Installer: Reuse any previously set custom Plink path on update installs
[msysgit.git] / share / WinGit / install.iss
1 ; Uncomment the line below to be able to compile the script from within the IDE.
4 #define APP_NAME 'Git'
6 #define APP_VERSION 'Snapshot'
7 #else
9 #endif
10 #define APP_URL ''
11 #define APP_BUILTINS 'etc\fileList-builtins.txt'
12 #define APP_BINDIMAGE 'etc\fileList-bindimage.txt'
14 #define PLINK_PATH_ERROR_MSG 'Please enter a valid path to (Tortoise)Plink.exe.'
16 #define DROP_HANDLER_GUID '{{86C86720-42A0-1069-A2E8-08002B30309D}'
18 [Setup]
19 ; Compiler-related
20 Compression=lzma2/ultra
21 LZMAUseSeparateProcess=yes
22 OutputBaseFilename={#APP_NAME+'-'+APP_VERSION}
23 OutputDir={#GetEnv('USERPROFILE')}
24 SolidCompression=yes
26 SourceDir={#GetEnv('TEMP')}\WinGit
27 #endif
29 ; Installer-related
30 AllowNoIcons=yes
31 AppName={#APP_NAME}
32 AppPublisher=The Git Development Community
33 AppPublisherURL={#APP_URL}
34 AppVersion={#APP_VERSION}
35 ChangesEnvironment=yes
36 DefaultDirName={pf}\{#APP_NAME}
37 DisableDirPage=auto
38 DefaultGroupName={#APP_NAME}
39 DisableProgramGroupPage=auto
40 DisableReadyPage=yes
41 InfoBeforeFile=gpl-2.0.rtf
42 PrivilegesRequired=none
43 UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\etc\git.ico
45 #if Pos('-',APP_VERSION)>0
46 VersionInfoVersion={#Copy(APP_VERSION,1,Pos('-',APP_VERSION)-1)}
47 #else
48 VersionInfoVersion={#APP_VERSION}
49 #endif
50 #endif
52 ; Cosmetic
53 SetupIconFile=etc\git.ico
54 WizardImageBackColor=clWhite
55 WizardImageStretch=no
56 WizardImageFile=git.bmp
57 WizardSmallImageFile=gitsmall.bmp
59 [Types]
60 ; Define a custom type to avoid getting the three default types.
61 Name: default; Description: Default installation; Flags: iscustom
63 [Components]
64 Name: icons; Description: Additional icons
65 Name: icons\quicklaunch; Description: In the Quick Launch
66 Name: icons\desktop; Description: On the Desktop
67 Name: ext; Description: Windows Explorer integration; Types: default
68 Name: ext\reg; Description: Simple context menu (Registry based); Flags: exclusive; Types: default
69 Name: ext\reg\shellhere; Description: Git Bash Here; Types: default
70 Name: ext\reg\guihere; Description: Git GUI Here; Types: default
71 Name: ext\cheetah; Description: Advanced context menu (git-cheetah plugin); Flags: exclusive; Types: default
72 Name: assoc; Description: Associate .git* configuration files with the default text editor; Types: default
73 Name: assoc_sh; Description: Associate .sh files to be run with Bash; Types: default
74 Name: consolefont; Description: Use a TrueType font in all console windows (not only for Git Bash)
76 [Files]
77 ; Install files that might be in use during setup under a different name.
78 Source: git-cheetah\git_shell_ext.dll; DestDir: {app}\git-cheetah; DestName:; Flags: replacesameversion; Components: ext\cheetah; AfterInstall: DeleteFromVirtualStore
79 Source: git-cheetah\git_shell_ext64.dll; DestDir: {app}\git-cheetah; DestName:; Flags: replacesameversion; Components: ext\cheetah; AfterInstall: DeleteFromVirtualStore
81 Source: *; DestDir: {app}; Excludes: \*.bmp, gpl-2.0.rtf, \*.iss, \tmp.*, \bin\*install*, \git-cheetah\git_shell_ext.dll, \git-cheetah\git_shell_ext64.dll; Flags: recursesubdirs replacesameversion sortfilesbyextension; AfterInstall: DeleteFromVirtualStore
82 Source: ReleaseNotes.rtf; DestDir: {app}; Flags: isreadme replacesameversion; AfterInstall: DeleteFromVirtualStore
84 [Icons]
85 Name: {group}\Git GUI; Filename: {app}\bin\wish.exe; Parameters: """{app}\libexec\git-core\git-gui"""; WorkingDir: %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%; IconFilename: {app}\etc\git.ico
86 Name: {group}\Git Bash; Filename: {syswow64}\cmd.exe; Parameters: "/c """"{app}\bin\sh.exe"" --login -i"""; WorkingDir: %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%; IconFilename: {app}\etc\git.ico; OnlyBelowVersion: 6.0
87 Name: {group}\Git Bash; Filename: {app}\bin\sh.exe; Parameters: "--login -i"; WorkingDir: %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%; IconFilename: {app}\etc\git.ico; MinVersion: 6.0
89 [Messages]
90 BeveledLabel={#APP_URL}
91 SetupAppTitle={#APP_NAME} Setup
92 SetupWindowTitle={#APP_NAME} Setup
94 [Registry]
95 ; There is no "Console" key in HKLM.
96 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Console; ValueType: string; ValueName: FaceName; ValueData: Lucida Console; Flags: uninsclearvalue; Components: consolefont
97 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Console; ValueType: dword; ValueName: FontFamily; ValueData: $00000036; Components: consolefont
98 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Console; ValueType: dword; ValueName: FontSize; ValueData: $000e0000; Components: consolefont
99 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Console; ValueType: dword; ValueName: FontWeight; ValueData: $00000190; Components: consolefont
101 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Console\Git Bash; ValueType: string; ValueName: FaceName; ValueData: Lucida Console; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty
102 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Console\Git Bash; ValueType: dword; ValueName: FontFamily; ValueData: $00000036; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty
103 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Console\Git Bash; ValueType: dword; ValueName: FontSize; ValueData: $000e0000; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty
104 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Console\Git Bash; ValueType: dword; ValueName: FontWeight; ValueData: $00000190; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty
106 ; Note that we write the Registry values below either to HKLM or to HKCU depending on whether the user running the installer
107 ; is a member of the local Administrators group or not (see the "Check" argument).
109 ; File associations for configuration files that may be contained in a repository (so this does not include ".gitconfig").
110 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitattributes; ValueType: string; ValueData: txtfile; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
111 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitattributes; ValueType: string; ValueName: Content Type; ValueData: text/plain; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
112 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitattributes; ValueType: string; ValueName: PerceivedType; ValueData: text; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
113 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitattributes; ValueType: string; ValueData: txtfile; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
114 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitattributes; ValueType: string; ValueName: Content Type; ValueData: text/plain; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
115 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitattributes; ValueType: string; ValueName: PerceivedType; ValueData: text; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
117 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitignore; ValueType: string; ValueData: txtfile; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
118 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitignore; ValueType: string; ValueName: Content Type; ValueData: text/plain; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
119 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitignore; ValueType: string; ValueName: PerceivedType; ValueData: text; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
120 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitignore; ValueType: string; ValueData: txtfile; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
121 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitignore; ValueType: string; ValueName: Content Type; ValueData: text/plain; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
122 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitignore; ValueType: string; ValueName: PerceivedType; ValueData: text; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
124 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitmodules; ValueType: string; ValueData: txtfile; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
125 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitmodules; ValueType: string; ValueName: Content Type; ValueData: text/plain; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
126 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitmodules; ValueType: string; ValueName: PerceivedType; ValueData: text; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
127 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitmodules; ValueType: string; ValueData: txtfile; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
128 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitmodules; ValueType: string; ValueName: Content Type; ValueData: text/plain; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
129 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\.gitmodules; ValueType: string; ValueName: PerceivedType; ValueData: text; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletevalue uninsdeletekeyifempty; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc
131 ; Associate .sh extension with sh.exe so those files are double-clickable,
132 ; startable from cmd.exe, and when files are dropped on them they are passed
133 ; as arguments to the script.
135 ; Install under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE if an administrator is installing.
136 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\.sh; ValueType: string; ValueData: sh_auto_file; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh
137 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\sh_auto_file; ValueType: string; ValueData: "Shell Script"; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh
138 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\sh_auto_file\shell\open\command; ValueType: string; ValueData: "{syswow64}\cmd.exe /C """"{app}\bin\sh.exe"" ""--login"" ""%1"" %*"""; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh; OnlyBelowVersion: 6.0
139 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\sh_auto_file\shell\open\command; ValueType: string; ValueData: """{app}\bin\sh.exe"" ""--login"" ""%1"" %*"; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh; MinVersion: 6.0
140 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\sh_auto_file\DefaultIcon; ValueType: string; ValueData: "%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll,-153"; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh
141 Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Classes\sh_auto_file\ShellEx\DropHandler; ValueType: string; ValueData: {#DROP_HANDLER_GUID}; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh
143 ; Install under HKEY_CURRENT_USER if a non-administrator is installing.
144 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\.sh; ValueType: string; ValueData: sh_auto_file; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh
145 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\sh_auto_file; ValueType: string; ValueData: "Shell Script"; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh
146 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\sh_auto_file\shell\open\command; ValueType: string; ValueData: "{syswow64}\cmd.exe /C """"{app}\bin\sh.exe"" ""--login"" ""%1"" %*"""; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh; OnlyBelowVersion: 6.0
147 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\sh_auto_file\shell\open\command; ValueType: string; ValueData: """{app}\bin\sh.exe"" ""--login"" ""%1"" %*"; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh; MinVersion: 6.0
148 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\sh_auto_file\DefaultIcon; ValueType: string; ValueData: "%SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll,-153"; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh
149 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\Classes\sh_auto_file\ShellEx\DropHandler; ValueType: string; ValueData: {#DROP_HANDLER_GUID}; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; Check: not IsAdminLoggedOn; Components: assoc_sh
151 [UninstallDelete]
152 ; Delete the built-ins.
153 Type: files; Name: {app}\bin\git-*.exe
154 Type: files; Name: {app}\libexec\git-core\git-*.exe
155 Type: files; Name: {app}\libexec\git-core\git.exe
157 ; Delete any (temporary) git-cheetah files.
158 Type: files; Name: {app}\git-cheetah\*.*
160 ; Delete any manually created shortcuts.
161 Type: files; Name: {userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Git Bash.lnk
162 Type: files; Name: {code:GetShellFolder|desktop}\Git Bash.lnk
163 Type: files; Name: {app}\Git Bash.lnk
165 ; Delete a home directory inside the msysGit directory.
166 Type: dirifempty; Name: {app}\home\{username}
167 Type: dirifempty; Name: {app}\home
169 [Code]
170 #include ""
171 #include ""
172 #include ""
173 #include ""
175 procedure DeleteFromVirtualStore;
177 VirtualStore,FileName:String;
178 DriveChars:Integer;
179 begin
180 VirtualStore:=AddBackslash(ExpandConstant('{localappdata}'))+'VirtualStore';
181 FileName:=ExpandConstant(CurrentFileName);
182 DriveChars:=Length(ExtractFileDrive(FileName));
183 if DriveChars>0 then begin
184 Delete(FileName,1,DriveChars);
185 FileName:=VirtualStore+FileName;
186 if FileExists(FileName) and (not DeleteFile(FileName)) then begin
187 Log('Line {#__LINE__}: Unable delete "'+FileName+'".');
188 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
189 // so we continue.
190 end;
191 end;
192 end;
194 function CreateHardLink(lpFileName,lpExistingFileName:String;lpSecurityAttributes:Integer):Boolean;
195 #ifdef UNICODE
196 external 'CreateHardLinkW@Kernel32.dll stdcall delayload setuponly';
197 #else
198 external 'CreateHardLinkA@Kernel32.dll stdcall delayload setuponly';
199 #endif
201 function BindImageEx(Flags:DWORD;ImageName,DllPath,SymbolPath:AnsiString;StatusRoutine:Integer):Boolean;
202 external 'BindImageEx@Imagehlp.dll stdcall delayload setuponly';
204 const
205 // Git Path options.
206 GP_BashOnly = 1;
207 GP_Cmd = 2;
208 GP_CmdTools = 3;
210 // Git SSH options.
211 GS_OpenSSH = 1;
212 GS_Plink = 2;
214 // Git line ending conversion options.
215 GC_LFOnly = 1;
216 GC_CRLFAlways = 2;
217 GC_CRLFCommitAsIs = 3;
219 // BindImageEx API constants.
220 BIND_NO_BOUND_IMPORTS = $00000001;
221 BIND_NO_UPDATE = $00000002;
222 BIND_ALL_IMAGES = $00000004;
223 BIND_CACHE_IMPORT_DLLS = $00000008;
226 // Wizard page and variables for the Path options.
227 PathPage:TWizardPage;
228 RdbPath:array[GP_BashOnly..GP_CmdTools] of TRadioButton;
230 // Wizard page and variables for the SSH options.
231 PuTTYPage:TWizardPage;
232 RdbSSH:array[GS_OpenSSH..GS_Plink] of TRadioButton;
233 EdtPlink:TEdit;
235 // Wizard page and variables for the line ending conversion options.
236 CRLFPage:TWizardPage;
237 RdbCRLF:array[GC_LFOnly..GC_CRLFCommitAsIs] of TRadioButton;
239 // Wizard page and variables for the processes page.
240 SessionHandle:DWORD;
241 Processes:ProcessList;
242 ProcessesPage:TWizardPage;
243 ProcessesListBox:TListBox;
244 ProcessesRefresh,ContinueButton:TButton;
246 procedure BrowseForPuTTYFolder(Sender:TObject);
248 Path:String;
249 begin
250 Path:=ExtractFilePath(EdtPlink.Text);
251 BrowseForFolder('Please select the PuTTY folder:',Path,False);
252 if FileExists(Path+'\TortoisePlink.exe') then begin
253 EdtPlink.Text:=Path+'\TortoisePlink.exe';
254 RdbSSH[GS_Plink].Checked:=True;
255 end else if FileExists(Path+'\plink.exe') then begin
256 EdtPlink.Text:=Path+'\plink.exe';
257 RdbSSH[GS_Plink].Checked:=True;
258 end else begin
259 MsgBox('{#PLINK_PATH_ERROR_MSG}',mbError,MB_OK);
260 end;
261 end;
263 procedure DeleteContextMenuEntries;
265 AppDir,Command,Msg:String;
266 RootKey,i:Integer;
267 Keys:TArrayOfString;
268 begin
269 AppDir:=ExpandConstant('{app}');
271 if IsAdminLoggedOn then begin
273 end else begin
275 end;
277 SetArrayLength(Keys,4);
278 Keys[0]:='SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\git_shell';
279 Keys[1]:='SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\git_shell';
280 Keys[2]:='SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\git_gui';
281 Keys[3]:='SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\git_gui';
283 for i:=0 to Length(Keys)-1 do begin
284 Command:='';
285 RegQueryStringValue(RootKey,Keys[i]+'\command','',Command);
286 if Pos(AppDir,Command)>0 then begin
287 if not RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(RootKey,Keys[i]) then begin
288 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to remove "Git Bash / GUI Here" shell extension.';
289 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
290 Log(Msg);
291 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
292 // so we continue.
293 end;
294 end;
295 end;
296 end;
298 procedure RefreshProcessList(Sender:TObject);
300 Version:TWindowsVersion;
301 Modules:TArrayOfString;
302 ProcsCloseRequired,ProcsCloseOptional:ProcessList;
303 i:Longint;
304 Caption:String;
305 ManualClosingRequired:Boolean;
306 begin
307 GetWindowsVersionEx(Version);
309 // Use the Restart Manager API when installing the shell extension on Windows Vista and above.
310 if Version.Major>=6 then begin
311 SetArrayLength(Modules,5);
312 Modules[0]:=ExpandConstant('{app}\bin\msys-1.0.dll');
313 Modules[1]:=ExpandConstant('{app}\bin\tcl85.dll');
314 Modules[2]:=ExpandConstant('{app}\bin\tk85.dll');
315 Modules[3]:=ExpandConstant('{app}\git-cheetah\git_shell_ext.dll');
316 Modules[4]:=ExpandConstant('{app}\git-cheetah\git_shell_ext64.dll');
317 SessionHandle:=FindProcessesUsingModules(Modules,Processes);
318 end else begin
319 SetArrayLength(Modules,3);
320 Modules[0]:=ExpandConstant('{app}\bin\msys-1.0.dll');
321 Modules[1]:=ExpandConstant('{app}\bin\tcl85.dll');
322 Modules[2]:=ExpandConstant('{app}\bin\tk85.dll');
323 SessionHandle:=FindProcessesUsingModules(Modules,ProcsCloseRequired);
325 SetArrayLength(Modules,2);
326 Modules[0]:=ExpandConstant('{app}\git-cheetah\git_shell_ext.dll');
327 Modules[1]:=ExpandConstant('{app}\git-cheetah\git_shell_ext64.dll');
328 SessionHandle:=FindProcessesUsingModules(Modules,ProcsCloseOptional) or SessionHandle;
330 // Misuse the "Restartable" flag to indicate which processes are required
331 // to be closed before setup can continue, and which just should be closed
332 // in order to make changes take effect immediately.
333 SetArrayLength(Processes,GetArrayLength(ProcsCloseRequired)+GetArrayLength(ProcsCloseOptional));
334 for i:=0 to GetArrayLength(ProcsCloseRequired)-1 do begin
335 Processes[i]:=ProcsCloseRequired[i];
336 Processes[i].Restartable:=False;
337 end;
338 for i:=0 to GetArrayLength(ProcsCloseOptional)-1 do begin
339 Processes[GetArrayLength(ProcsCloseRequired)+i]:=ProcsCloseOptional[i];
340 Processes[GetArrayLength(ProcsCloseRequired)+i].Restartable:=True;
341 end;
342 end;
344 ManualClosingRequired:=False;
346 ProcessesListBox.Items.Clear;
347 if (Sender=NIL) or (SessionHandle>0) then begin
348 for i:=0 to GetArrayLength(Processes)-1 do begin
349 Caption:=Processes[i].Name+' (PID '+IntToStr(Processes[i].ID);
350 if Processes[i].Restartable then begin
351 Caption:=Caption+', closing is optional';
352 end else begin
353 Caption:=Caption+', closing is required';
354 ManualClosingRequired:=True;
355 end;
356 Caption:=Caption+')';
357 ProcessesListBox.Items.Append(Caption);
358 end;
359 end;
361 if ContinueButton<>NIL then begin
362 ContinueButton.Enabled:=not ManualClosingRequired;
363 end;
364 end;
367 Installer code
370 procedure InitializeWizard;
372 PrevPageID:Integer;
373 LblGitBash,LblGitCmd,LblGitCmdTools,LblGitCmdToolsWarn:TLabel;
374 LblOpenSSH,LblPlink:TLabel;
375 PuTTYSessions:TArrayOfString;
376 LblLFOnly,LblCRLFAlways,LblCRLFCommitAsIs:TLabel;
377 BtnPlink:TButton;
378 Data:String;
379 begin
381 PrevPageID:=wpSelectProgramGroup;
384 * Create a custom page for modifying the environment.
387 PathPage:=CreateCustomPage(
388 PrevPageID,
389 'Adjusting your PATH environment',
390 'How would you like to use Git from the command line?'
392 PrevPageID:=PathPage.ID;
394 // 1st choice
395 RdbPath[GP_BashOnly]:=TRadioButton.Create(PathPage);
396 with RdbPath[GP_BashOnly] do begin
397 Parent:=PathPage.Surface;
398 Caption:='Use Git Bash only';
399 Left:=ScaleX(4);
400 Top:=ScaleY(8);
401 Width:=ScaleX(405);
402 Height:=ScaleY(17);
403 Font.Style:=[fsBold];
404 TabOrder:=0;
405 Checked:=True;
406 end;
407 LblGitBash:=TLabel.Create(PathPage);
408 with LblGitBash do begin
409 Parent:=PathPage.Surface;
410 Caption:=
411 'This is the most conservative choice if you are concerned about the stability' + #13 +
412 'of your system. Your PATH will not be modified.';
413 Left:=ScaleX(28);
414 Top:=ScaleY(32);
415 Width:=ScaleX(405);
416 Height:=ScaleY(26);
417 end;
419 // 2nd choice
420 RdbPath[GP_Cmd]:=TRadioButton.Create(PathPage);
421 with RdbPath[GP_Cmd] do begin
422 Parent:=PathPage.Surface;
423 Caption:='Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt';
424 Left:=ScaleX(4);
425 Top:=ScaleY(76);
426 Width:=ScaleX(405);
427 Height:=ScaleY(17);
428 Font.Style:=[fsBold];
429 TabOrder:=1;
430 end;
431 LblGitCmd:=TLabel.Create(PathPage);
432 with LblGitCmd do begin
433 Parent:=PathPage.Surface;
434 Caption:=
435 'This option is considered safe and no conflicts with other tools are known.' + #13 +
436 'Only Git will be added to your PATH. Use this option if you want to use Git' + #13 +
437 'from a Cygwin Prompt (make sure to not have Cygwin''s Git installed).';
438 Left:=ScaleX(28);
439 Top:=ScaleY(100);
440 Width:=ScaleX(405);
441 Height:=ScaleY(39);
442 end;
444 // 3rd choice
445 RdbPath[GP_CmdTools]:=TRadioButton.Create(PathPage);
446 with RdbPath[GP_CmdTools] do begin
447 Parent:=PathPage.Surface;
448 Caption:='Run Git and included Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt';
449 Left:=ScaleX(4);
450 Top:=ScaleY(152);
451 Width:=ScaleX(405);
452 Height:=ScaleY(17);
453 Font.Style:=[fsBold];
454 TabOrder:=2;
455 end;
456 LblGitCmdTools:=TLabel.Create(PathPage);
457 with LblGitCmdTools do begin
458 Parent:=PathPage.Surface;
459 Caption:='Both Git and its accompanying Unix tools will be added to your PATH.';
460 Left:=ScaleX(28);
461 Top:=ScaleY(176);
462 Width:=ScaleX(405);
463 Height:=ScaleY(13);
464 end;
465 LblGitCmdToolsWarn:=TLabel.Create(PathPage);
466 with LblGitCmdToolsWarn do begin
467 Parent:=PathPage.Surface;
468 Caption:=
469 'Warning: This will override Windows tools like find.exe and' + #13 +
470 'sort.exe. Select this option only if you understand the implications.';
471 Left:=ScaleX(28);
472 Top:=ScaleY(192);
473 Width:=ScaleX(405);
474 Height:=ScaleY(26);
475 Font.Color:=255;
476 Font.Style:=[fsBold];
477 end;
479 // Restore the setting chosen during a previous install.
480 Data:=GetPreviousData('Path Option','BashOnly');
481 if Data='BashOnly' then begin
482 RdbPath[GP_BashOnly].Checked:=True;
483 end else if Data='Cmd' then begin
484 RdbPath[GP_Cmd].Checked:=True;
485 end else if Data='CmdTools' then begin
486 RdbPath[GP_CmdTools].Checked:=True;
487 end;
490 * Create a custom page for using (Tortoise)Plink instead of OpenSSH
491 * if at least one PuTTY session is found in the Registry.
494 if RegGetSubkeyNames(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,'Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions',PuTTYSessions) and (GetArrayLength(PuTTYSessions)>0) then begin
495 PuTTYPage:=CreateCustomPage(
496 PrevPageID,
497 'Choosing the SSH executable',
498 'Which Secure Shell client program would you like Git to use?'
500 PrevPageID:=PuTTYPage.ID;
502 // 1st choice
503 RdbSSH[GS_OpenSSH]:=TRadioButton.Create(PuTTYPage);
504 with RdbSSH[GS_OpenSSH] do begin
505 Parent:=PuTTYPage.Surface;
506 Caption:='Use OpenSSH';
507 Left:=ScaleX(4);
508 Top:=ScaleY(8);
509 Width:=ScaleX(405);
510 Height:=ScaleY(17);
511 Font.Style:=[fsBold];
512 TabOrder:=0;
513 Checked:=True;
514 end;
515 LblOpenSSH:=TLabel.Create(PuTTYPage);
516 with LblOpenSSH do begin
517 Parent:=PuTTYPage.Surface;
518 Caption:=
519 'This uses ssh.exe that comes with Git. The GIT_SSH and SVN_SSH' + #13 +
520 'environment variables will not be modified.';
521 Left:=ScaleX(28);
522 Top:=ScaleY(32);
523 Width:=ScaleX(405);
524 Height:=ScaleY(26);
525 end;
527 // 2nd choice
528 RdbSSH[GS_Plink]:=TRadioButton.Create(PuTTYPage);
529 with RdbSSH[GS_Plink] do begin
530 Parent:=PuTTYPage.Surface;
531 Caption:='Use (Tortoise)Plink';
532 Left:=ScaleX(4);
533 Top:=ScaleY(76);
534 Width:=ScaleX(405);
535 Height:=ScaleY(17);
536 Font.Style:=[fsBold];
537 TabOrder:=1;
538 end;
539 LblPlink:=TLabel.Create(PuTTYPage);
540 with LblPlink do begin
541 Parent:=PuTTYPage.Surface;
542 Caption:=
543 'PuTTY sessions were found in your Registry. You may specify the path' + #13 +
544 'to an existing copy of (Tortoise)Plink.exe from the TortoiseGit/SVN/CVS' + #13 +
545 'or PuTTY applications. The GIT_SSH and SVN_SSH environment' + #13 +
546 'variables will be adjusted to point to the following executable:';
547 Left:=ScaleX(28);
548 Top:=ScaleY(100);
549 Width:=ScaleX(405);
550 Height:=ScaleY(52);
551 end;
552 EdtPlink:=TEdit.Create(PuTTYPage);
553 with EdtPlink do begin
554 Parent:=PuTTYPage.Surface;
555 Text:=GetPreviousData('Plink Path','');
556 if not FileExists(Text) then begin
557 Text:=GetPuTTYLocation;
558 end;
559 if not FileExists(Text) then begin
560 Text:='';
561 end;
562 Left:=ScaleX(28);
563 Top:=ScaleY(161);
564 Width:=ScaleX(316);
565 Height:=ScaleY(13);
566 end;
567 BtnPlink:=TButton.Create(PuTTYPage);
568 with BtnPlink do begin
569 Parent:=PuTTYPage.Surface;
570 Caption:='...';
571 OnClick:=@BrowseForPuTTYFolder;
572 Left:=ScaleX(348);
573 Top:=ScaleY(161);
574 Width:=ScaleX(21);
575 Height:=ScaleY(21);
576 end;
578 // Restore the setting chosen during a previous install.
579 Data:=GetPreviousData('SSH Option','OpenSSH');
580 if Data='OpenSSH' then begin
581 RdbSSH[GS_OpenSSH].Checked:=True;
582 end else if Data='Plink' then begin
583 RdbSSH[GS_Plink].Checked:=True;
584 end;
585 end else begin
586 PuTTYPage:=NIL;
587 end;
590 * Create a custom page for the core.autocrlf setting.
593 CRLFPage:=CreateCustomPage(
594 PrevPageID,
595 'Configuring the line ending conversions',
596 'How should Git treat line endings in text files?'
598 PrevPageID:=CRLFPage.ID;
600 // 1st choice
601 RdbCRLF[GC_CRLFAlways]:=TRadioButton.Create(CRLFPage);
602 with RdbCRLF[GC_CRLFAlways] do begin
603 Parent:=CRLFPage.Surface;
604 Caption:='Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line endings';
605 Left:=ScaleX(4);
606 Top:=ScaleY(8);
607 Width:=ScaleX(405);
608 Height:=ScaleY(17);
609 Font.Style:=[fsBold];
610 TabOrder:=0;
611 Checked:=True;
612 end;
613 LblCRLFAlways:=TLabel.Create(CRLFPage);
614 with LblCRLFAlways do begin
615 Parent:=CRLFPage.Surface;
616 Caption:=
617 'Git will convert LF to CRLF when checking out text files. When committing' + #13 +
618 'text files, CRLF will be converted to LF. For cross-platform projects,' + #13 +
619 'this is the recommended setting on Windows ("core.autocrlf" is set to "true").';
620 Left:=ScaleX(28);
621 Top:=ScaleY(32);
622 Width:=ScaleX(405);
623 Height:=ScaleY(47);
624 end;
626 // 2nd choice
627 RdbCRLF[GC_LFOnly]:=TRadioButton.Create(CRLFPage);
628 with RdbCRLF[GC_LFOnly] do begin
629 Parent:=CRLFPage.Surface;
630 Caption:='Checkout as-is, commit Unix-style line endings';
631 Left:=ScaleX(4);
632 Top:=ScaleY(80);
633 Width:=ScaleX(405);
634 Height:=ScaleY(17);
635 Font.Style:=[fsBold];
636 TabOrder:=1;
637 Checked:=False;
638 end;
639 LblLFOnly:=TLabel.Create(CRLFPage);
640 with LblLFOnly do begin
641 Parent:=CRLFPage.Surface;
642 Caption:=
643 'Git will not perform any conversion when checking out text files. When' + #13 +
644 'committing text files, CRLF will be converted to LF. For cross-platform projects,' + #13 +
645 'this is the recommended setting on Unix ("core.autocrlf" is set to "input").';
646 Left:=ScaleX(28);
647 Top:=ScaleY(104);
648 Width:=ScaleX(405);
649 Height:=ScaleY(47);
650 end;
652 // 3rd choice
653 RdbCRLF[GC_CRLFCommitAsIs]:=TRadioButton.Create(CRLFPage);
654 with RdbCRLF[GC_CRLFCommitAsIs] do begin
655 Parent:=CRLFPage.Surface;
656 Caption:='Checkout as-is, commit as-is';
657 Left:=ScaleX(4);
658 Top:=ScaleY(152);
659 Width:=ScaleX(405);
660 Height:=ScaleY(17);
661 Font.Style:=[fsBold];
662 TabOrder:=2;
663 Checked:=False;
664 end;
665 LblCRLFCommitAsIs:=TLabel.Create(CRLFPage);
666 with LblCRLFCommitAsIs do begin
667 Parent:=CRLFPage.Surface;
668 Caption:=
669 'Git will not perform any conversions when checking out or committing' + #13 +
670 'text files. Choosing this option is not recommended for cross-platform' + #13 +
671 'projects ("core.autocrlf" is set to "false").';
672 Left:=ScaleX(28);
673 Top:=ScaleY(176);
674 Width:=ScaleX(405);
675 Height:=ScaleY(47);
676 end;
678 // Restore the setting chosen during a previous install.
679 Data:=GetPreviousData('CRLF Option','CRLFAlways');
680 if Data='LFOnly' then begin
681 RdbCRLF[GC_LFOnly].Checked:=True;
682 end else if Data='CRLFAlways' then begin
683 RdbCRLF[GC_CRLFAlways].Checked:=True;
684 end else if Data='CRLFCommitAsIs' then begin
685 RdbCRLF[GC_CRLFCommitAsIs].Checked:=True;
686 end;
689 * Create a custom page for finding the processes that lock a module.
692 ProcessesPage:=CreateCustomPage(
693 wpPreparing,
694 'Replacing in-use files',
695 'The following applications use files that need to be replaced, please close them.'
698 ProcessesListBox:=TListBox.Create(ProcessesPage);
699 with ProcessesListBox do begin
700 Parent:=ProcessesPage.Surface;
701 Width:=ProcessesPage.SurfaceWidth;
702 Height:=ProcessesPage.SurfaceHeight-ScaleY(8);
703 end;
705 ProcessesRefresh:=TNewButton.Create(WizardForm);
706 with ProcessesRefresh do begin
707 Parent:=WizardForm;
708 Width:=WizardForm.CancelButton.Width;
709 Height:=WizardForm.CancelButton.Height;
710 Top:=WizardForm.CancelButton.Top;
711 Left:=WizardForm.ClientWidth-(WizardForm.CancelButton.Left+WizardForm.CancelButton.Width);
712 Caption:='&Refresh';
713 OnClick:=@RefreshProcessList;
714 end;
716 // This button is only used by the uninstaller.
717 ContinueButton:=NIL;
719 // Initially hide the Refresh button, show it when the process page becomes current.
720 ProcessesRefresh.Hide;
721 end;
723 function ShouldSkipPage(PageID:Integer):Boolean;
724 begin
725 if (ProcessesPage<>NIL) and (PageID=ProcessesPage.ID) then begin
726 // This page is only reached forward (by pressing "Next", never by pressing "Back").
727 RefreshProcessList(NIL);
728 Result:=(GetArrayLength(Processes)=0);
729 end else begin
730 Result:=False;
731 end;
732 end;
734 procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID:Integer);
735 begin
736 if CurPageID=wpSelectDir then begin
737 if not IsDirWritable(WizardDirValue) then begin
738 // If the default directory is not writable, choose another default that most likely is.
739 // This will be checked later again when the user clicks "Next".
740 WizardForm.DirEdit.Text:=ExpandConstant('{userpf}\{#APP_NAME}');
741 end;
742 end;
744 // Show the "Refresh" button only on the processes page.
745 if (ProcessesPage<>NIL) and (CurPageID=ProcessesPage.ID) then begin
746 ProcessesRefresh.Show;
747 end else begin
748 ProcessesRefresh.Hide;
749 end;
750 end;
752 function NextButtonClick(CurPageID:Integer):Boolean;
754 i:Integer;
755 Version:TWindowsVersion;
756 begin
757 Result:=True;
759 if CurPageID=wpSelectDir then begin
760 if not IsDirWritable(WizardDirValue) then begin
761 MsgBox(
762 'The specified installation directory does not seem to be writable. ' +
763 + 'Please choose another directory or restart setup as a user with sufficient permissions.'
764 , mbCriticalError
765 , MB_OK
767 Result:=False;
768 Exit;
769 end;
770 end;
772 if (PuTTYPage<>NIL) and (CurPageID=PuTTYPage.ID) then begin
773 Result:=RdbSSH[GS_OpenSSH].Checked or
774 (RdbSSH[GS_Plink].Checked and FileExists(EdtPlink.Text));
775 if not Result then begin
776 MsgBox('{#PLINK_PATH_ERROR_MSG}',mbError,MB_OK);
777 end;
778 end else if (ProcessesPage<>NIL) and (CurPageID=ProcessesPage.ID) then begin
779 // It would have been nicer to just disable the "Next" button, but the
780 // WizardForm exports the button just read-only.
781 for i:=0 to GetArrayLength(Processes)-1 do begin
782 if not Processes[i].Restartable then begin
783 MsgBox('Setup cannot continue until you close at least those applications in the list that are marked as "closing is required".',mbCriticalError,MB_OK);
784 Result:=False;
785 Exit;
786 end;
787 end;
789 Result:=(GetArrayLength(Processes)=0);
791 if not Result then begin
792 GetWindowsVersionEx(Version);
793 if Version.Major>=6 then begin
794 Result:=(MsgBox(
795 'If you continue without closing the listed applications they will be closed and restarted automatically.' + #13 + #13 +
796 'Are you sure you want to continue?',
797 mbConfirmation,
799 )=IDYES);
800 end else begin
801 Result:=(MsgBox(
802 'If you continue without closing the listed applications you will need to log off and on again before changes take effect.' + #13 + #13 +
803 'Are you sure you want to continue anyway?',
804 mbConfirmation,
806 )=IDYES);
807 end;
808 end;
809 end;
810 end;
812 procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep:TSetupStep);
814 AppDir,DllPath,FileName,TempName,Cmd,Msg:String;
815 BuiltIns,ImageNames,EnvPath,EnvHome,EnvSSH:TArrayOfString;
816 Count,i:Longint;
817 LinkCreated:Boolean;
818 FindRec:TFindRec;
819 RootKey:Integer;
820 Version:TWindowsVersion;
821 begin
822 if CurStep=ssInstall then begin
823 // Shutdown locking processes just before the actual installation starts.
824 if SessionHandle>0 then try
825 RmShutdown(SessionHandle,RmShutdownOnlyRegistered,0);
826 except
827 Log('Line {#__LINE__}: RmShutdown not supported.');
828 end;
830 Exit;
831 end;
833 // Make sure the code below is only executed just after the actual installation finishes.
834 if CurStep<>ssPostInstall then begin
835 Exit;
836 end;
838 AppDir:=ExpandConstant('{app}');
841 Bind the imported function addresses
845 DllPath:=ExpandConstant('{app}\bin;{sys}');
847 // Load the list of images from a text file.
848 FileName:=AppDir+'\{#APP_BINDIMAGE}';
849 if LoadStringsFromFile(FileName,ImageNames) then begin
850 Count:=GetArrayLength(ImageNames)-1;
851 for i:=0 to Count do begin
852 FileName:=AppDir+'\'+ImageNames[i];
853 if not BindImageEx(BIND_NO_BOUND_IMPORTS or BIND_CACHE_IMPORT_DLLS,FileName,DllPath,'',0) then begin
854 Log('Line {#__LINE__}: Error calling BindImageEx for "'+FileName+'".');
855 end;
856 end;
857 end;
858 except
859 Log('Line {#__LINE__}: An exception occurred while calling BindImageEx.');
860 end;
863 Create the built-ins
866 // Load the built-ins from a text file.
867 FileName:=AppDir+'\{#APP_BUILTINS}';
868 if LoadStringsFromFile(FileName,BuiltIns) then begin
869 Count:=GetArrayLength(BuiltIns)-1;
871 // Delete those scripts from "bin" which have been replaced by built-ins in "libexec\git-core".
872 for i:=0 to Count do begin
873 FileName:=AppDir+'\bin\'+ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(BuiltIns[i]),'');
874 if FileExists(FileName) and (not DeleteFile(FileName)) then begin
875 Log('Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to delete script "'+FileName+'", ignoring.');
876 end;
877 end;
879 // Create built-ins as aliases for git.exe.
880 for i:=0 to Count do begin
881 FileName:=AppDir+'\'+BuiltIns[i];
883 // Delete any existing built-in.
884 if FileExists(FileName) and (not DeleteFile(FileName)) then begin
885 Log('Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to delete existing built-in "'+FileName+'", skipping.');
886 continue;
887 end;
890 // This will throw an exception on pre-Win2k systems.
891 LinkCreated:=CreateHardLink(FileName,AppDir+'\bin\git.exe',0);
892 except
893 LinkCreated:=False;
894 Log('Line {#__LINE__}: Creating hardlink "'+FileName+'" failed, will try a copy.');
895 end;
897 if not LinkCreated then begin
898 if not FileCopy(AppDir+'\bin\git.exe',FileName,False) then begin
899 Log('Line {#__LINE__}: Creating copy "'+FileName+'" failed, giving up.');
900 // This is not a critical error, Git could basically be used without the
901 // aliases for built-ins, so we continue.
902 end;
903 end;
904 end;
906 // Delete any duplicate files in case we are updating from a non-libexec to a libexec directory layout.
907 if FindFirst(AppDir+'\libexec\git-core\*',FindRec) then begin
908 repeat
909 if (FindRec.Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)=0 then begin
910 FileName:=AppDir+'\bin\';
911 if (Pos(,'git.exe')<>1) and FileExists(FileName) and (not DeleteFile(FileName)) then begin
912 Log('Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to delete dupe "'+FileName+'", ignoring.');
913 end;
914 end;
915 until not FindNext(FindRec);
916 FindClose(FindRec);
917 end;
918 end else begin
919 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to read file "{#APP_BUILTINS}".';
920 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
921 Log(Msg);
922 // This is not a critical error, Git could basically be used without the
923 // aliases for built-ins, so we continue.
924 end;
927 Adapt core.autocrlf
930 if RdbCRLF[GC_LFOnly].checked then begin
931 Cmd:='core.autocrlf input';
932 end else if RdbCRLF[GC_CRLFAlways].checked then begin
933 Cmd:='core.autocrlf true';
934 end else begin
935 Cmd:='core.autocrlf false';
936 end;
937 if not Exec(AppDir + '\bin\git.exe', 'config -f gitconfig ' + Cmd,
938 AppDir + '\etc', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, i) then begin
939 Msg:='Unable to configure the line ending conversion: ' + Cmd;
940 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
941 Log(Msg);
942 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
943 // so we continue.
944 end;
947 Modify the environment
949 This must happen no later than ssPostInstall to make
950 "ChangesEnvironment=yes" not happend before the change!
953 FileName:=AppDir+'\setup.ini';
955 // Delete GIT_SSH and SVN_SSH if a previous installation set them (this is required for the GS_OpenSSH case).
956 EnvSSH:=GetEnvStrings('GIT_SSH',IsAdminLoggedOn);
957 if (GetArrayLength(EnvSSH)=1) and
958 (CompareStr(RemoveQuotes(EnvSSH[0]),GetIniString('Environment','GIT_SSH','',FileName))=0) then begin
959 if not SetEnvStrings('GIT_SSH',IsAdminLoggedOn,True,[]) then begin
960 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to reset GIT_SSH prior to install.';
961 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
962 Log(Msg);
963 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
964 // so we continue.
965 end;
966 end;
968 EnvSSH:=GetEnvStrings('SVN_SSH',IsAdminLoggedOn);
969 if (GetArrayLength(EnvSSH)=1) and
970 (CompareStr(RemoveQuotes(EnvSSH[0]),GetIniString('Environment','SVN_SSH','',FileName))=0) then begin
971 if not SetEnvStrings('SVN_SSH',IsAdminLoggedOn,True,[]) then begin
972 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to reset SVN_SSH prior to install.';
973 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
974 Log(Msg);
975 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
976 // so we continue.
977 end;
978 end;
980 if (PuTTYPage<>NIL) and RdbSSH[GS_Plink].Checked then begin
981 SetArrayLength(EnvSSH,1);
982 EnvSSH[0]:=EdtPlink.Text;
984 // Set GIT_SSH as specified by the user.
985 if not SetEnvStrings('GIT_SSH',IsAdminLoggedOn,True,EnvSSH) then begin
986 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to set the GIT_SSH environment variable.';
987 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
988 Log(Msg);
989 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
990 // so we continue.
991 end;
993 // Mark that we have changed GIT_SSH by writing its value to a file.
994 if not SetIniString('Environment','GIT_SSH',EnvSSH[0],FileName) then begin
995 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to write to file "'+FileName+'".';
996 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
997 Log(Msg);
998 // This is not a critical error, though uninstall / reinstall will probably not run cleanly,
999 // so we continue.
1000 end;
1002 if not SetEnvStrings('SVN_SSH',IsAdminLoggedOn,True,EnvSSH) then begin
1003 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to set the SVN_SSH environment variable.';
1004 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1005 Log(Msg);
1006 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
1007 // so we continue.
1008 end;
1010 // Mark that we have changed SVN_SSH by writing its value to a file.
1011 if not SetIniString('Environment','SVN_SSH',EnvSSH[0],FileName) then begin
1012 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to write to file "'+FileName+'".';
1013 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1014 Log(Msg);
1015 // This is not a critical error, though uninstall / reinstall will probably not run cleanly,
1016 // so we continue.
1017 end;
1018 end;
1020 // Get the current user's directories in PATH.
1021 EnvPath:=GetEnvStrings('PATH',IsAdminLoggedOn);
1023 // First, remove the installation directory from PATH in any case.
1024 for i:=0 to GetArrayLength(EnvPath)-1 do begin
1025 if Pos(AppDir+'\',EnvPath[i]+'\')=1 then begin
1026 EnvPath[i]:='';
1027 end;
1028 end;
1030 // Delete HOME if a previous installation modified it.
1031 EnvHome:=GetEnvStrings('HOME',IsAdminLoggedOn);
1032 if (GetArrayLength(EnvHome)=1) and
1033 (CompareStr(RemoveQuotes(EnvHome[0]),GetIniString('Environment','HOME','',FileName))=0) then begin
1034 if not SetEnvStrings('HOME',IsAdminLoggedOn,True,[]) then begin
1035 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to reset HOME prior to install.';
1036 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1037 Log(Msg);
1038 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
1039 // so we continue.
1040 end;
1041 end;
1043 // Modify the PATH variable as requested by the user.
1044 if RdbPath[GP_Cmd].Checked or RdbPath[GP_CmdTools].Checked then begin
1045 i:=GetArrayLength(EnvPath);
1046 SetArrayLength(EnvPath,i+1);
1048 // List \cmd before \bin so \cmd has higher priority and programs in
1049 // there will be called in favor of those in \bin.
1050 EnvPath[i]:=AppDir+'\cmd';
1052 if RdbPath[GP_CmdTools].Checked then begin
1053 SetArrayLength(EnvPath,i+2);
1054 EnvPath[i+1]:=AppDir+'\bin';
1056 // Set HOME for the Windows Command Prompt, but only if it has not been set manually before.
1057 EnvHome:=GetEnvStrings('HOME',IsAdminLoggedOn);
1058 i:=GetArrayLength(EnvHome);
1059 if (i=0) or ((i=1) and (Length(EnvHome[0])=0)) then begin
1060 SetArrayLength(EnvHome,1);
1061 EnvHome[0]:=ExpandConstant('{%HOMEDRIVE}{%HOMEPATH}');
1062 if not SetEnvStrings('HOME',IsAdminLoggedOn,True,EnvHome) then begin
1063 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to set the HOME environment variable.';
1064 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1065 Log(Msg);
1066 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
1067 // so we continue.
1068 end;
1070 // Mark that we have changed HOME.
1071 if not SetIniString('Environment','HOME',EnvHome[0],FileName) then begin
1072 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to write to file "'+FileName+'".';
1073 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1074 Log(Msg);
1075 // This is not a critical error, though uninstall / reinstall will probably not run cleanly,
1076 // so we continue.
1077 end;
1078 end;
1079 end;
1080 end;
1082 // Set the current user's PATH directories.
1083 if not SetEnvStrings('PATH',IsAdminLoggedOn,True,EnvPath) then begin
1084 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to set the PATH environment variable.';
1085 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1086 Log(Msg);
1087 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
1088 // so we continue.
1089 end;
1092 Create shortcuts that need to be created regardless of the "Don't create a Start Menu folder" toggle
1095 GetWindowsVersionEx(Version);
1096 if Version.Major<6 then begin
1097 Cmd:=ExpandConstant('{syswow64}\cmd.exe');
1098 TempName:='/c ""'+AppDir+'\bin\sh.exe" --login -i"';
1099 end else begin
1100 Cmd:=AppDir+'\bin\sh.exe';
1101 TempName:='--login -i';
1102 end;
1103 FileName:=AppDir+'\etc\git.ico';
1105 if IsComponentSelected('icons\quicklaunch') then begin
1106 CreateShellLink(
1107 ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Git Bash.lnk')
1108 , 'Git Bash'
1109 , Cmd
1110 , TempName
1112 , FileName
1116 end;
1117 if IsComponentSelected('icons\desktop') then begin
1118 CreateShellLink(
1119 GetShellFolder('desktop')+'\Git Bash.lnk'
1120 , 'Git Bash'
1121 , Cmd
1122 , TempName
1124 , FileName
1128 end;
1130 // Create a special shortcut that does not set a working directory (Note: Since Inno Setup 5.3.11,
1131 // passing an empty WorkingDir gets replaced with {sys}, so use '.' instead).
1132 // This shortcut is used by "Git Bash.vbs", which in turn is run by the "Git Bash Here" shell extension.
1133 CreateShellLink(
1134 AppDir+'\Git Bash.lnk'
1135 , 'Git Bash'
1136 , Cmd
1137 , TempName
1138 , '.'
1139 , FileName
1145 Create the Windows Explorer integrations
1148 if IsAdminLoggedOn then begin
1150 end else begin
1152 end;
1154 if IsComponentSelected('ext\reg\shellhere') then begin
1155 Msg:='Git Ba&sh Here';
1156 Cmd:='"'+ExpandConstant('{syswow64}')+'\wscript" "'+AppDir+'\Git Bash.vbs" "%1"';
1157 if (not RegWriteStringValue(RootKey,'SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\git_shell','',Msg)) or
1158 (not RegWriteStringValue(RootKey,'SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\git_shell\command','',Cmd)) or
1159 (StringChangeEx(Cmd,'%1','%v',false)<>1) or
1160 (not RegWriteStringValue(RootKey,'SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\git_shell','',Msg)) or
1161 (not RegWriteStringValue(RootKey,'SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\git_shell\command','',Cmd)) then begin
1162 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to create "Git Bash Here" shell extension.';
1163 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1164 Log(Msg);
1165 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
1166 // so we continue.
1167 end;
1168 end;
1170 if IsComponentSelected('ext\reg\guihere') then begin
1171 Msg:='Git &GUI Here';
1172 Cmd:='"'+AppDir+'\bin\wish.exe" "'+AppDir+'\libexec\git-core\git-gui" "--working-dir" "%1"';
1173 if (not RegWriteStringValue(RootKey,'SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\git_gui','',Msg)) or
1174 (not RegWriteStringValue(RootKey,'SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\git_gui\command','',Cmd)) or
1175 (StringChangeEx(Cmd,'%1','%v',false)<>1) or
1176 (not RegWriteStringValue(RootKey,'SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\git_gui','',Msg)) or
1177 (not RegWriteStringValue(RootKey,'SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\git_gui\command','',Cmd)) then begin
1178 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to create "Git GUI Here" shell extension.';
1179 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1180 Log(Msg);
1181 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
1182 // so we continue.
1183 end;
1184 end;
1186 // It is either the Registry-based context menu entries, or the shell extension.
1187 if IsComponentSelected('ext\cheetah') then begin
1188 DeleteContextMenuEntries;
1190 if isWin64 then begin
1191 FileName:=AppDir+'\git-cheetah\git_shell_ext64.dll';
1192 end else begin
1193 FileName:=AppDir+'\git-cheetah\git_shell_ext.dll';
1194 end;
1195 if not ReplaceInUseFile(FileName,FileName+'.new',True) then begin
1196 Log('Line {#__LINE__}: Replacing file "'+FileName+'" failed.');
1197 end;
1198 end;
1201 Restart any processes that were shut down via the Restart Manager
1204 if SessionHandle>0 then try
1205 RmRestart(SessionHandle,0,0);
1206 RmEndSession(SessionHandle);
1207 except
1208 Log('Line {#__LINE__}: RmRestart not supported.');
1209 end;
1210 end;
1212 procedure RegisterPreviousData(PreviousDataKey:Integer);
1214 Data:String;
1215 begin
1216 // Git Path options.
1217 Data:='';
1218 if RdbPath[GP_BashOnly].Checked then begin
1219 Data:='BashOnly';
1220 end else if RdbPath[GP_Cmd].Checked then begin
1221 Data:='Cmd';
1222 end else if RdbPath[GP_CmdTools].Checked then begin
1223 Data:='CmdTools';
1224 end;
1225 SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey,'Path Option',Data);
1227 // Git SSH options.
1228 Data:='';
1229 if (PuTTYPage=NIL) or RdbSSH[GS_OpenSSH].Checked then begin
1230 Data:='OpenSSH';
1231 end else if RdbSSH[GS_Plink].Checked then begin
1232 Data:='Plink';
1233 SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey,'Plink Path',EdtPlink.Text);
1234 end;
1235 SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey,'SSH Option',Data);
1237 // Line ending conversion options.
1238 Data:='';
1239 if RdbCRLF[GC_LFOnly].Checked then begin
1240 Data:='LFOnly';
1241 end else if RdbCRLF[GC_CRLFAlways].Checked then begin
1242 Data:='CRLFAlways';
1243 end else if RdbCRLF[GC_CRLFCommitAsIs].Checked then begin
1244 Data:='CRLFCommitAsIs';
1245 end;
1246 SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey,'CRLF Option',Data);
1247 end;
1250 Uninstaller code
1253 function InitializeUninstall:Boolean;
1255 Form:TSetupForm;
1256 Info:TLabel;
1257 ExitButton,RefreshButton:TButton;
1258 begin
1259 Result:=True;
1261 Form:=CreateCustomForm;
1263 Form.Caption:='Git Uninstall: Removing in-use files';
1264 Form.ClientWidth:=ScaleX(500);
1265 Form.ClientHeight:=ScaleY(256);
1266 Form.Center;
1268 Info:=TLabel.Create(Form);
1269 with Info do begin
1270 Parent:=Form;
1271 Left:=ScaleX(11);
1272 Top:=ScaleY(11);
1273 AutoSize:=True;
1274 Caption:='The following applications use files that need to be removed, please close them.';
1275 end;
1277 ContinueButton:=TButton.Create(Form);
1278 with ContinueButton do begin
1279 Parent:=Form;
1280 Left:=Form.ClientWidth-ScaleX(75+10);
1281 Top:=Form.ClientHeight-ScaleY(23+10);
1282 Width:=ScaleX(75);
1283 Height:=ScaleY(23);
1284 Caption:='Continue';
1285 ModalResult:=mrOk;
1286 end;
1288 ExitButton:=TButton.Create(Form);
1289 with ExitButton do begin
1290 Parent:=Form;
1291 Left:=ContinueButton.Left-ScaleX(75+6);
1292 Top:=ContinueButton.Top;
1293 Width:=ScaleX(75);
1294 Height:=ScaleY(23);
1295 Caption:='Exit';
1296 ModalResult:=mrCancel;
1297 Cancel:=True;
1298 end;
1300 RefreshButton:=TButton.Create(Form);
1301 with RefreshButton do begin
1302 Parent:=Form;
1303 Left:=ScaleX(10);
1304 Top:=ExitButton.Top;
1305 Width:=ScaleX(75);
1306 Height:=ScaleY(23);
1307 Caption:='Refresh';
1308 OnClick:=@RefreshProcessList;
1309 end;
1311 ProcessesListBox:=TListBox.Create(Form);
1312 with ProcessesListBox do begin
1313 Parent:=Form;
1314 Left:=ScaleX(11);
1315 Top:=Info.Top+Info.Height+11;
1316 Width:=Form.ClientWidth-ScaleX(11*2);
1317 Height:=ContinueButton.Top-ScaleY(11*4);
1318 end;
1320 Form.ActiveControl:=ContinueButton;
1322 RefreshProcessList(NIL);
1323 if GetArrayLength(Processes)>0 then begin
1324 // Now that these dialogs are going to be shown, we should probably
1325 // disable the "Are you sure to remove Git?" confirmation dialog, but
1326 // unfortunately that is not possible with Inno Setup currently.
1327 Result:=(Form.ShowModal()=mrOk);
1329 // Note: The number of processes might have changed during a refresh.
1330 if Result and (GetArrayLength(Processes)>0) then begin
1331 Result:=(MsgBox(
1332 'If you continue without closing the listed applications, you will need to log off and on again to remove some files manually.' + #13 + #13 +
1333 'Are you sure you want to continue anyway?',
1334 mbConfirmation,
1336 )=IDYES);
1337 end;
1338 end;
1339 finally
1341 end;
1342 end;
1344 // PreUninstall
1346 // Even though the name of this function suggests otherwise most of the
1347 // code below is only executed right before the actual uninstallation.
1348 // This happens because of the if-guard right in the beginning of this
1349 // function.
1350 procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep:TUninstallStep);
1352 AppDir,FileName,Msg:String;
1353 EnvPath,EnvHome,EnvSSH:TArrayOfString;
1354 i:Longint;
1355 begin
1356 if CurUninstallStep<>usUninstall then begin
1357 Exit;
1358 end;
1360 // Reset the console font (the FontType is reset in the Registry section).
1361 if IsComponentInstalled('consolefont') then begin
1362 if MsgBox('Do you want to revert the TrueType font setting for all console windows?',mbConfirmation,MB_YESNO)=IDYES then begin
1363 RegWriteDWordValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,'Console','FontFamily',0);
1364 RegWriteDWordValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,'Console','FontSize',0);
1365 RegWriteDWordValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,'Console','FontWeight',0);
1366 end;
1367 end;
1370 Modify the environment
1372 This must happen no later than usUninstall to make
1373 "ChangesEnvironment=yes" not happend before the change!
1376 AppDir:=ExpandConstant('{app}');
1377 FileName:=AppDir+'\setup.ini';
1379 // Delete the current user's GIT_SSH and SVN_SSH if we set it.
1380 EnvSSH:=GetEnvStrings('GIT_SSH',IsAdminLoggedOn);
1381 if (GetArrayLength(EnvSSH)=1) and
1382 (CompareStr(RemoveQuotes(EnvSSH[0]),GetIniString('Environment','GIT_SSH','',FileName))=0) then begin
1383 if not SetEnvStrings('GIT_SSH',IsAdminLoggedOn,True,[]) then begin
1384 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to revert any possible changes to GIT_SSH.';
1385 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1386 Log(Msg);
1387 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
1388 // so we continue.
1389 end;
1390 end;
1392 EnvSSH:=GetEnvStrings('SVN_SSH',IsAdminLoggedOn);
1393 if (GetArrayLength(EnvSSH)=1) and
1394 (CompareStr(RemoveQuotes(EnvSSH[0]),GetIniString('Environment','SVN_SSH','',FileName))=0) then begin
1395 if not SetEnvStrings('SVN_SSH',IsAdminLoggedOn,True,[]) then begin
1396 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to revert any possible changes to SVN_SSH.';
1397 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1398 Log(Msg);
1399 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
1400 // so we continue.
1401 end;
1402 end;
1404 // Get the current user's directories in PATH.
1405 EnvPath:=GetEnvStrings('PATH',IsAdminLoggedOn);
1407 // Remove the installation directory from PATH in any case, even if it
1408 // was not added by the installer.
1409 for i:=0 to GetArrayLength(EnvPath)-1 do begin
1410 if Pos(AppDir+'\',EnvPath[i]+'\')=1 then begin
1411 EnvPath[i]:='';
1412 end;
1413 end;
1415 // Reset the current user's directories in PATH.
1416 if not SetEnvStrings('PATH',IsAdminLoggedOn,True,EnvPath) then begin
1417 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to revert any possible changes to PATH.';
1418 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1419 Log(Msg);
1420 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
1421 // so we continue.
1422 end;
1424 // Reset the current user's HOME if we modified it.
1425 EnvHome:=GetEnvStrings('HOME',IsAdminLoggedOn);
1426 if (GetArrayLength(EnvHome)=1) and
1427 (CompareStr(RemoveQuotes(EnvHome[0]),GetIniString('Environment','HOME','',FileName))=0) then begin
1428 if not SetEnvStrings('HOME',IsAdminLoggedOn,True,[]) then begin
1429 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to revert any possible changes to HOME.';
1430 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1431 Log(Msg);
1432 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
1433 // so we continue.
1434 end;
1435 end;
1437 if FileExists(FileName) and (not DeleteFile(FileName)) then begin
1438 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to delete file "'+FileName+'".';
1439 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1440 Log(Msg);
1441 // This is not a critical error, the user can probably fix it manually,
1442 // so we continue.
1443 end;
1446 Delete the Windows Explorer integrations
1449 DeleteContextMenuEntries;
1451 if isWin64 then begin
1452 FileName:=AppDir+'\git-cheetah\git_shell_ext64.dll';
1453 end else begin
1454 FileName:=AppDir+'\git-cheetah\git_shell_ext.dll';
1455 end;
1456 if FileExists(FileName) then begin
1457 if not UnregisterServer(Is64BitInstallMode,FileName,False) then begin
1458 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to unregister file "'+FileName+'". Please do it manually by running "regsvr32 /u '+ExtractFileName(FileName)+'".';
1459 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1460 Log(Msg);
1461 end;
1463 if not DeleteFile(FileName) then begin
1464 Msg:='Line {#__LINE__}: Unable to delete file "'+FileName+'". Please do it manually after logging off and on again.';
1465 MsgBox(Msg,mbError,MB_OK);
1466 Log(Msg);
1467 end;
1468 end;
1469 end;