Use modb-standard-entity-filename instead of hardcoded name
[more-wl.git] / elmo / modb-standard.el
1 ;;; modb-standard.el --- Standartd Implement of MODB.
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2003 Yuuichi Teranishi <>
5 ;; Author: Yuuichi Teranishi <>
6 ;; Hiroya Murata <>
7 ;; Keywords: mail, net news
9 ;; This file is part of ELMO (Elisp Library for Message Orchestration).
11 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
14 ;; any later version.
16 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
23 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
24 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
27 ;;; Commentary:
30 ;;; Code:
32 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
34 (require 'elmo-util)
35 (require 'modb)
37 (defcustom modb-standard-divide-number 500
38 "*Standard modb divide entity number."
39 :type '(choice (const :tag "Not divide" nil)
40 number)
41 :group 'elmo)
43 (defvar modb-standard-entity-filename "entity"
44 "Message entity database.")
46 (defvar modb-standard-flag-filename "flag"
47 "Message number <=> Flag status database.")
49 (defvar modb-standard-msgid-filename "msgid"
50 "Message number <=> Message-Id database.")
52 (eval-and-compile
53 (luna-define-class modb-standard (modb-generic)
54 (number-list ; sorted list of message numbers.
55 entity-map ; number, msg-id -> entity mapping.
56 flag-map ; number -> flag-list mapping
57 flag-count ; list of (FLAG . COUNT)
58 overview-handler ; instance of modb-entity-handler.
60 (luna-define-internal-accessors 'modb-standard))
62 ;; for internal use only
63 (defsubst modb-standard-key (number)
64 (concat "#" (number-to-string number)))
66 (defsubst modb-standard-entity-id (entity)
67 (if (eq 'autoload (car-safe entity))
68 (cddr entity)
69 (elmo-msgdb-message-entity-field
70 (elmo-message-entity-handler entity)
71 entity 'message-id)))
73 (defsubst modb-standard-entity-map (modb)
74 (or (modb-standard-entity-map-internal modb)
75 (modb-standard-set-entity-map-internal
76 modb
77 (elmo-make-hash (elmo-msgdb-length modb)))))
79 (defsubst modb-standard-flag-map (modb)
80 (or (modb-standard-flag-map-internal modb)
81 (modb-standard-set-flag-map-internal
82 modb
83 (elmo-make-hash (elmo-msgdb-length modb)))))
85 (defsubst modb-standard-set-message-modified (modb number)
86 (if modb-standard-divide-number
87 (let ((section (/ number modb-standard-divide-number))
88 (modified (modb-generic-message-modified-internal modb)))
89 (unless (memq section modified)
90 (modb-generic-set-message-modified-internal
91 modb (cons section modified))))
92 (modb-generic-set-message-modified-internal modb t)))
94 (defsubst modb-standard-set-flag-modified (modb number)
95 (modb-generic-set-flag-modified-internal modb t))
97 (defsubst modb-standard-message-flags (modb number)
98 (cdr (elmo-get-hash-val (modb-standard-key number)
99 (modb-standard-flag-map-internal modb))))
101 (defsubst modb-standard-match-flags (check-flags flags)
102 (catch 'done
103 (while check-flags
104 (when (memq (car check-flags) flags)
105 (throw 'done t))
106 (setq check-flags (cdr check-flags)))))
108 (defsubst modb-standard-countup-flags (modb flags &optional delta)
109 (let ((flag-count (modb-standard-flag-count-internal modb))
110 (delta (or delta 1))
111 elem)
112 (dolist (flag flags)
113 (if (setq elem (assq flag flag-count))
114 (setcdr elem (+ (cdr elem) delta))
115 (setq flag-count (cons (cons flag delta) flag-count))))
116 (modb-standard-set-flag-count-internal modb flag-count)))
118 ;; save and load functions
119 (defun modb-standard-load-msgid (modb path)
120 (let* ((alist (elmo-object-load
121 (expand-file-name modb-standard-msgid-filename path)))
122 (table (or (modb-standard-entity-map-internal modb)
123 (elmo-make-hash (length alist))))
124 numbers info)
125 (dolist (pair alist)
126 (setq info (cons 'autoload pair))
127 (elmo-set-hash-val (modb-standard-key (car pair)) info table)
128 (elmo-set-hash-val (cdr pair) info table)
129 (setq numbers (cons (car pair) numbers)))
130 (modb-standard-set-number-list-internal modb (nreverse numbers))
131 (modb-standard-set-entity-map-internal modb table)))
133 (defun modb-standard-save-msgid (modb path)
134 (let ((table (modb-standard-entity-map-internal modb))
135 entity alist)
136 (dolist (number (modb-standard-number-list-internal modb))
137 (setq entity (elmo-get-hash-val (modb-standard-key number) table))
138 (setq alist (cons (cons number (modb-standard-entity-id entity))
139 alist)))
140 (elmo-object-save
141 (expand-file-name modb-standard-msgid-filename path)
142 (nreverse alist))))
144 (defun modb-standard-load-flag (modb path)
145 (let ((table (or (modb-standard-flag-map-internal modb)
146 (elmo-make-hash (elmo-msgdb-length modb)))))
147 (dolist (info (elmo-object-load
148 (expand-file-name modb-standard-flag-filename path)))
149 (modb-standard-countup-flags modb (cdr info))
150 (elmo-set-hash-val (modb-standard-key (car info)) info table))
151 (modb-standard-set-flag-map-internal modb table)))
153 (defun modb-standard-save-flag (modb path)
154 (let (table flist info)
155 (when (setq table (modb-standard-flag-map-internal modb))
156 (mapatoms
157 (lambda (atom)
158 (setq info (symbol-value atom))
159 (when (cdr info)
160 (setq flist (cons info flist))))
161 table))
162 (elmo-object-save
163 (expand-file-name modb-standard-flag-filename path)
164 flist)))
166 (defsubst modb-standard-entity-filename (section)
167 (if section
168 (concat modb-standard-entity-filename
170 (number-to-string section))
171 modb-standard-entity-filename))
173 (defsubst modb-standard-loaded-message-id (msgdb number)
174 "Get message-id for autoloaded entity."
175 (let ((ret (elmo-get-hash-val
176 (modb-standard-key number)
177 (modb-standard-entity-map-internal msgdb))))
178 (cond
179 ((null ret)
180 ;; Garbage entity.
181 (elmo-clear-hash-val (modb-standard-key number)
182 (modb-standard-entity-map-internal msgdb))
183 nil) ; return nil.
184 ((eq (car-safe ret) 'autoload)
185 (cdr (cdr ret))) ; message-id.
186 ((elmo-msgdb-message-entity-field (elmo-message-entity-handler ret)
187 ret 'message-id)) ; Already loaded.
188 (t (error "Internal error: invalid msgdb status")))))
190 (defun modb-standard-load-entity (modb path &optional section)
191 (let ((table (or (modb-standard-entity-map-internal modb)
192 (elmo-make-hash (elmo-msgdb-length modb))))
193 (objects (elmo-object-load
194 (expand-file-name
195 (modb-standard-entity-filename section)
196 path)))
197 number msgid)
198 (cond ((eq (car objects) 'modb-standard-entity-handler)
199 ;; (standard PARAMETERS ENTITY*)
200 (let ((handler (apply #'luna-make-entity
201 (car objects)
202 (car (cdr objects))))
203 entity)
204 (dolist (element (cdr (cdr objects)))
205 (setq entity (cons handler (cons nil element))
206 number (elmo-msgdb-message-entity-number handler entity)
207 msgid (modb-standard-loaded-message-id modb number))
208 (when msgid
209 (elmo-msgdb-message-entity-set-field
210 handler entity 'message-id msgid)
211 (elmo-set-hash-val (modb-standard-key number) entity table)
212 (elmo-set-hash-val msgid entity table)))))
214 ;; legacy format
215 (dolist (entity objects)
216 (setq number (elmo-msgdb-message-entity-number
217 (elmo-message-entity-handler entity)
218 entity)
219 msgid (modb-standard-loaded-message-id modb number))
220 (when msgid
221 (setcar entity msgid)
222 (elmo-set-hash-val (modb-standard-key number) entity table)
223 (elmo-set-hash-val msgid entity table)))))
224 (modb-standard-set-entity-map-internal modb table)))
226 (defsubst modb-standard-save-entity-1 (modb path &optional section)
227 (let ((table (modb-standard-entity-map-internal modb))
228 (filename (expand-file-name
229 (modb-standard-entity-filename (car section)) path))
230 (handler (elmo-msgdb-message-entity-handler modb))
231 entity entities)
232 (dolist (number (or (cdr section)
233 (modb-standard-number-list-internal modb)))
234 (when (setq entity (elmo-msgdb-message-entity modb number))
235 (unless (modb-entity-handler-equal-p
236 handler
237 (elmo-message-entity-handler entity))
238 (setq entity (elmo-msgdb-copy-message-entity
239 (elmo-message-entity-handler entity)
240 entity handler)))
241 (setq entities (cons (cdr (cdr entity)) entities))))
242 (if entities
243 (elmo-object-save filename
244 (nconc
245 (list (luna-class-name handler)
246 (modb-entity-handler-dump-parameters handler))
247 entities))
248 (ignore-errors (delete-file filename)))))
250 (defun modb-standard-cleanup-stale-entities (modb path)
251 (message "Removing stale entities...")
252 (let* ((entity-regex
253 (concat "^" modb-standard-entity-filename "-\\([0-9]+\\)"))
254 (entities (elmo-uniq-list
255 (mapcar
256 #'(lambda (x) (/ x modb-standard-divide-number))
257 (modb-standard-number-list-internal modb))))
258 (files (mapcar #'(lambda(x)
259 (when (string-match entity-regex x)
260 (string-to-int (match-string 1 x))))
261 (directory-files path nil entity-regex))))
262 (dolist (entity (car (elmo-list-diff-nonsortable files entities)))
263 (ignore-errors (delete-file
264 (expand-file-name
265 (modb-standard-entity-filename entity) path))))))
267 (defun modb-standard-save-entity (modb path)
268 (let ((modified (modb-generic-message-modified-internal modb)))
269 (cond ((listp modified)
270 (let ((sections (mapcar 'list modified))
271 section)
272 (dolist (number (modb-standard-number-list-internal modb))
273 (when (setq section (assq (/ number modb-standard-divide-number)
274 sections))
275 (nconc section (list number))))
276 (dolist (section sections)
277 (modb-standard-save-entity-1 modb path section))))
278 (modified
279 (modb-standard-save-entity-1 modb path))))
280 (modb-standard-cleanup-stale-entities modb path))
282 ;;; Implement
284 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-load ((msgdb modb-standard))
285 (let ((inhibit-quit t)
286 (path (elmo-msgdb-location msgdb)))
287 (when (file-exists-p (expand-file-name modb-standard-flag-filename path))
288 (modb-standard-load-msgid msgdb path)
289 (modb-standard-load-flag msgdb path)
290 (unless modb-standard-divide-number
291 (modb-standard-load-entity msgdb path))
292 t)))
294 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-save ((msgdb modb-standard))
295 (let ((path (elmo-msgdb-location msgdb))
296 (inhibit-quit t))
297 (when (elmo-msgdb-message-modified-p msgdb)
298 (modb-standard-save-msgid msgdb path)
299 (modb-standard-save-entity msgdb path)
300 (modb-generic-set-message-modified-internal msgdb nil))
301 (when (elmo-msgdb-flag-modified-p msgdb)
302 (modb-standard-save-flag msgdb path)
303 (modb-generic-set-flag-modified-internal msgdb nil))))
305 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-append :around ((msgdb modb-standard)
306 msgdb-append)
307 (when (> (elmo-msgdb-length msgdb-append) 0)
308 (if (eq (luna-class-name msgdb-append) 'modb-standard)
309 (let ((numbers (modb-standard-number-list-internal msgdb-append))
310 duplicates)
311 ;; number-list
312 (modb-standard-set-number-list-internal
313 msgdb
314 (nconc (modb-standard-number-list-internal msgdb)
315 numbers))
316 ;; entity-map
317 (let ((table (modb-standard-entity-map msgdb))
318 entity msg-id)
319 (dolist (number numbers)
320 (setq entity (elmo-msgdb-message-entity msgdb-append number)
321 msg-id (modb-standard-entity-id entity))
322 (if (elmo-get-hash-val msg-id table)
323 (setq duplicates (cons number duplicates))
324 (elmo-set-hash-val msg-id entity table))
325 (elmo-set-hash-val (modb-standard-key number)
326 entity
327 table)))
328 ;; flag-map
329 (let ((table (modb-standard-flag-map msgdb)))
330 (mapatoms
331 (lambda (atom)
332 (elmo-set-hash-val (symbol-name atom)
333 (symbol-value atom)
334 table))
335 (modb-standard-flag-map msgdb-append)))
336 ;; flag-count
337 (dolist (pair (modb-standard-flag-count-internal msgdb-append))
338 (modb-standard-countup-flags msgdb (list (car pair)) (cdr pair)))
339 ;; modification flags
340 (dolist (number (modb-standard-number-list-internal msgdb-append))
341 (modb-standard-set-message-modified msgdb number)
342 (modb-standard-set-flag-modified msgdb number))
343 duplicates)
344 (luna-call-next-method))))
346 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-clear :after ((msgdb modb-standard))
347 (modb-standard-set-number-list-internal msgdb nil)
348 (modb-standard-set-entity-map-internal msgdb nil)
349 (modb-standard-set-flag-map-internal msgdb nil)
350 (modb-standard-set-flag-count-internal msgdb nil))
352 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-length ((msgdb modb-standard))
353 (length (modb-standard-number-list-internal msgdb)))
355 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-flag-available-p ((msgdb modb-standard) flag)
358 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-flags ((msgdb modb-standard) number)
359 (modb-standard-message-flags msgdb number))
361 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-set-flag ((msgdb modb-standard)
362 number flag)
363 (case flag
364 (read
365 (elmo-msgdb-unset-flag msgdb number 'unread))
366 (uncached
367 (elmo-msgdb-unset-flag msgdb number 'cached))
369 (let ((cur-flags (modb-standard-message-flags msgdb number))
370 new-flags diff)
371 (unless (memq flag cur-flags)
372 (setq new-flags (cons flag cur-flags))
373 (setq diff (elmo-list-diff-nonsortable new-flags cur-flags))
374 (modb-standard-countup-flags msgdb (car diff))
375 (modb-standard-countup-flags msgdb (cadr diff) -1)
376 (elmo-set-hash-val (modb-standard-key number)
377 (cons number new-flags)
378 (modb-standard-flag-map msgdb))
379 (modb-standard-set-flag-modified msgdb number))))))
381 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-unset-flag ((msgdb modb-standard)
382 number flag)
383 (case flag
384 (read
385 (elmo-msgdb-set-flag msgdb number 'unread))
386 (uncached
387 (elmo-msgdb-set-flag msgdb number 'cached))
388 (all
389 (modb-standard-countup-flags msgdb
390 (modb-standard-message-flags msgdb number)
392 (elmo-clear-hash-val (modb-standard-key number)
393 (modb-standard-flag-map msgdb)))
395 (let ((cur-flags (modb-standard-message-flags msgdb number))
396 (inhibit-quit t)
397 new-flags diff)
398 (when (memq flag cur-flags)
399 (setq new-flags (delq flag (copy-sequence cur-flags)))
400 (setq diff (elmo-list-diff-nonsortable new-flags cur-flags))
401 (modb-standard-countup-flags msgdb (car diff))
402 (modb-standard-countup-flags msgdb (cadr diff) -1)
403 (elmo-set-hash-val (modb-standard-key number)
404 (cons number new-flags)
405 (modb-standard-flag-map msgdb))
406 (modb-standard-set-flag-modified msgdb number))
407 (when (eq flag 'unread)
408 (elmo-msgdb-unset-flag msgdb number 'new))))))
410 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-flag-count ((msgdb modb-standard))
411 (modb-standard-flag-count-internal msgdb))
413 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-list-messages ((msgdb modb-standard))
414 (copy-sequence
415 (modb-standard-number-list-internal msgdb)))
417 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-list-flagged ((msgdb modb-standard) flag)
418 (let (entry matched)
419 (case flag
420 (read
421 (dolist (number (modb-standard-number-list-internal msgdb))
422 (unless (memq 'unread (modb-standard-message-flags msgdb number))
423 (setq matched (cons number matched)))))
424 (uncached
425 (dolist (number (modb-standard-number-list-internal msgdb))
426 (unless (memq 'cached (modb-standard-message-flags msgdb number))
427 (setq matched (cons number matched)))))
428 (any
429 (mapatoms
430 (lambda (atom)
431 (setq entry (symbol-value atom))
432 (unless (and (eq (length (cdr entry)) 1)
433 (eq (car (cdr entry)) 'cached))
434 ;; If there is a flag other than cached, then the message
435 ;; matches to `any'.
436 (setq matched (cons (car entry) matched))))
437 (modb-standard-flag-map msgdb)))
438 (digest
439 (let ((flags (append elmo-digest-flags
440 (elmo-get-global-flags t t))))
441 (mapatoms
442 (lambda (atom)
443 (setq entry (symbol-value atom))
444 (when (modb-standard-match-flags flags (cdr entry))
445 (setq matched (cons (car entry) matched))))
446 (modb-standard-flag-map msgdb))))
448 (mapatoms
449 (lambda (atom)
450 (setq entry (symbol-value atom))
451 (when (memq flag (cdr entry))
452 (setq matched (cons (car entry) matched))))
453 (modb-standard-flag-map msgdb))))
454 matched))
456 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-search ((msgdb modb-standard)
457 condition &optional numbers)
458 (if (vectorp condition)
459 (let ((key (elmo-filter-key condition))
460 results)
461 (cond
462 ((and (string= key "flag")
463 (eq (elmo-filter-type condition) 'match))
464 (setq results (elmo-msgdb-list-flagged
465 msgdb
466 (intern (elmo-filter-value condition))))
467 (if numbers
468 (elmo-list-filter numbers results)
469 results))
470 ((member key '("first" "last"))
471 (let* ((numbers (or numbers
472 (modb-standard-number-list-internal msgdb)))
473 (len (length numbers))
474 (lastp (string= key "last"))
475 (value (string-to-number (elmo-filter-value condition))))
476 (when (eq (elmo-filter-type condition) 'unmatch)
477 (setq lastp (not lastp)
478 value (- len value)))
479 (if lastp
480 (nthcdr (max (- len value) 0) numbers)
481 (when (> value 0)
482 (let* ((numbers (copy-sequence numbers))
483 (last (nthcdr (1- value) numbers)))
484 (when last
485 (setcdr last nil))
486 numbers)))))
488 t)))
491 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-append-entity ((msgdb modb-standard)
492 entity &optional flags)
493 (when entity
494 (let ((number (elmo-msgdb-message-entity-number
495 (elmo-message-entity-handler entity) entity))
496 (msg-id (elmo-msgdb-message-entity-field
497 (elmo-message-entity-handler entity) entity 'message-id))
498 duplicate)
499 (when (and number msg-id)
500 ;; number-list
501 (modb-standard-set-number-list-internal
502 msgdb
503 (nconc (modb-standard-number-list-internal msgdb)
504 (list number)))
505 ;; entity-map
506 (let ((table (modb-standard-entity-map msgdb)))
507 (setq duplicate (elmo-get-hash-val msg-id table))
508 (elmo-set-hash-val (modb-standard-key number) entity table)
509 (elmo-set-hash-val msg-id entity table))
510 ;; modification flags
511 (modb-standard-set-message-modified msgdb number)
512 ;; flag-map
513 (when flags
514 (elmo-set-hash-val
515 (modb-standard-key number)
516 (cons number flags)
517 (modb-standard-flag-map msgdb))
518 (modb-standard-countup-flags msgdb flags)
519 (modb-standard-set-flag-modified msgdb number))
520 duplicate))))
522 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-update-entity ((msgdb modb-standard)
523 entity values)
524 (let ((handler (elmo-message-entity-handler entity)))
525 (when (elmo-msgdb-message-entity-update-fields handler entity values)
526 (modb-standard-set-message-modified
527 msgdb
528 (elmo-msgdb-message-entity-number handler entity))
529 t)))
531 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-delete-messages ((msgdb modb-standard)
532 numbers)
533 (let ((number-list (modb-standard-number-list-internal msgdb))
534 (entity-map (modb-standard-entity-map-internal msgdb))
535 (flag-map (modb-standard-flag-map-internal msgdb))
536 key entity)
537 (dolist (number numbers)
538 (setq key (modb-standard-key number)
539 entity (elmo-get-hash-val key entity-map))
540 (when entity
541 ;; number-list
542 (setq number-list (delq number number-list))
543 ;; entity-map
544 (elmo-clear-hash-val key entity-map)
545 (elmo-clear-hash-val (modb-standard-entity-id entity) entity-map)
546 ;; flag-count (must be BEFORE flag-map)
547 (modb-standard-countup-flags
548 msgdb
549 (modb-standard-message-flags msgdb number)
551 ;; flag-map
552 (elmo-clear-hash-val key flag-map)
553 (modb-standard-set-message-modified msgdb number)
554 (modb-standard-set-flag-modified msgdb number)))
555 (modb-standard-set-number-list-internal msgdb number-list)
556 (modb-standard-set-entity-map-internal msgdb entity-map)
557 (modb-standard-set-flag-map-internal msgdb flag-map)
560 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-sort-entities ((msgdb modb-standard)
561 predicate &optional app-data)
562 (message "Sorting...")
563 (let ((numbers (modb-standard-number-list-internal msgdb)))
564 (modb-standard-set-number-list-internal
565 msgdb
566 (sort numbers (lambda (a b)
567 (funcall predicate
568 (elmo-msgdb-message-entity msgdb a)
569 (elmo-msgdb-message-entity msgdb b)
570 app-data))))
571 (message "Sorting...done")
572 msgdb))
574 (defun modb-standard-message-entity (msgdb key load)
575 (let ((ret (elmo-get-hash-val
577 (modb-standard-entity-map-internal msgdb)))
578 (inhibit-quit t))
579 (if (eq 'autoload (car-safe ret))
580 (when (and load modb-standard-divide-number)
581 (modb-standard-load-entity
582 msgdb
583 (elmo-msgdb-location msgdb)
584 (/ (nth 1 ret) modb-standard-divide-number))
585 (modb-standard-message-entity msgdb key nil))
586 ret)))
588 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-message-number ((msgdb modb-standard)
589 message-id)
590 (let ((ret (elmo-get-hash-val
591 message-id
592 (modb-standard-entity-map-internal msgdb))))
593 (if (eq 'autoload (car-safe ret))
594 ;; Not loaded yet but can return number.
595 (nth 1 ret)
596 (elmo-message-entity-number ret))))
598 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-message-field ((msgdb modb-standard)
599 number field &optional type)
600 (let ((ret (elmo-get-hash-val
601 (modb-standard-key number)
602 (modb-standard-entity-map-internal msgdb))))
603 (if (and (eq 'autoload (car-safe ret)) (eq field 'message-id))
604 ;; Not loaded yet but can return message-id
605 (cdr (cdr ret))
606 (elmo-message-entity-field (elmo-msgdb-message-entity
607 msgdb (modb-standard-key number))
608 field type))))
610 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-message-entity ((msgdb modb-standard) key)
611 (when key
612 (modb-standard-message-entity
613 msgdb
614 (cond ((stringp key) key)
615 ((numberp key) (modb-standard-key key)))
616 'autoload)))
618 (luna-define-method elmo-msgdb-message-entity-handler ((msgdb modb-standard))
619 (or (modb-standard-overview-handler-internal msgdb)
620 (modb-standard-set-overview-handler-internal
621 msgdb
622 (luna-make-entity 'modb-standard-entity-handler
623 :mime-charset
624 (modb-generic-mime-charset-internal msgdb)))))
626 (require 'product)
627 (product-provide (provide 'modb-standard) (require 'elmo-version))
629 ;;; modb-standard.el ends here