+Shell, +A LOT
[lineal.git] / src / overload / concatenate.lisp
2 (defun over-cat (&rest args)
3 (if args
4 (cat-list args)
5 (throw 'over-ex "Can't cat nothing.")))
7 (defun over-vcat (&rest args)
8 (if args
9 (vcat-list args)
10 (throw 'over-ex "Can't vcat nothing.")))
12 (defmacro cat2-fill
13 (((arow s-arows)
14 (brow s-brows)
15 rows)
16 s-cat
17 (width
18 (s-awidth s-azeros)
19 (s-bwidth s-bzeros))
20 s-return)
21 (let ((row (gensym))
22 (tail (gensym))
23 (arem (gensym)) (brem (gensym))
24 (finished (gensym)))
25 `(tails-do*
26 (((,row ,rows ,tail))
27 (,arem ,s-arows (cdr ,arem))
28 (,brem ,s-brows (cdr ,brem))
29 (,finished nil (not (and ,arem ,brem))))
30 (,finished
31 (rplacd
32 ,tail
33 (if ,arem
34 (let* (,@(when s-bwidth `((,width ,s-bwidth)))
35 (,brow ,s-bzeros))
36 (mapcar #'(lambda (,arow) ,s-cat) ,arem))
37 (when ,brem
38 (let* (,@(when s-awidth `((,width ,s-awidth)))
39 (,arow ,s-azeros))
40 (mapcar #'(lambda (,brow) ,s-cat) ,brem)))))
41 ,s-return)
42 (let ((,arow (car ,arem))
43 (,brow (car ,brem)))
44 (setq ,row ,s-cat)))))
47 (defmethod cat2 ((a number) (b number))
48 (make-mtrix :dimdom 2 :dimcodom 1
49 :elems (list (list a b))))
51 (defmethod vcat2 ((a number) (b number))
52 (make-tuple :dim 2 :elems (list a b)))
54 (defmethod cat2 ((k number) (u tuple))
55 (make-mtrix :dimdom 2 :dimcodom (tuple-dim u)
56 :elems (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list k x))
57 (tuple-elems u))))
59 (defmethod cat2 ((u tuple) (k number))
60 (make-mtrix :dimdom 2 :dimcodom (tuple-dim u)
61 :elems (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list x k))
62 (tuple-elems u))))
64 (defmethod vcat2 ((k number) (u tuple))
65 (make-tuple :dim (1+ (tuple-dim u))
66 :elems (cons k (tuple-elems u))))
68 (defmethod vcat2 ((u tuple) (k number))
69 (make-tuple :dim (1+ (tuple-dim u))
70 :elems `(,@(tuple-elems u) ,k)))
72 ;V Align two tuples into a column matrix.V
73 (defmethod cat2 ((u tuple) (v tuple))
74 (cat2-fill
75 ((uelem (tuple-elems u))
76 (velem (tuple-elems v))
77 rows)
78 (list uelem velem)
79 (nil (nil 0) (nil 0))
80 (make-mtrix :dimdom 2
81 :dimcodom (max (tuple-dim u)
82 (tuple-dim v))
83 :elems rows)))
85 ;V Merge two tuples together into one long vector.V
86 (defmethod vcat2 ((u tuple) (v tuple))
87 (make-tuple :dim (+ (tuple-dim u) (tuple-dim v))
88 :elems (append (tuple-elems u)
89 (tuple-elems v))))
91 ;V Add a column vector /u/ to V
92 ;V the left side of matrix /a/.V
93 (defmethod cat2 ((u tuple) (a mtrix))
94 (cat2-fill
95 ((uelem (tuple-elems u))
96 (arow (mtrix-elems a))
97 rows)
98 (cons uelem arow)
99 (width
100 (nil 0)
101 ((mtrix-dimdom a)
102 (make-list width :initial-element 0)))
103 (make-mtrix :dimdom (1+ (mtrix-dimdom a))
104 :dimcodom (max (tuple-dim u)
105 (mtrix-dimcodom a))
106 :elems rows)))
108 (defmethod cat2 ((a mtrix) (u tuple))
109 (cat2-fill
110 ((arow (mtrix-elems a))
111 (uelem (tuple-elems u))
112 rows)
113 `(,@arow ,uelem)
114 (width
115 ((mtrix-dimdom a)
116 (make-list width :initial-element 0))
117 (nil 0))
118 (make-mtrix :dimdom (1+ (mtrix-dimdom a))
119 :dimcodom (mtrix-dimcodom a)
120 :elems rows)))
122 (defmethod cat2 ((a mtrix) (b mtrix))
123 (cat2-fill
124 ((arow (mtrix-elems a))
125 (brow (mtrix-elems b))
126 rows)
127 (append arow brow)
128 (width
129 ((mtrix-dimdom a)
130 (make-list width :initial-element 0))
131 ((mtrix-dimdom b)
132 (make-list width :initial-element 0)))
133 (make-mtrix :dimdom (+ (mtrix-dimdom a)
134 (mtrix-dimdom b))
135 :dimcodom (max (mtrix-dimcodom a)
136 (mtrix-dimcodom b))
137 :elems rows)))
139 (defmethod vcat2 ((u tuple) (a mtrix))
140 (let ((uwid (tuple-dim u))
141 (awid (mtrix-dimdom a))
142 (rows (cons (tuple-elems u)
143 (mtrix-elems a))))
144 (if (< uwid awid)
145 (rplaca rows
146 (append
147 (car rows)
148 (make-list (- awid uwid)
149 :initial-element 0)))
150 (unless (= uwid awid)
151 (shiftf awid uwid (- uwid awid))
152 (rplacd
153 rows
154 (mapcar
155 #'(lambda (row)
156 (append
158 (make-list uwid :initial-element 0)))
159 (cdr rows)))))
160 (make-mtrix :dimdom awid
161 :dimcodom (1+ (mtrix-dimcodom a))
162 :elems rows)))
164 (defmethod vcat2 ((a mtrix) (u tuple))
165 (let ((awid (mtrix-dimdom a))
166 (uwid (tuple-dim u)))
167 (make-mtrix
168 :dimcodom (1+ (mtrix-dimcodom a))
169 :elems
170 (if (< uwid awid)
171 `(,@(mtrix-elems a)
172 ,(append (tuple-elems u)
173 (make-list (- awid uwid)
174 :initial-element 0)))
175 (if (= uwid awid)
176 `(,@(mtrix-elems a) ,(tuple-elems u))
177 (progn
178 (shiftf awid uwid (- uwid awid))
179 (tails-do*
180 (((row rows tail))
181 (arem (mtrix-elems a) (cdr arem)))
182 ((not arem)
183 (rplacd tail (cons (tuple-elems u) nil))
184 rows)
185 (setq row
186 (append
187 (car arem)
188 (make-list
189 uwid :initial-element 0)))))))
190 :dimdom awid)))
192 ;V Join a column of /k/'s onto the left of /a/.V
193 (defmethod cat2 ((k number) (a mtrix))
194 (make-mtrix
195 :dimdom (1+ (mtrix-dimdom a))
196 :dimcodom (mtrix-dimcodom a)
197 :elems (mapcar #'(lambda (row) (cons k row))
198 (mtrix-elems a))))
200 ;V Join a column of /k/'s onto the right of /a/.V
201 (defmethod cat2 ((a mtrix) (k number))
202 (make-mtrix
203 :dimdom (1+ (mtrix-dimdom a))
204 :dimcodom (mtrix-dimcodom a)
205 :elems (mapcar #'(lambda (row) `(,@row ,k))
206 (mtrix-elems a))))
208 ;V Join a row of /k/'s onto the top of /a/.V
209 (defmethod vcat2 ((k number) (a mtrix))
210 (make-mtrix
211 :dimdom (mtrix-dimdom a)
212 :dimcodom (1+ (mtrix-dimcodom a))
213 :elems (cons (make-list (mtrix-dimdom a)
214 :initial-element k)
215 (mtrix-elems a))))
217 ;V Join a row of /k/'s onto the bottom of /a/.V
218 (defmethod vcat2 ((a mtrix) (k number))
219 (make-mtrix
220 :dimdom (mtrix-dimdom a)
221 :dimcodom (1+ (mtrix-dimcodom a))
222 :elems `(,@(mtrix-elems a)
223 ,(make-list (mtrix-dimdom a)
224 :initial-element k))))
226 (defmethod vcat2 ((a mtrix) (b mtrix))
227 (let* ((awid (mtrix-dimdom a))
228 (bwid (mtrix-dimdom b))
229 (finwid (max awid bwid))
230 (zeros (make-list (abs (- awid bwid))
231 :initial-element 0)))
232 (make-mtrix
233 :dimdom finwid
234 :dimcodom (+ (mtrix-dimcodom a)
235 (mtrix-dimcodom b))
236 :elems (append
237 (if (= awid finwid) (mtrix-elems a)
238 (mapcar #'(lambda (row)
239 (append row zeros))
240 (mtrix-elems a)))
241 (if (= bwid finwid) (mtrix-elems b)
242 (mapcar #'(lambda (row)
243 (append row zeros))
244 (mtrix-elems b)))))))