instalação tentará reiniciar as aplicações. +CloseApplications=&Fechar as aplicações automaticamente +DontCloseApplications=&Não fechar as aplicações +ErrorCloseApplications=O Assistente de Instalação não conseguiu fechar todas as aplicações automaticamente. Antes de continuar é recomendado que feche todas as aplicações que utilizem ficheiros que necessitem de ser actualizados pelo Assistente de Instalação. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=A instalar +InstallingLabel=Aguarde enquanto o Assistente de Instalação instala o [name] no seu computador. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Instalação do [name] concluída +FinishedLabelNoIcons=O Assistente de Instalação concluiu a instalação do [name] no seu computador. +FinishedLabel=O Assistente de Instalação concluiu a instalação do [name] no seu computador. A aplicação pode ser iniciada através dos ícones instalados. +ClickFinish=Clique em Concluir para finalizar o Assistente de Instalação. +FinishedRestartLabel=Para completar a instalação do [name], o Assistente de Instalação deverá reiniciar o seu computador. Deseja reiniciar agora? +FinishedRestartMessage=Para completar a instalação do [name], o Assistente de Instalação deverá reiniciar o seu computador.%n%nDeseja reiniciar agora? +ShowReadmeCheck=Sim, desejo ver o ficheiro LEIAME +YesRadio=&Sim, desejo reiniciar o computador agora +NoRadio=&Não, desejo reiniciar o computador mais tarde +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Executar %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Visualizar %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=O Assistente de Instalação precisa do disco seguinte +SelectDiskLabel2=Introduza o disco %1 e clique em OK.%n%nSe os ficheiros deste disco estiverem num local diferente do mostrado abaixo, indique o caminho correcto ou clique em Procurar. +PathLabel=&Caminho: +FileNotInDir2=O ficheiro "%1" não foi encontrado em "%2". Introduza o disco correcto ou seleccione outra pasta. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Indique a localização do disco seguinte. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=A instalação não está completa.%n%nCorrija o problema e execute o Assistente de Instalação novamente. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Clique em Repetir para tentar novamente, Ignorar para continuar de qualquer forma, ou Abortar para cancelar a instalação. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=A fechar aplicações... +StatusCreateDirs=A criar directorias... +StatusExtractFiles=A extrair ficheiros... +StatusCreateIcons=A criar atalhos... +StatusCreateIniEntries=A criar entradas em INI... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=A criar entradas no registo... +StatusRegisterFiles=A registar ficheiros... +StatusSavingUninstall=A guardar informações para desinstalação... +StatusRunProgram=A concluir a instalação... +StatusRestartingApplications=A reiniciar aplicações... +StatusRollback=A anular as alterações... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Erro interno: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 falhou +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 falhou; código %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 falhou; código %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Não é possível executar o ficheiro:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Erro ao abrir a chave de registo:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Erro ao criar a chave de registo:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Erro ao escrever na chave de registo:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Erro ao criar entradas em INI no ficheiro "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Clique em Repetir para tentar novamente, Ignorar para ignorar este ficheiro (não recomendado), ou Abortar para cancelar a instalação. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Clique em Repetir para tentar novamente, Ignorar para continuar de qualquer forma (não recomendado), ou Abortar para cancelar a instalação. +SourceIsCorrupted=O ficheiro de origem está corrompido +SourceDoesntExist=O ficheiro de origem "%1" não existe +ExistingFileReadOnly=O ficheiro existente tem o atributo "só de leitura".%n%nClique em Repetir para remover o atributo "só de leitura" e tentar novamente, Ignorar para ignorar este ficheiro, ou Abortar para cancelar a instalação. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar ler o ficheiro existente: +FileExists=O ficheiro já existe.%n%nDeseja substituí-lo? +ExistingFileNewer=O ficheiro existente é mais recente que o que está a ser instalado. É recomendado que mantenha o ficheiro existente.%n%nDeseja manter o ficheiro existente? +ErrorChangingAttr=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar alterar os atributos do ficheiro existente: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar criar um ficheiro na directoria de destino: +ErrorReadingSource=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar ler o ficheiro de origem: +ErrorCopying=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar copiar um ficheiro: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar substituir o ficheiro existente: +ErrorRestartReplace=RestartReplace falhou: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar mudar o nome de um ficheiro na directoria de destino: +ErrorRegisterServer=Não é possível registar o DLL/OCX: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=O RegSvr32 falhou com o código de saída %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Não foi possível registar a livraria de tipos: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Ocorreu um erro ao tentar abrir o ficheiro LEIAME. +ErrorRestartingComputer=O Assistente de Instalação não consegue reiniciar o computador. Por favor reinicie manualmente. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=O ficheiro "%1" não existe. Não é possível desinstalar. +UninstallOpenError=Não foi possível abrir o ficheiro "%1". Não é possível desinstalar. +UninstallUnsupportedVer=O ficheiro log de desinstalação "%1" está num formato que não é reconhecido por esta versão do desinstalador. Não é possível desinstalar +UninstallUnknownEntry=Foi encontrada uma entrada desconhecida (%1) no ficheiro log de desinstalação +ConfirmUninstall=Tem a certeza que deseja remover completamente o %1 e todos os seus componentes? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Esta desinstalação só pode ser realizada na versão de 64-bit's do Windows. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Esta desinstalação só pode ser realizada por um utilizador com privilégios administrativos. +UninstallStatusLabel=Por favor aguarde enquanto o %1 está a ser removido do seu computador. +UninstalledAll=O %1 foi removido do seu computador com sucesso. +UninstalledMost=A desinstalação do %1 está concluída.%n%nAlguns elementos não puderam ser removidos. Estes elementos podem ser removidos manualmente. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Para completar a desinstalação do %1, o computador deve ser reiniciado.%n%nDeseja reiniciar agora? +UninstallDataCorrupted=O ficheiro "%1" está corrompido. Não é possível desinstalar + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Remover ficheiro partilhado? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=O sistema indica que o seguinte ficheiro partilhado já não está a ser utilizado por nenhum programa. Deseja removê-lo?%n%nSe algum programa ainda necessitar deste ficheiro, poderá não funcionar correctamente depois de o remover. Se não tiver a certeza, seleccione Não. Manter o ficheiro não causará nenhum problema. +SharedFileNameLabel=Nome do ficheiro: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Localização: +WizardUninstalling=Estado da desinstalação +StatusUninstalling=A desinstalar o %1... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=A instalar %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=A desinstalar %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 versão %2 +AdditionalIcons=Ícones adicionais: +CreateDesktopIcon=Criar ícone no Ambiente de &Trabalho +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=&Criar ícone na barra de Iniciação Rápida +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 na Web +UninstallProgram=Desinstalar o %1 +LaunchProgram=Executar o %1 +AssocFileExtension=Associa&r o %1 aos ficheiros com a extensão %2 +AssocingFileExtension=A associar o %1 aos ficheiros com a extensão %2... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Inicialização Automática: +AutoStartProgram=Iniciar %1 automaticamente +AddonHostProgramNotFound=Não foi possível localizar %1 na pasta seleccionada.%n%nDeseja continuar de qualquer forma? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Russian.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Russian.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..37360377 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Russian.isl @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Russian messages *** +; +; Translated from English by Dmitry Kann, +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). + +[LangOptions] +LanguageName=<0420><0443><0441><0441><043A><0438><0439> +LanguageID=$0419 +LanguageCodePage=1251 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Óñòàíîâêà +SetupWindowTitle=Óñòàíîâêà — %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Äåèíñòàëëÿöèÿ +UninstallAppFullTitle=Äåèíñòàëëÿöèÿ — %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Èíôîðìàöèÿ +ConfirmTitle=Ïîäòâåðæäåíèå +ErrorTitle=Îøèáêà + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Äàííàÿ ïðîãðàììà óñòàíîâèò %1 íà âàø êîìïüþòåð, ïðîäîëæèòü? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Íåâîçìîæíî ñîçäàòü âðåìåííûé ôàéë. Óñòàíîâêà ïðåðâàíà +LdrCannotExecTemp=Íåâîçìîæíî âûïîëíèòü ôàéë âî âðåìåííîì êàòàëîãå. Óñòàíîâêà ïðåðâàíà + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nÎøèáêà %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=Ôàéë %1 îòñóòñòâóåò â ïàïêå óñòàíîâêè. Ïîæàëóéñòà, óñòðàíèòå ïðîáëåìó èëè ïîëó÷èòå íîâóþ âåðñèþ ïðîãðàììû. +SetupFileCorrupt=Óñòàíîâî÷íûå ôàéëû ïîâðåæäåíû. Ïîæàëóéñòà, ïîëó÷èòå íîâóþ êîïèþ ïðîãðàììû. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Ýòè óñòàíîâî÷íûå ôàéëû ïîâðåæäåíû èëè íåñîâìåñòèìû ñ äàííîé âåðñèåé ïðîãðàììû óñòàíîâêè. Ïîæàëóéñòà, óñòðàíèòå ïðîáëåìó èëè ïîëó÷èòå íîâóþ êîïèþ ïðîãðàììû. +InvalidParameter=Êîìàíäíàÿ ñòðîêà ñîäåðæèò íåäîïóñòèìûé ïàðàìåòð:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Ïðîãðàììà óñòàíîâêè óæå çàïóùåíà. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Ýòà ïðîãðàììà íå ïîääåðæèâàåò âåðñèþ Windows, óñòàíîâëåííóþ íà ýòîì êîìïüþòåðå. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Ýòà ïðîãðàììà òðåáóåò %1 Service Pack %2 èëè áîëåå ïîçäíþþ âåðñèþ. +NotOnThisPlatform=Ýòà ïðîãðàììà íå áóäåò ðàáîòàòü â %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Ýòó ïðîãðàììó ìîæíî çàïóñêàòü òîëüêî â %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Óñòàíîâêà ýòîé ïðîãðàììû âîçìîæíà òîëüêî â âåðñèÿõ Windows äëÿ ñëåäóþùèõ àðõèòåêòóð ïðîöåññîðîâ:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs= âåðñèè Windows, â êîòîðîé âû ðàáîòàåòå, îòñóòñòâóþò ôóíêöèè, íåîáõîäèìûå äëÿ âûïîëíåíèÿ 64-áèòíîé óñòàíîâêè. ×òîáû óñòðàíèòü ýòó ïðîáëåìó, âàì íåîáõîäèìî óñòàíîâèòü ïàêåò îáíîâëåíèÿ (Service Pack) %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Ýòà ïðîãðàììà òðåáóåò %1 âåðñèè %2 èëè âûøå. +WinVersionTooHighError=Ïðîãðàììà íå ìîæåò áûòü óñòàíîâëåíà â %1 âåðñèè %2 èëè âûøå. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=×òîáû óñòàíîâèòü äàííóþ ïðîãðàììó, âû äîëæíû âûïîëíèòü âõîä â ñèñòåìó êàê Àäìèíèñòðàòîð. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=×òîáû óñòàíîâèòü ýòó ïðîãðàììó, âû äîëæíû âûïîëíèòü âõîä â ñèñòåìó êàê Àäìèíèñòðàòîð èëè ÷ëåí ãðóïïû «Îïûòíûå ïîëüçîâàòåëè» (Power Users). +SetupAppRunningError=Îáíàðóæåí çàïóùåííûé ýêçåìïëÿð %1.%n%nÏîæàëóéñòà, çàêðîéòå âñå ýêçåìïëÿðû ïðèëîæåíèÿ, çàòåì íàæìèòå «OK», ÷òîáû ïðîäîëæèòü, èëè «Îòìåíà», ÷òîáû âûéòè. +UninstallAppRunningError=Äåèíñòàëëÿòîð îáíàðóæèë çàïóùåííûé ýêçåìïëÿð %1.%n%nÏîæàëóéñòà, çàêðîéòå âñå ýêçåìïëÿðû ïðèëîæåíèÿ, çàòåì íàæìèòå «OK», ÷òîáû ïðîäîëæèòü, èëè «Îòìåíà», ÷òîáû âûéòè. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Íåâîçìîæíî ñîçäàòü ïàïêó "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Íåâîçìîæíî ñîçäàòü ôàéë â êàòàëîãå "%1", òàê êàê â í¸ì ñëèøêîì ìíîãî ôàéëîâ + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Âûõîä èç ïðîãðàììû óñòàíîâêè +ExitSetupMessage=Óñòàíîâêà íå çàâåðøåíà. Åñëè âû âûéäåòå, ïðîãðàììà íå áóäåò óñòàíîâëåíà.%n%nÂû ñìîæåòå çàâåðøèòü óñòàíîâêó, çàïóñòèâ ïðîãðàììó óñòàíîâêè ïîçæå.%n%nÂûéòè èç ïðîãðàììû óñòàíîâêè? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Î ïðîãðàììå... +AboutSetupTitle=Î ïðîãðàììå +AboutSetupMessage=%1, âåðñèÿ %2%n%3%n%nÑàéò %1:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Russian translation by Dmitry Kann, + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Íàçàä +ButtonNext=&Äàëåå > +ButtonInstall=&Óñòàíîâèòü +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Îòìåíà +ButtonYes=&Äà +ButtonYesToAll=Äà äëÿ &Âñåõ +ButtonNo=&Íåò +ButtonNoToAll=Í&åò äëÿ Âñåõ +ButtonFinish=&Çàâåðøèòü +ButtonBrowse=&Îáçîð... +ButtonWizardBrowse=&Îáçîð... +ButtonNewFolder=&Ñîçäàòü ïàïêó + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Âûáåðèòå ÿçûê óñòàíîâêè +SelectLanguageLabel=Âûáåðèòå ÿçûê, êîòîðûé áóäåò èñïîëüçîâàí â ïðîöåññå óñòàíîâêè: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Íàæìèòå «Äàëåå», ÷òîáû ïðîäîëæèòü, èëè «Îòìåíà», ÷òîáû âûéòè èç ïðîãðàììû óñòàíîâêè. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Îáçîð ïàïîê +BrowseDialogLabel=Âûáåðèòå ïàïêó èç ñïèñêà è íàæìèòå «ÎÊ». +NewFolderName=Íîâàÿ ïàïêà + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Âàñ ïðèâåòñòâóåò Ìàñòåð óñòàíîâêè [name] +WelcomeLabel2=Ïðîãðàììà óñòàíîâèò [name/ver] íà âàø êîìïüþòåð.%n%nÐåêîìåíäóåòñÿ çàêðûòü âñå ïðî÷èå ïðèëîæåíèÿ ïåðåä òåì, êàê ïðîäîëæèòü. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Ïàðîëü +PasswordLabel1=Ýòà ïðîãðàììà çàùèùåíà ïàðîëåì. +PasswordLabel3=Ïîæàëóéñòà, íàáåðèòå ïàðîëü, ïîòîì íàæìèòå «Äàëåå». 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Ïðåïîðó÷ó¼åìî âàì äà çàäðæèòå ïîñòî¼åžó äàòîòåêó.%n%nÆåëèòå ëè òî äà óðàäèòå? +ErrorChangingAttr=Äîøëî ¼å äî ãðåøêå ïðè èçìåíè îñîáèíå ñëåäåžå äàòîòåêå: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Äîøëî ¼å äî ãðåøêå ïðè ñòâàðàœó äàòîòåêå ó îäðåäèøíî¼ ôàñöèêëè: +ErrorReadingSource=Äîøëî ¼å äî ãðåøêå ïðè ÷èòàœó èçâîðíå äàòîòåêå: +ErrorCopying=Äîøëî ¼å äî ãðåøêå ïðè óìíîæàâàœó äàòîòåêå: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Äîøëî ¼å äî ãðåøêå ïðè çàìåíè ïîñòî¼åžå äàòîòåêå: +ErrorRestartReplace=Íå ìîãó äà çàìåíèì: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Äîøëî ¼å äî ãðåøêå ïðè ïðåèìåíîâàœó äàòîòåêå ó îäðåäèøíî¼ ôàñöèêëè: +ErrorRegisterServer=Íå ìîãó äà óïèøåì DLL/OCX: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 íè¼å óñïåî. Ãðåøêà %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Íå ìîãó äà óïèøåì áèáëèîòåêó òèïîâà: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Äîøëî ¼å äî ãðåøêå ïðè îòâàðàœó òåêñòóàëíå äàòîòåêå. +ErrorRestartingComputer=Íå ìîãó ïîíîâî äà ïîêðåíåì ðà÷óíàð. Óðàäèòå òî ñàìè. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Äàòîòåêà „%1“ íå ïîñòî¼è. Íå ìîãó äà äåèíñòàëèðàì ïðîãðàì. +UninstallOpenError=Äàòîòåêà „%1“ íå ìîæå äà ñå îòâîðè. Íå ìîãó äà äåèíñòàëèðàì ïðîãðàì. +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Èçâåøò༠„%1“ ¼å ó íåïðåïîçíàòšèâîì ôîðìàòó. Íå ìîãó äà äåèíñòàëèðàì ïðîãðàì. +UninstallUnknownEntry=Íåïîçíàò óíîñ (%1) ñå ïî¼àâèî ó èçâåøòà¼ó äåèíñòàëàöè¼å. +ConfirmUninstall=Æåëèòå ëè äà äåèíñòàëèðàòå %1 è ñâå œåãîâå êîìïîíåíòå? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Ïðîãðàì ñå ìîæå äåèíñòàëèðàòè ñàìî íà 64-áèòíîì âèíäîóñó. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Ïðîãðàì ìîæå äåèíñòàëèðàòè ñàìî êîðèñíèê ñ àäìèíèñòðàòîðñêèì ïðàâèìà. +UninstallStatusLabel=Ñà÷åêà¼òå äà ñå %1 äåèíñòàëèðà ñà ðà÷óíàðà. +UninstalledAll=%1 ¼å äåèíñòàëèðàí ñà ðà÷óíàðà. +UninstalledMost=%1 ¼å äåèíñòàëèðàí.%n%nÍåêå êîìïîíåíòå èïàê ìîðàòè ñàìè îáðèñàòè. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Ïîòðåáíî ¼å ïîíîâíî ïîêðåòàœå ðà÷óíàðà äà áè ñå èíñòàëàöè¼à çàâðøèëà.%n%nÆåëèòå ëè äà ïîíîâî ïîêðåíåòå ðà÷óíàð? +UninstallDataCorrupted=Äàòîòåêà „%1“ ¼å îøòåžåíà. Íå ìîãó äà äåèíñòàëèðàì ïðîãðàì. + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Áðèñàœå äåšåíå äàòîòåêå +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Ñèñòåì ¼å ïðè¼àâèî äà ñëåäåžó äåšåíó äàòîòåêó âèøå íå êîðèñòè íè¼åäàí ïðîãðàì. Æåëèòå ëè äà ¼å óêëîíèòå?%n%nÀêî íåêèì ïðîãðàìèìà è äàšå òðåáà îâà äàòîòåêà à îíà ¼å îáðèñàíà, òè ïðîãðàìè ìîæäà íåžå èñïðàâíî ðàäèòè. Àêî íèñòå ñèãóðíè øòà äà ðàäèòå, êëèêíèòå íà „Íå“. Îñòàâšàœå äàòîòåêå íà äèñêó íåžå ïðîóçðîêîâàòè íèêàêâó øòåòó. +SharedFileNameLabel=Íàçèâ äàòîòåêå: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Ïóòàœà: +WizardUninstalling=Ñòàœå äåèíñòàëàöè¼å +StatusUninstalling=Äåèíñòàëèðàì %1… + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Èíñòàëèðàì %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Äåèíñòàëèðàì %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 âåðçè¼à %2 +AdditionalIcons=Äîäàòíå èêîíå: +CreateDesktopIcon=&Ïîñòàâè èêîíó íà ðàäíó ïîâðøèíó +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Ï&îñòàâè èêîíó íà òðàêó çà áðçî ïîêðåòàœå +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 íà èíòåðíåòó +UninstallProgram=Äåèíñòàëèð༠%1 +LaunchProgram=Ïîêðåíè %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Ïîâåæè %1 ñà ôîðìàòîì %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Ïîâåçó¼åì %1 ñà ôîðìàòîì %2… +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Ïîêðåòàœå: +AutoStartProgram=Àóòîìàòñêè ïîêðåíè %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 ñå íå íàëàçè ó íàâåäåíî¼ ôàñöèêëè.%n%nÆåëèòå ëè èïàê äà íàñòàâèòå? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/SerbianLatin.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/SerbianLatin.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4c28549d --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/SerbianLatin.isl @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Serbian (Latin) messages *** +; +; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to: +; +; +; Translated by Rancher ( +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). + +[LangOptions] +; The following three entries are very important. Be sure to read and +; understand the '[LangOptions] section' topic in the help file. +LanguageName=Srpski +LanguageID=$081a +LanguageCodePage=1250 +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName= +;DialogFontSize=8 +;WelcomeFontName=Verdana +;WelcomeFontSize=12 +;TitleFontName=Arial +;TitleFontSize=29 +;CopyrightFontName=Arial +;CopyrightFontSize=8 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Instalacija +SetupWindowTitle=Instalacija – %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Deinstalacija +UninstallAppFullTitle=Deinstalacija programa %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Podaci +ConfirmTitle=Potvrda +ErrorTitle=Greška + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Instaliraæete %1. Želite li da nastavite? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Ne mogu da napravim privremenu datoteku. Instalacija je prekinuta. +LdrCannotExecTemp=Ne mogu da pokrenem datoteku u privremenoj fascikli. Instalacija je prekinuta. + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nGreška %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=Datoteka %1 nedostaje u instalacionoj fascikli. Ispravite problem ili nabavite novi primerak programa. +SetupFileCorrupt=Instalacione datoteke su ošteæene. Nabavite novi primerak programa. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Instalacione datoteke su ošteæene ili nisu saglasne s ovom verzijom instalacije. Ispravite problem ili nabavite novi primerak programa. +InvalidParameter=Neispravan parametar je prenet na komandnu liniju: %n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Instalacija je veæ pokrenuta. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Program ne podržava izdanje vindousa koje koristite. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Program zahteva %1 servisni paket %2 ili noviji. +NotOnThisPlatform=Program neæe raditi na %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Program æe raditi na %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Program se može instalirati samo na izdanjima vindousa koji rade na sledeæim arhitekturama procesora:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=Izdanje vindousa koje koristite ne sadrži funkcionalnost potrebnu za izvršavanje 64-bitnih instalacija. Instalirajte servisni paket %1 da biste rešili ovaj problem. +WinVersionTooLowError=Program zahteva %1, izdanje %2 ili novije. +WinVersionTooHighError=Program ne možete instalirati na %1 izdanju %2 ili novijem. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Morate biti prijavljeni kao administrator da biste instalirali program. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Morate biti prijavljeni kao administrator ili ovlašæeni korisnik da biste instalirali program. +SetupAppRunningError=Program %1 je trenutno pokrenut.%n%nZatvorite ga i kliknite na dugme „U redu“ da nastavite ili „Otkaži“ da napustite instalaciju. +UninstallAppRunningError=Program %1 je trenutno pokrenut.%n%nZatvorite ga i kliknite na dugme „U redu“ da nastavite ili „Otkaži“ da napustite instalaciju. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Ne mogu da napravim fasciklu „%1“. +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Ne mogu da napravim datoteku u fascikli „%1“ jer sadrži previše datoteka. + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Napuštanje instalacije +ExitSetupMessage=Instalacija nije završena. Ako sada izaðete, program neæe biti instaliran.%n%nInstalaciju možete pokrenuti i dovršiti nekom dugom prilikom.%n%nŽelite li da je zatvorite? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&O programu +AboutSetupTitle=Podaci o programu +AboutSetupMessage=%1 verzija %2%n%3%n%n%1 matièna stranica:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Serbian translation by Rancher. + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Nazad +ButtonNext=&Dalje > +ButtonInstall=&Instaliraj +ButtonOK=&U redu +ButtonCancel=&Otkaži +ButtonYes=&Da +ButtonYesToAll=D&a za sve +ButtonNo=&Ne +ButtonNoToAll=N&e za sve +ButtonFinish=&Završi +ButtonBrowse=&Potraži… +ButtonWizardBrowse=&Potraži… +ButtonNewFolder=&Napravi fasciklu + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Odabir jezika +SelectLanguageLabel=Izaberite jezik tokom instalacije: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Kliknite na „Dalje“ da nastavite ili „Otkaži“ da napustite instalaciju. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Odabir fascikle +BrowseDialogLabel=Izaberite fasciklu sa spiska i kliknite na „U redu“. +NewFolderName=Nova fascikla + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Dobro došli na instalaciju programa [name] +WelcomeLabel2=Instaliraæete [name/ver] na raèunar.%n%nPre nego što nastavite, preporuèujemo vam da zatvorite sve druge programe. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Lozinka +PasswordLabel1=Instalacija je zaštiæena lozinkom. +PasswordLabel3=Unesite lozinku i kliknite na „Dalje“ da nastavite. Imajte na umu da je lozinka osetljiva na mala i velika slova. +PasswordEditLabel=&Lozinka: +IncorrectPassword=Navedena lozinka nije ispravna. Pokušajte ponovo. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard +WizardLicense=Ugovor o licenci +LicenseLabel=Pažljivo proèitajte sledeæe pre nego što nastavite. +LicenseLabel3=Proèitajte Ugovor o licenci koji se nalazi ispod. Morate prihvatiti uslove ovog ugovora pre nego što nastavite. +LicenseAccepted=&Prihvatam ugovor +LicenseNotAccepted=&Ne prihvatam ugovor + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Informacije +InfoBeforeLabel=Pažljivo proèitajte sledeæe pre nego što nastavite. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Kada budete spremni da nastavite instalaciju, kliknite na „Dalje“. +WizardInfoAfter=Informacije +InfoAfterLabel=Pažljivo proèitajte sledeæe pre nego što nastavite. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Kada budete spremni da nastavite instalaciju, kliknite na „Dalje“. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Korisnièki podaci +UserInfoDesc=Unesite svoje podatke. +UserInfoName=&Korisnik: +UserInfoOrg=&Organizacija: +UserInfoSerial=&Serijski broj: +UserInfoNameRequired=Morate navesti ime. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Odabir odredišne fascikle +SelectDirDesc=Izaberite mesto na kom želite da instalirate [name]. +SelectDirLabel3=Program æe instalirati [name] u sledeæu fasciklu. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Kliknite na „Dalje“ da nastavite. Ako želite da izaberete drugu fasciklu, kliknite na „Potraži…“. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Potrebno je najmanje [mb] MB slobodnog prostora na disku. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Ne mogu da instaliram na mrežnu jedinicu. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=Ne mogu da instaliram na UNC putanju. +InvalidPath=Morate navesti punu putanju s obeležjem diska (npr.%n%nC:\APP%n%nili putanja u obliku%n%n\\server\share) +InvalidDrive=Disk koji ste izabrali ne postoji ili nije dostupan. Izaberite neki drugi. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Nedovoljno prostora na disku +DiskSpaceWarning=Program zahteva najmanje %1 kB slobodnog prostora, a izabrani disk na raspolaganju ima samo %2 kB.%n%nŽelite li ipak da nastavite? +DirNameTooLong=Naziv fascikle ili putanja je predugaèka. +InvalidDirName=Naziv fascikle nije ispravan. +BadDirName32=Naziv fascikle ne sme sadržati ništa od sledeæeg:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Fascikla veæ postoji +DirExists=Fascikla:%n%n%1%n%nveæ postoji. Želite li ipak da instalirate program u nju? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Fascikla ne postoji +DirDoesntExist=Fascikla:%n%n%1%n%nne postoji. Želite li da je napravite? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Odabir komponenata +SelectComponentsDesc=Koje komponente želite da instalirate? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Izaberite komponente koje želite da instalirate, a oèistite one koje ne želite. Kliknite na „Dalje“ da nastavite. +FullInstallation=Puna instalacija +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Podrazumevana instalacija +CustomInstallation=Prilagoðena instalacija +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Komponente veæ postoje +NoUninstallWarning=Sledeæe komponente veæ postoje na raèunaru:%n%n%1%n%nDeštrikliranje ovih komponenti ih neæe ukloniti.%n%nŽelite li da nastavite? +ComponentSize1=%1 kB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=Izabrane stavke zahtevaju najmanje [mb] MB slobodnog prostora. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Odabir dodatnih zadataka +SelectTasksDesc=Izaberite neke dodatne zadatke. +SelectTasksLabel2=Izaberite dodatne zadatke koje želite da izvršite pri instaliranju programa [name] i kliknite na „Dalje“. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Odabir fascikle u meniju „Start“ +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Izaberite mesto na kom želite da postavite preèice. +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Instalacija æe postaviti preèice programa u sledeæoj fascikli u meniju „Start“. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Kliknite na „Dalje“ da nastavite. Ako želite da izaberete drugu fasciklu, kliknite na „Potraži…“. +MustEnterGroupName=Morate navesti naziv fascikle. +GroupNameTooLong=Naziv fascikle ili putanja je predugaèka. +InvalidGroupName=Naziv fascikle nije ispravan. +BadGroupName=Naziv fascikle ne sme sadržati ništa od sledeæeg:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=N&e pravi fasciklu u meniju „Start“ + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Instalacija je spremna +ReadyLabel1=Program je spreman da instalira [name] na raèunar. +ReadyLabel2a=Kliknite na „Instaliraj“ da zapoènete instalaciju ili „Nazad“ da ponovo pregledate i promenite pojedine postavke. +ReadyLabel2b=Kliknite na „Instaliraj“ da zapoènete instalaciju. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Korisnièki podaci: +ReadyMemoDir=Odredišna fascikla: +ReadyMemoType=Vrsta instalacije: +ReadyMemoComponents=Izabrane komponente: +ReadyMemoGroup=Fascikla u meniju „Start“: +ReadyMemoTasks=Dodatni zadaci: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Priprema za instalaciju +PreparingDesc=Program se priprema da instalira [name] na raèunar. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=Instalacija ili deinstalacija prethodnog programa nije završena. Potrebno je da ponovo pokrenete raèunar da bi se instalacija završila.%n%nNakon ponovnog pokretanja, otvorite instalaciju i instalirajte program [name]. +CannotContinue=Ne mogu da nastavim instalaciju. Kliknite na „Otkaži“ da izaðete. +ApplicationsFound=Sledeæi programi koriste datoteke koje treba da ažurira instalacioni program. Preporuèujemo vam da dozvolite instalacionom programu da zatvori ove programe. +ApplicationsFound2=Sledeæi programi koriste datoteke koje treba da ažurira instalacioni program. Preporuèujemo vam da dozvolite instalacionom programu da zatvori ove programe. Nakon što se instalacija završi, instalacioni program æe pokušati da ponovo pokrene zatvorene programe. +CloseApplications=&Zatvori programe +DontCloseApplications=&Ne zatvaraj programe +ErrorCloseApplications=Ne mogu da zatvorim sve programe. Pre nego što nastavite, preporuèujemo vam da zatvorite sve programe koji koriste datoteke koje treba da ažurira instalacioni program. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Instaliranje +InstallingLabel=Saèekajte da se [name] instalira na raèunar. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=[name] – završetak instalacije +FinishedLabelNoIcons=Instaliranje programa [name] je završeno. +FinishedLabel=Instaliranje programa [name] je završeno. Možete ga pokrenuti preko postavljenih ikona. +ClickFinish=Kliknite na „Završi“ da izaðete. +FinishedRestartLabel=Potrebno je ponovno pokretanje raèunara da bi se instalacija završila. Želite li da ga ponovo pokrenete? +FinishedRestartMessage=Potrebno je ponovno pokretanje raèunara da bi se instalacija završila.%n%nŽelite li da ga ponovo pokrenete? +ShowReadmeCheck=Da, želim da pogledam tekstualnu datoteku +YesRadio=&Da, ponovo pokreni raèunar +NoRadio=&Ne, kasnije æu ga pokrenuti +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=&Pokreni %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Pogledaj %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=Sledeæi disk +SelectDiskLabel2=Ubacite disk %1 i kliknite na „U redu“.%n%nAko se datoteke na ovom disku mogu pronaæi u nekoj drugoj fascikli, unesite odgovarajuæu putanju ili kliknite na „Potraži…“. +PathLabel=&Putanja: +FileNotInDir2=Datoteka „%1“ se ne nalazi u „%2“. Ubacite pravi disk ili izaberite drugu fasciklu. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Izaberite mesto sledeæeg diska. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=Instalacija nije završena.%n%nIspravite problem i pokrenite je ponovo. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Kliknite na „Pokušaj opet“ da ponovite radnju, „Zanemari“ da nastavite u svakom sluèaju ili „Prekini“ da obustavite instalaciju. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Zatvaram programe… +StatusCreateDirs=Pravim fascikle… +StatusExtractFiles=Raspakujem datoteke… +StatusCreateIcons=Postavljam preèice… +StatusCreateIniEntries=Postavljam INI unose… +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Postavljam unose u registar… +StatusRegisterFiles=Upisujem datoteke… +StatusSavingUninstall=Èuvam podatke o deinstalaciji… +StatusRunProgram=Završavam instalaciju… +StatusRestartingApplications=Ponovo pokreæem programe… +StatusRollback=Poništavam izmene… + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Unutrašnja greška: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 neuspeh +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 neuspeh; kod %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 neuspeh; kod %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Ne mogu da pokrenem datoteku:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Greška pri otvaranju unosa u registru:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Greška pri stvaranju unosa u registru:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Greška pri upisivanju unosa u registar:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Greška pri stvaranju INI unosa u datoteci „%1“. + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Kliknite na „Pokušaj opet“ da ponovite radnju, „Zanemari“ da preskoèite datoteku (ne preporuèuje se) ili „Prekini“ da obustavite instalaciju. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Kliknite na „Pokušaj opet“ da ponovite radnju, „Zanemari“ da nastavite u svakom sluèaju (ne preporuèuje se) ili „Prekini“ da obustavite instalaciju. +SourceIsCorrupted=Izvorna datoteka je ošteæena +SourceDoesntExist=Izvorna datoteka „%1“ ne postoji +ExistingFileReadOnly=Postojeæa datoteka je samo za èitanje.%n%nKliknite na „Pokušaj opet“ da uklonite osobinu „samo za èitanje“ i ponovite radnju, „Zanemari“ da preskoèite datoteku ili „Prekini“ da obustavite instalaciju. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Došlo je do greške pri pokušaju èitanja postojeæe datoteke: +FileExists=Datoteka veæ postoji.%n%nŽelite li da je zamenite? +ExistingFileNewer=Postojeæa datoteka je novija od one koju treba postaviti. Preporuèujemo vam da zadržite postojeæu datoteku.%n%nŽelite li to da uradite? +ErrorChangingAttr=Došlo je do greške pri izmeni osobine sledeæe datoteke: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Došlo je do greške pri stvaranju datoteke u odredišnoj fascikli: +ErrorReadingSource=Došlo je do greške pri èitanju izvorne datoteke: +ErrorCopying=Došlo je do greške pri umnožavanju datoteke: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Došlo je do greške pri zameni postojeæe datoteke: +ErrorRestartReplace=Ne mogu da zamenim: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Došlo je do greške pri preimenovanju datoteke u odredišnoj fascikli: +ErrorRegisterServer=Ne mogu da upišem DLL/OCX: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 nije uspeo. Greška %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Ne mogu da upišem biblioteku tipova: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Došlo je do greške pri otvaranju tekstualne datoteke. +ErrorRestartingComputer=Ne mogu ponovo da pokrenem raèunar. Uradite to sami. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Datoteka „%1“ ne postoji. Ne mogu da deinstaliram program. +UninstallOpenError=Datoteka „%1“ ne može da se otvori. Ne mogu da deinstaliram program. +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Izveštaj „%1“ je u neprepoznatljivom formatu. Ne mogu da deinstaliram program. +UninstallUnknownEntry=Nepoznat unos (%1) se pojavio u izveštaju deinstalacije. +ConfirmUninstall=Želite li da deinstalirate %1 i sve njegove komponente? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Program se može deinstalirati samo na 64-bitnom vindousu. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Program može deinstalirati samo korisnik s administratorskim pravima. +UninstallStatusLabel=Saèekajte da se %1 deinstalira sa raèunara. +UninstalledAll=%1 je deinstaliran sa raèunara. +UninstalledMost=%1 je deinstaliran.%n%nNeke komponente ipak morati sami obrisati. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Potrebno je ponovno pokretanje raèunara da bi se instalacija završila.%n%nŽelite li da ponovo pokrenete raèunar? +UninstallDataCorrupted=Datoteka „%1“ je ošteæena. Ne mogu da deinstaliram program. + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Brisanje deljene datoteke +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Sistem je prijavio da sledeæu deljenu datoteku više ne koristi nijedan program. Želite li da je uklonite?%n%nAko nekim programima i dalje treba ova datoteka a ona je obrisana, ti programi možda neæe ispravno raditi. Ako niste sigurni šta da radite, kliknite na „Ne“. Ostavljanje datoteke na disku neæe prouzrokovati nikakvu štetu. +SharedFileNameLabel=Naziv datoteke: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Putanja: +WizardUninstalling=Stanje deinstalacije +StatusUninstalling=Deinstaliram %1… + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Instaliram %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Deinstaliram %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 verzija %2 +AdditionalIcons=Dodatne ikone: +CreateDesktopIcon=&Postavi ikonu na radnu površinu +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=P&ostavi ikonu na traku za brzo pokretanje +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 na internetu +UninstallProgram=Deinstaliraj %1 +LaunchProgram=Pokreni %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Poveži %1 sa formatom %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Povezujem %1 sa formatom %2… +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Pokretanje: +AutoStartProgram=Automatski pokreni %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 se ne nalazi u navedenoj fascikli.%n%nŽelite li ipak da nastavite? \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Slovenian.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Slovenian.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..78414218 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Slovenian.isl @@ -0,0 +1,327 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Slovenian messages *** +; +; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to: +; +; +; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of +; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno +; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in +; two periods being displayed). +; +; Maintained by Jernej Simoncic (jernej| +; +; $jrsoftware: issrc/Files/Languages/Slovenian.isl,v 1.14 2007/02/27 18:22:41 jr Exp $ + +[LangOptions] +LanguageName=Slovenski +LanguageID=$0424 +LanguageCodePage=1250 + +DialogFontName= +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Namestitev +SetupWindowTitle=Namestitev - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Odstranitev +UninstallAppFullTitle=Odstranitev programa %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Informacija +ConfirmTitle=Potrditev +ErrorTitle=Napaka + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=V raèunalnik boste namestili program %1. Želite nadaljevati? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Ni bilo mogoèe ustvariti zaèasne datoteke. Namestitev je prekinjena +LdrCannotExecTemp=Ni bilo mogoèe zagnati datoteke v zaèasni mapi. Namestitev je prekinjena + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nNapaka %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=Datoteka %1 manjka. Odpravite napako ali si priskrbite drugo kopijo programa. +SetupFileCorrupt=Datoteke namestitvenega programa so okvarjene. Priskrbite si drugo kopijo programa. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Datoteke so okvarjene ali nezdružljive s to razlièico namestitvenega programa. Odpravite napako ali si priskrbite drugo kopijo programa. +InvalidParameter=Naveden je bil napaèen parameter ukazne vrstice:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Namestitveni program je že zagnan. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Program ne deluje na vaši razlièici sistema Windows. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Program potrebuje %1 s servisnim paketom %2 ali novejšo razlièico. +NotOnThisPlatform=Program ni namenjen za uporabo v %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Program je namenjen za uporabo v %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Program lahko namestite le na razlièicah MS Windows sistemov, ki so naèrtovani za naslednje tipe procesorjev:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=Razlièica sistema Windows, ki jo uporabljate, ne vsebuje okolja, ki ga zahteva namestitveni program za izvedbo 64-bitne namestitve. Problem odpravite z namestitvijo servisnega paketa %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Ta program zahteva %1 razlièico %2 ali novejšo. +WinVersionTooHighError=Tega programa ne morete namestiti v %1 razlièice %2 ali novejše. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Za namestitev programa morate biti prijavljeni v raèun s skrbniškimi pravicami. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Za namestitev programa morate biti prijavljeni v raèun s skrbniškimi ali power user pravicami. +SetupAppRunningError=Program %1 je trenutno odprt.%n%nZaprite program, nato kliknite V redu za nadaljevanje ali Preklièi za izhod. +UninstallAppRunningError=Program %1 je trenutno odprt.%n%nZaprite program, nato kliknite V redu za nadaljevanje ali Preklièi za izhod. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=Namestitveni program ni mogel ustvariti mape "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Namestitveni program ne more ustvariti nove datoteke v mapi "%1", ker vsebuje preveè datotek + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Prekini namestitev +ExitSetupMessage=Namestitev ni konèana. Èe jo boste prekinili, program ne bo namešèen.%n%nPonovno namestitev lahko izvedete kasneje.%n%nŽelite prekiniti namestitev? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&O namestitvenem programu... +AboutSetupTitle=O namestitvenem programu +AboutSetupMessage=%1 razlièica %2%n%3%n%n%1 domaèa stran:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Slovenski prevod:%nMiha Remec ( Simonèiè (jernej| + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< Na&zaj +ButtonNext=&Naprej > +ButtonInstall=&Namesti +ButtonOK=V redu +ButtonCancel=Preklièi +ButtonYes=&Da +ButtonYesToAll=Da za &vse +ButtonNo=&Ne +ButtonNoToAll=N&e za vse +ButtonFinish=&Konèaj +ButtonBrowse=Pre&brskaj... +ButtonWizardBrowse=Pre&brskaj... +ButtonNewFolder=&Ustvari novo mapo + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Izbira jezika namestitve +SelectLanguageLabel=Izberite jezik, ki ga želite uporabljati med namestitvijo: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Kliknite Naprej za nadaljevanje namestitve ali Preklièi za prekinitev namestitve. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Izbira mape +BrowseDialogLabel=Izberite mapo s spiska, nato kliknite V redu. +NewFolderName=Nova mapa + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Dobrodošli v namestitev programa [name]. +WelcomeLabel2=V raèunalnik boste namestili program [name/ver].%n%nPriporoèljivo je, da pred zaèetkom namestitve zaprete vse odprte programe. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Geslo +PasswordLabel1=Namestitev je zašèitena z geslom. +PasswordLabel3=Vpišite geslo, nato kliknite Naprej za nadaljevanje. Pri vpisu pazite na male in velike èrke. +PasswordEditLabel=&Geslo: +IncorrectPassword=Vnešeno geslo ni pravilno. Poizkusite ponovno. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Licenèna pogodba za uporabo programa +LicenseLabel=Pred nadaljevanjem preberite licenèno pogodbo za uporabo programa. +LicenseLabel3=Preberite licenèno pogodbo za uporabo programa. Program lahko namestite le, èe se s pogodbo v celoti strinjate. +LicenseAccepted=&Da, sprejemam vse pogoje licenène pogodbe +LicenseNotAccepted=N&e, pogojev licenène pogodbe ne sprejmem + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Informacije +InfoBeforeLabel=Pred nadaljevanjem preberite naslednje pomembne informacije. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Ko boste pripravljeni na nadaljevanje namestitve, kliknite Naprej. +WizardInfoAfter=Informacije +InfoAfterLabel=Pred nadaljevanjem preberite naslednje pomembne informacije. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Ko boste pripravljeni na nadaljevanje namestitve, kliknite Naprej. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Podatki o uporabniku +UserInfoDesc=Vnesite svoje podatke. +UserInfoName=&Ime: +UserInfoOrg=&Podjetje: +UserInfoSerial=&Serijska številka: +UserInfoNameRequired=Vnos imena je obvezen. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Izbira ciljnega mesta +SelectDirDesc=Kam želite namestiti program [name]? +SelectDirLabel3=Program [name] bo namešèen v naslednjo mapo. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Za nadaljevanje kliknite Naprej. Èe želite izbrati drugo mapo, kliknite Prebrskaj. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Na disku mora biti vsaj [mb] MB prostora. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Programa ni mogoèe namestiti na mrežni pogon. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=Programa ni mogoèe namestiti v UNC pot. +InvalidPath=Vpisati morate polno pot vkljuèno z oznako pogona. Primer:%n%nC:\PROGRAM%n%nali UNC pot v obliki:%n%n\\strežnik\mapa_skupne_rabe +InvalidDrive=Izbrani pogon ali omrežno sredstvo UNC ne obstaja ali ni dostopno. Izberite drugega. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Na disku ni dovolj prostora +DiskSpaceWarning=Namestitev potrebuje vsaj %1 KB prostora, toda na izbranem pogonu je na voljo le %2 KB.%n%nŽelite kljub temu nadaljevati? +DirNameTooLong=Ime mape ali poti je predolgo. +InvalidDirName=Ime mape ni veljavno. +BadDirName32=Ime mape ne sme vsebovati naslednjih znakov:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=Mapa že obstaja +DirExists=Mapa%n%n%1%n%nže obstaja. Želite program vseeno namestiti v to mapo? +DirDoesntExistTitle=Mapa ne obstaja +DirDoesntExist=Mapa %n%n%1%n%nne obstaja. Ali jo želite ustvariti? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Izbira komponent +SelectComponentsDesc=Katere komponente želite namestiti? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Oznaèite komponente, ki jih želite namestiti; odznaèite komponente, ki jih ne želite namestiti. Kliknite Naprej, ko boste pripravljeni za nadaljevanje. +FullInstallation=Polna namestitev +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Osnovna namestitev +CustomInstallation=Namestitev po meri +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Komponente že obstajajo +NoUninstallWarning=Namestitveni program je ugotovil, da so naslednje komponente že namešèene v raèunalniku:%n%n%1%n%nOdznaèitev teh komponent še ne pomeni tudi njihove odstranitve.%n%nŽelite vseeno nadaljevati? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=Za izbrano namestitev potrebujete vsaj [mb] MB prostora na disku. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Izbira dodatnih opravil +SelectTasksDesc=Katera dodatna opravila želite izvesti? +SelectTasksLabel2=Izberite dodatna opravila, ki jih bo namestitveni program opravil med namestitvijo programa [name], nato kliknite Naprej. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Izbira mape v meniju »Start« +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Kje naj namestitveni program ustvari bližnjice? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Namestitveni program bo ustvaril bližnjice v naslednji mapi v meniju »Start«. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Za nadaljevanje kliknite Naprej. Èe želite izbrati drugo mapo, kliknite Prebrskaj. +MustEnterGroupName=Ime skupine mora biti vpisano. +GroupNameTooLong=Ime mape ali poti je predolgo. +InvalidGroupName=Ime mape ni veljavno. +BadGroupName=Ime skupine ne sme vsebovati naslednjih znakov:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&Ne ustvari mape v meniju »Start« + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Pripravljen za namestitev +ReadyLabel1=Namestitveni program je pripravljen za namestitev programa [name] v vaš raèunalnik. +ReadyLabel2a=Kliknite Namesti za zaèetek namešèanja. Kliknite Nazaj, èe želite pregledati ali spremeniti katerokoli nastavitev. +ReadyLabel2b=Kliknite Namesti za zaèetek namešèanja. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Podatki o uporabniku: +ReadyMemoDir=Ciljno mesto: +ReadyMemoType=Tip namestitve: +ReadyMemoComponents=Izbrane komponente: +ReadyMemoGroup=Mapa v meniju »Start«: +ReadyMemoTasks=Dodatna opravila: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Pripravljam za namestitev +PreparingDesc=Namestitveni program je pripravljen za namestitev programa [name] v vaš raèunalnik. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=Namestitev ali odstranitev prejšnjega programa ni bila konèana. Da bi jo dokonèali, morate raèunalnik znova zagnati.%n%nPo ponovnem zagonu raèunalnika znova zaženite namestitveni program, da boste konèali namestitev programa [name]. +CannotContinue=Namestitveni program ne more nadaljevati. Pritisnite Preklièi za izhod. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +ApplicationsFound=Naslednji programi uporabljajo datoteke, ki jih mora namestitveni program posodobiti. Priporoèljivo je, da namestitvenemu programu dovolite, da te programe konèa. +ApplicationsFound2=Naslednji programi uporabljajo datoteke, ki jih mora namestitveni program posodobiti. Priporoèljivo je, da namestitvenemu programu dovolite, da te programe konèa. Po koncu namestitve bo namestitveni program poizkusil znova zagnati te programe. +CloseApplications=S&amodejno zapri programe +DontCloseApplications=&Ne zapri programov +ErrorCloseApplications=Namestitvenemu programu ni uspelo samodejno zapreti vseh programov. Priporoèljivo je, da pred nadaljevanjem zaprete vse programe, ki uporabljajo datoteke, katere mora namestitev posodobiti. + +WizardInstalling=Namešèanje +InstallingLabel=Poèakajte, da bo program [name] namešèen v vaš raèunalnik. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Zakljuèek namestitve programa [name] +FinishedLabelNoIcons=Program [name] je namešèen v vaš raèunalnik. +FinishedLabel=Program [name] je namešèen v vaš raèunalnik. Program zaženete tako, da odprete pravkar ustvarjene programske ikone. +ClickFinish=Kliknite tipko Konèaj za zakljuèek namestitve. +FinishedRestartLabel=Za dokonèanje namestitve programa [name] morate raèunalnik znova zagnati. Ali ga želite znova zagnati zdaj? +FinishedRestartMessage=Za dokonèanje namestitve programa [name] morate raèunalnik znova zagnati. %n%nAli ga želite znova zagnati zdaj? +ShowReadmeCheck=Želim prebrati datoteko z navodili +YesRadio=&Da, raèunalnik znova zaženi zdaj +NoRadio=&Ne, raèunalnik bom znova zagnal pozneje + +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Odpri %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Preberi %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=Namestitveni program potrebuje naslednji disk +SelectDiskLabel2=Vstavite disk %1 in kliknite V redu.%n%nÈe se datoteke s tega diska nahajajo v drugi mapi kot je navedena spodaj, vpišite pravilno pot ali kliknite Prebrskaj. +PathLabel=&Pot: +FileNotInDir2=Datoteke "%1" ni v mapi "%2". Vstavite pravilni disk ali izberite drugo mapo. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Vnesite mesto naslednjega diska. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=Namestitev ni bila konèana.%n%nOdpravite težavo in znova odprite namestitveni program. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Kliknite Ponovi za ponovitev, Prezri za nadaljevanje kljub problemu, ali Prekini za prekinitev namestitve. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Zapiranje programov... +StatusCreateDirs=Ustvarjanje map... +StatusExtractFiles=Razširjanje datotek... +StatusCreateIcons=Ustvarjanje bližnjic... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Vpisovanje v INI datoteke... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Ustvarjanje vnosov v register... +StatusRegisterFiles=Registriranje datotek... +StatusSavingUninstall=Zapisovanje podatkov za odstranitev... +StatusRunProgram=Zakljuèevanje namestitve... +StatusRestartingApplications=Zaganjanje programov... +StatusRollback=Obnavljanje prvotnega stanja... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Interna napaka: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 ni uspel(a) +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 ni uspel(a); koda %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 ni uspela; koda %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Ne morem zagnati programa:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Napaka pri odpiranju kljuèa v registru:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Napaka pri ustvarjanju kljuèa v registru:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Napaka pri pisanju kljuèa v registru:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Napaka pri vpisu v INI datoteko "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Kliknite Ponovi za ponovitev, Prezri za preskok datoteke (ni priporoèljivo) ali Prekini za prekinitev namestitve. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Kliknite Ponovi za ponovitev, Prezri za nadaljevanje (ni priporoèljivo) ali Prekini za prekinitev namestitve. +SourceIsCorrupted=Izvorna datoteka je okvarjena +SourceDoesntExist=Izvorna datoteka "%1" ne obstaja +ExistingFileReadOnly=Obstojeèa datoteka je oznaèena samo za branje.%n%nPritisnite Ponovi za odstranitev te lastnosti in ponovni poskus, Prezri za preskok te datoteke, ali Prekini za prekinitev namestitve. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Pri branju obstojeèe datoteke je prišlo do napake: +FileExists=Datoteka že obstaja.%n%nŽelite, da jo namestitveni program prepiše? +ExistingFileNewer=V raèunalniku je namešèena razlièica datoteke, ki je novejša, kot ta, ki je v namestitvenem programu. Priporoèljivo je, da obdržite obstojeèo datoteko.%n%nŽelite obdržati obstojeèo datoteko? +ErrorChangingAttr=Pri poskusu spremembe lastnosti datoteke je prišlo do napake: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Pri ustvarjanju datoteke v ciljni mapi je prišlo do napake: +ErrorReadingSource=Pri branju izvorne datoteke je prišlo do napake: +ErrorCopying=Pri kopiranju datoteke je prišlo do napake: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Pri poskusu zamenjave obstojeèe datoteke je prišlo do napake: +ErrorRestartReplace=RestartReplace failed: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Pri poskusu preimenovanja datoteke v ciljni mapi je prišlo do napake: +ErrorRegisterServer=Registracija DLL/OCX ni možna: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 ni uspel s kodo napake %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Prijava vrste knjižnice ni mogoèa: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Pri odpiranju datoteke README je prišlo do napake. +ErrorRestartingComputer=Namestitveni program ni uspel znova zagnati raèunalnika. Ponovni zagon opravite roèno. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=Datoteka "%1" ne obstaja. Odstranitev ni mogoèa. +UninstallOpenError=Datoteke "%1" ne morem odpreti. Ne morem odstraniti +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Dnevniška datoteka "%1" je v obliki, ki je ta razlièica odstranitvenega programa ne razume. Programa ni mogoèe odstraniti +UninstallUnknownEntry=V dnevniški datoteki je bil najden neznani vpis (%1) +ConfirmUninstall=Ste preprièani, da želite v celoti odstraniti program %1 in pripadajoèe komponente? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=To namestitev je mogoèe odstraniti le v 64-bitni razlièici Windows. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Ta program lahko odstrani le administrator. +UninstallStatusLabel=Poèakajte, da odstranim program %1 iz vašega raèunalnika. +UninstalledAll=Program %1 je bil uspešno odstranjen iz vašega raèunalnika. +UninstalledMost=Odstranjevanje programa %1 je konèano.%n%nNekateri deli niso bili odstranjeni in jih lahko odstranite roèno. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Za dokonèanje odstranitve programa %1 morate raèunalnik znova zagnati.%n%nAli ga želite znova zagnati zdaj? +UninstallDataCorrupted=Datoteka "%1" je okvarjena. Odstranitev ni možna + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Želite odstraniti datoteko v skupni rabi? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Spodaj izpisane datoteke v skupni rabi ne uporablja veè noben program. Želite odstraniti to datoteko?%n%nÈe jo uporablja katerikoli program in jo boste odstranili, ta program verjetno ne bo veè deloval pravilno. Èe niste preprièani, kliknite Ne. Èe boste datoteko ohranili v raèunalniku, ne bo niè narobe. +SharedFileNameLabel=Ime datoteke: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Mesto: +WizardUninstalling=Odstranjevanje programa +StatusUninstalling=Odstranjujem %1... + +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Namešèam %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Odstranjujem %1. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 razlièica %2 +AdditionalIcons=Dodatne ikone: +CreateDesktopIcon=Ustvari ikono na &namizju +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Ustvari ikono za &hitri zagon +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 na spletu +UninstallProgram=Odstrani %1 +LaunchProgram=Odpri %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Poveži %1 s pripono %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Povezujem %1 s pripono %2... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Zagon: +AutoStartProgram=Samodejno zaženi %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=Programa %1 ni bilo mogoèe najti v izbrani mapi.%n%nAli želite vseeno nadaljevati? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Spanish.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Spanish.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..60da7c27 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Spanish.isl @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Spanish messages *** +; +; Maintained by Jorge Andres Brugger ( +; Spanish.isl version 1.2 (20121214) +; Default.isl version 5.5.3 +; +; Thanks to Germán Giraldo, Jordi Latorre, Ximo Tamarit, Emiliano Llano, +; Ramón Verduzco, Graciela García, Carles Millan and Rafael Barranco-Droege + +[LangOptions] +; The following three entries are very important. Be sure to read and +; understand the '[LangOptions] section' topic in the help file. +LanguageName=Espa<00F1>ol +LanguageID=$0c0a +LanguageCodePage=1252 +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName= +;DialogFontSize=8 +;WelcomeFontName=Verdana +;WelcomeFontSize=12 +;TitleFontName=Arial +;TitleFontSize=29 +;CopyrightFontName=Arial +;CopyrightFontSize=8 + +[Messages] + +; *** Application titles +SetupAppTitle=Instalar +SetupWindowTitle=Instalar - %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Desinstalar +UninstallAppFullTitle=Desinstalar - %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=Información +ConfirmTitle=Confirmar +ErrorTitle=Error + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Este programa instalará %1. ¿Desea continuar? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Imposible crear archivo temporal. Instalación interrumpida +LdrCannotExecTemp=Imposible ejecutar archivo en la carpeta temporal. Instalación interrumpida + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nError %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=El archivo %1 no se encuentra en la carpeta de instalación. Por favor, solucione el problema u obtenga una copia nueva del programa. +SetupFileCorrupt=Los archivos de instalación están dañados. Por favor, obtenga una copia nueva del programa. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Los archivos de instalación están dañados o son incompatibles con esta versión del programa de instalación. Por favor, solucione el problema u obtenga una copia nueva del programa. +InvalidParameter=Se ha utilizado un parámetro no válido en la línea de comandos:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=El programa de instalación aún está ejecutándose. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Este programa no es compatible con la versión de Windows de su equipo. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Este programa requiere %1 Service Pack %2 o posterior. +NotOnThisPlatform=Este programa no se ejecutará en %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Este programa debe ejecutarse en %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Este programa sólo puede instalarse en versiones de Windows diseñadas para las siguientes arquitecturas de procesadores:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs=La versión de Windows que está utilizando no cuenta con la funcionalidad requerida por el instalador para realizar una instalación de 64 bits. Para solucionar este problema, por favor, instale el Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Este programa requiere %1 versión %2 o posterior. +WinVersionTooHighError=Este programa no puede instalarse en %1 versión %2 o posterior. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Debe iniciar la sesión como administrador para instalar este programa. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Debe iniciar la sesión como administrador o como miembro del grupo de Usuarios Avanzados para instalar este programa. +SetupAppRunningError=El programa de instalación ha detectado que %1 está ejecutándose.%n%nPor favor, ciérrelo ahora, luego haga clic en Aceptar para continuar o en Cancelar para salir. +UninstallAppRunningError=El desinstalador ha detectado que %1 está ejecutándose.%n%nPor favor, ciérrelo ahora, luego haga clic en Aceptar para continuar o en Cancelar para salir. + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorCreatingDir=El programa de instalación no pudo crear la carpeta "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Imposible crear un archivo en la carpeta "%1" porque contiene demasiados archivos + +; *** Setup common messages +ExitSetupTitle=Salir de la Instalación +ExitSetupMessage=La instalación no se ha completado aún. Si cancela ahora, el programa no se instalará;.%n%nPuede ejecutar nuevamente el programa de instalación en otra ocasión para completarla.%n%n¿Salir de la instalación? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Acerca de Instalar... +AboutSetupTitle=Acerca de Instalar +AboutSetupMessage=%1 versión %2%n%3%n%n%1 sitio Web:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Spanish translation maintained by Jorge Andres Brugger ( + +; *** Buttons +ButtonBack=< &Atrás +ButtonNext=&Siguiente > +ButtonInstall=&Instalar +ButtonOK=Aceptar +ButtonCancel=Cancelar +ButtonYes=&Sí +ButtonYesToAll=Sí a &Todo +ButtonNo=&No +ButtonNoToAll=N&o a Todo +ButtonFinish=&Finalizar +ButtonBrowse=&Examinar... +ButtonWizardBrowse=&Examinar... +ButtonNewFolder=&Crear Nueva Carpeta + +; *** "Select Language" dialog messages +SelectLanguageTitle=Seleccione el Idioma de la Instalación +SelectLanguageLabel=Seleccione el idioma a utilizar durante la instalación: + +; *** Common wizard text +ClickNext=Haga clic en Siguiente para continuar o en Cancelar para salir de la instalación. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Buscar Carpeta +BrowseDialogLabel=Seleccione una carpeta y luego haga clic en Aceptar. +NewFolderName=Nueva Carpeta + +; *** "Welcome" wizard page +WelcomeLabel1=Bienvenido al asistente de instalación de [name] +WelcomeLabel2=Este programa instalará [name/ver] en su sistema.%n%nSe recomienda cerrar todas las demás aplicaciones antes de continuar. + +; *** "Password" wizard page +WizardPassword=Contraseña +PasswordLabel1=Esta instalación está protegida por contraseña. +PasswordLabel3=Por favor, introduzca la contraseña y haga clic en Siguiente para continuar. En las contraseñas se hace diferencia entre mayúsculas y minúsculas. +PasswordEditLabel=&Contraseña: +IncorrectPassword=La contraseña introducida no es correcta. Por favor, inténtelo nuevamente. + +; *** "License Agreement" wizard page +WizardLicense=Acuerdo de Licencia +LicenseLabel=Es importante que lea la siguiente información antes de continuar. +LicenseLabel3=Por favor, lea el siguiente acuerdo de licencia. Debe aceptar las cláusulas de este acuerdo antes de continuar con la instalación. +LicenseAccepted=A&cepto el acuerdo +LicenseNotAccepted=&No acepto el acuerdo + +; *** "Information" wizard pages +WizardInfoBefore=Información +InfoBeforeLabel=Es importante que lea la siguiente información antes de continuar. +InfoBeforeClickLabel=Cuando esté listo para continuar con la instalación, haga clic en Siguiente. +WizardInfoAfter=Información +InfoAfterLabel=Es importante que lea la siguiente información antes de continuar. +InfoAfterClickLabel=Cuando esté listo para continuar, haga clic en Siguiente. + +; *** "User Information" wizard page +WizardUserInfo=Información de Usuario +UserInfoDesc=Por favor, introduzca sus datos. +UserInfoName=Nombre de &Usuario: +UserInfoOrg=&Organización: +UserInfoSerial=Número de &Serie: +UserInfoNameRequired=Debe introducir un nombre. + +; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page +WizardSelectDir=Seleccione la Carpeta de Destino +SelectDirDesc=¿Dónde debe instalarse [name]? +SelectDirLabel3=El programa instalará [name] en la siguiente carpeta. +SelectDirBrowseLabel=Para continuar, haga clic en Siguiente. Si desea seleccionar una carpeta diferente, haga clic en Examinar. +DiskSpaceMBLabel=Se requieren al menos [mb] MB de espacio libre en el disco. +CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=El programa de instalación no puede realizar la instalación en una unidad de red. +CannotInstallToUNCPath=El programa de instalación no puede realizar la instalación en una ruta de acceso UNC. +InvalidPath=Debe introducir una ruta completa con la letra de la unidad; por ejemplo:%n%nC:\APP%n%no una ruta de acceso UNC de la siguiente forma:%n%n\\servidor\compartido +InvalidDrive=La unidad o ruta de acceso UNC que seleccionó no existe o no es accesible. Por favor, seleccione otra. +DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Espacio Insuficiente en Disco +DiskSpaceWarning=La instalación requiere al menos %1 KB de espacio libre, pero la unidad seleccionada sólo cuenta con %2 KB disponibles.%n%n¿Desea continuar de todas formas? +DirNameTooLong=El nombre de la carpeta o la ruta son demasiado largos. +InvalidDirName=El nombre de la carpeta no es válido. +BadDirName32=Los nombres de carpetas no pueden incluir los siguientes caracteres:%n%n%1 +DirExistsTitle=La Carpeta Ya Existe +DirExists=La carpeta:%n%n%1%n%nya existe. ¿Desea realizar la instalación en esa carpeta de todas formas? +DirDoesntExistTitle=La Carpeta No Existe +DirDoesntExist=La carpeta:%n%n%1%n%nno existe. ¿Desea crear esa carpeta? + +; *** "Select Components" wizard page +WizardSelectComponents=Seleccione los Componentes +SelectComponentsDesc=¿Qué componentes deben instalarse? +SelectComponentsLabel2=Seleccione los componentes que desea instalar y desmarque los componentes que no desea instalar. Haga clic en Siguiente cuando esté listo para continuar. +FullInstallation=Instalación Completa +; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language) +CompactInstallation=Instalación Compacta +CustomInstallation=Instalación Personalizada +NoUninstallWarningTitle=Componentes Encontrados +NoUninstallWarning=El programa de instalación ha detectado que los siguientes componentes ya están instalados en su sistema:%n%n%1%n%nDesmarcar estos componentes no los desinstalará.%n%n¿Desea continuar de todos modos? +ComponentSize1=%1 KB +ComponentSize2=%1 MB +ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=La selección actual requiere al menos [mb] MB de espacio en disco. + +; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page +WizardSelectTasks=Seleccione las Tareas Adicionales +SelectTasksDesc=¿Qué tareas adicionales deben realizarse? +SelectTasksLabel2=Seleccione las tareas adicionales que desea que se realicen durante la instalación de [name] y haga clic en Siguiente. + +; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page +WizardSelectProgramGroup=Seleccione la Carpeta del Menú Inicio +SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=¿Dónde deben colocarse los accesos directos del programa? +SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=El programa de instalación creará los accesos directos del programa en la siguiente carpeta del Menú Inicio. +SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=Para continuar, haga clic en Siguiente. Si desea seleccionar una carpeta distinta, haga clic en Examinar. +MustEnterGroupName=Debe proporcionar un nombre de carpeta. +GroupNameTooLong=El nombre de la carpeta o la ruta son demasiado largos. +InvalidGroupName=El nombre de la carpeta no es válido. +BadGroupName=El nombre de la carpeta no puede incluir ninguno de los siguientes caracteres:%n%n%1 +NoProgramGroupCheck2=&No crear una carpeta en el Menú Inicio + +; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page +WizardReady=Listo para Instalar +ReadyLabel1=Ahora el programa está listo para iniciar la instalación de [name] en su sistema. +ReadyLabel2a=Haga clic en Instalar para continuar con el proceso o haga clic en Atrás si desea revisar o cambiar alguna configuración. +ReadyLabel2b=Haga clic en Instalar para continuar con el proceso. +ReadyMemoUserInfo=Información del usuario: +ReadyMemoDir=Carpeta de Destino: +ReadyMemoType=Tipo de Instalación: +ReadyMemoComponents=Componentes Seleccionados: +ReadyMemoGroup=Carpeta del Menú Inicio: +ReadyMemoTasks=Tareas Adicionales: + +; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page +WizardPreparing=Preparándose para Instalar +PreparingDesc=El programa de instalación está preparándose para instalar [name] en su sistema. +PreviousInstallNotCompleted=La instalación/desinstalación previa de un programa no se completó. Deberá reiniciar el sistema para completar esa instalación.%n%nUna vez reiniciado el sistema, ejecute el programa de instalación nuevamente para completar la instalación de [name]. +CannotContinue=El programa de instalación no puede continuar. Por favor, presione Cancelar para salir. +ApplicationsFound=Las siguientes aplicaciones están usando archivos que necesitan ser actualizados por el programa de instalación. Se recomienda que permita al programa de instalación cerrar automáticamente estas aplicaciones. +ApplicationsFound2=Las siguientes aplicaciones están usando archivos que necesitan ser actualizados por el programa de instalación. Se recomienda que permita al programa de instalación cerrar automáticamente estas aplicaciones. Al completarse la instalación, el programa de instalación intentará reiniciar las aplicaciones. +CloseApplications=&Cerrar automáticamente las aplicaciones +DontCloseApplications=&No cerrar las aplicaciones +ErrorCloseApplications=El programa de instalación no pudo cerrar de forma automática todas las aplicaciones. Se recomienda que, antes de continuar, cierre todas las aplicaciones que utilicen archivos que necesitan ser actualizados por el programa de instalación. + +; *** "Installing" wizard page +WizardInstalling=Instalando +InstallingLabel=Por favor, espere mientras se instala [name] en su sistema. + +; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page +FinishedHeadingLabel=Completando la instalación de [name] +FinishedLabelNoIcons=El programa completó la instalación de [name] en su sistema. +FinishedLabel=El programa completó la instalación de [name] en su sistema. Puede ejecutar la aplicación haciendo clic sobre el icono instalado. +ClickFinish=Haga clic en Finalizar para salir del programa de instalación. +FinishedRestartLabel=Para completar la instalación de [name], su sistema debe reiniciarse. ¿Desea reiniciarlo ahora? +FinishedRestartMessage=Para completar la instalación de [name], su sistema debe reiniciarse.%n%n¿Desea reiniciarlo ahora? +ShowReadmeCheck=Sí, deseo ver el archivo LÉAME +YesRadio=&Sí, deseo reiniciar el sistema ahora +NoRadio=&No, reiniciaré el sistema más tarde +; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe' +RunEntryExec=Ejecutar %1 +; used for example as 'View Readme.txt' +RunEntryShellExec=Ver %1 + +; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff +ChangeDiskTitle=El Programa de Instalación Necesita el Siguiente Disco +SelectDiskLabel2=Por favor, inserte el Disco %1 y haga clic en Aceptar.%n%nSi los archivos pueden ser hallados en una carpeta diferente a la indicada abajo, introduzca la ruta correcta o haga clic en Examinar. +PathLabel=&Ruta: +FileNotInDir2=El archivo "%1" no se ha podido hallar en "%2". Por favor, inserte el disco correcto o seleccione otra carpeta. +SelectDirectoryLabel=Por favor, especifique la ubicación del siguiente disco. + +; *** Installation phase messages +SetupAborted=La instalación no se ha completado.%n%nPor favor solucione el problema y ejecute nuevamente el programa de instalación. +EntryAbortRetryIgnore=Haga clic en Reintentar para intentarlo de nuevo, en Omitir para continuar de todas formas o en Anular para cancelar la instalación. + +; *** Installation status messages +StatusClosingApplications=Cerrando aplicaciones... +StatusCreateDirs=Creando carpetas... +StatusExtractFiles=Extrayendo archivos... +StatusCreateIcons=Creando accesos directos... +StatusCreateIniEntries=Creando entradas INI... +StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Creando entradas de registro... +StatusRegisterFiles=Registrando archivos... +StatusSavingUninstall=Guardando información para desinstalar... +StatusRunProgram=Terminando la instalación... +StatusRestartingApplications=Reiniciando aplicaciones... +StatusRollback=Deshaciendo cambios... + +; *** Misc. errors +ErrorInternal2=Error interno: %1 +ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 falló +ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 falló; código %2 +ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 falló; código %2.%n%3 +ErrorExecutingProgram=Imposible ejecutar el archivo:%n%1 + +; *** Registry errors +ErrorRegOpenKey=Error al abrir la clave del registro:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegCreateKey=Error al crear la clave del registro:%n%1\%2 +ErrorRegWriteKey=Error al escribir la clave del registro:%n%1\%2 + +; *** INI errors +ErrorIniEntry=Error al crear entrada INI en el archivo "%1". + +; *** File copying errors +FileAbortRetryIgnore=Haga clic en Reintentar para intentarlo de nuevo, en Omitir para excluir este archivo (no recomendado) o en Anular para cancelar la instalación. +FileAbortRetryIgnore2=Haga clic en Reintentar para intentarlo de nuevo, en Omitir para continuar de todas formas (no recomendado) o en Anular para cancelar la instalación. +SourceIsCorrupted=El archivo de origen está dañado +SourceDoesntExist=El archivo de origen "%1" no existe +ExistingFileReadOnly=El archivo existente está marcado como sólo-lectura.%n%nHaga clic en Reintentar para quitar el atributo de sólo-lectura e intentarlo de nuevo, en Omitir para excluir este archivo o en Anular para cancelar la instalación. +ErrorReadingExistingDest=Ocurrió un error mientras se intentaba leer el archivo: +FileExists=El archivo ya existe.%n%n¿Desea sobreescribirlo? +ExistingFileNewer=El archivo existente es más reciente que el que está tratando de instalar. Se recomienda que mantenga el archivo existente.%n%n¿Desea mantener el archivo existente? +ErrorChangingAttr=Ocurrió un error al intentar cambiar los atributos del archivo: +ErrorCreatingTemp=Ocurrió un error al intentar crear un archivo en la carpeta de destino: +ErrorReadingSource=Ocurrió un error al intentar leer el archivo de origen: +ErrorCopying=Ocurrió un error al intentar copiar el archivo: +ErrorReplacingExistingFile=Ocurrió un error al intentar reemplazar el archivo existente: +ErrorRestartReplace=Falló reintento de reemplazar: +ErrorRenamingTemp=Ocurrió un error al intentar renombrar un archivo en la carpeta de destino: +ErrorRegisterServer=Imposible registrar el DLL/OCX: %1 +ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 falló con el código de salida %1 +ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Imposible registrar la librería de tipos: %1 + +; *** Post-installation errors +ErrorOpeningReadme=Ocurrió un error al intentar abrir el archivo LÉAME. +ErrorRestartingComputer=El programa de instalación no pudo reiniciar el equipo. Por favor, hágalo manualmente. + +; *** Uninstaller messages +UninstallNotFound=El archivo "%1" no existe. Imposible desinstalar. +UninstallOpenError=El archivo "%1" no pudo ser abierto. Imposible desinstalar +UninstallUnsupportedVer=El archivo de registro para desinstalar "%1" está en un formato no reconocido por esta versión del desinstalador. Imposible desinstalar +UninstallUnknownEntry=Se encontró una entrada desconocida (%1) en el registro de desinstalación +ConfirmUninstall=¿Está seguro que desea desinstalar completamente %1 y todos sus componentes? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Este programa sólo puede ser desinstalado en Windows de 64-bits. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Este programa sólo puede ser desinstalado por un usuario con privilegios administrativos. +UninstallStatusLabel=Por favor, espere mientras %1 es desinstalado de su sistema. +UninstalledAll=%1 se desinstaló satisfactoriamente de su sistema. +UninstalledMost=La desinstalación de %1 ha sido completada.%n%nAlgunos elementos no pudieron eliminarse, pero podrá eliminarlos manualmente si lo desea. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Para completar la desinstalación de %1, su sistema debe reiniciarse.%n%n¿Desea reiniciarlo ahora? +UninstallDataCorrupted=El archivo "%1" está dañado. No puede desinstalarse + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=¿Eliminar Archivo Compartido? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=El sistema indica que el siguiente archivo compartido no es utilizado por ningún otro programa. ¿Desea eliminar este archivo compartido?%n%nSi elimina el archivo y hay programas que lo utilizan, esos programas podrían dejar de funcionar correctamente. Si no está seguro, elija No. Dejar el archivo en su sistema no producirá ningún daño. +SharedFileNameLabel=Archivo: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Ubicación: +WizardUninstalling=Estado de la Desinstalación +StatusUninstalling=Desinstalando %1... + +; *** Shutdown block reasons +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Instalando %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Desinstalando %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1 versión %2 +AdditionalIcons=Iconos adicionales: +CreateDesktopIcon=Crear un icono en el &escritorio +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Crear un icono de &Inicio Rápido +ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 en la Web +UninstallProgram=Desinstalar %1 +LaunchProgram=Ejecutar %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Asociar %1 con la extensión de archivo %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Asociando %1 con la extensión de archivo %2... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Inicio: +AutoStartProgram=Iniciar automáticamente %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 no pudo ser localizado en la carpeta seleccionada.%n%n¿Desea continuar de todas formas? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Ukrainian.isl b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Ukrainian.isl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd41fae9 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/Languages/Ukrainian.isl @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ Ukrainian messages *** +; Author: Dmitry Onischuk +; E-Mail: +; Web: +; Please report all spelling/grammar errors, and observations. +; Version 2012.12.14 + +; *** Óêðà¿íñüêèé ïåðåêëàä Inno Setup äëÿ âåðñ³¿ 5.5.3 òà âèùå*** +; Àâòîð ïåðåêëàäó: Äìèòðî Îíèùóê +; E-Mail: +; Ñàéò: +; Áóäü ëàñêà, ïîâ³äîìëÿéòå ïðî âñ³ çíàéäåí³ ïîìèëêè òà çàóâàæåííÿ. +; Âåðñ³ÿ ïåðåêëàäó 2012.12.14 + +[LangOptions] +; The following three entries are very important. Be sure to read and +; understand the '[LangOptions] section' topic in the help file. +LanguageName=<0423><043A><0440><0430><0457><043D><0441><044C><043A><0430> +LanguageID=$0422 +LanguageCodePage=1251 +; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or +; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly. +;DialogFontName= +;DialogFontSize=8 +;WelcomeFontName=Verdana +;WelcomeFontSize=12 +;TitleFontName=Arial +;TitleFontSize=29 +;CopyrightFontName=Arial +;CopyrightFontSize=8 + +[Messages] + +; *** Çàãîëîâêè ïðîãðàìè +SetupAppTitle=Âñòàíîâëåííÿ +SetupWindowTitle=Âñòàíîâëåííÿ — %1 +UninstallAppTitle=Âèäàëåííÿ +UninstallAppFullTitle=Âèäàëåííÿ — %1 + +; *** Misc. common +InformationTitle=²íôîðìàö³ÿ +ConfirmTitle=ϳäòâåðäæåííÿ +ErrorTitle=Ïîìèëêà + +; *** SetupLdr messages +SetupLdrStartupMessage=Öÿ ïðîãðàìà âñòàíîâèòü %1 íà âàø êîìï'þòåð, áàæàºòå ïðîäîâæèòè? +LdrCannotCreateTemp=Íåìîæëèâî ñòâîðèòè òèì÷àñîâèé ôàéë. Âñòàíîâëåííÿ ïåðåðâàíî +LdrCannotExecTemp=Íåìîæëèâî âèêîíàòè ôàéë â òèì÷àñîâ³é ïàïö³. Âñòàíîâëåííÿ ïåðåðâàíî + +; *** Startup error messages +LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nÏîìèëêà %2: %3 +SetupFileMissing=Ôàéë %1 â³äñóòí³é â ïàïö³ âñòàíîâëåííÿ. Áóäü ëàñêà, âèïðàâòå öþ ïîìèëêó àáî îòðèìàéòå íîâó êîï³þ ïðîãðàìè. +SetupFileCorrupt=Ôàéëè âñòàíîâëåííÿ ïîøêîäæåí³. Áóäü ëàñêà, îòðèìàéòå íîâó êîï³þ ïðîãðàìè. +SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=Ôàéëè âñòàíîâëåííÿ ïîøêîäæåí³ àáî íåñóì³ñí³ ç ö³ºþ âåðñ³ºþ ïðîãðàìè âñòàíîâëåííÿ. Áóäü ëàñêà, âèïðàâòå öþ ïîìèëêó àáî îòðèìàéòå íîâó êîï³þ ïðîãðàìè. +InvalidParameter=Êîìàíäíèé ðÿäîê ì³ñòèòü íåäîïóñòèìèé ïàðàìåòð:%n%n%1 +SetupAlreadyRunning=Ïðîãðàìà âñòàíîâëåííÿ âæå çàïóùåíà. +WindowsVersionNotSupported=Öÿ ïðîãðàìà íå ï³äòðèìóº âåðñ³þ Windows, âñòàíîâëåíó íà öüîìó êîìï'þòåð³. +WindowsServicePackRequired=Öÿ ïðîãðàìà âèìàãຠ%1 Service Pack %2 àáî á³ëüø ï³çíþ âåðñ³þ. +NotOnThisPlatform=Öÿ ïðîãðàìà íå áóäå ïðàöþâàòè ï³ä %1. +OnlyOnThisPlatform=Öÿ ïðîãðàìà ïîâèííà áóòè â³äêðèòà ï³ä %1. +OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=Öÿ ïðîãðàìà ìîæå áóòè âñòàíîâëåíà ëèøå íà êîìï'þòåðàõ ï³ä óïðàâë³ííÿì Windows äëÿ íàñòóïíèõ àðõ³òåêòóð ïðîöåñîð³â:%n%n%1 +MissingWOW64APIs= âàø³é âåðñ³¿ Windows â³äñóòí³ ôóíêö³¿ äëÿ âèêîíàííÿ 64-á³òíîãî âñòàíîâëåííÿ. Ùîá óñóíóòè öþ ïðîáëåìó âñòàíîâ³òü ïàêåò îíîâëåíü Service Pack %1. +WinVersionTooLowError=Öÿ ïðîãðàìà âèìàãຠ%1 âåðñ³¿ %2 àáî á³ëüø ï³çíþ âåðñ³þ. +WinVersionTooHighError=Öÿ ïðîãðàìà íå ìîæå áóòè âñòàíîâëåíà íà %1 âåðñ³¿ %2 àáî á³ëüø ï³çíþ âåðñ³þ. +AdminPrivilegesRequired=Ùîá âñòàíîâèòè öþ ïðîãðàìó âè ïîâèíí³ óâ³éòè äî ñèñòåìè ÿê àäì³í³ñòðàòîð. +PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=Ùîá âñòàíîâèòè öþ ïðîãðàìó âè ïîâèíí³ óâ³éòè äî ñèñòåìè ÿê àäì³í³ñòðàòîð àáî ÿê ÷ëåí ãðóïè «Äîñâ³ä÷åí³ êîðèñòóâà÷³». +SetupAppRunningError=Âèÿâëåíî, ùî %1 âæå â³äêðèòà.%n%nÁóäü ëàñêà, çàêðèéòå âñ³ êîﳿ ïðîãðàìè òà íàòèñí³òü «OK» äëÿ ïðîäîâæåííÿ, àáî «Ñêàñóâàòè» äëÿ âèõîäó. +UninstallAppRunningError=Âèÿâëåíî, ùî %1 âæå â³äêðèòà.%n%nÁóäü ëàñêà, çàêðèéòå âñ³ êîﳿ ïðîãðàìè òà íàòèñí³òü «OK» äëÿ ïðîäîâæåííÿ, àáî «Ñêàñóâàòè» äëÿ âèõîäó. + +; *** гçí³ ïîìèëêè +ErrorCreatingDir=Ïðîãðàì³ âñòàíîâëåííÿ íå âäàëîñÿ ñòâîðèòè ïàïêó "%1" +ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Ïðîãðàì³ âñòàíîâëåííÿ íå âäàëîñÿ ñòâîðèòè ôàéë â ïàïö³ "%1", òîìó ùî â íüîìó çàíàäòî áàãàòî ôàéë³â + +; *** Ñï³ëüí³ ïîâ³äîìëåííÿ ïðîãðàìè +ExitSetupTitle=Âèõ³ä ç ïðîãðàìè âñòàíîâëåííÿ +ExitSetupMessage=Âñòàíîâëåííÿ íå çàê³í÷åíî. ßêùî âè âèéäåòå çàðàç, ïðîãðàìó íå áóäå âñòàíîâëåíî.%n%nÂè ìîæåòå â³äêðèòè ïðîãðàìó âñòàíîâëåííÿ â ³íøèé ÷àñ.%n%nÂèéòè ç ïðîãðàìè âñòàíîâëåííÿ? +AboutSetupMenuItem=&Ïðî ïðîãðàìó âñòàíîâëåííÿ... +AboutSetupTitle=Ïðî ïðîãðàìó âñòàíîâëåííÿ +AboutSetupMessage=%1 âåðñ³ÿ %2%n%3%n%n%1 äîìàøíÿ ñòîð³íêà:%n%4 +AboutSetupNote= +TranslatorNote=Ukrainian translation by Dmitry Onischuk: + +; *** Êíîïêè +ButtonBack=< &Íàçàä +ButtonNext=&Äàë³ > +ButtonInstall=&Âñòàíîâèòè +ButtonOK=OK +ButtonCancel=Ñêàñóâàòè +ButtonYes=&Òàê +ButtonYesToAll=Òàê äëÿ &Âñ³õ +ButtonNo=&ͳ +ButtonNoToAll=Í&³ äëÿ Âñ³õ +ButtonFinish=&Ãîòîâî +ButtonBrowse=&Îãëÿä... +ButtonWizardBrowse=Î&ãëÿä... +ButtonNewFolder=&Ñòâîðèòè ïàïêó + +; *** ijàëîãîâå ïîâ³äîìëåííÿ "Âèá³ð ìîâè" +SelectLanguageTitle=Âèáåð³òü ìîâó âñòàíîâëåííÿ +SelectLanguageLabel=Âèáåð³òü ìîâó, ÿêà áóäå âèêîðèñòîâóâàòèñÿ ï³ä ÷àñ âñòàíîâëåííÿ: + +; *** Ñï³ëüíèé òåñò ïðîãðàìè +ClickNext=Íàòèñí³òü «Äàë³», ùîá ïðîäîâæèòè, àáî «Ñêàñóâàòè» äëÿ âèõîäó ç ïðîãðàìè âñòàíîâëåííÿ. +BeveledLabel= +BrowseDialogTitle=Îãëÿä ïàïîê +BrowseDialogLabel=Âèáåð³òü ïàïêó ç³ ñïèñêó òà íàòèñí³òü «ÎÊ». +NewFolderName=Íîâà ïàïêà + +; *** Ñòîð³íêà "Ïðèâ³òàííÿ" +WelcomeLabel1=Ëàñêàâî ïðîñèìî äî ïðîãðàìè âñòàíîâëåííÿ [name]. +WelcomeLabel2=Öÿ ïðîãðàìà âñòàíîâèòü [name/ver] íà âàø êîìï’þòåð.%n%nÐåêîìåíäóºòüñÿ çàêðèòè âñ³ ³íø³ ïðîãðàìè ïåðåä ïðîäîâæåííÿì. + +; *** Ñòîð³íêà "Ïàðîëü" +WizardPassword=Ïàðîëü +PasswordLabel1=Öÿ ïðîãðàìà âñòàíîâëåííÿ çàõèùåíà ïàðîëåì. +PasswordLabel3=Áóäü ëàñêà, ââåä³òü ïàðîëü òà íàòèñí³òü «Äàë³», ùîá ïðîäîâæèòè. 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Áóäü ëàñêà, âèêîíàéòå öå ñàìîñò³éíî. + +; *** Ïîâ³äîìëåííÿ âèäàëåííÿ +UninstallNotFound=Ôàéë "%1" íå ³ñíóº, âèäàëåííÿ íåìîæëèâå. +UninstallOpenError=Íåìîæëèâî â³äêðèòè ôàéë "%1". Âèäàëåííÿ íåìîæëèâå +UninstallUnsupportedVer=Ôàéë ïðîòîêîëó äëÿ âèäàëåííÿ "%1" íå ðîçï³çíàíèé äàíîþ âåðñ³ºþ ïðîãðàìè âèäàëåííÿ. Âèäàëåííÿ íåìîæëèâå +UninstallUnknownEntry=Íåâ³äîìèé çàïèñ (%1) â ôàéë³ ïðîòîêîëó äëÿ âèäàëåííÿ +ConfirmUninstall=Âè âïåâíåí³, ùî áàæàºòå âèäàëèòè %1 ³ âñ³ éîãî êîìïîíåíòè? +UninstallOnlyOnWin64=Öþ ïðîãðàìó ìîæëèâî âèäàëèòè ëèøå ó ñåðåäîâèù³ 64-á³òíî¿ âåðñ³¿ Windows. +OnlyAdminCanUninstall=Öÿ ïðîãðàìà ìîæå áóòè âèäàëåíà ëèøå êîðèñòóâà÷åì ç ïðàâàìè àäì³í³ñòðàòîðà. +UninstallStatusLabel=Áóäü ëàñêà, çà÷åêàéòå, ïîêè %1 âèäàëèòüñÿ ç âàøîãî êîìï'þòåðà. +UninstalledAll=%1 óñï³øíî âèäàëåíî ç âàøîãî êîìï'þòåðà. +UninstalledMost=Âèäàëåííÿ %1 çàê³í÷åíî.%n%nÄåÿê³ åëåìåíò íåìîæëèâî âèäàëèòè. Âè ìîæåòå âèäàëèòè ¿õ âðó÷íó. +UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=Äëÿ çàâåðøåííÿ âèäàëåííÿ %1 íåîáõ³äíî ïåðåçàâàíòàæèòè âàø êîìï’þòåð.%n%nÏåðåçàâàíòàæèòè êîìï’þòåð çàðàç? +UninstallDataCorrupted=Ôàéë "%1" ïîøêîäæåíèé. Âèäàëåííÿ íåìîæëèâå + +; *** Uninstallation phase messages +ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Âèäàëèòè çàãàëüí³ ôàéëè? +ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=Ñèñòåìà ñâ³ä÷èòü, ùî íàñòóïíèé ñï³ëüíèé ôàéë á³ëüøå íå âèêîðèñòîâóºòüñÿ ³íøèìè ïðîãðàìàìè. Âè áàæàºòå âèäàëèòè öåé ñï³ëüíèé ôàéë?%n%nßêùî ÿê³-íåáóäü ïðîãðàìè âñå ùå âèêîðèñòîâóþòü öåé ôàéë ³ â³í âèäàëèòüñÿ, òî ö³ ïðîãðàìè ìîæóòü ôóíêö³îíóâàòè íåïðàâèëüíî. ßêùî âè íå âïåâíåí³, âèáåð³òü «Í³». Çàëèøåíèé ôàéë íå íàøêîäèòü âàø³é ñèñòåì³. +SharedFileNameLabel=²ì'ÿ ôàéëó: +SharedFileLocationLabel=Ðîçì³ùåííÿ: +WizardUninstalling=Ñòàí âèäàëåííÿ +StatusUninstalling=Âèäàëåííÿ %1... + +; *** Ïðè÷èíè áëîêóâàííÿ âèìêíåííÿ +ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Âñòàíîâëåííÿ %1. +ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Âèäàëåííÿ %1. + +; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make +; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them. + +[CustomMessages] + +NameAndVersion=%1, âåðñ³ÿ %2 +AdditionalIcons=Äîäàòêîâ³ ÿðëèêè: +CreateDesktopIcon=Ñòâîðèòè ÿðëèêè íà &Ðîáî÷îìó ñòîë³ +CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Ñòâîðèòè ÿðëèêè íà &Ïàíåë³ øâèäêîãî çàïóñêó +ProgramOnTheWeb=Ñàéò %1 â ²íòåðíåò³ +UninstallProgram=Âèäàëèòè %1 +LaunchProgram=³äêðèòè %1 +AssocFileExtension=&Àñîö³þâàòè %1 ç ðîçøèðåííÿì ôàéëó %2 +AssocingFileExtension=Àñîö³þâàííÿ %1 ç ðîçøèðåííÿì ôàéëó %2... +AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Àâòîçàâàíòàæåííÿ: +AutoStartProgram=Àâòîìàòè÷íî çàâàíòóæóâàòè %1 +AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 íå çíàéäåíèé ó âêàçàí³é âàìè ïàïö³%n%nÂè âñå îäíî áàæàºòå ïðîäîâæèòè? diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/Setup.e32 b/share/InnoSetup/Setup.e32 dissimilarity index 63% index 1d8aff51..fc581c5b 100644 Binary files a/share/InnoSetup/Setup.e32 and b/share/InnoSetup/Setup.e32 differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/SetupLdr.e32 b/share/InnoSetup/SetupLdr.e32 index 00ddda2d..ed70852a 100644 Binary files a/share/InnoSetup/SetupLdr.e32 and b/share/InnoSetup/SetupLdr.e32 differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/WizModernImage-IS.bmp b/share/InnoSetup/WizModernImage-IS.bmp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cf844e09 Binary files /dev/null and b/share/InnoSetup/WizModernImage-IS.bmp differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/WizModernSmallImage-IS.bmp b/share/InnoSetup/WizModernSmallImage-IS.bmp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1e8e4979 Binary files /dev/null and b/share/InnoSetup/WizModernSmallImage-IS.bmp differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/isbunzip.dll b/share/InnoSetup/isbunzip.dll new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2128bd21 Binary files /dev/null and b/share/InnoSetup/isbunzip.dll differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/isbzip.dll b/share/InnoSetup/isbzip.dll new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49b183f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/share/InnoSetup/isbzip.dll differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/isfaq.htm b/share/InnoSetup/isfaq.htm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ce717f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/isfaq.htm @@ -0,0 +1,474 @@ + + + +Inno Setup FAQ + + + + + + + + +
Inno Setup
+Frequently Asked Questions
+ + +

The Inno Setup Frequently Asked Questions contains supplemental information not found in the documentation or the Knowledge Base.

+ +


+ + +


+ + +

Installation Tasks

+ + +

How Do I Install...?

+ + +


+ + +


+ + + + +


+ +

Translating Inno Setup's Text


Translating Inno Setup's text into another language does not require modifying the source code. Simply make a copy of the Default.isl file (included with Inno Setup) and start editing the text in it. (Do not directly edit the Default.isl file, otherwise your changes will be lost when you install a new Inno Setup version.) See the "[Messages] Section" topic in the Inno Setup help file for some important tips.


Once you have finished creating the new .isl file, create a [Languages] section to tell the compiler to use it:


+Name: mytrans; MessagesFile: "compiler:MyTranslation.isl" +


If you're using a version of Inno Setup prior to 4.0, use this instead:


+MessagesFile=compiler:MyTranslation.isl +


There are many contributed translations available for download on the Inno Setup Third-Party Files page, as well as a program to assist in editing the .isl file.

+ +

Does it support MBCS (multi-byte character sets)?


Inno Setup 2.0.6 adds complete support for MBCS. It does lead byte checking on all filename and constant parsing, so it should no longer mistake trail bytes for backslashes ("\") or braces ("{").


Versions prior to 2.0.6 did not include any special support for MBCS.

+ +

Will it support Windows Installer in the future?


At the present time, there are no plans for a Windows Installer edition of Inno Setup. "Supporting" Windows Installer would likely involve a near-complete rewrite of the program.

+ +

How do I change the icon of Setup.exe?


The installer's icon may be changed by setting the SetupIconFile [Setup] section directive. To set the uninstaller's icon, set UninstallIconFile.

+ +

Can Inno Setup do a conditional installation - for example, proceed only if a certain registry key or file exists?


Inno Setup 4 adds support for this through the new Pascal Scripting feature.


Note: with earlier Inno Setup versions it was already possible to install different files depending on the Windows version.

+ + +

Is it possible to do a silent install without using the /SILENT or /VERYSILENT command-line parameters?


No, nor is such a feature planned (it would be abused). If it is your intention to keep user interaction to a minimum, use the Disable* [Setup] section directives.

+ +

Can Setup use the value of a registry entry as the default directory name?


Yes. Use a {reg:...} constant in DefaultDirName. For example:


+DefaultDirName={reg:HKLM\Software\My Program,Path|{pf}\My Program}


See the "Constants" topic in the Inno Setup help file for more information on {reg:...} constants.

+ + + +


+ +

Compiler says "Mismatched or misplaced quotes on parameter"


This message is typically displayed if you try to embed a quote (") character in a parameter's data, but do not double it as required. Read the "Parameters in Sections" topic in the Inno Setup help file for more information.

+ +

My application can't find any of its files when it is started from the shortcut created by Setup. It works fine when I double-click the application's EXE in Explorer.


Your application is most likely not specifying pathnames on the files it is trying to open, so it is expecting to find them in the current directory. Inno Setup by default does not set the "Start In" field on shortcuts its creates; this causes Windows to pick a directory itself, which usually won't be the directory containing your application.


In virtually all cases, this is something that should be corrected at the application level. Properly designed GUI applications should not expect to be started from a particular directory; they should always specify full pathnames on files they open. In Delphi or C++Builder, for example, it's possible to get the full pathname of the directory containing the application EXE by calling: ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)). To get the full path of a file named "File.txt" in the application directory, use: ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'File.txt'.


If for some reason you cannot fix this at the application level, you can tell Inno Setup to set the "Start In" field by adding "WorkingDir: {app}" to your [Icons] entries.

+ +

Why is the error message "The setup files are corrupted" displayed on some systems?


This error message is displayed when a file pertaining to the installation (e.g., setup.exe, setup.1) has the wrong size, or part of a file fails a CRC check. It is not displayed for any other reason.


If your installation is distributed over the internet and you're getting a lot of reports of this error, it could be that your web server is delivering partial files by dropping connections prematurely. Have the affected users check the size in the bytes of the file(s) they downloaded.


If your installation is distributed via CD-ROM or floppy disk, it could be that the CD-ROM or floppy disk is bad, or possibly the drive is defective.

+ +

When I install a new version of my application without uninstalling the old version first, I get a second entry in Control Panel's Add/Remove Programs.


This happens when you change AppId between versions, or if AppId is not specified, AppName. If you do that, Setup has no way of knowing that the two versions are of the same application, and thus will create a new entry in Add/Remove Programs. Additionally, a new uninstall log file (unins???.dat) will be created. The obvious solution for this is to not change AppId or AppName.


If you must change AppName in a new version, set AppId to the value of AppId or AppName from the previous version.

+ +

Setup gives the message "Unable to register the DLL/OCX: DllRegisterServer export not found"


This message normally means that you specified the "regserver" flag on a file that doesn't possess the ability to be registered. Remove the "regserver" flag from the [Files] entry and the message will go away.

+ +

After uninstalling, the directories created during installation still exist.


There are several reasons why a directory may not be removed:

  • It already existed prior to installation. By default, the uninstaller plays it safe and doesn't remove directories that the installer didn't create.
  • +
  • It contains files or subdirectories. Use [UninstallDelete] if you need the uninstaller to delete additional files/directories.
  • +
  • A running process has the directory as its current directory.
  • +

Note: In Inno Setup versions prior to 2.0.1, directories must be specified in either the [Dirs] or [UninstallDelete] sections for them to be deleted by the uninstaller. In newer Inno Setup versions, directories created by [Files] section entries will be deleted automatically by the uninstaller if they didn't exist prior to installation.

+ +

I run a batch file in the [Run] section, but the window remains on the screen after it finishes executing. I'd like it to "close on exit."


From Tim Rude:
+The simplest way to get a batch file to automatically close on exit is to clear the screen at the end of it using the CLS command.


--- batch file 1 ---


+@echo off
+echo Hello World
+echo This batch file does NOT close on exit +


--- batch file 2 ---


+@echo off
+echo Hello World
+echo This batch file DOES close on exit
+cls +

+ +

I've changed DefaultDirName in my script, yet when I run Setup it defaults to the directory I had before.


At startup Setup looks in the registry to see if the same application was already installed previously, and if so, it will use the directory of the previous installation as the default directory presented to the user in the wizard. If you uninstall the application and run Setup again, it will use the new DefaultDirName setting. If you wish to disable this feature, set UsePreviousAppDir to "no".

+ +

I have two [Icons] entries with the same Name, but only one of them gets installed.


Two files can't have the same name, and since shortcuts are files, two shortcuts therefore can't have the same name.

+ +

Setup isn't waiting for a program executed by a [Run] entry to finish.


First, make sure that you are not using the "nowait" or "waituntilidle" flags on the [Run] entry. These flags prevent Setup from waiting until the process completely terminates.


If you aren't using those flags and it still doesn't seem to be waiting for the program to finish, then likely what is happening is that the EXE you're running is spawning some other process and then terminating itself immediately, causing Setup to think the program has finished. This is known to happen with older InstallShield-based installers (to work around it, try using the /SMS switch).


A simple way to check if a program does that is to run "START /WAIT ProgramName.exe" from the command line, and see if you are returned to the command prompt before the program exits.

+ +

Some languages are missing on the Select Setup Language dialog, or it doesn't show up at all.


You are using Non Unicode Inno Setup: +

Beginning with Inno Setup 4.2.2, languages specified in the [Languages] section that cannot be displayed under the active Windows ANSI code page are not listed in the Select Setup Language dialog. For example, Russian text can only be displayed properly if the active code page is 1251; if the user isn't running code page 1251 they will not see Russian as an option.


On Windows XP, the active code page may be changed by going to Regional and Language Options in Control Panel, and setting Language for non-Unicode programs on the Advanced tab. On Windows 2000, the active code page may be changed by going to Regional Options in Control Panel, and clicking Set default....


If you are sure you're running in the correct code page and a language still isn't being listed, then most likely LanguageCodePage is set incorrectly inside the language's .isl file.


If you would like to force all languages to be visible regardless of whether they can be displayed properly under the active code page, set the ShowUndisplayableLanguages [Setup] section directive (new in Inno Setup 5.1.7).

+ + + +

Installation Tasks

+ +

Creating Internet (URL) Shortcuts


First create a file named, for example, "website.url", and place these lines inside it:


+URL= +


Then add these lines to your script:


+Source: "website.url"; DestDir: "{app}"
+Name: "{group}\Visit My Web Site"; Filename: "{app}\website.url"

+ + +

Setting the "Start In" Field on a Shortcut


Use a WorkingDir parameter on the [Icons] section entry.

+ +

Creating File Associations


First set the [Setup] section directive "ChangesAssociations" to "yes". Then create [Registry] entries as shown below.

+ +

+Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".myp"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "MyProgramFile"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue +

+".myp" is the extension we're associating. "MyProgramFile" is the internal name for the file type as stored in the registry. Make sure you use a unique name for this so you don't inadvertently overwrite another application's registry key. +
+ +

+Root: HKCR; Subkey: "MyProgramFile"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "My Program File"; Flags: uninsdeletekey +

+"My Program File" above is the name for the file type as shown in Explorer. +
+ +

+Root: HKCR; Subkey: "MyProgramFile\DefaultIcon"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "{app}\MYPROG.EXE,0" +

+"DefaultIcon" is the registry key that specifies the filename containing the icon to associate with the file type. ",0" tells Explorer to use the first icon from MYPROG.EXE. (",1" would mean the second icon.) +
+ +

+Root: HKCR; Subkey: "MyProgramFile\shell\open\command"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: """{app}\MYPROG.EXE"" ""%1""" +

+"shell\open\command" is the registry key that specifies the program to execute when a file of the type is double-clicked in Explorer. The surrounding quotes are in the command line so it handles long filenames correctly. +
+ +

Setting Environment Variables


Environment variables are stored as string values in the registry, so it is possible to manipulate them using the [Registry] section. System-wide environment variables are located at:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment

User-specific environment variables are located at:

+ +

Setting the "Close on Exit" Box on a Shortcut to an MS-DOS Program


Inno Setup version 1.3.15 and later includes support for "closeonexit" and "dontcloseonexit" flags in the [Icons] section.

+ +

Making Backups Before Replacing Files


Inno Setup does not currently have a specific feature for doing that, but you can make a copy of a file before it is replaced by using a [Files] section entry similar to this:


Source: "{app}\MyProg.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\backup"; Flags: external skipifsourcedoesntexist uninsneveruninstall

+ +

Installing Different Files Depending on Windows Version


That can be done via MinVersion and/or OnlyBelowVersion parameters on an entry. See the Common Parameters topic in the documentation for details.

+ +

Settings Permissions on Files, Directories, or Registry Keys


Beginning with Inno Setup 4.1.0, the [Dirs], [Files], and [Registry] sections support Permissions parameters for setting permissions on directories, files, and registry keys respectively.


If you have more advanced needs, take a look at SetACL.

+ +

My installation needs to do something that Inno Setup apparently doesn't have a feature for.


See the Knowledge Base article Implementing Custom Functionality.

+ + + +

How Do I Install...?

+ +

OCX Files


The recommended way to install an OCX file is as follows.


+Source: "ComCtl32.ocx"; + DestDir: "{sys}"; + CopyMode: alwaysskipifsameorolder; + Flags: restartreplace sharedfile regserver +

+ +

Visual Basic System Files


See this Knowledge Base article.

+ +

Visual C++ System Files (e.g. MFC)


See this Knowledge Base article.

+ +



If your application requires an updated version of COMCTL32.DLL, you can direct your users to +download +the COMCTL32 update from Microsoft, or call the COMCTL32 update from your installation by using the following lines:


+Source: "50comupd.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"
+function ShouldInstallComCtlUpdate: Boolean;
+  MS, LS: Cardinal;
+  // Only install if the existing comctl32.dll is < 5.80
+  Result := False;
+  if GetVersionNumbers(ExpandConstant('{sys}\comctl32.dll'), MS, LS) then
+    if MS < $00050050 then
+      Result := True;
+Filename: "{tmp}\50comupd.exe"; Parameters: "/r:n /q:1"; Check: ShouldInstallComCtlUpdate +


Don't try to install COMCTL32.DLL directly using the [Files] section; Microsoft does not allow this, and it's dangerous.

+ +

BDE (Borland Database Engine)


See the Knowledge Base article Installing BDE for details on deploying the 32-bit version of BDE using Inno Setup.

+ +

MDAC, ADO, Jet, etc.


See this Knowledge Base article.

+ + + +


+ +

OS Compatibility


Currently supported platforms include every Windows release since 2000. No service packs or other OS updates are required on any of the supported platforms.


The 16-bit version of Inno Setup was discontinued starting with version 1.3. Support for Windows NT 3.51 was discontinued starting with version 3.0. Support for Windows 95, 98, Me, and NT 4.0 was discontinued starting with version 5.5.

+ +

Administrative Privileges


A typical Inno Setup installation does not require administrative or "power user" privileges. However, there are exceptions as noted below.


Things that require administrative privileges:

  • Using "PrivilegesRequired=admin" in the script's [Setup] section. This causes Setup to abort with an error message if the user lacks administrative privileges.
  • +
  • Using the "restartreplace" flag in the [Files] section. This flag causes Inno Setup to call the MoveFileEx function, which attempts to write to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Session Manager". Write access to this key is restricted to Administrators.
  • +
  • Writing to any key under HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT using the [Registry] section. Write access to this key is restricted to Administrators.
  • +

Things that require either administrative or "power user" privileges:

  • Using "PrivilegesRequired=poweruser" in the script's [Setup] section. This causes Setup to abort with an error message if the user lacks either administrative or "power user" privileges.
  • +
  • Using the "regserver" flag in the [Files] section. In most cases registering a DLL involves writing to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, a privilege not granted to ordinary users.
  • +
  • Using the "sharedfile" flag is the [Files] section. This flag causes Inno Setup to create/update a value in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ SharedDLLs". Ordinary users are not allowed to write to that key.
  • +
  • Using the FontInstall parameter in the [Files] section.
  • +
  • Writing to any key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT using the [Registry] section. Ordinary users are not allowed to write to those keys.
  • +

Inno Setup itself does not require write access to the WINNT directory, or any other registry keys not mentioned above.


What is different when an installation is run by a user without administrative privileges?

  • The registry key for the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel entry is created under HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Thus, only the user who installed the program will see an Add/Remove Programs entry for it.
  • +
  • The "{group}" constant always points to the current user's profile, as opposed to the All Users profile.
  • +
  • All "{common...}" constants are equivalent to the "{user...}" constants.
  • +
  • The program may be uninstalled by any user. (When an administrator installs a program, only an administrator is allowed to uninstall it.)
  • +
+ + + +


+ +

Are there any limits on how many files, etc. may be included in an installation?


Inno Setup places no arbitrary limits on how many files, shortcuts, registry entries, etc. that you may include in an installation. However, keep in mind that Setup does need memory for each entry in a script. For example, roughly 120 bytes of memory is needed for each [Files] entry.


In Inno Setup 3.x and earlier, installations and individual files cannot exceed 2 GB, because it does not use 64-bit arithmetic in most places. This has been addressed in Inno Setup 4.

+ +

What exactly happens when the user clicks Cancel during an installation?


When Cancel is clicked, Setup will begin reverting changes it's made so far in the very same manner as the Uninstall program. Thus, a partially installed application isn't left over.

+ + + + diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/isunzlib.dll b/share/InnoSetup/isunzlib.dll new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49929d3c Binary files /dev/null and b/share/InnoSetup/isunzlib.dll differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/iszlib.dll b/share/InnoSetup/iszlib.dll new file mode 100644 index 00000000..841834f2 Binary files /dev/null and b/share/InnoSetup/iszlib.dll differ diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/license.txt b/share/InnoSetup/license.txt index d3e919d6..5a528db0 100644 --- a/share/InnoSetup/license.txt +++ b/share/InnoSetup/license.txt @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Inno Setup License Except where otherwise noted, all of the documentation and software included in the Inno Setup package is copyrighted by Jordan Russell. -Copyright (C) 1997-2012 Jordan Russell. All rights reserved. -Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2012 Martijn Laan. All rights reserved. +Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Jordan Russell. All rights reserved. +Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Martijn Laan. All rights reserved. This software is provided "as-is," without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages arising from the diff --git a/share/InnoSetup/whatsnew.htm b/share/InnoSetup/whatsnew.htm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c7a64dd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/InnoSetup/whatsnew.htm @@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@ + + + +Inno Setup 5 Revision History + + + + + +
Inno Setup 5
Revision History
+ +

Copyright © 1997-2013 Jordan Russell. All rights reserved.
+Portions Copyright © 2000-2013 Martijn Laan. All rights reserved.
+For conditions of distribution and use, see LICENSE.TXT. +

+ +

5.5.3 (2013-01-30)

  • Windows 8 change: [Icons] section flag excludefromshowinnewinstall now additionally prevents the new shortcut from being automatically pinned the Start screen.
  • +
  • Added new command line parameters supported by Setup: /HELP and /?. Cause Setup to display the list of accepted command line parameters in a message box, exiting with exit code 0 afterwards. Ignored if the UseSetupLdr [Setup] section directive was set to no.
  • +
  • Added new command line parameter supported by Inno Setup's own installer: /PORTABLE=1. Causes Inno Setup's own installer to not create an uninstaller nor an entry in the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet. Also supported by QuickStart Pack's installer.
  • +
  • Added workaround for bug in 64-bit Windows which in some cases would cause Windows to display an error message when a user tries to change the icon of an installed shortcut.
  • +
  • Updated the compiler and document icons, created by Motaz.
  • +
  • Restart Manager: If Setup is not running silently and is unable to close all applications using files that need to be updated, it will now ask the user to abort, retry, or ignore. Previously it always ignored.
  • +
  • A message has been added in this version. + (View differences in Default.isl) +
    • New message: ErrorCloseApplications.
    • +
  • +
  • Added official Corsican and Nepali translations. The Nepali translation requires Unicode Inno Setup.
  • +
  • Inno Setup Preprocessor (ISPP) changes: +
    • Added directive #redim to increase or decrease the dimension of an existing array variable.
    • +
    • Added function DimOf. Returns the dimension of the specified identifier.
    • +
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes: +
    • Added new function: ExtractTemporaryFiles. This function is like ExtractTemporaryFile but supports wildcards and doesn't ignore directory information.
    • +
    • When ExtractTemporaryFile or ExtractTemporaryFiles extracts a file, this is now logged.
    • +
    • Unicode Inno Setup: Now has an Int64 type, supported by IntToStr. Also added new StrToInt64, StrToInt64Def, and GetSpaceOnDisk64 support functions.
    • +
  • +
  • If the Flags parameter of a [Files] entry includes isreadme and the entry also has a BeforeInstall or AfterInstall parameter, the BeforeInstall or AfterInstall functions will now only be called when the file is installed and no longer a second time when the file is viewed after the installation has completed.
  • +
  • [Setup] section directive VersionInfoProductTextVersion, which sets the textual product version value, is now truncated at 50 characters instead of 20. Contributed by Lukas Ais via GitHub.
  • +
  • The Inno Setup help file source code has been moved into the main Inno Setup source code repository.
  • +
  • Fix: [Setup] section directive CloseApplicationsFilter was partially case sensitive.
  • +
  • Unicode [Code] based on RemObjects Pascal Script Git commit 31abd2925837d85a6965b5325e8fb7835ca73ea8.
  • +
  • QuickStart Pack: No longer offers to download and install InnoIDE (which is no longer maintained by its author) unless /ALLOWINNOIDE=1 is specified on the command line. If you're still using InnoIDE it is recommended you switch to Inno Script Studio (which QuickStart pack can download and install).
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.5.2 (2012-10-08)

  • Added the Windows 8 "compatibility" section to the various manifest resources used by Inno Setup.
  • +
  • Added constants {userpf} and {usercf}. Only Windows 7 and later supports {userpf} and {usercf}; if used on previous Windows versions, they will translate to the same directories as {localappdata}\Programs and {localappdata}\Programs\Common.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Added new RegisterExtraCloseApplicationsResources event function and also added new RegisterExtraCloseApplicationsResource support function. These functions can be used to register extra files which Setup should check for being in-use.
  • +
  • Added new command line parameters supported by Setup: /CLOSEAPPLICATIONS and /RESTARTAPPLICATIONS. These can be used to override the CloseApplications and RestartApplications directives.
  • +
  • Decreased Unicode Inno Setup's size slightly. Contributed by Andreas Hausladen via GitHub.
  • +
  • Unicode [Code] based on RemObjects Pascal Script Git commit 52291ffbfc14f3cf1a445f3e88c6902e13fbdf78.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.5.1 (2012-07-09)

  • Added official Greek translation.
  • +
  • Updated the official Catalan, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French (Standard), German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian (Bokmal), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic), Serbian (Latin), Slovenian, Spanish, and Ukrainian translations for the changes introduced by the previous version.
  • +
  • Demoted the official Basque and Slovak translations to unofficial because of a lack of updates by the maintainers. To send updates yourself, see this post for what needs updating and use this form to send updates (or use GitHub). See the Inno Setup Translations page for more information.
  • +
  • Fix: The Preparing to Install wizard page's detection of files that need to be updated but are in use or queued (by some other installation) to be replaced or deleted on the next restart did not work for [Files] and [InstallDelete] entries with a Components or Tasks parameter.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.5.0 (2012-05-29)

  • Non-Unicode Inno Setup OS requirements change: Windows 95, 98, Me, and NT 4.0 are no longer supported. Like the Unicode version, Windows 2000 is now the minimum supported operating system.
  • +
  • The MinVersion and OnlyBelowVersion directives and parameters now require only a single version number. For example: MinVersion=5.1. For compatibility with previous versions of Inno Setup, separate Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT version numbers may still be specified, but these aren't used anymore.
  • +
  • On Windows Vista and newer, Setup now supports the Windows Restart Manager API to close and restart applications using files that need to be updated: +
    • Added new [Setup] section directive: CloseApplications, which defaults to yes. If set to yes and Setup is not running silently, Setup will now pause on the Preparing to Install wizard page if it detects applications using files that need to be updated by the [Files] or [InstallDelete] section, showing the applications and asking the user if Setup should automatically close the applications and restart them after the installation has completed. If set to yes and Setup is running silently, Setup will always close and restart such applications, unless told not to via the command line (see below).
    • +
    • Added new [Setup] section directive: CloseApplicationsFilter, which defaults to *.exe,*.dll,*.chm. Controls which files Setup will check for being in use. Setting this to *.* can provide better checking at the expense of speed.
    • +
    • Added new [Setup] section directive: RestartApplications, which defaults to yes. Note: for Setup to be able to restart an application after the installation has completed, the application needs to be using the Windows RegisterApplicationRestart API function.
    • +
    • Added new command line parameters supported by Setup: /NOCLOSEAPPLICATIONS and /NORESTARTAPPLICATIONS. These can be used to override the new CloseApplications and RestartApplications directives.
    • +
    • Added new [Code] support function: RmSessionStarted.
    • +
    • TWizardForm: Added new PreparingMemo property.
    • +
  • +
  • The Preparing to Install wizard page now also checks if one or more files specified in the [InstallDelete] section were queued (by some other installation) to be replaced or deleted on the next restart, making Setup stop on the page if it does. Previously it only checked files specified in the [Files] section.
  • +
  • Setup now additionally hides the Back and Next buttons while the PrepareToInstall [Code] event function is running. Previously it only disabled itself.
  • +
  • Added new [Setup] section directive: AllowNetworkDrive, which defaults to yes. If set to no, the user will not be allowed to enter a network drive on the Select Destination Location page of the wizard. Note: to fully disallow installation to network locations, you must also set AllowUNCPath to no.
  • +
  • Windows 7 changes: +
    • Added new [Icons] section flag: preventpinning. Prevents a Start menu entry from being pinnable to Taskbar or the Start Menu on Windows 7 (or later). This also makes the entry ineligible for inclusion in the Start menu's Most Frequently Used (MFU) list. Ignored on earlier Windows versions. Contributed by Milan Burda via GitHub.
    • +
    • Windows 7 SP1 fixed the issue with EstimatedSize values in the Uninstall registry key and on Windows 7 SP1 or newer Setup now sets EstimatedSize even for sizes of 4GB or more.
    • +
  • +
  • Improved the "auto-retry" feature of the [Files] section: it now automatically retries even if the restartreplace [Files] section flag is used.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Changed the InstallOnThisVersion support function to return a Boolean value. If an invalid version string is passed, an exception will be raised.
  • +
  • Added 128x128 and 256x256 sizes to the compiler and document icons, created by Motaz.
  • +
  • Some messages have been added and removed in this version. + (View differences in Default.isl) +
    • New messages: ApplicationsFound, ApplicationsFound2, CannotInstallToNetworkDrive, CannotInstallToUNCPath, CloseApplications, DontCloseApplications, InvalidParameter, SetupAlreadyRunning, ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp, ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp, StatusClosingApplications, StatusRestartingApplications, WindowsServicePackRequired, WindowsVersionNotSupported.
    • +
    • New custom messages: AutoStartProgramGroupDescription, AutoStartProgram, AddonHostProgramNotFound.
    • +
    • Removed messages: ToUNCPathname.
    • +
    + Note: only the official English and Dutch (Netherlands) translations have been updated for these changes at this moment. See the Inno Setup Translations page for more information.
  • +
  • Inno Setup Preprocessor (ISPP) changes: +
    • Added function DirExists.
    • +
    • The ISPP source code has been moved into the main Inno Setup source code repository.
    • +
  • +
  • Unicode [Code] based on RemObjects Pascal Script Git commit e5a93a963f785e89810e61e3eb5e2b6ee3efd3e7.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +
+ +

5.4.3 (2011-12-20)

  • QuickStart Pack: Now offers to download and install Inno Script Studio besides InnoIDE.
  • +
  • Setup now only allows the "Don't create a Start Menu folder" check box to suppress the creation of shortcuts under {group}. Previously, it would also suppress the creation of shortcuts in other locations, such as {userstartup}, on entries that lacked a Tasks parameter.
  • +
  • Setup now doesn't count files with Tasks/Check parameters when calculating the disk space shown at the bottom of the Select Components page.
  • +
  • Improved throughput of external file copying on some devices.
  • +
  • On Unicode, Setup now supports Rich Edit 4.1 when available.
  • +
  • Inno Setup Preprocessor (ISPP) changes: +
    • Documentation improvements: Added the functions available from ISPPBuiltins.iss to the help file.
    • +
    • #ifexist/#ifnexist: For consistency with ISPP functions, prepend SourcePath if the filename is relative, and also support prefix expansion.
    • +
    • ReadReg: Now only requests KEY_QUERY_VALUE access on the key. Previously, it requested KEY_ALL_ACCESS.
    • +
  • +
  • The Inno Setup source code is now also available as a Git repository at GitHub. This should make it easier to contribute to Inno Setup, see GitHub Help - Fork A Repo for more info.
  • +
  • Added official Serbian (both Latin and Cyrillic) and Ukrainian translations.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.4.2 (2011-03-17)

  • Windows 7 change: +
    • Added new [Icons] section flag: excludefromshowinnewinstall. Prevents the Start menu entry for the new shortcut from receiving a highlight on Windows 7. Ignored on earlier Windows versions.
    • +
  • +
  • Compiler IDE change: +
    • Changed shortcut for Edit | Complete Word to Alt+Right (but still recognize Ctrl+Space). Reportedly, Ctrl+Space conflicts with the Chinese IME.
    • +
  • +
  • Fixes: +
    • Inno Setup Preprocessor: #include handling of '.\' and '..\' now treats such filenames as relative to the directory containing the current file, not to the current directory (which is undefined).
    • +
    • On the 5.4.1 Unicode compiler, trying to build a multi-language installer while running under a DBCS code page could unexpectedly result in "Illegal null character" errors.
    • +
    • On Unicode, string-type parameters passed to BeforeInstall and AfterInstall functions were being converted to ANSI.
    • +
  • +
+ +

5.4.1 (2011-02-09)

  • Inno Setup Preprocessor (ISPP) changes: +
    • ISPP is now an official part of Inno Setup and is included in the standard Inno Setup installer instead of only being included in the QuickStart Pack installer.
    • +
    • It is now possible to enable ISPP preprocessing on .isl files by adding a line saying #preproc ispp at the top of the .isl file.
    • +
    • With the exception of Exec, ReadIni, and WriteIni, all ISPP functions that take filenames have been changed to interpret the filenames as relative to SourcePath instead of the current directory. Additionally, these functions, the #include directive, and the #file directive now support prefix expansion (e.g. 'compiler:') in filenames.
    • +
    • The #include directive no longer searches the current directory.
    • +
    • Builtins.iss has been renamed to ISPPBuiltins.iss.
    • +
    • The Compiler IDE no longer displays a separate ISPP version number in its title bar.
    • +
  • +
  • Compiler IDE changes: +
    • The Edit | Replace | Replace All command now actually replaces all occurrences, instead of doing a Delphi-style "From Cursor" replacement. Also it now counts all replacements as a single undo action and shows how many occurrences were replaced.
    • +
    • Unicode change: Added a new File | Save Encoding submenu. It now defaults to preserving the UTF-8 BOM of existing files, even if the UTF-8 encoding isn't really needed.
    • +
  • +
  • Unicode change: Added support for Unicode characters in DLL filenames (not specified directly in the script, but returned by constants like {app}). This fixes the "Cannot Import" error seen with for example the CodeDll.iss example script when uninstalling from an {app} path containing non-ANSI characters.
  • +
  • Two new Setup exit codes related to the Preparing to Install stage were added. See the help file for more information.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.4.0 (2010-10-31)

  • Compiler IDE changes: +
    • The editor component has been changed from SynEdit to Scintilla.
    • +
    • Autocompletion support has been added to all sections except for [Messages], [CustomMessages], and [Code].
    • +
    • Brace highlighting has been added to all sections.
    • +
    • Syntax errors are now underlined during editing. (Support for the [Code] section is limited.)
    • +
    • Constants are now highlighted.
    • +
    • Variable-pitch fonts may now be selected as the editor font.
    • +
    • ISPP inline directives ({#...}) are now consistently highlighted in all contexts.
    • +
    • Zooming is now supported.
    • +
    • Added new options: Word wrap (default: off), Auto indent mode (default: on), Show indentation guides (default: off), Invoke autocomplete automatically (default: on), Underline syntax errors (default: on), and Use tab character (default: off).
    • +
  • +
  • Setup now instructs edit controls which are used to input a file or folder name to use AutoComplete to help complete file system paths.
  • +
  • On disk space checks, Setup now queries the nearest volume mount point rather than the root.
  • +
  • The default directory and Start Menu folder names specified via the /DIR=, /GROUP=, and /LOADINF= command line parameters now may include an "expand:" prefix which instructs Setup to expand any constants in the name. For example: /DIR="expand:{pf}\My Program".
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes: +
    • TNewProgressBar: Added new Style and State properties. See the CodeClasses.iss example script for an example.
    • +
    • TBitmapImage: Added new OnClick and OnDblClick properties. See the CodeClasses.iss example script for an example.
    • +
  • +
  • Dropped Itanium-specific 64-bit support for the [Files] section's regtypelib flag and the [Registry] section's Permissions parameter. These features depended on an Itanium-specific "helper" binary, which we no longer have the ability to test or build. (x64 support for these features is unaffected.)
  • +
  • Updated bzip2 library to version 1.0.6.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +
+ +

5.3.11 (2010-09-17)

  • QuickStart Pack: Now offers to download and install InnoIDE instead of ISTool. InnoIDE is an easy to use Inno Setup Script editor by Graham Murt and meant as a replacement of the standard Compiler IDE that comes with Inno Setup. Using InnoIDE is especially recommended for new users. Note: unlike ISTool, InnoIDE supports Unicode scripts.
  • +
  • Unicode changes: +
    • Previously, if a Unicode installer included translations for both Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese using the language IDs $0404 (Taiwan) and $0804 (PRC), a user running under another Traditional Chinese language ID—such as $0C04 (Hong Kong)—could have incorrectly received the Simplified Chinese translation by default if it was listed first in the script's [Languages] section. Now, like the ANSI version of Setup, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese are treated as completely separate languages. Thus, provided other options are available, Simplified Chinese will not be considered for selection as the default language on Traditional Chinese systems, and vice versa.
    • +
    • Compiler IDE editor updated to the latest UniSynEdit version. This fixes the extra empty line appearing at the end of scripts when first saved.
    • +
    • Ctrl+V/Esc/etc. are no longer intercepted by the Compiler IDE's main window while the Find dialog has the focus.
    • +
    • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 233. This fixes GetExceptionMessage always returning "(There is no current exception)" on Unicode.
    • +
  • +
  • Compiler IDE: Added new Build | Open Output Folder command.
  • +
  • In certain cases, applications started via postinstall nowait [Run] entries did not come to the foreground (top of the Z-order) as expected. This could occur if Setup exited before the spawned process(es) were able to initialize, causing Windows to bring the window that was underneath Setup in the Z-order to the foreground instead. Now, when postinstall nowait [Run] entries are processed, Setup will wait briefly (up to one second) before exiting for another process to bump Setup from the foreground.
  • +
  • To help protect applications against potential DLL preloading attacks, Setup now always specifies a working directory on shortcuts it creates. If a WorkingDir parameter is not specified or is blank, Setup will try to extract a directory name from the Filename parameter. If for some reason that fails, the working directory will be set to {sys}.
  • +
  • To help protect installers against potential DLL/EXE preloading attacks, Setup/Uninstall now calls SetDllDirectory to remove the current directory from the DLL search order, and SetSearchPathMode to prevent SearchPath and CreateProcess from searching the current directory before system directories.
  • +
  • If the Filename parameter of a [Run]/[UninstallRun] entry or Exec/ShellExec call does not include a path, and a WorkingDir value is not provided, Setup/Uninstall will now specify a known-safe default (currently {sys}) for the process's initial current directory, instead of allowing the process to inherit Setup/Uninstall's current directory. You should not rely on this behavior, however; it is best to always specify a path in the Filename parameter.
  • +
  • When an Open or Save common dialog is dismissed, the current directory is now restored to its original value.
  • +
  • Updated bzip2 library to version 1.0.5.
  • +
  • QuickStart Pack: Any ISPP function that uses the system's DLL search path such as GetFileVersion will no longer search the current directory.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.3.10 (2010-06-11)

  • Added .NET Framework 4.0 support: +
    • Added constants {dotnet40}, {dotnet4032}, and {dotnet4064}. An exception will be raised if an attempt is made to expand these constants on a system with no .NET Framework version 4.0 present.
    • +
    • [Files] section flag gacinstall can now be used on .NET Framework 4.0 assemblies too.
    • +
  • +
  • Windows 7 changes: +
    • [Icons] section flag foldershortcut is now ignored when running on Windows 7 (or later), as folder shortcuts do not expand properly on the Start Menu anymore.
    • +
  • +
  • [Setup] section directive changes: +
    • When SignedUninstaller is set to yes, any temporary self-copies used by Setup are now digitally signed too.
    • +
    • Uninstallable may now be set to a boolean expression, which may contain calls to check functions. For example: Uninstallable=not IsTaskSelected('portablemode'). See the Uninstallable documentation for details.
    • +
    • AppVerName is no longer required if AppVersion is specified. It will now effectively default to: {cm:NameAndVersion,[AppName],[AppVersion]}. The Compiler IDE's New Script Wizard now also asks for an AppVersion instead of an AppVerName.
    • +
    • If a text VersionInfo* directive is set to an empty string (as opposed to not being specified), then the version info field is really set to an empty string now, instead of forcing a default value.
    • +
    • VersionInfoProductTextVersion now defaults to VersionInfoProductVersion if set, else AppVersion if AppVersion is set and does not include constants, else VersionInfoTextVersion.
    • +
  • +
  • Unicode Inno Setup: An issue with the taskbar button re-appearing on /VERYSILENT installs has been fixed.
  • +
  • Unicode [Code] based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 228.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.3.9 (2010-04-10)

  • For better appearance on Windows 7 and Vista when ClearType is enabled, Tahoma is the new default font used by Setup and Uninstall. A new [Setup] section directive DefaultDialogFontName has also been added to make it easy to override the default dialog font for all languages that do not have a custom DialogFontName setting. If you would like to revert to the dialog font used in previous versions of Inno Setup (Microsoft Sans Serif if available, else MS Sans Serif), set DefaultDialogFontName to an empty string (DefaultDialogFontName=).
  • +
  • Added new [Setup] section directive: DisableWelcomePage to hide the Welcome wizard page. Doing so is recommended by the Aero wizard guidelines. Additionally, the ShouldSkipPage event function is now also called for wpWelcome.
  • +
  • When Setup is not running silently, the Ready To Install wizard page now ignores attempts to skip it when no other wizard page before it has been shown yet.
  • +
  • Added LZMA2 compression support: +
    • Updated the LZMA SDK compression code to version 9.10 which adds support for LZMA2 compression. LZMA2 is a modified version of LZMA that offers a better compression ratio for uncompressible data (random data expands about 0.005%, compared to 1.35% with original LZMA), and optionally can compress multiple parts of large files in parallel, greatly increasing compression speed but with a possible reduction in compression ratio. LZMA2 compression may be activated by setting the Compression [Setup] section directive to lzma2, and lzma2 is now also the default value.
    • +
  • +
  • Added various new [Setup] section directives with names that start with LZMA to fine-tune LZMA and LZMA2 compression parameters, including LZMADictionarySize which allows the LZMA dictionary size to be increased up to 256 MB from the previous maximum of 64 MB. Review the memory requirements listed in the Compression topic before using.
  • +
  • Tweaked the JMP/CALL instruction optimization algorithm for slightly better compression of executable files. (On Inno Setup's own installer, this saved about 2 KB.)
  • +
  • Improved compression of x64 executable files: just like for x86 executable files, JMP/CALL instruction optimization is now performed for x64 executable files. On average, this will reduce the compressed size of x64 executable files by 2-3%.
  • +
  • [Setup] section directive DiskSliceSize can now be set to max, and max is now also the default value.
  • +
  • Windows 7 change: The Compiler IDE is now pinnable. Also, files that are opened via the Welcome dialog, MRU list, and drag & drop now get added to the Jump List.
  • +
  • Windows 7 and Vista changes: +
    • Before deleting a pinned shortcut, Uninstall now automatically removes it from the current user's Start menu pinned list and on Windows 7 also from the taskbar.
    • +
    • Changed the icon that is shown on Select Start Menu Folder wizard page. Previously, it used the same icon as the preceding Select Destination Location page, but that was never really the intention.
    • +
    • When Setup and Uninstall respawn for elevation, any SUBST'ed drives in the EXE filename are now expanded before the respawn, since the elevated user will not retain the original user's SUBST mappings. Fixes error seen when starting Setup from a SUBST'ed drive.
    • +
  • +
  • Setup now uses the SHA-1 algorithm instead of MD5 for file checksums and various internally-used hashes.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Added support functions GetSHA1OfString, GetSHA1OfUnicodeString, and GetSHA1OfFile.
  • +
  • QuickStart Pack: Added ISPP functions GetSHA1OfString, GetSHA1OfUnicodeString, and GetSHA1OfFile.
  • +
  • [Icons] section parameter AppUserModelID is now also used on Windows Server 2008 R2.
  • +
  • In Setup's version info text fields, "(C)" is now automatically replaced with real copyright symbols ("©").
  • +
  • Unicode Inno Setup: Added workaround for upstream Delphi bug that could cause Setup (versions 5.3.6 to 5.3.8) to display a "Stream read error" error message at startup on Windows 2000 systems that did not have Service Pack 4 installed.
  • +
  • Compiler IDE change: the Tools | Configure Sign Tools... dialog now allows editing of existing Sign Tools.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now 51.(10)52.0.0.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.3.8 (2010-02-18)

  • Added new [Setup] section directive: UsePreviousLanguage. When this directive is yes, the default, at startup Setup will look in the registry to see if the same application is already installed, and if so, it will use the language of the previous installation as the default language selected in the list of available languages on the Select Language dialog. Note that this directive does not change the language used by the Select Language dialog itself because it cannot assume that the current user understands the same languages as the previous user. UsePreviousLanguage must be set to no when AppId includes constants.
  • +
  • On Windows Vista and newer, Uninstall no longer blocks system shutdown until the uninstallation has actually started. This should make the Windows 7 Logo Kit (which wrongly tests any .exe in the application directory including the uninstaller) happy when it tries to shutdown an Uninstall sitting on its confirmation prompt.
  • +
  • On Windows NT and newer, PrivilegesRequired=lowest now has an additional effect: the uninstall info root key will always be HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and the "common" forms of the Shell Folder constants are always mapped to the "user" forms, even if administrative privileges are available.
  • +
  • [Setup] section directive CreateUninstallRegKey may now be set to a boolean expression, which may contain calls to check functions. For example: CreateUninstallRegKey=not IsTaskSelected('portablemode'). See the CreateUninstallRegKey documentation for details.
  • +
  • The Preparing to Install wizard page now offers the user an option to directly reboot instead of just saying a reboot is needed. To trigger this option from a PrepareToInstall event function set its new NeedsRestart parameter to True.
  • +
  • In the MinVersion and OnlyBelowVersion directives and parameters, .x is now treated the same as .0x when a major version of 5 or higher is specified. Thus, you now have the option of using either 5.01 or 5.1 to specify Windows XP. However, to maintain compatibility with existing scripts, 4.x will still be interpreted as 4.x0.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Added new PageIndexFromID support function.
  • +
  • The online documentation available at now has an index and is searchable.
  • +
  • QuickStart Pack changes: + +
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now 51.(10)51.0.0.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.3.7 (2010-01-06)

  • The PrivilegesRequired [Setup] section directive can now be set to lowest. On Windows Vista and later this instructs Setup to not request elevated rights (via a User Account Control dialog) even if it was started by a member of the Administrators group. Do not use this setting unless you are sure your installation will run successfully on unprivileged accounts. If you were using PrivilegesRequired=none before, it is recommended to switch to PrivilegesRequired=lowest.
  • +
  • Added new Compiler IDE option: Autosave before compiling.
  • +
  • [Tasks] section flags checkedonce and unchecked may now be combined. This combination specifies the task to be unchecked by default on the first install, and always unchecked by default on subsequent installs as well.
  • +
  • A problem with "Not Implemented" errors when Setup or Uninstall was run on Windows 7 under special conditions such as from a non-interactive service was fixed.
  • +
  • Changed the CodePrepareToInstall.iss example script to use the RunOnce registry key instead of a shortcut placed in {commonstartup}.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: the Non Unicode compiler now has a PAnsiChar type just like the Unicode compiler.
  • +
  • Added official Japanese translation.
  • +
  • Unicode [Code] based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 197.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.3.6 (2009-11-14)

  • Windows 7 change: +
    • Added new [Setup] section directive: UninstallDisplaySize. On Windows 7 and newer, Setup uses this directive to set the EstimatedSize value in the Uninstall registry key when possible since the Windows 7 Add/Remove Programs Control Panel (called Program and Features) no longer automatically calculates it. If an UninstallDisplaySize is not set, Setup estimates the size itself by taking the size of all files installed and adding any ExtraDiskSpaceRequired values set. Note: Windows 7 only supports the display of values smaller than 4 GB.
    • +
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting now supports IUnknown based COM. Previously it only supported IDispatch based COM but a growing number of Windows API functions are COM based without implementing the IDispatch interface, and you can now use these as well. See the new CodeAutomation2.iss example script for an example. Note: this is only supported by Unicode Inno Setup at the moment, because of Delphi 2's limitations (Delphi 2 is used to compile Non Unicode Inno Setup): +
    • Added StringToGUID, CreateComObject, and OleCheck support functions.
    • +
    • Added HResult, TGUID, TCLSID, and TIID support types.
    • +
  • +
  • The compiler no longer allows a single LanguageCodePage directive to be applied to multiple languages at once. If you were using this to force Non Unicode Setup to allow the user to select any language regardless of the system code page, set [Setup] section directive ShowUndisplayableLanguages to yes instead.
  • +
  • Added new CodePrepareToInstall.iss example script.
  • +
  • Fix: Unicode Pascal scripting: passing a very long string to Format caused an error.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.3.5 (2009-09-23)

  • Windows 7 changes: +
    • Setup, Uninstall and custom TOutputProgressWizardPage pages now make use of the new Windows 7 taskbar functionality to display progress, pause and error indicators on their taskbar buttons.
    • +
    • Added new [Icons] section parameter: AppUserModelID. Specifies the Windows 7 Application User Model ID for the shortcut. Ignored on earlier Windows versions and on server versions. This parameter can include constants.
    • +
  • +
  • Windows 7 and Vista changes: +
    • Setup, Uninstall and custom TOutputProgressWizardPage pages now display pause and error indicators on their progress bars.
    • +
    • Setup and Uninstall now call the Windows API function ShutdownBlockReasonCreate to set the shutdown block reason string to be displayed to the user if system shutdown is initiated. Note: this change is purely cosmetic, the fact that Setup and Uninstall block system shutdown is not new.
    • +
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes: +
    • TWinControl: Added new ParentBackground property. By setting this to False, you can ensure the background of a TPanel will always display the color assigned to its Color property, instead of it becoming transparent under certain conditions. See the CodeClasses.iss example script for an example.
    • +
  • +
  • The Unicode compiler now behaves identical to the Non Unicode compiler if a language uses more than one .isl file (it no longer requires the LanguageCodePage to be set in each file), or if a languages LanguageCodePage is overwritten from the .iss file (it no longer ignores this), or if any language specific plain text ANSI LicenseFile, InfoBeforeFile, or InfoAfterFile is used (it now converts these to Unicode using the languages LanguageCodePage at compile-time, instead of using the system codepage at run-time).
  • +
  • Fix: Pascal scripting: passing a Unicode string to some built-in functions like Copy caused the string to be converted to ANSI.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now 51.(10)50.0.0.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.3.4 (2009-08-15)

  • On Windows 7 the Compiler IDE now makes use of the new Windows 7 taskbar functionality to display progress, pause and error indicators on its taskbar button.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Documented function IDispatchInvoke, which can be used to access a COM Automation property or method whose name is a reserved word.
  • +
  • Fix: Unicode [Registry] section entries with ValueType set to binary did not set the correct value.
  • +
  • Fix: Pascal scripting: setting a COM Automation property or method parameter to a Unicode string variable caused an 'Invalid Type' error.
  • +
+ +

5.3.3 (2009-08-01)

  • [Setup] section directives VersionInfoProductVersion now sets the binary product version value instead of the textual product version value.
  • +
  • Added new [Setup] section directive: VersionInfoProductTextVersion, which sets the textual product version value. Its default value is VersionInfoProductVersion if set, else VersionInfoVersion.
  • +
  • [Setup] section directives DisableDirPage and DisableProgramGroupPage can now be set to auto. If they are, at startup Setup will look in the registry to see if the same application is already installed, and if so, it will hide the pages automatically.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes: +
    • WizardForm.PrevAppDir is now available and returns the directory of the previous installation. Returns an empty string if there's no previous installation or if UsePreviousAppDir is set to no or if Uninstallable was previously set to no.
    • +
    • While running any PrepareToInstall event function Setup now displays the Preparing to Install wizard page instead of the Ready to Install page and disables itself.
    • +
  • +
  • Added the Windows 7 "compatibility" section to the various manifest resources used by Inno Setup.
  • +
  • Documentation improvements.
  • +
+ +

5.3.2-beta (2009-05-29)

  • Replaced constant {regasmexe} with {dotnet11} and {dotnet20}.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Added new PrepareToInstall event function. Return a non empty string from this function to instruct Setup to stop at the Preparing to Install wizard page showing the returned string as the error message.
  • +
  • Minor fixes and tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.3.1-beta (2009-05-15)

  • [Setup] directive AppMutex and support function CheckForMutexes change: to specify a mutex name containing a comma you can now escape the comma with a backslash.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.3.0-beta (2009-04-22)

  • Added .NET support (these cause an internal error if used on a system with no .NET Framework present): +
    • Added new [Files] section flag: gacinstall.
    • +
    • Added new [Files] section parameter: StrongAssemblyName.
    • +
    • Added new constants: {regasmexe}, {regasmexe32}, {regasmexe64}.
    • +
  • +
  • MinVersion parameter/directive change: if you leave one of the versions empty then it will use the default MinVersion for that platform.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Added new MinimizePathName support function.
  • +
  • Added Unicode support: there's now a second version of Inno Setup available called Unicode Inno Setup. Key features of this version are its ability to display any language on any system regardless of the system code page, and its ability to work with Unicode filenames. Notes: +
    • Unicode Inno Setup uses the existing ANSI .isl language files and you should not and may not convert these to Unicode or anything similar since it does so automatically during compilation using the LanguageCodePage setting listed inside the language's .isl file. However, you do need to convert existing [Messages] and [CustomMessages] entries in your .iss files to Unicode if the language used a special LanguageCodePage.
    • +
    • The [Setup] directive ShowUndisplayableLanguages is ignored by Unicode Inno Setup.
    • +
    • Unicode Inno Setup is compiled with Delphi 2009 instead of Delphi 2 and 3, leading to slightly larger files. The source code however is still compatible with Delphi 2 and 3, and a non Unicode version will remain available.
    • +
    • Unicode Inno Setup and installers created by it require Windows 2000/XP or newer. The non Unicode version still works on NT/9x.
    • +
    • Existing installations of your programs done by non Unicode installers can be freely updated by Unicode installers, and vice versa.
    • +
    • Unicode Pascal Scripting notes: +
      • The Unicode compiler sees type 'String' as a Unicode string, and 'Char' as a Unicode character. Its 'AnsiString' type hasn't changed and still is an ANSI string. Its 'PChar' type has been renamed to 'PAnsiChar'.
      • +
      • The Unicode compiler is more strict about correct ';' usage: it no longer accepts certain missing ';' characters.
      • +
      • The new RemObjects PascalScript version used by the Unicode compiler supports Unicode, but not for its input source. This means it does use Unicode string types as said, but any literal Unicode characters in the script will be converted to ANSI. This doesn't mean you can't display Unicode strings: you can for example instead use encoded Unicode characters to build Unicode strings (like S := #$0100 + #$0101 + 'Aa';), or load the string from a file using LoadStringsFromFile.
      • +
      • Some support functions had their prototype changed: some parameters of CreateOutputMsgMemoPage, RegQueryBinaryValue, RegWriteBinaryValue, OemToCharBuff, CharToOemBuff, LoadStringFromfile, SaveStringToFile, and GetMD5OfString are of type AnsiString now instead of String.
      • +
      • Added new SaveStringsToUTF8File, and GetMD5OfUnicodeString support functions.
      • +
      • If you want to compile an existing script that imports ANSI Windows API calls with the Unicode compiler, either upgrade to the 'W' Unicode API call or change the parameters from 'String' or 'PChar' to 'AnsiString'. The 'AnsiString' approach will make your [Code] compatible with both the Unicode and the non Unicode version.
      • +
    • +
    • Unicode Inno Setup supports UTF-8 encoded .iss files (but not UTF-16).
    • +
    • Unicode Inno Setup supports UTF-8 and UTF-16LE encoded .txt files for LicenseFile, InfoBeforeFile, and InfoAfterFile.
    • +
    • QuickStart Pack: added ISPP predefined variable UNICODE.
    • +
  • +
  • Thanks to Carlo Kok and Evgeny Karpov of RemObjects Software for their help related to Unicode support.
  • +
  • QuickStart Pack: added ISPP functions Trim, and GetMD5OfUnicodeString.
  • +
+ +
+ +

5.2.4 (2009-03-16)

  • Added new [Registry] section ValueType: qword.
  • +
  • Added new [Setup] section directive: SignTool, which makes it possible to further automate digital signing of Setup and Uninstall. See the help file for more information.
  • +
  • The value of the AppVersion directive is now also used to set the MajorVersion and MinorVersion values in the Uninstall registry key when possible.
  • +
  • /LOG: Now logs exit codes on [UninstallRun] entries.
  • +
  • Compiler IDE changes: +
    • Added new Tools | Configure Sign Tools... command.
    • +
  • +
  • Command line compiler changes: +
    • Added new "/S" parameter to specify a Sign Tool.
    • +
  • +
  • Added new [Files] section flag: sortfilesbyname.
  • +
+ +

5.2.3 (2008-03-10)

  • Improved support for right-to-left languages (Arabic and Hebrew):
    Added new [LangOptions] section directive: RightToLeft. If set to yes, text alignment and reading order will be reversed (with some intentional exceptions), and controls will be arranged from right to left ("flipped").
  • +
  • Added new [Setup] section directives: VersionInfoProductName and VersionInfoProductVersion.
  • +
  • Changed the fixed Language field in Setup's version info from "English (United States)" to "Language Neutral".
  • +
  • Uninstall now supports custom message constants ({cm:...}) like Setup.
  • +
  • Right-to-left-related Pascal Scripting changes: +
    • The control flipping that is performed when RightToLeft=yes is mostly transparent, normally requiring no changes to existing code. Controls created on custom wizard pages will be flipped automatically after the InitializeWizard event function returns, and controls created on custom forms will, by default, be flipped the first time the form is shown.
    • +
    • Changes to TSetupForm (the class used for custom forms): +
      • Added RightToLeft Boolean property (read-only): True if right-to-left text alignment and reading order is enabled on the form. The RightToLeft [LangOptions] directive determines the value of this property.
      • +
      • Added FlipControlsOnShow Boolean property: If True (the default setting if RightToLeft is True), controls on the form will be flipped the next time the form is shown. After the form has been shown, the property is reset to False automatically.
      • +
      • Added ControlsFlipped Boolean property (read-only): True if the controls have been flipped.
      • +
      • Added FlipControlsIfNeeded method. This flips the controls immediately if FlipControlsOnShow is True, then resets FlipControlsOnShow to False.
      • +
    • +
    • Added new classes: TNewEdit, TNewMemo, TNewComboBox, TNewButton, TNewCheckBox, TNewRadioButton, and TNewListBox. On these classes, right-to-left text alignment and reading order is used when the parent TSetupForm's RightToLeft property is True.
    • +
    • TNewStaticText: Added ForceLTRReading property. If set to True, the text will always be rendered with left-to-right reading order, overriding the parent form's RightToLeft setting.
    • +
  • +
  • Other Pascal Scripting changes: +
    • TNewStaticText: Added AdjustHeight method. This adjusts the value of the Height property to fit the text. Only useful when AutoSize is set to False.
    • +
    • Added new object UninstallProgressForm of class TUninstallProgressForm. Also added new event function InitializeUninstallProgressForm, which is called after the Uninstall progress form has been created and before it is shown. See the help file and the CodeClasses.iss example script for more information.
    • +
  • +
  • Added workaround for bug in Windows Vista (still present in SP1): With UAC turned off, launching an uninstaller from the Programs and Features Control Panel applet and answering No at the confirmation message box would cause a "This program might not have uninstalled correctly" dialog to be displayed, even though the uninstaller includes a proper "Vista-aware" manifest.
  • +
  • Compiler IDE changes: +
    • The New Script Wizard now generates random unique AppId [Setup] section directives.
    • +
    • Added new Tools | Generate GUID command.
    • +
  • +
  • QuickStart Pack: added ISPP functions GetMD5OfFile, GetMD5OfString and GetFileDateTimeString.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.2.2 (2007-10-22)

  • The Setup loader now extracts the Setup program executable file with a ".tmp" extension. Versions 5.2.0 and 5.2.1 used a ".exe.tmp" extension, which reportedly, in some cases, caused an "Unable to execute file in temporary directory" error message on systems with a certain antivirus program installed. We were unable to reproduce the error in our own tests, however; it is suspected that this may have only impacted users with custom filename blocking rules defined in their antivirus configuration.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Added new GetSaveFileName support function.
  • +
  • Fix: The compiler could fail with an "Out of memory" error on script files containing more than ~100,000 lines, due to a heap fragmentation issue.
  • +
+ +

5.2.1 (2007-10-13)

  • Added new [Setup] section directive: SignedUninstaller, which makes it possible to attach a digital signature to the uninstaller program (unins???.exe). When the uninstaller has a valid digital signature, Windows Vista users will not see an "unidentified program" warning when launching it from outside of Control Panel.
  • +
  • Added new [Setup] section directive: SignedUninstallerDir.
  • +
  • Check functions associated with [Tasks] entries are now called when the Select Tasks wizard page is entered. Previously, they were called prior to the wizard being shown, which meant they couldn't depend on the user's selections in preceding wizard pages. (There are plans to make the same change to [Components] in the future.)
  • +
  • Brought back the pre-5.1.13 duplicate [Components]/[Tasks] entry semantics. For example, in the following case: +
    +Name: foo; Description: "foo #1"; Components: bar
    +Name: foo; Description: "foo #2"; Components: not bar
    +Name: foo\child; Description: "foo\child" +
    +"foo\child" will now, once again, be shown regardless of which "foo" is conditionally created. +
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: "files:" function imports may now include multiple filenames. "files:A.dll,B.dll" will cause both A.dll and B.dll to be extracted before A.dll is loaded.
  • +
  • On Windows Vista, Setup no longer alters the uninstaller program's manifest resource to request elevation, because this would invalidate a digital signature. Instead, the uninstaller now respawns itself when elevation is required, much like Setup does beginning with version 5.2.0.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.2.0 (2007-09-19)

  • On Windows Vista, [Run] section entries with the postinstall flag no longer inherit Setup's elevated privileges by default, and instead now execute with the (normally non-elevated) credentials of the user that started Setup initially. (There are some exceptions; see the runasoriginaluser flag documentation for details.)
  • +
  • Added new [Run] section flags: runascurrentuser and runasoriginaluser. These control which user credentials are used on Windows Vista when spawning processes. (runasoriginaluser is the default when the postinstall flag is used; runascurrentuser is the default otherwise.)
  • +
  • Improved compression of x86 executable files. (This reduced the size of Inno Setup's own installer by approximately 10 KB.)
  • +
  • Added new [Files] section parameter: ExternalSize.
  • +
  • Added new constant: {log}. Translates to the log file name, or an empty string if logging is not enabled.
  • +
  • Added new [Files] and [Dirs] sections flags: setntfscompression and unsetntfscompression. These flags instruct Setup to enable or disable NTFS compression on the file or directory.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: +
    • Added new ExecAsOriginalUser, ShellExecAsOriginalUser, and SetNTFSCompression support functions.
    • +
    • Now supports new DLL loading flag loadwithalteredsearchpath to load DLLs with the Windows flag LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH.
    • +
  • +
  • The Setup loader now uses the original Setup EXE filename + .tmp as the filename for the extracted Setup executable instead of a name comprised of random letters and numbers, which may have seemed suspicious to firewall users.
  • +
  • In a multilingual installation, Setup now waits until after the Select Language dialog is shown to display any error messages concerning the user's Windows version or privilege level.
  • +
  • QuickStart Pack: added ISPP function GetDateTimeString.
  • +
  • Fix: On Windows Vista, AutoPlay wasn't being suppressed when the user swapped out discs in a disk-spanned install.
  • +
  • Fix: When the waituntilidle flag was used in the [UninstallRun] section, it behaved like waituntilterminated.
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 1045a.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +
+ +

5.1.14 (2007-08-07)

  • Updated the LZMA SDK compression code to version 4.49. This version adds support for multi-threading, which can speed up the compression process by 50% or more on systems with multiple processor cores, and 20% or more on systems with single-core Intel processors featuring Hyper-Threading Technology.
  • +
  • Added new CompressionThreads [Setup] section directive.
  • +
  • Fix: When cleaning the output directory, the compiler would not only delete files matching OutputBaseFilename-*.bin, but files matching OutputBaseFilename-*-*.bin as well.
  • +
+ +

5.1.13 (2007-07-22)

  • Added new lzma/ultra64 compression level. Same as lzma/ultra, but uses a dictionary size that is twice as large (64 MB).
  • +
  • Added new SetupLogging [Setup] section directive. If set to yes, Setup will always create a log file (equivalent to passing /LOG on the command line).
  • +
  • Added new AppSupportPhone [Setup] section directive.
  • +
  • Added new [Files] section flag: solidbreak.
  • +
  • Added new [Run] and [UninstallRun] sections parameter: Verb. When used with the shellexec flag, specifies the action to be performed on the file.
  • +
  • When the shellexec flag is used in the [Run] and [UninstallRun] sections, it now uses the default verb for the file type instead of hardcoding "open". (If necessary, you can override this by adding a Verb parameter.)
  • +
  • Setup now supports a /TYPE parameter to override the default setup type.
  • +
  • Components/tasks-related changes: +
    • /COMPONENTS & /TASKS: When a parent component/task is specified, it no longer automatically checks every child component/task. To achieve the old behavior, prefix the name of the parent component/task with a "*" character, or list each child component/task individually.
    • +
    • /COMPONENTS: It is now possible to force a child component to be deselected by including its name in the list with a "!" prefix. (/TASKS already supports this.)
    • +
    • /COMPONENTS is now ignored if no custom type is defined.
    • +
    • /SAVEINF now writes the selected setup type in the INF file. Previously, using /LOADINF would always select a custom type.
    • +
    • /SAVEINF now writes the selected tasks in the INF file.
    • +
    • When a MinVersion/OnlyBelowVersion/Languages/Check/Components parameter causes a parent component/task to be hidden from view, child items will now be hidden as well. (Previously, it was necessary to include the same conditions on every child item in order for them to be hidden along with the parent item.)
    • +
    • Fix: When new child components/tasks were introduced in a new install, they would always be selected by default if the parent component/task was selected in the previous installation.
    • +
    • Fix: /LOADINF would select child components that weren't selected during the initial install.
    • +
    • Fix: In a /COMPONENTS parameter, it is no longer necessary to list fixed components in order for them to be selected.
    • +
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes: +
    • FindFirst/FindNext: Add CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, AlternateName fields to TFindRec.
    • +
    • TInputFileWizardPage: Added new IsSaveButton property. This can be used to make a button open a Save As dialog instead of the default Open dialog.
    • +
    • TNewCheckListBox: Setting Checked[] to True will no longer automatically check an item's child check boxes. To do that now, call the new CheckItem method with coCheckWithChildren in the AOperation parameter.
    • +
    • ParamStr/ParamCount: Empty parameters ("") are no longer skipped.
    • +
  • +
  • /LOG: Logged times now include milliseconds.
  • +
  • Compiler IDE changes: +
    • During the compression phase of a compile, the status bar now shows the estimated time remaining and KB compressed/second.
    • +
    • The Edit | Redo shortcut is now Ctrl+Y. The previous shortcut (Shift+Ctrl+Z) still works too.
    • +
  • +
  • Fix: In the [INI] section, if Filename was blank, the uninsdelete* flags didn't actually delete anything.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.12 (2007-04-24)

  • Fix: On Windows Vista, attempting to expand a shell folder constant that mapped to the root directory of a drive would fail with an error message. This was due to a bug in Vista's SHGetFolderPath API. A workaround for the problem has been implemented.
  • +
  • On Browse dialogs, the BrowseDialogLabel message text may now span multiple lines.
  • +
  • The OnlyOnThisPlatform message is no longer used. Now, when a Windows 95/98/Me user attempts to run an installation with a MinVersion setting that blocks installation on non-NT platforms, Setup will display the WinVersionTooLowError message, which is a bit more helpful as it mentions the required version number.
  • +
  • Corrected some trivial one-pixel-off issues when non-default dialog fonts or font sizes were used.
  • +
  • Added official Hebrew translation.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.11 (2007-03-01)

  • On Windows 2000 and later, it now uses Windows' own regsvr32.exe to handle DLL registration/unregistration instead of an internal program. This should address errors seen on Windows Vista when registering certain older DLLs. (Windows Vista applies a compatibility fix known as "WRP Mitigation" to regsvr32.exe, which allows it to successfully register DLLs that attempt to write to system registry keys in violation of Windows Resource Protection.)
  • +
  • Some messages have been added and removed in this version. + (View differences in Default.isl) +
    • New messages: ErrorRegSvr32Failed.
    • +
    • Removed messages: ErrorRegisterServerMissingExport.
    • +
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.10 (2007-02-17)

  • Added two new [Run]/[UninstallRun] section flags: 32bit and 64bit. Similar to the [Files] section flags of the same name, these override the install mode and affect which System directory the {sys} constant maps to on 64-bit Windows.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: +
    • Added new EnableFsRedirection support function.
    • +
    • On the Exec function, you can now pass '>' in the Filename parameter and it will use the value of the Params parameter as the full command line. This feature can come in handy when executing command lines obtained from UninstallString registry values; no longer is it necessary to separate strings into filename and parameter components manually.
    • +
    • Fix: IsComponentSelected and IsTaskSelected didn't accept forward slashes.
    • +
  • +
  • Improved Setup's folder tree view control (seen when a Browse button is clicked): +
    • On Windows Vista, it now uses the same theme as Windows Explorer.
    • +
    • On Windows Vista, for consistency with Explorer, single-clicking in a node's text area no longer causes the node to expand.
    • +
    • Like Windows Explorer, folder nodes now use the shell's "display names", as opposed to the actual directory names. This matters on localized versions of Windows Vista, where the on-disk names of system folders are always in English.
    • +
    • The system "icon" font is now used instead of the default dialog font. This font defaults to Segoe UI on Windows Vista, and typically Tahoma or MS Sans Serif on earlier versions of Windows.
    • +
    • Disconnected network drives are now listed; expanding one will restore the connection (on Windows 2000, Me, and later).
    • +
  • +
  • On the Select Destination Location wizard page (as well as custom directory selection pages created using the CreateInputDirPage support function), if the letter of a disconnected network drive is entered, and the user is running Windows XP or later, it will now attempt to restore the connection automatically when Next is clicked. (It also does this on silent installs.)
  • +
  • On Windows Vista, eliminated the flickering on Setup's progress bar (purely a cosmetic issue).
  • +
  • On Windows Vista, Setup now calls SetProcessDPIAware to avoid bitmap scaling when Windows is configured to use Large Fonts and the "Use Windows XP style DPI scaling" option is unchecked (not the default setting).
  • +
  • Compiler IDE changes: +
    • Added new option: Always launch Setup/Uninstall as different user. This forces the IDE to display a "Run as" dialog when launching Setup/Uninstall.
    • +
    • The Stop Compile command now displays a confirmation message box.
    • +
  • +
  • Added a "Vista-aware" manifest resource to ISCC so it doesn't request elevation on Windows Vista.
  • +
  • Fix: ISCC didn't always print error messages when standard output was redirected to a file.
  • +
  • When Setup fails to set the permissions on files, directories, or registry keys, the error code is now included in the log output.
  • +
  • When Setup fails to expand a shell folder constant, a warning message containing the error code is now logged.
  • +
  • Changed the way version information is read from VXD files to be more compliant with the MSDN docs.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.9 (2006-12-10)

  • Change in default behavior: The PrivilegesRequired [Setup] section directive now defaults to admin. The default in all previous versions was none. More often than not, installations do need administrative privileges to run successfully; therefore, none should not be used unless you have actually tested your installation on unprivileged accounts.
  • +
  • On Windows Vista, the setting of the PrivilegesRequired directive now influences whether elevated rights are requested when the installation is started under a user account that does not have administrative privileges. Installations built with previous versions of Inno Setup always requested elevation on Vista. Beginning with this version, elevation will not be requested if the user is unprivileged and PrivilegesRequired is set to none.
  • +
  • On Windows Vista, the uninstaller will no longer request elevation when Setup was never run with administrative privileges.
  • +
  • URLs (web site addresses) may now be specified in the Filename parameter of [Icons] section entries. When a URL is detected, Setup will create an Internet Shortcut (.url) file instead of a regular shortcut.
    +(Note: While you could sometimes get away with specifying URLs in previous versions of Inno Setup, it was never recommended because the shortcuts would fail to resolve on Windows 95 or NT 4.0. Internet Shortcuts, on the other hand, will work on any version of Windows, as long as Internet Explorer is installed.)
  • +
  • Added workaround for bug in the 64-bit version of Windows Vista: The fields on the User Information wizard page would default to "Microsoft".
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Added new FontExists support function.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.8 (2006-10-11)

  • Converted the documentation to HTML Help format for compatibility with Windows Vista, which does not support WinHelp-based help files at all (as of RC2). HTML Help is also said to work better with screen readers. Much of the conversion process was done by hand, so there may be some mistakes. Please report any problems you encounter.
  • +
  • Updated the LZMA SDK compression/decompression code to version 4.43. Compression is noticably faster in this version. (Compiling Inno Setup's own installer used to take 7 seconds; now it takes 4.)
  • +
  • Added a "requestedExecutionLevel" setting to Setup's manifest resource to disable Windows Vista's legacy application compatibility hacks. Now you should no longer see bogus "This program might not have installed correctly" dialogs when cancelling installations or after running installations that do not create an Uninstall key.
    +Note: It is possible that you were unwittingly relying on some of these application compatibility hacks, so it is recommended that you re-test your installations on Windows Vista after upgrading to this version.
  • +
  • When deleting a .chm file, the uninstaller will now automatically delete any corresponding .chw file as well.
  • +
  • Paths that are accessed at compile time may now include a "userdocs:" prefix, which is replaced with the path of your My Documents folder. For a usage example, see any of the example scripts.
  • +
  • Setup now creates an "InstallDate" value in the Uninstall key so that Vista's Programs and Features Control Panel applet doesn't have to guess the "Installed on" date.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes/improvements: +
    • The StringChange function now returns an Integer indicating the number of changes made. Performance was also improved.
    • +
    • Introduced new StringChangeEx function, which adds support for strings containing double-byte characters (used in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages). Unless you require binary safety, this function should be used instead of StringChange, especially if you're working with strings containing paths or filenames.
    • +
  • +
  • IDE changes: +
    • The Open and Save As dialogs now permit sizing and include a places bar.
    • +
    • On Windows Vista, the IDE no longer requests administrative privileges when started. (You will, however, still see UAC popups when launching compiled installations from within the IDE.)
    • +
    • When you compile an unsaved script, the output is now placed under your My Documents folder (instead of the current directory). It asks if you want to save the script first, though.
    • +
  • +
  • Updated bzip2 library to version 1.0.3.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.7 (2006-08-18)

  • New [Setup] section directive: TerminalServicesAware. If set to yes (the default), the "Terminal Services aware" flag will be set in the headers of the Setup and Uninstall programs. Most notably, this ensures that the {win} constant consistently returns the system's real Windows directory on systems with Terminal Services installed in application mode. Refer to the help file for details.
  • +
  • The program Setup internally uses to register/unregister DLLs/OCXs is now compiled with the "Terminal Services aware" flag set, like Microsoft's regsvr32.exe.
  • +
  • When determining which language to select by default, Setup now checks the LanguageCodePage values of each language in addition to LanguageID. Previously, Traditional Chinese could be auto-selected on a Simplified Chinese system due to both languages having the same primary language ID. This resulted in unreadable text as they use completely different character sets (code pages).
  • +
  • New [Setup] section directive: ShowUndisplayableLanguages. If set to yes, all languages will be listed in the Select Language dialog, including those that cannot be displayed properly on the user's system. If you were using the LanguageCodePage=0 trick in your script before, you should replace it with this to avoid the above-mentioned problem with Chinese languages.
  • +
  • A unique value is now appended to unins*.exe files so that uninstallers from different applications won't have the same hash.
  • +
  • The compiler now flags MSCOREE.DLL as an "unsafe" file.
  • +
  • Fix: The createallsubdirs [Files] section flag didn't properly escape directory names containing "{" characters.
  • +
  • Fix: The text on the Finished wizard page wasn't initialized when a restart was needed and /NORESTART was used without /SILENT.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Defined new DWORD_PTR, UINT_PTR, and INT_PTR types for completeness.
  • +
  • Added official Basque and Spanish translations.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.6 (2005-11-18)

  • Registration and unregistration of 32-bit DLLs is now performed in an external process. This change was primarily made to ensure that a buggy DLL cannot bring down the entire Setup/Uninstall process by, for example, corrupting its memory.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes/improvements: +
    • The already-existing AnsiUppercase and AnsiLowercase functions are now documented. Unlike their non-Ansi counterparts, these can handle non-ASCII characters (e.g. accented letters).
    • +
    • TNewCheckListBox: Added new ItemCaption property. This can be used to change the caption of an already-created item. (Setting an item's caption through the Items property is not supported by TNewCheckListBox.)
    • +
  • +
  • OLE is now initialized before registering a 64-bit DLL.
  • +
  • While Setup is waiting for a 64-bit DLL to register, it now processes messages.
  • +
  • On CD/DVD-spanned installs, fixed issue with AutoPlay not being suppressed if you clicked OK too quickly on the Setup Needs the Next Disk dialog after swapping CDs/DVDs.
  • +
  • When WindowVisible=yes, the gradient background now uses 256 colors instead of 64, resulting in a smoother appearance when running in 24- or 32-bit color mode.
  • +
  • In the documentation for the Excludes [Files] section parameter, mention that a simple Unix-style pattern matching routine is used, which exhibits some differences from the DOS/Windows-style pattern matching used in the Source parameter.
  • +
  • Added official Slovak translation.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.5 (2005-08-17)

  • Added new VersionInfoCopyright [Setup] section directive, which allows you to set the Copyright field in Setup's version info.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes/improvements: +
    • New functions: CustomMessage, FmtMessage.
    • +
    • The FileExists function no longer strips off any trailing backslash from the specified filename. Previously, FileExists('c:\filename\') could return True.
    • +
    • TNewCheckListBox: Add new RequireRadioSelection Boolean property, which defaults to False. The "require a selection on top-level radio button groups" behavior introduced in 5.1.4 is now optional and disabled by default on user-created TNewCheckListBoxes.
    • +
  • +
  • Now handles values with surrounding quotes consistently across all [Setup] and [LangOptions] directives. Previously, only certain directives would strip surrounding quotes; now they all do. If you were relying on the old, inconsistent behavior, it may be necessary to tweak your scripts.
  • +
  • On [INI] section entries whose filenames include paths, it now checks if the directories exist and creates them if necessary.
  • +
  • For consistency with regsvr32, FPU exceptions are now masked while registering/unregistering 32-bit DLLs.
  • +
  • /LOG: When processing a [Files] entry that has the 32bit or 64bit flag, it now logs a message to that effect.
  • +
  • Added official Finnish translation.
  • +
  • SetupLdr's internal data is now stored in a resource instead of in the DOS header. This should address compatibility issues with third-party apps that replace the DOS header.
  • +
  • Updated zlib library to version 1.2.3.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.4 (2005-05-30)

  • New command line parameters supported by Setup: /TASKS and /MERGETASKS. These can be used to initially select/deselect tasks.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Added new GetWindowsVersionEx function, which returns extended information about the user's version of Windows, including the service pack level and product edition (e.g. Professional or Home, Standard or Enterprise Server).
  • +
  • Using /COMPONENTS= with an empty components list now deselects all components. Ditto for "Components=" in a .INF file (loaded via /LOADINF). Previously, it would keep the default selection in these cases.
  • +
  • On the Select Tasks wizard page, when the list of tasks has to be reinitialized due to the user going back and changing the component selection, it now restores the checked state of the items from when the page was last shown.
  • +
  • It should no longer be possible for a top-level, exclusive group of components or tasks to have no selection. If the script specifies that all items in the group are to be unchecked, Setup will check the first item automatically.
  • +
  • Removed 1024-character limit on .INI-file values read via the {ini:...} constant or GetIniString support function. Now, values can be up to 64 KB in length, or the maximum length supported by the operating system, whichever is smaller.
  • +
  • Fix: The CreateOleObject and GetActiveOleObject support functions leaked references in some cases.
  • +
  • Fix: Setup would crash or fail to start if passed a command line parameter more than 255 characters in length. (This was due to a buffer overflow bug in a Delphi run-time library function.)
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 1045.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.3-beta (2005-05-03)

  • Pascal Scripting: +
    • When Setup/Uninstall is running in 64-bit mode, most of the support functions that access files now disable WOW64 file system redirection, meaning they are now capable of working with files located in the 64-bit System directory. Some, however, still do not. See the 64-bit Installation Limitations topic in the help file for specifics.
    • +
    • Replaced FileSearch function with a new implementation that properly supports MBCS, and doesn't search the current directory unless it is told to (e.g. by including "." in the directory list).
    • +
  • +
  • Uninstaller: Now hides the taskbar button when the /VERYSILENT switch is used.
  • +
  • IDE change: Added an option to the New Script Wizard to specify that the application doesn't have a main executable file.
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 1039.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.2-beta (2005-04-14)

  • Addressed some 64-bit limitations in previous betas: +
    • Setup is now capable of registering 64-bit DLLs/OCXs and 64-bit type libraries. When Setup is running in 64-bit mode, the regserver and regtypelib [Files] section flags assume that files are 64-bit by default. If you need to register a 32-bit file in a 64-bit mode install, include the new 32bit flag.
    • +
    • Setup is now capable of setting permissions on 64-bit registry keys and on files located in the 64-bit System directory.
    • +
  • +
  • Added two new [Files] section flags: 32bit and 64bit. These override the install mode and affect which System directory the {sys} constant maps to, whether the regserver and regtypelib flags treat the file as 32-bit or 64-bit, and which SharedDLLs key the sharedfile flag updates.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: Added new Is64Bit parameters to the following functions: IncrementSharedCount, DecrementSharedCount, RegisterServer, UnregisterServer, RegisterTypeLibrary, UnregisterTypeLibrary. See the documentation for details.
  • +
  • Setup will now only append to existing uninstall logs created by installs done in the same bit mode (32- or 64-bit).
  • +
  • When an error occurs while registering a DLL/OCX/type library after a restart, it now displays an error message, provided the noregerror flag isn't used. Before, it was silent.
  • +
  • Constants may now be used in the AppMutex [Setup] section directive.
  • +
  • Added official Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Hungarian, and Italian translations.
  • +
  • Renamed official Standard Portuguese translation file from PortugueseStd.isl to Portuguese.isl.
  • +
  • Various minor fixes to the 64-bit functionality.
  • +
  • Updated the LZMA SDK compression/decompression code to version 4.16. The new version incorporates some fixes and a minor speed improvement.
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 1033.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.1-beta (2005-03-24)

  • When Setup is running in 64-bit mode, it is now possible to install files to the 64-bit System directory, and execute programs located there.
    +The {sys} constant now maps to the 64-bit System directory when used in the [Dirs], [Files], [InstallDelete], [Run], [UninstallDelete], and [UninstallRun] sections. Elsewhere, the {sys} constant still maps to the 32-bit System directory. See the Install Mode: 32-bit vs. 64-bit and 64-bit Installation Limitations topics in the help file for details.
  • +
  • Added workaround for bug in the 64-bit editions of Windows prior to Windows Server 2003 SP1 RC2 which caused the restartreplace [Files] section flag to fail when used on files installed to {sys}. (Specifically, Windows would try to replace the file in the 64-bit System directory instead of the 32-bit one.)
  • +
  • Compiler: A warning is now emitted instead of an error when a custom message isn't defined for all languages.
  • +
  • Fix: The /COMPONENTS command line parameter supported by Setup didn't accept forward slashes in component names -- only backslashes.
  • +
  • Fix: The compiler no longer automatically strips any trailing slashes/backslashes from the Subkey parameter of [Registry] entries. Versions 5.0.8 and 5.1.0-beta stripped forward slashes. This was wrong because valid registry key names can include forward slashes.
  • +
  • Fix: When files were deleted by an [InstallDelete]/[UninstallDelete] section entry or DelTree function call, it also inappropriately stripped the read-only attribute from directories that matched the wildcard.
  • +
  • Fix: An "internal error" message was displayed if the user removed all contents from the Select Start Menu Folder wizard page's edit control and also checked the Don't create a Start Menu folder check box.
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 1032.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.1.0-beta (2005-03-01)

  • Inno Setup now has initial support for the installation of 64-bit applications on 64-bit versions of Windows:
    • Setup can run in one of two modes: 32-bit or 64-bit. 64-bit mode is selected if the user is running a 64-bit version of Windows and the system's processor architecture is included in the value of the new ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode [Setup] section directive. Otherwise, 32-bit mode is used.
      How do the two modes of installation differ? Primarily, the differences lie in where things are installed by default. For example, 64-bit applications have their own Program Files directory, and their own isolated view of the registry. See the Install Mode: 32-bit vs. 64-bit topic in the help file for details.
    • +
    • Added new [Setup] section directive ArchitecturesAllowed. When set, it specifies which processor architecture(s) Setup is allowed to run on.
    • +
    • Even when running in 32-bit mode, Setup is capable of installing files and creating registry keys in 64-bit locations, and vice versa. New options have been added that override the default locations: +
      • New constants: {pf32}, {pf64}, {cf32}, {cf64}.
      • +
      • Root key names used in the [Registry] section, {reg:...} constants, and the Reg* [Code] support functions may now include 32 or 64 suffixes to specify either the 32-bit or the 64-bit view of the registry respectively.
      • +
    • +
    • To allow "multi-architecture" installations, new [Code] support functions have been added: IsWin64, Is64BitInstallMode, ProcessorArchitecture.
    • +
    • Added new {syswow64} constant and GetSysWow64Dir support function.
    • +
    • Added new example scripts: 64Bit.iss, 64BitTwoArch.iss, and 64BitThreeArch.iss.
    • +
    • Note: There are some limitations to be aware of when utilizing the 64-bit installation features. See the 64-bit Installation Limitations topic in the help file for details. There are plans to address these limitations in the near future, where possible.
    • +
    + Purchase of the necessary 64-bit development hardware has been made possible by our kind donators, many thanks to them!
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting: New Format support function, which replaces the old Format1, Format2, Format3, and Format4 functions. Unlike those functions, Format accepts a variable number of arguments, and supports argument types other than strings.
  • +
  • Compiler: A warning is now emitted instead of an error when an unrecognized message name in a [Messages] section is encountered.
  • +
  • IDE changes: The New Script Wizard now allows you to specify the Setup languages.
  • +
  • /LOG improvement: The parameters of programs spawned in the [Run] and [UninstallRun] sections are now logged.
  • +
  • '&' characters in the BeveledLabel message no longer need to be escaped using another '&'.
  • +
  • Some messages have been added and removed in this version. + (View differences in Default.isl) +
    • New messages: OnlyOnTheseArchitectures, MissingWOW64APIs, TranslatorNote, UninstallOnlyOnWin64.
    • +
    • Removed messages: NoIconsCheck.
    • +
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 1024.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +
+ +

5.0.8 (2005-02-17)

  • IDE changes: +
    • Added support for setting breakpoints (Run | Toggle Breakpoint).
    • +
    • The dots in the editor's gutter now shift properly when you insert/remove lines while debugging. (Note, however, that any changes you make while debugging won't take effect until you re-compile.)
    • +
  • +
  • Uninstaller: When a DLL/OCX was installed multiple times by separate installations of the same application, the uninstaller would unregister the DLL/OCX once for each install. As an optimization, it will now unregister the DLL/OCX only once.
  • +
  • Compiler: Using outdated .isl files that are missing some messages no longer results in a fatal compiler error. Now, warnings will be printed, and the missing messages will be pulled from Default.isl.
  • +
  • Various improvements/fixes to the parsing of pathnames. For example, ExtractFilePath('\\server\share') now returns \\server\share rather than \\server, and ExtractFileDir('path\\') now returns path rather than path\\.
  • +
  • When recursively deleting directories (for example, from an [InstallDelete] entry or a call to DelTree), it no longer recurses into reparse points.
  • +
  • The value of the NoProgramGroupCheck2 message is now always used as the caption of the "no icons" check box on the Select Start Menu Folder page of the wizard. Previously, it used either NoIconsCheck or NoProgramGroupCheck2 depending on whether an installation had [Icons] entries with Tasks parameters.
  • +
  • exclusive [Tasks] items that have no visible siblings are no longer automatically converted into check boxes. (If you really want check boxes, then you shouldn't use the exclusive flag.)
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 1022.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.0.7 (2005-01-19)

  • When AllowNoIcons and UsePreviousGroup are set to yes, the Don't create any icons setting is now preserved between installs.
  • +
  • Both Setup and Uninstall now support a /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES command line parameter to suppress message boxes. This parameter only has an effect when combined with /SILENT or /VERYSILENT. See the help file for more details.
  • +
  • IDE changes: +
    • Various enhancements to the New Script Wizard.
    • +
    • Added a new Tools menu with a command that opens the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet.
    • +
    • When stepping through code, the IDE now uses a different method of bringing Setup to the foreground, and vice versa. Previously, if for some reason Setup hung it was possible for the IDE to hang as well.
    • +
  • +
  • /LOG changes: +
    • Now logs the contents of message boxes.
    • +
    • On NT platforms, the OS service pack level is now logged, as well as the privilege level of the user (Administrative, Power User, or None).
    • +
    • Now doesn't skip the replacement of a protected system file until after the version numbers of the new and existing files are logged.
    • +
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes/improvements: +
    • Added new CharLength, DLLGetLastError, RegWriteExpandStringValue and SuppressibleMsgBox functions.
    • +
    • GetSpaceOnDisk no longer requires that a root directory be specified, or that a trailing backslash be included.
    • +
  • +
  • Removed the requirement that Windows NT 4.0 users have SP6 installed, which was added in version 5.0.1-beta. Setup should run on previous service pack levels but no guarantees can be made as I generally only test with SP6. Therefore I recommend setting MinVersion to at least 4.0,4.0sp6 if possible.
  • +
  • Removed legacy code that searched for and deleted Uninstall keys with suffixes of _is2 and higher. Only Inno Setup 1.08 (from 1998) created such keys.
  • +
  • Reverted the change in 5.0.4-beta that made it automatically expand relative paths specified in [Icons] section because it didn't work when the paths contained environment-variable strings (e.g. %SystemRoot%\...).
  • +
  • Fix: In 5.0.6, if you clicked Back on the Select Tasks wizard page and changed component settings causing a different set of tasks to be activated, the new tasks would show up with the wrong item type when you returned to the Select Tasks wizard page. (If you do not have tasks with Components parameters, then this bug did not affect you.)
  • +
  • Fix: In rare cases, component and task items with multi-line captions were painted incorrectly (strictly a cosmetic issue).
  • +
  • Fix: The UninstallSilent support function always returned False.
  • +
  • Fix: Even though they were not being installed, files with the dontcopy flag were being displayed on the installation progress page and included in the required disk space figure(s).
  • +
  • Tweaked wording of the ExitSetupMessage message. + (View differences in Default.isl)
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 1017.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.0.6 (2004-12-24)

  • This version introduces a new Inno Setup logo, new icons for the Inno Setup IDE, and new wizard images for the Inno Setup installer, created by glyFX.
  • +
  • New [Files] section flag: createallsubdirs. By default the compiler skips empty directories when it recurses subdirectories searching for the Source filename/wildcard. The createallsubdirs flag causes these directories to be created at install time (just like if you created [Dirs] entries for them). Must be combined with recursesubdirs.
  • +
  • New flag supported by the [Components] and [Tasks] sections: checkablealone. This flag specifies that the component/task can be checked when none of its children are. By default, if no Components/Tasks parameter directly references the component/task, unchecking all of the component/task's children will cause the component/task to become unchecked.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes/improvements: +
    • An AddEx function has been added to TInputOptionWizardPage to allow the addition of subitems.
    • +
    • Various properties have been added to the TInput...WizardPage classes to allow access to the wizard page controls.
    • +
    • Event function NeedRestart is now called near the end of the installation process instead of at the beginning.
    • +
    • In DLL function imports, new options 'setuponly' and 'uninstallonly' are supported, which cause a DLL to be loaded only when the script is running from Setup or Uninstall, respectively.
    • +
    • Added new UnloadDLL and GetShellFolderByCSIDL functions.
    • +
  • +
  • /LOG changes: +
    • No longer (automatically) logs when the event functions InitializeSetup, InitializeWizard, GetCustomSetupExitCode, and DeinitializeSetup are called successfully -- only if they raise exceptions, and in the case of InitializeSetup, if False is returned.
    • +
    • Now logs the function name when the NeedRestart, RegisterPreviousData, InitializeUninstall, DeinitializeUninstall, CurUninstallStepChanged, and UninstallNeedRestart event functions raise exceptions.
    • +
  • +
  • Compiler IDE changes/improvements: +
    • New "Debug Output" view that shows log messages from Setup/Uninstall in real time. (These are the same messages seen in the log file produced when Setup/Uninstall is run with the /LOG switch.)
    • +
    • New Pause on exceptions option (accessible via View | Options). Unchecking this will prevent the debugger from pausing when an exception is raised from [Code].
    • +
    • Now preserves the position of the splitter when you close the IDE.
    • +
  • +
  • Console-mode compiler (ISCC.exe): A new /F switch is supported which can be used to specify a new output filename, overriding any OutputBaseFilename setting in the script.
  • +
  • Improved Setup load time on installations containing hundreds of components at varying levels.
  • +
  • Updated zlib library to version 1.2.2.
  • +
  • Fix: When multiple patterns were specified in a [Files] section Excludes parameter, patterns that included backslashes were handled incorrectly.
  • +
  • Fix: [Components]: If you had two child radio buttons and one had children of its own, then unchecking & rechecking the top-level item would cause both radio buttons to be checked.
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 1000.
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.0.5-beta (2004-11-14)

  • New [Setup] section directive: OutputManifestFile. When set, the compiler will create a text file detailing information about the files compiled into Setup.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes/improvements: +
    • Added new exception-related functions: GetExceptionMessage, RaiseException, and ShowExceptionMessage.
    • +
    • The ExtractTemporaryFile support function now raises an exception with a descriptive error message when it fails, instead of returning a Boolean indicating success/failure.
    • +
    • GetSpaceOnDisk: Added new InMegabytes parameter. By setting it to False, you can get figures in bytes (capped at 2 GB-1).
    • +
    • RegWriteMultiStringValue: When writing values, it now appends two null terminators automatically, like [Registry] does when writing multisz-type values.
    • +
  • +
  • Console-mode compiler (ISCC.exe) improvements: +
    • A new /O switch is supported which can be used to specify a new output path, overriding any OutputDir setting in the script.
    • +
    • A new /Q switch is supported which causes it to compile quietly, printing only error messages.
    • +
    • Error messages are now written to standard error instead of standard output.
      Note: If you were previously redirecting all compiler messages to a file using >filename you will now need to use >filename 2>&1 to capture standard error as well. If you wish to redirect only standard error, use 2>filename.
    • +
  • +
  • When ChangesAssociations=yes and/or ChangesEnvironment=yes are used, it now notifies Windows of the changes after any [Run] section entries are processed and the CurStepChanged(ssPostInstall) event function is called.
  • +
  • Reverted one of the small image placement changes in 5.0.4: horizontally centering has been restored.
  • +
  • Fix: When the ExpandConstant support function was called at uninstall time, {common*} constants always mapped to their {user*} equivalents even if the user had administrative privileges.
  • +
  • Fix: ChangesEnvironment=yes worked on Windows NT 4.0 and 2000 but had no effect on Windows XP.
  • +
  • Fix: When writing empty REG_MULTI_SZ values, it should only append 1 null terminator, not 2.
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 983.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.0.4-beta (2004-10-06)

  • New [Setup] section directive: ChangesEnvironment. When set to yes, at the end of the installation Setup will notify other running applications (notably Windows Explorer) that they should reload their environment variables from the registry.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes/improvements: +
    • The support functions CreateCustomForm, ScaleX, and ScaleY may now be called at uninstall time.
    • +
    • TRichEditViewer support class improvement: The Color property is now respected.
    • +
  • +
  • /LOG improvements: +
    • It's now possible to specify a fixed path/filename to use for the log file via /LOG="filename".
    • +
    • Now logs when various event functions are called, and in the case of InitializeSetup it also logs the return value of the function.
    • +
    • Now logs when DLL/OCX/type library registration fails, even if the noregerror flag is specified.
    • +
  • +
  • Stretching of the small wizard image (specified by WizardSmallImage) now only occurs if the image is larger than the default size, or if the user is running larger-than-normal fonts. Previously, it always attempted to stretch the image.
  • +
  • The WizardSmallImageBackColor [Setup] section directive is now deprecated and ignored. Any unused space around the small wizard image is now filled with the standard window color (usually white).
  • +
  • Relative paths specified in [Icons] section entries are now converted into absolute paths automatically.
  • +
  • Fix: On Windows XP, folder shortcuts (which were introduced in 5.0.3-beta) showed ".lnk" at the end of them.
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 960.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.0.3-beta (2004-08-16)

  • New supported [Files] section flag uninsnosharedfileprompt, which tells the uninstaller to automatically remove the shared file when its reference count reaches zero instead of asking the user. Must be combined with the sharedfile flag to have an effect.
  • +
  • New supported [Icons] section flag foldershortcut, which creates a special type of shortcut known as a "Folder Shortcut". Normally, when a shortcut to a folder is present on the Start Menu, clicking the item causes a separate Explorer window to open showing the target folder's contents. In contrast, a "folder shortcut" will show the contents of the target folder as a submenu instead of opening a separate window.
    +Folder shortcuts are only supported by Windows 2000, Me, and later. On earlier versions of Windows, Setup will fall back to creating a normal shortcut when this flag is used.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes/improvements: +
    • The return value of the CreateShellLink function has changed from a Boolean to a String. Now, any failure results in an exception being raised.
    • +
  • +
  • The uninstaller is now capable of removing directories that have the read-only attribute set. (No special flags are needed; this is the default behavior.)
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 948.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.0.2-beta (2004-08-05)

  • Pascal Scripting changes/improvements: +
    • New GetUILanguage support function.
    • +
  • +
  • Compiler IDE: When a file has been modified outside the editor, offer to reload it.
  • +
  • Fix: The per-page event functions introduced in 5.0.1 that returned Boolean values didn't work properly.
  • +
  • Fix: When the overwritereadonly [Files] section flag was used and Setup was unable to remove the read-only attribute from a file (e.g. due to ACL restrictions), it would get stuck in an infinite loop.
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 947.
  • +
+ +

5.0.1-beta (2004-08-02)

  • Compiler IDE: the toolbar now uses a modern looking set of images kindly donated by glyFX.
  • +
  • Setup/Uninstall can now wait on processes spawned using [Run]/[UninstallRun] entries that have the shellexec flag. Combine shellexec with either the new waituntilterminated flag (the default behavior when shellexec isn't specified) or the waituntilidle flag.
  • +
  • When Setup is running on Windows NT 4.0, Service Pack 6 is now required. This change shouldn't impact any significant number of users; SP6 was released five years ago, and almost all other programs that still support NT 4.0 nowadays have the same requirement.
  • +
  • Pascal Scripting changes/improvements: +
    • Added new supported event function CancelButtonClick, which is called when the user clicks the Cancel button.
    • +
    • The prototype of the CurStepChanged function has changed, as has the names of the CurStep values passed to it. See the help file for details.
    • +
    • The names of the values passed to the CurUninstallStepChanged function have changed. See the help file for details.
    • +
    • Per-page event functions are now supported. TWizardPage and its descendants now include these properties: OnActivate, OnBackButtonClick, OnCancelButtonClick, OnNextButtonClick, OnShouldSkipPage. See the Support Classes Reference topic in the help file for the prototypes of these event functions.
    • +
    • Replaced the InstExec function with a new function named Exec. The new function offers the same functionality as the old one, but uses a slightly different prototype. The WaitUntilTerminated and WaitUntilIdle parameters have been replaced with a single Wait parameter.
    • +
    • Replaced the InstShellExec function with a new function named ShellExec. The new function adds Verb and Wait parameters. To get ShellExec to behave the same way as the old function, specify 'open' in the Verb parameter and ewNoWait in the Wait parameter.
    • +
    • Replaced the FindFirst and FindNext support functions with new versions that return more information about found files and can handle nested searches. Any existing scripts that called these functions will need updating. There is also a new FindClose function that you should call at the end of a find sequence.
    • +
    • Replaced the confusingly-named ShouldProcessEntry support function with new functions named IsComponentSelected and IsTaskSelected.
    • +
    • The Wizard* support functions now raise exceptions if you call them before the wizard has been initialized, instead of returning empty strings.
    • +
  • +
  • On a file that has the uninsrestartdelete flag the containing directory will now also be removed at uninstall time.
  • +
  • When extracting files, Setup now sets just the modification times instead of the creation and modification times.
  • +
  • /LOG improvement: Now logs permission setting on files/directories/registry keys.
  • +
  • The compiler now flags UXTHEME.DLL as an "unsafe" file.
  • +
  • Dropped the obsolete WizModernImage2.bmp and WizModernSmallImage2.bmp images.
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 945.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • Minor tweaks.
  • +
+ +

5.0.0-beta (2004-07-14)

  • The size of compiled installations has decreased by 22-26 KB from Inno Setup 4.2.7, primarily due to the merging of Setup and Uninstall into a single binary.

  • +
  • Pascal Scripting can now be used to customize Uninstall:
    • Added Uninstall specific event functions InitializeUninstall, DeinitializeUninstall, CurUninstallStepChanged and UninstallNeedRestart.
    • +
    • Added support functions IsUninstaller and UninstallSilent.
    • +
    + Furthermore, the compiler IDE now supports Uninstall debugging. To debug Uninstall, first run Setup from the IDE, install your application, select Target Uninstall in the Run menu and finally use the debugger functions as normal.
    + See the help file and the UninstallCodeExample1.iss example script for more information.
  • +
  • The custom wizard page support has been completely redesigned from the ground up. The new design uses an event-driven model just like standard wizard pages; no longer do you have to write complicated loops to handle sequences of custom pages.
    +Any existing code utilizing custom wizard pages will need updating; all of the old functions have been replaced. Please see the new Using Custom Wizard Pages topic in the help file and the CodeDlg.iss and CodeClasses.iss example scripts for examples of how to use the new custom wizard page model.
  • +
  • Besides space separated lists, you may now also use boolean expressions as Components, Tasks, Languages and Check parameters. Supported operators include not, and, and or. For example: +
    +Name: a; Description: a
    +Name: b; Description: b
    +Name: p; Description: a or b; Components: a or b
    +Name: q; Description: a and b; Components: a and b
    +Name: r; Description: not a or b; Components: not a or b
    +Name: s; Description: not (a or b); Components: not (a or b)
    +Name: t; Description: a or b - old style; Components: a b +
  • +
  • This syntax of function parameters in Check, BeforeInstall and AfterInstall parameters has changed to allow a list of multiple, comma separated, parameters and the use of Integer and Boolean parameter types besides String types. For example, you may now use: +
    +Source: MyProg.exe; DestDir: {app}; Check: MyCheck(1, True, 'Some text')
    +function MyCheck(I: Integer; B: Boolean; S: String): Boolean;
    +  Result := (I > 0) and B and (S <> '');
    +Also, there's one support function that may be called from within a parameter list: ExpandConstant. For example: +
    +Source: MyProg.exe; DestDir: {app}; Check: MyCheck(1, True, ExpandConstant('{app}'))
    +Existing scripts using function parameters will need to be updated.
  • +
  • The functions specified by {code:...} constants and by Check, BeforeInstall and AfterInstall parameters may now refer to support functions too, for example: +
    +Name: adminonly; Description: My Admin Only Component; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn
    +Source: MyProg.exe; DestDir: {app}; BeforeInstall: Log('About to install MyProg.exe')
    +Source: MyProg.hlp; DestDir: {app}\Help; Check: DirExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\Help'))
    +FileName: {app}\MyIni.ini; Section: MySettings; Key: ShortApp; String: {code:GetShortName|{app}}
    +FileName: {app}\MyIni.ini; Section: MySettings; Key: AppDrive; String: {code:ExtractFileDrive|{app}} +
  • +
  • Wizard-related event functions such as NextButtonClick are now called on silent installs as well. In fact, silent installs now function almost identically to non-silent ones with the exception that the Next button is automatically "clicked".
  • +
  • Logging improvements: +
    • The filenames of programs spawned in the [Run] section are now logged.
    • +
    • The /LOG parameter is now also supported by Uninstall, which causes Uninstall to create a log file in the user's TEMP directory detailing file uninstallation and [UninstallRun] actions taken during the uninstallation process. This can be a helpful debugging aid. See the Uninstall Command Line Parameters topic in the help file for further details.
    • +
  • +
  • A new ShouldSkipPage event function has been added, which replaces SkipCurPage. Existing scripts that contain a SkipCurPage function will need to be updated. Note that unlike the old SkipCurPage event function, the page passed to the ShouldSkipPage function is not the current page.
  • +
  • Added support function Abort. Calling Abort throws an exception to abort the current operation. It does not terminate Setup or Uninstall unless it's still starting up.
  • +
  • When extracting a file, Setup now pre-allocates all of the bytes in the destination file on disk. This allows the system to know what the final size of the file will be before extraction begins, and avoid fragmenting it.
  • +
  • The compiler now fully supports script files that use Unix-style line breaks (LF only).
  • +
  • The Setup section directive UninstallIconFile is now deprecated and ignored. As Setup and Uninstall have been merged into a single executable, setting a custom icon for Uninstall is no longer possible.
  • +
  • The Setup section directive UninstallStyle is now deprecated and ignored. Only the "modern" uninstaller style is supported now.
  • +
  • Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 933.
  • +
  • The uninstall program's version is now
  • +
  • A very large number of minor tweaks.
  • +
  • This version is derived from Inno Setup 4.2.7, and therefore includes all of the features and fixes from that version.
  • +
+ +

Inno Setup 4.2 & 4.1 Revision History

+ + +