Microdia : webcam kernel driver, for USB webcams with vendor id 0c45
(Webcam Support group for all Microdia chipsets under Linux)
Q) Is my webcam a "Microdia"?
A) Execute the following command
If you see any of the following numbers, you have a "microdia" webcam
0c45:6027, 0c45:608f, 0c45:60ec, 0c45:60fe, 0c45:60c0, 0c45:613b, 0c45:613c, 0c45:624e, 0c45:624f,
0c45:6242, 0c45:6253, 0c45:6260, 0c45:6270, 0c45:627b, 0c45:8105
(basically 0c45:[xxxy] above is enough to conclude you have a microdia webcam)
All of the above webcams are unsupported under Linux
Please join this Group, to help each other get better support for these webcams from Linux.