[more-wl.git] / elmo / elsp-bsfilter.el
1 ;;; elsp-bsfilter.el --- Bsfilter support for elmo-spam.
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2004 Hiroya Murata <lapis-lazuli@pop06.odn.ne.jp>
4 ;; Copyright (C) 2004 Yuuichi Teranishi <teranisi@gohome.org>
6 ;; Author: Hiroya Murata <lapis-lazuli@pop06.odn.ne.jp>
7 ;; Keywords: mail, net news, spam
9 ;; This file is part of Wanderlust (Yet Another Message Interface on Emacsen).
11 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
14 ;; any later version.
16 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
23 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
24 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
27 ;;; Commentary:
30 ;;; Code:
32 (require 'elmo-spam)
33 (require 'luna)
35 (defgroup elmo-spam-bsfilter nil
36 "Spam bsfilter configuration."
37 :group 'elmo-spam)
39 (defcustom elmo-spam-bsfilter-shell-program "ruby"
40 "*"
41 :type 'string
42 :group 'elmo-spam-bsfilter)
44 (defcustom elmo-spam-bsfilter-shell-switch nil
45 "*"
46 :type 'string
47 :group 'elmo-spam-bsfilter)
49 (defcustom elmo-spam-bsfilter-program (exec-installed-p "bsfilter")
50 "*Program name of the Bsfilter."
51 :type '(string :tag "Program name of the bsfilter")
52 :group 'elmo-spam-bsfilter)
54 (defcustom elmo-spam-bsfilter-args nil
55 "*Argument list for bsfilter."
56 :type '(repeat string)
57 :group 'elmo-spam-bsfilter)
59 (defcustom elmo-spam-bsfilter-update-switch "--synchronous-auto-update"
60 "*The switch that Bsfilter uses to update database with classify."
61 :type 'string
62 :group 'elmo-spam-bsfilter)
64 (defcustom elmo-spam-bsfilter-database-directory nil
65 "*Directory path of the Bsfilter databases."
66 :type '(choice (directory :tag "Location of the Bsfilter database directory")
67 (const :tag "Use the default"))
68 :group 'elmo-spam-bsfilter)
70 (defcustom elmo-spam-bsfilter-max-files-per-process 100
71 "Number of files processed at once."
72 :type 'integer
73 :group 'elmo-spam-bsfilter)
75 (defcustom elmo-spam-bsfilter-max-messages-per-process 30
76 "Number of messages processed at once."
77 :type 'integer
78 :group 'elmo-spam-bsfilter)
80 (defcustom elmo-spam-bsfilter-use-remote
81 (and elmo-spam-bsfilter-shell-program
82 (let ((program (file-name-nondirectory
83 elmo-spam-bsfilter-shell-program))
84 (remote-shells '("ssh" "rsh")))
85 (catch 'found
86 (dolist (shell remote-shells)
87 (when (string-match (concat "\\`" shell) program)
88 (throw 'found t)))
89 nil)))
90 "*Non-nil disables local file feature."
91 :type 'boolean
92 :group 'elmo-spam-bsfilter)
94 (defcustom elmo-spam-bsfilter-debug nil
95 "Non-nil to debug elmo bsfilter spam backend."
96 :type 'boolean
97 :group 'elmo-spam-bsfilter)
99 (eval-and-compile
100 (luna-define-class elsp-bsfilter (elsp-generic)))
102 (defsubst elsp-bsfilter-call-bsfilter (&rest args)
103 (apply #'call-process-region
104 (point-min) (point-max)
105 elmo-spam-bsfilter-shell-program
106 nil (if elmo-spam-bsfilter-debug
107 (get-buffer-create "*Debug ELMO Bsfilter*"))
109 (append (if elmo-spam-bsfilter-shell-switch
110 (list elmo-spam-bsfilter-shell-switch))
111 (if elmo-spam-bsfilter-program
112 (list elmo-spam-bsfilter-program))
113 elmo-spam-bsfilter-args
114 (if elmo-spam-bsfilter-database-directory
115 (list "--homedir" elmo-spam-bsfilter-database-directory))
116 (elmo-flatten args))))
118 (luna-define-method elmo-spam-buffer-spam-p ((processor elsp-bsfilter)
119 buffer &optional register)
120 (with-current-buffer buffer
121 (= 0 (elsp-bsfilter-call-bsfilter
122 (if register elmo-spam-bsfilter-update-switch)))))
124 (defun elsp-bsfilter-list-spam-filter (process output)
125 (when (buffer-live-p (process-buffer process))
126 (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
127 (save-excursion
128 (goto-char (process-mark process))
129 (insert output)
130 (set-marker (process-mark process) (point)))
131 (while (re-search-forward "^combined probability.+\r?\n" nil t)
132 (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
133 (elmo-progress-notify 'elmo-spam-check-spam))
134 (when elmo-spam-bsfilter-debug
135 (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Debug ELMO Bsfilter*")
136 (goto-char (point-max))
137 (insert output))))))
139 (defsubst elsp-bsfilter-start-list-spam (targets)
140 (let ((process
141 (apply #'start-process
142 "elsp-bsfilter"
143 (current-buffer)
144 elmo-spam-bsfilter-shell-program
145 (append (if elmo-spam-bsfilter-shell-switch
146 (list elmo-spam-bsfilter-shell-switch))
147 (if elmo-spam-bsfilter-program
148 (list elmo-spam-bsfilter-program))
149 elmo-spam-bsfilter-args
150 (list "--list-spam")
151 (if elmo-spam-bsfilter-database-directory
152 (list "--homedir"
153 elmo-spam-bsfilter-database-directory))
154 targets))))
155 (set-process-filter process #'elsp-bsfilter-list-spam-filter)
156 process))
158 (defsubst elsp-bsfilter-read-list-spam (results hash)
159 (goto-char (point-min))
160 (while (not (eobp))
161 (let* ((filename (buffer-substring (point) (save-excursion
162 (end-of-line)
163 (point))))
164 (number (elmo-get-hash-val filename hash)))
165 (when number
166 (setq results (cons number results)))
167 (forward-line)))
168 results)
170 (luna-define-method elmo-spam-list-spam-messages :around
171 ((processor elsp-bsfilter) folder &optional numbers)
172 (if (or elmo-spam-bsfilter-use-remote
173 (not (elmo-folder-message-file-p folder)))
174 (luna-call-next-method)
175 (let* ((nth-of-targets (1- (or elmo-spam-bsfilter-max-files-per-process
176 100)))
177 (numbers (or numbers (elmo-folder-list-messages folder t t)))
178 (hash (elmo-make-hash (length numbers)))
179 (targets (mapcar
180 (lambda (number)
181 (let ((filename (elmo-message-file-name folder number)))
182 (elmo-set-hash-val filename number hash)
183 filename))
184 numbers))
185 results)
186 (with-temp-buffer
187 (while targets
188 (let* ((last (nthcdr nth-of-targets targets))
189 (next (cdr last)))
190 (when last
191 (setcdr last nil))
192 (let ((process (elsp-bsfilter-start-list-spam targets)))
193 (while (memq (process-status process) '(open run))
194 (accept-process-output process 1))
195 (setq results (elsp-bsfilter-read-list-spam results hash)))
196 (erase-buffer)
197 (setq targets next))))
198 results)))
201 (defsubst elsp-bsfilter-register-buffer (buffer spam restore &optional mbox)
202 (with-current-buffer buffer
203 (elsp-bsfilter-call-bsfilter
204 "--update"
205 (if restore (if spam "--sub-clean" "--sub-spam"))
206 (if spam "--add-spam" "--add-clean")
207 (if mbox "--mbox"))))
209 (luna-define-method elmo-spam-register-spam-buffer ((processor elsp-bsfilter)
210 buffer &optional restore)
211 (elsp-bsfilter-register-buffer buffer t restore))
213 (luna-define-method elmo-spam-register-good-buffer ((processor elsp-bsfilter)
214 buffer &optional restore)
215 (elsp-bsfilter-register-buffer buffer nil restore))
217 (defsubst elmo-spam-bsfilter-register-messages (folder numbers spam restore)
218 (let ((numbers (or numbers (elmo-folder-list-messages folder t t))))
219 (if (and (> (length numbers) 1)
220 elmo-spam-bsfilter-max-messages-per-process
221 (> elmo-spam-bsfilter-max-messages-per-process 0))
222 (elmo-spam-process-messages-as-mbox
223 folder numbers
224 elmo-spam-bsfilter-max-messages-per-process
225 (lambda (count spam restore)
226 (elsp-bsfilter-register-buffer (current-buffer) spam restore 'mbox)
227 (elmo-progress-notify 'elmo-spam-register count))
228 spam restore)
229 (luna-call-next-method))))
231 (luna-define-method elmo-spam-register-spam-messages :around
232 ((processor elsp-bsfilter) folder &optional numbers restore)
233 (elmo-spam-bsfilter-register-messages folder numbers t restore))
235 (luna-define-method elmo-spam-register-good-messages :around
236 ((processor elsp-bsfilter) folder &optional numbers restore)
237 (elmo-spam-bsfilter-register-messages folder numbers nil restore))
239 (require 'product)
240 (product-provide (provide 'elsp-bsfilter) (require 'elmo-version))
242 ;;; elsp-bsfilter.el ends here